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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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The reason this is happening is because FV has no time to train green adult actors on the job the way soaps used to, let alone small children. 

The above is part of what is killing this soap. I can understand them cutting down on extras and even the length of the daily show, but as I have said before, not having an set acting coach (like the one that helped Steve Burton) and not having more time to go over scenes (especially key ones)  is not saving GH one penny in the long run. I can take bad sets, wardrobe and hair, but bad scripts and acting, I won't accept. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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The above is part of what is killing this soap. I can understand them cutting down on extras and even the length of the daily show, but as I have said before, not having an set acting coach (like the one that helped Steve Burton) and not having more time to go over scenes (especially key ones)  is not saving GH one penny in the long run. I can take bad sets, wardrobe and hair, but bad scripts and acting, I won't accept. 


One of the reasons that New York-based soaps back in the day always used to feature better acting is because they would often get Broadway actors to appear in the roles on their shows, and Broadway actors - even the kiddie actors - came pre-trained.  GH doesn't have that pool of already-experienced albeit unknown actors to tap into, and it shows.

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Apparently Michael Fairman has a "big" interview with Bryan Craig he's going to publish next week.

I'm so excited...I'm so excited...I'm so...SCARED!

I hope one of the questions is, "Are the other actors paid to compliment your performances on Twitter?" 'Cause that was just cray last week. I don't think I ever saw such a rush to get someone an Emmy like that display. Not even Tony Geary got that much support, lol.

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I think the tidal wave of cast mates heaping praise on BC like he's ready for his Oscar (screw the Emmy, the Academy will be so blown away by his performance, they'll create a very special Oscar for television just to give it to him) is likely largely because Mo's pretty universally adored by the cast, and he's been pumping BC up, so everyone is joining out of some respect for Mo.  I just refuse to believe that really good actors, like NLG and LW (for example), who have worked opposite some really good actors, are awestruck by BryDog's performances.  I refuse. 

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JT only watches the show when he's trying to select scenes for his Emmy reel. He won't be doing that this year. Sorry, boo! They only care about Bry-Bry!


Also, today marks 30 years of Robin on GH! I guess a bunch of people were tweeting about this with the hashtag #30YearsOfRobin.

KMc retweeted some stuff and commented. And JT RT'd the "event."

@whitewatercrew: Thanks guys. Believe it or not 30 yrs has gone by fast. U know what they say...

Edited by HeatLifer
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I hope one of the questions is, "Are the other actors paid to compliment your performances on Twitter?" …I don't think I ever saw such a rush to get someone an Emmy like that display. 


… BC like he's ready for his Oscar (screw the Emmy, the Academy will be so blown away by his performance, they'll create a very special Oscar for television just to give it to him) … I just refuse to believe that really good actors, like NLG and LW (for example), who have worked opposite some really good actors, are awestruck by BryDog's performances.  I refuse. 


Maybe BC should sit down and watches a few episodes of Orphan Black before he starts talking about his Emmy-worthy work.



But I did just spend a very entertaining few minutes imagining him trying to play Alison or Helena* or Rachel …


ETA: * These are all OB characters, but then I spent another couple of minutes trying to imagine him playing Helena Cassedine, too.

Edited by rur
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Do soap stars really wins emmys based on one or two scenes, instead of a larger body of work?  If so, that's fucked up.

Yes, back in the 90s, they submitted two episodes. Those on half hour shows got to submit 3 or 4.


The other thing is that the voting is not by a general consensus. Daytime emmy awards are done by "panel."  On voting day, which I think is a Saturday, each award would be judged by a small group of people. If you were eligible and willing to be a judge, you'd show up, and they'd assign you a category. If there weren't any direct conflicts (you're married to one of the nominees or something like that, and since everyone knows everyone I have no idea where the line of being a conflict is drawn), then you'd go into a room with a handful of other people -- and I do mean just a handful.  You'd all watch the tapes together that day and then vote at the end as to who wins.


That's why there are more ties with daytime emmys than there are for other awards shows.


Now I think they've changed it up so that people can view the material at home.  I don't know if they submit a private ballot in that case.

NEXT WEEK??? Why did you have to tell me how will I waaaaait.

Medically induced coma? 

  • Love 1

Maybe BC should sit down and watches a few episodes of Orphan Black before he starts talking about his Emmy-worthy work.

But I did just spend a very entertaining few minutes imagining him trying to play Alison or Helena* or Rachel …

ETA: * These are all OB characters, but then I spent another couple of minutes trying to imagine him playing Helena Cassedine, too.

Tatiana Maslany has more talent in her left pinkie finger's cuticle than Brybry has in whole body.

:imagines Brybry strutting around the dock set in Constance's white furs:

:howls with laughter:

Edited by Tiger
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FV can't just integrate the Serial Killer and his 50 year old Tweenage girlfriend because there's no one on canvas who'd realistically want to interact with Franco/Nina.

The characters are repellent and they have actively alienated most of the rest of PC with their actions


I'd like to take a moment to mention that we shouldn't be jealous of the serial killer on DOOL, we have our very own in-house!


The only way Franks and Neens could ever be interesting to me is if they went on a secretive killing spree of their own, a la Bonnie and Clyde meets Dexter, and removed a lot of the dead weight from the show before going down in a slo-mo hail of bullets.  Let their romance be unashamedly blood covered, and I for one will give my approval to a pair who enacts the audience's revenge on all the nitwits we are forced to endure (rather than heading the pack as the chief nitwits).  As one who's always liked RoHo, I can't even bear to look at him and his schtick these days.  I don't really know MS, and after watching her Nina, I don't want to, although making her unabashedly rather than mostly evil put upon child could help.  In the right hands, this could even be entertaining, guys!


Show could even draw this out for six months, and as long as dead weight thuds to the ground at regular intervals, I would be happy.  The only thing I would worry about is that I'm concerned that Show does not consider the same characters dead weight that I do.

Edited by Reo
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It was so interesting to watch your reaction in the courtroom scene where Denise confesses she is actually Ava Jerome (Maura West), because when they panned to Morgan and Kiki (Hayley Erin), he had a very tense, but minimal reaction to the whole reveal, while Kiki was emotional.

BRYAN: I fought for that, because they wanted me to play surprised. I was like, “Absolutely not!” I was like, “Please, do not make my character look that stupid.”

Oh Brydog. That was just one of the many things.

BRYAN: Honestly, it makes so much sense that I don’t really know. But what a great excuse for all of those things he did!

Grrrr. No.

BRYAN: Kiki has been a tough character, and it seems that most of the audience has not taken to her, and that was even when Kristen Alderson was playing her. Hayley has had a pretty tough shoe to fill there. Not to mention, that although she has done soaps before it was a long time ago; and GH can be a tough set. There’s a lot of really strong women on that set, and a lot of really strong male actors, as well. It has been great working with her. She has been fun to work with. I don’t know if it matters who they hire for the role. I don’t know that the majority of fans like the character, as it seems that the character isn’t quite fleshed out. I think Hayley knows that. When I came on as Morgan, it was a character that had already been established, and there was room to go with the character. He has had a much different storyline, where he is likeable and then not likeable, but I feel like Kiki has just sort of been on flat-line since the character was created.

Wow. Thank you Bryan. I'm serious, it's time for anyfreakingone to call out that this character is unpopular.

When I got home to Kelly, I had nothing to give emotionally.

BRYAN: I never thought I would be engaged at 23, but I fell in love with Kelly. We were ready a year ago, but it was more of a financial thing. I wanted to get the right ring. I wanted to do it in the right place, and she always wanted to go to Bali. I was finally in a position to make that happen. I proposed out there, and it was phenomenal. It was so crazy, because Kelly was kind of on to me about it, because she kept wanting to go look at rings. But, I was working, and I was busy, and I was like, “Hey! We don’t need to.” I already had a ring, but I couldn’t tell her that. So I said, “Babe, just hold off a minute.” And she was like, “Maybe, he doesn’t want to get engaged to me anymore?” So, on the flight to Bali I said to her, “I know it’s our two year anniversary, and you are expecting for me to propose. But baby, it’s just not going to happen on this trip. I just didn’t have the money; I spent all the money on the trip and all of that.” I had to break Kelly’s heart, and she was really bummed out at the beginning of the trip, and that was killing me inside! However, the first night we got there I said, “I did get you a little anniversary gift if you want to open it.” She goes, “O.K.” I had bought her this locket necklace and she goes, “Oh! This is so sweet.” And I say, “Yeah. You can put a picture in there, or whatever.” So when she opened the locket, the ring was in there, and it said, “Will you marry me?” And at first she said, “Is this a joke?” And I was like, “No!” So, I had to kind of manipulate it, because she was on to me. In the end, it worked out pretty well!

Poor Kelly is really suffering in the name of Bryan's art here.

Edited by ulkis
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Why bother with building layers and developing a character when you can just shave a head?

If that just doesn't epitomize Frank and Ron's work together, I don't know what does. They never wanted to organically show or write something. They just automatically wanted to get to that moment with no lead-up. It's also how they write love stories. No relationship, just empty declarations.

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I liked how he talked about how hard it is for Mo to play these scenes because he deals with it IRL. Wasn't it Mo who pushed for Sonnh to be bopolar in the first place? And if he's so concerned about it, he might want to push for more realism. Even BC comes off stupid about it in the interview, labeling the disease as an excuse for Morgan's behavior.

And of course he hopes the new writers continue with his story. I mean, it could be a substantive story and it puts him front burner. What actor wouldn't want it to continue? But dude really does need to leave it behind. It's a soap, and it isn't a cancer story like Leslie Charleson played. THAT was powerful! As was the gang rape story on OLTL. Susan Haskell played the hell out of that. I think in the hands of a more capable actor (and writer) this 'could' be a good story. But I doubt Altman and passanante will do it justice anymore than Ron would.

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this week's promo. It actually appears to be all new clips instead of 2 new clisp and things that have already aired. amazing!

It appears I went out to the barge at the right time. It's looks lIke Sonny's crew willike all be upset and distraught that a lifetime mobster was shot. As a viewer, zzzzzzzz

  • Love 7

It appears I went out to the barge at the right time. It's looks lIke Sonny's crew willike all be upset and distraught that a lifetime mobster was shot. As a viewer, zzzzzzzz

Maybe some think sonny getting shhot is interesting but to me it became redundant 10 years ago.Sonny won't change.It won't have any lasting consquences.

  • Love 3

Maybe some think sonny getting shhot is interesting but to me it became redundant 10 years ago.Sonny won't change.It won't have any lasting consquences.



Someone getting shot isn't interesting because how many times in the past couple of years has it happened?  That well has been bled dry. 


I also can't  take people crying over a guy getting shot when its his own damn fault he is in that situation . Live by the sword die by it.  Unfortunately with Sonny he's a freaking cockroach who will never die. 


I'm glad I'm on the barge because if they play will he die or won't he with Sonny after being jerked around for a month with AJ?  Yeah no.

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this week's promo. It actually appears to be all new clips instead of 2 new clisp and things that have already aired. amazing!


Ugh, here we go with the "OMG SONNY'S BEEN SHOT HE MIGHT DIE HE MIGHT DIE!!!" crap.  And it's ridiculous how the promo starts with him "looking cool" with a gun.


And Dante hitting Julian?  Oy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I have a feeling that Dante doesn't punch Julian just cause he's mad Sonny got shot; I suspect Dante says something like my mom saw you on the docks and Julian retorts that she's a liar, or Sonny's moll or something to that affect. Which, he wouldn't be wrong, but it would make Dante seem like slightly less idiotic to me in punching him.

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I agree; Dante would have to be provoked to punch Julian.


I'm so tired of the is-he-or-isn't-he-still-in-the-mob nonsense we're getting with Julian. It's not suspenseful and it's not interesting. I don't know why he doesn't embrace being a trashy tabloid publisher. He can still dabble in the mob, but make it when Ava (inevitably) needs help, not as a lifestyle choice. Added bonus: Alexis doesn't continue to look like a chump defending him to all and sundry.

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Brydog's mom is at it again. She's apparent created a new twitter handle, @lissettc46, and is jumping into folks' mentions to defend Brybry about the finger breaking thing. Of course she has been found out & is now being dragged. Just search the Twitter handle & you'll see all the posts.


Darn, she locked the account but I got to see all of the replies screaming back at her!

Stupid promo wouldn't play for me. Doesn't sound like I missed anything.


Nope. It was Sonny being brought to the hospital, Carly and co looking sad, Dante punching Julian at the police station, and Morgan vowing to kill Julian over Sonny's unconscious self.

General Hospital þ@GeneralHospital · 4m4 minutes ago

Live-tweet #GH today with @bryan_craig at 11am PST! Tweet your questions using #AskGH!



Edited by ulkis
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