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I agree with this, absolutely.   LVP wanted Kyle on her side of the fence that was being erected as they spoke.  I thought it was more of a question but not stated as such.  Why didn't you bring Kyle into this, too, we were there together?  That was the sentiment I got. 

This is the way that I see it as well.  


I think all three of them were laughing and joking about Yo. No big surprise there. The thing is, LVP really hates Yo. I think the only level of hate on the show that matches it is Yo's hate for LVP. It is fierce. Neither Lisar nor Kyle dislike Yo. They probably find her to be ridiculous, and are annoyed by the fact that she is a liar who likes to make them look bad and get out of her day job, but they don't hate her. Heck, Kyle was as close to Yo last season as she was to anyone, save for LVP. 


I think LVP wanted the "m" stuff talked about on camera. She would love for Yo to be revealed as a fake. She has never gotten over Yo accusing Ken of grabbing her arm, and I have always thought that LVP blames Yo for a lot of what went down in S4. And I will say it again; LVP didn't throw out that Mo said the non-Gigi's don't have Lyme on accident. LVP doesn't say things on accident on camera, and I think she shocked every person at that table when she said it. The problem that I think LVP had was that she couldn't be seen as the one openly gossiping or mocking Yo. She could question some of her treatment, but that is OK. That just looks like concern for a desperate person falling prey to crazy doctors. She wanted to appear concerned, but she wanted it on the record, on camera, that there are people out there that think Yo is a big fat fake. She just couldn't say it. Lisar could say it. Kyle could say it. The more people saying it the better. I think that Kyle gets it and is OK with it. I don't think she believes that LVP was trying to throw her under the bus. She just thinks that LVP was desperate to reveal something ugly about Yo because LVP is still hurt about some of the things that Yo did to her.  She might not like it, but she doesn't see it as LVP trying to hurt her; maybe just use her a little bit. 

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Bless all their little hearts, as we say here in the South. Something I've learned in my decades of dealing with other people: Sometimes there is no one, single, verifiable "truth." I think it's not unlikely that LisaR is telling what she believes to be the truth -- and LVP is doing the same. I'm not willing (based on what we've seen anyway) to call either of them a liar on this incident. After all, I've been in situations where I was sure I knew what someone had meant, but he was equally sure he'd meant something else. Of course, being adults -- and not being on television or paid for bringing the drama -- we agreed that we had different perspectives and moved on.

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Bless all their little hearts, as we say here in the South. Something I've learned in my decades of dealing with other people: Sometimes there is no one, single, verifiable "truth." I think it's not unlikely that LisaR is telling what she believes to be the truth -- and LVP is doing the same. I'm not willing (based on what we've seen anyway) to call either of them a liar on this incident. After all, I've been in situations where I was sure I knew what someone had meant, but he was equally sure he'd meant something else. Of course, being adults -- and not being on television or paid for bringing the drama -- we agreed that we had different perspectives and moved on.


I agree and loved Katherine for saying this exact same thing.   We do see Kyle's anger at LVP and asking she not lie next week so there is that.  Kyle knows what she said, LVP told her.

Edited by wings707
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I don't blame the ladies for not wanting to eat the camel meat.  I love beef, but I've never had to sit there and stare at the cow as I'm eating it's relative.  It makes it all too real that it was actually a living and breathing entity at one time and that makes me sad.  I still love beef though. ;-)


Word on the street is this is why Paul and Linda McCartney became vegetarians. They were having lamb and watching their sheep out in the pasture.

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This is the way that I see it as well.

I think all three of them were laughing and joking about Yo. No big surprise there. The thing is, LVP really hates Yo. I think the only level of hate on the show that matches it is Yo's hate for LVP. It is fierce. Neither Lisar nor Kyle dislike Yo. They probably find her to be ridiculous, and are annoyed by the fact that she is a liar who likes to make them look bad and get out of her day job, but they don't hate her. Heck, Kyle was as close to Yo last season as she was to anyone, save for LVP.

I think LVP wanted the "m" stuff talked about on camera. She would love for Yo to be revealed as a fake. She has never gotten over Yo accusing Ken of grabbing her arm, and I have always thought that LVP blames Yo for a lot of what went down in S4. And I will say it again; LVP didn't throw out that Mo said the non-Gigi's don't have Lyme on accident. LVP doesn't say things on accident on camera, and I think she shocked every person at that table when she said it. The problem that I think LVP had was that she couldn't be seen as the one openly gossiping or mocking Yo. She could question some of her treatment, but that is OK. That just looks like concern for a desperate person falling prey to crazy doctors. She wanted to appear concerned, but she wanted it on the record, on camera, that there are people out there that think Yo is a big fat fake. She just couldn't say it. Lisar could say it. Kyle could say it. The more people saying it the better. I think that Kyle gets it and is OK with it. I don't think she believes that LVP was trying to throw her under the bus. She just thinks that LVP was desperate to reveal something ugly about Yo because LVP is still hurt about some of the things that Yo did to her. She might not like it, but she doesn't see it as LVP trying to hurt her; maybe just use her a little bit.

I think I'm coming around to this viewpoint. After the episode initially aired, I was annoyed with LVP and bothered by what I thought was Kyle accepting that LVP is being a strategist, all while using her (Kyle) in the effort. It could very well be that Kyle is accepting but has decided that the good of her friendship with LVP--and the place that they're in now--outweighs any kind of slipperiness that LVP is trying.

Bless all their little hearts, as we say here in the South. Something I've learned in my decades of dealing with other people: Sometimes there is no one, single, verifiable "truth." I think it's not unlikely that LisaR is telling what she believes to be the truth -- and LVP is doing the same. I'm not willing (based on what we've seen anyway) to call either of them a liar on this incident. After all, I've been in situations where I was sure I knew what someone had meant, but he was equally sure he'd meant something else. Of course, being adults -- and not being on television or paid for bringing the drama -- we agreed that we had different perspectives and moved on.

I want to believe this, but LVP's "It's her word against mine" just doesn't inspire in me the thought that LVP believes she's telling her truth. It comes off to me as LVP knowing that she's being called out for a blatant lie.

Edited by Mozelle
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Yes, that's how I remember it.


Eileen came to a lunch that was already in progress, interrupted the conversation to yell out (something like), "Divorce!  I know all about divorces, I'm on my third marriage!"


And Lisa was asking her when she knew she was in love, specifically as it related to their filming on the soap, as in, "Did you know you were in love when you shared your first screen kiss?  When you had to get into the shower for a scene?  Or did it build more slowly?"  I really believe that is what she wanted to know, because she's asked those same questions BEFORE, because she has some weird idea that people on tv shows and movies fall in love while doing romantic scenes and she's curious. 


Yes, that absolutely means Eileen would be responding with info about how her extra-marital affair started, as well as how her romance started, because they are one and the same, but considering that Eileen been open about their affair all last season, I can see why LVP wouldn't think it such a sensitive topic, especially when she breezed in immediately started talking about her divorces before she even sat down.


Too bad for her that Eileen, who SUCKS at thinking on her feet, didn't have the presence of mind to say she didn't want to talk about it and move on to yelling out something else and talking over everybody.


Too bad that Eileen's insistence on bringing up her affair over and over this season is only keeping her cheating start on everyone's mind.

Thank you!! I was beginning to think I was the only one who remembered it as being EILEEN that brought up the topic of having been divorced twice and on husband number 3.  I thought LisaV seemed genuinely intrigued by it, like a juicy bit of gossip or a trashy romance novel or perhaps a steamy daytime soap opera.

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Lisa Rinna had the opportunity to be THE ONE to talk sensibly about Yolanda´s "illness", and to bring about a discussion of this cancer that´s been growing in the group. Not even excising Brandi could bring about a healthier state of affairs (no Eileen, I´m not LVP trying to shame you about having an affair decades ago). But she blew it, big time. She didn´t know how most of the viewers would see this play out, on tv and in the media with Yolanda´s lies being uncovered quite frequently.


Yolanda is the biggest mean girl on tv right now, and nothing she has done or said deserves any understanding from others, let alone loyalty or friendship. Her list of disgusting behavior is quite long, but when she said Ken had attacked her, and all her weird attempts to bring LVP down, I don´t get why anyone would want to be on her team. She´s just a jealous, manipulative hag. Why does Erika think that any civilized, self respecting non-social climber would want to be friends with that?


I wish we could get a show about Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle and some classy friends of theirs, having parties and going on fun glamorous trips. That is a show I´d watch.

I am bummed that Rinna didn't follow through with her valid arguments about Yolanda and got caught up in the side-show. I had high hopes when she started the Munchhausen conversation. I don't know if Yolanda has Munchhausen, but it certainly seems like a possibility in light of all of her lying. What I do know is that Yolanda does not tell the truth and her lies are destructive; to her own family and to the public. Rinna has the right to state her thoughts and feelings about the Lyme story-line. She also has to accept any negative reaction she gets from doing so. She may need to clarify her ideas along the way, but she doesn't owe anyone an apology for making statements made about what she can see with happening right in front of her own two eyes. If I were to criticize her, it would only be to wish she wouldn't back down. Speak your truth, Rinna!


Yolanda IS a mean girl. After the scene regarding her will, I also think she's a shitty mother. I have no idea what her personal issues are or what motivates her, but she is self-centered to the extreme, which I wouldn't have a problem with except that she doesn't care about anyone else except for what they can do for HER.


I agree 100%. I want a RH's show that is about glamour, I want to see how the other half lives. Mental illness is too real for a show like this. Stick to the superficial. Otherwise make the show serious and tackle the issues responsibly. 

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Contrary to board opinion I'm firmly on Eileen's side. Eileen wanted an apology at first for hurt feelings but hurt feelings ballooned into secondary (and justified IMHO) anger that LVP does not and will not give you remorse regret or own her mistakes. Each non apology was another slap. Eileen accepted them because she, in he moment realizes that Lisa doesn't mean it but its all Eileen is gonna get. Accept and move on. Then the anger come around again when LVP does it repeatedly. I didn't think Eileen wanted another apology by the beach I thought she only brought it up as an example of how Lisa spins her involvement in things to LVP satisfaction . LVP doesn't know how and will never sincerely apologize and own her behavior. Ever.

As Rhett said to Scarlett once. You're the thief who is not sorry they stole, you are only sorry you got caught. Each of Lisa's apologies are from the latter position. She wasn't sorry she did the wrong thing and STILL isn't. She is only sorry she is in the position where she's being asked to deliver a ridiculous apology for some ridiculous infraction.

I get the frustration of Rinna and Eileen toward LVP.

Eileen went fishing for an apology.  The apology didn't meet her expectations.  She wanted more from LVP.  It is a little like telling someone their gift to reflect any thought or the gift wasn't big enough, or didn't seem heartfelt.  She hinted at it and got what LVP was comfortable giving.  Eileen mentioned Brandi having questioned her in a similar manner and I think that really ticked LVP off.  Eileen should have quit while she was ahead and not brought it up again.


Eileen is annoying me, she thinks everyone needs to has everything out to her satisfaction, they just don't.  Just as Vince had to tell her no bitching before 9 am.  At some point she needs to grow the hell up and realize the world doesn't have to bend to her expectations.  It reminds me of Season 4, when Yolanda wrote a terse blog and said Kyle was kissing LVP's ass.  Why would that be Yolanda's business?  Out of curiosity  does Eileen after reaching resolve to her satisfaction, does she ever really have the same relationship with someone?   Erika is guilty of the same crap with Kathryn, like it was a BFD that she gave her a second chance-good idea since she likely knew she needed to be filming with her for two more months.  Sometimes people spend too much time blowing their own horns. 


I agree with what you posted. I bolded that sentence, because I keep seeing that Eileen brought up the affair first. If I remember correctly, it was Brandi who brought it up, imo to try and shame Eileen. That is when Eileen explained what happened many many years ago.

Eileen was asked point blank how she met her husband, and Brandi was ready to pounce if she didn't cop to the fact they were both married.  Eileen at the Reunion could not have been more clear that like Vince's ex-wife she was hanging up the conversation.  So either LVP does not pay attention or she thought she needed to refresh viewers memory of how the relationship between Vince and Eileen started.  Rinna and Kyle were visibly uncomfortable and Vanderpump went back in for more.


Eileen however, needs to take responsibility and when LVP said, during Apology 1, the she should have asked her to stop, Eileen didn't correct LVP and say, I did.  She said LVP was grilling her-a pretty strong statement.-at the time of the conversation. 


Part of me feels LisaV asked those embarrassing to Eileen because she was pissed that Eillen was so non chalant about leaving the hotel to the nice house. She seemed like its not a big deal, I think Lisa hurts back when she feels hurt.

I think LVP was angry that Eileen just left note and avoided a conversation, one that LVP wanted to have on her arrival.  Knowing full well her arrival would have made it impossible for them to change accommodations and be back in time for filming.  LVP has had a run of crappy accommodations, first is Ojai, then in Palm Springs-when she thought she had arrived first and could snag top digs (Yolanda was very critical of said accommodations), Puerto Rico she complained about the room she and Ken were in and then went up the road to a super luxury suite and posted pictures of the same, so now in an event to honor her she gets the best and the fruit basket and booze and no one to lord it over.  So I can see where she wanted to make a little dig at Eileen.  I do think she and Ken were very angry at Eileen for leading the exodus. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Thank you!! I was beginning to think I was the only one who remembered it as being EILEEN that brought up the topic of having been divorced twice and on husband number 3.  I thought LisaV seemed genuinely intrigued by it, like a juicy bit of gossip or a trashy romance novel or perhaps a steamy daytime soap opera.

I'm not sure how many remember it that way, but I just watched it again to be sure, because I didn't remember it that way at all. As I mentioned upthread, LVP said something like "you've been divorced, right"? To which Eileen, replied, "yes, I've been divorced twice". Eileen didn't bring it up, she answered the question that LVP asked of her. You are remembering correctly about LVP being intrigued. She was. She said she didn't know that, which surprised Eileen because she said it had come up before. 

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I think if Rinna's account is true then I believe LVP wanted Kyle in on it for the sake of numbers, not necessarily for throwing Kyle under the bus.  These women seem to believe in argumentum ad populum, wherein the more people that believe something to be true makes it true.  It's a fallacy, but many people fall for it.  By having Kyle thrown in with Lisa Rinna it makes their position more difficult to discredit. When one person says something you can write it off as the person being nuts or whatever.  When more than one person believes something, you sometimes take pause and at least consider the opinion.  Perhaps Kyle didn't want to risk getting her hands dirty either, and refused to go along, so LVP encouraged it on the side with Rinna.  Then if Kyle really bucked about it she'd be mad at Rinna and not LVP.  Kyle's wise now though to the machinations, hence the "I'll bring you down in flames with me," meaning that if LVP wasn't going to jump into the fray, neither was she.  LVP capitulated and they both let Rinna run with it.  Again, just a theory, but it's all I've got. ;)

Thank you. I think you really helped me arrive at my conclusion of what happened if I believe Lisa Rina's account is true and how they come away with different perspectives. I believe what could have possibly taken place is that Lisa Rinna was ready to gear up and go to battle regarding Muchausen's and went to Lisa and Kyle's girl chat session for reinforcements-- argument ad populum as you said. LVP and Kyle balked at Munchausen's, Lisa Rinna left and when departing, LVP told Rinna, if you want to go for it, include Kyle [not me] in your argument [because I don't want to be included with the Munchausen's accusation]. Kyle was then free to say, and did say, no ma'am, I don't want to be included in your arguments, and if you do, LVP is going to be included. 


This would come off to Lisa Rinna as LVP "throwing Kyle under the bus," and to LVP as "include Kyle if you want to, but don't put MY name in it, I don't want to be involved in that." Many would argue that's the same thing, but there are subtleties in wanting someone to be included and just not wanted to be included yourself. Kyle was able to not include herself and warn Rinna and LVP against any such suggestion, so there would be no need for her to still be upset.

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Word on the street is this is why Paul and Linda McCartney became vegetarians. They were having lamb and watching their sheep out in the pasture.


Different strokes for different folks. Hunting, or raising and slaughtering your own stock usually makes one respectful of what ends up on your plate that ends up nourishing you and your family. You care about the condition of the animals, poor care leads to poor product and one should take pride in how they raise and produce livestock. You don't want them to suffer so you make the harvesting process as quick and painless as possible. You properly dress the carcass for as little waste as possible.  You are respectful of what you are about to eat. At least that was what we were taught. It is what I teach the next generation.


I think if more people had raise crops or livestock to eat  instead of buying nicely prepackaged foods there would be a lot less waste in the world.

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If we're splitting semantic hairs, Eileen also explicitly minimized her grievance when she initially approached Lisa about her issues with the Hamptons discourse. I don't recall the exact verbiage but she prefaced her address of the subject with qualification like "maybe it's just me" or "maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion." Ain't nobody - let alone a fellow "grown-ass" sixty-year-old - going to supplicate themselves with over the top obsequiousness when the person fishing for a mea culpa contextualizes the matter as arguably insignificant. Additionally, Eileen framed her objection to the "grilling" as just that - to the volume of questions in general and not to the specific (accurate) diction that Lisa deployed regarding the origins of the Van Patten marriage. THAT is why Lisa apologized for asking "too many" - because that's what Eileen said she had a problem with. As for the declaration Eileen made at the reunion that she would heretofore not discuss the topic, the onus is on her to fulfill that pledge; for all of her invocations of "accountability," she was happy to revise another discourse that transpired during season 5 vis-a-vis the insane interpretation that Lisa somehow telepathically compelled Rinna to go shopping with Kim in Amsterdam. In Eileen's twisted formulation, Lisa is evidently responsible for anything objectionable anyone else in the cast has ever done; any tensions that arise from Jesse inevitably learning about the media documentation of how his parents met and commenced their romance; and probably global warming as well. I'm sure she'll also try to contend that Betsy was inconvenienced by Lisa's one-off comment - but not, of course, by Eileen perpetuating the underlying story for an entire season. And, finally, it was jaw-dropping to hear Eileen assert at the Dubai dinner that the only reason she was crying, chewing scenery, and carrying on was because "we're" - meaning Rinna and Eileen - "involved" in MunchausenGate. Eileen had nothing to do with the entire narrative except outing her good friend Rinna to Yo on that count - but, hey, I'm sure Lisa is culpable for that, too.

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This culture is not reverent.  They are power crazed, brutal, sexist pigs who view women as possessions who must obey.  Most of the rules are made to restrict them, not for the men.  The culture is to be avoided by staying in western conclaves to avoid prison and death in some cases.   I have no doubt the cast and crew were  protected by staying in westernized environments.  They are not a culture to respect.   You just stay the fuck out of their way.  Horrible place. 


Read # 42 for starters. 



I just couldn't agree more. It is very hard for me to understand how any woman would go there unless they were attempting to help the many oppressed people that live there. I'm not putting one cent into an economy that supports so many human rights offenses.

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Different strokes for different folks. Hunting, or raising and slaughtering your own stock usually makes one respectful of what ends up on your plate that ends up nourishing you and your family. You care about the condition of the animals, poor care leads to poor product and one should take pride in how they raise and produce livestock. You don't want them to suffer so you make the harvesting process as quick and painless as possible. You properly dress the carcass for as little waste as possible.  You are respectful of what you are about to eat. At least that was what we were taught. It is what I teach the next generation.


I think if more people had raise crops or livestock to eat  instead of buying nicely prepackaged foods there would be a lot less waste in the world.

Heck yeah! Factory farming is a much bigger problem than eating meat (to me). Personally, I could never kill an animal and I find the glee that local hunters display with their kills repugnant, but I have more respect for those hunters (if they eat those animals) than I do for those that purchase packaged and/or processed meat.

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I usually comment on the episode as soon as it airs. but  I thought I needed one of those football diagrams to keep track of the snark: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/16935044/13/stock-video-16935044-diagram-of-american-football-play.jpg


Announcer: "LiseR gets the ball, but is blocked on all sides, even by players not on the team! Suddenly Kyle breaks free and catches the Hail Mary Pass! Lisa VP reacts badly from the sidelines."


Thank goodness for the clothing, real estate, and desert p0rn. After reading through most of the posts, I'm still lost, but appreciate the attempts to explain this mess.


Oh, and Ericka is growing on me, but yeah, that black eye makeup made her look like she was wearing double eye patches. Arg maties.

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Just want to chime in about the term, "it my word against your word"?


There are people who can remember, verbatim, parts of or whole conversations - especially when it's a topic/subject that sets off alarm bells. When someone pulls that line out of their ass, that is one reason to stop the argument and walk away. One thing about people is their lack of character and the inability to admit to screwing up. Admit it and move on, because when you start to circle the wagons, soon the locals show up, shooting flaming arrows at your ass.

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It's just all so stupid. Who said what is so small and petty.  They filmed for months and this is all they could come up with?  Lisar and Eileen are actresses feigning dismay to keep this lucrative job.  Tired of it.  Just tired of it.

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Giselle - I have a friend who raises sheep - mostly for training border collies.    I love when it's lambing season, but now she won't let me be there.   I can't help it, but I name some of them.  If I give them a name, they stay around longer - (if you know what I mean).   For her it's a business, and because they are organically raised, she's able to contract with local restaurants.  It's her living, it's how she pays the bills.   The respect and care she shows for her animals is better than many people treat their children.    But I still like to know the few that have remained on the farm are my little (now big) friends ;-)

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You guys, I have something I just have to get off my chest! I feel so dirty that I engaged in discussion about she-said/she-said, sorry/not sorry, and I am ENRAGED that you all manipulated me into this.  Mind blown enraged!   Pass the hookah!


Damn, these women can't even have a peaceful evening even while sitting around a peace pipe.

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This culture is not reverent.  They are power crazed, brutal, sexist pigs who view women as possessions who must obey.  Most of the rules are made to restrict them, not for the men.  The culture is to be avoided by staying in western conclaves to avoid prison and death in some cases.   I have no doubt the cast and crew were  protected by staying in westernized environments.  They are not a culture to respect.   You just stay the fuck out of their way.  Horrible place. 


Read # 42 for starters. 



I was just in Dubai last March, and would absolutely go again. Im sure that they sideeye us for our culture as much as we sideeye them.

Regardless, reverence should be given where reverence is expected. *SHRUG*

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You guys, I have something I just have to get off my chest! I feel so dirty that I engaged in discussion about she-said/she-said, sorry/not sorry, and I am ENRAGED that you all manipulated me into this.  Mind blown enraged!   Pass the hookah!


Damn, these women can't even have a peaceful evening even while sitting around a peace pipe.


I apologize. (even though I am laughing as I say that)

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My whole thing regarding the whole Munchausen thing is, "WHO GIVES A SHIT?!!!"  What's Yolanda going to do?  Twitch her nose and turn them into aardvarks?  If I were them, I wouldn't give a flyin flip what Yolanda thinks of what I was saying about her.  I would go to her face and say, "Look, you keep posting contradictory shit on instagram and twitter about your illness and it got us wondering what the fuck was going on with you.  We kept thinking that with all of the shit you were going through, it had to be something more than just Lyme's and it turned out we were right.  It was your implants.  We discussed it amongst ourselves and then Rinna brought up Munchies and we were like, "Whoa!"  So you can either fuck with that or not!"  Nough said.  End of bullshit! 

I agree with most of this, but the burst implant doesn't seem to be responsible for any of the symptoms that Yolanda claims.



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You guys, I have something I just have to get off my chest! I feel so dirty that I engaged in discussion about she-said/she-said, sorry/not sorry, and I am ENRAGED that you all manipulated me into this.  Mind blown enraged!   Pass the hookah!


Damn, these women can't even have a peaceful evening even while sitting around a peace pipe.

I know she made you say this, you never speak up unless I tell you too. Now name names.  ((LOL))

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I really love that there are other Bette Davis fans on this board. She'd' have been an amazing RH. Tough. Bitchy. Petty. Flawed. Larger than life. She was perfect as herself.


Lord yes -- Ms. Davis would have chewed these gals up and spit them out -- between puffs on her cigarette. 


They keep trying for a bumpy night though!

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I was just in Dubai last March, and would absolutely go again. Im sure that they sideeye us for our culture as much as we sideeye them.

Regardless, reverence should be given where reverence is expected. *SHRUG*


Of course you have to follow the rules because that is expected and consequences are severe otherwise.  Reverence is something you feel; it is deep respect.  You either feel that or you don't.  Following the rules does not mean you have to feel reverent or respect their beliefs.  If you are raped, don't report it because because you will be jailed for having sex outside of marriage.  Hard to muster a reverent respect for that, no?  

Edited by wings707
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You need to read LisaV's blog. She talks about LisaR being very upset that Yolanda wouldn't go see her, LisaR's, daughters walk the runway at some fashion show in NYC but was well enough to go to the LD Gala in NYC, which added to her anger with/at Yolanda. I am sure that LisaR felt it was a betrayal and maybe it wasn't filmed or was cut from the HW show because Yolanda was "too sick to go", so her daughters lost out on national exposure for their modeling careers.



Sorry, but Rinna's daughters do not look like models to me.  I can't stand Yolanda, but she produced some stunningly beautiful offspring who are all natural born models if you ask me; even Anwar.  Rinna's daughters aren't ugly or anything.  There's just nothing strikingly beautiful about them.  They're kind of plain.  Meh even!  They don't even possess any quirky or standout qualities that they look for in models all the time.  I don't think getting exposure on this show would have even helped them in that area.

Edited by swankie
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Sorry, but Rinna's daughters do not look like models to me.  I can't stand Yolanda, but she produced some stunningly beautiful offspring who are all natural born models if you ask me; even Anwar.  Rinna's daughters aren't ugly or anything.  There's just nothing strikingly beautiful about them.  They're kind of plain.  Meh even!  They don't even possess any quirky or standout qualities that they look for in models all the time.  I don't think getting exposure on this show would have even helped them in that area.

LisaR may have been upset that Yolanda wouldn't go see her own, Yolanda's, daughters but to be honest that doesn't make much sense to me. Why would LisaR be upset for Yolanda's daughters......OH, wait, I am talking about LisaR here, she doesn't need a logical reason. LOL I don't know who's daughters she is talking about but they did show (this season) LisaR's daughters modeling, on the beach I think. Her daughters are cute, they are not beautiful but many runway models are not beautiful facially, it is all about the body.

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So Rinna is mad about something that the viewing audience has no clue about. This is the stuff that drives me crazy. Bravo should not push storylines that leave us viewers scratching our heads in confusion cause we are out of the loop. It seems like BH has been particularly guilty of this too over the years.

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Why would Yolanda travel to see Lisar's daughters model?  She accused Yolanda of faking and they dislike each other.  Why would Lisar even want to socialize with Yolanda, no one else does!  LOL!   And Lisar knows damn well that Yo doesn't travel because she has been bedridden for so long she doesn't have enough spoons.  She is just trying to prove some insane point that she goes out with Brandi and Kim but no one else.  Jesus fucking Christ, what a pill.  

In LisaV's blog, she mentions something about LisaV being upset that Yolanda didn't go to NY to see her daughters model. I admit, I could have misunderstood who's daughters she was talking about because it doesn't make sense for LisaR to be upset about Yolanda's own daughters and we did see LisaR's daughters modeling this season but after thinking about it, not much of what LisaR has said/done this season has made much sense at all, so I wouldn't put it past her to get upset over the Hadid girls. It might be just me, but I have found both LisaR and Eileen to be more than just a bit confusing this season. LOL 

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I agree with most of this, but the burst implant doesn't seem to be responsible for any of the symptoms that Yolanda claims.



The thing is, I don't trust Yo about anything, including the symptoms she claims.  From my perspective, she felt sick for a while, got the implants removed, then started feeling better.  Whatever claims she makes, from timelines to symptoms to etc., I just don't believe anyway.


In LisaV's blog, she mentions something about LisaV being upset that Yolanda didn't go to NY to see her daughters model. I admit, I could have misunderstood who's daughters she was talking about because it doesn't make sense for LisaR to be upset about Yolanda's own daughters and we did see LisaR's daughters modeling this season but after thinking about it, not much of what LisaR has said/done this season has made much sense at all, so I wouldn't put it past her to get upset over the Hadid girls. It might be just me, but I have found both LisaR and Eileen to be more than just a bit confusing this season. LOL 

I am assuming she is saying that LR was upset that Yo couldn't make it to see her own (the Gigis) daughters perform, but could drag her sorry ass out of bed to get an award for herself.  Just the typical narcissistic, conveniently ill/well Yo that we all have come to know, and that LR has been trying to point out, but is unable to articulate properly as to why she is pissed.


ETA:  as a previous poster mentioned, there's also the fact that she was private planed to her own award - (one could argue that that made it easier for her poor sick ass to travel, but I'd call bullshit :)

Edited by princelina
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Hello, I am new to this forum, and I LOVE reading everyone's thoughts on what's happening this crazy shit show.  I've been watching The Real Housewives since the first OC show which was in like 2007?  I hate myself for loving it!  But hey - Dubai?  So cool to go there without paying for it!  I'd be scared to go there because I also watch Locked Up Abroad!

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As far as I know, Lisar's daughters were not modeling for Fashion Week and when I read Lisa's blog, I totally thought Lisa was referring to Yo not going to see her daughters but yet chose to go to NY for the Lyme gala:


A text had been sent from LR (I bring this up at the reunion), to Kyle and I that was extremely aggressive towards YF, questioning why YF wouldn't go to NY to see her kids in a fashion show but could go to accept an award for Lyme, a rant that was asking for a response as she was unduly concerned in regard to YF's choices.


And then she goes on about Lisar saying she was 'enraged".  I'll defer on an opinion on this until the reunion when we may actually learn the what the exact text is - this is, if it makes the cut.  I do find it interesting that Lisa considered Lisar's text aggressive.  Why?  Because Lisa had no problem stating that Mohammad said that the kids didn't have Lyme.  Yo was the only one.  That was aggressive (pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so."an aggressive businessman") in a different way and was done on camera.  Yeah, I know.  Some will disagree.

Hello, I am new to this forum, and I LOVE reading everyone's thoughts on what's happening this crazy shit show.  I've been watching The Real Housewives since the first OC show which was in like 2007?  I hate myself for loving it!  But hey - Dubai?  So cool to go there without paying for it!  I'd be scared to go there because I also watch Locked Up Abroad!

Welcome aboard. 

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LisaR takes everything to extremes.  She heard what she wanted to hear, and then she's off to the races.  Once somebody makes her stop for a minute (Eileen), she reflects, then somehow manages to turn it into somebody set her up, made her do something, etc.   No she's responsible for her own actions, she doesn't listen, she desperately wants somebody, anybody, to validate how she's feeling.  Unfortunately, Eileen was mad at LVP, and it was Eileen who manipulated LisaR.  I don't think LisaR means any harm but boy does she get carried away, and leaves a lot of wreckage in her wake.

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As far as I know, Lisar's daughters were not modeling for Fashion Week and when I read Lisa's blog, I totally thought Lisa was referring to Yo not going to see her daughters but yet chose to go to NY for the Lyme gala:


A text had been sent from LR (I bring this up at the reunion), to Kyle and I that was extremely aggressive towards YF, questioning why YF wouldn't go to NY to see her kids in a fashion show but could go to accept an award for Lyme, a rant that was asking for a response as she was unduly concerned in regard to YF's choices.


And then she goes on about Lisar saying she was 'enraged".  I'll defer on an opinion on this until the reunion when we may actually learn the what the exact text is - this is, if it makes the cut.  I do find it interesting that Lisa considered Lisar's text aggressive.  Why?  Because Lisa had no problem stating that Mohammad said that the kids didn't have Lyme.  Yo was the only one.  That was aggressive (pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so."an aggressive businessman") in a different way and was done on camera.  Yeah, I know.  Some will disagree.

Welcome aboard. 

You are right (LOL), I know that at least I disagree, I do not think Lisa repeating what Mohammed said, "the kids are fine" and that "only Yolanda has Lyme" as "aggressive", not at all and she was not "forceful" when she said it.


I would suspect that LisaR's text/email about Yolanda went something along the lines as her text to Kim last season but we will not know until the reunion, if they choose to air that discussion that is. As for the "enraged" reference, it goes back to LisaR's own words describing how she felt, not LisaV's words.

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You are right (LOL), I know that at least I disagree, I do not think Lisa repeating what Mohammed said, "the kids are fine" and that "only Yolanda has Lyme" as "aggressive", not at all and she was not "forceful" when she said it.


I would suspect that LisaR's text/email about Yolanda went something along the lines as her text to Kim last season but we will not know until the reunion, if they choose to air that discussion that is. As for the "enraged" reference, it goes back to LisaR's own words describing how she felt, not LisaV's words.

Oh, I think Lisa said that for a reason (saying that Mo says the kids don't have Lyme).  She's no dummy.  She said it for a reason.  But we can agree to disagree.


I dont' think that Lisar's text to Kim was probably  along the same lines as her text regarding Kim.  She had a legitimate bone to pick with Kim.   Yeah, it was over the top but I don't think it's quite the same thing with Yo.  Hopefully we'll find out at the reunion.

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And then she goes on about Lisar saying she was 'enraged".  I'll defer on an opinion on this until the reunion when we may actually learn the what the exact text is - this is, if it makes the cut.  I do find it interesting that Lisa considered Lisar's text aggressive.  Why?  Because Lisa had no problem stating that Mohammad said that the kids didn't have Lyme.  Yo was the only one.  That was aggressive (pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so."an aggressive businessman") in a different way and was done on camera.  Yeah, I know.  Some will disagree.


But Lisa didn't say that Mohammed said that the kids didn't have Lyme.  What she said was "He says they're fine."  Which could mean that yes, they have Lyme but they're symptom-free right now, or no, they don't have Lyme.  Or it could have meant "none of your business".

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Word on the street is this is why Paul and Linda McCartney became vegetarians. They were having lamb and watching their sheep out in the pasture.

I stopped drinking water when I found out fish fuck in it.


But I will eat fish, mollusks and shrimpses

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But Lisa didn't say that Mohammed said that the kids didn't have Lyme.  What she said was "He says they're fine."  Which could mean that yes, they have Lyme but they're symptom-free right now, or no, they don't have Lyme.  Or it could have meant "none of your business".

I could buy this but then Lisa said that he said that the only one who had Lyme was Yo.  Now, maybe Lisa is inferring something but all I have is what Lisa stated. 

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Lord yes -- Ms. Davis would have chewed these gals up and spit them out -- between puffs on her cigarette. 


They keep trying for a bumpy night though!

Loving the All About Eve references! If I was with these women, I would be like Marilyn Monroe, as Claudia Caswell, sitting on the stairs:   "I don't want to make trouble. All I want is a drink".

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But Lisa didn't say that Mohammed said that the kids didn't have Lyme. What she said was "He says they're fine." Which could mean that yes, they have Lyme but they're symptom-free right now, or no, they don't have Lyme. Or it could have meant "none of your business".

I don't mean to beat a dead camel, but I keep reading this here and on another forum. As Breezy424 said above, her exact words were "they're fine", and then when everyone was shocked, she added "he said no = that only Yo has it". This is an incredibly important point, IMO. As was said above, LVP doesn't make mistakes on camera. The real question is whether or not LVP said this with Mo's blessing. He might have been as interested in getting this information out there as LVP was. He may have meant they took their course of medicine and don't have it now, but that is very different than what Yo was claiming at the time, which was that they were suffering horribly with "diminished abilities".

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Seriously, if you think about it, is there really a chance that the unhinged Lisa Rinna is telling the truth over Lisa Vanderpump? Or that she remembers stuff better or has a better moral compass than Lisa V? Or does Eileen really have the moral highground in her battle to bring forth an apology for something so minor? Eileen has gone way past any point that Lisa V has ever been close too, and I´m not excusing the things she has said and done in the past 6 seasons, they´re all just so minor compared to this bullying. I´ve never seen Lisa being manipulating (she doesn´t need to since she´s on top already), she´s more likely to do a scorched earth when she tires of pulling knives out of her back. She´s not nasty nor stupid, and doesn´t go down to the levels that Lisa Rinna sometimes falls to. Lisa Rinna gets totally out of control when she has to explain herself or take consequences for her words, so I wouldn´t believe her over LVP, I guess I´m just thinking about it logically. And we´ve even seen a big part of this play out on film! We saw LVP´s reaction to the munchkin-smunchkin talk from Lisar...


Lisa V doesn´t try to make her fake friendships look real, she shows them for what they are and has constantly brought us "good" reality tv. Yolanda on the other hand lies about illness, her marriage, her kids being sick, her friendships, Ken attacking her, etc, etc. Nothing she says has any credibility. It seems like many of the women have been conditioned beforehand to talk about Yolanda as this "good mother, more beautiful than any other model, so ill that no one on earth has ever suffered like her". I don´t really understand the reason for it, since I´ve seen pictures of Yolanda from her modelling days and I´d not give her this "most beautiful supermodel of all time" credid that´s being thrown around by all the new housewives entering the show. Brandi or Kathryn might as well get it. LVP knows the truth about Yolanda and has always known it, because of Muhammed. That´s the problem Yolanda and her crew have with LVP.


Eileen has it in her to be quite false too, that has been shown. Brandi is all evilness and lies, all the time, so a good friend for Yolanda, which is why they get on so well together. They can talk about the others and spew forth their vile innards for days on end, while crying inside that LVP doesn´t like them. Kim was a sad drunk who lied a lot, and lived in a bubble, totally out of contact with reality most of the time. And narcissistic. That´s a quality a manipulating spider like Yo would cherish. She would enjoy using it against Kyle one of these days. Erika lies about being a good longtime friend to Yo and her motive for the constant battle she´s waging on her behalf against Lisa isn´t clear yet. She came into this just like Carlton, on a mission to hate someone she didn´t know except from tv. It´s nice to know that she´s getting told off from her husband who really likes and admires Lisa V :)

Lisa V and Kyle are the only ones that I´d give some credibility, or a lot actually. I hate seeing all their fun getting ruined again and again by these sad phonies. I really started out enjoying this season but I think I´m out after these last couple of episodes. I hate the bullying, the constant whining and these supposedly successful women being all kinds of lunatic and liars.

Edited by halkatla
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Different strokes for different folks. Hunting, or raising and slaughtering your own stock usually makes one respectful of what ends up on your plate that ends up nourishing you and your family. You care about the condition of the animals, poor care leads to poor product and one should take pride in how they raise and produce livestock. You don't want them to suffer so you make the harvesting process as quick and painless as possible. You properly dress the carcass for as little waste as possible.  You are respectful of what you are about to eat. At least that was what we were taught. It is what I teach the next generation.


I think if more people had raise crops or livestock to eat  instead of buying nicely prepackaged foods there would be a lot less waste in the world.


Ha.  A great-grandmother of mine had a huge house in the country and when I was quite small, she decided she wanted sheep to decorate her vast sweeping front lawn.  Being practical she also thought it would add to her table since she liked lamb.  I spent several weekends gamboling on the frosty front lawn with adorable lambs; providing twee footage of a small rosy cheeked tyke and his frolicking fuzzy animal pals.  Now I don't remember this, but come that Easter we sat down to my first lamb dinner.  My mother was a bit wary and apparently went to lengths to make sure no one opened their mouth to the provenance of our meal as she wasn't sure a three year old could deal with the facts of life.  But at the end of the dinner we have my grandfather and his attached to his hand video camera capturing the moment when I piped up with a clear "Sparkles was delicious!".  I think half the family dissolved into laughter and the rest had the vapors. 


I think it is more a matter of finding a locally sourced butcher as opposed to raising it yourself which is a bit less practical.  Shutting down meat factories would solve a lot of animal cruelty issues as well as simply make our meat supply much safer -- contaminated meat seems to always come from places that deal with it in the tons.


More topical:  I think Rinna is half-cocked because she appointed herself the successor to Glanville as the one to mix in all the drama she can.  She knew that Yoolander and her weird tall tales of Lyme was getting traction off camera.   I think even Eileen originally was wondering.  And Rinna thought she would be the leader from what the others were saying and reacting and yet when she decided to open her yap on camera to lead the charge she got halfway up the proverbial hill only to find LVP and Kyle not only not following her but essentially setting up a picnic and saying "naw, we're good". 


I do think as already wonderfully articulated up thread, it is ridiculous how they fear Yoolander and her wrath.  I get the wariness of not wanting to seem callous towards a woman that is sick but I think letting her continuously define the narrative and one that always has the rest of them lacking is silly and in the end will make their lives miserable if they all continue to film together.  I think just politely firmly and with distinct sympathy simply shutting the Yoolander down is the best option they have.  A firm no every time she tries to interrupt or a simply ' well that is completely wrong' every time she tries to make one of her assertions until she either shuts her yap long enough to get the right explanation delivered on camera that she can't twist into being a less than 'right' friend.


As much as I ma enjoying the opulence of the trip I also have to say that having experienced it, I wouldn't go back again unless business demanded it and even then only if I felt I had to go.  I've passed before.  Dubai can be interesting but it also rather sterile I found in a weird over fake vapid way.  If I was going to luxuriate somewhere I would not go somewhere that seems to be a terminus for stolen children headed to sex slave markets.  Plus I avoid any place that makes me as a gay man feel illegal.  I wouldn't go back in time to enjoy the 'glories" of the Third Reich or 'Land of Dixie', so I wouldn't go somewhere I was against the law if I even put a foot wrong let alone a land that treats women like chattel when all is said and done.  I wish LVP was as discriminating in how she wants people treated as she was to wanting dogs treated (saying this as a huge dog adorer and hater of the dog meat festival --- I still have nightmares over the documentary on the dog thieves in Vietnam and Thailand that send them to China packed in trucks).

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As much as I ma enjoying the opulence of the trip I also have to say that having experienced it, I wouldn't go back again unless business demanded it and even then only if I felt I had to go. I've passed before. Dubai can be interesting but it also rather sterile I found in a weird over fake vapid way. If I was going to luxuriate somewhere I would not go somewhere that seems to be a terminus for stolen children headed to sex slave markets. Plus I avoid any place that makes me as a gay man feel illegal. I wouldn't go back in time to enjoy the 'glories" of the Third Reich or 'Land of Dixie', so I wouldn't go somewhere I was against the law if I even put a foot wrong let alone a land that treats women like chattel when all is said and done. I wish LVP was as discriminating in how she wants people treated as she was to wanting dogs treated (saying this as a huge dog adorer and hater of the dog meat festival --- I still have nightmares over the documentary on the dog thieves in Vietnam and Thailand that send them to China packed in trucks).

This part of your post brings up something I find fascinating, which is this thing where you find folks (LVP, for example) who are very vocal about animal abuse, but who also don't speak up about people who are exploited and/or abused.

And as for what Dubai displays (conspicuous consumption, etc.), I know I mentioned in the first ep of the trip how conflicted I am about admiring the beauty of the place while knowing that there's a population of people who've been exploited and abused in the creation of this image of paradise.

That said, I would also be remiss not to mention that I won't get (too high) on a high horse (a high camel?) about draconian laws in the UAE when there are states and cities in the United States also passing draconian anti-LGBTQ laws or trying to strip certain communities of their voting rights or willfully pumping contaminated water to its citizens.

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In LisaV's blog, she mentions something about LisaV being upset that Yolanda didn't go to NY to see her daughters model. I admit, I could have misunderstood who's daughters she was talking about because it doesn't make sense for LisaR to be upset about Yolanda's own daughters and we did see LisaR's daughters modeling this season but after thinking about it, not much of what LisaR has said/done this season has made much sense at all, so I wouldn't put it past her to get upset over the Hadid girls. It might be just me, but I have found both LisaR and Eileen to be more than just a bit confusing this season. LOL 



 Rinna was upset that Yolanda went to accept a Lyme award in NYC but did not go to see her own daughters in a runway show in NYC.  Quote from LVP's blog below.  Runway shows are not like dance recitals.  Seating is reserved for those connected with the fashion world often including celebrities.  She might be able to get in but it is not a given and front row, no way.  That is beside the point, anyway.  



A text had been sent from LR (I bring this up at the reunion), to Kyle and I that was extremely aggressive towards YF, questioning why YF wouldn't go to NY to see her kids in a fashion show but could go to accept an award for Lyme, a rant that was asking for a response as she was unduly concerned in regard to YF's choices.


LVP's blog. 




Kyle and LVP had been texting about the ridiculous sick pics Yo posts.  Rinna took this to believe they were on board with M.  Not true as we all saw.  Rinna has lumped the two together.  This is where the conflict lies.  If they ridiculed Yo then you believe she is faking.   Rinna is the one confusing everything, not LVP.  



We never supported the theory of Munchausen's, because although her actions were strange--her constant sick selfies and endless treatments--she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease. I believed Munchausen to be when you manufacture an illness.


Exactly.  Rinna is wrong, dead wrong.  

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If I was going to luxuriate somewhere I would not go somewhere that seems to be a terminus for stolen children headed to sex slave markets.  Plus I avoid any place that makes me as a gay man feel illegal.  I wouldn't go back in time to enjoy the 'glories" of the Third Reich or 'Land of Dixie', so I wouldn't go somewhere I was against the law if I even put a foot wrong let alone a land that treats women like chattel when all is said and done.  I wish LVP was as discriminating in how she wants people treated as she was to wanting dogs treated (saying this as a huge dog adorer and hater of the dog meat festival


Excellent post.  (And I enjoyed your lamb story, too.)


That would be an interesting question for the HWs on WWHL - if they would go back. Why or why not. 


I don't expect any of them to be aware of what goes on behind the scenes in that sparkly, sparkly city.  Except maybe Vanderpump because she seems to have some social awareness.  However, if she does, she gleaned it after the trip because I can't imagine her going there if she knew beforehand.  Especially since she says she's the reason marriage equality exists. 



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