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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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This whole season is grains of sand. What a snore. One more bobblehead interview with Lisa Rinna talking total nonsense won't help. Yo has lyme disease, who cares. Everyone on this show has a "thing" they champion, that's hers. She skips boring dinners with annoying women who accused her of faking a disease, so what. Fail to see why the lyme issue is churned then rechurned as though it will get more interesting the more its regurgitated. Enough. 

Warm hugs and kisses... Loved this!!!

  • Love 2

Lisa's been on this show for years I'm sure she's well aware of what she looks like on camera. Perhaps she likes her body as it is? There are many women and men who like a "big ass" and don't consider it a negative. Not everyone can have a body like Brandi or Lisa R and some don't want to. 

Understood. I likes me some glutes, most glutes, and I did say I wasn't an expert, merely an observer?


 LVP has s funny gait, looks like she is going to topple over backwards and looks like she shoplifted two Honey Baked hams and shoved them into her back pockets? I don't consider it a negative - I only mention it because it amuses me and where would the poor dahrling sit if she DIDN'T have that arse to rely on?

  • Love 5

LVP in her caftan looked liked Elizabeth Taylor. Beautiful and elegant. 

I HATE Yo with the hate of a thousand suns but I do love her haircut.

WHY would that idiot Erika want to take not one, not two, but three flaming gay men to a country where being gay can get you imprisoned or killed? Really? You'd put some guys LIFE at risk because you can't figure out bush and eye shadow? Loser.

I meant blush and eye shadow but bush and eye shadow may be just as good.


It seemed like those guys wanted to go.  Maybe they don't know how to Google Dubai, either.

I lost track of what Lisa was talking about when she said that something was brought up but they've talked about it and they're good...Erika was the one looking at her and nodding her head. Was she referring to making good with Erika or someone else?



Yes, that was about Erika's spider webs comments - LVP was saying they were good.

  • Love 2

As ravingly stupid as Yoolander is, she is not exactly up against some Oxbridge brain trust that spars for fun with Stephen Hawking.  But I do wish someone would push her on camera since she whores her own children out as ancillary nails hammered in her own cross. 

I want that self made cross of hers to land on her ass as hard as Dorothy landed in Oz.

As a Recovering Roamin' Catholic I found your mention of crosses, crucifixion and nails to be very apropos, considering this is Holy Week! Nicely and deftly done!


I give you a score of 9.9 Bibles.


You lost that tenth of a point by bruising Dorothy Gale?

It seemed like those guys wanted to go.  Maybe they don't know how to Google Dubai, either.

They kept trying it phonetically - Due By, Dew By, Do Buy - then said, "Fuck it, WE don't have to pay for the tickets......."

  • Love 5

 I'll tell you what this is really about.


What they WANTED to do was sit around gossip freely and laugh at how ridiculous they think Yolanda is for wanting to sensationalize her illness. They wanted to poke fun, laugh, roll their eyes with each other. Giggle and express how silly they thought she was to be putting it front and center. How she's not fooling anyone when she skips this that and the other. Admit that it's annoying how she's treating her illness like a publicity tour etc. etc. etc. But nooooooo! Nobody had the balls to just say it or get into a Yolanda bashing tea season in whoever's back yard instead a person here and there (until Lisa made it her crusade) would touch base on it and feel out the vibe and all they ended up doing was setting up uncomfortable and inappropriate chatter that ended up being construed as doubting her being sick at all. Then the bad vibes kept escalating cause now it's about them defending themselves, denying this that and the other and Yolanda having multiple confrontations over it that involved proving it, questioning people, losing trust, etc. etc. What we have here folks are a bunch of embarrassed women who are now on the defensive because they originally just wanted to be able to declare amongst themselves what a corny, cheesy, nuisance they thought Yolanda was/is.

After I read that I wanted to stand up and yell, "LET'S DO IT!!!" like Bluto Blutarsky did in Animal House.


There is a spineless quality about these chuckleheads. No one has to be cruel, mean or a bitch to tell her that her stories and the truth don't jibe and they are on to her/tired of her bullshit. These women have no problem ripping each other for getting their asses waxed, being drunk, husbands having affairs, eating disorders........but all you hear are crickets when it comes to MoFoYoFo?


I call Bullshit, leave a message and a number where I can be reached.

  • Love 6
WHY would that idiot Erika want to take not one, not two, but three flaming gay men to a country where being gay can get you imprisoned or killed? Really? You'd put some guys LIFE at risk because you can't figure out bush and eye shadow? Loser.


I know, right?! You'd think in this day and age we'd allow adult gay men to make their own decisions about where and when to travel!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5

After I read that I wanted to stand up and yell, "LET'S DO IT!!!" like Bluto Blutarsky did in Animal House.


There is a spineless quality about these chuckleheads. No one has to be cruel, mean or a bitch to tell her that her stories and the truth don't jibe and they are on to her/tired of her bullshit. These women have no problem ripping each other for getting their asses waxed, being drunk, husbands having affairs, eating disorders........but all you hear are crickets when it comes to MoFoYoFo?


I call Bullshit, leave a message and a number where I can be reached.

LisaV did try to point this, the inconstancies, out to Yolanda, at Erika's Target BBQ, that Yolanda says one thing but does the other and Yolanda said she did it to "inform/teach" people. Lisa realized that there was nothing anyone could say/do to get Yolanda to understand that she, Yolanda, is the one causing the confusion that  resulted in the others doubting her and that she, Yolanda, wasn't going to change.    

  • Love 18

LisaV did try to point this, the inconstancies, out to Yolanda, at Erika's Target BBQ, that Yolanda says one thing but does the other and Yolanda said she did it to "inform/teach" people. Lisa realized that there was nothing anyone could say/do to get Yolanda to understand that she, Yolanda, is the one causing the confusion that  resulted in the others doubting her and that she, Yolanda, wasn't going to change.    

Watch a man try to pry a frozen nut off of a bolt?


He'll pull out a wrench an try to unfreeze it with force, if that doesn't work? He'll put some oil and use some kind of lever on the wrench handle - he'll try and try other methods until he will take any tool he has in his hand and beat the shit out of that nut in frustration. It ain't gonna come off and it's time to put more oil on it leave alone for a bit?


The ladies are at the 'beat the shit out of it' point?

  • Love 2

Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not.  They are caftans.  Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same.  A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print.  A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body.  If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies.  Muumuus do not move like that.  The fabrics are often very different as well.  Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend.  Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.


For visual reference, I give you the following:









  • Love 13

Watch a man try to pry a frozen nut off of a bolt?


He'll pull out a wrench an try to unfreeze it with force, if that doesn't work? He'll put some oil and use some kind of lever on the wrench handle - he'll try and try other methods until he will take any tool he has in his hand and beat the shit out of that nut in frustration. It ain't gonna come off and it's time to put more oil on it leave alone for a bit?


The ladies are at the 'beat the shit out of it' point?

  Lisa did try one other time and that was at the deep freeze lunch and Yolanda shut her down then as well. If you notice, LisaV did back away from any Yolanda/illness talk for the most part after the Target BBQ. Really, the only one(s) keeping Yolanda/illness chatter going (outside of Yolanda herself that is) is, first/foremost, LisaR and through/because of her are Eileen and Erika, who are defending any and all about Yolanda.

  • Love 8

I do agree that she oversells how incapacitated she is but I don't get the idea that her illness(es) are of the variety that would make any activity at all undoable 100% of the time, much less trotting around a piano in her own home for a few minutes or getting naked for photos--or especially being animated in a kitchen. Regardless of her selective memory, she probably has good moments and bad ones, and none of those things above require a ton of energy. That's why I don't see the big deal about her missing Erika's dinner party; maybe she got up that day and felt good enough to go to lunch, and later felt worn out. Lunch comes before dinner so it's not even a matter of choosing one over the other.


While I also don't see the big deal in missing Ericka's dinner party. It is more than just her having good and bad days.


Yolanda has said that she was so sick prior to the wedding that she had problems getting the last minute prep done the night before. The Dutch version of the Housewives shows none of that to be the case. Her story about when she got sick whether it was prior to the wedding or just after the wedding also changes depending on whether she is giving a speech or giving an interview. 


At the time that Yolanda says she was diagnosed and had been unable to do much of anything, we saw her doing a very strenuous workout with a trainer so that she could stay in shape and make her marriage last twice as long as David's second marriage. At the time that Yolanda claimed she was only at 40% brain function and hadn't driven a car for over a year, we saw her leading a scavenger hunt that included driving a car, running around LA, and chastising LisaR for being greedy because she ordered a chocolate shake instead of vanilla and making LisaR drink the entire thing by her self. We also saw her fly to Amsterdam and ride bicycles all over the city. That would have been a good time to suggest that she has good days and bad days as it could have proven that statement. We saw her doing the scavenger hunt, but she was too tired to join the women after that dinner from hell in Amsterdam - where she lay in bed lecturing Kyle on how she should be there for Kim.


Then there was the fact that she has instagram photos of her at the gym 3 weeks after her explant surgery, only for her to say that she hadn't been to the gym in something like 3 years. 


Some of this can be excused as good versus bad days or "running out of spoons", but it is her own timeline that makes her sound so ridiculous and suspect. It is like Kim changing the number of days she was in the hospital 5,7,9. In Kim's case, it is reasonable that she wouldn't remember because of her substance abuse. In Yo's case, where she is tracking everything through Instagram, Interviews, and film footage, makes less since even if you factor in "Lyme Brain".

  • Love 18

  Lisa did try one other time and that was at the deep freeze lunch and Yolanda shut her down then as well. If you notice, LisaV did back away from any Yolanda/illness talk for the most part after the Target BBQ. Really, the only one(s) keeping Yolanda/illness chatter going (outside of Yolanda herself that is) is, first/foremost, LisaR and through/because of her are Eileen and Erika, who are defending any and all about Yolanda.


And Kyle.  Kyle is the one who keeps bringing up the non-Gigi's Lyme.  Over and over she has been the one to bring them up and question what people have said about their non-Lyme. 

  • Love 1

Lisa Vanderpump probably weighs 125 lbs and wears a size four or something.  She rocks jeans and a t shirt.  Her clothes other than jeans and t shirts aren’t necessarily flattering, but she’s going to be one of the smaller women in any room she ever enters in this country. If a size 4 is attacked for having a fat ass, the rest of us should just jump off a cliff, I guess.


Other than fashion-wise, I don’t see a problem with Eileen’s overalls.  She obviously bought them during the Carter administration and they’re as soft as flannel sheets by now, plus obviously roomy enough to curl up in.  Plus if she gets arrested and sent to a work farm she’s good to go.

I read somewhere that the Lyme Alliance that gave Yo her award is only a couple of years old. Co-chairmans....Hilfiger and David Foster. So both their family members get honored.



Oh, that is a hoot and a half.  I figured it was one of those “if you’ve got the cash, we’ll throw the bash” honors, but this is even better.  All her talk about the HONOR!  Bwahaha!  (Some people actually do feel honored by those “buy a table” honorary dinners, which is why they’re successful fundraisers.  And obviously she’s thick enough to have fallen for that sort of nonsense.  But it’s ever so much richer that her own husband was behind it.)


Yo, we don’t truly think you have Munchausen’s.  We think you’re a woman who got genuinely ill and then made yourself worse because you’re a hypochondriac who fell for every snake oil salesman who targeted your/David’s wallet.   And now you’re malingering.  But you’re right – you don’t have Munchausen’s.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 21

LisaV did try to point this, the inconstancies, out to Yolanda, at Erika's Target BBQ, that Yolanda says one thing but does the other and Yolanda said she did it to "inform/teach" people. Lisa realized that there was nothing anyone could say/do to get Yolanda to understand that she, Yolanda, is the one causing the confusion that  resulted in the others doubting her and that she, Yolanda, wasn't going to change.   



But here's the thing. The real problem was that these women feel the way they feel about Yolanda and want to be able to gossip and complain and bitch and moan about it TO EACH OTHER . That's the crux of the problem,that's it's plainly impolite to do so. I don't even think they want to actually address her per say they want to be able to voice how they feel about what they consider hogwash and not worry about repercussions. What repercussions you might ask? Well things like it getting back to Yolanda and having her be annoyed about it. Fear of being judged as inconsiderate or downright heartless. Being viewed as unsupportive and bad friends, acquaintances, coworkers. Basically coming off as rude and mean to even get into it. They are getting into their feelings because Yolanda's handling of her own illness gets on their nerves and they want to be able to react the way they want to it without worrying about looking bad. Now it's turned into this ridiculous thing because in order to have free reign to do so a spotlight is needed to be put on Yolanda and the nit picking creates the bitch eating crackers epidemic started so that then  the women won't look so bad when they decide to vocalize their observations <cough>complaints, whining, petty venting<cough>. They are mad because they don't have a safe forum in which to criticize the woman and that's NOT Yolanda's fault.


My things is if ya'll want to fucking talk shit about the bitch. Then fucking do it without further ado but here's the thing. You're gonna catch shit for it. Plain and Simple. Point. Blank. Period. I think this ridiculous campaign to go over every little thing Yolanda with a fine tooth comb (Looking at you LisaR and somewhat the others) in order to soften the blows you know are waiting for you for being such a fucking dick about her and her damn selfies is the biggest insult of it all. They wanna say what they wanna say but then they don't want to have to experience what comes of it and ummmm hello. If you don't want people to think you're a bitch or a dick then don't act that way and if you just need to live your truth then live it and accept what comes with it. I'm so tired of this dancing around shit. Be direct, get it off your chest and be done with it already. Trying to get it out in these round about ways cause you can't wear your big girl panties and buck up for a negative response gets on my fucking nerves. If you ain't got the stamina to play in the mean girl pool then stay the hell dry. But this standing by the edge dipping your toes in then complaining about the water being too cold is just so damn stupid.


This is why, and I know it's crazy to some but this is why I like Brandi cause she's gonna say it, you're gonna react to and that's that. Done. Until the next time. And I get the impression that this is why Yolanda can stand the bitch too. I mean look what happens when you timidly nibble around the edges of throwing shade. It turns into something else, gets spun like one of Lisa V's webs and becomes a completely different monster that's can't be tamed. Just say what ya mean mean what ya say and get on with the next thing. Sheesh!


Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3



But here's the thing. The real problem was that these women feel the way they feel about Yolanda and want to be able to gossip and complain and bitch and moan about it TO EACH OTHER . That's the crux of the problem,that's it's plainly impolite to do so. I don't even think they want to actually address her per say they want to be able to voice how they feel about what they consider hogwash and not worry about repercussions. What repercussions you might ask? Well things like it getting back to Yolanda and having her be annoyed about it. Fear of being judged as inconsiderate or downright heartless. Being viewed as unsupportive and bad friends, acquaintances, coworkers. Basically coming off as rude and mean to even get into it. They are getting into their feelings because Yolanda's handling of her own illness gets on their nerves and they want to be able to react the way they want to it without worrying about looking bad.

I've been guilty of this.  Like, you'll have a friend who is taking forever to get over a breakup or something and you'll say, "I love Mary but seriously, they broke up seven years ago...get the hell over it already!"  and then every time she mentions her ex we'll all look at eachother.


Difference?  We're not on national television.


I always joke w/my coworkers that we should be on a reality show & that way you can hear who talks what shit about eachother.


Maybe that's not as amusing as it sounds IRL

Edited by teapot
  • Love 6

Lisa Vanderpump probably weighs 125 lbs and wears a size four or something.  She rocks jeans and a t shirt.  Her clothes other than jeans and t shirts aren’t necessarily flattering, but she’s going to be one of the smaller women in any room she ever enters in this country. If a size 4 is attacked for having a fat ass, the rest of us should just jump off a cliff, I guess.



There was no 'attack on all asses', I was laughing at LVP's fat ass. That is the difference. It's funny when some idiot male/poster makes some stupid comments about one woman and then it gets turned into an attack on all humanity, Mother Nature and Gaia. It's called snark, parody, humor - Felix Baumgartner has us all beat when it comes to jumping off things?

  • Love 2

Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not. They are caftans. Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same. A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print. A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body. If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies. Muumuus do not move like that. The fabrics are often very different as well. Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend. Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.

For visual reference, I give you the following:





You're correct, the housewives aren't wearing muumuus. They wouldn't be caught dead in a muumuu. Muumuus are a derivative of hideous modest "Mother Hubbard" dresses that Protestant missionaries introduced to the South Pacific.
  • Love 5



But here's the thing. The real problem was that these women feel the way they feel about Yolanda and want to be able to gossip and complain and bitch and moan about it TO EACH OTHER . That's the crux of the problem,that's it's plainly impolite to do so. I don't even think they want to actually address her per say they want to be able to voice how they feel about what they consider hogwash and not worry about repercussions. What repercussions you might ask? Well things like it getting back to Yolanda and having her be annoyed about it. Fear of being judged as inconsiderate or downright heartless. Being viewed as unsupportive and bad friends, acquaintances, coworkers. Basically coming off as rude and mean to even get into it. They are getting into their feelings because Yolanda's handling of her own illness gets on their nerves and they want to be able to react the way they want to it without worrying about looking bad. Now it's turned into this ridiculous thing because in order to have free reign to do so a spotlight is needed to be put on Yolanda and the nit picking creates the bitch eating crackers epidemic started so that then  the women won't look so bad when they decide to vocalize their observations <cough>complaints, whining, petty venting<cough>. They are mad because they don't have a safe forum in which to criticize the woman and that's NOT Yolanda's fault.


My things is if ya'll want to fucking talk shit about the bitch. Then fucking do it without further ado but here's the thing. You're gonna catch shit for it. Plain and Simple. Point. Blank. Period. I think this ridiculous campaign to go over every little thing Yolanda with a fine tooth comb (Looking at you LisaR and somewhat the others) in order to soften the blows you know are waiting for you for being such a fucking dick about her and her damn selfies is the biggest insult of it all. They wanna say what they wanna say but then they don't want to have to experience what comes of it and ummmm hello. If you don't want people to think you're a bitch or a dick then don't act that way and if you just need to live your truth then live it and accept what comes with it. I'm so tired of this dancing around shit. Be direct, get it off your chest and be done with it already. Trying to get it out in these round about ways cause you can't wear your big girl panties and buck up for a negative response gets on my fucking nerves. If you ain't got the stamina to play in the mean girl pool then stay the hell dry. But this standing by the edge dipping your toes in then complaining about the water being too cold is just so damn stupid.


This is why, and I know it's crazy to some but this is why I like Brandi cause she's gonna say it, you're gonna react to and that's that. Done. Until the next time. And I get the impression that this is why Yolanda can stand the bitch too. I mean look what happens when you timidly nibble around the edges of throwing shade. It turns into something else, gets spun like one of Lisa V's webs and becomes a completely different monster that's can't be tamed. Just say what ya mean mean what ya say and get on with the next thing. Sheesh!



But here's the thing. The real problem was that these women feel the way they feel about Yolanda and want to be able to gossip and complain and bitch and moan about it TO EACH OTHER . That's the crux of the problem,that's it's plainly impolite to do so. I don't even think they want to actually address her per say they want to be able to voice how they feel about what they consider hogwash and not worry about repercussions. What repercussions you might ask? Well things like it getting back to Yolanda and having her be annoyed about it. Fear of being judged as inconsiderate or downright heartless. Being viewed as unsupportive and bad friends, acquaintances, coworkers. Basically coming off as rude and mean to even get into it. They are getting into their feelings because Yolanda's handling of her own illness gets on their nerves and they want to be able to react the way they want to it without worrying about looking bad. Now it's turned into this ridiculous thing because in order to have free reign to do so a spotlight is needed to be put on Yolanda and the nit picking creates the bitch eating crackers epidemic started so that then  the women won't look so bad when they decide to vocalize their observations <cough>complaints, whining, petty venting<cough>. They are mad because they don't have a safe forum in which to criticize the woman and that's NOT Yolanda's fault.


My things is if ya'll want to fucking talk shit about the bitch. Then fucking do it without further ado but here's the thing. You're gonna catch shit for it. Plain and Simple. Point. Blank. Period. I think this ridiculous campaign to go over every little thing Yolanda with a fine tooth comb (Looking at you LisaR and somewhat the others) in order to soften the blows you know are waiting for you for being such a fucking dick about her and her damn selfies is the biggest insult of it all. They wanna say what they wanna say but then they don't want to have to experience what comes of it and ummmm hello. If you don't want people to think you're a bitch or a dick then don't act that way and if you just need to live your truth then live it and accept what comes with it. I'm so tired of this dancing around shit. Be direct, get it off your chest and be done with it already. Trying to get it out in these round about ways cause you can't wear your big girl panties and buck up for a negative response gets on my fucking nerves. If you ain't got the stamina to play in the mean girl pool then stay the hell dry. But this standing by the edge dipping your toes in then complaining about the water being too cold is just so damn stupid.


This is why, and I know it's crazy to some but this is why I like Brandi cause she's gonna say it, you're gonna react to and that's that. Done. Until the next time. And I get the impression that this is why Yolanda can stand the bitch too. I mean look what happens when you timidly nibble around the edges of throwing shade. It turns into something else, gets spun like one of Lisa V's webs and becomes a completely different monster that's can't be tamed. Just say what ya mean mean what ya say and get on with the next thing. Sheesh!

It is pretty hard to just ignore her, Yolanda's, inconsistencies, IMO. She says one thing then does another right before their/our eyes and I think their confusion is natural, just as is their discussing it is natural. The only difference between these HWs and most people is that they are filmed talking about it where we are not. Discussing a situation that affects a friend or co-worker is normal and for the most part, none of these women have been unkind about Yolanda at all, just confused. BUT that confusion has been something she, Yolanda, created and when they ask questions to try and clear up that confusion, she gets angry, accusatory and further muddies up the water instead of clearing it up.  Yolanda is the last person to "just say what ya mean mean what ya say and get on with the next thing", the very last, even after/below LisaR.


Oh, and being direct with Yolanda will only get that HW accused of attacking her by Yolanda (herself), Erika and Eileen, just like it did with LisaR and her Munchausen comment/question did. Eileen squealed on LisaR to Yolanda and even though LisaR tried to meet with Yolanda as everyone suggested, Yolanda refused to do so for weeks and then she, Yolanda, got even angrier after LisaR explained and apologized face to face with her. Yolanda had to humiliate LisaR in front of all the others, just like she did with that cc'd email to Kyle/everyone.

  • Love 18

I've been guilty of this.  Like, you'll have a friend who is taking forever to get over a breakup or something and you'll say, "I love Mary but seriously, they broke up seven years ago...get the hell over it already!"  and then every time she mentions her ex we'll all look at eachother.


Difference?  We're not on national television.


I always joke w/my coworkers that we should be on a reality show & that way you can hear who talks what shit about eachother.


Maybe that's not as amusing as it sounds IRL


Exactly! They're just mad that they have no way to NOT look bad doing it. I get it but what pisses me off is the need to throw shade in order to make such petty moments excusable. They are so worried about having an opinion about something they don't want expressing how they feel to be frowned upon or reacted to. Come on! It doesn't work that way. You feel a certain kinda way, display it in an unflattering way then that's on you. Accept the consequences. Own how you're feeling about it but to expect Yolanda NOT to feel how she feels about chatter that's at the very least suspect is not owning YOUR part in the whole debacle.


Yolanda wouldn't be coming for any of them if they weren't shifting around uncomfortably trying to act 100% innocent. Cause they're not. They aren't 100% wrong either but hey. Admit what should be admitted. Had they just come right out and admitted that maybe having certain conversations or engaging in certain conversation wasn't exactly the smartest move and clarified what their reservations were over the whole thing then maybe we would get somewhere. And no I don't mean the half assed ownerships that also comes with pretending that they weren't feeling a certain kinda way over this or that. Straight up, "Look we weren't so sure about the children having lyme and since eren't completely convinced we were discussing it".  We know that's the case. Yolanda knows that's the case so what's with all the BS? Trying to save face that's what it is and if they have to throw Yolanda under the bus about stupid shit in order to avoid the side eye that voicing those doubts brings them then so be it. That's the bullshit I don't like.


Straight ownership not the typical dancing around shit or putting Yolanda on the defensive just because she confronted you about it. This whole "The Nerve" vibe the others are having about Yolanda's confronting that shit head on bothers the fuck outta me. It's not her job to try to make you look like less of a dick. She's feeling a certain way about shit and she's letting ya'll know about it. I don't see shit wrong with that. Hell if they would be more direct, stop worrying about looking bad and come right out with it already then maybe there wouldn't be such confusion about who said what and what actual conversations were had. Be honest and more open about the doubt. Take your lumps and this way people won't be taking blame for shit that wasn't said or was said or felt by someone else or was misconstrued as something else yada yada yada but all this denying that there were in fact some fishy moments in some of these conversations is what's really gotten everything so damn tangled.

  • Love 4

  Lisa did try one other time and that was at the deep freeze lunch and Yolanda shut her down then as well. If you notice, LisaV did back away from any Yolanda/illness talk for the most part after the Target BBQ. Really, the only one(s) keeping Yolanda/illness chatter going (outside of Yolanda herself that is) is, first/foremost, LisaR and through/because of her are Eileen and Erika, who are defending any and all about Yolanda.

Then you go to the duck hunting method..


Lure her in with a decoy, then hit her with both barrels.


You kindly ask her about how she feels, get her into a conversational mood, then you just start to slip in shit like, "you look good, you don't have makeup on - Gosh, you looked good in the makeup you had on last week".

For example, Lisa mentioning yoyo running all over BH on the scavenger hunt?

Instead of telling her, 'You were running around on the scavenger hunt"  it should have been something like "I can see that your health has declined since we were on the scavenger hunt".


No one has challenged her treatment regime - "Yo, exactly what did the monkey ball injections do for you?"


Sometimes the fastest way to shut someone up is to ask them A LOT of questions - act interested - they will trip themselves up without you having to.

  • Love 6

I hope Lisa Rinna gets to have a "told you so" moment about Yolanda´s made up disease. She´s done great trying to crack the wall of lies and selfishness, even though she can be over the top. And I´m not looking forward to next time when she seems to go at it with Kyle and Lisa. She´s got so little self control, she starts out great then it´s like she looses it.


I felt ill watching that ridiculous lyme event with the speeches. Yolanda has done great harm to those trying to bring about more Lyme awareness. Brandi was okay, I fast-forwarded a bit through her scene and didn´t look at her directly. I just enjoyed knowing that Yolanda is stuck with her as a friend, and she´ll suffer the consequences.


When Yolanda and David were faking it in the fridge I felt so sorry for the fridge, he´s basically seen it all and he knows the truth.


I don´t enjoy the Dubai porn a whole lot since that place is built and maintained on slave labor. But seeing Lisa V in a muumuu was beautiful, she´s always like a queen.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 7


Oh, and being direct with Yolanda will only get that HW accused of attacking her by Yolanda (herself), Erika and Eileen, just like it did with LisaR and her Munchausen comment/question did. Eileen squealed on LisaR to Yolanda and even though LisaR tried to meet with Yolanda as everyone suggested, Yolanda refused to do so for weeks and then she, Yolanda, got even angrier after LisaR explained and apologized face to face with her. Yolanda had to humiliate LisaR in front of all the others, just like she did with that cc'd email to Kyle/everyone.

But that's what you get. That's my point. Those are the lumps. Why do people think that admitting something and owning it is supposed to extract only positive reactions. Just cause you're coming clean about something doesn't mean I'm not supposed to be mad about it anymore and our friend Yolanda isn't the type to let you get away with something scott free. Why should she? Even more of a reason not to have the womans name in your mouth. Just sayin'.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

I really don't see what is so contradicting. The thing with Yolanda is that she's this type of speaker:


"Wow guys I haven't seen ya'll in like a million years"

"Uggggh I am so tired I just climbed like a thousand stairs"

"I'm not feeling well, oh man I'm dying..blaaah"

"I am absolutely livid that they canceled my favorite show"

"I saw that movie like 4, 5, 10 months ago something like that"

"I'm so upset I've literally cried my eyes out"


Add that English isn't her first language, her tendency to talk in exaggerations and well the Lyme and I'm just not getting all the fuss.


I actually haven't seen anything that Yolanda has said or done that even gets my radar up. You can pick apart any situation and string together a bunch of BS if you really want to see something then I'm sure a person can convince themselves. Basically somebody and I think it was Taylor wanted to talk shit about Yolanda and how she's presenting her disease. Instead of jumping on what the women wanted to basically gossip about they hem and hawed around it and turned it into a pretty inappropriate "issue". I'll tell you what this is really about.


What they WANTED to do was sit around gossip freely and laugh at how ridiculous they think Yolanda is for wanting to sensationalize her illness. They wanted to poke fun, laugh, roll their eyes with each other. Giggle and express how silly they thought she was to be putting it front and center. How she's not fooling anyone when she skips this that and the other. Admit that it's annoying how she's treating her illness like a publicity tour etc. etc. etc. But nooooooo! Nobody had the balls to just say it or get into a Yolanda bashing tea season in whoever's back yard instead a person here and there (until Lisa made it her crusade) would touch base on it and feel out the vibe and all they ended up doing was setting up uncomfortable and inappropriate chatter that ended up being construed as doubting her being sick at all. Then the bad vibes kept escalating cause now it's about them defending themselves, denying this that and the other and Yolanda having multiple confrontations over it that involved proving it, questioning people, losing trust, etc. etc. What we have here folks are a bunch of embarrassed women who are now on the defensive because they originally just wanted to be able to declare amongst themselves what a corny, cheesy, nuisance they thought Yolanda was/is.

If someone is making statements that are directly contrary to actual evidence, and if this is a result of their tendency to speak in exaggerations (as you've admitted), then how does that not support the argument of the women that while Yolanda may be sick, they aren't sure they should trust just how honest she's being about how sick. That's a fair criticism. There are varying degrees of feeling unwell. I can have a headache that's annoying but it won't prevent me from getting done the things that need to get done. On the other hand, I may have a headache so bad that I'm unable to focus or walk without feeling dizziness. That would render it unsafe and unwise for me to get done the things I need to get done. If someone is known to exaggerate a lot and express themselves in extremes, then it will lead people to question whether it's as bad as you describe or not. It's not necessarily that the feeling or illness doesn't exist on any given day - but to what extent does it exist?


Being sick doesn't give someone a free pass on something that is ultimately a part of their personality, not circumstance. And if it's being used a means to collect a pay cheque while meeting less obligations than your peers, then it's understandable if that causes frustration. However, that's not to say that Lisa R hasn't sucked this bone dry. Build a bridge and get over it...quickly.

  • Love 14

When Yolanda and David were faking it in the fridge I felt so sorry for the fridge, he´s basically seen it all and he knows the truth.

I am going to miss The Refrigerator.

Thanks for the clarification on muumuus. That's what the old lady wore, who lived across the street from my grandmother. Always had one on. Especially funny when she'd forget to take her medicine and try to pull the trash guys off the truck. They could get a running start due to the bright colors flying at them.

  • Love 5

LVP in her caftan looked liked Elizabeth Taylor. Beautiful and elegant. 

I HATE Yo with the hate of a thousand suns but I do love her haircut.

WHY would that idiot Erika want to take not one, not two, but three flaming gay men to a country where being gay can get you imprisoned or killed? Really? You'd put some guys LIFE at risk because you can't figure out bush and eye shadow? Loser.

I meant blush and eye shadow but bush and eye shadow may be just as good.

Her makeup artist has been to Dubai before to teach makeup classes.  He clearly was willing to take the risk. 

  • Love 1
Fail to see why the lyme issue is churned then rechurned as though it will get more interesting the more its regurgitated.

​It's really pretty simple; Yolanda's whole persona is her sickness, and she's a main member of an ensemble cast. When she stops churning/rechurning the same shit in her every appearance and scene -  and makes her disease truly invisible - so will her her co-workers.


Wear something that won't make us think "Ken must have liked that ass about 25 pounds ago."

"Us", who? I've been admiring Lisa's ass since S1, and imagine that Ken has been doing the same for way longer.



  • Love 15

Let's not forget that the doctor who discovered Lyme (article posted on Yos thread) has to go into hiding when he publically said there is no such thing as chronic Lyme. He had threats against his life. what housewife wants to face that mess?

The problem with this group of idiots is that the only knowledge they have of medicine/human body is asking Siri about Munchausen's?  Debunking yoyo's story is like doing a magic trick at a party. You have to be able to pull it off without the house knowing how you did it.

"Us", who? I've been admiring Lisa's ass since S1, and imagine that Ken has been doing the same for way longer.

Familiarity breeds contempt?

  • Love 1

But that's what you get. That's my point. Those are the lumps. Why do people think that admitting something and owning it is supposed to extract only positive reactions. Just cause you're coming clean about something doesn't mean I'm not supposed to be mad about it anymore and our friend Yolanda isn't the type to let you get away with something scott free. Why should she? Even more of a reason not to have the womans name in your mouth. Just sayin'.

It is also what Yolanda gets for putting out conflicting stories/photos of herself all over social media, the show and in interviews. Also, none of them have said that they believe Yolanda is faking illness, none. of. them. The sense I get from various sites is that most viewers want the HWs to confront her face to face, not just between themselves, to get answers, honest answers, not just some spin that Yolanda decided to use, but Yolanda has refused to allow that to happen by falling on her sword of "brain fog tired" excuse. That the others are too polite to push the bounds of normal/acceptable behavior is a testament on/to their compassion, not Yolanda's.


ETA, LisaV, Kyle and LisaR have all admitted to the fact that they are confused and they have all admitted to the fact that they do believe she is ill. Not one of them have stated otherwise at anytime.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 13

If someone is making statements that are directly contrary to actual evidence, and if this is a result of their tendency to speak in exaggerations (as you've admitted), then how does that not support the argument of the women that while Yolanda may be sick, they aren't sure they should trust just how honest she's being about how sick. That's a fair criticism. There are varying degrees of feeling unwell. I can have a headache that's annoying but it won't prevent me from getting done the things that need to get done. On the other hand, I may have a headache so bad that I'm unable to focus or walk without feeling dizziness. That would render it unsafe and unwise for me to get done the things I need to get done. If someone is known to exaggerate a lot and express themselves in extremes, then it will lead people to question whether it's as bad as you describe or not. It's not necessarily that the feeling or illness doesn't exist on any given day - but to what extent does it exist?


Being sick doesn't give someone a free pass on something that is ultimately a part of their personality, not circumstance. And if it's being used a means to collect a pay cheque while meeting less obligations than your peers, then it's understandable if that causes frustration. However, that's not to say that Lisa R hasn't sucked this bone dry. Build a bridge and get over it...quickly.

All that's relevant to some and hey fine. My gripe is that they aren't direct about it. And they are also misrepresenting their doubt by expressing it as "confussion"

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

All that's relevant to some and hey fine. My gripe is that they aren't direct about it. And they are also misrepresenting their doubt by expressing it as "confussion"

Except that LisaV was direct with Yolanda twice so far this season, first at the after freeze lunch and the second time at Erika's Target BBQ, where both times Yolanda did her little spiel of "trying to teach others" and then claimed she was too tired/brain fog to continue any/all conversation and left. IMO, the more direct the question/HW, the faster she is to make her excuses and leave the building or to get the HW to leave her condo. So, unless they staple/gorilla glue Yolanda's a$$ to a chair seat or lock her in a room, she will not address any of their direct questions with direct, honest and clear answers. I wonder if or how many times we will hear Erika and/or Eileen basically say that "She (Yolanda) doesn't have to answer that" question at the reunion because I do believe they will try to do exactly that and they will try to keep LisaV and LisaR on the hot seats for as much as possible so that Yolanda doesn't get many questions that demand clear, cosine answers. LOL 


 IMO, it is confusion, not doubt. It really is this simple IMO, Yolanda says one thing then does the opposite far more often than not, which in turn causes confusion because Yolanda refuses to say that she is using hyperbole to make a statement instead of simple, honest facts because she wants sympathy and admiration.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 14

Contempt on whose part?

Mine. Being a man and being able to admire an ass or two in my time, sometimes it's not the ass.


It's the person that owns it?


Again, I am throwing an eclipse onto LVP and her glutes, it's merely one person's opinion and I gladly take full responsibility for saying her ass makes me laugh and it looks funny when she wobbles across my screen, it has some heft to it and it's attached to a woman who really does represent all that lives in the Hills. (This I know because I have had to deal with a few bitches like that when I contracted in BH).

  • Love 1

Except that LisaV was direct with Yolanda twice so far this season, first at the after freeze lunch and the second time at Erika's Target BBQ, where both times Yolanda did her little spiel of "trying to teach others" and then claimed she was too tired/brain fog to continue any/all conversation and left. IMO, the more direct the question/HW, the faster she is to make her excuses and leave the building or to get the HW to leave her condo. So, unless they staple/gorilla glue Yolanda's a$$ to a chair seat or lock her in a room, she will not address any of their direct questions with direct, honest and clear answers. I wonder if or how many times we will hear Erika and/or Eileen basically say that "She (Yolanda) doesn't have to answer that" question at the reunion because I do believe they will try to do exactly that and they will try to keep LisaV and LisaR on the hot seats for as much as possible so that Yolanda doesn't get many questions that demand clear, cosine answers. LOL 


 IMO, it is confusion, not doubt. It really is this simple IMO, Yolanda says one thing then does the opposite far more often than not, which in turn causes confusion because Yolanda refuses to say that she is using hyperbole to make a statement instead of simple, honest facts because she wants sympathy and admiration.

"Yolanda, I want to talk to you about the last time I saw you. I want to apologize for the comments I made about your condition, I don't understand it and hope that don't mind if I ask you not to bring it up anymore because it concerns me and I don't have the right mindset to really deal with it."


About face and march.....


If you want to be a real fucker, thank her for letting you know it WASN'T contagious, you were worried about THAT!

  • Love 6

"Yolanda, I want to talk to you about the last time I saw you. I want to apologize for the comments I made about your condition, I don't understand it and hope that don't mind if I ask you not to bring it up anymore because it concerns me and I don't have the right mindset to really deal with it."


About face and march.....


If you want to be a real fucker, thank her for letting you know it WASN'T contagious, you were worried about THAT!

LOL! The one I like the best was the one that went something like this....."Oh my Yolanda, you look like shit, Please go home at once as we want you to get better, we will not hear of you coming to any parties/events/trips/lunches/dinners until you are at 100% and we wouldn't think of taxing what little energy you have by visiting you either." LOL

  • Love 19

Personally, I don't know why any of them care about staying in Yo's good graces.  Why can't they just be distant and polite on the show, and blow her off and ignore her?  Why do they care if Yo is mad at them or not?  They aren't actually her friends and never have been.


Rinna - I believe those colonics have sucked your swollen brain out your ass, so yes, I do think you are sick and I really don't care with what as long as you don't lie about being too sick to show up to work.  Sorry, not sorry.


LVP - no, I haven't made time to visit after you did't reply to any of my texts, and it's ok that you are pissed because I wasn't all that interested in being your friend, Hollywood or otherwise.


Kyle - yes, I asked LVP to ask Mo if your kids have Lyme after you told me and Erika that day in the park.  I wasn't sure if I could believe that because you said it like it was common knowledge yet I'd never heard this before.  I still don't believe they have chronic Lyme because that's not actually a thing, but in any case, I really don't care because my marriage is better than yours.


Kathryn - Now that I have my new hearing devices and can hear of all your woe loud and clear, I still don't care about your Lyme.


Eileen - All I know is that my sister died after forgoing actual medical treatment from professional doctors who have experience with treating cancer patients, in favor of woo and pill closets like yours.  That makes you my sister-by-proxy, so I am ride or die with you Yo.  Want some of my sister's ashes? 


Erika - Ok, bitches!  I don't like any of you, including Yo, and I don't care if she's faking it or not because I have to pretend Yo is my friend to serve Andy's story line.  So, Yo, so, so, sick, here's my Boss's plane.


If they don't want to look bad to the public, then "HI Yo, so glad you could make it, you look terrible, maybe you should go home right this minute" would suffice.

  • Love 16



But here's the thing. The real problem was that these women feel the way they feel about Yolanda and want to be able to gossip and complain and bitch and moan about it TO EACH OTHER . That's the crux of the problem,that's it's plainly impolite to do so. I don't even think they want to actually address her per say they want to be able to voice how they feel about what they consider hogwash and not worry about repercussions. What repercussions you might ask? Well things like it getting back to Yolanda and having her be annoyed about it. Fear of being judged as inconsiderate or downright heartless. Being viewed as unsupportive and bad friends, acquaintances, coworkers. Basically coming off as rude and mean to even get into it. They are getting into their feelings because Yolanda's handling of her own illness gets on their nerves and they want to be able to react the way they want to it without worrying about looking bad. Now it's turned into this ridiculous thing because in order to have free reign to do so a spotlight is needed to be put on Yolanda and the nit picking creates the bitch eating crackers epidemic started so that then  the women won't look so bad when they decide to vocalize their observations <cough>complaints, whining, petty venting<cough>. They are mad because they don't have a safe forum in which to criticize the woman and that's NOT Yolanda's fault.


My things is if ya'll want to fucking talk shit about the bitch. Then fucking do it without further ado but here's the thing. You're gonna catch shit for it. Plain and Simple. Point. Blank. Period. I think this ridiculous campaign to go over every little thing Yolanda with a fine tooth comb (Looking at you LisaR and somewhat the others) in order to soften the blows you know are waiting for you for being such a fucking dick about her and her damn selfies is the biggest insult of it all. They wanna say what they wanna say but then they don't want to have to experience what comes of it and ummmm hello. If you don't want people to think you're a bitch or a dick then don't act that way and if you just need to live your truth then live it and accept what comes with it. I'm so tired of this dancing around shit. Be direct, get it off your chest and be done with it already. Trying to get it out in these round about ways cause you can't wear your big girl panties and buck up for a negative response gets on my fucking nerves. If you ain't got the stamina to play in the mean girl pool then stay the hell dry. But this standing by the edge dipping your toes in then complaining about the water being too cold is just so damn stupid.


This is why, and I know it's crazy to some but this is why I like Brandi cause she's gonna say it, you're gonna react to and that's that. Done. Until the next time. And I get the impression that this is why Yolanda can stand the bitch too. I mean look what happens when you timidly nibble around the edges of throwing shade. It turns into something else, gets spun like one of Lisa V's webs and becomes a completely different monster that's can't be tamed. Just say what ya mean mean what ya say and get on with the next thing. Sheesh!

I think a key area where I disagree with this is that I don't see the complaints about Yolanda as being petty. I think the complaints are valid and I also suspect that certain rules keep the other women from being able to go into detail on camera for why Yolanda's behavior, comments, and actions from this season have been confusing, frustrating, and terribly contradictory. There's a reason that Yolanda felt the need to explain her contract in that email to Kyle that she cc'd the other women on. I think that Yolanda is perfectly aware that some of cast don't feel that she's pulling her weight in addition to being a rude, complaining, and perpetually disappointed drag when she's around. 


I actually think that Rinna has been pretty direct. I thought she couldn't have been more straightforward in the conversation with Eileen where she explained that she thinks Yolanda uses her illness to her advantage. She was direct when she brought up the lunch with Kim and Brandi. 


Rinna certainly seems like she has the stamina. So far she isn't backing down. At the same time I don't really see her as a mean girl. I think she's frustrated that the Munchhausen thing was both misrepresented (by Yolanda) and blown out of proportion. I also believe that she sees through Yolanda's phony bullshit.


Yolanda likes Brandi because Brandi dances to her tune. I was going to say that Brandi also makes her feel superior but Yolanda seems like she feels superior to pretty much everyone. 


I think the women have all been clear about what they mean when it comes to Yolanda. 

  • Love 13

I'm wondering then how come Yolanda manages to either talk them into a corner, be desperately afraid, be so defensive.. You know if everything on their end were on the up and up...On and on and on it goes.


The "directness" is also lathered with denial. When it's addressed they wrap it with a bunch phoney baloney, who me? deer in headlights, "it wasn't like that" bull crap.


They have hairs up their asses but insist that there was no way shape or form anything AT ALL suspect about their interest or chatter.



Personally, I don't know why any of them care about staying in Yo's good graces.  Why can't they just be distant and polite on the show, and blow her off and ignore her?  Why do they care if Yo is mad at them or not?  They aren't actually her friends and never have been.


Rinna - I believe those colonics have sucked your swollen brain out your ass, so yes, I do think you are sick and I really don't care with what as long as you don't lie about being too sick to show up to work.  Sorry, not sorry.


LVP - no, I haven't made time to visit after you did't reply to any of my texts, and it's ok that you are pissed because I wasn't all that interested in being your friend, Hollywood or otherwise.


Kyle - yes, I asked LVP to ask Mo if your kids have Lyme after you told me and Erika that day in the park.  I wasn't sure if I could believe that because you said it like it was common knowledge yet I'd never heard this before.  I still don't believe they have chronic Lyme because that's not actually a thing, but in any case, I really don't care because my marriage is better than yours.


Kathryn - Now that I have my new hearing devices and can hear of all your woe loud and clear, I still don't care about your Lyme.


Eileen - All I know is that my sister died after forgoing actual medical treatment from professional doctors who have experience with treating cancer patients, in favor of woo and pill closets like yours.  That makes you my sister-by-proxy, so I am ride or die with you Yo.  Want some of my sister's ashes?


Erika - Ok, bitches!  I don't like any of you, including Yo, and I don't care if she's faking it or not because I have to pretend Yo is my friend to serve Andy's story line.  So, Yo, so, so, sick, here's my Boss's plane.


If they don't want to look bad to the public, then "HI Yo, so glad you could make it, you look terrible, maybe you should go home right this minute" would suffice.



Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

LOL! The one I like the best was the one that went something like this....."Oh my Yolanda, you look like shit, Please go home at once as we want you to get better, we will not hear of you coming to any parties/events/trips/lunches/dinners until you are at 100% and we wouldn't think of taxing what little energy you have by visiting you either." LOL


Her hold on the rest is only as strong as they make it? There is a wonderful Fuck You that teens have perfected that would apply to dealing with yoyo - shrug your shoulders and walk away. But, You do want her to get a hint. The key is to be polite, apologize, then tell them you don't want to/cannot deal with their twattery. Apologize again and disengage.


No need to be dramatic, loud or sharp - when you do it with a smile and to their face, there is no mistaking the message. You should only have to do it once and then promptly forget about it.

  • Love 7

Because she lies and deliberately  misrepresents and misquotes what they actually said, and then goes on rants about the things they didn't actually say, and then when they start telling her that isn't what they said, she doesn't want to talk about it. 

I agree, she deliberately misrepresents it so that they have to start out defending/explaining themselves from the get go. It keeps her in control of the situation at all times, it gives her power over the others and she knows this and uses it to her advantage every single time. Yolanda is THE Master of Manipulation.

  • Love 12

I agree, she deliberately misrepresents it so that they have to start out defending/explaining themselves from the get go. It keeps her in control of the situation at all times, it gives her power over the others and she knows this and uses it to her advantage every single time. Yolanda is THE Master of Manipulation.


I wonder what would happen if they said "Oh no, you have completely wrong (or are completely confused). I fear your 'lyme brain' is flaring up again and we should call 911 out of concern for potential 'brain swelling'"

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 13

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