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S32.E05: The Devils We Know

Tara Ariano

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Can't stand Jason, so of course he finds the brawn idol. Don't like Neal, so of course TPTB give him a nudge towards the brain idol since it seemed like that camp didn't care about finding it.

At least there's Tai.

Wow, sending someone alone to the cursed beach? Guess I'm glad it's Julia since that means she's spared. Even though she's got little screen time, I like her

Edited by LadyChatts
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I think Yellow tribe is losing.


Tai is too overexposed to have a winning edit. Not even BRob in his winning had this much screen time in first 4 epsides


Yeah, that's the vibe I'm getting.  And he seems to be too nice and too well-liked to go far in this game.  Which is a shame, because he's about the only likeable person this year.

Edited by wallflower75
  • Love 15

Do you suppose we might end up with a challenge that members of both teams try to throw because they want to carry out their "vote out a Beauty" strategy?

I am worried for Anna and Michele :(. Only two people I like by default (thanks to little screen time) and they are a target. Just don't want to see Scot, Peter, and Kyle with shit eating grins at tribal as they live another day.

  • Love 3

I've never ben so bored with a Survivor season.

Yep. The list keeps growing for people I'm rooting against. Sometimes pre merge can be rough, so I'm hoping it gets better around the merge.

Peter going seems too obvious. Guessing it'll be Anna or Tai.

Eta: Tai never should have showed the idol. Sadly, I don't think fauxbama is going. Tai probably just screwed Anna.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Peter is such an ass. Besides Tai and Joe, they really hit the bottom of the barrel with the men this season. I guess a woman must be winning, because I can't see any of these guys taking it.

Damn. Sad to see it was Anna. She got screwed by that swap. Tai probably didn't help but either way one of them was going.

Please let Peter, Scot, and Kyle be next. All 3. How about a twist where they can vote all 3 out together?

  • Love 8

Thought it was time for a swap.  Cool how it turned out.  


I like the twist.  An Exile Island on the fly.


I didn't even know there was a julia.


Famous last words, Doctor.  Smart move using your doctoring skills though, finally.


"I tossed him up the tree"  lol


Debbie is like a screwball Tony.  Always on all the time.  She has a good strategy, for now.  Only the editors know how it works.


I am enjoying all of these machinations.  Backstabbing, misery and the unknown.  It's what makes Survivor great,


I didn't realize Julia was only 18.  Hope she pulls it together.  I was fearless at 18; not so much today.


I love Tai.  That was cool.

  • Love 15

Phooey.  I thought we'd be getting rid of arrogant Peter.  


Glad Tai played it cool at TC when the topic of the idol came up.


Usually, when the tribes see who was sent home last time, they looked shocked.  This time, when they heard it was Alicia, they just looked like it was exactly what they'd expect.


Not really much going on in this ep.  I did find it amusing and cute to notice the height difference between Tai and Scott, though.


Agree it's a fairly boring season.  Other than Tai, I don't really care who goes home each week.

  • Love 4

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.  This episode was amazing from front to back.  I squealed and screamed so many times.  What the fuck, show, you didn't even tell me what happened to Julia?  LOL!  And I hate when people talk to the show like it's an actual person!  Now I'm doing it!


Anna, ironically, actually does NOT have a good poker face at all.  Anna -- not actually a good poker player, either.


Peter is a good-looking dude to me but damn. I DO get those arrogant comments.  How many tribals is he going to arrive at being so goddamn sure he's safe?  Fuck!  (I thought he was being voted out somehow tonight, like in a tie situation.  I screwed that up.)


Anna's "Oh Jeff" was really funny.  When her torch got snuffed.


Who knew Scot would turn out to be the master strategist.  Though I love how insane Tai went when Dr. Peter actually said a few words to him and IMMEDIATELY AND EASILY got Anna to switch her vote away from him.


Today we learn FBI Joe is an incredibly naive person.  And Tai did nothing to reveal that Immunity Idols in the game of Survivor, actually exist.  Now only Scot knows about it (so far) and that's a wonderful thing.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

For a moment there I thought Julia was sick and be the next member of the medivac club.

Tai was hysterical at TC. Glad he didn't play his idol. Dr. Dumbass stuck his foot in his mouth again. I was hoping he would have gotten voted out. I can understand Anna getting voted off, they need the men for the strength in challenges. Tai is good provider, just look at the scrape on his leg! I'd like to see Aubry go next.

  • Love 5

I'm finding it pretty boring too.


i consider Scot the one who screwed Anna because he got greedy from knowing about the twist with two idols.  Still Tai shouldn't have listened to him.


I guess Tai doesn't trust the  women on his original tribe enough to trade his idol to get Julia back.  But damn, I was ready for Dr. Peter to go.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 3

Hi Anna! Bye Anna! Figures, I finally figured out who she, Michelle, and Julia are and she (and her fake boobs) gets voted out.

I was this [] close to sticking up for Peter last week for not jumping in with the medical emergencies, but this week he's back to being an insufferable narcissist, so I'm glad I stayed out of that discussion.

I was starting a list of Debbie's occupations during confessionals. Too bad she only had one and was assigned the title Electronics Expert. I'll have to remember to make notes next week.

  • Love 9

Hey, Superpole2000, regarding attractive people, we lost Caleb last week.  The attractive ones are dropping like flies and the ones that remain are arrogant jerks (Fauxbama) or likely sociopaths (Small Head Dude.)  The most attractive one there to me is Cydney.  I love that glistening bod.  Julia is cute and still there.  I don't find that Other Beauty Woman attractive yet but we have seen so little of her


Hopefully we can keep Tai's scabs, Joe's septic finger, and Scot's/Jason's ugly tattoos on screen for as long as possible.


You forgot Debbie's sinewyness.  Oh boy it is really not for me.

  • Love 2

I don't remember Anna doing anything before this week, but I did like her and was sorry to see her go. But I do think it was smart for Tai to save the idol once he knew he wasn't being targeted.


It amuses me when contestants say how they haven't found an idol or heard about someone else finding one, so therefore, there must not be any idols. 

  • Love 9

Ugh. The good news: The Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos is spilt up. Bad news: They've infected others while getting into power positions, and the odds of them reuniting to make S32 suck ass are still constant.


Oh, Tai. Why didn't you save Anna? I know you're not tight with the Beauty women, but an idol play would have given you two alliance members . . . three if you count Scot The Bal Boy.


Didn't like the split. I don't care for Julia either way, but the twist should have happened after Caleb was booted. Alecia may have been a headache, but I would have liked to have seen her in a new group, putting the screws to Scot and/or Jason. It would have served them right.


At least Peter isn't long for the game. Here's hoping President Obama calls him after he gets booted to tell him how much he sucks.

  • Love 10

My bias is simple: Anything to save Tai.


Therefore I was very quickly NOT liking Anna, with her "I'm an amazing poker player" comments (I love poker) and her out-to-get-Tai snakiness.  Why the hell was it decided that Tai and Anna should just turn on each other anyway?  That's far from the only viable option.  Anna turned on Tai so goddamn fast.  Why wasn't Scot at the bottom of the barrel?  Just because of his stupid basketball skills?  Oh god, the Brains are so arrogant all 3 of them together thinking they are running the show.  Oh I just hate it.


Eta: Tai never should have showed the idol. Sadly, I don't think fauxbama is going. Tai probably just screwed Anna.


In Tai's head he thought this was his only move.  He had no idea that the Brain Trust (my old nickname from the Spencer days!!!!!!) would vote out Anna, and not him.  I could totally see how him picturing the Brains wanting to jettison him, and he was 2/3 right, with both FBI Joe and Aubrey the Wise thinking that he's first to go.  Oh Aubrey the Wise, with her "I'm thinking on it" face and her "Well argue me on it and I'll think about it" calmness.  Oh god.  


Tai gained the trust of Scot who then basically laid out a plan to save him and blindside Anna instead, who was VERY VOCALLY scheming against Tai and was ABSOLUTELY NOT an ally of Tai's!  Do not make me cheer for you Scot.  Don't do it you prick!  


Also, I don't get the comment about Tai "unintentionally" screwing over Anna.  What?  LOL.  It's all intentional.  He wrote her name down.  He knew which way the cookie was crumbling.  Bye Anna!  


Oh and I forgot to mention.  Not only did Unlikeable Scot save Tai (bleh) but Unlikeable Fauxbama also came to Tai's rescue too!  LOL!  Everyone band together to save him, yes, that's right.... 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 20

Well Jeff, considering Tai is still safe and some girl named Anna who I didn't know existed before tonight was voted out, I'd say they made the right decision.

Why do I continually have to see Tai and Scot in their ratty ass underwear and yet Cydney has two bikinis?

Debbie should never ever EVER wear her hair down over her face. I also really do not understand how people can stand to have a conversation with her for more than five minutes.

  • Love 13

I loved when Scott said he had a man-crush on Tai.  I love Tai!  I hope he gets far.


That being said I had a lot of trouble figuring out which tribe each person came from when they made the 2 teams.  I only remember Anna from the first episode and that's only cause I didn't like her.  I'm glad Tai didn't give up his idol but he probably could have now that everybody knows about it.

  • Love 5

Anna ever so cocky that Dr. Arrogant Peter was going to be eliminated. Since she was eliminated she should have spoiled that Tai had the idol since she thought she could trust him in playing it and sending Peter home, but every single last one of them voted for Anna. 


IDK why they're keeping Peter especially at TC where he says he's in position of power and can basically do whatever he wants. That would be a clear sign to vote for his ass and send him packing. It's not like Peter will win because he doesn't have a social game at all. He just stews in his own arrogance.


I hate the fact that Scot knows about two idols to create a super idol. Makes me believe he's going to find out that Neal has the other idol.


Debbie is so damn annoying. Girl shut up.


There's still not a lot of likable people at all this season except Tai. 

  • Love 4

Wow, I thought this was a great episode! The switch unlocked all kinds of hidden dynamics ans interesting game play choices.


I just about threw something at the tv when Peter's smug face advised me that he had absolutely nothing to worry about. Incredibly, his hubris only grew as the episode went on. Did this idiot not learn anything??


Debbie - my absolute favorite in the game so far. Schmooozes everyone on to her side. Does not lose her cool. Her work with Cydney was masterful. (And cool to know she's an Electronics Expert too ;)


Scot and Tai unexpected hook-up - great! Scot seems so much more likable separated from the odious Jason.


Anna confessional - pretty much sealed her doom, I'd say, and..... duuhhh.....BOOOBZ...OMG those things mesmerized me and I'm a straight female ;)

Immunity challenge I thought was pretty good - I was amazed at little Tai lugging along those heavy pieces and Scot did awesomely basically one-man-handling it for his team.


Last thought for this post ... even Tai hates Peter! Wow, bad karma dude!!

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It's hysterical considering last week's discussion how the opening line is Peter caring about that guy's finger.  And then the show does a Dr. Peter segment!  So funny


Exactly!  I was thinking, well, that answers that question, then!  We were all speculating last week that he was contractually obligated not to use his medical skillz to help tribemates- I guess not!  He can and does when it will serve him in the game!



  • Love 4

Oh my heck...it's not like I needed ANOTHER reason to hate Scott...but then he goes and influences Tai and foils the plane to get rid of Peter costing probably the hottest female eye candy left in the game. Him getting his way completly muted my earlier glee when I found out he was on his own and hopefully in trouble. Too bad it didn't work out that way.


It's bad enough two people I dislike Jason and Neal now have idols but with Scott controlling Tai's use of the idol its a trifecta of suck regarding the idols this season...while Mr FBI guy who thinks he's so sharp believed there are NO idols.


So Debbie was cut just two weeks ago? And she lost it all...and yet the same thing didn't happen to Cydney...wonders never cease.


Props to the editors for laying on the sinister music and point of view shots trying to make us think the Black Smoke Monster was closing in on the woman exhiled by herself on Brawn Beach.

  • Love 10

Fucking Tai! I just checked the confessional count and he had the most confessionals yet again. I keep expecting him to be gone soon but he's still here. At least his romance with Scot is far less creepy than his with the far younger BMC. I hope he is gonna next ep or I will be subjected his endless desperate mugging on the jury. He's such a fucking timesuck.

  • Love 3

Well Tai has mentioned several times now that he doen't want to go home with an idol in his pocket which leads me to believe that this is exactly what is going to end up happening.


Another tidbit from tonight was Julia mentioning that "nobody out here knows I am 18".  I am very curious as to how old she is telling people that she is because I have to assume that is come up in conversations.

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