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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I'm curious about something. I can't find one single interview or written piece of information where the Duggar family actually stated that what Josh did was not wrong. I've heard and read where others state that they said this and I've heard and read where people are up in arms because his family supported, supports and had forgiven him, but is there any actual, factual point at which they plainly stated such a thing?

The Duggars clearly acknowledged that what Josh did was wrong. What people are in such an uproar about is that the Duggars also claim "it's no big deal" and "it happens in LOTS of families".  Apparently there are stages or degrees of wrong in their world.

Edited by lulu69
  • Love 15

They definitely think it's wrong. Jim Bob even stated that child molestation should be punishable by death when he was running for office (it's on his website.) It just adds to the outrage for me. Is it punishable by death, or is it no big deal and the girls don't even remember and anyway it was over the clothes and he was sly about it and it was years ago and Jesus is totally fine with it so everyone else should be too so shut up and send us money? Hard to tell.

Jimbob might not consider what Josh did to be incest or rape, and he might consider juvenile offenders a separate issue. He's hardly the only politician who takes a hardline position publicly, none of them want to anything they say to be interpreted as excusing rape.

I think Jessa and Jill said they forgave Josh, but the outpouring of bile they received from that makes me think the general public considers itself the real victim of this all.

  • Love 2

If it's true that JB is skimming donations from Jill and Derrick, it is unlikely that they have caught on to him. Here is a guy who pocketed all the money and is still getting paid through his kids, this time with their consent? If true, and I don't know how to check that out, the kids are no where near aware of how greedy their father is. Greedy enough to bury Josh's 'sins' so that their show, or his political career could continue. I don't believe the way they handled Josh's 'inappropriate touching' had much, or anything to do with religion, more to do with $ and celebrity status. IMO of course.


They need to do shows like this special to stay relevant. If this opens old wounds for the girls I doubt JB gives a shit. If it is a test for their marketability then they do it.

Edited by sometimesy
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Sorry about the quote thing. iPad. I don't know how to "cut and paste" on this thing

I'm fairly computer illiterate myself, Kath, so I suck at cut and paste as well. What I usually do, then, is (on the post I want to bring down), I use the quote marks at the end of the post and say I want to respond to one quoted post. That post ends up in the empty box at the end. If you go to the first (or last) word you want to delete and get your blue cursor there, hold it down for a sec until you get a box that includes the option to "select". Drag one of the corners up or down to include what you want to get rid of, leaving unmarked the part you want to address - and the original posters name and the word "quote". Then hit "cut" and it gets rid of what you DON'T want to talk about. OR you can use the quotes and get to the fresh box with the quote in it,many backspace to get rid of what you don't want to address. (Even to me, this all sounds complicated, and it's NOT).

Edited by kariyaki
Fixed quote tags
  • Love 1

Well I think in most people's world there are degrees of wrong. Within the legal system there is degrees of wrong. Lying and saying someone's hair looks nice is a lesser degree wrong to me than lying and saying get in I'm not drunk, I'll drive you home.

Absolutely agree with your point, however, some people would also agree that by its very nature sibling molestation is just plain wrong. No degree of it makes it acceptable IMHO

Edited by lulu69
  • Love 6

Absolutely agree with your point, however, some people would also agree that by its very nature sibling molestation is just plain wrong. No degree of it makes it acceptable IMHO

Unlawful behavior is considered unacceptable behavior, but there are different levels of unacceptable, and the law does reflects that, for example "Sexual assault in the third degree".
  • Love 1

The Duggars clearly acknowledged that what Josh did was wrong. What people are in such an uproar about is that the Duggars also claim "it's no big deal" and "it happens in LOTS of families".  Apparently there are stages or degrees of wrong in their world.

If it happens in "lots of families", then it's on them to go to the police and name names. Let's hear it, Jim Boob and J-Chelle. I don't think they have the guts to actually do anything at all to protect innocent victims who are being "homeschooled" and "home churched" and every other goddamn thing those of their cult beliefs do to isolate their kids from mandatory reporters.


They'll be in the same extra-toasty corner of Hell as those who molested in the first place; covering it up is just as evil, especially when those being victimized had NO ONE to turn to.

  • Love 14

I'm curious about something. I can't find one single interview or written piece of information where the Duggar family actually stated that what Josh did was not wrong. I've heard and read where others state that they said this and I've heard and read where people are up in arms because his family supported, supports and had forgiven him, but is there any actual, factual point at which they plainly stated such a thing?

They just said it was no big deal. If there's a post on this forum saying the Duggars said it wasn't wrong, I haven't seen it. People are "up in arms" because there are degrees of wrongdoing and the Duggars have done everything they can to minimize what Josh did. In fact, molestation is a very serious issue, it may be a felony, and it's something that typically affects the victims for the rest of their lives.

They certainly supported, support, and forgive him, and that they've said repeatedly. (What would they be forgiving him for, if there were no wrongdoing in the first place?)

  • Love 14

Well I think in most people's world there are degrees of wrong. Within the legal system there is degrees of wrong. Lying and saying someone's hair looks nice is a lesser degree wrong to me than lying and saying get in I'm not drunk, I'll drive you home.


And this is absolutely true.


Also true, in this situation (and I'm not saying that you're suggesting otherwise): these people equated


'not doing anything to prevent our son from sexually molesting our daughters for years until we were forced to and then teaching both our sons and our daughters that it's the victims who are at fault when this kind of thing happens'




'advocating really ugly punitive government action aimed at people we don't like who aren't actually victimizing innocents'




'cheering while our son moved to Washington and became a powerful national advocate for punishing people who have consensual sex with adults because they supposedly have pedophiliac tendencies despite his own unacknowledged long-term predation on unconsenting children of less than pre-school age'




'You people reported what actually happened and kept us from being paid millions of dollars to prey on not just a generation of fangirls but a bunch of primary voters.'


Boo. Hoo.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 23

They just said it was no big deal. If there's a post on this forum saying the Duggars said it wasn't wrong, I haven't seen it. People are "up in arms" because there are degrees of wrongdoing and the Duggars have done everything they can to minimize what Josh did. In fact, molestation is a very serious issue, it may be a felony, and it's something that typically affects the victims for the rest of their lives.

They certainly supported, support, and forgive him, and that they've said repeatedly. (What would they be forgiving him for, if there were no wrongdoing in the first place?)

JimBob and Michelle supported and support Josh, they (as parents) have obligations to all of their children. Those two never said anything about forgiving Josh. Jill and Jessa stated they forgave Josh.

"I'm not a mandatory reporter." - Jim Bob


He actually said that, too.

Oh, my. Someone was carefully coached by his lawyer, wasn't he?


It's nice to know that Jim Boob's "responsibility" as a parent only extends so far. He took his son in to get a talking-to from a guy who was molesting other children. He sent him off to "heavy labor" for three months overseen by another guy who had no problem with sexually harassing at least one underage girl and many more who were barely over the age of consent. He and his wife evidently told their daughters they were at fault for doing nothing but being little girls in the same house with a predator. And he and his wife demanded their daughters forgive their molester.


If there was a worse way to handle this situation, I haven't heard of it.



Those two never said anything about forgiving Josh.

They threw their four daughters and the fifth victim under the bus to protect Josh. They're still doing it.

  • Love 18


Those two never said anything about forgiving Josh.

In all but words, Precious Josh was forgiven.


For the pedants:


J. B. DUGGAR: You know, what? As parents you're not mandatory reporters. The law allows for parents to do what they think is best for their child. And so we got him out of the home, and we sent him down to this place, and that was really probably the best decision we made through this whole process, because it was at that place -- this was the first time Josh has been out of the home.

The law doesn't allow parents to do what they think is best. And you didn't get him out of the home fast enough.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 11

He and his wife evidently told their daughters they were at fault for doing nothing but being little girls in the same house with a predator. And he and his wife demanded their daughters forgive their molester.

It's evident by their statements and actions that they clearly considered considered Josh at fault.

They threw their four daughters and the fifth victim under the bus to protect Josh. They're still doing it.

How are they doing this? In what way?

Except for molesting a few of their kids...

To he the D's tell it, Josh didn't commit transgressions aginst ANYONE. It was no big deal.

Josh's acts had 5 victims, his parents weren't victims. If one of your minor children molests another of your children, you dont get to feel like a victim.

The law doesn't allow parents to do what they think is best. And you didn't get him out of the home fast enough.

I agree. Sadly, I think they probably did more than most though. Edited by Kokapetl

Stop it. All of you, on all sides of this discussion.


How many times have we discussed the various aspects of Josh and his parents and blame? I would guess it's enough to give a mathematician a migraine.


That horse is long dead, folks.




Posts found in violation will be deleted without further notice. Anyone who reposts a deleted post will be found in violation and dealt with through the warning system.


No exceptions.

  • Love 7
I posted this in the Michelle & Jim Bob thread. Jim Bob needs to stick to what he's good at: boinking Michelle. Edited by Joe Jitsu913

Is it going to be like a home renovation show? Like instead of therapy for their son how they sent him off to remodel a Hobby Lobby for friends.

Well they do own lots of shitty properties! Maybe the home repair was like Mr. Myagi - Josh just thought he was leaning how to scrub off mold, but he was really learning how to pull his hands away from a pair of breasts.

  • Love 3

I really doubt these stories are true. JimChelle would be well aware that their show was cancelled specifically due to the reaction from the general public on how the family responded to sexual abuse. I doubt they think the general public is receptive to more of what killed their show. I doubt they are inclined to discuss this subject any further, or would be comfortable in any way discussing discussing the nitty gritty of sexual abuse on camera. Moreover, tabloids are not reliable sources of information, especially when information is via "sources", they routinely make shit up. Can Jennifer Aniston really have been pregnant for the last ten years?

  • Love 2

I really doubt these stories are true. JimChelle would be well aware that their show was cancelled specifically due to the reaction from the general public on how the family responded to sexual abuse. I doubt they think the general public is receptive to more of what killed their show. I doubt they are inclined to discuss this subject any further, or would be comfortable in any way discussing discussing the nitty gritty of sexual abuse on camera. Moreover, tabloids are not reliable sources of information, especially when information is via "sources", they routinely make shit up. Can Jennifer Aniston really have been pregnant for the last ten years?

With how the family threatened lawsuits at the initial reveal, would a mainstream publication, like Star, publish a false story?
  • Love 3

With how the family threatened lawsuits at the initial reveal, would a mainstream publication, like Star, publish a false story?

I don't think Star magazine is considered a mainstream publication, and I haven't heard anything about alleged lawsuit threats outside of these magazines. Tabloids rarely attack the powerful, their stories tend to fall apart when scrutiny is applied. Edited by Kokapetl


Letting the Duggars counsel sexual abuse victims is like letting Bill Cosby counsel rape victims.


I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.  The Duggars are shameless, clueless, desperate, greedy, and stupid enough to try this.

  • Love 17

I don't think Star magazine is considered a mainstream publication, and I haven't heard anything about alleged lawsuit threats outside of these magazines. Tabloids rarely attack the powerful, their stories tend to fall apart when scrutiny is applied.

A Star magazine is at every grocery checkout stand in line the U.S. You can't get more mainstream than that. It is widely documented that PR agents have agreements with those publications. Bury the story about this and we'll give you that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Duggars have a deal with Star.
  • Love 5

The Duggars are truly living on another planet if they think TLC or any other network, would pick up a show about them counseling sexual abuse survivors.  They think that Smugs did nothing wrong, (Or them for that matter, by not reporting for a year), but they’re going to counsel victims? They’re so desperate to be back on TV. They’re pathetic. Good riddance, Bible thumpers. Get real jobs, like the rest of us.

  • Love 9

I don't know. This story has been around in some form or another for weeks now.


I think the really low-market tabs have just noticed that around the time of his Fox appearance, Jim Bob (no doubt against the advice of his PR / crisis management people) was stupid enough to throw around lawsuit threats.


Then the family started fundraising (whether or not they actually needed the money) and walked away from an underwater mortgage, and no lawsuits were ever filed. I don't think anyone believes any more that the Duggars can afford to sue them for talking trash, and right now, they're a mighty hit magnet.


I can't imagine anyone wanting to work through their sexual abuse on TV with people who know nothing about counseling. Too many people experience something and think they are experts in that area. I have too much respect for therapists and the training they receive to being to think that they have any understanding of the trauma of abuse and how to help other through it.

Edited by NoThyme
  • Love 5



"Jim Bob and Michelle love their son, and they love when they can spend time with his family. But every time they're photographed with him, a story gets made out of it that rehashes the whole mess – and it's painful for everyone."

Awwwww. Painful for everyone. That is so sad. Clearly in so much pain that they don't even realize they're the only ones posting fucking pictures of themselves. And videos. Pretty much every single day. Awww so sad. Pain.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 20

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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