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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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According to that article, Gothard believes that a woman who winks at you is nothing but a whore trying to lead you astray. What the actual fuck??? These people are batshit.



I'll bet that right now some people are wishing they'd printed the Wisdom Booklets in disappearing ink.

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Intouch Weekly isn't afraid to call the Duggars or Fox News out on their crap



There's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, Duggars, is there?




And since when does Jessa Blessa know the first damn thing about a FOIA request? Was that in the Wisdom Booklets?


They also saved the best for last: FOX News actually filed a FOIA request to get that police report, too. It was denied. Game, set and match to InTouch, which I'm sure is saving some extra-special info for later...


Edited to comment on the actual article.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 8
And since when does Jessa Blessa know the first damn thing about a FOIA request? Was that in the Wisdom Booklets?


I thought her knowledge about FOIA was odd, as well.  I wonder what year they learned that in the SOTDRT.  I also think it's odd that she knew about the publisher of the magazine and the other magazines that they generate.  So, I guess they did some research in order to have some kind of ammunition WRT to InTouch Weekly in an effort to sway the public. Maybe she could have just asked Josh.  

According to that article, Gothard believes that a woman who winks at you is nothing but a whore trying to lead you astray. What the actual fuck??? These people are batshit.


Not sure which broadcast, but maybe Thursday's (?) Did anyone else see the footage of MK coming into the house and greeting everyone at the dining table? Jessa made a beeline for Ben and wrapped her arms around him from behind (you can also see her in this position in the still photo in circulation). Circling him in wifely protection against entrapment by that evil whore, I assume. Sad, really.

  • Love 2

I thought her knowledge about FOIA was odd, as well.  I wonder what year they learned that in the SOTDRT.  I also think it's odd that she knew about the publisher of the magazine and the other magazines that they generate.  So, I guess they did some research in order to have some kind of ammunition WRT to InTouch Weekly in an effort to sway the public. Maybe she could have just asked Josh.

Since the "illegal" release of the documents is such a huge part of the Kelly narrative, I figure the folks from Fox gave them talking points.

  • Love 3

I thought her knowledge about FOIA was odd, as well.  I wonder what year they learned that in the SOTDRT.  I also think it's odd that she knew about the publisher of the magazine and the other magazines that they generate.  So, I guess they did some research in order to have some kind of ammunition WRT to InTouch Weekly in an effort to sway the public. Maybe she could have just asked Josh.  

Jessa Blessa was coached on her "knowledge" of FOIA requests and what is eligible for one as well. She was also fed the line of Bauer Media selling porn; let's face it, any magazine that isn't about Bill Gothard is most likely classified as pornography to Mrs. Seewald. She didn't do any research on the subject.  (One has to wonder if she even knows what Google is, for starters.) One of the tidbits in the InTouch article was the factoid they traced the tail number of the Duggars' plane to the location of the PR "expert" that got them ready for the interviews.


I'm wondering if InTouch will continue to drop new finding after new finding until TLC cancels the show or until the Duggars publicly recant their "ebil librul media" accusations.

  • Love 9

Not sure which broadcast, but maybe Thursday's (?) Did anyone else see the footage of MK coming into the house and greeting everyone at the dining table? Jessa made a beeline for Ben and wrapped her arms around him from behind (you can also see her in this position in the still photo in circulation). Circling him in wifely protection against entrapment by that evil whore, I assume. Sad, really.

I think those little "bits" where the interviewer (or whoever) comes into the house and shakes hands all around are so dumb! Like MK hadn't already been in the house for an hour or more and they were just greeting her for the first time. Whatever. it's a regular shot in any reality TV series, I think, and it's lame.

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I wonder how they knew it happened it other families...and how do you avoid reporting the crimes of the family? I mean how do they find each other? are there that many, and why?

In the interview Jim Bob said he'd talked to other families when it happened.  Since they apparently shared the 'mistakes' and subsequent 'forgiveness'  with the whole congregation, one assumes he found some fellowship then.  That really is a tight-lipped community if "Alice" was the only one to leak this. 

  • Love 4

I thought her knowledge about FOIA was odd, as well.  I wonder what year they learned that in the SOTDRT.  I also think it's odd that she knew about the publisher of the magazine and the other magazines that they generate.  So, I guess they did some research in order to have some kind of ammunition WRT to InTouch Weekly in an effort to sway the public. Maybe she could have just asked Josh.  


I was kind of assuming she was coached on both points.  The "everybody knows that" about the FOIA thing cracked me up. Um no, I'm willing to bet a large percentage of people barely know what a FOIA request is, Jessa. Plus, even the judges and lawyers can't apparently agree on whether this release of information was legal or not, but most of them seem to say it is. I'm willing to bet they've had a little more education about the law than you have. As far as the publisher and other magazines, unless her parents let her study publishers of porn at the SOTDRT, I'm pretty sure she was fed that little piece of info too.

  • Love 9

Well, the Duggars are people who have agendas. They come from a state known for political corruption (both parties) and Jim Bob tried awfully hard to break into that. I wouldn't be surprised if FOIA and "agenda" and "vast left right conspiracy" and "portrayed by the media" actually are part of the table top curriculum. Heaven knows it wasn't algebra and American literature.

  • Love 7

So many people keep asking what people like "us" want. I can't speak for everyone. But, here's what I "want" (if you can even put it that way).

I want the Duggars to stop telling us and start showing us how they dealt with this appropriately. No. They don't HAVE to and they're certainly not beholden to, but a simple name or two would do. Was it Clark Wilson (the contractor, heavily involved with the family at that time) that "mentored" Josh? If not him, then who? What were the qualifications that person had? If this was a legit treatment, then why not name it and shame the devil ( so to speak)? Who did the girls see? We don't have a right to the notes or the clinical aspects- but, any legit family therapist shouldn't mind being named. The Duggars have given us very intimate details of who makes the friggin' wedding cake or the doctors that have treated the family for various, private problems....so, why is this name the secret name? I think it's secret because the victims got the same "spiritual counselling" Josh did. If they had real, legit counselling, immediately after Josh confessed (as they claim), why did it take a letter to Oprah to start an investigation? The "real therapist", by law, would've been a mandated reporter.

I want to see Josh speak for himself. Stop throwing the victims out there to tell us how sorry Josh was. He's big enough to stand up in front of thousands and tell people how to live, but he can't offer his own apology on air? He can't use his own experiences to help others or highlight a problem? I think he should. Why is he worrying about sex between two consenting adults when he knows, perhaps more than most of us, how that's not the biggest threat to American families. Abuse is the real threat- not gay marriage. So, where is Josh? I don't know if there's anything he could say to make it better, but he could try. He could share what that journey was like, because he definitely wasn't a passive victim, asleep in his bed, but a very willing participant. How did he feel as a teenager to be so curious that INCEST was the best option for exploring that curiosity? There's a real conversation to be had and there was potential to turn this into a teaching moment. What sort of things will he be looking for as his own children grow up? Will he do anything different than his parents? What advice would he give to other kids thinking about satiating their "curiosity" in this way? That's what I want.

  • Love 23

I am completely done with TLC. CANCEL THIS SHOW!! I don't really watch any of their shows, but I definitely won't now.

Does anyone know which advertisers have not pulled out yet? I want to boycott them too.

Jill & Jessa should run away & enjoy their babies in seclusion somewhere far from the Duggars, but I know they won't do this because they want the money.

This whole debacle leads me to the depressing question - Are we really all fame whores at heart? The lure of a reality show was too much for this family that had major skeletons in the closet. Even now as said skeletons are exposed, they are desperate to cling to the cash cow.

  • Love 9

I was wondering the same thing. I've actually made an active effort to support the businesses that did pull their ads, but I'm guessing there are still some that haven't.  Of course, that only applies if the show's ever back on anyway.

I don't think Petsmart has pulled their ads yet so I will find another store to buy from.

           I have stopped watching TLC altogether. Last season I had decided to never watch 600 lb Life again and The Little Couple.

                       Don't miss it at all and feel good I stopped.

  • Love 4

We don't need to speculate who ALICE is. We have asked for the speculation about who tipped off the media to be bare minimum. It has the potential to go waaaay off topic. There's plenty of other stuff to talk about. Or, even if there isn't, a break from all this news isn't a bad thing. 


So please, no speculation or discussion about who may have tipped off In Touch. Thanks.

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I think this is my favorite from the newest In Touch article:


8) "Public records spin. Public records obtained by In Touch of a plane used by the Duggars show that it flew to the location of their crisis public relations specialist prior to giving these interviews in an attempt to save their TLC show. A source confirms to In Touch that the Duggars met with their own PR team to create a strategy for the interviews. All of the Duggars attacked the situation with demonstrably false statements against people and entities involved in the case, including Jim Bob’s strong suggestion that the Springdale police chief took a bribe to release the police report. These false statements were left unchallenged by Fox’s Kelly."

Edited by kaleidoscope
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"11) The order to destroy the police record. The order to destroy the police report was entered by Judge Stacy Zimmerman. Neither Fox nor the Duggars have acknowledged that the judge heard only an emergency argument from one side (via a lawyer hired by the Duggars) and no media outlet or other entity challenged the ruling, which many legal experts believe was overly broad and a wrong interpretation of the law. Even Springdale’s police spokesman noted the highly unusual nature of the judge’s decision.

“The judge ordered us… to expunge that record,” Springdale Police spokesman Scott Lewis said, adding that similar records are typically kept indefinitely.

Law professor Michael Johnson, a former United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, told In Touch: “The order to destroy all the reports from Springdale Police Department cites Arkansas law that is not relevant. The law Judge Zimmerman uses states law enforcement should not disclose to the public directly or indirectly identifying the victim of a sex crime, but that is not a valid reason for the destruction of a police report.

“By its very nature, destruction is an irreversible decision and it seems odd Judge Zimmerman chose to have the police reports destroyed. I don’t understand why she simply didn’t have the information she felt identified Jane Doe 1 redacted. And, if she wished to go further, why she didn’t have the records sealed pending further investigation."


There was a person on FB who said she had rented a house belonging to a friend or something of JB. He wanted to put up campaign posters in her backyard and she refused, and he threatened to have his friend evict her. That person said that the judge who expunged the record was related to a close friend of JB's. That would fit with the above, and also with the apparent shadiness of this family.

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The plane must have made some additional trips than what appear on the Flight Aware record. It only shows the plane flying to Tulsa on 5/26, returning on 6/3. The plane goes to Tulsa a lot, and we;ve discovered the PR guy is Huckabee's campaign manager. So that means the plane went somewhere else in this time period, returning by 6/2 at the latest, since the interviews were done the morning of the 3rd. I wish the flight record was more forthcoming; I'm dying to know where they found this guy, since I'm sure the Duggars flew this guy to the TTH for prep sessions. 

  • Love 2

I am completely done with TLC. CANCEL THIS SHOW!! I don't really watch any of their shows, but I definitely won't now.


I wrote TLC and told them if the Duggars were not cancelled that I was done watching their channel and I received the following response by e-mail.




Dear Viewer:

Thank you for contacting TLC.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with

us regarding 19 Kids and Counting.   Please know that your comments will be

forwarded to our program management and executives and will be taken into


Comments such as yours are very important to us, as viewer opinions tell us

what we can improve on and what our audience enjoys.  It is these types of

comments that contribute to creating change and improving our programming.

Thank you again for expressing your interest in our programming.


Viewer Relations



Don't know if they actually care or not, but at least I told them how I felt and I will miss my Friday night shows if the Duggars appear again.

  • Love 6

I just want to say I love you all.  And I appreciate being able to express myself honestly on these forums. And I am in such awe of the folks here that have shared their feelings, insights and emotions through this family's "downfall".  


Following these people and their "story" in the past week has made me realize that I need to focus on the people I love, not the people I watch on TV.  I need to TALK to the people I love, not just text them when it's convenient for me.  I need to SEE the people I love, not just assume I know what's going on with them. 


This family is done for me, as this thread is. 

  • Love 10

"And one final side note on the interview:

Kelly repeatedly attacked the media for reporting the story, but FOIA documents obtained by In Touch show that Fox also tried to get the police report to report the story AFTER it first came out. Their request was denied." Kelly, Kelly Kelly.

  • Love 17

According to that article, Gothard believes that a woman who winks at you is nothing but a whore trying to lead you astray. What the actual fuck??? These people are batshit.


They must love having their article on that page right next to one about pixelated men in sumo thongs. NIKE!

  • Love 3


Not sure where to put this. This is some alice stuff people was asking about

This was spot on. I remember goggling the Duggars and Josh molestation came up clicked on it and I found free Jinger and that old forum. I hope this poster Alice if she's still alive comes out and speak more.

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I have not been able to get why Jim Bob said he had to take a witness to the police station out of my mind. The police officer said Jim Bob only had Josh confess it happened one time. What if Jim Bob took the witness to prove to the 5th victim's parents that Josh had confessed to the police? Maybe the 5th victim's parents were going to go to the police so Jim Bob said he wanted Josh to turn himself in and he would have the witness (maybe a church elder) prove Josh confessed. The police officer might have just given Josh a stern lecture because Josh confessed to touching a babysitter once on a couch and a babysitter would not have been a small child, probably closer to Josh's age so it wouldn't be as big a deal as incest. If the babysitter didn't file a complaint and Jim Bob said Josh got counseling to the officer maybe the officer (even though he had his own issues) thought a one time incident between non-related people of similar age and the victim isn't filing was worth a full CPS investigation.

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A previous poster observed the questionable and often salacious content on TLC and that got me wondering whether the Duggars are even aware of the company they keep. Of course we all once knew TLC as The Learning Channel. Is it possible that the Duggars, snug in their bubble, still believe their show airs on an educational channel? Do they know that they might well have been snuggled up to the 132-pound scrotum and Sex Sent Me To The ER? And would such knowledge offend them at all or are they only interested in the paycheck?

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I thought - I think - JB thought he was doing it "Biblically" by taking a witness. There's a Bible verse (maybe more than one) that says if someone sins, you address it with them alone first. (Point out that you know what's going on, basically). If the person continues their sin, you go back to them again, but you take a witness or two (implied that it's a fellow church member, or at least a fellow believer). Because your addressing of sin has more weight if you have a fellow believer with you. (That's step 2). Step 3 is when you drag the sinner before the church, flog them and throw them in a vat of hot oil (jk). They apparently DID do step 3 and make him confess before the body of believers. I'm fairly certain this was the motivation behind the "witness" because JB called this person a "witness", using the biblical term.

It's interesting, since we KNOW there WAS a witness that this person has not been named (that I know of). We know enough without hearing directly from them how repentant Josh was, and that he received all the forgiveness he sought (from a purely biblical standpoint - judiciously, not so much). But the point in taking a witness is so that they can later, you know, SPEAK to the issues they witnessed.

Edited because OBVIOUSLY sometimes I type with my eyes closed

Re-edited because I want you to know I just realized I used "witness" or a variation of it SEVEN times in 2 paragraphs. I GOT STUCK THERE, OK???

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 6

A previous poster observed the questionable and often salacious content on TLC and that got me wondering whether the Duggars are even aware of the company they keep. Of course we all once knew TLC as The Learning Channel. Is it possible that the Duggars, snug in their bubble, still believe their show airs on an educational channel? Do they know that they might well have been snuggled up to the 132-pound scrotum and Sex Sent Me To The ER? And would such knowledge offend them at all or are they only interested in the paycheck?

I'm sure JB & M are quite aware of the content of TLC's lineup of shows and choose to look away for the paycheck and justify their presence as "ministry". As far as the others knowing, I'd guess as many as 2 or 3 of the older kids being aware and just fall in line with what daddy says.

The Duggars are masters at pointing out the splinter in someone else's eye when they have a log in their own. They manipulate circumstances and justify their own abominable behavior bc in the end they're just as depraved and full of it as the next person.

  • Love 14

I'm sure JB & M are quite aware of the content of TLC's lineup of shows and choose to look away for the paycheck and justify their presence as "ministry". As far as the others knowing, I'd guess as many as 2 or 3 of the older kids being aware and just fall in line with what daddy says.

The Duggars are masters at pointing out the splinter in someone else's eye when they have a log in their own. They manipulate circumstances and justify their own abominable behavior bc in the end they're just as depraved and full of it as the next person.

The Duggar's are aware of the other shows. They choose not to do crossover shows with anything controversial and they seem to be photo shopped into the big TLC family pictures of all the shows. I wonder if they really would have gone to that TLC block party last week and if they did I bet they would have been kept separate.  I think the Duggar's see themselves as the wholesome ministry show next to  the shows of sin on TLC.


TLC has provided the Duggar's with a PR team. Recently Jen and Bill of the little couple were in NYC and the media was all over them asking them about the Duggar's. TLC had a bodyguard with them and they said no comment. I;m sure TLC has talked to all the TLC stars about how to handle the Duggar's. I also think they talk to Jim Bob and Michelle about the other programs to give them a heads up in case they are out in public and someone says, Michelle what do you think of Cougar grandmother lovers or that guy that went to the ER with a XYZ on his privates.

  • Love 1

The Duggar's are aware of the other shows. They choose not to do crossover shows with anything controversial and they seem to be photo shopped into the big TLC family pictures of all the shows. I wonder if they really would have gone to that TLC block party last week and if they did I bet they would have been kept separate.  I think the Duggar's see themselves as the wholesome ministry show next to  the shows of sin on TLC.


TLC has provided the Duggar's with a PR team. Recently Jen and Bill of the little couple were in NYC and the media was all over them asking them about the Duggar's. TLC had a bodyguard with them and they said no comment. I;m sure TLC has talked to all the TLC stars about how to handle the Duggar's. I also think they talk to Jim Bob and Michelle about the other programs to give them a heads up in case they are out in public and someone says, Michelle what do you think of Cougar grandmother lovers or that guy that went to the ER with a XYZ on his privates.


Well, that just piles hypocrisy on top of hypocrisy, doesn't it? No surprise there I guess. I hope they're also aware that most of us see them as just another freak show rather than a ministry.

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I know Michelle and JB knew what was on TLC. And we know that Jessa and Ben recently visited TLC headquarters (perhaps simply as guests, perhaps to discuss a sequel) and it would be hard to miss, I expect. I'm not sure what other children have visited. But they were set to do a meet and greet with other TLC show Stars, so the idea you could keep your children sheltered forever is unreasonable.

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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