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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Why should it? She's a freaking (stupid) reality "star" having a baby. That happens all the time.

Josh Duggar is a bona-fide scandal, and should remain in the media to discuss this very real issue. Not to mention it's TLC's 2nd such scandal in a year.


She's not just a reality star.  She's the most famous reality star on the planet who just made a major announcement.  So I hope the press is not too distracted.

  • Love 2

Why should it? She's a freaking (stupid) reality "star" having a baby. That happens all the time.

Josh Duggar is a bona-fide scandal, and should remain in the media to discuss this very real issue. Not to mention it's TLC's 2nd such scandal in a year. 

2014 -2025  I believe its been three events of a criminal nature.  Mama June with the pedophile, Andrea Clevenger of Cheer Perfection convicted of raping a young boy several times and now the Duggars.

 Cheer Perfection was also filmed in Arkansas.

  • Love 4

Hey folks - some of you have no doubt noticed already, but we've posted a thread specifically for speculation on the Megyn Kelly specials here.  Please do all further speculating on the specials in that thread.  We won't be moving all the existing posts about it to that thread, but that doesn't mean you need to repost your thoughts there - we're all doing a lot of repeating each other as it is :)  Just post there from now on if you're discussing the upcoming specials.  We'll also be opening an episode-style thread for the specials Wednesday night. 



  • Love 4

Since the family doesn't own (from what I understand) a television or apparently do not watch (or allowed to watch) any television, and their Internet access is monitored and/or password protected with a selected few trusted with it - how would the daughters know what is being said?  How would the parents know?  Are they (the parents) checking television news and Internet for what is being said? Is that how they came to the decision to talk to someone in the news?  I'm shocked (sarcastic) that they would have a "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude!

  • Love 2

Since the family doesn't own (from what I understand) a television or apparently do not watch (or allowed to watch) any television, and their Internet access is monitored and/or password protected with a selected few trusted with it - how would the daughters know what is being said?  How would the parents know?  Are they (the parents) checking television news and Internet for what is being said? Is that how they came to the decision to talk to someone in the news?  I'm shocked (sarcastic) that they would have a "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude!

Good point.  My local snark group has come to think they present one version of themselves on TV, maybe another one to a group of like minded folks, and then there is what they do in private.  Which we think is quite a bit different from the TV version.  YMMV

  • Love 1

Re Kim Kardashian's announcement that she's pregnant, I'm happy for her as she's been wanting a second child, but I can't help but wish this announcement would have come later so as not to distract the press from the Duggar story.

Honestly? And I realize the irony of saying this since I am on a Duggar forum. It needs to die down. I have way too many friends who are survivors of sexual assault that can't go onto Facebook, news sites, etc without being triggered. I can only imagine how awful the Duggar women feel right now. At this point it's only doing more damage than good.

The more people fuel the fire, the more the Duggar defenders get riled up and vow to stay beside the family forever. It dies down and the Duggars are pushed out of the spotlight, the Duggar defenders will forget about the Duggars and latch onto the Bateses (who are just as problematic) and Willis clan. You'll have the odd "But it was a miiiiiiiiiistake!" apologist but take someone out of the spotlight and the public quickly turns to the latest and greatest toy and forgets about the old toy.

I am thrilled Kim K announced her pregnancy and Caitlyn Jenner is trending. Now we need the BRF to release pictures of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Therefore pushing the Duggars completely out. Think we can get Buckingham Palace on it?

It needs to die down. 


JB & Michelle have manipulated the press for years non-stop to present themselves as great parents and how their way of living is the best ever.  It's only right that that same press finally sees the light and gives them a little back for the fake facade they've presented.  Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy thinking of JB and Michelle squirming, worrying, and wondering what the future holds for their show. Because you know that's their priority here. Must keep the cash cow going. 

  • Love 10

Since the family doesn't own (from what I understand) a television or apparently do not watch (or allowed to watch) any television, and their Internet access is monitored and/or password protected with a selected few trusted with it - how would the daughters know what is being said?  How would the parents know?  Are they (the parents) checking television news and Internet for what is being said? Is that how they came to the decision to talk to someone in the news?  I'm shocked (sarcastic) that they would have a "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude!

Remember that they don't allow their children to use social media until they're courting/married, but after that they're on their own. Jill and Jessa both went nuts on social media as soon as they started courting and opened Instagram accounts. Those accounts have been flooded with comments about Josh, and there's no reason to believe that they don't surf the internet freely now as well.

  • Love 1

But I'm not convinced they actually read about themselves. I'm not sure they are curious enough. That's a trait they may literally have had smacked out of them as children. Social media to them may be a one way street.


It is possible that even if they do, they can discount it as the godless Liberal Media persecuting them for their beliefs.  I saw a documentary on Westboro Baptist, and those folks read what their critics had to say and still did what it is they do because they honestly believe, deep down, that we're all going to hell.  Their belief structure is that strong.  

while standing in line at the store I noticed INtouch magazine had them on the cover with the police reports all grouped together with the most damning stuff pointed out and highlighted. They give an exact timeline when everything happened, including the Oprah stuff. Everything we talked about here. It's a far cry from dying down. 






I  bet they do  hire someone, Maybe a publicist? I don't know who handles that kind of thing, but I think they hire someone who then reads the internet, and monitors tv news, ect. Then in turn when they give interviews they know what and how to address certain points. That would be my guess. 

  • Love 1

This interview will apparently only be Jim Bob and Michelle? I would be willing to believe that this incident really is behind them if the victims were interviewed and they themselves said it was not as bad as portrayed, and that they had forgiven their brother and moved on and healed from whatever trauma they endured. But the lack of any statement from any of Josh's sisters just emphasizes even more how controlled and smothered the girls in that family are. Where's their press release? Jana is 25 years old, and she can't make a statement, if this is really is all behind them and forgiven?


I just can't imagine what they're going to blather on about for an hour, if its only the two of them and there aren't going to be any hard questions.

  • Love 1

This interview will apparently only be Jim Bob and Michelle? I would be willing to believe that this incident really is behind them if the victims were interviewed and they themselves said it was not as bad as portrayed, and that they had forgiven their brother and moved on and healed from whatever trauma they endured. But the lack of any statement from any of Josh's sisters just emphasizes even more how controlled and smothered the girls in that family are. Where's their press release? Jana is 25 years old, and she can't make a statement, if this is really is all behind them and forgiven?


I just can't imagine what they're going to blather on about for an hour, if its only the two of them and there aren't going to be any hard questions.


These two will manage just fine. They could be the anchors on the Olympic blathering team - no kidding. On Jill's wedding special, they yammered away for two hours about how amazing it was that their little girl was all grown-up and they were giving her away, just yesterday she was a sweet, compliant baby, the house will never be the same again yadda yadda. It was incredible that they couldn't think of anything else to say.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

This interview will apparently only be Jim Bob and Michelle? I would be willing to believe that this incident really is behind them if the victims were interviewed and they themselves said it was not as bad as portrayed, and that they had forgiven their brother and moved on and healed from whatever trauma they endured. But the lack of any statement from any of Josh's sisters just emphasizes even more how controlled and smothered the girls in that family are. Where's their press release? Jana is 25 years old, and she can't make a statement, if this is really is all behind them and forgiven?


I just can't imagine what they're going to blather on about for an hour, if its only the two of them and there aren't going to be any hard questions.


Any of their girls giving a statement means admitting their girls were actually the one's that were violated. In their minds, as long as that doesn't happen, the survivors are faceless and it's easier to brush this off as just a terrible childhood mistake. Jana (or any survivor) coming out makes it even more real than it already is.

  • Love 3

This interview will apparently only be Jim Bob and Michelle? I would be willing to believe that this incident really is behind them if the victims were interviewed and they themselves said it was not as bad as portrayed, and that they had forgiven their brother and moved on and healed from whatever trauma they endured. But the lack of any statement from any of Josh's sisters just emphasizes even more how controlled and smothered the girls in that family are. Where's their press release? Jana is 25 years old, and she can't make a statement, if this is really is all behind them and forgiven?


I just can't imagine what they're going to blather on about for an hour, if its only the two of them and there aren't going to be any hard questions.

Interview content is being discussed on the Megyn Kelly thread. It's vomit-inducing, to say the least. 

So Megyn Kelly thinks we are interested in "their story"... they have been telling this story for a decade on their show. so, they will tell it again? and how this incident 12 years ago is a blip in their story that is now being exploited to demonize them? and how god brought this into their lives to teach them about forgiveness and how it has brought them closer to god and each other? oh, hells no, I am not interested in this story at all... :( 

  • Love 6

There are at least 3 threads this could go in; I'll just put it here!


This is an interview with the author (who researched, but is not from the Quiverfull culture) who has written "the first teen novel about a teenage girl living in a Quiverfull household." Interview by Cynthia Jeub (who is from that culture, and who's family was also on reality TV). The first two questions are about the Duggars and 19KAC:




And here is the book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Devoted-A-Novel-Jennifer-Mathieu/dp/1596439114?tag=vglnkc4707-20 

I have just begun to "Look Inside" -- I figured some other readers here would like to too!

  • Love 5

I usually don't check stuff like this but I looked at their Twitter feeds. They each only follow about 10-15 people, aside from Josh. I really don't think they care about anyone's opinion outside of their small world. Social media is about spreading their message, not about any kind of chance to actually engage.

Agreed. Or to grow and gain knowledge from others that have lived longer, fuller, and wiser lives. Either from people they admire from a distance or had a chance to encounter closer up. Not to mention following others whose interests and hobbies may inspire them. Or to keep abreast with the ideas and opinions with those they may oppose ideologies with.

  • Love 2

I can't even remember where it was first posted now so I hope this thread is an ok place to reply. A few days ago someone mentioned that a Duggar fan site had a list of a lot of advertisers (14 or 15 I think?) and contact info. It was ostensibly so Duggar fans could protest them no longer advertising, but I used it for the opposite purpose and contacted the companies to thank them and say I would most likely use their brand in future as a result of this decision.


As of today I've heard back from all of them that I emailed. Some were pretty vague in just saying thanks for the feedback, but most were more detailed. Two different companies thanked me for phrasing my message in a "helpful and constructive way" (I can only imagine they must be getting a lot of crap if they spent the time to include that note!).  For the ones that did get into more detail, they all said that basically they have already purchased their advertising block with TLC but will no longer be advertising on any Duggar related shows. One vaguely mentioned that the network's shows would be considered when it's time for them to buy their next block of advertising.  One, King's Hawaiian, said that their advertising block is used up for the year and they do not intend to renew, but if they do in future they will not be on any Duggar shows.


Nothing earth shattering, but I thought it was interesting and I'm surprised how many replies I got. The replies about the advertising blocks made me think it's probably kind of a done deal with the network and they'd be breaking a contract to pull all TLC advertising at this point. My guess is if it does hurt TLC when it comes to advertising $$, it won't be until the next round of negotiations.

  • Love 19

Thanks for reporting that, NikSac. I have been out of advertising longer than some of our younger members have been alive, but this does remind me that media buys occur way in advance of shows airing, there are contracts, etc., etc., and the contracts are not all alike. 


It also sounds like the PR depts. at these companies are taking this seriously, which is good to see.

  • Love 8

Hmmm....according to Variety, the advertisers/sponsors said they pulled the money, but really haven't. Probably just hoping to things to blow over while pretending to be socially conscious.


It's very possible that it's simply that the money was already committed and they cannot recoup what they've paid for far as per contract, but still..

You'd think these contracts would maybe have a clause in them.

  • Love 1

Hmmm....according to Variety, the advertisers/sponsors said they pulled the money, but really haven't. Probably just hoping to things to blow over while pretending to be socially conscious.


It's very possible that it's simply that the money was already committed and they cannot recoup what they've paid for far as per contract, but still..

You'd think these contracts would maybe have a clause in them.


They asked that their ads not run during the Duggarama.  


From what I understand about these contracts, they buy a package of advertising time to run across all of DC's channels (which is why you see really terrible ads at night, or the same ad on 5 stations at the same time).  So to pull it from all of the channels on account of one show would be very difficult both for the networks and for the advertisers.  It's easier to pull it from running during one show.  It's also incredibly self-serving for the advertisers, as they can appease the audience and are also not associating their brands with a known child molester.

  • Love 2

Hmmm....according to Variety, the advertisers/sponsors said they pulled the money, but really haven't. Probably just hoping to things to blow over while pretending to be socially conscious.


It's very possible that it's simply that the money was already committed and they cannot recoup what they've paid for far as per contract, but still..

You'd think these contracts would maybe have a clause in them.

I think its standard for networks and sponsors to have morality clauses.   I would be shocked if they didn't.     The cancelling of HBB the same day the story broke is the product of the morals clause.

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Ok, I've read the new report and it doesn't say that he repeated molested his five year old sister. It says there were separate incidents, for which no one did anything, but only one involved the five year old (which is obvious one too many.). But am I missing something?

No, you are right. I think the big deal is that the media (most of it) held back that there was incest involved, and now has decided to let that out.

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(Written by Billy Graham's grandson) "Tchividjian branded it a "tragic reminder to all of us about the necessity of immediately reporting sexual abuse to the proper authorities, regardless of the age of the offender or whether or not the crime occurred inside or outside of the home."

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 6

I can't even remember where it was first posted now so I hope this thread is an ok place to reply. A few days ago someone mentioned that a Duggar fan site had a list of a lot of advertisers (14 or 15 I think?) and contact info. It was ostensibly so Duggar fans could protest them no longer advertising, but I used it for the opposite purpose and contacted the companies to thank them and say I would most likely use their brand in future as a result of this decision.


As of today I've heard back from all of them that I emailed. Some were pretty vague in just saying thanks for the feedback, but most were more detailed. Two different companies thanked me for phrasing my message in a "helpful and constructive way" (I can only imagine they must be getting a lot of crap if they spent the time to include that note!).  For the ones that did get into more detail, they all said that basically they have already purchased their advertising block with TLC but will no longer be advertising on any Duggar related shows. One vaguely mentioned that the network's shows would be considered when it's time for them to buy their next block of advertising.  One, King's Hawaiian, said that their advertising block is used up for the year and they do not intend to renew, but if they do in future they will not be on any Duggar shows.


Nothing earth shattering, but I thought it was interesting and I'm surprised how many replies I got. The replies about the advertising blocks made me think it's probably kind of a done deal with the network and they'd be breaking a contract to pull all TLC advertising at this point. My guess is if it does hurt TLC when it comes to advertising $$, it won't be until the next round of negotiations.

Wow, NicSac, good work!! I saw that site you referred to about a week ago with all the advertisers listed and links to contact on the Duggar Family Blog. Here it is if anyone else wants to contact the advertisers:


And here's a few more:


  • Love 3

My my. Quite the preemptive strike against the Duggars' story, I'd say.

I feel so bad for 'the five year old victim' (we know, we know). If ma and pa hadn't been so set on running to Fox in an effort to defend themselves and their eldest son (boy child, probably infant by the time of the interview), Fox may not have focused on bad people at IN Touch releasing the document and IN Touch wouldn't have to counterstrike. The Victims are the ones losing as ma and pa and their innocent defrauded young boy try to save the money tree.

  • Love 9

I feel so bad for 'the five year old victim' (we know, we know). If ma and pa hadn't been so set on running to Fox in an effort to defend themselves and their eldest son (boy child, probably infant by the time of the interview), Fox may not have focused on bad people at IN Touch releasing the document and IN Touch wouldn't have to counterstrike. The Victims are the ones losing as ma and pa and their innocent defrauded young boy try to save the money tree.


Amen to that. The number of ways in which ma and pa have continued over the years to make things worse and worse for the girls just keeps mounting.

  • Love 5

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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