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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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It looks like something that could have looked fantastic but... didn't. Too crowded and smushed together and the shape of it doesn't make sense; why a big blocky, square wall? I've seen centerpieces like this on Pinterest, but they are usually better arranged (like bouquets, christmas trees or individually wrapped cake pops) and less sticky looking.

Edited by Vaysh
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I've made Oreo balls (they were called "truffles" in the recipe I used) and people freak out over them. Chocolate covered strawberries seem to be a really popular thing in Arkansas. I see them on party blogs by people in that area quite a bit. Are strawberries super cheap there for some reason?

Prices at Walmart Fayetteville superstore: Strawberries 20.4c per ounce, Oreos 18.3c per ounce. Considering what the Duggars had Sierra serve at Jill's wedding 11lqur4.jpg and at Jessa's wedding (apparently for the newlyweds only) 309r77q.jpg she knows what their tastes are. Strawberries were probably a little too ambitious for that party.
  • Love 2

Oreo balls.......how......delightful. Not.


Why is everything they eat so fat, salty, sweet and plain unhealthy?


They're lazy - and it takes more effort to prepare healthier meals from real, unprocessed ingredients. They're wealthy - they can afford to buy all the over-processed, easy-to-prepare heat-and-eat foods they shown eating now. They're uneducated - they know very little about what foods are healthy to begin with, and which should be limited. They claim they don't partake in "mainstream media" - they're not seeing what's out there regarding nutrition and health on a daily basis on TV, magazines, newspapers, the Web. And even if they did see it, Duggars don't trust it. They trust only what Gothard tells them to trust, like the sheep they are.

  • Love 7

All those Oreo balls were apparently on toothpicks.  If it were me, and there were several children around, I'd arrange them on something not needing toothpicks, like a big tray.  In all the excitement, I can just imagine one of those toothpicks being accidentally swallowed by a young child.

I've always used pretzel sticks to skewer anything eaten by children.  They're edible and are a bit less hazardous.  Though I'm sure kids have hurt themselves with pretzel sticks too.  ;-(

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3

All those Oreo balls were apparently on toothpicks.  If it were me, and there were several children around, I'd arrange them on something not needing toothpicks, like a big tray.  In all the excitement, I can just imagine one of those toothpicks being accidentally swallowed by a young child.


If they can't handle a toothpick yet.. Then go Darwin. I mean, seriously?

  • Love 5

Toothpicks & young children are not a good mix.

It's astonishing to me that this cult is all about the baybeeeees, but they can't manage to observe the most basic safety precautions when the kids are around.


And the wall o' chocolate-covered strawberries makes me sick to my stomach when I consider the amount of dirty hands that were touching them, let alone the fact food preparation precautions were most likely not observed when they were made as well. The Duggars probably think this is a plus. After all, their kids won't get sick when they've been desensitized to every known bug or germ up to and including the freaking bubonic plague.

  • Love 4

To be honest I would not have thought about toothpicks being a bad thing. I was born in the 70s when child safety was often "well, if they hurt themselves they'll learn not to do it again", and we were always being given toothpicks to spear bits of cheese/fruit/cocktail sausages etc. We were all convinced it made the food taste better.

  • Love 7

To be honest I would not have thought about toothpicks being a bad thing. I was born in the 70s when child safety was often "well, if they hurt themselves they'll learn not to do it again", and we were always being given toothpicks to spear bits of cheese/fruit/cocktail sausages etc. We were all convinced it made the food taste better.


It's not. We are in a time and place where all children must be coddled and... Well that's as far as I will go on that. Add the Duggar family doing it, then, it's all, Ohhh noes! Call cps! even though they won't do it themselves. It honestly is ridiculous. Children cannot handle toothpicks now? It really is a sad commentary. I am not at all referring to Josh or any of their hateful bullshit.. It's just some chocolate strawberries, attached with some toothpicks. I think they will be okay. Pick your battles... Toothpicks are not one.

  • Love 13

On a somewhat more shallow note, Sierra does not only have truly impressive post-partum boobage, she's got some fantastic bra mechanics going on as well; those girls are 90's Pamela Anderson-worthy. The Duggar women should take note (Jill, I'm looking at you, supportive bras are your friends).

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 3

I think the whole toothpick thing was about how impractical Sierra is rather than CPS needing to descend on the Duggars.  We've seen multiple instances on 19KC where the Duggars don't watch the children.  Seriously, Justin fed toddler-age Jordyn cold ramen or it might have been oatmeal.  It didn't hurt her, it was a sad commentary on how the littles fended for themselves. I could see Jordyn or Jenni giving a two year old a strawberry or oreo ball without thinking about the toothpick in there. It wouldn't be any of the kids' fault, it would be the parents not watching their under 10's with toddlers. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 7

Take it with a grain of salt. It's Reveal Day on Crazy Days and Nights.




August 5, 2015

This thankfully now a former reality star from a family of reality stars recently broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t have phone or webcam sex with him. The girlfriend said it was all he talked about and she was always feeling pressured.

Josiah Duggar

  • Love 3

Did Jill use tongs....or just bare hands? Eww. That's some classy wedding.


Ha ha - Do you think the Duggars would use anything as civilized & sanitary as tongs or put each treat in a cupcake liner to serve them? I agree, just plain Ewww. I love home made Rice Krispie treats but no way I would have eaten these. Remember the wedding was in June, so these had to be a melty sticky mess.

I wonder how many loose hairs were found in the strawberry & Oreo balls?

Cockadoodledon't - I totally agree with you about the toothpicks. No adult supervision with this group. There had to be a lot of little ones there - Spurgey, the 4 M's plus Sierra's brood & the Lost girls incl Jackson. That's a lot kids for Jana & Joy to watch.

  • Love 1

CPS mentioned!  Take a shot! Tooth picks.. I'm just not seeing it. It does seem people forget that children are not complete idiots.. They can handle a toothpick. If it were anyone but the Duggars.... This family.. I mean, they are butt holes. Completely.. But, tooth picks? Pick a worthy battle for once. If there were plastic forks, then it would be how wasteful they are. If it were metal knives and forks... EGADS! They could go and poke themselves in the middle of blanket training while bobbing and weaving getting molested or killing cats. Barefoot girls (that annoys me too) Josie licking a plate. The end is near. 

  • Love 4

Hey now.. let's not shun the oreo balls! Cause they are super delicious!!  And really easy to make. And for the super fancy they can be called Oreo truffles ;)

And if you live near a Trader Joes you can use their peppermint Jo Jos (Joe Joes?) instead to make a chocolate peppermint version which are extra super delicious.

I have quite a few friends that have to make them every year for Christmas celebrations or they will be disowned from their family.   I've made them a couple of times.



I think in the photo all the white "things" are the oreo balls. And yes... just think about all those toothpicks that were likely left laying around the house....

Take it with a grain of salt. It's Reveal Day on Crazy Days and Nights.




August 5, 2015

This thankfully now a former reality star from a family of reality stars recently broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t have phone or webcam sex with him. The girlfriend said it was all he talked about and she was always feeling pressured.

Josiah Duggar

I find this sort of hilarious. Improbable, but hilarious.

Fortunately my seat on the Bus to Hell is already reserved.

  • Love 2

Take it with a grain of salt. It's Reveal Day on Crazy Days and Nights.




August 5, 2015

This thankfully now a former reality star from a family of reality stars recently broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t have phone or webcam sex with him. The girlfriend said it was all he talked about and she was always feeling pressured.

Josiah Duggar

We all guess it was Josiah already. I really hope not, but who knows. Josh was his relationship adviser.

To be honest I would not have thought about toothpicks being a bad thing. I was born in the 70s when child safety was often "well, if they hurt themselves they'll learn not to do it again", and we were always being given toothpicks to spear bits of cheese/fruit/cocktail sausages etc. We were all convinced it made the food taste better.

I remember feeling grown-up and fancy when using toothpicks. I loved the ones with the flared streamers on the end and the ones shaped like swords. But we were usually sitting at a table and not running wild with a dozen or so feral kids under the age 10.

  • Love 5



This article was one of the "Promoted Stories" at the bottom of this very page for me, and though it's about Li'l Spurgeon, I'm putting it in the media thread because I think it showcases the very worst of the worst of the Duggars' fans and what the ridiculous, blind adoration has brought them to...


One of the comments is a woman asking for Jana or Jessa to "please help me with my baby" and actually gives out her HOME PHONE NUMBER. 


That's creepy enough to be bone-chilling. Some one please tell me there isn't some poor leghumper sitting in Bumfuck, Arkansas next to her phone actually waiting for a call from one of the Duggar girls to be her midwife ?!


I used to write letters to Starsky and Hutch asking them to come to my birthday parties when I was a kid, and I once received a signed photo back (which I still have !) but to post on the comments section of People asking for help like this ?  I just can't believe my eyes. Seriously - is this for real ?  


Please talk amongst yourselves ;)

  • Love 8



This article was one of the "Promoted Stories" at the bottom of this very page for me, and though it's about Li'l Spurgeon, I'm putting it in the media thread because I think it showcases the very worst of the worst of the Duggars' fans and what the ridiculous, blind adoration has brought them to...


One of the comments is a woman asking for Jana or Jessa to "please help me with my baby" and actually gives out her HOME PHONE NUMBER. 


That's creepy enough to be bone-chilling. Some one please tell me there isn't some poor leghumper sitting in Bumfuck, Arkansas next to her phone actually waiting for a call from one of the Duggar girls to be her midwife ?!


I used to write letters to Starsky and Hutch asking them to come to my birthday parties when I was a kid, and I once received a signed photo back (which I still have !) but to post on the comments section of People asking for help like this ?  I just can't believe my eyes. Seriously - is this for real ?  


Please talk amongst yourselves ;)

These fans are too much. After reading the comments about the game the Duggars were playing on New Year's Eve on another thread, I was thinking same thing. Is there really a family sitting around waiting for the Duggars to show up at their house for Family Game Night?

My favorite comment was on the Family Blog site. A lady wrote to Anna telling her she is glad Anna is sticking by Josh because lady is in same predicament. Her husband is in jail now for porno. It was found out when social services checked them out for adoption & removed kids that were already in their care. Her family doesn't think she should stay w/husband but she believes, as Anna, that God put them together for a purpose.

  • Love 2

These fans are too much. After reading the comments about the game the Duggars were playing on New Year's Eve on another thread, I was thinking same thing. Is there really a family sitting around waiting for the Duggars to show up at their house for Family Game Night?

My favorite comment was on the Family Blog site. A lady wrote to Anna telling her she is glad Anna is sticking by Josh because lady is in same predicament. Her husband is in jail now for porno. It was found out when social services checked them out for adoption & removed kids that were already in their care. Her family doesn't think she should stay w/husband but she believes, as Anna, that God put them together for a purpose.

That gives some insight into who is responding to their posts. Since adult porn is legal, that lady's husband was looking at non-adult porn, if he is in jail. And if the kids are still out of the home, she must have been negligent and/or abusive as well.

  • Love 10



This article was one of the "Promoted Stories" at the bottom of this very page for me, and though it's about Li'l Spurgeon, I'm putting it in the media thread because I think it showcases the very worst of the worst of the Duggars' fans and what the ridiculous, blind adoration has brought them to...


One of the comments is a woman asking for Jana or Jessa to "please help me with my baby" and actually gives out her HOME PHONE NUMBER. 


That's creepy enough to be bone-chilling. Some one please tell me there isn't some poor leghumper sitting in Bumfuck, Arkansas next to her phone actually waiting for a call from one of the Duggar girls to be her midwife ?!


I used to write letters to Starsky and Hutch asking them to come to my birthday parties when I was a kid, and I once received a signed photo back (which I still have !) but to post on the comments section of People asking for help like this ?  I just can't believe my eyes. Seriously - is this for real ?  


Please talk amongst yourselves ;)


There are also some interesting comments re Pickles.  Looks like it's easy to get banned there, as Pickles apparently has a narrow view of "what she said/meant."  I don't really understand Pickles, but the pics/discussions can be interesting. 

  • Love 4

And the wall o' chocolate-covered strawberries makes me sick to my stomach when I consider the amount of dirty hands that were touching them, let alone the fact food preparation precautions were most likely not observed when they were made as well. The Duggars probably think this is a plus. After all, their kids won't get sick when they've been desensitized to every known bug or germ up to and including the freaking bubonic plague.

That she called it a craft project told me all I needed to know about the nature of the food handling involved in its creation.

  • Love 4

There are also some interesting comments re Pickles. Looks like it's easy to get banned there, as Pickles apparently has a narrow view of "what she said/meant." I don't really understand Pickles, but the pics/discussions can be interesting.

I was banned for telling another poster that their classless, vulgar, horrible "joke" about Bruce/Caitlynn Jenner was disgusting.

The Pickles person is always arguing with posters over stupid shit.

  • Love 3

Once again, this is the Duggars Media and TLC thread. Take your complaints about other websites or fans asking a Duggar girl to help take care of their kids to another website. Posts going off topics in relations to discussing other websites or what other people post about the Duggars will be deleted or hidden from now on. Keep the talk about the Duggars and their part in the media world and TLC please. Thank you.




One of the comments is a woman asking for Jana or Jessa to "please help me with my baby" and actually gives out her HOME PHONE NUMBER. 


That's creepy enough to be bone-chilling. Some one please tell me there isn't some poor leghumper sitting in Bumfuck, Arkansas next to her phone actually waiting for a call from one of the Duggar girls to be her midwife ?!


Of course there is. She's sitting by the phone right now, because after all, the Duggars are a a godly, terribly misunderstood family and she wants to brag to her friends that she's "friends" with Jessa Blessa and Cinderjana. The TLC/People magazine PR effort has worked overtime and is sufficient to make those of low information believe they'd like to be friends with one or more Duggars.


This is what our country and our society has sunk to -- instead of asking an actual medical professional for help, she's asking a pair of women with a likely 8th grade education between them for help. After all, they're "stars", and this must confer all kinds of knowledge.


God help us all.

  • Love 18

Of course there is. She's sitting by the phone right now, because after all, the Duggars are a a godly, terribly misunderstood family and she wants to brag to her friends that she's "friends" with Jessa Blessa and Cinderjana. The TLC/People magazine PR effort has worked overtime and is sufficient to make those of low information believe they'd like to be friends with one or more Duggars.

This is what our country and our society has sunk to -- instead of asking an actual medical professional for help, she's asking a pair of women with a likely 8th grade education between them for help. After all, they're "stars", and this must confer all kinds of knowledge.

God help us all.

Could it possibly be snark, and a fake phone number?? It just sounds too nutty, even for a rabid fan. I didn't see the post in question, though, so am just speculating.

  • Love 2

Not sure if this has been addressed, but I have always been curious who is responsible for the scrubbing of the comments in social media that are either negative or not in line with the Duggar's philosophy.  I doubt that the girls do their own pages or any of the kids do the Facebook family blog account since I can't imagine Jim-Bob wanting them to get any outside opinions.   I also doubt they would actually pay someone to do this, so it is likely someone who has been volunteered.  This came up when a picture was posted then removed due to criticism.  Was wondering who made that call and did the work.

Jessa and Ben police their own pages. It's not as if they have jobs or anything... Jill and Derick don't seem to do much, if anything. Jana probably scrubs the Duggarfam SM pages and blog.

I was banned by Jessa during Kissgate within minutes of posting. Still don't remember what I said. Another one who polices and gets pissy is Lawson Bates.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

Amy needed a little bump of attention.


but, but, Jill and Jessa said everyone close to them knew!

According to Amy, the news about Josh cheating on Anna shattered the family. "I was completely shocked just like the rest of the world," she wrote in her blog update. "The only difference was I was being fitted for my wedding dress with tears running down my face and a glass of wine in my hand as the news broke. I wondered what the heck was going on? A million questions flooded my mind." Then, anger. "Rage came over me, sadness crept in, and reality sat in that the person I had known my entire life turned out to be a fraud, and a complete stranger," she shared. "I’ve always heard that there were people in this world that lived a double life, but I never thought that someone so close to home would be living a lie"

She won't say it, but fucktard fucked up her plans. That's why she cries (black mascara) tears.

  • Love 11

Amy needed a little bump of attention.




but, but, Jill and Jessa said everyone close to them knew!

Guess who's probably NOT getting invited to the Duggars' New Year's potluck and whatever passes for entertainment in their lives? Nice of Famy to basically call out her cousins on "everyone knew". Then again, she just confirmed what WE all knew -- they are LIARS. Didn't Famy also make a huge deal out of the fact she was changing her name as well? She might want to alert her source at US.


I'm also LMAO'ing over Famy sobbing in her wedding gown over Joshley Madison's adventures. My favorite part of that article: NO concern over Anna (the real victim in that story) and her children. None at all.


Does Famy actually know there's anyone else in the world besides herself?

  • Love 7

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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