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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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On 1/9/2017 at 6:43 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Found this just now:


Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar recently shared a Bible verse on their family Facebook page that raised a few eyebrows. Some of the Duggar family’s fans called the former 19 Kids and Counting stars hypocrites for quoting 1 Timothy 6:10, which says that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” The Duggars’ Facebook post included a photo of a young girl showing her love of money by hugging a big pile of coins.


Hypocrites much?

This quote really amuses me:

"The Duggars used to be frugal out of necessity. Long before they became reality show stars and could afford the tin mansion that they currently reside in, the Duggars lived in a cramped house with just one bathroom. Jim Bob credits a financial seminar he and Michelle attended at church for helping him figure out how to support his super-sized family, and he believes that God now controls his finances."

God, or TLC???

So God is a banker in addition to everything else?  Does He balance their checkbook, manage their budget and all the other financial stuff for them?  Huh.  Let's see what God does for them when the show takes a hike.  Oh, wait.  That will never happen because they are God's speshul snoflaks.  I guess God will negotiate the bankruptcy when the time comes.

On an off topic side note, I used to do construction lending for 20 years.  Churches were my least favorite project.  They would always go over budget and when you called the church reps to find out where the money was coming from, the answer was always the same.  We will pray on it and God will provide.  Do I need to say that almost never worked out?

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On 1/10/2017 at 3:29 PM, toodles said:

Let's see what God does for them when the show takes a hike.  


"God" did nothing for them when the show took a hike. One has to wonder when KJB dropped to his knees to beg TLC to at least feature the kids; KJB's bellied up to that trough now and one has to wonder how much he's pocketing from the checks that should rightly go to the kids appearing on TV. 

KJB and his child bride do not have the skills to make a living outside of reality TV and certainly cannot support an additional 10-15 new family members as well. I'm hoping some enterprising tabloid will manage to find out a) who signed the contracts and b) where the salaries are being paid and to whom. One also has to wonder how TLC continues to justify the production of this show when advertisers continue to flee and their promises to not feature KJB, J-Chelle and Joshley Madison seem to have fallen by the wayside.

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16 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

"God" did nothing for them when the show took a hike. One has to wonder when KJB dropped to his knees to beg TLC to at least feature the kids; KJB's bellied up to that trough now and one has to wonder how much he's pocketing from the checks that should rightly go to the kids appearing on TV. 

KJB and his child bride do not have the skills to make a living outside of reality TV and certainly cannot support an additional 10-15 new family members as well. I'm hoping some enterprising tabloid will manage to find out a) who signed the contracts and b) where the salaries are being paid and to whom. One also has to wonder how TLC continues to justify the production of this show when advertisers continue to flee and their promises to not feature KJB, J-Chelle and Joshley Madison seem to have fallen by the wayside.

I bet it is paid to Duggar Family Studio/ Production  I don't remember which name it's under

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11 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I hope it chaps JB's ass that Nancy, a woman, is the source of all his income. Well Nancy and Michelle (from giving birth)

I think you're giving him far too much credit for thinking....all the money comes from da Lawd because he is held in great favor for procreating so bountifully.....

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Every time that TLC tells Blob this is the last season he comes up wit a nother plot to keep the show going. Next. Season is all about Jinger the season after that will be Joy and the season after that will be Jana and her store. 

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1 hour ago, Rabbittron said:

Every time that TLC tells Blob this is the last season he comes up wit a nother plot to keep the show going. Next. Season is all about Jinger the season after that will be Joy and the season after that will be Jana and her store. 

Yep. Courting and marrying and breeding. Rinse and repeat. Season after season.

These people are boring as shit - AND yet I wouldn't be surprised if this show lasts for years to come, probably up to and including Josie's wedding.

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44 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Yep. Courting and marrying and breeding. Rinse and repeat. Season after season.

These people are boring as shit - AND yet I wouldn't be surprised if this show lasts for years to come, probably up to and including Josie's wedding.

I know, I can't believe so many people are interested in this. Most people date, marry, and breed. Who gives a fuck?

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So, should we start a pool as to when they will announce Joy's engagement? We know it will be a Monday, since that's when the show is now going to air. Will they announce this coming Monday, even though it's a holiday, or will they wait until February Sweeps to get the most impact? 

They often announce stuff at the beginning of the season as a hook for viewers, but it's not Sweeps yet, so I'm torn. In the meantime, leghumpers are in an uproar because they can't find the show on their guides. Check on Mondays; it's right there. Duh! 

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Nah, they spread their announcements out to keep people interested in the show. I shudder if Jill is carrying twins. We'll never hear the end of it once they announce that. Please let it be a singleton! 

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21 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I hope it chaps JB's ass that Nancy, a woman, is the source of all his income. Well Nancy and Michelle (from giving birth).

I'll bet he doesn't miss a chance to cut Nancy down, either. We've watched him run roughshod over J-Chelle for years now.  One has to wonder why Nancy continues to employ him and his family.

7 hours ago, Jeeves said:

These people are boring as shit - AND yet I wouldn't be surprised if this show lasts for years to come, probably up to and including Josie's wedding.


$20 says Josie licks the groom during the ceremony.

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3 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

$20 says she licks the cake.

As long as she waits until after she's married to lick the groom. Remember how Michelle lost her shit when Jessa and Ben held hands to say Grace?

Unless, she did that so she wouldn't give the proposal away by allowing it.

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Josie pictured with what looks like chocolate milk...she's lactose intolerant...let's keep feeding it to her anyway. Chocolate milk still has lactose, people. Hopefully, she grew out of it. Even Miracle Snowflakes don't get medically necessary special diets in Duggarville.

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Doesn't the lactose intolerance eventually naturally resolve itself with most micropremies, or am I misremembering information that I probably read on TWOP seven years ago? 

And let us not forget that Mechelle left the hospital while little Josie underwent that bowel perforation surgery to protest the sale of beer and wine at a local convenience store because it was close to the compound and could basically tempt her kids...totally selfish motives. 

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7 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I doubt they'd be feeding Josie all the milk products that they do if she was still lactose intolerant.  Even the Duggars wouldn't put up with the consequences.

The Duggars collectively don't put up with it, but Jana has to.

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3 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

If Jana takes one bite, she's off to yet another Weight Watchers meeting with J-Chelle.

Wtf is Michelle gonna say? If she gets fat she'll never get a man and be stuck at home forever?

Edited by JoanArc
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Just now, JoanArc said:

Wtf is Michelle gonna say? If she gets fat she'll ever get a man and be stuck at home forever?

Of course she is. Considering the fact we know she took Jana to WW as a teenager, it's not a stretch that she monitors Jana's weight and probably harangues her regularly re: "You're never going to find a husband if you don't _________!"

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3 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

Of course she is. Considering the fact we know she took Jana to WW as a teenager, it's not a stretch that she monitors Jana's weight and probably harangues her regularly re: "You're never going to find a husband if you don't _________!"

What's next? She'll have no money, clothes, or room of her own? No privacy? She'll have to be a slave? I get her life could get worse....but not that much worse.

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I don't know. If I was Jana I probably would jump at any opportunity to leave the house. Her days must be boringly long. Those kids are often running feral and Tabby is/was their teacher. What does Jana do all day long? Jill, Jessa and now Jinger are gone and Joy is probably talking with Austin multiply times a day. The menfolk over 18 are probably scrubbing toilets, mending fences and selling cars. 

While Jana probably did do the ordering, carried the food and served the family it was probably the most taxing thing she did all day.

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20 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Wtf is Michelle gonna say? If she gets fat she'll never get a man and be stuck at home forever?

You win the internet tonight.

Narcissists Michelle would most likely blame Jana's being single on something like that rather than take some responsibility for herself.

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2 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I can't imagine that Josie will be able to legally consent to marriage given her delays. Not that that seems to stop fundy weddings 

We really don't know to what extent she's delayed. We can only speculate, but I hope for her sake that she can overcome her delays and lead a normal and independent life. She's small and delicate as well as coddled and her ninnymuggins parents who don't believe in therapy or education may make things look worse than they are.

i really hope she's going to be ok.

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I just hope her parents are actually getting her the help she needs for whatever her issues are. They let Joy make it to adulthood dumb as a post and James into his teens barely able to compute 4th grade math. Excuse my cynicism when I say that I doubt Mere and Pere Duggar are truly attending to Josie as they should. 

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13 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

We really don't know to what extent she's delayed. We can only speculate, but I hope for her sake that she can overcome her delays and lead a normal and independent life. She's small and delicate as well as coddled and her ninnymuggins parents who don't believe in therapy or education may make things look worse than they are.

i really hope she's going to be ok.

I do, too, but unfortunately I don't see any way for her to overcome any delays, or to lead a normal and independent life while she is trapped in the TTH. The life she is living now IS her future.

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No snark because I don't snark on special needs..

Priscilla Keller seems a bit slow and she managed to get married...although it is it David but let's not analyze that one too much...Priscilla is married and seems to manage OK. 

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12 minutes ago, Marigold said:

No snark because I don't snark on special needs..

Priscilla Keller seems a bit slow and she managed to get married...although it is it David but let's not analyze that one too much...Priscilla is married and seems to manage OK. 

Not snarking on special needs, either, but seriously, I think it's preferable for women in the culture to be a little bit dim, so they don't challenge or question the authority of the men. Preferable to the insecure bullies who relish in being a 'headship'.

With this frame of mind, it's actually quite good that Joy - who seems both low IQ and dull as a doornail - was actually sold off to someone her own age, who she likes, instead of some perverted 40 year old prior sex offender. BTW - Prisc seems lower IQ, but at least has a personality. An odd personality, but she isn't dull.

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I don't think Prissy is delayed or mentally disabled; I think she is simply dim. She's sweet,shy, and soft spoken, and is much more pleasing as a person to me than most women of the ilk the Duggs and their extendeds associate with.

David clearly dominates because he's the more outgoing of the two. Prissy doesn't say much, and since she's been forcibly marinated in Gothard Koolaid, she's just not going to. I'm assuming since she married much later than Anna, she was just painfully shy.  When you add being sheltered to being shy and homeschooled Gothard style and super Fundy, it's not surprising she is always going to sound simple and dim.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I don't think Prissy is delayed or mentally disabled; I think she is simply dim. She's sweet,shy, and soft spoken, and is much more pleasing as a person to me than most women of the ilk the Duggs and their extendeds associate with.

David clearly dominates because he's the more outgoing of the two. Prissy doesn't say much, and since she's been forcibly marinated in Gothard Koolaid, she's just not going to. I'm assuming since she married much later than Anna, she was just painfully shy.  When you add being sheltered to being shy and homeschooled Gothard style and super Fundy, it's not surprising she is always going to sound simple and dim.

Anna was 20 when she got married in 2008. Priscilla is Anna's older sister. They got married, not sure, but maybe 2012. So Anna would 24 and Priscilla would be at least 25 when she got married, but other people may remember it better. 

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14 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Anna was 20 when she got married in 2008. Priscilla is Anna's older sister. They got married, not sure, but maybe 2012. So Anna would 24 and Priscilla would be at least 25 when she got married, but other people may remember it better. 

IIRC, I think Prissy was 25 when she wed.

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Priss was 24 or 25?  Hard to believe.  She never seemed like it.  I wonder what she did in the prison ministry run by her family.  Maybe she helped care for female prisoners babies if they allowed them in the joint with the moms.  Whatever,  But certainly she heard stories and got some experiences and heard about things that even we have not, as varied as we all are.  

I have a talent for knowing all about somebody I've just met in a small amount of time.  I really do.  But I don't run across the incarcerated, obviously.

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The sole thing I'll give TFDW credit for - they expose their kids to different things. They are sporty outdoorsy, eat strange food (fish n chips in this case) and aren't quite as insular it seems.

Batshit crazy of course, Priscilla is...........odd..........to say the least and I couldn't stand her high pitched voice and squints for a second, but she does seem to care for her children. David is another story - I still think he has some very very dark sides in him.

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17 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

With this frame of mind, it's actually quite good that Joy - who seems both low IQ and dull as a doornail - was actually sold off to someone her own age, who she likes, 

I totally agree. Joy is very pleasant but I don't think she brings much to the table. 

After Josh, Jim Bob is super duper aware of their image in the media.  

Jim Bob & Jessa (it was Jessa who introduced them?) made a good choice with Jeremy.  We think he is a bit kooky but overall?  He is way more average than some of the other guys that were mentioned above and are off topic.  ;)  Jeremy has a decent resume.

It worked because the Duggars have definitely rehabilitated their image substantially. 

So for Joy, Jim Bob followed his formula that worked.  Marry off a daughter to a "normal" guy and then have cameras follow their new life together. 

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Or Sweeps. I predict the Joy engagement announcement to come during Sweeps (so at least two weeks down the line), and if Jill is having twins, possibly a second People blurb. We'll likely get the "name" annoucement of Jessa's latest spawn during one of the commercial breaks either 2/6 or 2/13, depending on when she delivers. Joy's annoucement may come sooner (1/30) to spread the wealth. 

But ratings, people! We will get one People surprise, and the Very Special Name announcement teased. Lord knows it can't be worse than Spurgeon, but shit that made people talk. A lot! 

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8 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Or Sweeps. I predict the Joy engagement announcement to come during Sweeps (so at least two weeks down the line), and if Jill is having twins, possibly a second People blurb. We'll likely get the "name" annoucement of Jessa's latest spawn during one of the commercial breaks either 2/6 or 2/13, depending on when she delivers. Joy's annoucement may come sooner (1/30) to spread the wealth. 

But ratings, people! We will get one People surprise, and the Very Special Name announcement teased. Lord knows it can't be worse than Spurgeon, but shit that made people talk. A lot! 

I wonder if Jessa will domino during the Super Bowl. Darn that Super Bowl taking attention away from Princess Prickly Pear. (God bless the poster who christened her that).

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A Super Bowl baby is definitely within the realm of possibility. I guess they'll just have to miss church that day. LOL 

If that happens, we'll have to wait until 2/13 for the stupid name (a very special commercial announcement like they did with Spurge), which is the date I figured they'd announce Joy's engagement being all Valentiney and whatnot. There are only so many weeks in Sweeps, and Jessa's pregnancy is really mucking things up. What happens if it's arranged for People to shoot out Joy's engagement announcement on the 6th. They always do it first thing in the morning, and I think it's auto-generated, so they can't stop it if Jessa happens to go into labor overnight and has the baby later that day. 

I'm sure they have a muzzle on Jessica Seewald this time. I just happened to be crusing Instagram during a lull at work when Jessica's BLUE announcement was posted (and I shared it with you guys like a minute later). I wonder how long they can hide Jessa's delivery, other than the fact that it's great that it happens during Sweeps and will likely get a People mention as well? 

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