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S20.E10: The Women Tell All

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1) Lace, if she wants to love herself, and heal, should not go on BIP

2) Olivia still doesn't get it

3) The twins together are super annoying

4) Amanda was surprisingly gracious

5) Calia can't be the next bachelorette, right? She does not seem to be over the trauma of heartbreak.


Finally, the promos have sucked me in for next week. Glad the ladies seem to know that Ben might be in love with both.

  • Love 11

Amber, Jami and Shushanna they left practically in the beginning barely said a word to Ben but sure had a lot to say today.

Olivia may have said and done some questionable things but why didn't she also get an apology about what the girls said about her?

I didn't watch, was waiting for  your comments, but if that didn't happen I agree.  I don't like the things I saw Oliva do, but I thought a lot of the comments directed towards her and said about her behind her back were petty and childish.  No one deserves that, not ever and especially not as grown women. 

  • Love 3

Man, Jubilee really can't get over how different and complicated she is! It takes so long to get to know her! She has layers! There are many steps to understand her! People misunderstand her and take offense to the things she says! Why is Chris Harrison telling her she's a great person when she's actually an incredible asshole?

My thoughts exactly.  She's never going to be able to have a relationship with any human until she realizes that EVERYBODY is complex.  EVERYBODY has suffered.  She really lives in a bubble of ego.  I wonder if she finally got it that Ben just wasn't that into her? 


Can't believe how nasty she was to the biracial girls and how they let her get away with the fake apology. 


I think Olivia sort of redeemed herself.


Lace did not mention that she was dealing with her drinking problem like she did on "Bachelor Live".  She's going to be a disaster on BIP.

  • Love 7

Rookie move in the preview, Ben & JoJo going in the bathroom to get privacy.  Haven't they ever seen a movie where people go IN the bathroom because the acoustics are better? 


And yes, I still think he's  a douchenozzle for screwing both of them over, but grudgingly picking one to bestow his proposal on.  Nice guy, my ass.  And his lady better not ever take her eyes off of him for a minute.  He obviously likes shiny things and changes his mind quicker than a 4 year-old on a sugar high.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 9

Can't wait to watch it on ABC or read more comments.  I didn't like Amber or Jami when they were on, mostly because I don't care what  your background is, you don't come on national television to compete against other women with hair like that!!!!   


Sounds like some really stupid conversations were held tonight, and I knew the twins would be annoying.  


People either liked Jubilee or they didn't, and whatever was said tonight will only solidify whichever side you were on.  Every contestant is not going to be likeable an everyone is going to have their favorites. 


From  the episodes I saw I thought she was a lot more real than many..especially wearing the zit cream.  This show just has a way of making people seem like characters and it is hard to separate the real person from the edited footage.  


Amber is just a two time loser who is riding this train for as long as she can.  


I'm sure they cut out a lot of other good stuff just to highlight that black women can't get along...thus justifying why they have so few on here. Amber seemed too old for her behavior, and Jamie just came off as really young, as did many of the girls, especially the twins. 


Is Caila the Bachelorette?  Someone said they would announce that tonight. 

Edited by catrice2
  • Love 2

My thoughts exactly.  She's never going to be able to have a relationship with any human until she realizes that EVERYBODY is complex.  EVERYBODY has suffered.  She really lives in a bubble of ego.  I wonder if she finally got it that Ben just wasn't that into her? 


Can't believe how nasty she was to the biracial girls and how they let her get away with the fake apology. 




Jubilee was not rude to Jami or Amber. They were rude to her! There was a lot of skin color politics going on Amber and Jami were unwilling to admit it. It was gross to watch. It was clear that they were resentful that Jubilee made it further than they did.


And sorry I call BS on that. Everyone doesn't have the same struggles - being an orphan, being adopted by another race, is going to give you a very different experience than someone who hasn't faced those types of obstacles in life.

  • Love 23

My thoughts exactly.  She's never going to be able to have a relationship with any human until she realizes that EVERYBODY is complex.  EVERYBODY has suffered.  She really lives in a bubble of ego.  I wonder if she finally got it that Ben just wasn't that into her? 


Can't believe how nasty she was to the biracial girls and how they let her get away with the fake apology. 


I think Olivia sort of redeemed herself.


Lace did not mention that she was dealing with her drinking problem like she did on "Bachelor Live".  She's going to be a disaster on BIP.


How is being called biracial an insult or something to be offended by? Because that is literally what Amber/Jami were saying they were offended about (Jubilee referring to herself as the only fully black contestant). If both Amber and Jami consider themselves biracial (Jami at least does, because she clearly stated that she was black and white), then why would they care if Jubilee stated the *fact* that she is the only fully black contestant on the show? Also, Jubilee never came after Amber/Jami -- they came for her and got shut down. As far as I could tell, they were the aggressors.


There are also levels of complexity. All of the girls are supposed to share their "sob stories" and let's face it, JoJo getting dumped by Chad and Amanda's failed marriage in her early 20s are not exactly on the same level of trauma as losing your entire family, becoming an orphan, getting adopted and moving to another country, and being a war veteran. To pretend as if someone like Caila for instance (who I like very much, btw) who has clearly led a sheltered life, nice nuclear affluent family, has had the same level of adversity because she's moved a lot and couldn't find a way to love her airplane meet-cute boyfriend as Jubilee is just ridiculous.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
  • Love 23

So, my dvr had a hissy fit and lost the last 15 minutes of trying to record, because it needed to do a complete reset. (It cut off at the beginning of Becca saying how wonderful Ben is.)


Was it trying to save me, or was there something legitimately shocking to come out of Ben's mouth about the final two? They kept teasing something jaw-dropping, but I suspect that was probably the promo monkeys doing their thing.


Also... were the bloopers worth sitting through the entire show on abc.com later? (Or more likely, letting it run in the background until the last 15 minutes?)


So from what I gather, everyone attacked Olivia,but no one apologized for what they said about her. Amber and Jami said something to Jubilee and she was mean to them, either at the taping or in the house? 


I saw a clip a couple of days ago where Jubilee says something about being shocked about what she saw about her date an the Russian woman responding...don't know how that played out? 


Jubilee said something to Ben, Leah was called out  or called somebody out,and Lace is still crazy but pretending she is reformed and any progress she made will be undone on BIP? 


I'm sure that there was some racial issues going on in that house, that was clear from the episode I saw with Jubilee's date, and unfortunately it seemed more on the part of Amber.   I don't think it should be so, but in this country there has always been an issue with "part black, etc."  In that house, I am quite sure that Jubilee was feeling different because she was darker skinned. I have no interest in Amber or Jami's background, so I don't know what they may or may not have faced. It could be they all have a lot in common  and maybe they all assumed too much about each other. 


I also disagree..everyone is not "complex," and I don't mean that in an ugly way.  I have met some of the most "simple" people ever..who have had lives full of privilege and from their own admission have not faced a lot of adversity in their lives.  Some have not had privileged lives, but they are uncomplicated people.  I am hard to get to know and have an odd sense of humor. I know it is work to get to know me as a friend and as a romantic interest. I dont' want pity for it, it is just a fact.  My best friend, on the other hand is instantly likeable.  She always knows the right things to say and has lead a fairly stress free life.  So no, everyone is not complex and to admit that you are does not make you weak, pitiful, arrogant, etc.  Sometimes you have to acknowledge that you are different, but the best thing about that is that there are plenty of people out there that like different, complicated, complex, etc., but you just have to find the right one. 


Complex is the label the show gave Jubilee and unfortunately she has adopted it in her speak. She is no more complicated than Olivia or Caila or someone who worships chickens.  She just mistakenly let her insecurities show on national television. She could be the worst person in the world for all I know.  I don't think many of the women on this show came off looking great in the episodes that I saw. 

Edited by catrice2
  • Love 3

How is being called biracial an insult or something to be offended by? Because that is literally what Amber/Jami were saying they were offended about (Jubilee referring to herself as the only fully black contestant). If both Amber and Jami consider themselves biracial (Jami at least does, because she clearly stated that she was black and white), then why would they care if Jubilee stated the *fact* that she is the only fully black contestant on the show?

Because they may identify as black, or don't appreciate when they're categorized as different or not black enough. It's a lot more complicated than just stating "facts." A lot of mixed race people have a hard time fitting in with people - finding acceptance and a feeling of belonging. I've heard a lot of half-white/half-black people say that the black community can be especially tough on this issue. I'm sure the reasons are incredibly complex and probably go back centuries.

  • Love 22

Those blonde twins are immature little snots. I wouldn't bother trying to ingratiate myself with Ben or confronting him, he has moved on and it makes you look desperate or bitter. Why give him the satisfaction? They are so obviously setting Caila up to be The Bachelorette, Chris Harrison saying that she finally opened herself up and then was rejected plays right into their narrative.

Edited by Armchair Critic
  • Love 11

LavenderPenguin I agree with everything you've said about Jubilee. Seems like everyone either loves or hates her and we've all established our viewpoints back when the episodes aired but I think we did learn one new thing. For everyone who questioned Jubilee's service record she cleared that up pretty nicely. Way to go Sergeant and thanks for your service! 



  • Love 21

I still didn't see any tears when Caila cried in the limo.  Did she get the most attention to be the next Bachelorette?  Becca got that last minute moment to talk but was otherwise invisible tonight.


Lace got her redemption on Bachelor Live.  But I still don't think going on Bachelor in Paradise is the way to help herself.  


Olivia had too much eye makeup on.  I was distracted by it.

  • Love 8

Because they may identify as black, or don't appreciate when they're categorized as different or not black enough. It's a lot more complicated than just stating "facts." A lot of mixed race people have a hard time fitting in with people - finding acceptance and a feeling of belonging. I've heard a lot of half-white/half-black people say that the black community can be especially tough on this issue. I'm sure the reasons are incredibly complex and probably go back centuries.


Yes, but how is Jubilee supposed to know that referring to them, accurately, as biracial (or multiracial) would be offensive? Also, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not true or it's not real. Jubilee was referring to a real diversity issue within the show's history (something that HAS been discussed and is very much reality) and biracial women representing Black women is a problem, because the world does not perceive or treat them the same as a whole (e.g. biracial women tend to fit more easily into eurocentric beauty standards and so when it comes to TV exposure, they tend to receive greater attention). It's a complicated discussion, for sure, but it would be the same if Caila were to claim to be hurt that someone doesn't consider her fully Asian. It's ridiculous and if that is a sore point for either Amber or Jami, then that is something they need resolve within themselves, and it's not on Jubilee (or anyone else) to ignore the elephant in the room (that they are, in fact, biracial and not 'just' black). 

Edited by lavenderpenguin
  • Love 15

Hell All :) I've been trolling here for a while and finally joined. It's been great reading your posts all season :)

I wanted to add my thoughts on Caila. I agree with LakeGal. When I saw the clip again tonight, her tears did not seem very genuine in the car. She also didn't cry or get very emotional when they played back her summary reel tonight when she was in the hot seat (while all the other girls did). I find her her very robotic and disconnected. It's for that reason I would hate for her to be the next bachette. She really needs to do some self discovery and self work before she's anywhere close to being married.

I gave her all season to grow on me but it never happened. If she's the bachette I'm afraid I won't be watching.

  • Love 4

So from what I gather, everyone attacked Olivia,but no one apologized for what they said about her. Amber and Jami said something to Jubilee and she was mean to them, either at the taping or in the house? 


I saw a clip a couple of days ago where Jubilee says something about being shocked about what she saw about her date an the Russian woman responding...don't know how that played out? 


Jubilee said something to Ben, Leah was called out  or called somebody out,and Lace is still crazy but pretending she is reformed and any progress she made will be undone on BIP? 


I'm sure that there was some racial issues going on in that house, that was clear from the episode I saw with Jubilee's date, and unfortunately it seemed more on the part of Amber.   I don't think it should be so, but in this country there has always been an issue with "part black, etc."  In that house, I am quite sure that Jubilee was feeling different because she was darker skinned. I have no interest in Amber or Jami's background, so I don't know what they may or may not have faced. It could be they all have a lot in common  and maybe they all assumed too much about each other. 


I also disagree..everyone is not "complex," and I don't mean that in an ugly way.  I have met some of the most "simple" people ever..who have had lives full of privilege and from their own admission have not faced a lot of adversity in their lives.  Some have not had privileged lives, but they are uncomplicated people.  I am hard to get to know and have an odd sense of humor. I know it is work to get to know me as a friend and as a romantic interest. I dont' want pity for it, it is just a fact.  My best friend, on the other hand is instantly likeable.  She always knows the right things to say and has lead a fairly stress free life.  So no, everyone is not complex and to admit that you are does not make you weak, pitiful, arrogant, etc.  Sometimes you have to acknowledge that you are different, but the best thing about that is that there are plenty of people out there that like different, complicated, complex, etc., but you just have to find the right one. 


Complex is the label the show gave Jubilee and unfortunately she has adopted it in her speak. She is no more complicated than Olivia or Caila or someone who worships chickens.  She just mistakenly let her insecurities show on national television. She could be the worst person in the world for all I know.  I don't think many of the women on this show came off looking great in the episodes that I saw. 



Because they may identify as black, or don't appreciate when they're categorized as different or not black enough. It's a lot more complicated than just stating "facts." A lot of mixed race people have a hard time fitting in with people - finding acceptance and a feeling of belonging. I've heard a lot of half-white/half-black people say that the black community can be especially tough on this issue. I'm sure the reasons are incredibly complex and probably go back centuries.

Without knowing the entire context of what was stated, I agree with this.  Jubilee may have been reacting to feeling like the "darker skinned," black person and not realized that whatever comments she was making was playing into their possible insecurities based upon what you stated above.  I also speculate that the other girls in  the house treated them differently and Jubilee may have attributed that to the fact that she was "darker skinned," or more "fully black," when it was really probably just because they felt more threatened by her than they did Amber and Jami.  


I have personally observed situations where Caucasian people are more comfortable with mixed race people than people they perceive as "black," but I would say that I have also observed that with people who are part Caucasian  and part Hispanic


Whatever it was about, I don't think it needed to be discussed  at this taping. 





This is kind of painful for me because a really good friend of mine once asked me when I was trying to get pregnant how I would view my kids. She even quesitoned if I really wanted to have them because she felt that all "mixed kids have identity issues."  

  • Love 5

It's ridiculous and if that is a sore point for either Amber or Jami, then that is something they need resolve within themselves, and it's not on Jubilee (or anyone else) to ignore the elephant in the room (that they are, in fact, biracial and not 'just' black).

Maybe they are, in fact, resolved, or comfortable with their identity, or proud of their black heritage, but it was Jubilee who made them feel different or insecure since they're not "fully black," like her. According to what was said tonight, Jubilee talked with pride about being the first black woman to go really far into the contest (or hoping or expecting to he), and maybe that offended Jami and Amber because they were still in it, and they, too, could get that designation. Except they couldn't, because they're not fully black, according to Jubilee.

  • Love 12

When you are fully resolved and comfortable with yourself, nothing anyone else can say can make you feel different or insecure...and I say that for all three of them, Amber, Jami and Jubilee.  Everyone has some insecurities..about their looks, etc. 


No, according to a poster previously according to Jami, she is not fully black, and I'm sure according to their birth certificates and family tree.  It is so much more than what can be explained in a show like the Bachelor. What affected Jubilee, Amber and Jami is the ugly history of this country where people are treated differently based upon the color of their skin, and I don't just mean being black, but how black you are.  We are a country that has used the "paper bag" test, had people pass for white and deny their heritage. The Bachelor is notorious for casting "black" women who are mixed race and in their opinion will not be as "offensive" or more acceptable  either to the audience or to the Bachelor himself. 


Besides, it was clear that Ben had no interest in Jami, nor Amber (as Chris before him) so they were going no where. I suspect that is what bothered them more than anything else. What was not clear to me in these post is whether or not they tried to talk to her about it, and I said talk, not confront, prior to the show? 


So I take it that those who are so offended by what she said to Jami and Amber and also just as offended by the comments about Olivia behind her back, and the comments the girls made about Jubilee's date? 

Edited by catrice2
  • Love 5

Maybe they are, in fact, resolved, or comfortable with their identity, or proud of their black heritage, but it was Jubilee who made them feel different or insecure since they're not "fully black," like her. According to what was said tonight, Jubilee talked with pride about being the first black woman to go really far into the contest (or hoping or expecting to he), and maybe that offended Jami and Amber because they were still in it, and they, too, could get that designation. Except they couldn't, because they're not fully black, according to Jubilee.


Jami and Amber can be proud of their Black heritage, while still accepting that they aren't, in fact, "fully" Black. They can absolutely consider themselves Black and take pride in that, without pretending as if their experiences are at all the same as a woman without mixed heritage. The underlying argument that they should be considered just as "Black" as Jubilee was actually far more offensive than anything Jubilee allegedly said, because they, of all people, should understand the dynamics of colorism and how their mixed heritage lends them certain privileges that someone like Jubilee will never have access to. And again, let's not pretend as if Jubilee is unilaterally declaring them not "fully black" when Jami, herself, openly acknowledged that she is not fully black tonight. 

  • Love 11

Wow, those previews for tonight's show really faked me out.  I was convinced there were going to be some fireworks when Ben came out, but it was instead a complete love-fest with "the ladies".  "Oh Ben, you were the greatest Bachelor evah!  We were so lucky to be dumped on national television by such a great guy! xoxoxoxoxo"


I sure don't buy the idea that "bullying" was going on in the Bachelor house.  It sounds more like sorority rush drama.  The Mean Girls were choosing who wasn't part of "the in-crowd" and picking on them.  Heavens to Betsy!!!!  That's never happened (in every high school and every college in every city in the world) before!


Well, at least the accommodations were nicer than a college dorm.

  • Love 5

I'm so over Ben and his fake personality. First week away from this show and I'm happy over watching The Voice! So glad I don't miss it at all.


However, I knew I'd never be able to give up y'alls comments. Seems I didn't miss much. A little surprised that thte twins came across so bad, not surprised that Juilee is still polarizing for viewers as well as contestants (I liked her before and sounds like I probably still would). The racial stuff sounds unfortunate.


As for Caila she's got as much personality to me as Becca, which is to say, next to none at least on television. She's not confident enough or charismatic enough to be the lead, imo, so I hope they'll choose the "loser" of F2 (imo, the "winner" to not get stuck with Ben). Lauren or Jojo both seem like they have lots more confidence, fun and personality for the lead. (Plus JoJo's got a great wardrobe.)  Caila's very pretty but so,so boring.


The only one I'm sorry I didn't see was Lauren H. I really liked her on the show and it sounds like she acquitted herself like an admirable adult in WTA. (Sorry for Oliv ia that she apparently didn't say the magic words--whatever they might be--to redeem herself. Maybe on BiP. I'm still rooting for her.)

  • Love 2

My goodness. I'm so glad to see my girl Jubilee back. First of all, I'm pretty sure that Amber and Jami were heavily encouraged to shit talk her for more face time. There's a significant chunk of the viewing public who didn't even know they weren't the same person. I think some things about the glaringly obvious issue with colorism going on, but that's not stuff you say in front of mixed company (wrong use of the phrase, no pun intended).


Second, I've had a real problem with the show this year. When asked if he liked the idea of a black Bachelor on a podcast, Harrison said something like I'd rather have the show succeed than have a black Bachelor. As if the two were mutually exclusive. That, coupled with the way they continually come at Jubilee for making them look bad while maybe hoping to keep the door open for her for Bachelorette if people really want it angers me. Harrison talking to Jubes like he and Ben were bros and Ben called him late every night crying about his feelings for her was so transparent. She is my hero. She glowed tonight, owned her part, but wouldn't let anyone assign something to her just to assuage their own guilt. When she came for Ben, asking why he couldn't just say that he wasn't that into her, instead of making it seem like it was her fault for not opening up, when Ben clearly made the effort for other people, it was brilliant. And true. She's a smart woman and he should have seen this coming. Yet, he still tried to side step answering her. I'm not trying to take his humanity away -- God knows I'd be uncomfortable in a situation like this -- but every time he interacts with her, he takes a step backward in my eyes.

  • Love 14

Yes, my friend called and from what I gather Ben did apologize to some degree. I think it was his People blog I was most upset about. I did not see the episode, but he did make it sound in his blog that she was just too difficult and that he had gone above and BEYOND to try to get through to her.  If she pointed out that he did not give her the same effort and it was just as easy to say, "I wasn't that in to her," then kudos to her,because that is all that needed to happen.  His "blogs" always trying to justify his contradictory behavior is what made me start to doubt his sincerity.  Once I found out the backstory on Ben and the previous season he was on, I realized that regardless of what he says, Ben is here for the adoration, like so many before him. He totally bought into that "better than other Bachelors," etc. and went out of his way to make the women look like they were lacking or had done something wrong in his blogs.  


I hope this brings closure to her and any other woman that needed it. I hope Jami and Amber are able to get over whatever issues they had and that everyone can accept that Olivia is not the devil and move on. It is a reality tv show. 

  • Love 4

Jami and Amber can be proud of their Black heritage, while still accepting that they aren't, in fact, "fully" Black. They can absolutely consider themselves Black and take pride in that, without pretending as if their experiences are at all the same as a woman without mixed heritage. The underlying argument that they should be considered just as "Black" as Jubilee was actually far more offensive than anything Jubilee allegedly said, because they, of all people, should understand the dynamics of colorism and how their mixed heritage lends them certain privileges that someone like Jubilee will never have access to. And again, let's not pretend as if Jubilee is unilaterally declaring them not "fully black" when Jami, herself, openly acknowledged that she is not fully black tonight.

People of mixed races or lighter skin might have societal privileges, but they also have hurdles of acceptance and belonging that black people don't experience. Plus, everybody's story is different, so I don't think it's fair to generalize. If Amber and Jami were offended by Jubilee's "fully black" comment, then that's their right, and I'm glad Jubilee apologized, although who knows how sincere the whole exchange was. I just hope that as black women, they could talk more thoroughly and candidly about it afterwards, cuz it's a much deeper issue than a WTA recap special can allow. And The Bachelor doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to race issues.

  • Love 10

The only good thing I can say about Bad Juju is that she is canny enough to know when to retreat and play the military card and orphan card when revealed as a liar or when her passive-aggression goes too far. 

It was hilarious how Chris didn't want the tattoo guy to touch Lace "Keep your distance. Don't actually touch her! We need better security"


It was the least he could do since he discouraged that stalker (or actor paid to play stalker) not at all. That tatt was not permanent, right?

  • Love 8

"You're on the Mount Rushmore, buddy."  No.


Caila looked different.  Not bad, but I can't put my finger on it.  Was her face just a bit fuller?  It seemed they were setting her up to be the Bachelorette, with the whole "I just want someone to look at me that way" routine.  Again, no.


If that Lace tattoo was real, he should not have been let through the door.


I realize WTA is always going to be full of girls who were there for two days and think we care what their opinion was on events they were not present for, but we're not.  Take a seat, Jami.  


Becca saying "Chris" instead of "Ben" was the highlight of the evening.

Edited by Ivana Tinkle
  • Love 5

Those twins, man. They are so obnoxious and self-involved, they'd drive the twin fantasy straight out of the mind of any man who encountered them. I had a lot more sympathy for Olivia tonight, even though I still think she's a PITA.

Can't decide if the best part was Becca calling Ben "Chris" or the chicken flapping around amidst the bachelorettes. Oh, Chicken Lady, you left too soon.

  • Love 7

So, my dvr had a hissy fit and lost the last 15 minutes of trying to record, because it needed to do a complete reset. (It cut off at the beginning of Becca saying how wonderful Ben is.)


Was it trying to save me, or was there something legitimately shocking to come out of Ben's mouth about the final two? They kept teasing something jaw-dropping, but I suspect that was probably the promo monkeys doing their thing.


Also... were the bloopers worth sitting through the entire show on abc.com later? (Or more likely, letting it run in the background until the last 15 minutes?)

Bloopers were worth it but you can click through to the end on abc.com and not have to re-watch the whole thing... 

  • Love 1

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