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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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*Yawn*. Molly just does nothing for me. I know it's been a week and half since Julia but I can't help but compare the contestants to her and they just don't have her charm.


Plus, Molly has only gotten 1 out 4 right in FJ -- that doesn't bode well for when she gets any actual competition (Alex brought that up before the game when she was only 1 out of 3).  Not really impressive.

I thought FJ was a gimme.  I answered it before Alex finished saying the clue.  I was shocked no one got it.


That Jason guy made me nervous, too.


Molly's okay.  I think it would be hard to have that nice calm pleasant demeanor that Julia had.  I'd more than likely be so nervous I'd make all kinds of annoying faces and come off like a total douche.  ;-)


So Tigarshark, how are we going to know you?  I'm waiting for your show!


I got way, way too excited when I saw that Africa category.  It's one of those completely random categories that I knew I would do really well on, and I was right- I knew all of them.  This is another episode where there were some strange TS's.  I can't believe no one knew Florence was in Tuscany.  Or that Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.  


I have not been impressed by Molly at all.  She has gone up against some really weak opponents- today's show was a perfect example.  The last couple of shows have had a ton of TSs and most have not been that hard.


So Tigarshark, how are we going to know you?  I'm waiting for your show!

It's June 24th.  My name is Jennifer.



I know a lot of people think Alex is condescending but that's part of his charm imo.


I soooo want to say something in response to this, but it will have to wait until after my show airs.

Edited by Tigershark
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I sort of missed the point of the first question in the British food category -  When you order chips with fish what side dish do you get?  I answered cole slaw.  DH thought that was hilarious.


I did not get FJ - thought it was either Einstein or Hawking but Carl Sagan should certainly have at least occurred to me.


I am looking forward to seeing you on the show, Tigershark and theajw.

When Alex was on the Nerdist podcast (and if anyone has the chance to listen, I highly recommend it.  It's a wonderful interview with him - he was very charming), he said that the reason he says both pronunciations of words when someone answers is that for awhile, people would come up to him and try and "prove" he wasn't as smart as the contestants, and would tell him "you're pronouncing the words wrong.  It's not pronounced xxx, it's yyy".  So he said that he says both to show that he recognizes there are multiple ways to say something.


Now, that doesn't explain the need to correct the person after the fact, as in the Sphinx example above.  But it does answer a little bit of his idiosyncrasies, especially if a lot of people come and try and "stump" him. 

I got way, way too excited when I saw that Africa category.  It's one of those completely random categories that I knew I would do really well on, and I was right- I knew all of them.  This is another episode where there were some strange TS's.  I can't believe no one knew Florence was in Tuscany.  Or that Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.  



I think Molly got Ethiopia after someone else answered incorrectly.


I ran that category, too. I'm not great on all geography, but I have studied state and national capitols, since they seem to come up a lot.


I don't have an opinion on Molly either. She doesn't bug me, nor does she excite me. She does, however, have a really low total for a four-game winner. I assume her average winnings are well below average for their champs this year. There are a lot of gaps in her knowledge base, which is why so many low-valued clues have gone unanswered. Both Julia and Arthur would wipe the floor with her if she makes it to the TOC. Of all of the multiple-day camps this year, Julia remains my favorite. I'm looking forward to seeing a good TOC.

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I, too, thought FJ was a gimme. I guess Carl Sagan is just not in the pop culture universe anymore. :( Or as Alex would say, he was before their time.


I'm still in awe of the picture of the Siamese cat. Why not just put up the pic? There was no need for a worded clue at all.


Yeah, anyone who couldn't identify this cat by its photo just doesn't know cats at all. However, what bugged me a bit was the "Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera" part in the clue. For those unfamiliar with it, that's what Yul Brenner says in The King and I (set in Siam).


Does it bother anyone else when Alex does that thing where he corrects a contestant when they get an answer wrong? Such as last night's episode "Sphinx NOT Manx".


This always bothers me. He did this sort of thing more than once this past game, but of course now I can't remember them.


I am looking forward to seeing you on the show, Tigershark and theajw.


Me too! Hope you do/did well.

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However, what bugged me a bit was the "Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera" part in the clue. For those unfamiliar with it, that's what Yul Brenner says in The King and I (set in Siam).

At least they didn't quote the Siamese cats' song from Lady and the Tramp.


ETA:  re the inverted stamp question, would Curtiss biplane have been good enough, or did it have to be Jenny?  I knew it was a Curtiss airplane (just like I almost knew the Curtiss FJ from the other day) but I didn't know the particular name.

Edited by Trey

Ooooh, I can't wait to hear the behind the scenes dirt from your shows!

Molly is nice enough, but bland. There's nothing about her that makes me dislike her, but I don't find her particularly endearing either. To be frank, I'm surprised she's still going.

I think giving the correct answer might be for the benefit of the viewing audience. However, I agree Alex could make corrections without that ever-present air of superiority.


I figured Carl Sagan was a gimme too, especially with the current Cosmos remake being around. 


Last night's show was pre-empted in our market in order to air a gubernatorial debate (yeah...it's started already), so I'm not sure exactly what the question was.  However, I just automatically shout out "Carl Sagan" whenever a question in that genre appears - sooner or later, it's going to be correct!


We'll miss next Tuesday's show also because the Republican candidates will get their turn.  BAH...

Just in case Tuesday's FJ is in the scientific realm, let me say:  "Carl Sagan"!

Edited by Tunia
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I like it.  I know a lot of people think Alex is condescending but that's part of his charm imo.

Me too! Or... I don't know if I'd use the word "charm". I find it both funny and refreshing that he's not all that likable and kind of awkward. It's part of what sets Jeopardy apart.


I sort of missed the point of the first question in the British food category -  When you order chips with fish what side dish do you get?  I answered cole slaw.  DH thought that was hilarious.

Haha, I did the same thing and then felt stupid for a second. Glad it wasn't just me. When they come with fish, they are called "chips" everywhere, right?

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Yep, "fish and chips" is a pretty standard menu item in North America too.

Exactly! It's probably on the menu of more than half the restaurants in my city. So I was trying to think if there was a British-ism for coleslaw or ketchup or vinegar. I was glad I was watching alone so I didn't embarrass myself. Then came here and admitted it publicly, oops!

Molly's run ends -- 4 wins in 5 games, and she was 1 for 5 in FJs.

I was also surprised by the number of TS tonight.


How did all 3 contestants not know that Australia is the only continent that is one country -- no one even got Canberra correct ?


I thought that Phonetic Nato category was awful. The contestants seemed confused over whether they were supposed to just give the letter or the phonetic equivalent. The wording of the clues was very awkward.


Alex needed to give an example for that category or something. It was almost like they were all hesitant to answer.

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I thought that Phonetic Nato category was awful. The contestants seemed confused over whether they were supposed to just give the letter or the phonetic equivalent. The wording of the clues was very awkward.


Oh good. It wasn't just me. I was pretty tired when I watched, and I felt very lost during this category.


How did all 3 contestants not know that Australia is the only continent that is one country -- no one even got Canberra correct ?


The clue said that one of the nations covers a continent, which I suppose could be read to mean that it stretches all over the continent, like Russia, not that it IS the continent. Having said that, I was thinking Australia, but couldn't come up with the other country. Then when Molly's answer was revealed, I realized I thought they were asking for the country, not capital, and I was second-guessing that Australia was the country. Anyway, I didn't get it. 


I didn't understand one of the clues in the "ton" category. The clue was something like "I hope you're on the right track for this city," with the answer being Dayton. What was the clue referring to?


Oh, and I thought it was weird when someone gave the answer of "retort," that Alex said, "Yes, RE-tort." Maybe he didn't mean to do it, but I've never heard the first syllable stressed.

I got so stuck on Moscow, I didn't even get to Australia and Canberra.

I thought that Phonetic Nato category was awful. The contestants seemed confused over whether they were supposed to just give the letter or the phonetic equivalent. The wording of the clues was very awkward.

I got Canberra but knew Moscow couldn't be right because of the spelling and was stumped. As for phonetic NATO, I missed the reading of the  categories and didn't understand the clues and questions one bit.

I didn't understand one of the clues in the "ton" category. The clue was something like "I hope you're on the right track for this city," with the answer being Dayton. What was the clue referring to?


I missed this episode, but perhaps the answer was Daytona, rather than Dayton.  That would make sense, because of the Daytona International Speedway race track, home of a bunch of NASCAR races.

I missed this episode, but perhaps the answer was Daytona, rather than Dayton.  That would make sense, because of the Daytona International Speedway race track, home of a bunch of NASCAR races.


Even more confusing was the accompanying picture of the state of Ohio, and I only figured it out because the big dot designating it's location -- because the clue didn't make a whole lot of sense.

Tigershark and theajw, I'll be watching and cheering you on!  Can't wait to hear the "poop".


Lots of TS tonight.  I really liked the contestant, Sari (sp?).  I like the new champ, too.  He seems pretty sharp.


I didn't understand the NATO category either.  What do the Foxtrot and the Tango have to do with NATO?


I got Australia and Turkey for FJ, but I couldn't remember their capitols to save my life.

I think the Dayton clue was supposed to be Wright track, as in Wright brothers.  It probably would have helped the contestants more if they would have show the clue written out instead of giving them a map.  I got that because at my audition, in the mock game I got asked a question about what city the Wright Brothers were from, and I was the only one in the mock game who knew it.


I was jumping up and down with the Winston-Salem DD because I used to live there.


Instaget for me on FJ- I love countries and capitals.

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I got Australia and Turkey for FJ, but I couldn't remember their capitols to save my life.

I also got Australia and Turkey right away and knew the capital of Australia is Canberra but I was so convinced Istanbul (not Constantinople) is the capital of Turkey that I would not have got to Ankara. 


Despite all the TS's, all the contestants had pretty decent scores going into FJ.  I liked all three and would have been happy with any one of them winning.


Agreed, that NATO category was difficult - I didn't know what they were talking about, but after seeing the first four clues I was able to pull out Zulu for the last clue.

I think the Dayton clue was supposed to be Wright track, as in Wright brothers.  It probably would have helped the contestants more if they would have show the clue written out instead of giving them a map.


Ah. Thanks. The "Wright" track. That makes sense.


As far as the NATO category goes, looking back at it, it's really not that confusing. The NATO Phonetic Alphabet is where words are used in place of letters for clarity, like you hear radio operators and so forth use, like "Charlie Bravo Foxtrot." If you know that then the clues are very easy. For myself, I didn't know or had forgotten that this was called the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.


The NATO alphabet from Wikipedia:

The NATO phonetic alphabet, more accurately known as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet and also called the ICAO phonetic or ICAO spelling alphabet, as well as the ITU phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used spelling alphabet.


The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.


If you watched Dollhouse, all the "dolls" were named after the letters of the alphabet: Echo, Sierra, Whiskey, Victor.


I ran that category and thought it was pretty easy, but maybe that's because I'm from a military family.


I also got Australia and Turkey right away and knew the capital of Australia is Canberra but I was so convinced Istanbul (not Constantinople) is the capital of Turkey that I would not have got to Ankara.

That was my problem, too. I couldn't get my brain past Istanbul.

Edited by Gilmel

I agree the phonetic alphabet category was confusing, but you needed to give the letter - either just the regular letter, or the phonetic alphabet equivalent. That's why "O" was accepted, and "Zulu" was too. You could have said either "O" or "Oscar," "Z" or "Zulu."


I got the final after a very short think about it. I guess Russia could have confused matters, but I immediately thought of the correct countries, and then it was just a matter of remembering the capitals. It was nice that the shared last letters made for an easy double-check of the answer.

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