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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Thank you for making it easier for her to leave it behind, Barbara probably meant.


Wow, good news about the firings. I'm not as satisfied as Elizabeth's surprise, overdue exit, but it'll be nice to see a Sherri-free View again. I just hope they'll finally take this opportunity to fix the show, not just cover it in scotchtape by hiring someone who makes sparks because of inane comments or pretentious behavior.

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BW continued her "Year of the Coverup" by kissing up to both Sherri and Jenny. I am not sure WHEN they found out (depending on what reports you read/believe... but I sorta buy the " late Thursday afternoon meeting" theory. Babs clearly knew about this (if not, then she isn't much of an executive producer , although she STILL is not much of one). Her phoniness and mendacity know no bounds

I watched most of the show today and oh boy it was hilarious.  First, Whoopi, self appointed child raising expert,  told Rancic the studies he's read are bullshit - he should listen to her when it comes to raising successful children.   Because her own daughter not only had a baby at 14/15  but at age 40 she (and her subsequent kids) are still on Whoopi's payroll. I kind of felt bad for Bill,  he thought he was on a talk show dealing with professional talk show hosts.  The general suckage of the co-hosts made Bill look really good though. 


But of course, the best part was Bab's triumphant return just hours after the blood bath at The Spew.  100% Babs knew what was coming down the pike - she probably didn't know it was going to be the day before her taped show aired though.  Ha! 


I loved how these morons "interviewed" Babs the exact way they interview everyone else - by telling her what her project is about, including parts of the interview she was on to promote rather than letting her explain it.  They even rolled the "clip" prematurely and without sound so they had to do it again.  They didn't' even bother to edit this screw-up out either. 


I am going to miss Jenny's shoes - I thought the nude Christian Louboutin's she had on today were perfection.  What a contrast to Bitsy's smelly old suede taupe numbers she wore every damn day.  

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Not surprised to see Jenny got shitcanned. She was incredibly unpopular according to Q-ratings and many people were upset with ABC hiring the anti-vaxx nutjob in the first place.  And I'd guess that Whoopi got to keep her job because her Q-ratings are pretty high for a daytime host.


But, the biggest problem with the show remains Bill Geddie and the constant pushing of rightwing talking points and guests that is out of step with the general audience of the show IMO.

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I ran right over!  Wow, just wow.  I never liked Jenny but I do feel for her because she just moved her son to NY from Chicago and now no job.


But, the biggest problem with the show remains Bill Geddie and the constant pushing of rightwing talking points and guests that is out of step with the general audience of the show IMO.

I agree with this 100%!  He is the problem with the show.  He needs to go.  If he does go, will this mean the end of the Barbara drive bys?

  • Love 5

I never liked Jenny but I do feel for her because she just moved her son to NY from Chicago and now no job.



Jenny will probably still be able to find financially-pleasing work in NY, and Donnie is based there also so they can be a real family - without long-distance commutes - once they settle in together.  Does anyone know when their wedding date is scheduled?

  • Love 2

I ran right over!  Wow, just wow.  I never liked Jenny but I do feel for her because she just moved her son to NY from Chicago and now no job.


I agree with this 100%!  He is the problem with the show.  He needs to go.  If he does go, will this mean the end of the Barbara drive bys?

Most of the news magazines say Geddie is also gone!!!

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@MedicineCrow, some of those comments are hilarious!


I think it's also hilarious that so many viewers online (especially in the comments of some of the articles) also think the show should just be cancelled; it's the opposite of when a good show gets cancelled and the fans get bummed and sometimes mount campaigns to keep them.   I can think of a few cancelled shows that were picked up by other networks because of fan reaction.  But for The Spew there seems to me a wave of "just cancel this shitshow already" sentiment and that cracks me up for some reason.  It's like the show is so stubborn it refuses to die no matter how bad it gets. 


This is from a Salon.com article posted on The Media Thread.  This is why they think ABC should just cancel the show: 

The very point of “The View” has been to present real women’s opinions on the issues of the day, and it’s already become a show about women holding back opinions, if they in fact have any at all, and sticking to sunny, easy topics. Why not turn it into a coed celebration of our favorite celebrities — or just cancel it, given that the show had already migrated so far from its putative mission even before Shepherd and McCarthy departed?

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

I dont want to see the show canceled.... I think there is a place for a talk show that addresses topics of the day...... the fluff is what annoys me..... reality show coverage.... the ABC show casts as guests..... and even the OMG you are pregnant/OMG you have kids.... how do you do it!!!..... Get some people on who have real opinions... not ones written on the card..... I think that is why I appreciated Rosie so much... she didnt have an ear piece and she didnt follow the cards.... I dont even care about the gender of the hosts or their political affiliation..... I can deal with anyone's view as long as it is honest and has some balance.... which is what the current show is lacking.

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This show is just a mess.  One day it wants to be "Meet the Press" and discuss politics and world events. The same day it then turns into TMZ.  And oh yeah let's do some tacky in show commercials.  It's trying to appeal to everyone and appealing to no one.  A successful talk show needs to know it's identity.  People watch for consistency.  The only thing the View has been consistent with the past view years has been being a waste of time.

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The ONLY thing that would piss me off if the show was cancelled is Whoopi sitting at home (happily) while being paid out her contract!!


Whoopi used to be the voice of reason, but now she's a fucking know-it-all & I'm sick to death of her!!!

I think if Whoopi had intelligent women to discuss things with, she wouldn't come across as a know-it-all.

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How awkward is it going to be when they return to the show after the the Fourth of July?  It's not like those two morons are known for their professional behavior. I might have to tune in for that.  

Could be we get a Plan B (or would it be a much higher letter?) where suddenly.. Whoopster + LOTS OF GUEST HOSTS.

BTW: Since the TWoP original is gone forever, and since it was probably the most perfect TV show thread subtitle pun in history, and since its not the kind of thing anyone could really say was protected content, would it maybe be a neat idea to change the thread title here to "All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View"?

  • Love 11

BTW: Since the TWoP original is gone forever, and since it was probably the most perfect TV show thread subtitle pun in history, and since its not the kind of thing anyone could really say was protected content, would it maybe be a neat idea to change the thread title here to "All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View"?

I like that idea for change to the thread name since there's already at least two roosters in here with us hens... LOL

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This show is just a mess.  One day it wants to be "Meet the Press" and discuss politics and world events


Ba ha ha, have you seen what a hot mess MTP is these days?  It's so full of false equivalency bullshit for what is supposed to be a politically unbiased show, it's not even worthy of watching anymore.  While we are firing network talk show hosts, can David Gregory go as well? :P


I love the idea for the new thread title.

Edited by NextIteration
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Supposedly, Monday through Thursday are "new" shows & Friday is a repeat.  I'm thinking Sherri & Jenny WILL be there & putting there "brave faces on".   Just wondering if there will be departure announcements & a civil send-off, or if they'll just fall off our screen.  LOL.



Mo 6/30: Guest co-host Frank Luntz
Tu 7/1: Joan Rivers, Cee-Lo Green, Molly Bloom, guest co-host Ross Mathews
We 7/2: Chris O'Donnell, Robin Thicke, Dr. Doris Day, guest co-host Abby Huntsman
Th 7/3: Jack Vale, guest co-hosts Ross Mathews and "Kid President" Robby Novak
Fr 7/4: Dr. Richard Besser, Jason Biggs, Sam Smith, guest co-hosts Bill Rancic and Ross Mathews (R 6/19/14)

If Sherri won't discuss the main issues in her personal life right now - I doubt she'll mention that she's now unemployed.

I don't feel sorry for either women being out of a job - show biz is competitive and volatile, but nobody forces you into it. You take the risk knowing that nothing is permanent. If neither can get another gig - which I doubt - they will have to make their own hard choices.

  • Love 4

1) the new thread title...it is reborn!

2) the shows this week are pre taped: someone on my Facebook feed posted a screencap of herself in the background for the promo with Robin Thicke and it was taped June 4th. 

I wrote this in the Jenny thread already but I'll mention it here: I think she knew for a while that she wasn't coming back. She had comedy shows scheduled for this weekend in the NJ area but were yanked a few weeks ago. Could be because the ticket sales were bad but now I'm wondering how much of a coincidence this is.

Edited by mtlchick
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I am going to miss this sh*tstorm. I watched a DVR'ed recording of the previous days show every morning while getting ready and drinking my coffee. *sigh*. I have been watching this mess since, what, 1998? Oh, and can I just say that when I am not looking at the screen, I cannot tell who is speaking when Ross Matthews talks? He sounds exactly like Jenny! Well, here are my thoughts on these people: Whoopi: Know-it-All- but I still like her. Wish she wouldnt give her WTF looks to the audience when she doesnt like a comment- it is so rude to do to a guest. Also, don't want to hear about her freaky deaky bedroom life. Not interested, lady. Sherri: Didnt bother me too much. She was excited as f*ck about New Edition- I thought her head was going to fly off. Jenny: Liked her.  Happy for her and Donnie- cute couple. Barbara: Creepy. A super creepy stepford alien grandma. Can picture her coming for me in my sleep with those eyes. Best thing about this show was the TWoP forums- and I happy to be here with you all. What will we watch now?!

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I am not surprised Sherri is gone.


When Sherri first came onto The View, Star Jones had a talk show on what used to be CourtTV.  Whoopi Goldberg was a guest on Star's show then and I remember them talking about Sherri; they did not say anything bad about her, but Star suggested that maybe she and Whoopi should take Sherri to lunch and explain some things to her.  Apparently Star was afraid that Sherri would make an ass out of herself on TV and Star really didn't want to see a Black woman on TV acting like a fool.  


Now, if Whoopi and Star talked to Sherri it did not stick.  I think Sherri thought herself cute and smart and probably thought Star was being a hater or something.  Now I don't like Star but I think she had Sherri's number from the start.  

  • Love 4

1) the new thread title...it is reborn!

It seems like (particularly at this time) it needed to be.  It was crying out for it.


Maybe they are pre-taped new episodes?

It sounds like it, but I wonder how they arranged it. I'm sure they keep a number of emergency episodes in the can, but there can't be that many (and they must be totally stripped of any kind of Hot Topics/News kind of segment).   Or did they just lock the doors last week and force Sherri and Jenny to tape an extra 3 or 4 shows before they let them out?


Ha!  After all that "extra effort" in trying to prove this show is live at least four days a week (selfies on the couch, tweet in your opinion of a Not Hot Topic (all things other shows have been doing for a while and do better)  they suddenly go back to taped.  This mess is all over the place.  


  • Thursday: Live show - hey did you know The Spew is live? 
  • Thursday afternoon : Jenny and Sherri get the ax and hit social media about it. 
  • Friday:  Recorded Wednesday with Bab's acting all lovey like it never happened because it hadn't happened when they taped this.
  • Monday - Friday: Everyone has left the building - prerecorded shows fill the spo
Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

I think there is a place for a talk show that addresses topics of the day...... the fluff is what annoys me..... reality show coverage.... the ABC show casts as guests..... and even the OMG you are pregnant/OMG you have kids.... how do you do it!!!.....

That is exactly what has happened on the show.  Women should know not to fall to this level.  Meredith, Star, Joy, would they have done this?  Not on your life.


I would love to see Star back.  She had a good knowledge of the courts and I found her refreshing when hashing out certain court items.


Ok then, I was the only one who enjoyed today's show.  I like it!

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I never saw today's episode. I have really coasted this past year though. I actually liked this kind of show. They should do something similar once a month.


As far as the adultery percentage, I have to say, no, not everyone would cheat on their spouse even if they knew there was no way they would be caught, Whoopi. I don't know what's with this show and food either... I could never pig out like that in public, much less on television.

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As far as the adultery percentage, I have to say, no, not everyone would cheat on their spouse even if they knew there was no way they would be caught, Whoopi.


I was glad that Sherri's mind finally caught up with her mouth and her dance-attack.  She realized that she CAN'T cheat because her god is watching.


What percentage of Americans think that Frank Luntz is a schmuck and his wig looks worse than all of Sherri’s (okay, with one obvious exception)?



I've already forgotten Luntz's self-proclaimed "expert" title.  He has been discredited by all major polling companies and associations, yet he's still one of Geddie's go-to guests.  Today's show was easy to fast-forward and then simply turn off.

Edited by Former Nun
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I thought the "polls" were somewhat interesting.....not because of the accuracy or that guy....but somewhat revealing about the co-hosts themselves. IE the 75% (?) of Americans think taxes are too high vs the 41% (?) of the poll. Or their thoughts on other issues and especially social media time a day.


Wasn't surprised at all SS thought Instagram was much more popular than it turned out to be.


But it was not the format of a show I want to see, worthy of 1 segment only.

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Since it's Canada Day and I'm home I decided to watch the show for the first time all season outside of the premiere. It was...somewhat tolerable despite Joan Rivers. (People find her funny?) But this also shows the problems of pre taped shows: Sherri was telling people to go see All The Way. That would be fine if the show didn't finish its run on Sunday.

When they return live, they'll talk about the "hottest topics as they happen...except the elephant in the room because you know, why kick 2 of them while they're down live on air?"

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MTIChick sez:


 It was...somewhat tolerable despite Joan Rivers. (People find her funny?)



I thought she was cute and funny DECADES before all the cosmetic surgery.  She's still very bright, quick and witty--and current, but somehow she thinks everything needs to be gross/dirty (and few are raunchier than I).  I'd love to watch "Fashion Police" just to see the beautiful-to-ridiculous clothing...and actually hear the valid opinions of the three younger panelists, BUT Joan ruins every sentence (even phrases) with some wasted interjection that's supposed to be hilarious--usually something shocking--and I just can't watch.  I think Joan got worse...much worse when she decided she needed to give her daughter a job.  Now Executive Producer Melissa is keeping Joan "relevant."  OY!

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Are all "new" shows they will show in July and August just things that were pretaped in e past couple of months ? An article by Cindy Adams inThe New York Post kind of alludes to no shows being done live until the new season in September. So sherri and jenny have lots of free time to enjoy their summer. Whoppie is still under contract for another year, so she'll get paid whether ABC decides to include her in the revamped show or not. If they are going for a whole new format it will be interesting to see if they decide to keep her.

Do any of you live in the NYC area and know if they are filming new daily shows?

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