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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Sunny Hostin is the guest host..... She tried to make the argument that legalizing pot is bad because it is a "gateway drug" and when that foolishness was debunked.... she brought out the "what about the kids" argument ..... my thought to that is, if you are afraid your kid is going to smoke pot if they make it legal.... be a better parent.


Do these people who use these flawed arguments want to ban tobacco and alcohol because they are gateway drugs and kids might get a hold of those drugs?? Why not just use the icky argument??

Christian Host Sherri is against helping the refugee kids coming to America... her argument is that American kids are not being taken care of properly so we shouldnt be helping foreign kids..... Sunny Hostin got pretty animated and called out to the mother in Sherri.... that didnt bring out the compassion in Sherri.


America is a big country, it is possible to help refugees (we have created enough of them) as well as improve the social programs in our country. It amazes me how often people argue the "we are broke so we cant help" argument but celebrate going to war.... there always seems to be money for war.


Why are these Christians spitting on children instead of reaching out a helping hand?

  • Love 15


America is a big country, it is possible to help refugees (we have created enough of them) as well as improve the social programs in our country. It amazes me how often people argue the "we are broke so we cant help" argument but celebrate going to war.... there always seems to be money for war.


Why are these Christians spitting on children instead of reaching out a helping hand?

By convincing a substantial number of non-critical thinkers (not accusing Christians) that the US has imaginary monsters under the bed, certain real monsters are slowly buying Congress and changing our American way of life to suit their interests.

  • Love 8

I'm not surprised Sherri doesn't  have compassion for refugee children.  Sherri might like to say she is a "Christian" but from where I sit Sherri isn't the charitable, let's do for the less fortunate type of Christian.  IIRC a few years back the co-hosts were all saying they would donate money to some charity (I can't remember which one) and Sherri and Elisabeth both put their heads down and didn't say a word.  Joy, Whoopi and Barbara all coughed up money but the two Jesus sisters didn't offer a dime.


And you are exactly right Lava LaVoom  the real monsters in this country are inch by inch, day by day destroying this country.  But unfortunately too many people in this country are scared of the fictional boogey men who are coming to take away their guns and God. 


Roger from Ohio war is celebrated because the government can sell it.  They can dress it  up and present it as if it's some blockbuster movie with explosions and heroes to root for  and villains to root against. Charity is a tougher sell.  With charity you are asking people to do give something and too many people don't want to give anything.  They aren't realizing with every war this country fights we are all giving something.   Whether it's higher taxes to finance them or human lives sacrificed to fight them every American citizen has or will pay for our wars. 

  • Love 10

Sunny Hostin and Sherri both EXCITED on behalf of their kids because Dane Cook was going to be on the show.  Sunny's daughter says, "Dusty?"  Like any kid knows who Dane Cook is.  Sunny's daughter probably thought the actual cartoon plane would be on the show.  These people!

Why are these Christians spitting on children instead of reaching out a helping hand?



Oh...Sherri said she doesn't agree with the spitting...but she seems to agree with all other negative comments/actions regarding these kids.  Why is she so concerned about Detroit?  There are needy kids in all kinds of horrible situations all over the United States.  Why Detroit?  She's no longer with Sal from the D.

  • Love 3

wow... read the comments in that story....who knew TMZ was a conservative Right wing site

Do you mean "has a Right wing readership?"  Because I don't know if I'd assume TMZ themselves are Right wing just because people commenting are.


It's the same thing as YouTube comments.  Any video up there with anything that can even loosely be construed as a "liberal" video will have plenty of Right Wing Haterade in the comments section. 


BTW: Harvey Levin is gay.  Not that there aren't occasional right wing gays out there (very few though, since it's a point of view that typically wants them to either die and go to hell, "convert" themselves "straight", or at best live somewhere out of sight, unmarried to other people of the same sex).  Levin is, from what I understand, that vanishing breed--a political moderate.

Edited by Kromm


She doesn't need blue cards as she will have read their book, seen their movie or listened to their music - whatever they are on there to promote.

While I didn't watch much of her OWN show, I LOVED her talk show from way back when because she just breathed and lived entertainment and pop culture like I do.  I thought her first interview with Tom(my) Cruise was hilarious and fun because she did ask questions while light and breezy, was different compared to most shows back then.  I am hoping with her most likely back, the show will have someone who politics aside, knows how to ask the questions as she pays attention and absorbed what she was watching and reading.  I just want Penny Marshall to show up so they can talk in their language only they can understand (if anyone saw them on Game Show Night a few months ago, you know what I mean.) 

  • Love 4

Do you mean "has a Right wing readership?"  Because I don't know if I'd assume TMZ themselves are Right wing just because people commenting are.


It's the same thing as YouTube comments.  Any video up there with anything that can even loosely be construed as a "liberal" video will have plenty of Right Wing Haterade in the comments section. 


BTW: Harvey Levin is gay.  Not that there aren't occasional right wing gays out there (very few though, since it's a point of view that typically wants them to either die and go to hell, "convert" themselves "straight", or at best live somewhere out of sight, unmarried to other people of the same sex).  Levin is, from what I understand, that vanishing breed--a political moderate.

Yes thanks for the correction.... I am surprised that so many Right wingers run to TMZ for stories.


I do think you are mistaken that gay = Liberal..... it is just the Right wing homosexuals have a different take on things. See the Log Cabin Republicans... and dont forget all those gay legislators who do their best to downgrade homosexuality to hid their own closeted actions.

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I took my comments about Rosie over to the co-host thread.


I guess Sherri really like Bitsy wearing the shorts and heels.  At least Sherri had a top with sleeves, but I hate to see shorts bunched up in the crotch. 


Finally watched yesterday.  I liked Jenny's basic screw 'em all, but didn't care for her fake out with the ovation and applause lasting so long.  I think Sherri did a good job with her speech - even though I don't believe for a second that she chose to leave.  It looked to me like Whoopi teared up a bit when Sherri mentioned her appreciating Whoopi's advice, but I also saw a look of "Too bad you didn't listen or you wouldn't be up to your ass in gators right now."


So 1400 people is any kind of legit survey - ok, then.


I like Ana Ortiz, even though she was wearing the Fox News uniform dress - hee.  Sunny Hostin is an idiot.  Glad Whoopi set her straight on pot being the gateway drug.  Like kids don't first turn to the family liqour or medicine cabinet.


After Sherri finished telling what's his name actor all about the plot of Suit, I saw Whoopi shake her head.  Either she was responding to her earpiece or she was thinking damn girl, I won't have to listen to those type questions anymore - lol.


Pretty interesting with Jenny and Sherri still there.  Oh, and we did get the quick comment from Sherri about being married to someone she doesn't/didn't know - regarding spouses changing once married.

  • Love 2

I do think you are mistaken that gay = Liberal.....

I kinda thought "Not that there aren't occasional right wing gays out there" covered that (even if I wasn't specific about their beliefs).


I do find myself wondering with the alignment of Rosie and Whoopie there, how bugshit super-conservative a person they'd have to bring in to balance that out. The only reason I think they wouldn't go with Sarah Palin is that Rosie sooner or later would probably wrap her hands around Palin's neck and squeeze until her head pops off.

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I'm very conflicted about Sherri's statement. On one hand, I want to believe in her sincerity, but then I remember how idiotic, judgmental and inappropriately she behaves and talks.  The same thing happened when she was a contestant on DWTS. All arrogant and horny acting, that she WOULD win; and when she lost, all teary-eyed, crying, bawling, thanking everyone and GOD. She did the same thing on Monday.


I won't believe the "news" about Rosie coming back until I get the official word. I, for one, would love to see Rosie and Whoopi banter.


As for the audience giving Jenny and Sherri a standing ovation and clapping for 20 seconds? Please. We all know that the producers tell them to ramp up the screaming and hootering volume and clapping before the show starts, so just call me a Cynical Bitch, when I say that they were probably urged to clap and stand.

  • Love 5
I'm very conflicted about Sherri's statement. On one hand, I want to believe in her sincerity, but then I remember how idiotic, judgmental and inappropriately she behaves and talks.  The same thing happened when she was a contestant on DWTS. All arrogant and horny acting, that she WOULD win; and when she lost, all teary-eyed, crying, bawling, thanking everyone and GOD. She did the same thing on Monday.



Not conflicted here, GHScorpiosRule.  The problem is that Sherri has no truth filter.  Add that to her poor memory, subtract our excellent and sinister memories and that equals a lot of satisfaction that a certain someone is exiting daytime televison.


As for the audience giving Jenny and Sherri a standing ovation and clapping for 20 seconds? Please. We all know that the producers tell them to ramp up the screaming and hootering volume and clapping before the show starts, so just call me a Cynical Bitch, when I say that they were probably urged to clap and stand.


Tom!  Tom!  Tom!  Tom is their go-to guy for whipping that audience into a the appearance of appreciation.  He has to do that before the show starts, while it's ending and innumerable times in between--but, unlike us, he does get paid.  Sit over here with the rest of us at the Cynical Bitch table.

Edited by Former Nun
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I would actually watch again if Rosie came back.  Aside from the fact she swings the way I do politically she is a real person. What you see is the real Rosie.  Her original daytime talk show was so enjoyable because she is a fan. When guests would come on she would genuinely like them and was interested in the project they were promoting.  Unlike the View co-hosts who can't be bothered most of the time to do any sort of homework on their guests.

  • Love 7

I wonder if Rosie would have the clout coming back to the show that she did the first time.  Maybe I can request that they get rid of the blue cards.  Does each panel member REALLY need to have 4-5 blue cards?  Does each panel member REALLY need to have an earpiece with someone constantly babbling in her (his) ear?


Speaking of blue cards, did you see Sherri rip her stack of blue cards the other day as they went to commercial?  What was that?? 

I think Rosie would not have a problem coming back if Geddie was still there.  They're not petulant, emotional high-school kids who don't want to sit next to each other in history, they're professionals who have moved on and outgrown their previous rancorous relationship.  People do put things behind them in pursuit of a common goal.


Neither do I see a problem with Rosie and Whoopi at the same table.  I can see Rosie sitting in Walters' seat while WG continues as moderator.  Rosie might very well be the one to pull Whoopi out of her coma and wake her up to become the intelligent, aware person her fans know she is, just to keep up with RO'D.  Rosie is nothing if not a consummate professional with extensive successful talk show experience, and she would tread very carefully establishing herself in this reworked spot.  She has been through a lot since she was co-host, and I think she's happier, healthier, more balanced and ready for this next challenge. 

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Maddow threw some shade at The View last night on Watch What Happens.  When asked about if that was a venue she would ever be interested in, she said when she was a guest she felt like she was a hen who got into the pig pen and everyone was talking without any idea how to deal with each other or having any idea what was going on or supposed to be going on and after a bit she was just excited to leave.  So she pretty much has their number.

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Add me to the list of posters who thinks if Rosie is coming back Geddie isn't.


I find it hilarious that so many people (thank you Rachel Maddow) are now talking about what a trainwreck the show is.  The View has no respect from anyone in the industry anymore.  And they only have themselves to blame.  They have dumbed down this show for the past few years with their insistence of showcasing reality show stars, in house commercials and just overall patronizing of their viewers.  If they didn't give a shit about what they were putting on the air five days a week why would they think viewers would?

  • Love 7

The View is truly Faux News light...... if 2 hosts disagree on a topic the result is over talking because they are too afraid to hear the other view because they cant defend their own view...... Watch the Factor once or twice.... if a Left wing guest on the show makes a good point... the Right wing guest or the host will interrupt them and shout down their point..... Last night Oreilly got shot down and called out for his ignorance... she may not be back on the show  lol

  • Love 3

Susieq147, I think you hit the nail on the head. the show has lost respect from the industry and was having trouble booking big name guests and it's shift to a more fluff/ entertainment show (with silly skits, etc.) was not a good move. Yea, whoppie could be counted on to get one of her a list buddies to stop by now and then and venerable barbara, even in her decline, could attract some A listers, but not enough.

Rosie and whoppie will help,attract bigger guests, get Broadway play segments ( no more What's Poppin") and musical numbers and, when one of them wants time off, the other will be there to keep things running. All is needed is 2 or 3 more intelligent, likeable well spoken cohosts that can talk intelligently about issues without resorting to partisan babble. Fingers crossed.

  • Love 4

If Ro is replacing BW, then maybe she won't be on everyday.

I don't think it's a literal replacement in that sense.  Babsy not being on every day was only viable because they had four other bodies there when she instituted that approach.  Unless they are hiring three people now, they'd go back to their ranks being kind of thin if they had to put on a show with one brand new co-hosts and a three-quarters-asleep Whoopi there on the days Rosie isn't around.  


I suppose it IS possible there will be three hires, but if Rosie is only there a few days a week and counts as half of one, and Whoopie is mostly asleep and only counts as another half? The show would wind up most of the time being two new people and Whoopie waking up periodically, looking around confused, saying "Diiiiiiid I miss sumthin?"

Edited by Kromm

Today Jenny apologized to George Clooney for a story shared on the show yesterday. Sherri told her not to apologize, there was no reason to apologize. Sherri stated that their job is to report stories that are out there, in  her arms flying, bopping in her seat  animated way. Jenny said they should be responsible and do research before sharing the stories. Sherri stated there's no time for that. And there you have ONE of the problems I have with this show .

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 17

Today Jenny apologized to George Clooney for a story shared on the show yesterday. Sherri told her not to apologize, there was no reason to apologize. Sherri stated that their job is to report stories that are out there, in  her arms flying, bopping in her seat  animated way. Jenny said they should be responsible and do research before sharing the stories. Sherri stated there's no time for that. And there you have ONE of the problems I have with this show .

Yes, a show founded by a supposed newswoman doesn't have time for verification.  


I guess The View is TMZ, eh?

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They work 1 hour a day.... maybe 1 hour in make up while they prepare for the days show...... how is it they are too busy the other 22 hours that they can not research a 3 day old story

It's not like they would ever do the research anyway.  Even on-camera newspeople rarely do their own research.  You have a staff of researchers who do that.  Often unpaid interns, but a fairly big number of them if needed.

Edited by Kromm
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It's not like they would ever do the research anyway.  Even on-camera newspeople rarely do their own research.  You have a staff of researchers who do that.  Often unpaid interns, but a fairly big number of them if needed.

But these hosts are not reporters who are just reporting the news.... they are supposed to be giving their opinions..... and if they are ignorant of the facts they will provide an ignorant opinion.... kinda like what we have been seeing..... if they didnt want to look the fool they would research...... but Im sure their scripts tell them what they are supposed to think so those blue cards have a purpose

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But these hosts are not reporters who are just reporting the news.... they are supposed to be giving their opinions..... and if they are ignorant of the facts they will provide an ignorant opinion.... kinda like what we have been seeing..... if they didnt want to look the fool they would research...... but Im sure their scripts tell them what they are supposed to think so those blue cards have a purpose

Yeah, but even in that case the researchers are supposed to give them briefings.

Today Jenny apologized to George Clooney for a story shared on the show yesterday. Sherri told her not to apologize, there was no reason to apologize. Sherri stated that their job is to report stories that are out there, in  her arms flying, bopping in her seat  animated way. Jenny said they should be responsible and do research before sharing the stories. Sherri stated there's no time for that. And there you have ONE of the problems I have with this show .


So then Sherri should have no problem with all the rumors being spread about her divorce and the baby drama then right?  No time to check to see if a story is accurate before you broadcast it?  She truly is too stupid for words.  Oh no wait a minute I have a few words, imbecile, moron, idiot, twit.  Does she not realize lives can be ruined when false stories are presented as the truth.  Marriages damaged, jobs lost because of lies or mistakes. If I ever felt any sort of sympathy for anything she might be going through it has vanished.  Sherri is and will forever be a dumb ass.  And that is why she is the predicament she is in now.

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I don't think I have ever seen Sherri as out of control as she was today. Her facial expressions were full of rage and she was screaming like a banshee while flailing her arms around. All the while "let me challenge you to think another way." Not letting anyone else speak or explaining whatever it was she was trying to. Or listening to another's opinion.

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Milkeyedmender--so true about the irony of Jenny asking for research to support a statement.  Sherri--true to form that no research is needed due to time--true to her idiocy.  If only Sherri could state her comments in the polite way they do at the Talk.


But then, this is the View which has long been known for women talking/yelling over women, lack of verification, wild-eyed, crazy flailing arms/claws,  personal attacks, ridiculous word salads, and pretty bad fashion (except for Meredith, although she proudly claimed she did not wear panties).  Yes, quite the view of different opinions, minus the intelligence and civility for understanding them.

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She doesn't need blue cards as she will have read their book, seen their movie or listened to their music - whatever they are on there to promote.  She actually reads - something only Whoopi does now as far as I can tell.  


That is my favorite thing about Rosie -- she's truly a fan of actors, authors, etc. She does great interviews. 

  • Love 8

Got to agree, Sherri was out of control today.  The yelling, the inability to shut up when others were speaking, the grabbing her boobs (I got THESE, don't call me Ma'am!), the y'alls, the strident assertion that not only is it wrong to do research, it's wrong to apologize for being wrong and spreading rumors....


Wow.  I've always held that it was Niecy Nash who influenced her to be Southern and loud, but this was worse than anything I've seen from her before.  She made the show unbearable today, and I have a rather high tolerance (and a well-practiced FF finger on the remote).

  • Love 9

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