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S20.E08: Week 8


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Oh thanks, Yorklee! I feel better knowing Caila's nice dad didn't waste all that education money.

Haha...yes what a relief


Feel the same about Stephanie's recap. I always enjoy her comedic take on the shows. I can see where someone would maybe be slightly put off if it were one of us regular posters but that's the whole point of Stephanie's recaps. Their meant to be snarky. Yes it's a out-dated word and I've actually used it with friends in a teasing way with no offense taken. It really has to be taken in context.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3

Wow. Thanks guys for making me feel like I watched the episodes.  I too have been feeling guilty about judging Amanda for leaving her kids...even for one night...to do this show.  I've asked before...does she have a job or a career?  For some of these girls I can't believe that being on here is anything more than furthering their career..even if that means making appearance at bars, clothing stores, etc. as long as the attention is there.  I am sure that for some it has hurt their career,and for others it has helped them. Maybe Amanda has a long term plan....children's barrettes or clothing or something.  


Although I think you would have to meet the children if you are thinking of a relationship, I just feel those children were too young. Is it required that the show end in an engagement?  For example, if the man is interested in a contestant with children, perhaps they could choose her and not get engaged so they would have more time to get to know the children.  Yes, if he tucked them in, that was too much. 


My issue with Amanda is that in the few episodes I watched, I don't think he was that interested in her, so why even do the hometown?   My cynical mind (and after reading those carefully designed blogs) is that even if they did not explicitly tell him, Ben knew/knows that being a man willing to take on a single mom wold play well with the audience.  I firmly believe that is the only reason she stayed, Olivia for drama, and Jubilee to combat some of the negative attention the show has received on race. 


All this "real connection" stuff is hilarious...I'm mean two girls stayed for a while and we didn't even know they were there! 


Hey, I've swigged from a bottle a time or two, as long as it was my bottle.  True story, the only reason I did not drink in high school was not because I was a good girl, I hate germs. My mom calls me 'nice nasty."  The idea of passing a bottle or any "cigarettes" that someone else had put their mouth on freaked me out.  So, kudos JoJo's mom for keeping it real.   Was it in response to a comment? 


By the way, when did the half Persian issue come up? Was it always discussed?  If not, I call this as a way to make JoJo the Bachelorette and keep the promise about the "diversity."  She or Calia will be cast and the issue of their backgrounds will never be mentioned or discussed again, except for a few comments to make sure they point out that they are being diverse. 


Sorry, I guess the passion came later, but Ben never seemed any more into Lauren B than anyone else to me.  All of the remaining girls, except for Cailia, look so hard and used.  Lauren with the unfortunate hair and bland personality, JoJo,, who looks like a barmaid, and Amanda with the squeaky voice and bad hair. 


I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Ben as well as the girls.  It is going to be hard to sell the last contestant (I cannot say winner) as the love of his life if he was just telling someone else he loved them. I wouldn't want to be either of the final two...the others had a lucky escape. 

JoJo's family gave me the creeps--I felt dirty after watching them.  I do not want to see her as the Bachelorette.  You figure with four repulsive (personality and looks) family members, some of has to have rubbed off on her.  I also find her kind of ugly, although I noted she got rid of the nose her sister and mother have.  A friend of mine says men would be after her for her breasts, which appear natural.  I didn't notice, as I am fixated on her horrible makeup.  However, I don't want to see any of the others as the Bacherolette, either, although Becca the Robot would be hilarious as she tried to fend men off and avoid talking about (or having) any feelings.  I'm guessing it'll be Caila if they choose someone from this season.

  • Love 4
Were they both wearing tiny, mini, knee-high gladiator sandals?


I missed the shoes because I couldn't stop staring at the Amish/Mennonite/polygamous sect dresses both tots were wearing.


So many reality-show auditions went on last night!


ETA: I was thinking free McDonald's for a year for every B and B-ette in that commercial. Does anyone know? And gosh, TPTB really love Prince Farming. He's everywhere lately.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 1
I laughed way louder than I should have when Amanda complained about having to "come back to LA" and then be sent home. They started their hometown date in Laguna Beach. I don't know where exactly she lives or where the mansion is in Los Angeles, but I'm guessing it was what, an hour drive?  C'mon now. I know it was for drama but that just sounded ridiculous.



I don't think she meant for the rose ceremony. As far as I know the contestants aren't allowed to stay home between their HTD and the RC, they're all flown back to LA to hang around in some hotel room with their handler. Amanda's date was filmed first, so she was away from her kids for a week for no reason. Though perhaps they let her see them, since they probably knew she'd be gone next. But I thought it was a legitimate complaint, not that she didn't put herself in that position voluntarily. Only one person is sent home during hometown week, so I don't think they're allowed to let anyone go early.


I also hated Amanda's HTD. Those poor kids were not happy at all, and if TPTB thought our ovaries would explode watching Ben with two toddlers then they thought wrong. He looked so awkward! The younger one seemed terrified of him. They better not even entertain the idea of making Amanda the Bachelorette!


Lauren's dad was so cute! I just wanted to pinch his cheeks. Her sister is really pretty as well and kind of flirty. She should go on next season. Ben is just in love with Lauren. I think he was dying to get this season wrapped up, hence the tears when he couldn't just say "I love your sister!!!". Seems like he'd fit right in with her family.


Caila's date was just yawn to me. She's annoying and I can't believe a word she says. She's still writing that perfect love story in her head rather than being in the present. How can you think Ben is the One for you when he's just trying to stop any conversation from happening by giving you quick friendly pecks? I'm not a fan of her dad either, I dislike his lecturing way of talking.


Jojo's date was a mess. The whole ex thing was totally producer hijinks. I don't know if Jojo was in on it or not though. I didn't think her brothers were that bad, it's just that Ben didn't know how to deal with them at all. I don't think he's used to being questioned, since he's the golden boy. He looked like he was crapping himself the moment they started talking to him and that just made them even more suspicious. I can't really blame them, because Ben seemed so insincere and cagey. Yes, they could've been more polite about it, but I don't usually react well either when I feel like someone's insulting my intelligence. Even Ben knows they had a point since he got so defensive. "Am I that evil that I want to make her fall in love just so I can crush her heart?" No, you're not evil Ben, but that's what you're doing anyway, so tough luck.

  • Love 5

Is it a requirement that the Bachelorette come from this season?  I heard about some other spin offs, when do those come on?  Do they come on at the same time of the Bachelorette? When do they announce the Bachelorette? 


My friend says there is a show where they all get together?  Does this happen before or after it is revealed whom is chosen?  What do they all talk about?  I wonder if any of the lies will come up, or if some of the editing will be challenged? 



I'm guessing the "other love" is Caila, since he didn't tell JoJo's brothers anything close to that when they pressed him. But I don't see that at all in their relationship. I'm a little disappointed that he has a genuine F2 when it seemed so obvious to me that he prefers Lauren over everyone.


Maybe it is Lauren's sister.  That would be the most dramatic Bachelor finale ever!

  • Love 9

I am positive that Jojo's apartment was a fake. Yes, there was furniture in it but if you look the surroundings there wasn't a single personal item. 

I thought it looked fake too. I didn't even think it looked like a real apartment...it looked more like a sitting area outside the men's locker room at the country club or something. It was weird. 


I thought Caila's family's house was kind of fake looking too though... What were those weird orange (or green? I dunno. I might have the color conflated with her dad's pants.) drape-things behind Ben and Caila's mom when they were talking? It didn't seem like there were windows there...so it was just curtains draped down the wall? Okay. 

Question: Is it Bachelor-Land law that one has to bring a glass of wine to every private conversation? You know, when the mom or dad asks if she/he can "steal" the bach for a little talk. Every time, both people pick up that glass to take with them. It's like the glass of wine is some sort of security blanket. Thinking back, this has been going on every season: "Can I steal the bach/bach-ette?" "Sure!" Grab glass and leave the room. It never varies. 


Does it?


ETA: Great post from Sharleen; thanks, violetr. She exactly echoes my feelings about moms who come on this show, plus shares my view of the fakety fake Jojo roses.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 3

My friend says there is a show where they all get together?  Does this happen before or after it is revealed whom is chosen?  What do they all talk about?  I wonder if any of the lies will come up, or if some of the editing will be challenged? 


That's the Women Tell All episode. It will air the week after next week's Fantasy Suites, and then the following week will be the final episode. Sorry, I meant the final Most Dramatic Episode Ever!

Edited by vendredi3

Question: Is it Bachelor-Land law that one has to bring a glass of wine to every private conversation? You know, when the mom or dad asks if she/he can "steal" the bach for a little talk. Every time, both people pick up that glass to take with them. It's like the glass of wine is some sort of security blanket. Thinking back, this has been going on every season: "Can I steal the bach/bach-ette?" "Sure!" Grab glass and leave the room. It never varies.

Does it?.

When I was very little, I believed I could walk only when holding my dress. If I let my dress go, I fell down. Perhaps the same goes with the bachelor(ette)s, except with glasses of booze and speech.

  • Love 3

I thought the brothers' thinking was understandable, but they've seen the show, right? They should know Ben is limited in terms of what he can tell them. If they want to give him a warning, okay, but the quiet one in the kitchen was glaring at Ben like "if looks could kill" and that seemed pretty OTT considering it was JoJo's choice to go on the show, knowing exactly how it always works.


I had a feeling then thought Ben wasn't macho enough for their sister, that the qualities that make him so likeable to the b-ettes and the audience--kindness, obvious gentleness and sensitivity--weren't selling at all well with the brothers. I think they took it personally that JoJo was enjoying time with someone like Ben.


I think it's that Ben is very, very slick.  He always has the right words and the right look.  He looks into each gal's eyes without blinking as if she were the only interesting focus, but for me it's like Caila's studied upbeat manner.  It's acting. and he's a very good actor. (Caila isn't.)

 He's also too 'familiar' with each woman and leads them on even more than he needs to, all because he wants to 'know' he could be 'loveable' (apparently meaning he is adored by his choice), and he seems to want this from each woman, knowing he could hurt them badly if he convinces them (as the salesman he is very good at) that he needs them to let him know they love him because without that, how can he trust/love them?  


 I do think he and Lauren B are in love and sincere with each other -- more reason why he shouldn't ask each of the others to be vulnerable and to let him know they can love him.


  He couldn't even pretend with the brothers because he could detect (couldn't anyone?) that they weren't going to eat up the usual reassuring words.  But his words were still smooth and obviously a script for him and he's able to act 'sincere' while doing all this.


  Now I think he suddenly insists he "really loves" the runner-up (though we never see the kind of close relating that we see with Lauren B), and I suspect it's JoJo because if it is, then he would be 'proving' to the brothers that he WAS sincere.


  Granted, The Bachelor is paid a good sum to do all of this well and there's also the promise of TV and celebrity work to come, so he's focused on doing it right.  But as a result, I see a lot of insincerity while amping up the final womens' hopes. 

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 3

Was it just me, or did all the dining rooms look about the same?  Ditto the bedrooms where the moms and daughters went to talk.  I noticed in close-ups of Caila's mom, those purple drapes behind her were really wrinkled -- and not like it was part of the material, either.    Then, for JoJo -- it looked like the same dining room, only with red drapes. 


Hey! I noticed that, too. It was close to the only coherent thought I had watching this disjointed snoozefest, so will have to watch the hometown dates again, I think, to catch all the bits I vagued out during.


The other salient detail that stayed with me and rang up a big sign in my brain was the dopey letter from JoJo's ex CHAD (which to me is a hilarious name, hahaha, Chad). CHAD! wrote (allegedly) that 'these last 39 days' had made him rethink, blah blah blah.... So all these Bach 'weeks' are in fact compressed into a little over a month?!! It makes squeaky Amanda leaving her tiny tots a little less awful... I think that awful beach scene was when my brain just stopped working properly and I missed the rest of her 'date'.


My third thought was my god, will they eat a bite of one of these meals?! They used to. What happened to the food eating they once showed in this show? And, also, look at them all lugging their wine glasses with them. Is that a producer's order/'suggestion'? It's a festival of incipient alcoholism, this show.


Oh, more suppressed memories! Ben looked horrified when Caila's lovely mother was talking to him, and he had to keep readjusting his face. What was that about?! Her braces?? It was very uncomfortable viewing. The whole hometown dates show was gruesome, I thought. I usually find some of them heart-warming. Ben just looked tired, and tired of having to figure out how to be pleasant and 'genuine', but fake.

  • Love 2

I know it's been mentioned before, but the whole "Amanda and I's" thing makes me want to stab someone. Ben went to elementary, middle school and high school, didn't he? And college? And nowhere did he learn the correct use of pronouns?

*teacher voice* Now, Ben. You know better. What did you learn in school? Remove the other person from the sentence and then say it. OK. Would you ever say "I's relationship?" "I's job?" "I's hope for the future?" No, you would not. You would say "my relationship" or "my job" or "my hope for the future."

Now take yourself out of the sentence. Would you say "Amanda relationship?" No, you would say "Amanda's relationship."

So what would be correct here? That's right. "Amanda's and my relationship is" . . . whatever. Or if that's too complicated for you, you can say "my relationship with Amanda" or "our relationship."

But say "I's" one more time, and I will climb through the screen and smack you over the head with Warriner's English Usage.

Next week - correct use of I, me, he, she, him, her, myself, herself!

I think you're being a bit hard on them'uns.

  • Love 1

Jojo's family was kind of sinister.  Her brothers were a couple of loud jerks and were acting out just for a little more camera time.  What did Jojo's father say at dinner about there being 2 businessmen in town (Dallas) who, for certain favors, could help with Ben's future endeavors?  I started getting a "Godfather" vibe from him at that point.

I think he was referring to the brothers as the "businessmen" who could help Ben out.

I think it's that Ben is very, very slick.  He always has the right words and the right look.  He looks into each gal's eyes without blinking as if she were the only interesting focus, but for me it's like Caila's studied upbeat manner.  It's acting. and he's a very good actor. (Caila isn't.)


Whereas to me, he looks exhausted (physically and emotionally), overwhelmed, in over his head, and completely clueless as to how to respond to all this familial grilling. I think he's flailing because he's already chosen Lauren in his head but knows he's contractually obligated to see this through. He doesn't want to lie to all these people, but he kinda has to. It's just the nature of the show. Hell, I'm 45 and this would all make me beyond uncomfortable. I can't imagine doing it at 26. And now I'm giving a Bachelor the benefit of the doubt and I don't know what's happened to me. 

  • Love 16

As much as I love Sharleen I find it interesting that it is just fine and dandy for a mom to leave her kids behind to be on this shit show but how dare Ben and the producers not cut her early? She might not know exactly what she signed up for except that she did know that she signed up to be away from her kids for however long she lasted and that if she lasted to home towns that she was going to introduce this guy she just met who is dating other people to her precious kids that she didn't mind leaving but is now all "boo hoo, why didn't you let me go home a few days sooner". I just feel like she's trying to have it both ways. St. Amanda is a good mother even though she voluntarily left her kids to go on a several weeks long vacation/party but Ben is mean for not letting her go home early when he kind of can't because that's the way the show works. It's not his fault she introduced him to her kids. Or production. It's all on her. She signed the release to put her kids on TV and introduce them to this stranger.

  • Love 13
(which to me is a hilarious name, hahaha, Chad).



Which is why my Bachelor name, should Mike Fleiss ever look past the fact that I'm 48, pasty, paunchy and married, and see the gold there'd be if he cast me, would be "Chad Z."


I thought the brothers' thinking was understandable, but they've seen the show, right? They should know Ben is limited in terms of what he can tell them. If they want to give him a warning, okay, but the quiet one in the kitchen was glaring at Ben like "if looks could kill" and that seemed pretty OTT considering it was JoJo's choice to go on the show, knowing exactly how it always works.




I always get a little annoyed at family members *cough*Des'-brother*cough* who confront the Lead with questions which they know the constraints of the show prevent them from answering straight out.  


If I was Ben, and those brothers were giving me shit, I'd put down my glass, lean over the island, and very calmly say, "boys, after what your sister and I are gonna do next week, I might make you both uncles"

As much as I love Sharleen I find it interesting that it is just fine and dandy for a mom to leave her kids behind to be on this shit show but how dare Ben and the producers not cut her early?



Sharleen is full of shit here.  Amanda never introduced any other guys to her kids?  You know why?  Because the ink wasn't even dry on her divorce when she left to start filming this show!!!  No sympathy there.


If anything, I'd think Charleen would at least entertain the possibility that it was TPTB that told Ben to keep Amanda around for hometowns.  I've said all along this season that taking a single-mom to hometowns and meeting the kids and then cutting them opens the Lead up to looking bad.  Given the way Ben has handled other situations this season, I've got to think he's smart enough to know that.  I wouldn't be surprised if Amanda was a producer-pick for F4, and if she was totally fine with it, because her main goal has been to rejuvenate her failed acting career.

  • Love 10

Oh, more suppressed memories! Ben looked horrified when Caila's lovely mother was talking to him, and he had to keep readjusting his face. What was that about?! Her braces?? It was very uncomfortable viewing.

Maybe she was spitting on him while she spoke.  Those were some pretty uncomfortable-looking braces.  Speaking of the family's teeth, a friend of mine who is a week behind in viewing mentioned that she hated the way Caila's teeth all protruded.  I had to bite my tongue so I didn't reveal the mother's braces to her!  I did tell her that JoJo's mother would be quite a shock.

I don't think Jo Jo's Mother looked hideous, but it's always a delicate balancing act on a "middle eastern" nose and it rarely looks good unless it's very subtle. I had a consult whereas the surgeon had the choice of narrowing my nostrils but making the hook more prominent, or taking off the hook and leaving me with a little globule that wouldn't work with the rest of my features. She should have gone about 50 percent more conservative with her enhancements, but she's still not hideous.

Maybe she was spitting on him while she spoke.  Those were some pretty uncomfortable-looking braces.  Speaking of the family's teeth, a friend of mine who is a week behind in viewing mentioned that she hated the way Caila's teeth all protruded.  I had to bite my tongue so I didn't reveal the mother's braces to her!  I did tell her that JoJo's mother would be quite a shock.

Really? I don't see that at all. I think Caila has a lovely smile. Actually I think that's probably her best feature after her beautiful hair. Go figure...

  • Love 1

I actually thought JoJo's brothers were right, if rude. They should've just had the conversation with their sister and not confronted Ben about it.


But yeah, with Lauren's sister, Ben was crying about how much he loved her. With JoJo's family, he was talking about "the person I end up with" and "JoJo is very special to me." Same deal for Amanda and Caila. Blah, blah. Ben seems like a nice guy, but he's bought into the Bachelor propaganda about keeping people around even though he already knows who he wants. The other girls at this point are only safeties in case something goes wrong with Lauren, and that is shitty.


Side note: Thank god someone let Lauren go to the hair salon finally. Amanda, too, even though it was too late.

Edited by huahaha
  • Love 1

I asked my 18 year old son which if any of the final four he found attractive, and he said the only one he thought was pretty was JoJo. I find the final four pretty equal looks wise, but what do I know :) After watching the home visits, I have to say I still have no idea who Lauren B is, or know anything about her. I think I know at least a little about the other three. I'm not a fan of a mother leaving her kids behind for a show like this, but I somehow didn't mind Amanda on her date and kind of liked her. I still think she looks 35 and like she had plastic surgery though.


I remember in Sean's season, him appearing to go to actual homes and eating actual food. Now, there is no food and all of the family homes look somehow fake. I wonder why they no longer have dinner together? It seemed a nice way to get to know the family. I know food was served at Caila's house, but not sure real meals were had at the others. I also thought the whole Chad thing seemed fake, although JoJo looked really upset. Possibly she didn't know about it in advance?


I can't imagine Ben being in love with two women, although he certainly enjoys kissing all of them.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 1

Really? I don't see that at all. I think Caila has a lovely smile. Actually I think that's probably her best feature after her beautiful hair. Go figure...

I didn't notice her teeth, either, but I guess we all pick up on different things.  She's the one who noticed JoJo's voluptuous, bouncy boobage, which I would also not have noticed.  I just noticed her punched-in face (result of an aggressive nose job?) and horrible contouring. I also noticed that she really cakes on the foundation to the point where's she's an unnatural color.  Gross. 

Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 2

I think the whole Amanda thing bothered me because her connection with Ben seemed so flimsy to begin with... that it's hard to understand why either one of them felt it was a good move to include the kids.  


I felt like Amanda was extremely uncomfortable and nervous the whole time - and it was because she was afraid one, or both, of her little girls would (understandably) have a total toddler meltdown and scare off Ben.  The scene of her kid crying in the car, then crying on her lap at her parent's house, then dropping off her screaming little girl in her crib... what a mess.    I am a mother of two kids, about the same age as Amanda's, and it is such a hard age... they are so volatile, so demanding - you can't really focus on anything other then them. I felt like I could feel her tension through the screen and see the wheels turning in her head, thinking of ways to put out the fires and keep her girls' little complaints from escalating into bigger 'issues' (while at the same time trying to impress Ben, look cute, and keep her top from falling off).  I felt for her, but at the same time, she put herself in that situation and should have known better.  


The girls, I think, will be fine.  They were probably confused as to what was going on, but they probably won't remember it in a week.  

Edited by sofiah
  • Love 3

So Ben didn't ask any fathers for daughters hands in marriage ... Isn't this a departure from the norm? A WELCOME departure as that's always been such a goofy and forced conversation to have to witness time and again with this show.

Ben is a smooth operator.. I find JoJo horrendous but Mr AsanteSana wholeheartedly disagrees with me - Caila is truly "off" as so many others have mentioned...I think she liked the attention from her family on that hometown date and that launched her into full competition mode to win prize Ben.

I have zero sympathy for Amanda. Most women who just had their second baby and got divorced would be thinking, hmmm, maybe I'll go on The Bachelor IN THE FUTURE. Maybe in a couple of years it would be kind of fun!  But OMG, when my kids were that age I missed them if I was away from them for any length of time. As a mother I think leaving such tiny children would be too painful to bear. I wouldn't be able to get interested in sitting around the house having banal conversations with people like Olivia or the Twin Who Doesn't Like Vegetables while my children were far away from me. Every instinct in me would revolt at the meaninglessness of what I was doing and I'd be the one crying and packing up my suitcase in the middle of the day and leaving.  So I don't understand how Amanda stayed as long as she did in the first place.  


I also do not think it matters one way or another if little kids like that are on tv or spend the day with a camera crew in their house. They have no perspective.  


JoJo has to be eliminated next week to be the Bachelorette. Because of the filming schedule, the runner-up of the  Bachelor is not eligible because they start filming the Bachelorette right after the Bachelor wraps up and, traditionally, the runner-up is supposed to be too devastated to entertain the possibility of finding love again so quickly.  That is why it is usually the F3 or higher who are eligible (because they've had time to heal their broken heart).  So if JoJo goes next week, she's got a good chance. If Caila goes next week, she's got a good chance. I don't think Fleiss will deviate from his formula, or that ABC will deviate from its programming schedule to accommodate using a F2 as the Bachelorette lead.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry, but I don't get the outrage about Amanda's kids being on the show. In 2016, when most parents are plastering their children all over Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., I just don't think it's a big deal that they were on TV for all of five minutes. By the next day they had probably forgotten all about Ben and the cameras.

I'm surprised to see so many people calling these women unattractive. I think Amanda and Jojo are two of the prettiest from this season. Caila and Lauren are cute.

As for Jojo's family... Her mother's plastic surgery is a little OTT, but she's not disgusting or anything. And the rest of her family are completely normal-looking; I'm not sure what's so 'ugly' about them. Her brother Ben is actually pretty hot. Considering he's apparently really successful, too, he might be a good Bachelor.

  • Love 4

Rewatched. I liked JoJo's family. Her mother has a very neat figure, which bodes well for the genes, and a really warm heart. I'd love to see JoJo as Bach'ette - but don't want to see her get hurt by Ben in the interim. So either she 'wins' short-term, or long-term - or not at all. Any other one of these women as Bach'ette, aside from Jubilee, I'd have zero interest in.


What stood out on the rewatch - how can three out of the four 'homes' have those white shutter window treatments? Plus that hastily flung on blue curtain at Caila's when her mother was engaging with Ben said producer plant - and really did need a quick iron after they took it out of the packet.


And Amanda's final rose ceremony makeup (boy did they all plaster it on) was really greasy, thick, and rank. I think they paint the 'loser' in the worst makeup, that's my conspiracy theory. She's always primped up well prior. Glad to see some roots retouched and a different toner in little birdie's hair.


I always feel sorry for the parents in this mess. Caila's dad was really nice. I didn't mind his mustard trews! They are brave souls to let this trainwreck of a show into their lives, for the sake of their daffy daughters, and our entertainment.

Edited by violet and green
  • Love 3

As the author of the post and the person who labeled these women "floozies," I'm standing by it. I didn't intend it to be a gendered insult. Ben is even more of a floozy. If you read my Bachelorette coverage from past seasons, I call the men similar things. Mostly, I think the word floozy is funny and silly. If you can't take the piece and its lingo on its level, this might not be the right place for you to be getting your Bachelor coverage. Maybe check out Ben's People blog?


Since we're all so big on grammar here, what about *definitions* ? -- the word 'floozy' has always meant a sexually loose, promiscious, dinghy woman without morals.  The word does not fit -- so don't be telling me that this forum "might not be the right place" for me because I don't agree with your use of the word for that group of women.


  I'm not big on Ben, the more I watch the season, but he's at least chosen women who don't hate one another, who are unusually empathetic with their competition and seem like nice people, and as others have said, personality seems more important to him than artificial, model-type looks.

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 11



Caila looks like someone to me (probably someone from a reality show bc that's all I really watch) but I can't figure out who and its driving me crazy.



She reminds me of Lori Trespicio from The Real World: Back to New York, who, like Caila, is half Filipino and went to Boston College.  A few people have said she reminds them of Catherine Lowe, although I think Caila is much prettier than Catherine.

What stood out on the rewatch - how can three out of the four 'homes' have those white shutter window treatments?

I noticed that as well. I also thought that JoJo's mother's bedroom looked pretty sparse & thought it was odd that there were no pictures on the walls.

I am not a kid person at all, but I thought the whole thing with Amanda's kids was terrible. I hated how she kept asking little Charlie if she's being shy. She probably would have been acting shy if it were just the four of them, but adding a crew of strangers carrying around odd looking, clunky filming equipment probably really scared her. Yeah, I'm sure she's forgotten about it by now, but that poor kid did seem terrified at the moment, and if I were a mother I would never subject my child to a potentially scary (not to mention unnecessary) experience (hell, I'd never do that to my dog). I did have to laugh about her crying that she'll never find anyone else who is open to the fact that she has such young children. Not sure what she means by else, because at the end of the day Ben certainly wasn't open to it. I also loved Amanda's parents telling Ben how these children are a huge responsibility and that you can't go out and do whatever you want with children to take care of. No, you can't do whatever you want, unless "whatever" includes going away for an extended period of time to be on a reality show.

I don't have much to say about Lauren, except that maybe she should find out who colors Mollie's hair and make an appointment.

As far as Caila is concerned, I think it looks super weird when she and Ben kiss, because I see zero (less than zero, even) chemistry between them. Her mentioning her dad was a CEO was all the explanation I needed for why they moved so much; it also explains his apparent personality (as a finance person I've worked with plenty of CEOs/CFOs/CIOs and I felt his personality was consistent with my experiences). I don't really see Caila as fake, sometimes bubbly people come off that way, but I did find her use of "Mommy" when speaking to her mother a little odd for someone her age.

I agree that the "JoJo receives flowers from the ex" thing seemed faker than fake. I thought the timing of when they arrived was an awfully odd "coincidence"...I mean, they had to have arrived not long before she got there, I'd think if they were sitting on the stoop for too long that they wouldn't look as fresh as they did. Plus, "Chad" knew the exact number of days she was gone doing the show? The vibe that she had with her brothers was so disturbing, IMO. I thought after they mauled her when she came in the door they'd all get undressed and have a threesome right in front of everybody. I don't know how, but I missed mom drinking the wine right from the bottle!

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 6

Since he didn't ask any of the ladies's dads for "permission" to propose, maybe that's who he makes the last-minute phone call to in the preview?  They could have easily programmed in the cell numbers of the final 2 dads for him to reach out to on the last day.  They've made it a point for the Bachelor to ask permission for the last few seasons, so it stood out to me that it didn't happen.   Or maybe we won't see anything about the phone at all. 


Or maybe he called his mommy to come pick him up.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 6

Since he didn't ask any of the ladies's dads for "permission" to propose, maybe that's who he makes the last-minute phone call to in the preview?  They could have easily programmed in the cell numbers of the final 2 dads for him to reach out to on the last day.  They've made it a point for the Bachelor to ask permission for the last few seasons, so it stood out to me that it didn't happen.   Or maybe we won't see anything about the phone at all. 


Or maybe he called his mommy to come pick him up.  



This is a brilliant idea...I hadn't even thought of that. Of course Bachelor Ben (the most vanilla of all Bachelors) would wan to ask permission first.


In case anyone is interested, my thoughts on this week's episode are up for my Tuesday Walk of Shame Bachelor blog series:


  • Love 2

WELL, it is POSSIBLE that Ben did ask his F1's dad for permission to marry her, and it wasn't shown.  

because if Ben only asked one dad, that shows us who the F1 is.   

In at least one previous season, the B has asked hypothetically "if i ask her, will you give your blessing?"    It was shown because he asked it of 2 or 3 dads.   The show is not going to let us see any Bach ask only one dad,  because they don't want to spoil the ending.    and I don't see Ben as being willing to lead parents on by asking for permission if he didn't really mean it. 


It's also possible that he asked for all the parents' blessings, but worded it in such a way that it gave away his final choice, so the decision was made not to show it. 

  • Love 3
I think it's that Ben is very, very slick.  He always has the right words and the right look.  He looks into each gal's eyes without blinking as if she were the only interesting focus. It's acting. and he's a very good actor.

He's also too 'familiar' with each woman and leads them on even more than he needs to, all because he wants to 'know' he could be 'loveable' (apparently meaning he is adored by his choice), and he seems to want this from each woman, knowing he could hurt them badly if he convinces them (as the salesman he is very good at) that he needs them to let him know they love him because without that, how can he trust/love them?

The heck, you've just described every man and relationship I've ever had in my VERY long life. All men are salesmen when it comes to THEM as the product being sold.

I also loved Amanda's parents telling Ben how these children are a huge responsibility and that you can't go out and do whatever you want with children to take care of. No, you can't do whatever you want, unless "whatever" includes going away for an extended period of time to be on a reality show.

A big A-men to that. It's fine for Amanda to take off and wander the globe with a bunch of strangers for an unknown period of time, but heaven forbid Ben go out to play cards with his buddies for even one night a year if he takes over stepdad duties. That'd be enough for me to say "Adios, amigos" if I were the Bach.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 11

There were some articles written in Andi's season that addressed the houses in the home town dates, but I don't know where to find them.  


Generally, the family homes, or places that get filmed for the dates are cleared out of clutter and staged a bit.   Some busy prints or patterned furniture & drapes are covered up or removed because they don't "read" well on TV and are distracting.  Family photos are usually left in and some decorative stuff, but the whole space is made more generic and impersonal so things don't get damaged and the focus is on the family, not the decor. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 1

My first post on Previously TV!  I have watched every Bachelor and Bachelorette and used to read TWOP. (Why did they shut it down? Didn't they understand how much TWOP meant to me? :-) ) 


I loved this episode as much as any I've ever watched on the The Bachelor.  From Jojo's "staring brother" to the bizarrely wrinkled drapes at Caila's house to Lauren B's hair in Portland (Does she have extensions?  A hairbrush?),  I wouldn't be able to pick out what I enjoyed the most.  (Well, okay, it was Jojo's mom drinking straight from the bottle.)  


I like Ben as a Bachelor, but I do think that he is being somewhat ruthless leading these poor women on at this point.  I think he is basically a kind-hearted guy and had to have realized how badly he was going to hurt Amanda at the Rose Ceremony.  She seems to be at a really vulnerable stage in her life. I would imagine she could get online and find a guy in his thirties with a good job who could afford a nanny and wouldn't have to take the toddlers for "a long day" at the beach. 


I wrote an article for the Huffington Post on my love of the Bachelor and the varying odds of success for the 19 Bachelors and 11 Bachelorettes, if anyone's interested in seeing the stats as far as finding love on this show.    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lv-krause/how-is-the-bachelor-like-_b_8922082.html

  • Love 8
Family photos are usually left in and some decorative stuff,


I remember one hometown visit where the painting on the wall behind the people was blurred out in every scene. I guess they forgot to take it off the wall or replace it with something generic! It is fun to look at the rooms and try to figure if they are real or staged. Or someplace nowhere near where those people REALLY live! If I'm ever on this show, I want my "hometown" house to be some fantastic mansion. You know, like a FAIRYTALE house!


As for both people having to take their wine glass along for private conversations, one scene where the mom was talking to the daughter (Caila? Jojo? Can't remember.), they hugged at the end, each still holding a full glass of wine. I was waiting for one to dump it down the other's back.


I'm very depressed about that adorable dog having passed away. RIP pup. 

  • Love 2
My first post on Previously TV!  I have watched every Bachelor and Bachelorette and used to read TWOP. (Why did they shut it down? Didn't they understand how much TWOP meant to me? :-) )



I think you'll like it here, hyacinth! It's like TWoP only a lot less strict. You still have to play nice (of course), but you won't get sent to the principal's office for talking about the boards on the boards or anything silly like that. 


I'm very depressed about that adorable dog having passed away. RIP pup.



I know. File that under things I wish I didn't know. If I had my way no animal would ever be harmed or die. Yes I know that doesn't make sense. No I don't care. 

  • Love 8

My first post on Previously TV!  I have watched every Bachelor and Bachelorette and used to read TWOP. (Why did they shut it down? Didn't they understand how much TWOP meant to me? :-) ) 


I loved this episode as much as any I've ever watched on the The Bachelor.  From Jojo's "staring brother" to the bizarrely wrinkled drapes at Caila's house to Lauren B's hair in Portland (Does she have extensions?  A hairbrush?),  I wouldn't be able to pick out what I enjoyed the most.  (Well, okay, it was Jojo's mom drinking straight from the bottle.)  


I like Ben as a Bachelor, but I do think that he is being somewhat ruthless leading these poor women on at this point.  I think he is basically a kind-hearted guy and had to have realized how badly he was going to hurt Amanda at the Rose Ceremony.  She seems to be at a really vulnerable stage in her life. I would imagine she could get online and find a guy in his thirties with a good job who could afford a nanny and wouldn't have to take the toddlers for "a long day" at the beach. 


I wrote an article for the Huffington Post on my love of the Bachelor and the varying odds of success for the 19 Bachelors and 11 Bachelorettes, if anyone's interested in seeing the stats as far as finding love on this show.    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lv-krause/how-is-the-bachelor-like-_b_8922082.html

Yes welcome hyacinth. I just joined the board last year. I love it here. Hope you will as well.


Can I ask, what is TWoP? I used to occasionally post on the ABC message board but they shut that down last year. Is that what you are referring to? I actually like this site much better.

TWoP ... Television Without Pity. Gone but not forgotten. Mods were strict, which is why I went through four identities before I stopped posting there altogether. After closing all threads for posting, the site stayed up about a year as a read-only, but now is gone altogether. That's when we all came over here. TWoP was a live tv chat site for many years, and extremely popular.


IThis place is WAY better, however. Just sayin'. However, it's like I still feel the TWoP mods breathing over my shoulder, making me nervous. Yes, even now, as I post this!) 


So ... apologies for going OT.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 6

I think this is the most effed-up families they've shown in one hometowns episode in the history of this show.  I think Lauren's family is the only one I'd want to be a part of. 


Caila's dad just gave off a major creepy vibe and his worship of the Phillipino community was strange to me.  And Caila still seems really fake to me.  I was so hoping, when Caila's mom asked Ben what he liked about Caila, that he would reply "she's a sex panther!!" 


Jojo and Amanda.... well, my advice to Ben is to look at Mom and know THAT is what you're going to be living with in the future.  Run!!!  Those were not good looks.  I found Jojo's segment, from start to finish, to be completely fake and awkward.

  • Love 2

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