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"The View": Week of 02/22/16


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Coming off the the incredibly sharp cutting excellence of Last Week Tonight and then the equally magnificent Full Frontal with Samantha Bee these last two nights both focusing on aspects of states' T.R.A.P. laws, I felt a bit like Julia Child showing up for work her first day as the person who presses the button to start the fries cooking at McDonalds today.  


I do find the argument about rape/incest actually undermines the whole "pro-life" movement.  But not as if it is some compromise or some notion of being thoughtful and reasonable as CCB seems to think.  But rather that as it is actually, more often than not, refused as a consideration, it highlights that the huge underpinning of the pro-life argument springs from the patriarchal notion that women are second class citizens.  As soon as CCB used the term pro-life the push back should have been "why aren't you pro-lives?"  Because the stance as a political one and not that of personal belief* is that there is just one life to be "pro' about.  Always talk about fetuses and never the womb.  Wombs are lives just as much as fetuses are.  And yet the only life that matters is the fetus.  And I say this as someone who does belief life begins at conception.  In that area I don't think lines are drawn.  Because I also don't think it matters.  CCB can try to mitigate the fact that she supports the idea that she gets to exercise her own beliefs on the matter but others are not with the 'incest or rape' escape clause as it were.  But the fact is, she is simply saying her religious beliefs need to be respected.  When it comes to other women's bodies. 

And the law that protects her right to such religious "beliefs" however not be extended to anyone else unless they share them.  She a danger in that  she is allowed to pretend it is some kind of compromise.  Because what she is calling a compromise is a deigning despotism.   It is an allowance.  How nice.  She gets to tell others what to do and expects them to be thankful for the little gap she allows in her dogmatic views.    Which again is hypothetical because most of the TRAP laws and restrictive states measures do not allow for exceptions in the case of rape or incest.  Many, including the one 'Tepid Gruel' Kasich just signed don't even allow for abortion in the threat of the mother's life.  Because again. It is pro-life.  Not pro-lives. Wombs and the women who have them in the end simply do not matter to this element of Conservatism.  And CCB showed that in all its glory and all her ignorance today.


I would have liked to hear more from Sunny as well since I think she falls, ironically, close to me in the matter.  I have personal issues with abortion as a means of birth control.  I'm not saying those issues are "right" in any way.  I have issues with my issues lets say.  But I would never think, even if it could directly affect me, to think my choice on the matter (which is solely hypothetical, solely a general idea with no specific application and a knowledge as such it is a personal rule with an infinite number of exceptions -- both real and potential)  is nothing but that and no more or no less valid in general, let alone in specific to decide how another should be allowed to make the choice that is one she has to live with no matter what it is.  I think Sunny is anti-abortion but pro-choice when all is said and done.  I also think Sunny knows damn well were Planned Parenthood sits on the matter of how many abortions come out of the place for lack of a better term and how many it actually prevents.  Not just in the number of unwanted pregnancies it prevents in the first place, but Rachel Maddow a few years back gave stats on how many pregnancies Planned Parenthood guided to full term through referrals etc even involving adoption and single parent help networks.  It was when the nuns that Pope Benedict had such a hissy fit over were advocating all kinds of anti-Christian things.  Feeding the poor.  Caring for the ill.  Protecting infants and children.  And the real work of Satan, supporting President Obama.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 10

I want to know what those white eye patches are and where I can get them, because I SO need them!!!! It would have been nice if either Raven or Traci could have told me what they were!!!



Here ya' go, GH:



If you Google "under eye gel pads", there are many options.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure about that either Fannysue.

I am so over the continuous abortion debate but agree with those posters that a different tactic needs to be considered other than the repetitive ones on this show.

Abortion is legal, if you don't believe in abortion - don't have one.

The Pope even said women in Brazil can consider birth control very recently due to Zika.

And no - am not or was Catholic.

  • Love 8

I don't understand why Kasich had to say, "Women came out of their kitchens." to support him. That just stuns me. Women were college grads and had careers in 1978. BLARG.... sexist indeed. It makes me stabby.

Or perhaps there is an implication there (a la CCB's thought process) that only "good" women supported Kasich and therefore they were in "their kitchens" ... you know where good women are supposed to be.

Raven and CCB don't really understand how offensive they are being.   I am very close to Kasic's age.   in 1978 ,  I was graduating from college, working full time nights, fully independent and supporting myself.   I spent very little time "in the kitchen".  Now, I don't know where he went to college, but I assume he would have been exposed to some ideas about women's equality.  In the late 70's, what he said would have been seen as sexist by a lot of people.


And Raven saying, if he's 63, that someone must have taught him to use Twitter - why?  because old people are stupid?   Shut up Raven!   Twitter isn't hard to figure out, and people over 60 are not doddering idiots!

  • Love 16

Kasich has missed the last 4 decades of PC. Little women do not "belong" in the kitchen - nor doing the laundry. BTW - I doubt Ann Romney does the laundry.

Can't he even update his vocabulary to say SAHM's? No shame in being one. It IS a feminist decision and fine with other women.

I graduated in 1969 with a BA from college. I get, though, it takes a while for everyone to come aboard - or not. Their decision. Not right, or wrong.

  • Love 4

Social Media can be hellish towards adults as well, and personally I think a lot of sites shouldn't let people on them until their 18 years old. Or maybe 21? I know that seems strict, but considering the amount of teen bullying I've seen on these sites, it just makes me worried about my younger cousins and I hope they aren't going through it. Bullying sucks no matter what, even adult bullying, but in a way I think we're more able to deal with it as an adult? Or am I not making sense? Sorry.


I'm sorry to break this to you Ashleylyn, but age restrictions don't mean anything.  Both my nephew and my niece had FB pages when they were about 11-12 even though I think you were supposed to be 13 or something, with their mother's permission by the way.  Five years later they rarely touch FB but are still constantly on social media.  Constantly.   I worry too because I know for a fact their parents don't even look at their Twitter feeds, etc. 



I don't understand why Kasich had to say, "Women came out of their kitchens." to support him. That just stuns me. Women were college grads and had careers in 1978. BLARG.... sexist indeed. It makes me stabby.

Or perhaps there is an implication there (a la CCB's thought process) that only "good" women supported Kasich and therefore they were in "their kitchens" ... you know where good women are supposed to be.

The most horrifying aspect of this conversation for me was learning that Born Again Barbie home schooled her children.   I wonder how long that lasted?  I'm thinking they quickly passed her after learning to read and she had to put them in school.  


I swear, I was going to be nice and not say anything today and just read y'all's' comments. But, dammit, Candace is like the gift that keeps on fucking giving! And I can't help myself.

She really is. In her mind, I think Candace thinks of herself as a Disney Princess from back in the day when forest creatures did her hair and clothing. Birds sang pretty songs and everyone was lovely.  She never had to think about things like politics or sex or children eating McNuggets, LOL.


Candace can FOAD, in my opinion.  Her willfull ignorance on Planned Parenthood is staggering.  Oh yes, little princess, defunding PP will help the non-abortion clinics thrive.  It's good for small business!  I won't call people like her Pro-Life, I call them Pro-Fetus.  The interest in life ends at birth.  No public assistance for you, disgusting slacker degenerate.  Get a job you lazy newborn. She is beyond disingenuous. She was lying, and she knew it.  She stuttered and stopped, and struggled to cling to the Republican talking points. 


In some areas, Planned Parenthood is the ONLY option.  If I didn't care for the hypothetical children, I would wish unwanted pregnancies on Candace until she hits menopause.  Hate.

 I'm not gonna lie, "Get a job you lazy newborn." cracked me up.  Wine through the nose funny!  You nailed the spirit of people so concerned with the fetus but not the child or her family.    But I don't think Candace knows she's lying.  I honestly thinks she lacks the ability to think things through or see two opposite viewpoints.  It seems to me, she pretty much is parroting stuff she hears at home or at church.  Sometimes when Joy or Whoopi ask her a question, she seems to be in visible distress trying to think about what they said. 


One other thing about the abortion discussion.  Pro-life is a phrase made up by anti-choice advocates because it sounds so much more positive than anti-choice.  But actually, the [political] issue is choice.  No one is arguing that anyone should have an abortion, the political argument is every woman should have the choice.


During the conversation about John Kasich, Raven said something to the effect that "Kasich needed to up-date his word plethora!"  For GAWD's sake, that woman is bordering on illiterate!!  Why don't they see that she's incapable of voicing a cogent opinion???

Haha, I caught that too. I even got a laugh when Sunny said, "He's 63..." and Miss Whoopi growled, "Careful".   You know, I'm not hating having Sunny at the table - it doesn't hurt to have someone trained in the law to speak to some of the nonsense this show puts out.  Studying the law includes learning how to make an argument, something seriously lacking at the table where what Miss Whoopi says is how it is.

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 14



And Raven saying, if he's 63, that someone must have taught him to use Twitter - why?  because old people are stupid?   Shut up Raven!   Twitter isn't hard to figure out, and people over 60 are not doddering idiots!


OMG, yes!


I'm at the point with Raven where I block out pretty much everything she says.  But the Twitter comment somehow got through, and I thought to myself, "She really is a moron".  I am close to his age, and no one had to show me how to use Twitter.  There's really not that much to it.  What an idiotic and condescending thing to say!  You're exactly right - We're not doddering idiots.  She really seems to think that youth = intelligence, and she's clearly impressed with how savvy she perceives herself to be.


I can do everything on social media that Raven does.  And I read books too!  (I also know how to speak and I'm far more likeable than she is.  But that's a story for another day......)  :-)

  • Love 14

My Mother was a SAHM who had one boarder & a roomer.  (I was the last-born of six kids.)  She was INSTRUMENTAL in getting Charlotte Whitton elected as first woman Mayor of Ottawa in 1951.  I remember serving fancy sandwiches & petit fours to all kinds of church groups & associations my Mother was affiliated with when I was about six.  She did what she had to do to run the house but she was politically-inclined & a force to be dealt with.  Just sayin'.

Oh ya, forgot to mention she was gay & her love letters to & from her "partner" still bring me to tears!!!  Just sayin'.

Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 16

I am not nearly as bothered by Kasich's comments as some are.  I have to admit in all honestly I really don't care what he said because I have no intention of voting for him or any other Republican.  But nonetheless, it bothers me that he actually made a longer statement than many outlets are not completely including in their reports, leaving out a portion that adds context.  I guess it just bugs me when a person -whoever they are- has their words parsed. Here is what he said:


"How did I get elected?" Kasich asked the crowd, recalling his first run for state senate in Ohio in 1978. "I didn't have anybody for me. We just got an army of people, who, and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put yard signs up for me. You know, things were different. Now you call homes and everybody's out working. But at that time, the early days, it was an army of the women that really helped me get elected to the state senate."




That last bit which I italicized seems to be left out of most stories.  I don't recall it being included in today's discussion.  It shows the man is not completely lacking in awareness that women were actually holding jobs outside the home in 1978, which the panel had a lot of fun suggesting today. But that suggestion is unjustified in my opinion.


His campaign also attempted to put the remark in context:


“(His) campaigns have always been homegrown affairs,” spokesperson Rob Nichols told NBC News. “They’ve literally been run out of his friends’ kitchens and many of his early campaign teams were made up of stay-at-home moms who believed deeply in the changes he wanted to bring to them and their families. That’s real grassroots campaigning and he’s proud of that authentic support. To try and twist his comments into anything else is just desperate politics.”






Now I recognize this as damage control.  I'm not stupid.  But the thing is, that does not necessarily make it untrue.  It may well be the case that in the early stages of his political career, Kasich was successful in part due to the grass roots efforts of women who were homemakers.  I don't see the problem with acknowledging that if it's true.  


And nowhere in either of these statements do I hear John Kasich saying he thinks all women were staying at home or should have been be staying at home.  All I hear him saying is that he appreciates the efforts to get him elected made by women who were stay home wives.  Could he have said it better?  Probably. But I am just not outraged by someone acknowledging and voicing appreciation for the help he received from women who were in fact -  in reality -  homemakers.  It's not a dirty word, although you would think it was from the reaction of some of the women on the panel today (except Raven, surprisingly enough).


While I am on the subject, I have to say I also think the comment he made about political spouses who "are home doing laundry and doing so many little things while we're up here on stage getting a little bit of applause" is not nearly as offensive to me as some of the panel made it out to be.  It's obvious they have never really seen the tape of him making the comment or read his words in their entirety.  




There is nothing offensive about it in my opinion.  I don't hear Kasich saying all wives were home doing laundry or should be.  If anything (to me) that comment sounds like an acknowledgment of the fact that many politicians have greatly benefitted from having a spouse who has taken responsibility for seeing to the mundane duties of running the family back home, not getting to enjoy the applause and attention their spouse receives in the course of their career in politics.  


Yeah, I know, Sonny ... Hilary Clinton wasn't at home doing laundry.  But guess what ... not everybody gets to be a Hilary Clinton.  Countless political spouses have been the ones who had to do the laundry.  And the cooking and the cleaning and all the childcare.  They were the nanny and the nurse and the tutor, too.  All so their spouse could spend time on the road and time in Washington or whatever state capital.  Is it so wrong to acknowledge that fact and give them a nod?  


I found the reaction of the panel to this all to be a silly, ill-informed feeding frenzy, quite frankly.  


I mean there are PLENTY of reasons to not like John Kasich,  Many if his policies horrify me, personally.  But they didn't even know if he thought abortion should be legal in the case of rape or incest.  Someone had to feed that info to Sonny through her earpiece. I'lll give you ten bucks if even one of them could tell you what he thinks of global warming or common core or if they can explain his position on immigration.  But when it came to that stupid kitchen soundbite and the laundry comment ... that they were all experts on.  Grabbing at low-hanging fruit is their specialty.  Especially when it is based on incomplete quotes scribbled on blue cards written by production assistants who have researched the issues on Facebook and twitter for fifteen minutes.  And that really showed today. 

  • Love 14

I would have liked to hear more from Sunny as well since I think she falls, ironically, close to me in the matter.  I have personal issues with abortion as a means of birth control.  I'm not saying those issues are "right" in any way.  I have issues with my issues lets say.  But I would never think, even if it could directly affect me, to think my choice on the matter (which is solely hypothetical, solely a general idea with no specific application and a knowledge as such it is a personal rule with an infinite number of exceptions -- both real and potential)  is nothing but that and no more or no less valid in general, let alone in specific to decide how another should be allowed to make the choice that is one she has to live with no matter what it is.  I think Sunny is anti-abortion but pro-choice when all is said and done.  I also think Sunny knows damn well were Planned Parenthood sits on the matter of how many abortions come out of the place for lack of a better term and how many it actually prevents.  Not just in the number of unwanted pregnancies it prevents in the first place, but Rachel Maddow a few years back gave stats on how many pregnancies Planned Parenthood guided to full term through referrals etc even involving adoption and single parent help networks.  It was when the nuns that Pope Benedict had such a hissy fit over were advocating all kinds of anti-Christian things.  Feeding the poor.  Caring for the ill.  Protecting infants and children.  And the real work of Satan, supporting President Obama.


Didn't Whoopi and Joy guide her to that realization a couple weeks ago while discussing abortion in another context?  That she's personally against abortion for herself but would not want to force other women not to have a choice?


The Pope even said women in Brazil can consider birth control very recently due to Zika.


While appreciate the Pope's exception here, I have a problem with him not extending it to condoms to prevent HIV, which can kill you.  I do think it's ironic that he's going against doctrine to allow sex for a couple years until a vaccine for Zika can be developed or I don't know what.  It's just odd.


Okay, I just have to say this though it's been covered above better, calling a fetus an unborn baby or a child raises the hair on my neck.  It's a fetus.  It isn't a blob of cells after a number of weeks which used to be used to justify things, but it is a fetus not an unborn anything.  And I hate the use of pro-life, because I don't know a single person that is pro-choice that is anti-life.  What these anti-choice people need to call themselves is pro-fetus, because they don't give a darn (as stated above so well) once that fetus is born.  And they aren't pro-life because nine out of ten of them are pro-capital punishment.


Joy alluded to the one area that gets me going so much that I start being for capital punishment, and that is pedophiles, the damage that they do to their victims is for a lifetime so I get really worked up about it.  I do understand where Clinton makes her exception which is terrorism, like McVeigh for Tsarnaev - but after I really reconcile everything, I'm still against capital punishment for any reason.


CCB and her allusion to the clinics being small-businesses made me scream at the teevee machine, "defunding" Planned Parenthood doesn't mean they are going to send the money anywhere else because what Planned Parenthood receives is reimbursement for fees for services.  The clinics that the GOP keeps referring to are not "small business" but community clinics which were greatly expanded under the ACA.  These are the free and sliding scale clinics used by the under and uninsured.  So now, Kasich is effectively saying is that Ohio will no longer reimburse (via Medicaid, which he did accept the expansion of) PP or community clinics that may have have an associated clinic that performs abortions.  Stupid CCB, there is nothing entrepreneurial about the community clinic system.

  • Love 10

The media keeps referring to it as "defunding" PP.  As Nextiteration posted above PP is NOT funded by the federal government.  They are reimbursed for services rendered.  Just as any other medical facility or doctor's office is. 


Celia Rubenstein I live in a state bordering Ohio and John Kasich is just as scary as you think he is.  The media is portraying him as the less radical conservative but he is just as bad as the rest of them.  He just isn't so vocal about it.


And yes Cosmocrush BAB does think her life is a fairy tale.  I understand she grew up a Hollywood sound stage but how can she still be so ignorant of the real world? And blissfully so.  She is Elisabeth 2.0 but without the spiteful meanness.


DebbieM4 Raven does think being young means you are smarter, more attractive, funnier, just all around better.  She is the stereotypical 18-34 idiot that advertisers covet.

  • Love 6

My Mother was a SAHM who had one boarder & a roomer. (I was the last-born of six kids.) She was INSTRUMENTAL in getting Charlotte Whitton elected as first woman Mayor of Ottawa in 1951. I remember serving fancy sandwiches & petit fours to all kinds of church groups & associations my Mother was affiliated with when I was about six. She did what she had to do to run the house but she was politically-inclined & a force to be dealt with. Just sayin'.

Oh ya, forgot to mention she was gay & her love letters to & from her "partner" still bring me to tears!!! Just sayin'.

There's a lovely novel in those words! Plus a cool, feminist story! Edited by Tosia
  • Love 5

A big reason people don't answer the phone when politicians call is because of caller id. Congress conveniently exempted themselves from the National Do Not Call Registry so they are free to badger everyone with their calls. I have a plethora of thoughts and words on the subject.

I'm off to see what the stupidest thing said on today's show is.

  • Love 3

I think I got confused during hot topics. Was it centered around Sara and her pregnancy?

Losing friendships. What I've noticed is that you can be friends with someone forever but then you get to a point in life.. You're both 25 or 30 years old and your lives are opposite. You got bills and kids or ambitions to go up the corporate ladder and no desire to drink and get wasted...while your friend has no responsibilities and gets wasted or goes bar hopping every night. Essentially priorities and life changes and your friendship is dead. I've noticed that a lot.

I tuned out about the question about having sex with kids. I caught CCB's comment about quickies though. I'm just eh about the sex stuff because I'm eh about sex.

And heelllloooo Tom Selleck. One of the few older men I find quite attractive.

So apparently today was about Sara? I guess this is her first kid. Her parents seem nice.

Edited by AshleyLyn
  • Love 4

The very many pregnant ladies in the audience got the strollers that Paula was promoting. I know that. 

and a 6 month supply of diapers.


ETA:  I always wonder how they stack the audience with only pregnant women for these shows.  What I mean is, if you're pregnant and somehow invited to the show, you basically have to go alone unless you know someone who is also pregnant to go along with you.  So, you can't just invite Mom, etc.  And what fun is it to schlep yourself to the show, wait in line, etc. when you're by yourself?  Just random thoughts...


BTW, all those raging hormones and Tom Selleck?  Whew!  He'll always be a hottie!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 2

At the risk of sounding like a cold bitch, which I guess I am, I hate showers. Hate them! So the last thing I want to watch on tv, is, umm, a shower. I suspect that that Sara's shower is further evidence that she will soon be named as a permanent cohost.

You can sit next to me Bronzedog.   Nothing bores me like a baby shower and there is rarely any booze.  I'm happy to send a gift and skip the cake.  As far as Sara's shower goes, I'm thinking it's probably less about her and more about a chance to shill some stuff for the show.   Either way, thanks for the head's up.  

  • Love 10

And they got the baby monitor/nanny cam that looks like an owl.


After a week+ of no internet/cable TV, my first show back and it's a baby shower for Sara. Now it's pretty obvious to me that GMA placed Sara on The Spew so they wouldn't have to deal with such? I don't know how much longer Whoops can fake being happy that Sara is there, and Joy is like ... whatever. Both Mother of the Century Miss Whoopi and Joy had their huge broods of one child each many years ago. Joy doesn't offer much advice while WG is the infallible authority on parenting.


I guess this ep was a nice change of pace though for viewers who are into this sort of thing. Sara seemed genuinely touched, so there's that. Yes, expect her to be an introduced-in-the-opening-credits permanent cohost next season.

  • Love 3
ETA:  I always wonder how they stack the audience with only pregnant women for these shows.  What I mean is, if you're pregnant and somehow invited to the show, you basically have to go alone unless you know someone who is also pregnant to go along with you.  So, you can't just invite Mom, etc.  And what fun is it to schlep yourself to the show, wait in line, etc. when you're by yourself?  Just random thoughts...



I'm assuming they put out a call for ladies who are pregnant to fill the seats. I heard they can do that, specifically looking for certain people. 


That's today's show. Yummilicious Tom should've just sat there and said nothing for all he was able to squeeze in with none of them letting him get in more than four words every 45 seconds.

And I TOTALLY disagree about the dropping of friends because one may have children and the other may not. My childhood best friend (40 years now) has two children and I don't have any, yet we've been able to maintain and stay friends-through school, college, marriages, divorce (hers), and annulment (mine).

You can't make a blanket statement like Joy and Sarah did. Not all friendships are the same.

ETA: oh and as for sex after just giving birth? I sure hope Sarah and the audience knows that sex is forbidden for at least 8 weeks, so the mom can heal. I've never heard of anyone having sex right after.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4

And I TOTALLY disagree about the dropping of friends because one may have children and the other may not. My childhood best friend (40 years now) has two children and I don't have any, yet we've been able to maintain and stay friends-through school, college, marriages, divorce (hers), and annulment (mine).

You can't make a blanket statement like Joy and Sarah did. Not all friendships are the same.



I wasn't trying to make a blanket statement, but mainly an example on what happens when it comes to losing friendships/friendships dying. People go different directions and sometimes that can make it hard to keep a friendship up. I apologize if it came out as a blanket statement, wasn't my intention. And I'm glad you were able to keep that friendship, not everyone seems to be able to. 

I do agree this episode was kind of boring. I mean they couldn't have Tom on any longer than what they got? Meh. 

  • Love 1

I wasn't trying to make a blanket statement, but mainly an example on what happens when it comes to losing friendships/friendships dying. People go different directions and sometimes that can make it hard to keep a friendship up. I apologize if it came out as a blanket statement, wasn't my intention. And I'm glad you were able to keep that friendship, not everyone seems to be able to.

I do agree this episode was kind of boring. I mean they couldn't have Tom on any longer than what they got? Meh.

Ummm my comments were directed toward Joy and Sarah, not what you posted. I'm sure my comments made it clear I was directing it toward them.

Air head Sara Haines again!  So Raven and Michelle both get the timeout chair so they have this baby shower for someone who isn't a regular co-host?


Why don't they just have this baby shower stuff on GMA?


You mean you didn't send a gift??!  LOL  I guess they kicked the "on their way out" ladies out and put the ones "on the way in" on.....  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 4

Paula probably would have mentioned the rest of the story.

Only for a conservative. For Hillary or Bernie, she'd be perfectly fine at leaving it at a salacious headline.


My sister decided to visit as soon as The View came on. I was pissed at first, but then noticed the entire show revolved around Sara Haines--who is not even an official co-host of this show! Who-tf cares?! Tears and sob story video edits--she has to be pretty well-off, so why should I be invested in her getting a free nursery? 


At least there was nothing to miss.

  • Love 4


f it's a choice between sara and sunny...I'll take sunny because she's a lawyer that can have intelligent discussions. I noticed a few times Michelle stepped up her game a bit when sunny is on.

Sunny can add some brains to table, Sara cannot.



I suspect that that Sara's shower is further evidence that she will soon be named as a permanent cohost.

She is on every week and at least twice a week, sometimes three times a week. She is on more than Michelle and Raven.


I'd say she is already a permanent co-host. Besides her being an airhead, she and Paula are pals too much. If I wanted to see them together, I'd watch GMA. Makes my head spin!

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 3

I enjoyed today's show.  Any day without Raven and Michelle is a day to enjoy.  I notice when Raven and Michelle aren't there, thee is so much less interrupting and cross talk.  I guess I just an not attentive enough to understand why some see Sarah as an airhead.

I like Sara, too. I have ever since she was on the fourth hour of the Today show. She seems genuine and fun, and willing to share her views without screaming or insulting anyone else. Even though most people on this thread don't agree, I hope she does become a permanent member.

  • Love 6

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