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S15.E12: Showcase #2: Judges Vote

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I am sooooooo in the minority apparantly. I really enjoy Jeneve and her voice us very nice I like the unusual take on her performances. I even had to watch her 'Angel' performance twice, which I never do. I don't think she can win but I was thrilled they put her through. I want to see more from her.

I don't want to like Jeneve because I hate her "off the grid" back story and her ridiculous outfits (my opinion is that anyone who isn't currently surrounded by cows should leave off the cowboy hat), but I admit I like her voice.  She did great with "Angel."  Of course, that's a song associated with 9/11 and abused animals, so I suspect I'd still be emotionally affected by it even if it were sung by Carrot Top.

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Scotty did not seem all that into his performance with Jeneve.



They turned Jeneve into a complete clown. That was painful and it seemed like Scotty just wanted to not even be on stage with her.

 Scotty could not wait to get off stage especially from Howdy Doody's daughter!  He came no where close to her on stage and not sure he could even glance her way, never smiled, gave her a cold thank you and as he was coming off stage he looked pissed off like thank God that is over!!


The obvious problem with the duets - they did not show case the contestants.  Most of the song choices were mis matches.  And a lot of the voices just didn't mesh well. 


And of course to showcase the songs of the previous winners!  

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 Scotty could not wait to get off stage especially from Howdy Doody's daughter!  He came no where close to her on stage and not sure he could even glance her way, never smiled, gave her a cold thank you and as he was coming off stage he looked pissed off like thank God that is over!!



And of course to showcase the songs of the previous winners!  

The day this segment filmed, it was announced that Scotty had been dropped from his label.


This should have been about the contestants - not showcasing the songs of the alums.

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From what I've read, there is no wild card save. It was announced a couple of weeks ago by Fox so it isn't a spoiler. <br />The judges put through the top 14, pick 8 and then the audience votes on 2.<br /><br />I know Jeneve and Avalon have their "looks"!but the shows stylist should at least make the show not look ridiculous. Any photos from Jeneve make the show look like a 1950s talent show. Avalon has to get over that wearing only clothes she's slept in look because she looks silly too on stage with Rubin. A little effort will only help her.<br />Not sure why I'm complaining because I'm betting the show wants a Sonika v Tristan finale. Nothing original or artistic. But the show should care about its own tarnished image, even if they don't care if contestants look like a joke. I'm hoping someone at the network read them the riot act and after the already recorded shows, the presentation will start to step up.

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Ugh the best part of the last two shows was no Tristan. I noticed she was the FIRST person they showed Wednesday.

I didn't mind Ruben singing "Superstar" with Stephany because I love her but if I were her I wouldn't have wanted to touch it. Of all the songs that Idol contestants can claim as their own, there is none more associated than that with Ruben. IMO obvs.

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Agreed on liking Jeneve...I'm not sure why she seems to be failing to connect with so many people. To me, although she is a bit "out there" with her styling, and country really isn't my thing to start with, she seems to be an exceptionally talented and musical performer with a strong sense of who she is, especially given her age. I'm interested to see what else she brings to the table.


My favorites of this group were La'Porsha and Mackenzie. I really do love her sense of showmanship, her voice and her confidence. Even though singers like her typically don't appeal to me, there is something so organic in the way she performs that I find myself really enjoying it.

And Mackenzie, though I don't respond much to his looks, just has a tone that I find eminently soothing and listenable. That slightly breathy thing that makes it soft like baby powder. LOL


The others, I'm reserving judgement on for the moment.


I do find myself liking Gianna more than I thought I would. She may have gotten where she is due to some family connections, and she has always struck me a bit as having been groomed into a singer since day 1 in hopes of the sort of stardom that her mother never quite achieved, but she truly does have a very good voice and quite a lot of potential.


Sonika has a very pretty voice, but I really don't see much in the way of charisma or any particular creativity or real musicality there. She may surprise me if she can get more comfortable, though.


Thomas has struck me, alternately, as somewhat intriguing and utterly horrible, but he does have a quality to him which could really work if he could ditch 90% of his affectation.


And Avalon just sort of bores me. There's obvious potential there, but I'm always having to look back at the list to see who I've forgotten, and it always seems to be her.

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From what I've read, there is no wild card save. It was announced a couple of weeks ago by Fox so it isn't a spoiler. <br />The judges put through the top 14, pick 8 and then the audience votes on 2.<br /><br />I know Jeneve and Avalon have their "looks"!but the shows stylist should at least make the show not look ridiculous. Any photos from Jeneve make the show look like a 1950s talent show. Avalon has to get over that wearing only clothes she's slept in look because she looks silly too on stage with Rubin. A little effort will only help her.<br />Not sure why I'm complaining because I'm betting the show wants a Sonika v Tristan finale. Nothing original or artistic. But the show should care about its own tarnished image, even if they don't care if contestants look like a joke. I'm hoping someone at the network read them the riot act and after the already recorded shows, the presentation will start to step up.


I see a big difference between Jeneve and Avalon (besides the fact that one is a much better singer), in that the former's style comes across as totally fake, while Avalon's comes across as at least somewhat genuine.  There are tens of thousands of young women out there who dress somewhat like Avalon and would have a similar attitude towards how they would present themselves on stage.  Or at least there are in Northern California and the northwest.  Oh, I´m sure the producers have pushed her into taking it to an extreme in an effort to differentiate her from the other contestants, but I can easily believe that it comes from a genuine place on her part.  I know were used to most women dolling themselves up to the max on American Idol and perhaps its a bit jarring for some viewers from when we get one who doesn't, but that is exactly why I find Avalon to be kind of refreshing.  It probably helps that the natural look with minimum make-up suits her.  She has a fairly attractive face just as it is.


I also disagree that the show necessarily wants a Sonika vs. Tristan final.  Trent, Dalton and La'Porsha have gotten at least as much pimping as Tristan, plus all three have been given more sympathetic backstage edits.  As for Sonika, I think she has been pushed on us a lot less than any of the above, and perhaps even less than Gianna and Thomas have.

Edited by viajero
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Did they mention who chose the songs, the arrangements, and the keys? Because they heavily favored some of the alums. Other alums (Ruben, Nick, Fantasia) let the contestant shine a little. Lauren oversang the hell out of everything imo. Shocker. ANd so did Caleb, but Caleb was good, imo so I got over it.


If I did twitter (Or "THE" twitter as my bf calls it) I'd tweet Jeneve and tell her in a gentle way to get rid of that ridiculous ensemble. It is making folks mock her. Same for the tomboy no makeup girl. (Avalon?) I get it.  I love to wear no makeup and leggings and a big ole shirt from the men's department. I would not, however, wear that on tv in a competition. Sheesh. Presentation does matter. This is not radio.

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They turned Jeneve into a complete clown. That was painful and it seemed like Scotty just wanted to not even be on stage with her.


Poor Jeneve looks like the love child of early K.D. Lang and Jimmy Fallon's "Eww" girl. It looked like she was having trouble functioning because she had a huge mega crush on Scotty. She's 15 but a YOUNG 15. 

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Do you ever find yourself getting impatient, sitting through endless performances by people that you just know are not going to win, and thinking "What's the point"?  I know there is a season to fill and they have to show some singing (finally... since they were not showing a lot of singing in the previous rounds).  But there comes a point where I start grumbling to myself because it is clear (to me) that this person is not going to win, and that person is not going to win, and yet we all have to play along and pretend as though he/she is going to dramatically improve enough to be a contender for the final Idol crown.  Even if the person is very talented, sometimes you just know that he/she won't win and you want to just speed up and cut to the chase.


Along those lines... Jeneve... Eeeesh.  I mean, she is probably the sweetest, most down to earth girl.  She does have some talent.  She has also brought the name "Calamity Jane" back into popular culture.   (Can we bring back the name "Minnie Pearl" too?) And... yay for being off the grid (I guess?).   But she's not going to win.  Come on.  The judges know she is not going to win.  Keith is the one who is the most rooted in country music on that panel of judges, and he knows she is not going to win.   I am actually convinced that the judges did not really want to send her through.  I don't think that any of them would have chosen to send her through -- despite how unique she is.  I think it was an order that came from 'on high' somewhere.


Last night's show felt like a "Let's find a way we can bring back a whole bunch of Idol winners and noteworthy Idol runners-up to remind people of the great talent we have found before this show ends" sort of experiment.  I have no problem seeing any and all Idols, and any of the more memorable runners-up, before the series ends -- because it is truly impressive how many people have come from that show who are actually still working today, or whose names we still know.


That said, I don't think the duets did this season's contestants any favors.   All they really did was showcase how good most of the winners are in comparison to subsequent groups.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I did not really care for Stephany's performance.  Ruben was fine, but I didn't like her part of the duet.  She is gorgeous.  She has great style.  She can rock a pair of heels.  She has a good voice.  She is certainly more marketable than some others who were sent through.  She should have probably stuck around for another round or two... but I always felt something was missing with her in every performance.  I can't even specify what it was.  I don't really know.   She just did not wow me. 


I wanted James to stick around for another round or two as well.  I don't think he would have won, but he could certainly fit into a Bo Bice sort of groove.  I had to chuckle at how incredibly old I felt when he was telling us that they were going to sing a "song called Gimme Shelter," as though most of the viewers wouldn't know that song.  And then I thought... I guess most of the viewers wouldn't know that song.


Gianna... I just don't get it.  That's another one who has a pleasant voice and is a bit endearing and quirky, but she is not going to win and so I end up resenting the fact that she keeps advancing in the competition because I am pretty sure that all of the judges know she will not win.


Edited to add:  When Ryan Seacrest was standing next to Ruben, Caleb, James and almost everyone else, he looked like he had wandered into the Land of the Giants.  Did he get shorter and more slight over the years?  He seemed to be half the overall size/height of everyone else on the stage.

Edited by Sherry67
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My issue with Avalon is that in her interviews her hair is loose, wavy and natural but when she performs it has been straightened beyond belief. I know it's best to perform looking your best, but if her wavy hair is good enough for everyday life, it's good enough to sing in.

I just find it weird that say Stephany always has her hair like that whenever we see her, but Avalon only does it on stage. There is nothing wrong with body and waves, dammit!

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Sure am missing Jessica Cabral about now.

Most of that was painful. Awkward and uneven.

Laportia and Fantasia were great. Ruben and Avalon were pretty good too. Caleb and Sonika mostly good. Mackenzie and Lauren were so incredibly awkward to watch. It was like when your speakers are unbalanced and one is half the volume of the other. Just painful to watch. I mean they sounded good but the unbalance was just too much. Nick still can't sing but he's pretty so that's ok. Thomas sucks. He and his over the top "I'm trying so hard to be unique yet I'm just like every other hipster out there" persona, along with his hiccup voice can bounce. Jeneve exists.......

Yeah I'm really missing Jessica Cabral about now.

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Sprinkles is an adorable homunculus imo. He looks different from the first season because it's been 15 years. Stuff happens.


I thought it sucked that some alums got up there and seemingly deliberately blew away  those kids in the competition. Sheesh. They  could have been great and still given the kids a chance. JLo blathers at times for me (for you) but she touched on this aspect of the performances. "Unmatched volume" ..."not the best key for you" with the implication being a good key for the alum only. And there were some other words I cant recall right now.

Edited by ari333
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Same for the tomboy no makeup girl. (Avalon?) I get it.  I love to wear no makeup and leggings and a big ole shirt from the men's department.


I see no problem with what Avalon is wearing. James VIII was no more dressed up than she was and nobody is complaining about him. Lots of guys on this show have worn super-casual outfits over the years. Avril Lavigne had her initial success dressed like that. Justin Bieber wears baggy jeans, sweatshirts and a ball-cap to most of his award show performances. As do many of the rappers and all the current rockers. Coldplay just played the Superbowl half-time in baggy sweatshirts and jeans.


What Avalon is wearing is appropriate to the music industry for the style of music she is singing (and for people in general).  Dressing her in a Sonika ball-gown would be discordant with her musical style. And that is no diss on Sonika because her ball-gowns fit perfectly with the style of music and image she is trying to project. 


Meanwhile, Jeneve isn't wearing an outfit, she is wearing a costume. The Idol fashion consultants have always stressed not to do that because you make yourself look like a parody. There are no country acts who dress like that because nobody dresses like that unless they are going to an over-the-top Hallowe'en party. Minnie Pearl used to wear a costume, but she was very clear that she was part comedy act. I sense nothing of a comedy act or irony in what Jeneve is doing. She's dead serious about those outfits - she actually thinks she's setting a tone. But, she may not know that tone is "joke". 


I'm all for unique styles, but she's making herself a parody country act and I think most country fans and artists are a bit sensitive about that. People in general are when you decide to adopt the cheesiest and goofiest looking stereotypes. No cowboy has ever dressed like that unless they were in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (and last night's look might have been even too much for that show). And all that stuff she had on last night didn't even allow her to perform properly because everything was too large and swinging and distracting.


She needs to start listening to the show's fashion consultants, stat.

Edited by kili
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Oh and another thing that has been bothering me. In previous seasons making it to the top 24 was a big deal because it meant the public could finally vote for you, giving you the power to wow the audience and make them vote. This time top 24 meant you once again had an almost 50/50 chance of being cut again right after the round. So why even have a top 24 sit down, you made it episode. Did the contestants not know the format this time? Were they surprised to learn that 10 of 24 would immediately be cut? If so I bet they were pissed. This might explain why so many of them seemed to have already given up. Either way, the top 24 episode should have been different. This whole season is a mess. Just crown Dalton already and let's call it a day.

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The songs suited the former idols more than the contestants.  That wasn't fair to them.  I would have kept Stephany over Jeneve.  But one thing that Jeneve did well is perform.  It was bizarre but she didn't hold back.


This was good exposure for James.  In his duet, it was obvious that Caleb is lead singer material while James is great as a guitar player and background vocals.

Edited by realdancemom
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I see no problem with what Avalon is wearing. James VIII was no more dressed up than she was and nobody is complaining about him. Lots of guys on this show have worn super-casual outfits over the years. Avril Lavigne had her initial success dressed like that. Justin Bieber wears baggy jeans, sweatshirts and a ball-cap to most of his award show performances. As do many of the rappers and all the current rockers. Coldplay just played the Superbowl half-time in baggy sweatshirts and jeans.


What Avalon is wearing is appropriate to the music industry for the style of music she is singing (and for people in general).  Dressing her in a Sonika ball-gown would be discordant with her musical style. And that is no diss on Sonika because her ball-gowns fit perfectly with the style of music and image she is trying to project. 


Meanwhile, Jeneve isn't wearing an outfit, she is wearing a costume. The Idol fashion consultants have always stressed not to do that because you make yourself look like a parody. There are no country acts who dress like that because nobody dresses like that unless they are going to an over-the-top Hallowe'en party. Minnie Pearl used to wear a costume, but she was very clear that she was part comedy act. I sense nothing of a comedy act or irony in what Jeneve is doing. She's dead serious about those outfits - she actually thinks she's setting a tone. But, she may not know that tone is "joke". 


I'm all for unique styles, but she's making herself a parody country act and I think most country fans and artists are a bit sensitive about that. People in general are when you decide to adopt the cheesiest and goofiest looking stereotypes. No cowboy has ever dressed like that unless they were in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (and last night's look might have been even too much for that show). And all that stuff she had on last night didn't even allow her to perform properly because everything was too large and swinging and distracting.


She needs to start listening to the show's fashion consultants, stat.


I see your point. But I have totally complained about what the dudes wear. My go-to  catch phrase is that they look like they just strolled on stage after having mowed the lawn or either just rolled out of bed.  

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Poor Stephany, when is being stunning, HISPANIC, thin, gorgeous hair and a good voice not enough?


When she has the bad luck to be on a season that's about finding American's favorite kid sister, and the presence of an experienced performer (and a beautiful, mature woman) might show up the precious little snowflakes. LaPorsha is more mature also, but she fits into a standard Idol "type" and so is more acceptable and less threatening.


Sonika is pretty, but she's also young and inexperienced, which is the theme of the season, so they took her over Stephany. No way there were going to have two dark-haired "ethnic" types in the top 14.


As a big Gershwin fan, I did not like that "Summertime." Amazingly, Harry called it a "runs contest" as if that was a great thing.  I remember a few years back, when he was on as a mentor, he read one woman the riot act for throwing in a lot of runs on another Gershwin clasic ("Someone to Watch Over Me") and not respecting this beautiful melody written by a musical genius. He was really pissed. It's one of my all-time favorite Idol moments. (the video of this is on YouTube). Well, I guess that's what happens when you become a judge and make all that money. It's called selling out on your principles. Big time.


Wittle Lauren Alaina is all grown up, and now actually looks old enough to actually sing those sassy country songs she likes. During her season she made me think of a little girl playing dress up when her parents were out. After maybe getting into the liquor cabinet. Though I still find her singing generic and uninteresting. (But would take her any day over Shelby Z).


Caleb Johnson is still basically a bar band singer, but I'd rather listen to him than Thomas and MacKenzie, with all their affected "artistry." And Nick Fradiani is still boring. Clark, the second place finisher last year, who played piano, was way more talented. The two older dudes eliminated last night were obvious fodder. No way they wanted another "geezer" like Nick to even be in the running.


Love the Minnie Peal refernces to Jeneve. Thanks guys. It would be great if she came out next week with a price tag dangling from her cowboy hat.

Edited by bluepiano
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Just a couple of totally random observations because most things have already been said often and/or better by the rest of you ...


Just as we have discussed the theory of Emily Brooke being jettisoned because Tristan is the favored pretty 15-year-old country singer (and it helped that Emily completely self-destructed on stage but I think had TPTB wanted her in there, they would have found a way to overlook it and put her through), I actually believe that Stephany's departure came from a similar place ... they weren't going to put through her AND Sonika because they both fit into their vague "spot" for beautiful ethnically not black-or-white girl with long dark hair who will prettify our stage and Sonika was their choice for that slot. 


Wow, was Nick always this unattractively greasy? He made ZERO impression on me last year (I kept forgetting he was there until like the Top 3) but I didn't think he was visibly unctuous like I do now. Ick. 


And in relation to Nick (and some others), those wondering why some of the "celebrity alumni" were so visibly outshining the current contestants, while I don't think this is necessarily the reason for ALL of them, I'm betting at least some of them were doing so because, their Idol wins (or high placements or whatever) notwithstanding, they have not had great careers (the ones with great careers are mostly absent from this showcase promo) and this is their chance to try to win back fans or make new ones. 


What have most of them done for us lately? (And next week's lineup doesn't look much better). 


That said, I really did enjoy the premise ... I heart Ruben SOOOO much and admit I cried during "Flying Without Wings" because I freaking love that song so much and his voice sounds divine and he still is so adorable he makes my heart melt. 


And to give credit, I HATED Lauren Alaina with the ever-popular thousand nuns passion during her season but she really won me over last night. I think she's totally adorable and talented and stuff. So, yeah, I'm not a country music lover but she made a grudging new fan. (Oh, also, I did think she noticeably reined it in to the best of her ability during the duet with MacKenzie and that impressed me ... and I think they'd be an adorbs couple.)


As for Scotty ... well, I quite liked him during his season and had picked him for Top 3 during the first auditions (earning me the win in my Idol pool that year since I was the only entrant who had him in my Top 3), but boy, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. He sounded ... fine. He looked ... okay. He just did nothing for me. Maybe he's just at an awkward age. 


I have a feeling that both Avalon and Sonika are what the show CLAIMS to have wanted but hasn't usually gotten ... incredibly talented young singers with big growth arcs. Avalon may have the edge because she has that added lack of confidence and likability/authenticity factor. Plus they can make her over without going over the top (ditto on rooting for them starting with letting that gorgeous wavy hair down). 


And finally, La'Porsha? She won't win this thing but IMHO she should. She may be the best singer ever on this show. And that is coming from someone whose favorite Idolette ever is Melinda Doolittle ... she gives me goosebumps, she has yet to sing an off note, she knows when to rein it in and when to blow it out, and then she seems truly and honestly to be the humblest, loveliest person ... I am totally crushing on her. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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I don't know what it is about Jeneve, maybe its the braces, but she just gives me the creeps just looking at her.  I'll be glad when she's gone.  


I actually think that Scotty was kind of embarrassed to be up on stage with her because of her rodeo clown outfit.

Edited by Ohwell
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The selection of the mentors probably had more to do with who was available.  Noticeably absent were Carrie Underwood, Phillip Phillips, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson, Kat McPhee.
I don't think either Caleb or Nick has had any real success to be in the mentor role. 
And if it couldn't get any worse for Scotty - having to mentor on the same day when it was announced he had been dropped by his label.

Edited by ifoundit
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The selection of the mentors probably had more to do with who was available.  Noticeably absent were Carrie Underwood, Phillip Phillips, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson, Kat McPhee.

I don't think either Caleb or Nick has had any real success to be in the mentor role. 

And if it couldn't get any worse for Scotty - having to mentor on the same day when it was announced he had been dropped by his label.


They want a bookend to Kelly Clarkson, but she wasn't there.

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I'm very curious if Jeneve is high-functioning autistic. My daughter is, and I see a lot of similarities. I think Jeneve could be a very conventionally beautiful girl if she would let the stylists have their way, and she really feels the lyrics and connects with them, and I think she has a great voice. But she has no fucks to give when it comes to understanding that her look is really hurting her in this competition. It's what she likes, and you might as well be talking to a brick wall if you want her to change.

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My bet is that it's something her parents (plus whoever else is handling her "career") came up. To a large extent the current music scene is all about branding, and she now has a clear "brand" that sets her apart from the other young girls singing country. And however ridiculous many of us think she looks, it's worked to the extent that here we are talking about it. So I would argue that it has probably helped her in the competition, not hurt her. It's not like TPTB don't like gimmicks.


Going forward, she will always be "that girl on Idol who wore the cowboy costume." When she shows up at The Colorado State Fair (or wherever), people who watched Idol will have instant recognition.


And I have no doubt that her parents are thinking big in terms of future career. Just because you're "off the grid" doesn't mean you don't dream of fame and fortune. (There are tons of videos of her on YouTube, going back several years. So I guess they must crank up the generator to use the video editing equipment they keep out in the barn).

Edited by bluepiano
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OK, I just want you guys to know I was not copying suzysite when I called Jeneve Calamity Jane. That is SOOOOOO creepy. Damn. I mean, that's kind of an obscure reference and...wow. You guys are awesome. Suzysite, you are a scholar and a gentleman (even if you're a chick, still...).


Well, I thank you,  I have never been called a scholar and a gentleman (being female) before. 


I had totally forgotten how much I like listening to Caleb.  It's a shame he didn't have a successful album, but I plan on looking up some of his songs.  What a voice.  Sonika's sounded very thin and immature next to him on Skyfall.  She has a pretty enough voice, but they are in different leagues.

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I'm beginning to think that beyond being an annoying reality show contestant, Jordan Sasser really crossed or ticked someone off behind the scenes. Why else would you add him to the Top 24, crush him for singing a song by his stated favorite artist exactly like he'd sung every other step along the way, and then give him Fantasia as a duet partner in the pimp spot to just beat him down with critiques one more time. Not a fan of his, but that seemed a bit liking kicking a horse while it was down.



Lol right?! I've gone from finding him annoying (mostly from his audition), to really feeling bad for him. I actually LIKED his duet with Fantasia and thought his excitement FOR ONCE was a GOOD thing. And it's funny because isn't 99% of their movements on stage choreographed by someone? Who's to say someone behind the scenes wasn't like "Hey Jordan, you know what you should do? When the song starts, grab someone's hand in the crowd. Yeah man, just go for it, the crowd will love it!"  



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I'm very curious if Jeneve is high-functioning autistic. My daughter is, and I see a lot of similarities. I think Jeneve could be a very conventionally beautiful girl if she would let the stylists have their way, and she really feels the lyrics and connects with them, and I think she has a great voice. But she has no fucks to give when it comes to understanding that her look is really hurting her in this competition. It's what she likes, and you might as well be talking to a brick wall if you want her to change.

I found myself wondering the same thing, at times. There does seem to be something about her which suggests that she is not connecting to the outside world in quite the same way that the average person does. Although that could also just be a combination of a creative, inward-centered mind and living in an area where interaction with said world is a bit more limited. Is she home schooled as well? I don't recall.


I do still like her overall, though. She may not be entirely Idol material as things stand, but  I do think she's an immensely talented and interesting soul.

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So agree with everyone who posted that Stephany was robbed.  Of this, the final season's crop, I thought she was a good enough singer to make it to the Top 3.  She's also gorgeous and looks every inch the pop star, so bonus.  Sorry, Stephany.


Now appearing in the role of Sanjaya is Jeneve, the whacked out clown who's going to be hard to get rid of.  She, who will inevitably cause me to tune out before the Top 8 because I won't be able to stand one.more.minute of her.


Was good to hear Fantasia, Reuben and Caleb. 


One-note Scotty and Shouty Lauren Alaina, you both still suck.


Nick who?

Edited by SnarkyTart
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The selection of the mentors probably had more to do with who was available.  Noticeably absent were Carrie Underwood, Phillip Phillips, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson, Kat McPhee.

I don't think either Caleb or Nick has had any real success to be in the mentor role. 

And if it couldn't get any worse for Scotty - having to mentor on the same day when it was announced he had been dropped by his label.


Probably the best thing that has happened to Scotty was to split with UMG/Mercury - worst label in Nashville.  Luckily his touring is not tied to that record company.  He rearranged dates to do the taping...he was supposed to be in Cancun during that week, and appeared at the end of that Cancun event's schedule instead of the beginning.  He's on tour again this weekend.





Edited by sinycalone
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Well, THAT was predictable.




Gianna and Thomas over Stephany is a straight farce.

Word times 1000.


Good to see that some things never change where Fantasia is concerned.  "Shummertime, and the living is easy...", "One of these mornings, you're gonna rise up shinging..."  She was never my favorite winner and that "run-fest" was difficult to listen to.  


I did love seeing Ruben again.  He did not try to out-sing his partners so good on him for that.

Edited by limecoke
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I was shocked they didn't send Stephany through.  I have always thought she was a chosen one.  Shocked they chose Jeneve and not Stephany!  


Jeneve looks YOUNG.  Very, very young, with the braid, braces, and awkward movements.  She needs another 3-5 years.  Great for a high school talent show and school band, but not American Idol.


Totally agree, the alums far outsang the current contestants!  Mackenzie, Sonika, Thomas, Jordan- you couldn't even hear them over the power that was Lauren Alaina, Caleb, and Fantasia.  And I was surprised they did such iconic songs, such as "Summertime" and the various "winning night" songs, that were obviously chosen to showcase the former winners and not the contestants!  

Edited by awaken
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I don't think Jeneve is going to win but I don't think the judges care who is going to win.  Their job is to put on a good show from now til then and having Jeneve on will probably help that.  I don't even think Jeneve is turning down styling assistance.  I imagine the show is encouraging her to stay wackadoo in that respect.  Though if she gets far I think they'll try to make her marketable.  But remember the tourettes guy with the crazy voice and his weird look with the bandana tail?  James Durbin?  


I really liked the duets and have no problem with them featuring the past idols/runners up, at the contestants' expenses.  


Old broccoli on LaPorsha's head.  So true. I wondered if Jenna Renae was annoyed that LaPorsha also nabbed the Renae 'surname'.  


The only Latina who's done well on Idol is Jessica Sanchez, right?   They just don't have the latin audience, I think.  JLo ain't bringing it, lol.  I thought Stephany was typical idol fodder.  Too pageant and forgettable.  


James 8 was cute with long hair and towering over the others but he looked kind of pissed to get cut.  


I won't miss Jordan.  There was something creepy about him.  He just seemed kind of desperate to me.  His segment with Fantasia was cute, though.  

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Sorry, likely unpopular opinion ahead: I agree that Stephany is beautiful, has a beautiful voice and is poised... but she also bored me to no end whenever she sang. Every time I saw her on stage I thought "beauty pageant contestant," and her singing style reminded me of the same. That just isn't my taste - but then again, I'll admit that I prefer men's voices to women's, especially women's country voices (the twangy bugs me) - not very women power of me, I know, but, I'm coming clean.


I do sometimes find women singers whose voices I really like - currently it's Pink and Elle King - but they tend to be unique and have something I find interesting. Stephany's voice is beautiful, but for me, not exciting - sort of like Celine Dione much of the time (every once in a while I hear a song of hers I really like, but usually it's beautiful but somehow also forgettable.) Yeah, I know... I'm likely not making sense to anyone else.


My favorite from this group was Mackenzie. I'm glad we still have someone who writes their own songs (and passably good ones) since apparently one of my favorites from the Audition rounds - Brandyn (the guy who played his original song and got ninja hugged by Harry) apparently got cut somewhere in the Hollywood rounds and I missed it somehow (I unfortunately missed some of the early Hollywood rounds). Hopefully someone out there heard his song and he gets it picked up maybe for someone else to sing, because I really liked it.


I would rather have seen him than Jeneve who I think is going to try my patience... and who strangely reminds me of a kid who should be in a Sid and Marty Croft show (okay I just dated myself there), but not in a good way.

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Totally agree, the alums far outsang the current contestants!  Mackenzie, Sonika, Thomas, Jordan- you couldn't even hear them over the power that was Lauren Alaina, Caleb, and Fantasia.  And I was surprised they did such iconic songs, such as "Summertime" and the various "winning night" songs, that were obviously chosen to showcase the former winners and not the contestants!  


Guess the producers are getting desperate to make $$ off the show, maybe.  "Hey, if we wind up with another in the pantheon of duds who can't sell, maybe we can at least move more McCreery back catalogue!"

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Calamity Jane?  Minnie Pearl?   O, what I saw  was a high school production of "Annie Get your Gun".  I was waiting for the duet to be "Anything you can do I can do better"

Or maybe - https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=annie+get+your+gun+anything+you+can+do&&view=detail&mid=F068B9F270245F4090B1F068B9F270245F4090B1&rvsmid=2EFA4C210A4CFED01DB42EFA4C210A4CFED01DB4&FORM=VDFSRV&fsscr=0

Fantasia always bugged me, I hated her pronunciation of "SHummertime".


the show was disappointing to me, I wasn't impressed with the duets.  The highpoint for me was Jordan going home.


Was Avalon wearing a sweater from the Bill Cosby collection?  not during the performance, but before.  that stripey sweater of many colors.  Bad choice. 


It seemed like the judges figured out who would stay, who would go -  and  each former Idol was assigned one from each group.   Because the performances from this show didn't mean anything. 

Edited by backformore
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Wow. The first two duets should have been subtitled "Idol Mistakes: Past and Present" (including a horrible winner, who helped put the nail in the show's coffin).




Then we get Ruben, who actually knows what he's doing.  And The Carpenters?  What an odd, yet delightful choice. The girl he sang with was mediocre, but at least didn't embarrass herself like the two in the first duets.


And Meatloaf Junior with Sonika. I actually like Meatloaf Junior, although he really has been a zero since he won.  And Sonika, while she's got a little edge of fake she has to knock off (frankly only time is going to do it--probably she'll stop seeming fake after she's been working on gigs on the road for a few years), at least is a great singer. 


McCreepy needs to get off my TV. I know 50% of the nation auto-loves his bullshit, but I don't. And that girl he sang with. Man she stank. Scotty's music is shit, but at least he's well practiced. His partner? Not so much.


Fantasia at least was a return to quality. And that crazy hair troll she sang with is no Fantasia, but she's better than some of these people. Even so, while Fantasia overdoes notes (and always has) she also has that experienced singer's trick of tucking the runs in a hair, so she stays in time. Crazy hair troll has no concept of that kind of restraint.


Lauren is actually younger than Mackenzie Big Hair. Still, I didn't really want to see her plan her future children with him.


Talentless winner Nick Who? paired with Little K. Starr was boring as hell. Not horrible. Just boring.  Which kind of sums Nick up (even if I was hoping for more from Little K. Starr).


Ruben again. So I can turn the volume back up. Ugly Sweater No-Makeup girl Avalon actually DOES have the voice to at least not be embarrassed next to him though. Too bad her Look As Bad As Possible stuff is so pretentious. I see it as a kind of Hipsterism, almost--a weird offshoot. 


Meatloaf Junior did us one good service. He got that James kid to put down his manbun and just rock the long hair naturally. It was a very predictable (if not bad) performance. But James better drop that VIII bullshit, and soon;


Off The Grid and Get Off My TV was... well... at least it was better than some of the super shitty country performances tonight. It was Scotty in his strongest pocket--which isn't something I want to watch much of... but you do have to recognize someone's pocket when you see it. Off The Grid girl just kind of was tagging along. Keith saw that too (and got booed for it). 


Fantasia sang with some boring white kid.  That's really all I have to say. Fantasia sang with some boring white kid. I wonder when the last time she sang that song was. Probably the year she won the show. I mean it's kind of a stinko song,even with her voice.  Again, Keith actually had something smart to say. I think knowing this is the last season has him feeing freer to be honest.


The judge picks were fairly predictable. But I guess probably right. Mostly. I mean I'm not sure I 100% agree with Little K. Starr being an automatic through. Or that Thomas guy. Or maybe I do. I mean the ones that DID go weren't really any better.


Next week's duet show doesn't look like it will be as good as this one. I mean we got some shit returnees, but we got Ruben and Fantasia.  Nobody showing next week is on that level.

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I'm in the Stephany was robbed pool.  I wanted to keep her and send Sonika packing.  Sonika has a nice voice but a personality blander than oatmeal.


I wasn't a Scotty fan but I really liked him last night.  


Fantasia still sounds like two cats fucking in a blender.  Didn't like her caterwauling then, don't like it now.

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Mackenzie looks so much like E. Nygma from 'Gotham' that it just completely distracted me (not in a good way) the entire time he was singing. Very disturbing!


Jeneve looked like Jesse from the first 'Toy Story' movie - I think that was her name, the cowgirl toy? Very weird.

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Mackenzie looks so much like E. Nygma from 'Gotham' 

Oh my god, I knew that was what I was seeing! I was watching him and I was like "He reminds me of someone.. he looks like.." and you just nailed it. 


I did enjoy seeing Scotty again, but he was not all that into being there. I like his music and I hope he finds another label if he hasn't already. But I also thought he was going to concentrate on college? When he started singing, Mom was like "George Strait!". LOL. 

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Mackenzie looks so much like E. Nygma from 'Gotham' that it just completely distracted me (not in a good way) the entire time he was singing. Very disturbing!


Jeneve looked like Jesse from the first 'Toy Story' movie - I think that was her name, the cowgirl toy? Very weird.


Jessie (she was in Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3, but not in the first movie) is a great comparison!  Lol.   I hadn't thought of that -- and I am a big fan of the Toy Story movies.  The first thing that popped into my mind was Minnie Pearl, but then I came here and saw the Calamity Jane references to Jeneve as well.  Maybe she is a bit of all of them -- a little bit Calamity Jane, a little bit Minnie Pearl and a little bit Jessie!

Edited by Sherry67
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