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S05.E17: Forgive & Forget


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Can't unsee Debra's belly shirt!!

And pity the poor teacher who has to deal with Sofia (and her mother). We should chip in and send her a gift!!

Omg where was Debra going with her whores r us belly shirt and pleather pants?? Telling Sophia's teacher "well this is how we roll!". Really?? Both of Farrah's parents seem to cater to her every whim and never stand up to her. Debra even plays the victim, horribly. You want to move Farrah? Great! You're going to England for a month? Of course we'll take Sofia! Yayyy!! That whole family is delusional. In their own little bubble. "There's nothing for baby here". Huh Debra? I think she's angling for fame more than anyone on this show. That outfit tho.....

Catelynn gnawing on her fingers as usual.

I love Jen and Larry so much. Even they don't know wtf to do about Ryan. I like their dynamic with Maci. They genuinely get along.

Speaking of, do they drink at all hours? Maybe it's the boyfriend more so but still.

Ryan trying to have a serious convo in skeleton face. That is all.

  • Love 10

Farrah looks like a real-like Bratz doll. It's so disturbing to look at her plastic face. Does she really think it looks GOOD?


I have some anxiety issues, and I honestly don't think Cate suffers from anxiety. She may be anxious, but I agree with another poster that it's most likely low self esteem. Oh, and if I had a beach vacation and was going to be ON CAMERA, I would have worked my ass off to get in better shape. What else does she have to do all day??

Nova goes to April's a few days a week, she has no job.... she doesn't seem to cook or clean much. I guess she'd rather just wear a bathing suit like my grandma used to wear and call it a day.


I have no words for Deborah's welcome-home-Farrah outfit except WTF???


Oh, and Farrah, your huge ass implants look ridiculous!

Edited by Pdxblonde
  • Love 4
Farrah is the only one who is ahead here, because she doesn't have a man in her life bullshitting her.  Granted its because she's wack a doo, but still.


I don't know...I think she's just as bad, only on the opposite end of the spectrum. While Cate and Amber will take any guy who shows them an iota of affection, and then proceed to take all of this crap, Farrah won't put up with even the slightest flaw. That's not standing up for yourself, that's you're going to die alone because you're entirely unlovable. 


Maci I'd place more in the middle, though she is quite desperate to simply "get married". 


Isn't this Ryan's car pulling up in the background as Mimi and Maci discuss Ryan? Maybe he made it to some of the trick-or-treating?



I have no idea what his car looks like, but the way they were talking back at the house made it seem like he missed the entire thing. 


Farrah: "Happy first day of school. What were you wearing?"

Not the first thing I would ask.


Right??? Not, "Did you like your teacher?", "Did you make any friends?", "What did you learn?" Priorities are fucked in that family. 

  • Love 2

So let me get this straight:  The school has a rule that 6 year olds cannot wear makeup (tyranny, I know!!).  Sophia wore makeup to school.  Grandma was told not to send her to school with makeup.  What did Farrah say? something like, "do they know how we are", or "how we roll," meaning what? that mom does porn so the 6 year old can wear makeup to school?  what the hell??

I would love to be a fly on the wall during the parent/teacher conference with Farrah.  You couldn't pay me enough to teach that child and deal with that family.

That family really, truly thinks they are Extra Special and everyone else must bow down to them.  From Debra's Executive MBA to Farrah's culinary trade school, everything they "accomplish" is somehow fifty times more amazing than other people's accomplishments.  Poor Sophia is going to grow up with the same sense of entitlement and will have few if any real friends in life.  Just like Lone Bird mom.

  • Love 6

I think part of Cate's problems stem from her upbringing. She never speaks up for herself and is scared to because of the past. She used food as a comfort and still does. Tyler was the one constant in her life and she's holding on for dear life. The girl nerds therapy and should be in therapy without Tyler. She needs someone to talk to and not on camera. She will never be healthy unless she starts to do this and starts to have her own identity outside of Teen Mom, Carlys mom, and Cate and Tyler

  • Love 13

I haven't watched yet, but clothing line? For babies? Nova isn't even wearing clothes most of the time... Unless it's like the emporers new clothes.... What do I know

It's because Caitlyn hasn't designed them yet, and we all know that Tyler doesn't want to conform, hence no clothes on the baby. Plus, she's not Carly, so....


I believe that Caitlyn is depressed, stressed, and probably has some anxiety. Like most of us do. But we're able to go to work, care for others, and in general get shit done. Anxiety attack -  girl, please!

  • Love 4
"Not only did he have a job but his x boss works on our houses we're flipping. I'm just shocked at these reactions honestly."


I'm confused. What job is she referring to? Back east? And his ex boss supposedly came all the way to Indiana to help them flip houses??? Or did he actually get a job in Amber's town? If so, why is he not still there? Because house flipping is more pressing and lucrative? Ha, okay. 

  • Love 5

In no way shape or form do I agree that Sophia "needs" to wear make up to school, I could buy it if she was ever shown looking put together in the show, But they can lose me with the "this is how we roll" when the majority of the time that child she looks like Mowgli, from freaking jungle book. She needs to wear make up but combs are off limits!?

I can't imagine that the people who raised Farrah to be how she is, could manage to have a hand in raising someone who is right on track to be worse than Farrah. I consider Farrah a vile human being, I would not think it could get worse, but they are doing everything possible to ensure that Sophia will be. How can her parents a) not be aware of how badly she is treating them b) reinforce raising Sophia to not just be just as bad, but worse.

I would really like to talk to Darrah's sister who is now estranged to gain some insight to this family because to me it's just all unfathomable.

  • Love 7

I think part of Cate's problems stem from her upbringing. She never speaks up for herself and is scared to because of the past. She used food as a comfort and still does. Tyler was the one constant in her life and she's holding on for dear life. The girl nerds therapy and should be in therapy without Tyler. She needs someone to talk to and not on camera. She will never be healthy unless she starts to do this and starts to have her own identity outside of Teen Mom, Carlys mom, and Cate and Tyler

I agree with everything you say here. I also feel, and I have felt this for quite sometime now, that she regrets giving up Carly. I think they both do but they got on that train and it became the wonderful thing they did for their daughter and they can never get off. Will probably never, ever admit to it to anyone, they can't. I hope I am not right. Cate just seems so sad to me like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  • Love 4

I think there might be some semantic differences with regards to Cate's anxiety attacks. Yes, panic attacks are hella intense and debilitating. I've heard anxiety attacks used the way Cate is, that the anxiety which may have been temporarily under control acts up and you are very on edge and overly nervous. I think Cate has anxiety and needs some real help from professionals. And, Tyler could help by saying "let's take Carly, I mean Nova, for a walk burn some nervous energy and get some endorphins going" rather than "your anxiety better not F up my Hawaii vacay".

Y'all are on target about how awful Matt is and the shit he is pulling. Do you think Amber will wise up or actually go through with the wedding?

Maci annoyed me with her we all need to go trick or treating as a family BS. Maci, you and Ryan are NOT family. Get over it. It is great when exes get along and can do things together and coparent smoothly, but they are never family.

Edited by Booger666
  • Love 14

I agree with everything you say here. I also feel, and I have felt this for quite sometime now, that she regrets giving up Carly. I think they both do but they got on that train and it became the wonderful thing they did for their daughter and they can never get off. Will probably never, ever admit to it to anyone, they can't. I hope I am not right. Cate just seems so sad to me like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

And Cate has never received any real help in dealing with her loss, and it is a loss of sorts. I remember back in the beginning when Dawn sent her to some kin d of retreat where adoptive moms talk about their feelings. She came home speaking lots of therapy speak, but it never went any farther than that one weekend. Dawn is NOT a mental health counselor. It also doesn't help that her family didn't support her decision to put Carly up for adoption, I'm sure she has watched the tapes of how horribly April treated her, and she plays that over and over in her mind. So she gets no help from family in the moving on process. Tyler is useless, and at this point he is all tied up in the money and fame (so to speak) that he and Cate are not in the same place emotionally WRT Carly. 


Matt seems to equate child support with "having a relationship". Newsflash, asswipe, even if you have no relationship with a child, you still pay CS. And having a relationship does not substitute for CS. I also think he is under the impression that if he evades paying until the kids are 18, he's off the hook. That's not the way it works, especially of any of the baby mamas collected welfare. 

  • Love 9

Ok you guys. I've been reading these for a long, long time. Today is the day I feel like I need to post.


Catelynn and Tyler.


Yes, a whole lot of these moms site anxiety as a problem, but with Cate, I believe it. I cried, CRIED! a little during her counseling session because I truly and deeply feel her pain. The same thing happened to me. One day - BAM - anxiety. Out of nowhere. Completely functioning, super smart and driven. One day I just stopped being able to breathe and everything just rolled downhill. 


Some posters are mentioning the fact that Cate said she had a happy childhood and so she doesn't understand why this happened to her and that she's kind of dumb because her childhood was obvs super shitty. I had a really shitty childhood, but pre-anxiety, it looks like the top of the fucking world compared to what real, true anxiety issues feel like. 


I do think that when she takes the time to explore her world that she'll come to the realization that Tyler IS her anxiety. Maybe she'll be able to cope with that and move on. Probably she won't.


I just hope she finds the right drug/counseling combo and maybe when Teen Mom finally ends she can handle herself properly. 

  • Love 13

Poor Sophia!  There is never any real conversation in her home life.  Debra & Farrah talk to her like she is a 2 year old "say hi to momma, hug grandma, etc.".  She is doomed in so many ways.


It is insane!  Three people speaking EXCLUSIVELY in baby-talk.  I want to rip my ears off.  What is wrong with them?  And calling a six/seven year old "baby goo??"  It is weird and gross.  Good lord.



MTV most likely comp'd the honeymoon. C&T were there with their production crew. The hotel was featured and resort details, like the dolpins, were directly commented on in the episode. There was even a little resort montage -- that ends with Cate sexually assaulting a completely disinterested Tyler in the pool.

Her anxiety stems is rooted to Tyler. He's left her suddenly twice, right? One time he dropped out of school and ran off to New Orleans to be an actor -- with no discussion/notice. She probably keeps bells on the doors at night to be alerted if he tries to leave. Cate, he's not into you. Marriage and baby won't keep him. He's his father's son.


I think Tyler hasn't left Cate because he is trying to prove how un-Butch-like he is. 

  • Love 8

I would not be surprised if Matt is telling "Amber" he is flipping houses, but is just taking the money and doing minimal work.  Amber is too lazy to check invoices or receipts.  Also, I would not put it past Matt to doctor documents, if he needs to.  This is probably why Amber thinks Matt's boss is working for them ( I would not be surprised if it is another con man helping with the scam).


Now, that Gary has outed him, Matt has made it his prerogative to make Gary look bad for the camera  They do not really want Leah on their vacation, but want to  complain when Gary says "no", because who the hell would want Matt around their kid?


I am beginning to think the production crews kiss up and encourage the Teen Mom's bad behaviors.  This makes me realize that they will never kick Farrah off the show again, even though she has no story line, because she gets people talking.


The production can also stop with the pretense that they are an educational show warning teens against pregnancy.  At this point, they are just another trashy reality show.


I think Tyler hasn't left Cate because he is trying to prove how un-Butch-like he is.




Tyler has not left Cate because she is his meal ticket.  Without her and the show, he has no means of supporting himself.  He would be working a minimum wage job at best.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 12

I think Cate is just bored with her life. She just looks so bored and over it all. Nova is such a cutie! They are missing out on big things by leaving her with meth grannie all the time.

On a shallow note, I think Amber is the prettiest of the moms. Looks only.

I think Maci just wants to bang Rhaan again. That is why she talks about him so much. She seems obsessed.

Matt is Gross.

  • Love 7

Forgot to mention this (apparently I have a lot to say about this episode!)


The girl nerds therapy and should be in therapy without Tyler. She needs someone to talk to and not on camera.


She also needs a better therapist! That lady is a mess. She was slumped also, and when Catelynn said something about going to Hawaii she said "hell yeah!" and hi fived her. This lady sits with almost no emotion, just dead-eye listening to Catelynn. It's almost like she's running her grocery list in her head. She seriously needs someone better.


But they can lose me with the "this is how we roll" when the majority of the time that child she looks like Mowgli, from freaking jungle book. 

I can't imagine that the people who raised Farrah to be how she is, could manage to have a hand in raising someone who is right on track to be worse than Farrah. I consider Farrah a vile human being, I would not think it could get worse, but they are doing everything possible to ensure that Sophia will be. How can her parents a) not be aware of how badly she is treating them b) reinforce raising Sophia to not just be just as bad, but worse.


On two occasions Farrah laughed off her rude behavior - when she first came around the car to hug Sofia, and Debra leaned in for a hug Sofia pushed Debra and said "get away, she doesn't like you." And then that weird scene where Farrah gave her the dress and crown that she wore to lunch in the scene directly preceding getting the gift (WTF, MTV?) she calls Debra a freak and hits her with the wand. And instead of rightly cuffing her a good one, Debra starts making frog faces and ribbiting.


And what kind of breakfast was that? You have two grandparents there doing nothing but taking care of a kid, neither of you could rustle up a real breakfast? Egg McMuffin and a juice box? Even some of that damned Mom & Me sauce would have been better than that.

  • Love 13

Forgot to mention this (apparently I have a lot to say about this episode!)



She also needs a better therapist! That lady is a mess. She was slumped also, and when Catelynn said something about going to Hawaii she said "hell yeah!" and hi fived her. This lady sits with almost no emotion, just dead-eye listening to Catelynn. It's almost like she's running her grocery list in her head. She seriously needs someone better.



On two occasions Farrah laughed off her rude behavior - when she first came around the car to hug Sofia, and Debra leaned in for a hug Sofia pushed Debra and said "get away, she doesn't like you." And then that weird scene where Farrah gave her the dress and crown that she wore to lunch in the scene directly preceding getting the gift (WTF, MTV?) she calls Debra a freak and hits her with the wand. And instead of rightly cuffing her a good one, Debra starts making frog faces and ribbiting.


And what kind of breakfast was that? You have two grandparents there doing nothing but taking care of a kid, neither of you could rustle up a real breakfast? Egg McMuffin and a juice box? Even some of that damned Mom & Me sauce would have been better than that.

I wonder if the slumpy unprofessional therapist is the only one who would sign up to be on camera / if they hired someone for the show. You'd think no professional would be featured on this show

  • Love 1

How is it so many of these girls suffer from anxiety? Anxiety seems to be the new Bipolar. Maybe I'm just insensitive. I've been told that before.

I think a lot of Catelyn's anxiety had to do with knowing she was going to an amazingly beautiful and tropical place as a 20something while looking like a 56yr old. Not even today's 56yr old, but the old school 56yr old who looked frumpy as hell. She looks like Tyler's great auntie. I'm not even talking about her size. I know a lot of big girls who can out dress any size two. I'm just talking about how damn middle aged she looks.

Tyler can suck my ass with all of his platitudes. No bitch, the mother shouldn't have to ask you to help with YOUR kid. And what was that bullshit about letting Cate do all of the work to make up for the work she didn't get to do with Carly? He's doing her a favor by letting her do all of the work??? Thanks?

I take it back. Now I think Catelyn's anxiety is really about realizing her man is a dick. All these years she hyped him up as the greatest thing since pizza and now I think it's start to dawn on her how much he really sucks. The only person he's amazing to is her and she was wrong. She gave up Carly for the promise of being with this fucktard, let him jerk her around for years about a marriage and now there's a baby and he's useless.

The emperor is very very naked.

All of this about Catelynn and Tyler-completely agree! I don't want to sound mean, because it really isn't only because of her weight but she looks so frumpy! I know lots of beautiful, curvy women who dress very nice and always look good. Catelynn is just a mess. She was on a beach, in Hawaii, in Capri pants and an old lady swimsuit!!

Also when she said "why of all things do I have to have anxiety?" Catelynn, you could have infertility instead and not get pregnant on command, how's that sound?? :/ they were going on a trip to Hawaii, one of the most beautiful places on the planet and she was miserable!!

These two bother me so much.

  • Love 5
In no way shape or form do I agree that Sophia "needs" to wear make up to school, I could buy it if she was ever shown looking put together in the show, But they can lose me with the "this is how we roll" when the majority of the time that child she looks like Mowgli, from freaking jungle book. She needs to wear make up but combs are off limits!?


LOL, right? It makes no sense. But I think what it boils down to is - Baby Goo does what Baby Good wants. Baby Goo LIKES putting on makeup, so she gets to, and nothing can be done about it. But Baby Goo hates having her long, curly hair brushed, because it hurts. So no one comes near Baby Goo with a comb. Would you??? We've seen her reactions to not getting her way!


Y'all are on target about how awful Matt is and the shit he is pulling. Do you think Amber will wise up or actually go through with the wedding?


I really really hope not. As much as Amber pisses me off, there's this part of me deep, down inside that wants to root for her. I just wish she'd stand on her own two feet for awhile, focus on making a good life for her daughter, and not worry about a man. 


She also needs a better therapist! That lady is a mess. She was slumped also, and when Catelynn said something about going to Hawaii she said "hell yeah!" and hi fived her. This lady sits with almost no emotion, just dead-eye listening to Catelynn. It's almost like she's running her grocery list in her head. She seriously needs someone better.


That therapist looked like she was about to nod off at one point. Damn.

  • Love 6

That honeymoon looked boring as shit. They didn't look like they were having fun and of course time had to be set aside to mope and moan about Carly. i don't know why this surprises me because these two don't seem to be in love or even really like each other even a little bit romantically. I feel like whenever they decide to admit to themselves they aren't in love they are gonna look back and see how much of their lives they wasted on this. Sad.

Also, I would love to know what "different situation we have in our life" Deborah was talking about to the principal. What is their different situation that requires a 7 year old to wear makeup? Where did she even get it? Did no one see her before she went to school? None of it makes sense.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 9


She also needs a better therapist! That lady is a mess. She was slumped also, and when Catelynn said something about going to Hawaii she said "hell yeah!" and hi fived her. This lady sits with almost no emotion, just dead-eye listening to Catelynn. It's almost like she's running her grocery list in her head. She seriously needs someone better.

I think she's the same counselor from season's back, and if so, I remember her being identified as a social worker. I mean no disrespect to social workers, but they're not psychologists, and there's a different level of training involved. I remember it distinctly because in the scene from years ago, her inadequate advice really stood out to me, and she seemed to relate to Catelynn more as a friend (pouting and sympathizing when Catelynn complained, saying things like "that's unfair") rather than as a therapist. And it's probably all just for tv anyway. I'm guessing Catelynn only goes when filming dictates a storyline, er, I mean an appointment.

On a completely different note, in regard to that ridiculous scene about Sophia wearing makeup to school, Debra tried to explain it by referencing the "situation" they were in (her exact word), which I think was supposed to mean that they're all tv stars, doncha know. Wearing makeup is part of filming, and all you normal people don't understand....

  • Love 5

So ... clicking on that link led me down (too many) hours of YouTube rabbit hole, watching the Dr. Phil vs Farrah interview clips, then James Deen, then back to CBB. And after a night of curdling rage building in my chest after listening to this hosebeast with the foul mouth yell over everyone, I wanted nothing more than to catch her going into a public bathroom (no cameras in there), locking the door, taking her money and phone away then giving her a good swirly. She'd be stuck and I'd head straight out of town never to be prosecuted (yeah ... I thought about it way too much). But then, as YouTube will, it offered me some other videos. And rather than get my hands dirty, I'm just going to make a vision board so Farrah's next reality show puts her in a house with Tiffany Pollard. I'm mad now that she and Debra were kicked off the Family Therapy show, now that I know Tiffany and Mother Pollard are on it. I would love to see them go at it. If anyone can crack that little witch and beat her at her own "act psycho then laugh it off" game it's Ms. New York.

I'm REALLY starting to believe that maybe Farrah CAN wish them into the cornfield. There's no other explanation for the fear and fawning. Money? Clearly they can make some and they still have some with those houses. Sophia? Won't nobody want that demon child for long, Farrah will come crawling back to them. Now fame ... THAT they can't have without that nightmare. And they seem willing to sell their souls to the devil (Farrah) to keep that.

That child is going to catch hell in a very short amount of time, going to school with that attitude and make-up. Peer pressure is going to kick in in just a couple of years, and they're going to fuck her whole world up if she keeps being Baby Farrah. 'Cause nobody is putting up with Baby Goo's shit outside that house.

Ryan creeped me the fuck out talking to Bentley with that face full of make-up. He also seemed high as fuck. There was so much unsaid in that scene, whenever Jen and Larry are with him what's not being said is almost palpable. I like that whenever he tried to put it on Maci, they diplomatically pulled it back because Bentley was sitting there. I have to say, he's probably the sweetest of all the Teen kids, at least on TV. And not at all bratty.

Funny how Matt didn't even seem very upset about it coming up, just used it to rile up Amber. He knows the drill - he was sitting there thinking "yeah! For sure I'll be back now, got me a storyline, I'll get some interviews out of it and I know Dr. Drew will want to talk to me about this! I won't even have to wait for Amber to run off stage to get some air time!"

If she can't afford that house and lifestyle she has in Texas, she sure as SHIT won't be able to afford a house and lifestyle in LA. Maybe a condo.

Yeah, I didn't really understand that comment, if she can't afford Texas, she sure as hell can't afford California.

And we don't want her here!!

Snark Kitty who is Tiffany Pollard?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 1

LOL, right? It makes no sense. But I think what it boils down to is - Baby Goo does what Baby Good wants. Baby Goo LIKES putting on makeup, so she gets to, and nothing can be done about it. But Baby Goo hates having her long, curly hair brushed, because it hurts. So no one comes near Baby Goo with a comb. Would you??? We've seen her reactions to not getting her way!











That makes me long for the wisdom of one Miss Ali Simms, looking at the camera and asking, "Is my hair brushed?" and answering herself, "No."

Edited by teapot
  • Love 9

I think she's the same counselor from season's back, and if so, I remember her being identified as a social worker. I mean no disrespect to social workers, but they're not psychologists, and there's a different level of training involved. I remember it distinctly because in the scene from years ago, her inadequate advice really stood out to me, and she seemed to relate to Catelynn more as a friend (pouting and sympathizing when Catelynn complained, saying things like "that's unfair") rather than as a therapist. And it's probably all just for tv anyway. I'm guessing Catelynn only goes when filming dictates a storyline, er, I mean an appointment.

Clinicial Social Workers are mental health clinicians; in fact, they provide the bulk of psychotherapy in the US, not psychologists or counselors. I'm a supervisory clinical social worker (LISW-S). Yes, our educational roots are different from PhD or PsyD psychologists, but we often work interchangeably in the community - doing the same work for the same pay. In mental health, experience is key.

All that said, Catelyn's therapist looks like an unprofessional slouch. Thanks for pulling clothes out of the hamper for your session.

  • Love 6
Also, I would love to know what "different situation we have in our life" Deborah was talking about to the principal. What is their different situation that requires a 7 year old to wear makeup? Where did she even get it? Did no one see her before she went to school? None of it makes sense


Perhaps when 7-year-olds have their own Twitter accounts, they must wear makeup daily, to impress all of their adoring fans. Regular people just wouldn't get that. 



  • Love 9

And then that weird scene where Farrah gave her the dress and crown that she wore to lunch in the scene directly preceding getting the gift (WTF, MTV?) she calls Debra a freak and hits her with the wand. And instead of rightly cuffing her a good one, Debra starts making frog faces and starts ribbiting

I hate to defend The Troll but I'm pretty sure she said "you're a frog!", like she was turning her into a frog, not a freak. That explains the ribbiting and frog faces.

Edited by ivgotspirit02
  • Love 5

I also think that Cate doesn't speak up because of the shit April and Butch would say to her. So it is engrained in her to just sit and be quiet and not make waves. So she doesn't tell dumbass she needs help with Nova or to shut the fuck up about her weight and her anxiety. Her anxiety is a build of years of lurking in the shadows not saying a thing because it might upset the druggie or the druggie's husband and all hell would break lose. So she is doing it now again to not upset her shitty nonhelping husband. And he is not helping by saying the shit he says and he says it to be shitty and insulting. So she doesnt speak up and then eats. Because eating is a comfort to her. She's trapped as the little kid in the corner just trying to survive.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 14

All that said, Catelyn's therapist looks like an unprofessional slouch. Thanks for pulling clothes out of the hamper for your session.

I was laughing at those twins of different mothers.  Catelyn sprawled on the couch with a blanket over her, Kathleen slumped in her chair.  Same bad hair.  Same Michigan accents.  Same physical appearance.  Probably shop at the same clothing store in town.  Talk about a Halo Effect -- no wonder they both like each other.

  • Love 1

After Farrah got voted off Big Brother UK, she was tweeting to her British "fans" that she was going in to get larger implants. That's probably why Sophia was commenting on the new additions her mother was coming home with.

I seriously think she has some sort of body dysmorphic disorder.

When Debra was showing Baby Goo those photos Farrah sent her, all I could think about was how inappropriate they were. Cleavage shots to your family? Does Farrah EVER wear anything besides blouses that look like flowing lingerie or dresses? Has she distorted her body so much that she can't fit into "normal" clothes anymore, like pants? We never see her in jeans, slacks, capris, etc.

  • Love 3

Tyler: "You missed out on so much with Carly, I feel like it's my duty to step aside and let you have your mom moments"


Catelynn: "You missed out on Carly too"


Tyler: "........"


Total douche. What a completely unlikable person. I feel like he makes his points in such a completely oblivious manner that his "fans" don't realize how much of an asshole he is.


Also lol @ Deb telling Farrah there's no opportunities for her in Texas. Does anyone know if Farrah has her driver's license or was it suspended after her DUI? Is she really hiring drivers because she thinks she's super rich, or can she legitimately not drive legally.

  • Love 12

Also lol @ Deb telling Farrah there's no opportunities for her in Texas. Does anyone know if Farrah has her driver's license or was it suspended after her DUI? Is she really hiring drivers because she thinks she's super rich, or can she legitimately not drive legally.

Farrah followed Michael to Texas when she left Debra's house in Iowa, probably more for babysitting services than jobs.  She was stripping in Austin, so the place is not without job opportunities.  She bought or leased a Mercedes a couple of years ago.  Before that she had a Tesla, so she does drive.  She probably noticed all of the Real Housewives hop in stretch limos to drive three blocks to neighborhood restaurants, and figured she should do the same when the cameras are rolling.  No way would Farrah rely on a taxi or Uber to get her home from the airport.

  • Love 3

Matt is a repulsive loser.  Hopefully Amber will figure this out before she goes through with marrying this leech and having a child with him someday.  He is bad news.


So pathetic watching Cait ask Tyler who is sitting on his ass doing nothing , schedule wide open, if she could leave the baby with him while she runs out to the doctor.  Feel so bad for baby Nova getting farmed out  to April & BF all the time.  Cait and Tyler seem like two old farts in Hawaii rather than honeymooners young and in love.


No words for Farrah and devil spawn Sophia.  That kid has zero shot at turning out normal.

  • Love 5

So Cate might not have anxiety attacks, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have anxiety.  I've never had a full blown anxiety attack but I've experienced bouts of pretty bad anxiety (both times being post partum) to the point where I couldn't open my mouth to speak without bursting into tears, heart racing, stomach in knots, ect.  I don't doubt she's got both depression and anxiety and it's kind of shitty to dismiss what she's going through because she's not being rushed to the hospital via ambulance. Also, she mentioned a couple of times that she's on anti depressants.  The one time in my life I went on anti depressants (a very low dose) I blew up like a goddamn whale. One of the reasons I went off of them pretty quickly.  Between her depression, the meds and being overwhelmed by the baby, I'm not surprised she's not munching on kale salads and spending half the day in the gym.  Something needs to shift in her life before she'll be able to take control.  I'm not even about to hate on her for it, I feel compassion for her.  And fuck Tyler's useless ass.   "Letting" her do everything because she didn't "get to" with Carly.  Get on out of here with that.


I can never unsee Deborah's welcome home outfit.   That was AMAZING. 


Amber is ridiculous.  If Matt doesn't want to go in the house to watch Leah open her bday gift then MAKE HIM WAIT IN THE CAR.  Not his kid.  And so he's finally admitted SOME of those kids are his?  And we're just....letting the fact that he straight up lied about his children go totally unchecked?  Instead it's Gary's fault and Mtv's fault?  She is desperate to keep this creeper and that is sad as hell. 


Ugh, Ryan just squandered the tiny bit of goodwill I had towards him from last week by being an asshole again.  Loved how he tried to put the blame on Maci and Bentley.  I hope his parents read him the riot act once the cameras were gone.  Not that it would really matter. 

  • Love 14

Ok you guys. I've been reading these for a long, long time. Today is the day I feel like I need to post.


Catelynn and Tyler.


Yes, a whole lot of these moms site anxiety as a problem, but with Cate, I believe it. I cried, CRIED! a little during her counseling session because I truly and deeply feel her pain. The same thing happened to me. One day - BAM - anxiety. Out of nowhere. Completely functioning, super smart and driven. One day I just stopped being able to breathe and everything just rolled downhill. 


Some posters are mentioning the fact that Cate said she had a happy childhood and so she doesn't understand why this happened to her and that she's kind of dumb because her childhood was obvs super shitty. I had a really shitty childhood, but pre-anxiety, it looks like the top of the fucking world compared to what real, true anxiety issues feel like. 


I do think that when she takes the time to explore her world that she'll come to the realization that Tyler IS her anxiety. Maybe she'll be able to cope with that and move on. Probably she won't.


I just hope she finds the right drug/counseling combo and maybe when Teen Mom finally ends she can handle herself properly. 


I agree with this here.  I think Catelynn's anxiety and depression is very real.  I also think that the tv show, while it has brought her a lot of financial security and opportunity, it is also a factor that drives her anxiety.  She clearly has self esteem and body image issues and having to live her life on tv knowing she is constantly being looked at and judged only compounds the problem.  I think she'd still have issues given how she grew up, what she has gone through and who she married, but it is made a bajillion times worse that she goes through it with the preying eyes of a television audience.  


I also see that as directly related to her weight.  Sure, it seems like she is just lazy and not willing to put the pizza down and go for a walk.  However, one of her coping mechanisms IMO for dealing with all the issues and stress in her life is to self comfort with food.  A good therapist would look at her anxiety, depression, weight and eating behaviors and connect the dots.  


I think she's the same counselor from season's back, and if so, I remember her being identified as a social worker. I mean no disrespect to social workers, but they're not psychologists, and there's a different level of training involved. I remember it distinctly because in the scene from years ago, her inadequate advice really stood out to me, and she seemed to relate to Catelynn more as a friend (pouting and sympathizing when Catelynn complained, saying things like "that's unfair") rather than as a therapist. And it's probably all just for tv anyway. I'm guessing Catelynn only goes when filming dictates a storyline, er, I mean an appointment.

On a completely different note, in regard to that ridiculous scene about Sophia wearing makeup to school, Debra tried to explain it by referencing the "situation" they were in (her exact word), which I think was supposed to mean that they're all tv stars, doncha know. Wearing makeup is part of filming, and all you normal people don't understand....


I was going to respond to this, but then I saw the response below and it says it perfectly.  Also, self disclosure, I am also a social worker.  I got my MSW with a focus on clinical and worked for many years in a clinical setting.  I am now working outside of my clinical role, but I wouldn't say that my education and training was not appropriate for the type of work/therapy that was seen with Catelynn.  Now, as a clinician I would never have a videotaped session for tv, but that is my boundary and belief about how effective therapy can be with the world watching, but that's a different topic for a different day.  


I will agree though that Catelynn could use a counselor who is more interested in working on practical ways of addressing and handling her anxiety than what I have seen with her current counselor, but I don't think that has anything to do with her being a social worker.  


Clinicial Social Workers are mental health clinicians; in fact, they provide the bulk of psychotherapy in the US, not psychologists or counselors. I'm a supervisory clinical social worker (LISW-S). Yes, our educational roots are different from PhD or PsyD psychologists, but we often work interchangeably in the community - doing the same work for the same pay. In mental health, experience is key.

All that said, Catelyn's therapist looks like an unprofessional slouch. Thanks for pulling clothes out of the hamper for your session.



  • Love 10

Bentley is adorable.  His soft little voice asking the camera guy to hold his lollipop, then whispering to the other camera guy about his plan, and then on his way through the kitchen saying "I feel kind of bad about doing this" - he is such a good kid.  


I cringe watching how uncomfortable Ryan makes him feel sometimes though.  It's written all over his face and it's just sad.  Ryan, you're not 16 anymore, you're closer to 30 than 20.  Get it together.  And get off the pills or whatever you're on.  You act like a fool when you're high, and you have no business doing it during your time with Bentley.  Time to grow up.    


Farrah and Debra need to stop talking to Sophia like she's 6 months old already.  Once in a while when you're feeling nostalgic or silly - fine.  But it's all.the.time. And Sophia legit talks the same way.  I've never seen her talk normally.  She's going to end up needing social skills help in school, but of course Farrah will try to get the school shut down if they ever suggest such a thing.  Of course that's combined with all the too-adult things that she overhears her mom screaming about to others.  So we get a 6 year old baby-talking, but doing things like calling her grandmother boring and a freak, talking about boobs and being too fat and lord knows what else.    


On top of that, Farrah talks to her own daughter like she's a babysitter on the first day.  I've never seen anything like it.  She acts like she's never been around a child before with the way she speaks to Sophia.  She talks like a person who has never been around kids and who has no kids of her own.  Like she doesn't even know Sophia.  There is no connection there.     


Debra is definitely on some serious antidepressants or antianxiety meds or something.  The old Debra would not just sit there smiling and take everything Farrah dishes out.  She used to give it to her right back.  Now it's like she's floating in happiness, without a care in the world.   

  • Love 15

I agree with this here.  I think Catelynn's anxiety and depression is very real.  I also think that the tv show, while it has brought her a lot of financial security and opportunity, it is also a factor that drives her anxiety.  She clearly has self esteem and body image issues and having to live her life on tv knowing she is constantly being looked at and judged only compounds the problem.  I think she'd still have issues given how she grew up, what she has gone through and who she married, but it is made a bajillion times worse that she goes through it with the preying eyes of a television audience.  


I also see that as directly related to her weight.  Sure, it seems like she is just lazy and not willing to put the pizza down and go for a walk.  However, one of her coping mechanisms IMO for dealing with all the issues and stress in her life is to self comfort with food.  A good therapist would look at her anxiety, depression, weight and eating behaviors and connect the dots.  



I was going to respond to this, but then I saw the response below and it says it perfectly.  Also, self disclosure, I am also a social worker.  I got my MSW with a focus on clinical and worked for many years in a clinical setting.  I am now working outside of my clinical role, but I wouldn't say that my education and training was not appropriate for the type of work/therapy that was seen with Catelynn.  Now, as a clinician I would never have a videotaped session for tv, but that is my boundary and belief about how effective therapy can be with the world watching, but that's a different topic for a different day.  


I will agree though that Catelynn could use a counselor who is more interested in working on practical ways of addressing and handling her anxiety than what I have seen with her current counselor, but I don't think that has anything to do with her being a social worker.  




omg, ALL OF THIS.  People act like it's so easy to just up and change a lifetime of eating patterns.  I'm no psychologist but it's pretty obvious to me just from watching her that her eating habits are likely connected to her anxiety and depression and she's not really going to be able to fix one without the fixing the other.   I also wholeheartedly agree with your opinion regarding being in the public eye compounding her already existing anxiety.  Posts like the ones in this thread I'm sure don't help.  I also don't think it's as easy as saying "well she puts herself out there!!"  Her whole identity is wrapped up in being Cate and Tyler.  Tyler would obviously die before agreeing to jump off the mtv gravy train so she's pretty much stuck.   I really do feel a lot of compassion for her. 

  • Love 8



Isn't this Ryan's car pulling up in the background as Mimi and Maci discuss Ryan? Maybe he made it to some of the trick-or-treating?



Sure looks like Ryan's car!! Mtv is trying to force a storyline, bad on them!

No, Ryan has a Mustang.  That car is a Charger.  


I love little Bentley, he seems like a such a sweet kid.  You can tell he's benefited from having a lot of good people in his life.  


I also like Leah, but I wish Amber would use her name a little more, sick of the boo crap all the time.  The text from Kristina was such a nice, refreshing, adult move.  Seemed so out of place on this show.  Matt's such a shady fuck.  Too bad there's no one looking out for Amber.  She's such an easy mark.  He'll leave her penniless, mark my words.


I can't with Farrah, Sophia and the fam.  I fast forward through them.


Which brings me to Cait & Tyler.  I agree that she purposely called him with the watching Nova question.  I can guarantee he does nothing to raise that kid.  Tyler's always been a punk pretending to be a good guy.  Yet Cait chose him and I can't see her ever leaving.  I also agree that she could do something different with that hair.  Doesn't MTV employ stylists?


People act like it's so easy to just up and change a lifetime of eating patterns.

Plus, she eats what Tyler wants and it's obvious, looking at Butch, that his metabolism allows him to eat crap without gaining weight.  Not true for Caitlyn, unfortunately.

Edited by snarts
  • Love 4

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