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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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11 minutes ago, sum said:

FWIW, the content of the Russian troll segment itself is real. Actually it's been reported a few times but never seems to get much attention for whatever reasons. 

- June 2015 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html (This article was featured in her clip.)
The Agency: From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.
- July 2016 It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans
- October 2016 How Russia’s Twitter Bots And Trolls Work With Donald Trump Campaign Accounts
A third of pro-Trump tweets are generated by bots

If you go through pro-DJT tweets there are some patterns. Most prominently from their profile pics. On Reddit, several threads on The_Donald get loads and loads of upvotes that end up on front page within a couple of hours on daily basis. A giveaway is that those threads get disproportionately a small amount of replies.


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I found the segment "Donald Can't Read" very humorous, although a bit sad.  I am always shocked by people who don't read.  I'm someone who always has stacks of books & magazines in various parts of my home, because I get a little antsy if there is no reading material nearby.  I think libraries are the best places in the world.  I can remember as a kid at the breakfast table reading all sides of the Corn Flakes box while waiting for my dad to finish with the newspaper.  I want a president who is like me in this respect, not someone who claims he doesn't have his glasses with him, not someone who doesn't read anything but a menu, not someone who clearly would look down his nose at someone like me. 

  • Love 4

I don't read as much as I used to that's not work related, but there's always a book in my travel bag, and several more e-books on my tablet. 

What I got out of the clip was that Trump couldn't comprehend the dense language in legal documents. Sure, you have a lawyer go over everything, but you should at least be able to understand a lease. How is he going to negotiate treaties? Obama didn't negotiate the Iran deal or the TPP personally, but I'm confident he read the final versions before going on record with his support. It speaks of a lack of intellectual curiosity that should be no where near the presidency. 

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37 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

FWIW, the content of the Russian troll segment itself is real. Actually it's been reported a few times but never seems to get much attention for whatever reasons. 

I don't doubt that the content is real, but I do doubt that Sam's bit was supposed to be taken as fact.  She is a comedian, not a journalist and I found the whole ski mask thing laughable.  I couldn't take seriously the jokes about the one guys shirt and if they were really trying to hide anyone's identity they would shadow them out and disguise their voices.  Of course, I've been wrong before.  

10 hours ago, Sesquipedalia said:

Usually when a show like this does something fake, they make it obviously fake. They showed footage of Sam on the streets of Russia, so I feel like it's actually Russia. Didn't Jason Jones do a series for the Daily Show  from Russia on the country's anti-gay laws? Maybe they still have contacts there from that.

Also if it was fake the interviewees almost certainly wouldn't be so blunt and/or self-aware and they wouldn't make fun of their clothing choices. And it probably would have been more pointed and direct with some sort of narrative thread.

  • Love 1

Sam was FUCKING AWESOME tonight! Then again, when isn't she? I loved how she ripped into how "we" forced her to hide her authenticity. Fucking AMAZING.

I really got scared for a minute when she started talking over and arguing with that Russian show host.

Putin really is going to be president until he dies or someone kills him, isn't he?

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, lordonia said:

Ah, Hillary's possible career without Bill. Soothing bedtime thoughts.

Sam verbalized what I've been wishing--that five minutes after the election, Bill, his usefulness over, is smacked with divorce papers.  Although, actually, his usefulness was over six months ago, before Drumpf grabbed him as a target of opportunity.

Sarah was awesome! ? 

Honestly, I was expecting to hear her read the emails of Hillary asking Huma about Bollywood STAR ⭐️ Amitabh Bachchan, since those emails were trending the most and the only ones I saw when the newest "scandal" broke.

And I found myself nodding at all the "pls print" emails because I can't count the number of the same emails my bosses over the years have sent me to do the same!

Oh the HORROR!

2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Sam verbalized what I've been wishing--that five minutes after the election, Bill, his usefulness over, is smacked with divorce papers.  Although, actually, his usefulness was over six months ago, before Drumpf grabbed him as a target of opportunity.

TBH I wonder if Bill will make it through Hill's first term. I've heard reports from the campaign trail that he does not seem to be in good health.

If Hillary wins big tonight (please, please, please...), I hope Wednesday's show will be kind of a celebration. After this nightmare of an election, I really want to spend a couple days gloating before feeling miserable again about how difficult it will be for her to govern.

  • Love 4

The Huffington Post did a similar piece about Hillary's e-mails, pointing out that a lot of them show she's mostly interested in helping people. (And, for what it's worth, I don't think she necessarily doesn't know how to print - she's probably just sending those from her phone and doesn't have access to a printer.) I loved Sarah Paulson's dramatic readings of them though. 

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I loved Sarah Paulson and the Russian segment, but it seems that I'm the only one here who didn't love the intro. I think it's important to remember why Hillary's so reserved, is incredibly controlling of the media, etc. and that she really does have passions and beliefs, but I'm not a big fan of bashing Bill Clinton by indulging in the liberal equivalent of the standard GOP historical amnesia and lazy hacky jokes or of promoting the idea that their marriage was and is a sham and falling in love is somehow to fail as a feminist. I don't think that was her intent, but it certainly is how it played at points.

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All good points, wknt3. Don't know if you watch Real Time but Bill Maher has often made a point of saying he believes the Clintons have a real marriage, not something that's just for show. One of the (many) reasons Hillary is so often criticized is because cynics believe her marriage to Bill is essentially a sham for her own personal political ambitions. They have a child and a grandchild together - whatever personal foibles either have their relationship is genuine. Bashing Bill doesn't really service support for Hillary. 

  • Love 7

I caught that too, and I don't know if Sam was implying their marriage is a sham. It seemed more like she thinks Hillary should have dumped Bill by now instead of staying with him. And also that she shouldn't have essentially given up on her own career by choosing to be a part of his.

But I don't think that's charging that the relationship was a sham exactly- it's just being judgmental of her choices, lol. I have to agree that I often wish she'd left him after he cheated on her so many times. I mean, from what I can tell, his infidelity has been going on since the beginning of their relationship.

I see Hillary as being so strong, so it just doesn't jibe with me that she would tolerate this and keep forgiving him over and over again. That's been the only disconnect for me with her, the decision to stay with Bill after SO many affairs. She had to know about them. I don't really understand that.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The Huffington Post did a similar piece about Hillary's e-mails, pointing out that a lot of them show she's mostly interested in helping people. (And, for what it's worth, I don't think she necessarily doesn't know how to print - she's probably just sending those from her phone and doesn't have access to a printer.) I loved Sarah Paulson's dramatic readings of them though. 

A couple of months ago I read an article about Hillary which basically consisted of interviews with people who worked with her or had some kind of contact, and it was wonderful reading how much she wants to help people, how she doesn't forget the "little people," i.e., those without power. I wish I could remember where that article was from.

I enjoyed last night's show. Sam's line that Hillary has spent the last 40 years learning how to mask her authenticity was very interesting. Those clips were from the Frontline show on her and Trump, right? I haven't watched it yet, but it's on my DVR.

  • Love 3

I couldn't even finish watching this.  I don't even know how to express myself on the shit that has been heaped on Hilary over the years.  SHE IS A HERO NOT A CRIMINAL!  Sorry.   I did go back, just so I could comment intelligently.

Anyway, I thought Sam was her usual great self - making such good points, with humor and insight.  I look forward to her show tonight.

  • Love 5

Sam verbalized what I've been wishing--that five minutes after the election, Bill, his usefulness over, is smacked with divorce papers.  Although, actually, his usefulness was over six months ago, before Drumpf grabbed him as a target of opportunity.

Yeah he's TOTALLY useless with those 8 years of experience doing the same important, high stress job. Can't imagine why you would want him around.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

A couple of months ago I read an article about Hillary which basically consisted of interviews with people who worked with her or had some kind of contact, and it was wonderful reading how much she wants to help people, how she doesn't forget the "little people," i.e., those without power. I wish I could remember where that article was from.

I enjoyed last night's show. Sam's line that Hillary has spent the last 40 years learning how to mask her authenticity was very interesting. Those clips were from the Frontline show on her and Trump, right? I haven't watched it yet, but it's on my DVR.

Did you mean this one: http://www.vox.com/a/hillary-clinton-interview/the-gap-listener-leadership-quality I loved that article; it's such a well-thought out piece. Especially liked the analysis about a campaign based on listening instead of talking.

I'm so glad we get two shows this week. I wouldn't want to miss out on neither this show nor the one we'll get on Wednesday regardless of what happens tonight.

  • Love 2

I was really not that fond of Samantha suggesting Hillary serve up divorce papers on Bill after she becomes president. Yeah, Bill did some sleazy shit in his past. But they seemed to have worked things out, when the time for her to ditch him was long, long ago. And Bill seems to be a better person for it, which is more than can be said about Anthony Weiner. Otherwise, another solid show from Samantha.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, muessigkeit said:

Did you mean this one: http://www.vox.com/a/hillary-clinton-interview/the-gap-listener-leadership-quality I loved that article; it's such a well-thought out piece. Especially liked the analysis about a campaign based on listening instead of talking.

Yes, that's it.

I'm so depressed. I doubt Sam can help me feel better, unless tomorrow is a LOT different from tonight.

  • Love 5

Poppy! I loved Almost Royal.

I don't know what to say about the election other then I woke up this morning with a giant zit and swollen glands from the stress.
 I feel so powerless and sad and I am one of those who probably won't really be all that effected by a republican led government. I also have a easy path to immigrate to Canada if I wanted.

I guess I don't know what to expect, what are his policies? The news keeps interviewing people who claim that Trump didn't really mean all that crap. I hope we self correct in 2018 but the damage in the SCOTUS will be done. I can't picture Trump actually enjoying the scrutiny of being President.

On Monday's show I learned more about Hillary in that 10 minute segment than during the entire campaign process. I was too young during her time in Arkansas.

Edited by Megan
more thoughts, spelling
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Megan said:

I guess I don't know what to expect, what are his policies? The news keeps interviewing people who claim that Trump didn't really mean all that crap. I hope we self correct in 2018 but the damage in the SCOTUS will be done. I can't picture Trump actually enjoying the scrutiny of being President.

That's the one thing that I don't think he's ready for. He can't pivot to Hillary anymore. He's been getting the "can you believe this guy" treatment like its a joke but now he's going to actually have to be in office and do the job to some degree. I know Sam will hold his feet to the fire and I'm confident others will as well and that's going to bug Trump so much.

I almost didn't watch this show. I hate to say it, but I might have to stay away from political humor shows like this for awhile. I'm just not able to see the humor in any of it, and I'm coping by trying to just get on with living my life and not thinking about the presidential election. In order to do that I'm trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. The consequence may be giving up shows like Sam's. It's all just too horrifying and depressing to deal with.

  • Love 11

I was like Sam in her opening dream: happy to see Van, Larry! Jon! I didn't know who the other two guys were. Then Stephen with Oswald! Having Ollie would have made it perfect. Then BOOM! Back to reality.

But the street pieces with the Drumpf supporters just angered and depressed me. Even that interview with the former Drumpf Campaign person, who headed his DC "office" peeved me; with his ignorance over who Stein was; not that he knew of her, but her name. But, it's all moot now. 

The fact that I can't laugh even though I know the material is funny, tells me I'm still in shock and just numb to a certain extent. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I almost didn't watch this show. I hate to say it, but I might have to stay away from political humor shows like this for awhile. I'm just not able to see the humor in any of it, and I'm coping by trying to just get on with living my life and not thinking about the presidential election. In order to do that I'm trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. The consequence may be giving up shows like Sam's. It's all just too horrifying and depressing to deal with.

I feel the same way. I didn't watch the show last night (it's on my DVR) and came here to see reactions. If I do watch it sounds like I'll have to FF through the street pieces. I've already removed "The Daily Show" from my season pass list. 

Hey, the two City Council members I voted for both won! Everything is fine! La la la...

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I might have to stay away from political humor shows like this for awhile. I'm just not able to see the humor in any of it, and I'm coping by trying to just get on with living my life and not thinking about the presidential election.

It's understandable. I don't normally watch the news and don't get a paper. My information sources have primarily been my home page news feed and email breaking news alerts. I've cancelled both of those. I intend to -- and hope I can -- hang in with Sam and Trevor and Seth and Stephen because that's practically the only way I'll hear anything now and I'd prefer to receive bad tidings from people who share my disgust.

I assume my DVR history is tracked and wouldn't want ratings to suffer for Sam or the others because a lot of viewers don't have the stomach for it right now. In fact, I'll probably go online and watch the episodes there as well, just so Sam gets one more view counted. For whatever it's worth.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Megan said:

I don't know what to say about the election other then I woke up this morning with a giant zit 

Yesterday we ALL woke up with a giant zit.



I can't picture Trump actually enjoying the scrutiny of being President.

He will like the pomp and circumstance, meeting important people, having dinner parties, living in the White House. He will not like working. He will not like reading reports and will probably have his Chief of State give him a brief -- very brief -- summary. His attention span is short -- very short -- unless the topic is himself. I think he'll even get bored. Oh, and press conferences? I can't wait for his first one. It will be hilarious.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I almost didn't watch this show. I hate to say it, but I might have to stay away from political humor shows like this for awhile. I'm just not able to see the humor in any of it, and I'm coping by trying to just get on with living my life and not thinking about the presidential election. In order to do that I'm trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. The consequence may be giving up shows like Sam's. It's all just too horrifying and depressing to deal with.

I watched more for the commiseration than the humor. Since the election cycle, it's knowing I'm not alone in being unhappy that keeps me sane. I don't always laugh at the jokes, but it feels better particularly seeing Sam's anger. I think talking about the election is the only way to understand what happened and try get back on track and I'm glad we have voices like Sam's in the conversation. I understand your point of view, and I don't know what the election meant for you personally, so it may be different for you, that's just my take. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, vibeology said:

I hope we self correct in 2018 but the damage in the SCOTUS will be done.

As Sam has said on the show, the damage was done in the midterms, so getting out to vote 2018 is a good takeaway from all of this. As far as scotus goes, it doesn't look good, but history shows that they are some justices that judged more liberal than was thought by the president that appointed them. Long shot, but not impossible.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, lordonia said:

I might have to stay away from political humor shows like this for awhile. I'm just not able to see the humor in any of it, and I'm coping by trying to just get on with living my life and not thinking about the presidential election.

I definitely understand that. I'm finding that late-night satire (and Sam in particular) is the only thing I CAN watch that talks about the election. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the "real" news or read any of the articles with dire headlines floating around the political news sites, but being angry and upset alongside Sam is just what I need.

Also, that performance by Lizzo legit made me feel better.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

The stat Sam showed about how many women voted for Trump was interesting (it also seemed to show that a surprising percentage of Latinos also voted for him). Although I have to wonder if polling firmd kept saying Hillary woukd win and they got that so spectacularly wrong, how valid is this data.

I don't know the actual stat (I haven't seen the episode yet) but it is sure to be skewed in Florida, at the very least, by the Cubans (who overwhelmingly are Republicans, and usually very conservative ones).

1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Although I have to wonder if polling firmd kept saying Hillary woukd win and they got that so spectacularly wrong, how valid is this data.

My feeling is that people lie when asked if they're going to do something they don't want to admit to doing. I've watched too many segments of LieWitness News on Kimmel to believe any polls or surveys.

Edited by lordonia

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