Tara Ariano January 20, 2016 Share January 20, 2016 Red embarks on a risky mission to infiltrate an assembly of high-level criminals. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/
ottoDbusdriver January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) Red embarks on a risky mission to infiltrate an assembly of high-level criminals. While Lizzie sits at her house/apartment (wherever that is now), and plays FBI Agent: The Home Edition. Because she just so badly wants to be an FBI agent again. Edited January 22, 2016 by ottoDbusdriver 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1886431
AimingforYoko January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Oh great, they wrote it in. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This show is at its best when it reminds you that Raymond Reddington is not the good guy. While Lizzie sits at her house/apartment (wherever that is now) Red took care of that, of course. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889561
ottoDbusdriver January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Oh great, they wrote it in. Let's cover up a pregnancy IRL -- with a pregnancy on the show. How original. I can't be bothered to watch this show anymore -- just kind of listen to it in the background, and looks like I'm not missing much. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889579
Chaos Theory January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Although I am not big on the baby angle I do like two things about Elizabeth's story. I actually do ship Tom and Elizabeth so I do like that she is actually thinking about leaving and going off with him. I do think it makes sense after everything she has been through and everything it has cost her. I also like that just because she got off on most of the charges doesn't mean that everyone has forgiven her or thinks she is innocent. I liked the scene with the woman selling the apartment and the guy who kicked the crap out of her. I think the baby is just an excuse to add drama because we all know she won't leave because despite what some people want the show just wouldn't work without her and it looks like it is raring up to dig into her past and the history of her mother. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889593
Stuffy January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Did they just finally tell us that Red is her dad? I really can't tell anymore. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889630
Free January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Let's cover up a pregnancy IRL -- with a pregnancy on the show. How original. I can't be bothered to watch this show anymore -- just kind of listen to it in the background, and looks like I'm not missing much. Very, but on the plus side we don't have to hear her whine about not being an agent. I just hope the baby drama doesn't drag the show down that way. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889741
forum4idiots January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) tom's naked ass.........yup.....that's all the drama i need. Edited January 22, 2016 by lovebug1975 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889855
torqy January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Mr. Kaplan rocking to Maxine Nightingale while cleaning up was somehow too funny. The guy who attacked Lizzie is already dead in an alley somewhere... 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889921
preeya January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 So I guess Reddington is now going to be a grandfather. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889935
forum4idiots January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 wait. red's right hand woman....is she lizzie's mom? the russian spy who disappeared? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1889941
ottoDbusdriver January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 When I saw that the Blacklister of the Week was Mr. Gregory Devry, I figured it was going to be some rich asshole who funded his criminal activities by running a network of for-profit training schools. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1890225
Primetimer January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 If you thought The Blacklist couldn't get any twistier, wait until you have dinner at The Shell Island Retreat. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1890487
12catcrazy January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 I doubt if Mr Kaplan is Lizzie's mom. We've been told that Lizzy with blond hair looks like her mom - Megan Boone, what ever you think about her acting abilities is a very good-looking woman - Mr. Kaplan - not so much. And Megan Boone is PG in real life? Sheesh - they did the same thing on Law & Order SVU writing a pregnancy into the story when Kelli Gidesh was pregnant. What ever happened to hiding behind large plants and wearing over-sized coats to hide an actress being pregnant. Now they just put it into the show no matter how ridiculous it is. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1890566
norask January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) ...And I am done. Not even my love for the ginger can make me watch "Liz and Tom's Domestic Bliss - the sequel". Are we supposed to forget the part where he lied to her for two whole years, beat her up, used her as a hostage and then she returned the favor by imprisoning his bleeding ass in a rusty old boat? Well after all that, how can they not belong together? That's how those sort of thing goes in tvland and the audience just eat it up. I just feel sorry for the kid these two will have. Poor kid will never have a chance. But thankfully, I won't have to watch. I'll just check here from time to time if Red is revealed as her uncle or mother or whoever the hell he is supposed to be. Edited January 22, 2016 by norask 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1890759
Risky Librarian January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 I see lots of people getting upset about the baby write-in, but really, there's no good way to deal with a pregnant actress in the middle of a story. Either route is equally preposterous. Randomly writing a kid in is weird and feels shoehorned most of the time (though, in some ways, that's irritatingly fun, because let's face it, half the time, that's pregnancy for reals.) But everyone pretending that their compatriot is not, in fact, as big as a house and slightly swollen, filmed from the waist up and always conveniently behind filing cabinets and massive tote bags, is equally silly stuff. The show must go on. One picks a gear and goes with it. Whatevs. Come to think of it, I can only remember one great case of that, on some comedy...was it The Nanny maybe? I really don't remember. I just remember that one of the actresses is hugely pregnant, and they specifically wrote the jokes in one episode to call attention to a huge bag or a painting or houseplant that was being held in such a way as to say "THIS LADY IS TOTALLY KNOCKED UP, YO." It was a great way of acknowledging that yes, we all know she's super preggers, please enjoy this massive fourth-wall break. Anywhoodle, way more subdued show than the last couple, though as someone said upthread, the show really is at its best when we get a reminder of just how not a good guy Red is. That is, of course, what generally makes this stuff worth watching. Red is actually a great, nuanced character. He's not pure evil. I don't even know if I would totally call him evil at all. He's just delightfully neutral. He does what he has to do to make his way. Some people get helped, some people get stabbed or shot, some people get helped by getting stabbed or shot. I loved the moment in the hallway, when Donald and Navabi get into it about the screwing and the subsequent firing, and I said out loud, "Yes, let's have THIS conversation right there in front of all of the peoples. Great plan," and then they turn around and the girl is looking at them all, "Really? Oookay then." Are we supposed to forget the part where he lied to her for two whole years, beat her up, used her as a hostage and then she returned the favor by imprisoning his bleeding ass in a rusty old boat? Well after all that, how can they not belong together? That's how those sort of thing goes in tvland and the audience just eat it up. Well...at least we know that they can each handle what the other one is capable of? I mean, they've each done their crap to each other; at this point, their relationship doesn't have any choice but to be nakedly honest in its weird way. Or, at least they'd be together instead of inflecting themselves on normal folks. You're right about that kid being boned though. Nutjob parents, and he or she is probably going to be kidnapped every two weeks. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1890974
SharonH58 January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 OMG i thought they were going to kill Mr. Kaplan and then after that, blah. Liz is SO BORING. I cannot stand any screen time she has. Ressler jumping on the back of a truck? really? Tom deserved better than Liz.. WE the audience deserves better. I keep trying to hang on to the show but...... 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891047
slowpoked January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Anywhoodle, way more subdued show than the last couple, though as someone said upthread, the show really is at its best when we get a reminder of just how not a good guy Red is. That is, of course, what generally makes this stuff worth watching. Red is actually a great, nuanced character. He's not pure evil. I don't even know if I would totally call him evil at all. He's just delightfully neutral. He does what he has to do to make his way. Some people get helped, some people get stabbed or shot, some people get helped by getting stabbed or shot. I did like though how Red was broken up when Mr. Kaplan lost her people. The common mobster boss won't lose sleep over it, not seeing them as human beings, but just as disposable parts of his entire kingdom. I guess that's why Red's closest circle is very loyal to him - he returns the favor as well. Then at the end, when both Red and Mr. Kaplan comforted each other regarding both their losses. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891074
saber5055 January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) I really liked this episode because Spader ROCKED it. I loved the twist with the real/fake Reddington and the setup meeting. I do find him killing two people, one after the other, a little ... well, odd, since both died SO QUIETLY and with no blood. The heck with that. I LOL'd at Mr. Kaplan putting on the headphones to clean to the beat. Problem: So Lizzie as an FBI agent can't afford an apartment and lives in a sleaze-bag motel. Then with no paycheck she can rent/buy a high-class apartment? Can't Red let her live in one of his many hide outs? And why doesn't Liz change her name AND her hair style so she can now live like a (sorta) normal person? I'm hoping the cleaning staff at the flea-bag motel opened the door to her old room and let her dog out, or at least gave it some food and water while it waits for its master to come back and love it again. While inquiring into someone's pregnancy is rude, did Lizzie sleep with Tom during her three months on the run? Because sleeping with a guy the night before an MRI does NOT make a baby show up on the images. I don't remember her sexing it up while running around with Red, but then again, I block a lot about this show. So Cooper hired Navabi back? Donald jumping on the back of that truck. Right. What's up with him not shooting the tires out? Or hijacking that car he fell onto so he could pursue the truck? Donald, big fail. Although it ended up okay, what with Red's plan and all. One of the shooters who came into the school to kidnap the woman looked exactly like Aram. I thought he had switched sides for a minute there. OH: More baby rudeness ... why were Lizzie and Tom ADOPTING a child in season 1? She couldn't have kids? Now she's pregnant? Gah. HATE knowing she is pregnant in real life. Edited January 22, 2016 by saber5055 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891086
Stuffy January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 While inquiring into someone's pregnancy is rude, did Lizzie sleep with Tom during her three months on the run? Because sleeping with a guy the night before an MRI does NOT make a baby show up on the images. I don't remember her sexing it up while running around with Red, but then again, I block a lot about this show. I vaguely remember them sleeping together on the boat either this season or end of last season. I don't know how many months the 1st half was supposed to be. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891163
saber5055 January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) I have to admit, Tom proposing with the washer got me; very sweet if extremely poorly timed. And the fact that they have each beaten up the other and are pretty much equals in the I-can-heartlessly-torture-you thing -- that sort of makes them perfect partners. Any spousal abuse would be mutual, no one could pick on the other without serious consequences. Their relationship is a real "been there, done that" sort, so it could work. Although I really felt Red was going to pull out a gun and shoot Tom there at the end. So there's that ... I didn't get the vibe that Red is Lizzie's father any more from this episode than from any other. Did I miss something? Edited January 22, 2016 by saber5055 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891408
dwmarch January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Tom: Hey Lizzie, let's get married again! Lizzie: Um, dude, I might just do something stupid and get myself killed in the next five minutes... Tom: I know, right?! And apparently Lizzie's ninja skills are deactivated by sex. Whatever happened to the gal who can parkour over twelve-foot high fences or kick a man so hard (with her teeny tiny little boots) that she collapses the guy's lung? Some random dude comes up to her, basically announces that he's going to attack her and proceeds to do so with Lizzie getting absolutely no defense other than curling up into a fetal ball. Was this some foreshadowing for the baby? It's fetal, it's useless and people will attack it for no good reason! Coming soon to a Blacklist near you! However, while Lizzie has been slipping, Ressler has apparently starting going to the same gym the T-1000 trains at. He catches up to a moving vehicle, jumps on it and hangs onto his gun while they swerve and shoot at him. That's a signature move of the T-1000 and was in T2 and Genisys. I hope this means we get a plot in which some devious blacklister replaced Ressler with a robot and no one noticed. I expect we might revisit this in the future but did that landlady actually have a change of heart that was not inspired by the silenced pistol of Raymond Reddington? I was surprised the camera didn't pull back to show him sitting there ready to make a vacancy. I liked the idea of a fake Red and I loved how the real Red used this situation to clear his name but... considering we've had about three dozen blacklisters put in the ground by now, shouldn't it be obvious that Red is playing both sides? And didn't he used to be very cavalier about the idea of being an informant? I remember him telling someone "the FBI works for me". I feel as though a closer examination of this show's byzantine plot would reveal that there is absolutely no way Red's position could be a secret to anyone. And we're back to the good old FBI, the ones that can be lead around by the nose by any bad guy who is sufficiently bored. And again they fall for the trick of the secret elevator that leads to a basement exit. And again they know someone is in danger so they send two agents instead of a dozen. And again they ask this pending kidnap victim politely if they'll pretty please come along because there might be danger out there. I have a feeling that the real FBI would be nowhere near as considerate of your son's piano lesson. I thought real Red and fake Red were working together until the end. Because if not, real Red had to be ready for a situation in which his enemies would send a cunning impostor (whom he happened to be buddies with back in the day) to pretend to be him just so they could get a jump on him at the meeting he called. Again this is one of those Blacklist plots which would basically be impossible if any of the timing was off anywhere. Or if the bad guys had not shown their hand and had maybe kidnapped the FBI lady first. And about that FBI lady. So here's some woman who has no attachment to the task force. However, she's entrusted with the secret of Raymond Reddington despite the fact that pretty much every criminal mastermind in the known universe has beef with him. Despite having this knowledge and the knowledge of every other FBI informant in existence, this woman walks around completely unprotected and responds with puzzlement when told someone is coming after her. I don't know how the actual FBI keeps their secrets but I'm pretty sure it isn't like this! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891608
SunnyBeBe January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Since I no longer care what Red and LIzzie's relationship really is, this would be the perfect time for her to leave. She could leave with Tom, go in hiding with baby, get a new identity, whatever.....just go away. A new sidekick for Red would be fabulous. Just imagine how exciting that could be! 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891627
Andrew Wiggin January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) OH: More baby rudeness ... why were Lizzie and Tom ADOPTING a child in season 1? She couldn't have kids? Now she's pregnant? Gah. HATE knowing she is pregnant in real life. In the first Episode at the Interview for the Adoption Tom said clear she wanted to Adopted to get a Orphaned Child a home not that they couldnt have Children of there own. Edited January 22, 2016 by Andrew Wiggin 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891783
Chaos Theory January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 (edited) To be honest this is actually the perfect time to enter a tv pregnancy. Season 1 and 2 it would have seen weird and contrived but now it actually fits with the story of a woman who life just keeps hitting her upside the head. Yes It's a IRL issue but I would have bought the pregnancy even if it wasn't which means it fits with the storyline. Edited January 23, 2016 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891951
ottoDbusdriver January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 (edited) Problem: So Lizzie as an FBI agent can't afford an apartment and lives in a sleaze-bag motel. Then with no paycheck she can rent/buy a high-class apartment? Can't Red let her live in one of his many hide outs? And why doesn't Liz change her name AND her hair style so she can now live like a (sorta) normal person? I'm hoping the cleaning staff at the flea-bag motel opened the door to her old room and let her dog out, or at least gave it some food and water while it waits for its master to come back and love it again. Then again, Red did buy her a house to get Lizzie out of the flea-bag motel but she not so very politely declined. As for the dog, it's got to be dead by now -- from starvation, dehydration, neglect, loneliness, or all of the above. Lizzie is a shitty pet owner, and will be an even lousier parent. Edited January 23, 2016 by ottoDbusdriver 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891958
cali1981 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Mr. Kaplan rocking to Maxine Nightingale while cleaning up was somehow too funny. Loved that one. Mr. Kaplan was either a disco queen in New York City the early 70s or a big fan of the movie Slap Shot..LOL! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1891994
saber5055 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 And apparently Lizzie's ninja skills are deactivated by sex. I love that sentence. Plus, it's all the more reason for celibacy! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892013
cali1981 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 The whole real/phony Red plot line was bizarre. It's too bad that they killed Jake Webber off. He's a good actor and might have added something to the show in some ongoing capacity. Not sure whether to completely believe Red's story about Red 2 (terminal stomach cancer and asked Red 1 to "euthanize" him). It's getting hard to keep track of Red's various plots, schemes and criminal organization memberships. Based on last night it may be difficult to keep track of the Reds. With Red it's like a version of the saying that while others are playing checkers, he's playing three dimensional chess. The scene with Red and Mr. Kaplan was fascinating. I don't think that there was a romantic involvement back in the day but rather a long term professional and personal relationship between two people who have a fierce loyalty and affection for each other. I hope that, at some point, the show runners flesh their back story out. I did love Red's whispering to the guy that he stabbed that he was indeed an FBI informant. Nice touch! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892033
gazebo January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Oh oh! Liz is pregnant! I don't think Red is going to like that. Reddington really doesn't like Tom does he? He is still trying to warn off this guy to leave Liz alone. Meanwhile, Liz is the one that went back to seek out Tom for a good roll in the hay. I think Red is kind of helpless when it comes to stopping Tom and Liz. He doesn't want to do anything to Tom to risk getting Liz angry and leaving Red forever. Really, Red should just quit where Tom and Liz are concerned. It was so sweet that Tom got down on one knee and propose to Liz. I wanted her to accept but yet I understood why she wouldn't. Oh well, let's just go have sex anyway! LOL! Jake Weber! Well, I have not seen him in my TV for a long time! I wish they would've kept him around much longer. Based on the commercials for next week's episode, it feels like Liz and Tom might want to make a run for it and Red is going to go after them. I think Liz is going to disappear for awhile because of her pregnancy. Will the Show still carry on without her? You bet! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892454
torqy January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Loved that one. Mr. Kaplan was either a disco queen in New York City the early 70s Strangely, that's plausible! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892694
Danielg342 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 "If those two know each other my head will explode" You and I both, Aram. That was...uh...what exactly happened? So I watched through 44 minutes of Red Punk'ning the FBI with an imposter just to have a dinner meeting where can fool his own company that he's not betraying them, all in a master plot to bring down the real criminal in the company- Marcus Caliguri. Who I think was a better Blacklister than the Blacklister we got this week. Gregory Devry? He didn't do anything. He was just a plant. Killed just like one too. I mean, I guess we needed to have some fun after the intensity of the last few months but this was comical even for this show's standards. I hope things pick up soon because I'm not sure how much I want to watch the Loony of the Week. Speaking of Loony- that's quite the way to reveal Lizzie's pregancy, have her getting beaten up in a parking lot. Gotta say it was pretty unsettling too, especially since Keen didn't even try to defend herself. I also think she gets used as a punching bag a bit too often in this series. Couldn't the show have just used morning sickness or something? It's here where I'll say the show hasn't revealed who Lizzie's baby daddy is- so it could be anyone. Even Dembe. It's likely Tom though, but I'm not quite sure how much I like that. They don't have a lot of chemistry together, and Tom works so much better as a lone ranger. Lizzie should shack up with Aram- they have chemistry, and maybe the baby will be a Doctor Who fan. Hey, boy can dream. So...C-. Mildly amused, mostly because of James Spader but this was overall a weak effort. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892777
thuganomics85 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I was unaware Megan Boone was pregnant in real life, so the baby bombshell did surprise me a bit. I guess they are limited in their options (it's either address it or start dressing the actress up in heavy coats/place behind big items), but I'm not exactly wild about bringing a baby into the mix. It's probably just going to make the bizarre triangle between her, Tom, and Red, even more crazy. So, the whole Fake Red thing was, of course, a con by Red to get everyone who might have thought he was working for the FBI, off his back. He's lucky he happened to have a friend who was dying of stomach cancer and willing to sacrifice himself like that! I did like seeing the past cases the fake one had, including some of the recognizable past Blacklisters like the ones played by Robert Sean Leonard and Linus Roache. Plus, Jake Weber is always cool. Not the best episode, but it did lead to plenty of scenery chewing and monologues from James Spader, which is always a good thing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1892784
AbsoluteShower January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I didn't get the vibe that Red is Lizzie's father any more from this episode than from any other. Did I miss something? The scene towards the end with Tom and Red - -You will not get married again -Why, because I didn't get daddy's blessing? I'm not sure if Tom really knows or if he was making a sarcastic reference to Red's 'father-figure' tendencies. At this stage in the show though, I'm not sure I really care any more. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893067
Mreid January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Ok why doesnt Red want Tom to marry Liz? he has to be her father? Oh forget it Im done trying to figure out their relationship too lol. But now that she is pregnant how will Red react? There are so many different directions this could un fold! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893107
Chaos Theory January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 (edited) Ok why doesnt Red want Tom to marry Liz? he has to be her father? Oh forget it Im done trying to figure out their relationship too lol. But now that she is pregnant how will Red react? There are so many different directions this could un fold! Complicated relationship between the three. If I have the history correct Red hired Tom to "look after" Liz but he got overly involved with her so he switched alligences to Berlin and married her. Red hates him because he is fond of Liz for whatever murky and unspecified reason he has and just outright does not trust Toms motives, Tom could legitimately love Liz and be bitter that Red cost him the love of his life regardless of his deception. Liz is caught between two men both who love her for different and complicated reasons and hate each other. Edited January 23, 2016 by Chaos Theory Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893185
Noirprncess January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I guess I was one of the few that enjoyed the twists in this episode. I rolled my eyes at Tom jumping on the back of the truck and hanging on while firing shots... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893232
saber5055 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Except that was Ressler on the back of the truck, Noriprncess. But I'll forgive you the name change. Couldn't the show have just used morning sickness or something? No, the show had to have the hospital scene because that doctor was FREAKING HOT! I hope he turns out to be Lizzie's OBGYN. I want to see him every week, please. Red getting all snarky about Tom and Lizzie together is pretty much a hoot since he is the one who hired Tom to "marry" Lizzie to begin with. So, back at you, Red. Guess you gotta live with it. (Until Tom and Lizzie figure out you are going to kill Tom ...) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893434
Texasmom1970 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I cannot say it enough I love Mr. Kaplan. I wish we could find out more about her back story with Red. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893510
Dowel Jones January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 So the Shell Island Lunch and Murder Club gets together at a swanky hotel and no one, not even Interpol or any other LE agency in the world, notices that bad guys are converging on New York? And why would the FBI wait until their plant was exposed to raid the place, other than plot requirements? Too funny about the diversity requirements of such meetings. "Africans? Check. French guy? Check. Arab? Check. All right, let's roll, folks." ...but really, there's no good way to deal with a pregnant actress in the middle of a story. They could have Liz get shot, or poisoned, or irradiated, whatever would require her to in long term care off camera. She could phone in her dialogue whenever needed. Wait... And about that FBI lady. Not to mention running away from the protection of the two agents at the scene and right into the actual kidnappers arms. A director would have had field training in her career and would have recognized the situation immediately. I bet those two fall guys are really, really pissed at having been set up like that. I have to admit, looking at that World Map O' Terror, I said to myself, there's two or three more seasons available here. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893714
AbsoluteShower January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 So the Shell Island Lunch and Murder Club gets together at a swanky hotel and no one, not even Interpol or any other LE agency in the world, notices that bad guys are converging on New York? And why would the FBI wait until their plant was exposed to raid the place, other than plot requirements? Too funny about the diversity requirements of such meetings. "Africans? Check. French guy? Check. Arab? Check. All right, let's roll, folks." Not to mention the hotel staff being apparently oblivious to a large number of suspicious looking heavies guarding the outside of the hotel and the elevators. I wonder if there was a helpful notice in the lobby - "WELCOME SHELL IRELAND REPEAT DELAGATES" 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893777
saber5055 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 Too funny about the diversity requirements of such meetings. "Africans? Check. French guy? Check. Arab? Check. All right, let's roll, folks." Red should get membership in that group who votes for Oscar nominations. .but really, there's no good way to deal with a pregnant actress in the middle of a story. They managed with Clare Danes in Homeland, shooting action scenes when she was eight months pregnant, if I remember correctly. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893794
nutty1 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I must be the only one who has loved all the episodes in the new year! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893817
slowpoked January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 (edited) They managed with Clare Danes in Homeland, shooting action scenes when she was eight months pregnant, if I remember correctly. I remember the directors and writers saying they really had to get creative with camera shots and clothing, but not so much as placing Danes behind plants and huge machines. After all, she was still their lead and she was a CIA field agent at that time.They also gave kudos to Danes doing her own action scenes during that time. And then they eventually write her character getting pregnant and having a kid, after her real-life pregnancy. Heh. Edited January 23, 2016 by slowpoked 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1893935
saber5055 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 I must be the only one who has loved all the episodes in the new year! No, you are not alone! I loved last week's Leverage-based episode, and this week my head did explode just a little bit (thank you, Aram) when Red did his big reveal at the Shell Island meeting. It brought home that Mr. Reddington should indeed be the FBI's Most Wanted. Plus, Spader rocks and Ressler has red hair. And The Director got dropped off in time for dinner. What's not to love? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1894028
paigow January 24, 2016 Share January 24, 2016 I think Red is kind of helpless when it comes to stopping Tom and Liz. First time I read this, I saw shtupping...but that made no sense.... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1894446
Chaos Theory January 24, 2016 Share January 24, 2016 (edited) I guess I was one of the few that enjoyed the twists in this episode. I rolled my eyes at Tom jumping on the back of the truck and hanging on while firing shots... I enjoyed it too. Then again I really do enjoy this show for exactly what it is. I thought the Red stuff was clever because it makes sense that by now the criminal underworld would be suspicious of him especially with his dealings with Elizabeth and as previously stated in my other posts I am enjoying Liz's story this season and especially this episode and how the show is making an effort to not go back to the status quo.<---edited for spelling and clarity Edited January 24, 2016 by Chaos Theory 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1894513
paigow January 24, 2016 Share January 24, 2016 I love Mr. Kaplan and think of her and Red as having a Guinan-Picard kind of relationship -- "beyond friendship, beyond family." Mark Twain is a Blacklister???? Perhaps that explains Red's fondness for prefacing each execution with an amusing anecdote..... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1895860
seacliffsal January 25, 2016 Share January 25, 2016 When Tom told Lizzie he had something for her I really thought it was going to be their dog. I was so like "they finally remembered and are bringing it back." No such luck. As for the pregnancy, I thought she looked pregnant in the last episode and was noticing how they framed her for all of her scenes. So, I'm glad it's settled and I don't have to keep watching the shots for the sake of figuring out if they are hiding a pregnancy. Maybe Mr. Kaplan has been taking care of the dog... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1896399
Groovy1 January 25, 2016 Share January 25, 2016 Red is Tom's father 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/37518-s03e11-mr-gregory-devry/#findComment-1897618
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