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I finally remembered to watch! My gawd, why does everything have to be so dramatic with these women? They're exhausting to watch, much less, be around. They would be horrible friends. They're so busy talking about themselves, and gossiping and judging others, that they never even consider listening to another even though they pretend to "entasize" - Yolandaism. And Kyle's "It's just a question..." So innocent.

  • Love 11

Return of the morally corrupt Faye. And she shows up... so they can talk about Kim some more. Jesus.


Kind of boring overall. 


Kathryn got quite the greeting from LVP "WHO ARE YOU HERE WITH?" She made it sound like Kathryn was crashing this "star studded" event (cut to another shot of Lance Bass). And not the best advertising for Pump that they have to leave to go to another bar to get a cold drink.

Edited by rustyspigot
  • Love 18

I think they are bringing in new girl to get some smack down going between her and Faye. And about something that happened so long ago, O.J. Because this season has been such a downer so far between Yo's illness, Kim's issues , Eileen's deaths in her family. It's kind of depressing to watch.

Doesn't Ken feel like a fifth wheel hanging around with all women. He's kind of becoming like Jiggy, being dragged around wherever Lisa goes. This depresses me too.

  • Love 20

Be gone Frankle, back to the nether region to which you belong.

Erika does appear to be a good friend, and a genuine, nice person.

While I do understand the need to bring Kim's name up so that the viewers can catch up on her shenanigans when she appears again (shudder!) I really just don't care anymore.

Seems someone told Eileen to amp up her personal "story" this season.

LisaR is starting to piss me off with her "coy" scripted comments and questions.

Go away Faye no one is interested in you.

Kathryn is stunning!

  • Love 17

OH and Lisa V with her, "and if I asked Eileen if anyone ever beat the CRAP out of her... but I just asked her about a love story..." What???

I read Faye's book over the weekend, well actually it only took like 2 hours to finish it. Those Beverly Hills housewives were living the fast life in the early 90s! Hoo boy! Cheating and drinking and dancing and drugs.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 7

I finally remembered to watch! My gawd, why does everything have to be so dramatic with these women? They're exhausting to watch, much less, be around. They would be horrible friends. They're so busy talking about themselves, and gossiping and judging others, that they never even consider listening to another even though they pretend to "entasize" - Yolandaism. And Kyle's "It's just a question..." So innocent.


Yup.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Erika is a 'one and done'.  I caught her looking so bored and over it, about 5 times tonight.  After the fundraiser (or whatever that was at PUMP), when they left to go to the District, Erika was so dragging her butt up the steps. Her body language said, "Jeezus. I'd rather be anywhere than here."  She just wanted to go home, but was still on the clock. I think she's done after this season.  She doesn't need the cash and clearly doesn't like any of these women.  Maybe Eileen.  But Eileen showed a bit of wobbly backbone and Erika either appreciates her for her honesty or views it as a weakness. 

  • Love 12

Poor LisaR, yes the whole Kim thing must have been really hard on you.  I wonder if maybe you had stayed out of Kim's business and stopped bringing it up like she repeatedly asked you to, things wouldn't have been so hard on you.  Similar to how Kyle keeps saying she doesn't want to talk about it and people keep bringing it up.

Let it go, for real.

  • Love 18

I convinced that 4 years ago, a tick did not infect Yolanda with lyme disease but instead, a mutagen that slowly transformed her into that one-upping Kristen Wiig snl character.  

It's not just any implant leak, but the largest.  She did post an xray of her leakage on instagram but I can't seem to find it now.  Really wanted to see if it was all the way to her collarbone.


Don't forget that 2 foot long parasite flushed out of her wazoo.

  • Love 12

Yolanda is so needy and deep down it is always about her. With every one.

I doubt she'd do half as much for Erika or hell even listens to her problems. Even wench she did nice things like bring My Love his lunch at work it was to build herself up, not because he wanted it or needed it, but because it was on camera and she wanted his attention too.

  • Love 15

Yup.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Erika is a 'one and done'.  I caught her looking so bored and over it, about 5 times tonight.  After the fundraiser (or whatever that was at PUMP), when they left to go to the District, Erika was so dragging her butt up the steps. Her body language said, "Jeezus. I'd rather be anywhere than here."  She just wanted to go home, but was still on the clock. I think she's done after this season.  She doesn't need the cash and clearly doesn't like any of these women.  Maybe Eileen.  But Eileen showed a bit of wobbly backbone and Erika either appreciates her for her honesty or views it as a weakness. 


This just makes me like her more.

  • Love 18

So, one of my least favorite episodes...we had to listen to more, more and more talk about Kim, more talk about Brandi, and see the morally corrupt Faye Resnick....three things I was hoping would be gone this season.


Not only that, more hyper activity from Bethenny, and her giving her holy blessing to Erica on Erica's music career.  



  • Love 10

This just makes me like her more.


Me, too.  Unfortunately she seems like the type of woman who isn't going to turn around and dish about her experience as a HW, once she's gone. 


I hope I'm wrong.  But there's a reason, I think, that the internet isn't flooded with Erika Girardi family vacation pics, history, tweets, instagrams.  Except for this foray into RHOBH, which she doesn't seem to be enjoying, Erika G. seems to be a fairly private person.  Different story for Erika Jayne. 


There's a side of me that hopes she doesn't sink to the level of her backstabby castmates and spill what she was REALLY thinking during filming. But it would be so good.  She had Beth's number on Day One and it was funny to watch the wheels spinning in her head as she watched the 2 Lisas tonight.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 10

Hmm this ep was more filler than anything but had some interesting bits.


First off, I like that Erika didn't allow Bethenny's opinions and trying to cause unnecessary drama bother her.  Yet I found it funny she actually said the other women like Kyle and LVP are obsessed with Brandi.  Umm what?  Girlfriend, did you not watch the last handful of seasons with Brandi into why those women can't stand her.  You'll know soon enough about Brandi if she ever feels like you have betrayed her.  


Kyle got on my damn nerves tonight.  She was completely inconsistent of if she wanted to talk about Kim or not through this episode.  She really pissed me off in her talking head when she said the other women in the group were just being nosey but Faye is a genuine friend enough to care about her problems.  Really bitch???  These women in the group, since season 1, have put up with your sister's addiction on and off camera and you think they are just being nosey.  Come on now Kyle - STOP IT!  


Then we get Lisa R, sweet mother, what has happened to this woman.  Last year she came out guns blazing and was a truth cannon.  And now this season she's turning on the phony card so she won't lose any Hollywood friends, particular Kyle.   She has so much to say in her confessionals but when she gets around the other women she doesn't want to express it all of sudden.  Fake.  Just be a keep it real kind of bitch, LisaR.  


Eileen telling the women she was in an abusive relationship showed a sign of strength to me.  Yet I don't know what she quite meant when she said "When people see a person like me they don't think that."  Umm Eileen abuse comes in all walks life it just doesn't come with economic class or how you look.  Anyone can be subjected to a violent relationship.  Just saying.


And here we have Kathryn the Aviva RHONY clone lol.  No, but, I find it hard to believe she didn't know most of the women she was talking to besides LIsa R and considering the history with her once husband Marcus Allen and OJ/Nicole, yeah right.  Yet Lisa R and Kyle seemed to be on the same page to pot stir between Faye and Kathryn.  Lisa R couldn't wait to bring up OJ while the cameras were rolling.  Then Kyle talking about "the book" Faye wrote about Nicole and OJ and how OJ lost it.  Kyle then wanted to know so bad if Kathryn knew who Faye was.  Kathryn clearly didn't give Kyle the response she was expecting and you could tell it didn't sit well with Kyle one bit that no one knew the amazing and wonderful Faye Resnick.


Again decent episode wasn't much here but next week should be good.

SHUT UP KEN! Jesus Christ why are you even there? Fucking asking for clarification about a conversation he's not part of, just get off my screen.

And your little dog too!


Where is Nene Leakes to tell Ken he needs to stop hanging with the women and being in women drama?

  • Love 18

First off, I like that Erika didn't allow Bethenny's opinions and trying to cause unnecessary drama bother her.  Yet I found it funny she actually said the other women like Kyle and LVP are obsessed with Brandi.  Umm what?  Girlfriend, did you not watch the last handful of seasons with Brandi into why those women can't stand her.  


I took it as Erika saying, that these women clearly hate Brandi's guts, why do they feel such a need to keep talking about her?  It's like they're obsessed. 


They've said everything there is to say about her - multiple times. We know it all, now shut up.  Or at least find something new about her to talk about.  Strike that.  I don't wanna hear about Brandi, at all.  Don't wanna hear about Kim.  Or Yolanda.

  • Love 16

I'm team LVP. There's nothing wrong with not crying every ten minutes and vomiting your feelings all over everyone.


True.  But Kyle was right about LVP.  She's Bobby Fischer.  And it was funny to see Kyle call her out again tonight. 


With age comes wisdom.  With Moe's money comes confidence.  Maybe Kyle is about one season away from telling Lisa to take a bloody, flying leap. 

  • Love 13

So the geniuses at Bravo thought the correct thing to do was dredge up a bunch of very old OJ nonsense.  Of course the American Horror Story-People vs. OJ Simpson premiering on Tuesday, February 2nd at 9pm-nice of the morons at Bravo to give it a three week lead in. 


No more OJ ever on RHOBH.


But of course!!! Andy is getting promotion for tv movie.  It all makes sense now.

  • Love 4

It must be exhausting to be Yolanda's friend. To be judged by how often you visit, show concern, make her a priority and swoop in and pick her up on a private plane is really just ridiculous. Thank goodness her cancer ridden mother doesn't hold her by those standards or else she would be judged as a shitastic daughter.


I'm surprised Yolanda only had pictures. I was fully expected her to whip out a mason jar with her leaky titty. Expected it to be in prime position, under spotlight in the CVS closet.


I just learned there is something I care less about than Kim drama or Brandi talk -- drama about the 2 decades old OJ trial. What the hell made Bravo want to plum those depths? I don't give a good kitty about that shit!! I especially don't give a damn about the nasty hotbed Peyton place'esque goings on with those chicks. Nope.


Kyle, knowing and being BFFs with Faye ain't something to brag about. I'd deny Faye too.


Kyle and Lisar are so damn messy and obvious. Really ridiculous given that they are actors.


Please Lisar, tell me more about how affected and hurt and distraught you are over Kim's situation or better yet - shut your gaping piehole. She just comes across as so insincere when she talks about Kim.  


Lisar you a damn liar or your ass needs to get yourself to the nearest LensCrafter - that woman does not look the exact same. It is okay to think she looks great but the exact same and throw up the double middles? Muck mouth, bye!  That being said, I'm kinda interested if new chick is gonna take on the morally bankrupt Resnick. 


Eileen dated Marcus too? He really made the rounds and he really does have a type. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 24

I like Kathryn.  Way better than Erika, who strikes me as utterly boring.  It's probably her shtick, which I consider to be, well, old.


I think Erika is boring because Erika is bored. 


Can't tell if I like Kathryn yet.  She was a little overzealous when she jumped out of the gate to tell us her hubs is 9 years younger and how 99.9% of the women she offers that information to, pump their fists and say, "Yesssss."  But if she can shine some more light on the ickiness of Faye Resnick, I'll do a little fist pumping, too.

  • Love 14

And not the best advertising for Pump that they have to leave to go to another bar to get a cold drink.



Also that sweaty, discolored, wrinkled Pump shirt they kept showing of the wait staff.  I kept thinking, "BO!"


It's not just any implant leak, but the largest.  She did post an xray of her leakage on instagram but I can't seem to find it now.  Really wanted to see if it was all the way to her collarbone.



I know!  It cracked me up when Erika said, "Over 9000 of these operations and yours was the worst!"  I know she didn't mean for it to be, but it sounded almost snarky.  LOL!

  • Love 17

Was it my ears or did Yo say 'empaty'?


I'll go over to the corner.  I really enjoyed this episode.  First of all, we only had a few minutes of Yo and the worst case of silicone leakage in the world.  And no Yo, you're not an intelligent women.  And there was a lot less of Beth, the world's expert on everything.


I am liking Erika more.  Maybe because Erika Jane wasn't on this episode.


Lisa will never allow herself to be vulnerable and that says a lot about Lisa.  Nope.  She's not going to say what can keep her up at night.  I could never be friends with her.  She's not a down to earth person.  Oh, and Ken, go hang out with your 'friends' or something.  And I'd put a bowl of water out for Giggy and tell Ken the dog can hang out on the floor like a dog.  He is a 'dog'.  I love dogs but really?  I get that Lisa and Ken are animal lovers but really?  Yup, Kyle was kind of annoyed.  I'd be more than annoyed.  Just like when they brought Giggy to Adrienne's and Giggy was given water out of the gold trimmed glasses at the table.  Either get a babysitter or accept the fact that it's a 'dog'.


I get why Eileen brought up the domestic abuse.  I read her blog.  She wants to get it out there.  Good for her.


Like it or not, LIsar is a good production soldier.  It's her job to bring up 'stuff'.  She's making her paycheck.


How many times did we have to see 'Pump'  at the doggy charity.  Yeah, production company.  It was at Pump.  The same production company for Vanderpump Rules.  Stop shoving it in our faces.


Loved Kyle and Camille on WWHL.  Camille will be back next season.  She's ready.  She didn't actually say it but if she wants to, it's gonna happen.  Mauricio's anniversary gift to Kyle were gorgeous. 

  • Love 12

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