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S05.E14: Never Say Goodbye

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If Farrah were going the traditional route, the prospective adoptee would be safe. But she's probably going to get a private placement from some dumb twit fan who thinks she's awesome, bypassing the usual hoops and protections. And that just don't make no sense.


I was disgusted by her sobbing and vapors at Derek's grave, in front of his parents. Fuck you, you fake bitch. You don't think about him day and night like they do, or grieve him even a drop of the amount they do - it's just a photo op and storyline for you. Farrah was crying for HERSELF, nobody else. Because as time passes and she can't maintain any relationships, "controlling, mean" Derek has morphed into "rock jumping, romantic poetry writing" Derek who loved Farrah like no other. That's what those tears are for, poor Farrah. If he were here and she had gone on to the same TM career, she'd be treating him like shit. If she really cared and missed him like that, she'd spend holidays and lots of time with his family, and immersing Sophia into a life where she could know him as a real person, not a weird tragic article.

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Glad I'm not the only one who is creeped out by Sophia's voice, seriously what the hell? I agree with several posters, she seems very stunted.

Amber's cousin Kristal is pregnant with child number 3 yet is talking about her sons going and calling someone else parents? Meaning she probably has a one or two baby daddies. Girl, stop. If its a boy, I wonder what she'll name him? Lynce or Laurynce?

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Farrah crying and being a drama queen over "Daddy Derek" is so fake/delusional. It sounds like when he died they had nothing to do with each other, and now Farrah has him up on this pedestal as if their relationship was so amazing and deep? Does she even believe what she is saying? I understand her only wanting to say good things about him, but Farrah makes it sound like they were happily married and deeply in love when he died. I think she starts crying about Derek whenever she wants sympathy/attention or people to be distracted from something crazy she has said so they will pity her and let some of her BS slide. Her life is a shambles and deep down she knows it, and the "Daddy Derek" drama probably gives her an excuse to cry over it. She seems to have no happiness in her life so maybe inventing something good and happy makes her feel better -- who knows!


I never cease to be amazed at the fighting/swearing/crying/drama that Sophia is exposed to by Farrah and Debra. I cannot stand Sophia, she is a wretched little brat, but she is a product of her thoughtless, abusive environment.

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Sophia is the creepiest kid I have ever seen. That voice is terrifying! I felt bad for the driver. I wonder what he was thinking. He's got a camera crew and some freaky looking plastic woman and her troll child speaking in a crazy voice about wanting to die all the while heading to the cemetery.

I'm glad to see that Maci and Taylor don't let a little thing like a newborn baby keep them away from party time.

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AmyFarrahFowler, on 19 Jan 2016 - 07:12 AM, said:

And when Farrah is asked to fulfill any requirements in the adoption process she'll lose interest and quit. The adoption authorities will be deemed as "haters" that don't want a child to go to a home as wonderful as Farrah's. 



If Farrah is allowed to adopt a child I will lose all faith in humanity. I wouldn't let her babysit a hamster, let alone give her another child to raise/abuse. Hopefully any adoption agency will get the opportunity to evaluate Farrah's parenting skills by watching clips of her on Teen Mom and will immediately run for the hills.

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I remember Farrah once got a puppy from one of those horrible puppy mill pet stores.  She refused to train it and made it wear a diaper and then she abandoned it all together.  Another child would be a disaster.


Also, what will happen if Debra or Michael get too sick or old to look after children.  How will Farrah be able to flit off to another bullshit business scheme or crappy reality show (for which she gets paid millions)?  They are the only people that can stand to be around her and Sophia.


Deb is a weirdo, who raised another weirdo (Farrah), and now we have a third generation weirdo in Sophia.

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Farrah sure changes her opinion on Daddy Derek often. I thought he treated her like shit.   Also, Sophia saying that she wanted to die kinda broke my heart. Even though she's a brat.


I think Sophia was coached to say that.  Why would a very small child want to die over a man she never met and just the creepy singsongy way she said it?  There - I said it.  That is how evil I believe Farrah of the ugly crying face and no tears to be.

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I wanted to add my two cents on Amber, the fact that she only has Leah 4 mornings a month and she can't even be bothered to get up with her really annoys the hell out of me.

How damn lazy is she? She has 26 or 27 days out of the month to sleep as late as she wants and she can't get her lazy ass out of bed before 10:30 just 4 times a month to fix her kid breakfast? It's not even about breakfast, it's about spending time with your kid that you only see a handful of days a month.

I seriously cannot stand that bitch! I think I hate her even more than Farrah now. At least Farrah spends time with her troll. Hell even Jenelle shoves a bottle in The Roll's mouth.

Did Kristina really give up custody of her daughter so she could film Teen Mom? If so, that's just sick.

Edited by grumpypanda
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Maci needs to not allow Ryan to drive anywhere with Bentley, if he can't put Bentley in a car/booster seat. Even Amber can handle that basic parenting skill.

Edited by MissE
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If its a boy, I wonder what she'll name him? Lynce or Laurynce?

You guys are killing me! And now I'm sitting here making up terrible names spelled with the letter L. I like Lewkyss but I'm kind of partial to Lorynzo Lamyss. Please pass those on to Krystal and all the moms on Toddlers and Tiaras.

Edited by charmed1
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I agree with the Amber hate... seriously, the bitch doesn't have a job or anything and can't get up with her daughter and make breakfast?? What parents sleeps until 10:30 (ESPECIALLY when can sleep in the other 25 + days a month the kid isn't there!!)?? I hate Farrah with a deep passion, but at least she spends time with her troll doll. I'm glad Leah has Gary ( I can't believe I typed that sentence).

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I remember Farrah once got a puppy from one of those horrible puppy mill pet stores.  She refused to train it and made it wear a diaper and then she abandoned it all together.  Another child would be a disaster.


I agree. I don't think Farrah has done much of the heavy lifting with Sophia. I would put that on her parents, mainly Michael. I don't imagine Farrah potty-trained Sophia, or helped her learn to use a spoon. A lot of people comment on her "hustle" in the early years. Yes, she finished school and she worked more than the other girls. But part of me always wondered if that wasn't partially due to being able to let her parents raise Sophia. And then she can show up and speak in that horrible baby voice and act like they're best friends. 

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Sophia needs a therapist, period. Her demonic eyes, baby voices, the death of her father, Farrah as a mother. I'm sure she tries her best but it couldn't hurt. Tonight was the first time ever my heart hurt watching Farrah.

Agreed with poster who said Brandon and Theresa should close the adoption. Catelynn is reeling days before AND after seeing them. I know she's in therapy too but I just don't think it's worth all the stress. Send pics and emails!

Kristina looks like she's about to cry in every scene. Like wtf did I get myself into??

These MTV producers are enablers!! Especially the one, Heather? I could be wrong. None of the them call them out on their shit so what's the point of involving them in the show at this point??

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Did Kristina really give up custody of her daughter so she could film Teen Mom? If so, that's just sick.


I'd heard that she did not have primary custody, and I'd heard that her daughter's father would not let their daughter be filmed, but I did not hear that Kristina surrendered custody solely to be able to film. I hope that's not true.

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Me too!! Dude, can't you get anything right? Fifteen minutes late picking him up is a long time when you're his age. And you know that he told Maci that you were late, so you sure as hell can forget ever being allowed to do it again. He admits that they have communication issues, but he doesn't reply to any of her texts asking where they were. Also, did she try calling him? If she did, did he not answer? Bentley's so awesome, I can't wish him away, but Ryan and Maci had no business procreating. Bentley is also very much aware of Ryan's short comings. He barely looks like he wants to be with him or around him.


Bentley looked so uncomfortable in that car it made my heart hurt.  He clearly didn't want to be there and wouldn't get something to eat when Ryan asked.  I also think Ryan was more than 15 minutes late (Maci mentioned he was an hour late getting home than usual and it doesn't look like they made any stops between school and home.)  I think that might have more to do with why Maci doesn't want to give Ryan extra time than anything.  I know it'd be damn hard for me to have to send my kid with someone they don't want to be around.  That would break my heart.

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Bentley looked so uncomfortable in that car it made my heart hurt.  He clearly didn't want to be there and wouldn't get something to eat when Ryan asked.  I also think Ryan was more than 15 minutes late (Maci mentioned he was an hour late getting home than usual and it doesn't look like they made any stops between school and home.)  I think that might have more to do with why Maci doesn't want to give Ryan extra time than anything.  I know it'd be damn hard for me to have to send my kid with someone they don't want to be around.  That would break my heart.

I felt that way too.  I felt for him.  Kids like their dependable routine, and if you are going to change it up... do it right and make it fun.  Don't come late, cause him to be uncomfortable, which also leads to him knowing his mom will understandably be upset.  He trusts his mom, and feels comfortable with her... he doesn't want to be put in the position of being left at school and also be a part of something that would upset her.  If asked he would probably say he doesn't want his dad picking him up or dropping him off at school at this point.

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I'd heard that she did not have primary custody, and I'd heard that her daughter's father would not let their daughter be filmed, but I did not hear that Kristina surrendered custody solely to be able to film. I hope that's not true.

I would guess that she hasn't given up custody and they cleverly hide her daughter somehow. Or they only film when she's with her dad.

Speaking of that, there was Bentley back on the show this season...who guessed that wouldn't happen?

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Maci: I go back and forth with her and Ryan. I really want to root for Ryan, but he makes it so hard sometimes. Love Jen & Larry though. And Bentley definitely is the most "normal" kid of the bunch, so there's that. I kind of like Taylor too. At least he's not like Kyle and trash talking Ryan.

Farrah: Ugh. Sophia is the worst. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure she's the devil. She's so creepy. While I feel bad talking about a kid like that, it's the truth. Farrah sure does like to rewrite history when it comes to Derek. I did feel bad for Derek's parents. And he way Farrah actually spoke to them normally was so weird. I wonder what Farrah and Sophia's lives would be like if Derek were still here.

Amber: Did anyone else notice what looked like a black eye on Leah when they were having breakfast in bed? She seems like such a sweet girl. I feel so bad she has Amber for a mother. She doesn't deserve to be a mother. At least she has Gary?

Cate: Poor girl. I really feel bad for her. It's gotta be so tough to see Carly and Nova together and then know only one of them is actually yours. I really felt for Tyler when he was talking to Butch too. Although, I really wish he would have stopped when Nick piped in.

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Amber, Matt, and her mom talking about having a church wedding... why? I don't understand it when people who never attend church (you think Amber gets her butt out of bed to attend??) want to get married in a church. I got married in church, but I am somewhat religious and attend services every week.


If anyone had played a drinking game with "Daddy Derek" they would've been falling down drunk!!

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Like many of you I am dumbfounded at how Amber is able to sleep late while the rest of her household is up and about and making noises. She must hear/feel Matt get up out of the bed in the morning, does that not make her think "okay it's morning my daughter is here, time to get up!" I don't think I know any adult who sleeps until 10:30, children or not. Even if she didn't have Leah, doesn't she have things to do? She doesn't need to get up and clean or run errands or just do anything with Matt ?

I don't understand why Brandon and Theresa aren't saying "sorry but I don't need to meet/be involved with your whole extended family." Why is there a whole huge thing about when/where to meet Butch? These people have nothing to do with anything. I can't imagine many adoptive parent a end up meeting the whole birth parents' families.

Okay it seems like Theresa did say that, I missed it. But Catelyn and Tyler are so delusional about the whole situation.

Edited by poopchute
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I just loved Amber's mom not even pretending to give a half a damn about Amber's wedding talk.  She knows just like the rest of us this bullshit wedding won't happen and even if it does the bullshit marriage won't last.  Why even pretend?

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I'm surprised that the school didn't call Maci when Ryan was so late picking up Bentley.  The elementry schools where I live have a teacher wait outside with the kids to make sure no one gets left.  I think 15 minutes would have rated a call to the parents.


Every time I see Farrah walk I expect to hear Tim Conway calling out for Mrs. Wiggins.

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I sometimes feel like a crazy person when I watch Teen Mom and then find all of this support for Ryan online.  Maybe it's because my father was the same way --never really gave a shit, only did things when it was convenient for him, pawned parenting duties off on literally anyone-- but I give him no latitude whatsoever and basically think that he's a lazy piece of shit.  He was 15 minutes late picking his kid up from school and then didn't even apologize, just made Bentley feel bad about feeling bad.  Then they stop for Ryan's food even though it's clear the kid just wants to go home.  Now Bentley knows (if he didn't already) that his own father is unreliable, selfish and self-centered.  Does this loser even work?  He's still living at home at his age?  WTF? I can't give his parents any credit for being great grandparents because THEY RAISED RYAN.  He'd better get his act together or Bentley will grow up to resent him.  This is how kids develop trust issues.  I speak from experience. 


Maci may be many things but I have never once doubted her devotion to Bentley.  She is a great mom to that kid and the number one reason why he seems to be the best-adjusted TM kid.  You know that she's never late picking him up.  If she parties with her friends while Bentley is at Jen and Larry's, I don't really care.  Her business.


All Farrah has in terms of filming opportunities is crying at the grave.  Is this the third time that we've done this?  I'm so over it.  Sophia is creepy as hell, what is wrong with that kid? 


I agree that it's probably best at this point if Brandon and Teresa close the adoption.  I think the annual visit is preventing Catelynn from moving on with her life. 


Amber. So lazy, uninvolved and yet so entitled. She and Ryan would be perfect for each other.

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I just can't get behind supporting Amber in any way. She had her chance. I believe in giving people who made mistakes another chance to redeem themselves.  I once gave support to Amber. No more. Amber has had the luxury to make the best of her situation.  She has MTV behind her. She has Dr. Drew behind her. She has access to get the best of help. Dr. Drew, for all his nuttiness, has offered her help from his many sources of professional therapists.  She earns more money than us and has the luxury of time on her side to get her shit together. It isn't as if she has to rely on some cheap healthcare that barely covers anything. It isn't as if she has a 9-5 job. Plenty of people who have come out of rehab and needed after-care have been successful. They wish they could have the access to the kind of things Amber has going on in her life. What does Amber do? She pisses it all away and instead, gets herself involved with a man who is old enough to be her father and has 7 kids scattered around the country whom he doesn't pay any support for and who has no job or life. If anything, I think having MTV was her downfall because she is being enabled and there is no incentive to get herself together. 


Amber made a helluva lot of promises to Leah. She made promises to her for a long time about being a good mother to her. She made promises to her about getting her life together. She made promises on camera in her Dr. Drew special from prison, she made them to Dr. Phil about being a better person for herself and her daughter, she made promises to Gary as well. Amber made a shitload of promises that she would get her life together so she could then be the best parent that Leah deserved.  So far all I see is a lazy slob who is being served breakfast in bed by the very child she promised to tend to and be a great mother to. Amber fails to realize that being a great parent entails getting her shit together. That can only happen when Amber recognizes there is more to being sober and clean than just kicking that addiction. It is not about taking one's kid to the park four times out of the month.  I bet even April, Butch, and Leah took their kids to the park once in a while. It is no great feat. Sorry Amber, you are on my shit list. Amber's priority is to plan a massive wedding rather than work on herself or her daughter's needs. Her mentioning she is having cold feet sounds like good ol' Leah Messer. 


Maci and Bentley - I have a big feeling part of why Bentley seemed scared in Ryan's car was because he was worried about what shit would go down once they arrived at Maci's. Bentley has likely watched plenty of arguing going on and he has made the connection that any time Maci and Ryan have words, Bentley is the common denominator. When Bentley was dropped off at his mom's in the last episode after having visitation at his grandparents, he seemed worried about knowing the secret about his new bedroom. He quickly told Maci how "It was an accident" when trying to explain away why Ryan told him Maci's secret. Maci then responded, "No, that was not an accident" with a tone in her voice. I am sure Bentley was trying to avoid any conflict just so he doesn't have to hear his mom call up Ryan or tell him off the next time she saw him in person. Bentley was up-front with his mom because kids that age aren't sophisticated enough to play it off and act like they don't know about any secret.  


Although Maci is no Amber or Jenelle when it comes to arguing, it is still an argument and Bentley becomes a part of it. This is what happens when adults put their kids in the middle of their squabbles. They feel hurt that they are the cause of all this bickering even though they are not at fault. That is my take on it. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Glad I'm not the only one who is creeped out by Sophia's voice, seriously what the hell? I agree with several posters, she seems very stunted.

Amber's cousin Kristal is pregnant with child number 3 yet is talking about her sons going and calling someone else parents? Meaning she probably has a one or two baby daddies. Girl, stop. If its a boy, I wonder what she'll name him? Lynce or Laurynce?


Krystal looks rough as hell.  She's also the one Amber's mom accused of only coming around when the MTV cameras were there, apparently she didn't visit her in prison once.   And of course I'm pretty sure Amber is so starved for companionship she just lets it go.  I really hope she doesn't take life advice from Krystal, as she doesn't come across as one who makes good life choices.

Edited by lezlers
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Sophia needs a therapist, period. Her demonic eyes, baby voices, the death of her father, Farrah as a mother. I'm sure she tries her best but it couldn't hurt. Tonight was the first time ever my heart hurt watching Farrah.

Agreed with poster who said Brandon and Theresa should close the adoption. Catelynn is reeling days before AND after seeing them. I know she's in therapy too but I just don't think it's worth all the stress. Send pics and emails!

Kristina looks like she's about to cry in every scene. Like wtf did I get myself into??

These MTV producers are enablers!! Especially the one, Heather? I could be wrong. None of the them call them out on their shit so what's the point of involving them in the show at this point??


Because reality show producers are soulless trolls who live off the exploitation of their "subjects."  They could not care less about the well-being of any of these girls.  They're looking for drama, nothing else.  The one scene where Amber was upset at Gary for allegedly talking shit to Leah and the producer suggested she go talk to him right then (with the cameras present, of course)?  That wasn't because she gave a shit about Amber, it was because she wanted drama to shoot. 

Edited by lezlers
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I think Sophia was coached to say that.  Why would a very small child want to die over a man she never met and just the creepy singsongy way she said it?  There - I said it.  That is how evil I believe Farrah of the ugly crying face and no tears to be.

Frankly, I think Sinister Sophia heard Farrah say those words. Not that Farrah coached her to say it, but Farrah had one of her crying bouts in front of Sinister Sophia about Derek. Sinister Sophia is a parrot. She repeats things her mother has said. Case in point, Farrah's stance about people leaving footprints on the floor. Sinister Sophie then says it word for word later when she was there with her mom going over the house rules. There are other times she has repeated the words of her mother.



Because reality show producers are soulless trolls who live off the exploitation of their "subjects."  They could not care less about the well-being of any of these girls.  They're looking for drama, nothing else.  The one scene where Amber was upset at Gary for allegedly talking shit to Leah and the producer suggested she go talk to him right then (with the cameras present, of course)?  That wasn't because she gave a shit about Amber, it was because she wanted drama to shoot. 

Amen. These damn people are all about money. They are making lots of money off of these girls. That is why they pay them the big bucks. Amber and her sloth-like lifestyle is maddening.  

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Two things:

Maci should have told Ryan, "no problem Ryan, you can have Bentley an extra night, and any other night you wish, if you can correctly name the friend with whom he had a sleepover" and then watch him squirm. Ok, that would be immature, but it would still be funny.

And, gah, why would Farrah clip that article about Derek? Emails, pictures, the program from him funeral- makes sense. But a newspaper article detailing the car wreck? Why would anyone want that? I'm wondering if she didn't have enough memorabilia when she knew she was going to film this scene so she printed out the article to pad her memory box.

Also- why has no one mocked the hallmark poem Farrah claimed Derek wrote for her?

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Frankly, I think Sinister Sophia heard Farrah say those words. Not that Farrah coached her to say it, but Farrah had one of her crying bouts in front of Sinister Sophia about Derek. Sinister Sophia is a parrot. She repeats things her mother has said. Case in point, Farrah's stance about people leaving footprints on the floor. Sinister Sophie then says it word for word later when she was there with her mom going over the house rules. There are other times she has repeated the words of her mother.



Amen. These damn people are all about money. They are making lots of money off of these girls. That is why they pay them the big bucks. Amber and her sloth-like lifestyle is maddening.  


I can't stop laughing at "Sinister Sophia"   That is the BEST. 

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Agree with the comments.

I've seen a lot of neglectful parenting on TM, but Farrah reading Sophia the newspaper article about Dereks car accident has to be top three.

Sophia wouldn't be "grieving" the father she never knew at this age if Farrah wasn't destroying her psyche for a storyline. I actually had sympathy for Sophia because she is 100% a product of her mother's mental illness.

Only silver lining is that I was thrilled Dereks' parents got to see their granddaughter.

Warning bells going off regarding Amber. She's talking about her life being "boring" and isn't working on her recovery. Relapse coming in 3, 2, 1...

Amber is a shitty parent, and I really don't care what Gary weighs, because Leah was well adjusted when Amber got out of prison. He's a good parent.

I'm still rooting for Ryan to improve as he gets older. Regardless, it's great that Bentley has a relationship with his grandparents. The more extended family, the better.

I also agree that Bentley was subdued because he knew his mother would be pissed, the same as she was about the bedroom surprise. Sigh. Kids are sooo aware of this stuff.

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I couldn't stop laughing at Leah and Matt making breakfast and bringing it to Amber...in bed.  The irony was rich.  She doesn't do any of the heavy lifting when it comes to being a parent.  I also can't ever shake the creep factor with her relationship with Matt...and in the after show with her going out of the way of saying how much she loves his body.  I did laugh at Catelynn in the After Show when Amber said that they set the date and were gonna get married and "see how it goes."  Catelynn's eyes got huge when she said SEE HOW IT GOES.  


I am totally Team Maci when it comes to Ryan.  He is not able to be responsible about anything.  I also don't think Bentley was being uncomfortable because of Maci when he was in the car.  I think that Bentley sees his dad for the person he is...and for a kid having to wait that long and then be told by their parent that they didn't wait long (discounting his feelings) and then not even noticing his kid wanted to go home and not go out to eat...and Ryan made sure his needs were met first.  Ryan is an infant and unless his parents are in charge, he fumbles everything up.  


I like that Catelynn and Tyler continue to have a relationship with Carly.  I do like that her parents have put boundaries on the relationship, but I think it is great that Nova and Carly can spend time together.  Just because Carly was adopted doesn't make her nothing to Nova and IMO doesn't make her not her sister.  I also think in the end, it'll be better for Catelynn.   She is able to see a positive relationship between the child she chose (rightfully so) not to raise and the one she did.


Farrah.  Ugh.  I think I actually loathe her.  I am sick of her crocodile tears.  Her memory of Daddy Derek is so fiction.  I think Derek's dad was willing to placate Farrah and her bullshittery to be able to spend time with Sophia, even if she is so not a peach.  As for Sophia saying she wanted to die to be with Daddy Derek.  If she wasn't coached, I can still see that as not as morbid because of her age.  I don't think she's actually experienced someone she loves and knows dying, so many times little kids don't understand that they can't die, go to heaven and meet Daddy and then come back.  

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Krystal looks rough as hell. She's also the one Amber's mom accused of only coming around when the MTV cameras were there, apparently she didn't visit her in prison once. And of course I'm pretty sure Amber is so starved for companionship she just lets it go. I really hope she doesn't take life advice from Krystal, as she doesn't come across as one who makes good life choices.

When welfare mom Krystal first showed up this season Amber said she hadn't seen her in a long time. I totally believe she only shows up for filming and to collect that check. I hope welfare deducts the money from the show.

I hate to assume but Krystal has all the markings of a typical welfare mom. The more kids you have, the more money you get. I have a niece whose only reason for being born is because the other kids had gotten too old and her mom needed a new kid to keep the welfare checks coming.

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I really wonder if Catelynn's anxiety wasn't so much about seeing Nova and Carly together but about worrying that Tyler or another family member would say or do something offensive to Theresa or Brandon that could make them cut off contact or put Catelynn in the middle of a Tyler-B&T feud again. I'd be scared in her shoes. I know she doesn't want to lose what relationship she has with Theresa and updates on Carly. I also think she's probably nervous about the wedding/marriage. She probably felt like she would only piss Tyler off or scare him away if she was honest, so she used seeing Carly & Nova together as her reason for her anxiety.

Was it just me or did April seem to be trying to rub her new man/relationship in Butch's face? Honestly, Catelynn is the most mature person in this family.

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Farrah reading Sophia the article detailing Daddy Derek’s tragic death was disgusting. If Farrah wants Sophia to have any connection with Daddy Derek she should allow Daddy Derek’s family to be a part of Sophia’s life.

I find it odd that they refer to him as "Daddy Derek", I don't know why that is necessary. He's her father no matter what. To me it's almost as if Farrah is wanting to make the distinction between Derek and whatever "Daddy" may come in the future.

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If you watch Bentley closely, he is always very uncomfortable around Ryan.  If Jen and Larry are there too, he's ok.  But when he's alone with Ryan, he is never ever happy and looks uneasy and uncomfortable.  Honestly I think people cut Ryan a LOT of slack that he doesn't deserve.  He's a terrible parent to Bentley.  His age is no longer an excuse - he's 26!  If any of the moms acted like him, they'd be ripped to shreds.  I also think he's high on pills most of the time and I hate seeing Bentley in a car with him b/c of that.    


Part of me understands B&T setting up boundaries with C&T and their families.  But I can't help but think it was kind of hurtful of them to agree to meet everyone except Butch.  Yes I know Butch was horrible to everyone and an abuser and an addict.  I get it.  But what would happen really, if they just said hi to him for 30 seconds.  It's not like he was going to punch Brandon or something.  They claim it was because Butch was bad to C&T, but April was just as bad to Cate and they agreed to meet April.  I know C&T's family and their whole world must horrify B&T, but if you're going to go all the way to the wedding, and meet everyone except one singled out person.....I don't know.  I feel like that probably made C&T feel terrible and it was their special day.  It probably caused Cate a lot of anxiety and stress.  I wouldn't have been surprised if B&T didn't want to attend the wedding in the first place.  But to be willing to attend the wedding but just put C&T in the middle of drama of having to keep Butch from saying hi to them seems a little overboard.  


I try to like Nessa on the aftershow, but she's a terrible host.  Amber drops the bomb that she's having cold feet and she doesn't even ask her why??!  These girls, especially Amber and Cate, are VERY open with their lives - they'll pretty much answer any question.  Yet she doesn't even ask them the obvious ones.  I'm crossing my fingers that Amber puts off the wedding.  I gave Matt the benefit of the doubt for a while until I saw the Twitter PMs he sent Jenelle (he clearly was just trying to hook up with ANY of the Teen Moms for money/fame and Amber's the one that fell for it), and the fact that Amber didn't know he had 7 kids until Gary told her.  Shady stuff.  I wish she would listen to her gut, but I think she's so desperate to have a man that she's ignoring the red flags.  I do believe she's smart enough to see the red flags.  


Farrah & Sophia both need some serious counseling, and not from Dr. Jenn.  It is so disturbing to watch the Farrah & Sophia scenes.  I know Sophia drives everyone crazy, but it's not her fault.  It's the only way she knows how to be.  Farrah has no business being in charge of that little girl's life because she is causing major damage.  Sophia is going to be so messed up and it's just sad to think that there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.  


One little thing that surprises me so much though, is that Farrah is always perfectly done up and Sophia is always a mess.  Farrah is dressed head to toe in dressy outfits, full makeup, not a hair out of place, accessories, matching handbag.  Then Sophia is the complete opposite.  She never has her hair brushed, and I don't know who cut her bangs but they are an uneven mess and too high up.  I'm just shocked that Farrah doesn't have Sophia done up perfectly every day.  In designer little kid clothes.  Like an accessory/doll.  It's so weird.  Even the teenagers at the mall usually have their little girls looking perfect to show them off.  It just seems so un-Farrah-like.         


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Sophia... she has a weird killer baby voice... and it really scares me. The talk of "Daddy Derek" seems to be damaging to her. There must be a better way to handle that matter.

I sure hope that "Mama Farrah" is spending some of her cash on therapy for Sophia, not just on plastic surgery.

That girl has some issues already. Creepy little thing that she is, she gives me the heebie jeebies!

Also, Farrah dear, can you maybe wear a slip when out in public with your child? You're not at a Hamptons party you're getting kicked out of...you're at a restaurant and cemetery with your child and her family, that see thru dress showed her everything, so trashy!

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Thank you to everyone who is calling Sophia creepy. I know it's not right to talk about kids but - there is really something not right about that child. The baby talk, the in-your-face staring, the inappropriate hitting - yikes. I agree that it's a really weird combination of Farrah parenting her as 1/2 infant and 1/2 adult. Sophia is gonna need LOTS of help adjusting to the real world once the cameras go dark.

Oh and Farrah - can you please run a brush through her hair once in a while? Thank you.

Yes to everything you said!

The hair...OMG, she looks like Ruby Sue in "Christmas Vacation" she's not cute, at least make an attempt to make her look presentable.

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Seeing previews for the movie "The Boy" made me think of Sophia.

Tyler-There's been talk of him being a bit girly, and watching him walk outside to the camper at the beginning of the show, he was sure shaking it...I had to re-watch a couple of times and damn! All I could think of was that boy has sugar britches.

Caitlyn gnawing on her fingers is super gross, it's getting worse. She doesn't seem happy.

She and Tyler need to stop pushing themselves and their motley crew family on Carly. Brandon and Teresa are way more understanding than most people.

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I find it odd that they refer to him as "Daddy Derek", I don't know why that is necessary. He's her father no matter what. To me it's almost as if Farrah is wanting to make the distinction between Derek and whatever "Daddy" may come in the future.

On that note, I'd like to bring up Sophia caterwauling, "why can't Simon be my daddddyyyyyy?!?!" I always thought it was odd how invested Sophia was in that relationship, especially given that she seemed to have met Simon very briefly, and he wasn't especially friendly to her. Generally kids respond to people who treat them well. Simon was indifferent and awkward around her at best.

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Derek's dad and stepmom seem like normal, nice, stable people. Maybe next time Farrah goes to leave Sophia in the care of a grandparent for an extended period of time while she shoots a reality show or whatever, Sophia could stay with them and get a break from the dysfunction of the Abraham/Danielsen Family.

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On that note, I'd like to bring up Sophia caterwauling, "why can't Simon be my daddddyyyyyy?!?!" I always thought it was odd how invested Sophia was in that relationship, especially given that she seemed to have met Simon very briefly, and he wasn't especially friendly to her. Generally kids respond to people who treat them well. Simon was indifferent and awkward around her at best.

Sophia is showing some scary signs, she's very needy for male/daddy attention. That is not good.

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Derek's dad and stepmom seem like normal, nice, stable people. Maybe next time Farrah goes to leave Sophia in the care of a grandparent for an extended period of time while she shoots a reality show or whatever, Sophia could stay with them and get a break from the dysfunction of the Abraham/Danielsen Family.

That would be nice, for Sophia to be around non-crazy family.

Derek's family, especially his dad seem to be very nice to Farrah given her disgusting behavior on and off the show, porn, fame whoring, and well just being Farrah. She's certainly not what most of us would want raising a puppy, much less a grandchild. She's a vile nut job.

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Our nephew, who has never know his dad, went through a "Why don't I have a dad? Mom, will you work on trying to find me a daddy? I want a dad!" phase around ages 5-7. His mother never had a serious relationship or male figure she brought around that could fill that role for him (she did date, but she wasn't going to bring them around until it got serious and it never did). When he started school and realized the other kids all had dads that would come to school events, pick them up, etc, he started asking about his dad and going through this phase. He even one time walked up to a male mannequin in a department store, held its hand, looked up at it and asked "Will you be my daddy?" It was incredibly heartbreaking to see (as well as embarrassing for his mother, I'm sure).

So Sophia's wanting for a dad (assuming it's not something Farrah coached her to say/do) rang true to me. She sounded a lot like my little nephew when he was going through that phase (minus the death stuff, of course).

We used to tell my nephew that while he didn't have his dad in his life, he had so many people who loved him. Some people just have a mom and dad, but he had a mom, (very involved) grandparents, uncles, and aunts. We told him he was very lucky to have so many people to love him and that we were lucky to have him. Farrah did well to tell Sophia she was blessed to have Sophia as her child but I think perhaps also reminding Sophia of what she DOES have would be good too - she has involved (albeit batshit) maternal grandparents and great grandparents as well as Derek's dad & stepmom plus Farrah.

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Also- why has no one mocked the hallmark poem Farrah claimed Derek wrote for her?

I remembered that scene well, but there was so much crap to comment on here. LOL   That scene was pure melodramatic. There is no way Derek wrote that to Fibber Farrah. It was on newly printed paper. Does Farrah have a habit of saving such treasures on a computer? That scene reeks of the flowers she sent to herself while she was in San Diego. 



On that note, I'd like to bring up Sophia caterwauling, "why can't Simon be my daddddyyyyyy?!?!" I always thought it was odd how invested Sophia was in that relationship, especially given that she seemed to have met Simon very briefly, and he wasn't especially friendly to her. Generally kids respond to people who treat them well. Simon was indifferent and awkward around her at best.

Sinister Sophia had her mama fill her head with such fantasies. Farrah also pushed her daughter's head onto Simon when they were in the car last season, remember that lovely moment? No doubt Farrah told Sinister Sophia how Simon was going to be her new daddy and mommy was going to marry him. It was all part of Farrah's plan to reel Simon in. It mirrors Maci using a trap-baby to reel in Tyler except for Farrah she is not about to get pregnant. She will use the child she already has for her plan. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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I have to defend Cate against the "delusional" comments. The producer was pushing a lot on the sisterly bond and Cate's big source of anxiety/stress was that she would see two daughters but only take one home. That sounds like a pretty tight grasp on reality to me. <br /><br />Though if you want to call Tyler delusional because he thought Carly called him Daddy, that's fine by me.

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I have to defend Cate against the "delusional" comments. The producer was pushing a lot on the sisterly bond and Cate's big source of anxiety/stress was that she would see two daughters but only take one home. That sounds like a pretty tight grasp on reality to me. <br /><br />Though if you want to call Tyler delusional because he thought Carly called him Daddy, that's fine by me.

The producer likely only pushed that sister bond topic because Tyler AND Cate have both mentioned in the past how Carly and Nova are sisters. The constant references to Carly being their daughter are not going to go unnoticed especially by a producer. Cate saying she can only take one home is an indication that she still feels she is a mother to Carly. 

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Not only was he late picking Bentley up from school, but I'm pretty sure that Bentley wasn't sitting in any type of car seat/booster seat in Ryan's car either.

I admit I didn't pay very much attention to this episode, but I noticed that right away. I have a son who's a week younger than Bentley, and also a Mustang GT. His booster seat, still with the back, fits in it just fine, Ryan.

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I sometimes feel like a crazy person when I watch Teen Mom and then find all of this support for Ryan online.  Maybe it's because my father was the same way --never really gave a shit, only did things when it was convenient for him, pawned parenting duties off on literally anyone-- but I give him no latitude whatsoever and basically think that he's a lazy piece of shit.  He was 15 minutes late picking his kid up from school and then didn't even apologize, just made Bentley feel bad about feeling bad.  Then they stop for Ryan's food even though it's clear the kid just wants to go home.  Now Bentley knows (if he didn't already) that his own father is unreliable, selfish and self-centered.  Does this loser even work?  He's still living at home at his age?  WTF? I can't give his parents any credit for being great grandparents because THEY RAISED RYAN.  He'd better get his act together or Bentley will grow up to resent him.  This is how kids develop trust issues.  I speak from experience. 


I marvel at Ryan living at home, stuck in his adolescence, a perpetual teenager, and his parents let him. Job? Money? Independence? Ambition? None. Hopes, dreams? He seems to care about nothing. He can't manage to sustain a relationship with a women for any length of time. He is indifferent to Bentley and is openly dismissive any time anybody shows concern for Bentley's welfare -- he is so narcissistic, he is jealous of his own son. Bentley sees this perfectly plainly. So do Ryan's parents. I think they allow their socially inept loser son to continue sponging off them indefinitely because it's how they continue to be in Bentley's life. If Ryan moved out, Ryan would have to actually drop Bentley off at his parents' for the weekend, which would then create drama with Maci. This way, they can do Ryan's parenting for him, without rocking the custody boat.   

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