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S08.E06: Bienvenido a Miami

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I can't believe all the hate (my word) for Kim.

So she's boring because she doesn't want to act ignorant, and show her tits and ass (literally) on TV? Because she starts her day with the Lord, and misses her family. Because she doesn't agree with grown women screaming and physically assaulting each other over dumb shit that doesn't' even matter?


True -- she signed up for the show. And should have known would that would entail. But I'm glad she is a breath of fresh air on the show.

Is getting drunk and fighting -- and inviting strange men back to their house -- the only way for girlfriends to have fun?


Kim is the only one of these trifling bitches I'd ever want to know -- at all.


Well, I mean...she's still on the show.  And she knew what it was about before she showed up on it.

It's her pearl clutching that bugs me.  Look, I'm not down with women who walk around half-naked and take home random guys either, but who am I to judge?  

Kim seems to be that type of religious person that turns me off to religion.  She can start her day with the Lord all she wants, but don't look down your nose at me because I don't.  Her "OH MY GOD!" reactions are over the top and a bit ridiculous.  

If Phaedra and Porsha want to walk around flaunting their bodies, go ahead.  I don't care.  It doesn't effect my life.  

Kim seems to have missed this small piece of information while she spends her time judging the other women for doing things she wouldn't be doing.


And I'm sorry but I have a hard time with women who can't be away from their man or kids for 3 days without blubbering about how much she misses them.  Seriously?  You were in Miami on a paid for trip.  Grow the fuck up, man up and deal with it.  Sure, an occasional "I miss my family." I could handle.  But she was almost hyperventilating over it.  Really?  Jesus Christ, give me a free trip to Miami with these women.  I don't care.  I'll sit my ass on the beach with a cocktail and put my headphones in.  

  • Love 19

Yeah it's more annoyance than hate. I still believe she's playing it up but if not, she needs to get over herself. And it's Miami! It's not like they're walking around Manhattan in those outfits.

She and Kenya are around the same age but Kim seems much older. To be fair Kenya acts like a mean teenager sometimes but still. Kim is an old soul. Fine to be but not exactly fun to watch. But I still like her and appreciate her presence on the show.

  • Love 9

Okay, so a "THOT" is pretty much like an extra skanky version of a "basic bitch", right?

Because if that's the case, then THOT is the perfect description for Shamea, the shamelessly random hussy who follows around Porsha like a puppy dog. I almost want to refer to her and Porsha as THOT 1 and THOT 2 due to their skanky behavior together.

And then there's the way she was swaning about in her bikini like the Lady of the Manor, smugly giving all the women tours of the mansion and claiming she'd already picked out her own bedroom before the women had all even gotten there?

Ugh, girl bye.

I don't know why Shamea bothers me so much, but I think it really is due to her THOT nature, her mean girl age-shaming/thirsty attention-ho antics((like drinking Kenya's products at the launch party and that bitchy quip, "A tired party for a bunch of tired old ladies")) and so actively hanging out with a moron like Porsha.

At least the other crazy blonde-braided gal with the "Nazi white" husband is good for a laugh. Or Hell, bring back Marlo for these shindigs/trips again---at least she's got some sort of bawdy personality that can provide more onscreen amusement than Shamea the THOT with her typical drunken ho-twerking and random haterade.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 13

Kenya needs to just face facts.  She does not have a way with men.  AT ALL!  Just goes to show looks really aren't everything.



I think this is another reason Kim isn't enjoying the trip.  She's a teetotaler.  She doesn't even drink wine.  There's nothing worse than being the only sober person in a room full of drunks.  Their behavior probably does seem way over the top to her.

Sure there is something worse....a room full of drunks and with one sober person.  ;)

Okay, so a "THOT" is pretty much like an extra skanky version of a "basic bitch", right?

Because if that's the case, then THOT is the perfect description for Shamea, the shamelessly random hussy who follows around Porsha like a puppy dog. I almost want to refer to her and Porsha as THOT 1 and THOT 2 due to their skanky behavior together.

And then there's the way she was swaning about in her bikini like the Lady of the Manor, smugly giving all the women tours of the mansion and claiming she'd already picked out her own bedroom before the women had all even gotten there?

Ugh, girl bye.

I don't know why Shamea bothers me so much, but I think it really is due to her THOT nature, her mean girl age-shaming/thirsty attention-ho antics((like drinking Kenya's products at the launch party and that bitchy quip, "A tired party for a bunch of tired old ladies")) and so actively hanging out with a moron like Porsha.

At least the other crazy blonde-braided gal with the "Nazi white" husband is good for a laugh. Or Hell, bring back Marlo for these shindigs/trips again---at least she's got some sort of bawdy personality that can provide more onscreen amusement than Shamea the THOT with her typical drunken ho-twerking and random haterade.

A THOT = That Ho Over There.  

I laughed so hard at that! I may need to figure out a way to isolate that so I can watch it again and again. The walk was perfect, and then someone said "Don't forget your Corona!" Tammy does seem to constantly have a beer bottle in her hand.



Tammy is an odd one. She'd look nice with a pixie cut. I don't know what she's thinking with those braids. Her dress was all right, but those shoes were too casual for that outfit. I'm not saying live above your means and buy Louboutins, but she could've gone to DSW and picked up some dressy sandals. Let's not even get into her not traveling with a purse. She seems like the type of person that if you saw her on the street, you'd hope she didn't see you.


 Shades of Tami Roman, without the quick tongue and wit. I thought the dress was terribly ill fitting and looked like something you'd pick up at the hood mall in the Indian/Asian owned polyester galore store. 


I know Shamea is a favorite, but I fully expect her to go full-on Bad Girl's Club at any moment.



Okay, so a "THOT" is pretty much like an extra skanky version of a "basic bitch", right?

Because if that's the case, then THOT is the perfect description for Shamea, the shamelessly random hussy who follows around Porsha like a puppy dog. I almost want to refer to her and Porsha as THOT 1 and THOT 2 due to their skanky behavior together.

And then there's the way she was swaning about in her bikini like the Lady of the Manor, smugly giving all the women tours of the mansion and claiming she'd already picked out her own bedroom before the women had all even gotten there?

Ugh, girl bye.

I don't know why Shamea bothers me so much, but I think it really is due to her THOT nature, her mean girl age-shaming/thirsty attention-ho antics((like drinking Kenya's products at the launch party and that bitchy quip, "A tired party for a bunch of tired old ladies")) and so actively hanging out with a moron like Porsha.

At least the other crazy blonde-braided gal with the "Nazi white" husband is good for a laugh. Or Hell, bring back Marlo for these shindigs/trips again---at least she's got some sort of bawdy personality that can provide more onscreen amusement than Shamea the THOT with her typical drunken ho-twerking and random haterade.

Every bit of this. She is not cut out for this life. She isn't even Love and Hip Hop or Basketball Wives: Miami material. It's one thing to have a good time, hell, even twerk, but another to spread your legs and pop your pussy in the air upside down.  Bad Girls Club material indeed.

  • Love 5

I'm not so much into this franchise this season for some reason.  I'm soooo glad that NeNe's gone (and she should stay gone) but maybe we are missing Marlo or ???   I am not vibing with the new cast members.  Shamea (NO).  Tammy (so odd - I can't connect or get behind her).  Tammy's white straw braids piss me of for some reason and her stupid "Nazi White" comment, well ....


Kim Fields is not a good fit for this group.  My God, sobbing in less than 24 hours from leaving her family because she was away from the hubby and kids for a quick blink?  Say what, now?!!  Huh?  I could see if Kim had a newborn at home but her agreeing to her oldest boy's request of packing the kiddie books for good night bed stories to be read via Skye?  Da fuck?  That's over the top in my opinion.  Let Daddy read the boys their good night stories and tuck them in for a night.  It's a good thing and a healthy thing.


The fact that Kim had an uber melt down when the women were dancing and having a good time during the boat trip speaks volumes as to how she has lost herself and her sense of identity completely.  Even if I was seriously missing my family during a 72 hour trip away I would suck it up, put my big girl panties on and know deep down that going on a "girls only" trip and carving a little time out just for myself is a necessary and healthy thing to do as a person.  I dunno, just sayin'.


I always hate Kim's hair (what was up with that Bride of Frankenstein vibe she was sporting in her TH?) but I did love Kim's hair and lipstick shade when she was sitting in the restaurant.  But then Kim had to make me hate her again when she prematurely patted herself of the back for being away from her man and kids for about 12 hours.  

  • Love 7

There is a radio station (one of many) conducting a poll. Many people are calling for Kim's removal and letting Sheree take her peach.


This post was the first time I had realized Sheree didn't have a peach.  I just assumed she was back to being a full-time housewife.  Hopefully, it will be like a LuAnn situation, where she is part-time this season, but back to full-time next season. Sheree certainly fits right back in with the cast.

  • Love 6

I don't know why Shamea bothers me so much

 Because she doesn't fit. They are trying to make a somebody out of a nobody. She is about to gain reality tv popularity and she really doesn't have any anything to make her worthy of it. She is just some, average ass random chick that showed up and weaseled her way into an already established show that we liked before her intrusion. The thirst is real with that one. 

  • Love 13
Tammy is an odd one. She'd look nice with a pixie cut. I don't know what she's thinking with those braids. Her dress was all right, but those shoes were too casual for that outfit. I'm not saying live above your means and buy Louboutins, but she could've gone to DSW and picked up some dressy sandals. Let's not even get into her not traveling with a purse. She seems like the type of person that if you saw her on the street, you'd hope she didn't see you.


Shades of Tami Roman, without the quick tongue and wit. I thought the dress was terribly ill fitting and looked like something you'd pick up at the hood mall in the Indian/Asian owned polyester galore store.



To me Tammy seems like she doesn't dress up often and is one of those women who spends a lot of time doing outdoor activities like going to the beach and camping and such.  She seemed so awkward in that dress and those shoes were probably the only heels she's ever bought in this decade.  The way she wears her hair also makes me think she spends a lot of time in the water.  On the first boat trip she was very at home in the water, so much so that she stayed off to herself for the rest of the trip. 

  • Love 2

I think Kim was just missing her man and wanted to have sexy time with him at the hot spot, but it really was over the top.  I still love her and think she has great comedic timing.  She is naturally funny the way Kenya tries to be and fails, with sipping tea and calling Shamea "you's the help" type of comments in her talking heads.  I thought it was hysterical when she said she could not look directly at the donk (Phaedra's booty).


That being said it was a little insensitive to be crying about missing your man, who you where with less then a day ago, to a woman whose husband got sentenced to eight years in prison.  However, she understood that quickly and did try to apologize.  I like that Phaedra said that her and Apollo had it all and he ruined it.  I think it is the most honest statement she has made about her feelings about the situation ( I have no idea of whether or not she was complicit in his criminal activities).


It looks like Phaedra has a friend that she can wild out with (Porsha) and a friend she can play church lady with (Kim).  That should make her happy.


Cynthia talking head in the blue was stunning, but did anyone see her talking head in the pink?  I almost did not recognize the famous Cynthia Bailey face.  It looked like she lost a lot of weight and got some weird Botox (Cynthia honey, you do not need anything but proper styling).  However, it could just be lighting and more cutting edge makeup.


Kenya, for as gorgeous as she is (and she was rocking that bikini and I think she had the sexiest cover up) is really socially awkward.  The girl can't flirt to save her life (except with Apollo, but he was kind of low hanging fruit).  She does not seem to know how to read people and ends up annoying them.


I think she was attracted to Tammy's nephew and was just trying to be sassy with him, but ended up pissing him off.

  • Love 5

I freely admit that I'd be the friend with the (faux) shocked look on her face watching other friends do handstands in their bikinis and whatnot.  However, my friends accept that I'm sort of a prude, and I accept that they are not, and quite frankly even my most staid sightseeing vacations are always brightened up by the antics of those friends.  It didn't seem that anyone was trying to force her to do anything she didn't want to do.  I get not being a party person, but it was just too much for me.  And claiming the living room was just rude, even if there were two.  That should be space where people can just flop down and mingle with each other.  


Having said that, I will always be her for Kim Fields calling out Kendra's shenanigans, so I'll give her a fresh start next week.


I am the pearl clutcher in my circle as well.  Kim was a little over the top with all the caterwauling and what not, but I think she is over playing her role as the housewife that needs to find her own identity (big roll of the eyes here).  It would have been better played if she had just told the girls that she was tired and went to her room.  We could have watched her face time with her husband, snarking on the other women.


All of the women fill certain roles and characters, to an extent. For example, Kenya is the "villain", Porsha is the comedic relief (when she's not getting into fights), etc. I suspect Kim was told she was going to be the voice of the audience, so to speak, reacting pretty much in the same way the viewers do and say what we're all thinking. I think most of it is put on for the show because they all have certain roles to play.


Yep, I think she is just playing her part.


Hope his response 'you gotta find a better way' made an impression on Kenya.


Kenya is just not smooth at all.  I am always in need of a good wing man/woman, but even I know that it would have been better to just slide my hand on the man's shoulder, lean in to his ear and ask my question.  Seriously Kenya, SMDH.  Of course, she is playing this campy so it makes sense to me.  Its just getting old and one note.  If she were a better actress, she would be killing her assignments.


There is a radio station (one of many) conducting a poll. Many people are calling for Kim's removal and letting Sheree take her peach.


Gee whiz, can we give her a season before we vote her off the island.... 


I can totally believe, compared to Kenya, Sheree's got game.


No doubt.  When they said NBA player, I suspect Sheree's spidey senses started tingling.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 5


it could be something in her childhood that triggered this, I don't know. She rarely talks about this part of her life.

Kenya's mother abandoned her. She's still alive, I even think Kenya knows where she lives, it's just that she has never acknowledged or rather wanted to be in Kenya's life. Yep, I think that'll do it. It's one thing for parents to die when a child is young, or even give them up to be adopted by a decent family, but to be alive and want to have nothing to do with them and they not know why... Because I remember Kenya not knowing the reason why.


Yeah, that human being is pretty much fucked for life, unless they stay on a psychologist couch throughout their lives to help them cope. I'm thinking Kenya hasn't done much of this if at all. Her aunt seems pretty grounded and tries to be a reasonable voice in her ear but...


Nene seems to have similar story, cause it seems like the mother left her and took I think it was her brother and left Nene behind. That's also a WTF is wrong with me? Why'd you leave me behind and take him?


These women have some problems so I get why they act out as they do, I just can't watch them for more than five  minutes if that long. 


By the way, why is Kim Fields on this show? Every time I turn to watch, she's crying.


It's fucking annoying, because am I expected to believe that she didn't watch the show before signing on?  Get the hell out of here, this woman has been in the business since childhood. How do you sign on to a project without doing your research? She had to know she'd be saturated in thongs, butt cheeks, twerking and cat fights when she signed on.


She better get her ass over to Lifetime and make a movie or two for them.

Edited by represent
  • Love 6

By the way, why is Kim Fields on this show?



My opinion:  Kim is on the show to make money...period!  She's having IRS problems and has had a house foreclosed on in the past.  Her husband is an actor but hasn't appeared in anything IMDb page worthy since 2012.  Given her celebrity, I suppose Bravo made her an offer she couldn't refuse.  I also think Kim is pretty much acting when she does all of her pearl clutching and whatnot.  She's been married twice and had an off screen romance with one of her Living Single costars so she can lose me with the shrinking violet routine.  Maybe she's born again or something, but she's definitely been around the block a time or two so cut it out with the "I can't stand to be away from my man and watch women dancing" bullshit. 


No doubt.  When they said NBA player, I suspect Sheree's spidey senses started tingling.



Okay, this made me spit my Big Red all over my keyboard.  LMAO!

Edited by swankie
  • Love 5

I don't dislike Kim, but I don't find her entertaining. I don't know who she is, but maybe she's used to being the center of attention ("biggest star") and is acting out. In this group it takes more than being a former(?) actress to stand out. Maybe she expected more attention and adoration just for being Kim Fields. At home, at church, and at the PTA maybe its all about her, and she's disappointed that here she's just one of the group? All I remember from her this episode was her toast to herself and her claiming of the living room. Oh and her "most famous friend" comment- which I would argue with if I were Kandi. The comment was said in good fun, but she really did look irritated when the others laughed it off. I watched the episode for a second time, and that really stood out to me. Hopefully it was editing.

  • Love 2

Assuming it's not just a huge acting job on Kim's part, I can guess that several things are going on with her.  She may always have been somewhat of an introvert, but perfectly functional in the world to the extent she had to be.  She would know her lines, was comfortable on a soundstage, knew the drill, did her work, and went home.


Then she married, maybe worked a bit less (don’t really know her adult resume), was home more with the kids, and possibly developed a kind of agoraphobia where she could only function in completely familiar surroundings.  Home.  Work.  Within a script.


This show is unscripted (supposedly).  She could be confounded by the “directions” given to the cast by the production staff, and the switching on and off of crazy switches by the experienced cast members if she came into this thinking the process of filming was going to be 100% genuine.  If she doesn’t have improvisational skills, and the kind of direction they’re getting is “Now, ___, bring up the boat ride – go!” that could make her tense and panic because as “an adult, grown woman” she could react to stuff that’s unfolded organically, but she doesn’t know what’s real and what’s production driven in any given scene, and she doesn’t want to get it wrong on national television.


Or, if you want a cynical possibility, she needed the cash, and decided to play the “I had no idea what I was getting into” card to excuse herself for getting into something she feels is beneath her but decided to do purely for money.

  • Love 9

My opinion:  Kim is on the show to make money...period!  She's having IRS problems and has had a house foreclosed on in the past.  Her husband is an actor but hasn't appeared in anything IMDb page worthy since 2012.  Given her celebrity, I suppose Bravo made her an offer she couldn't refuse.  I also think Kim is pretty much acting when she does all of her pearl clutching and whatnot.  She's been married twice and had an off screen romance with one of her Living Single costars so she can lose me with the shrinking violet routine.  Maybe she's born again or something, but she's definitely been around the block a time or two so cut it out with the "I can't stand to be away from my man and watch women dancing" bullshit. 



Okay, this made me spit my Big Red all over my keyboard.  LMAO!

Not only does Kenya know where the mother is, she has seen her at family events, like funerals, and the woman does not speak to her. It is probably the root of her deep insecurity and crazy behavior.


Kim definitely needs a new schtick!

  • Love 6

Kenya needs to just face facts.  She does not have a way with men.  AT ALL!  Just goes to show looks really aren't everything.



I think this is another reason Kim isn't enjoying the trip.  She's a teetotaler.  She doesn't even drink wine.  There's nothing worse than being the only sober person in a room full of drunks.  Their behavior probably does seem way over the top to her.

I gave up alcohol due to a medication I take. I have no trouble being around others that drink....I don't need alcohol to have fun. And her picking the living room--not cool. I have a vacation rule -- no one sleeps in common areas...it's rude. I love my husband but I can enjoy some alone time. He went on a 2 week trip with a family member, and since I had no desire to go hiking, camping and bird watching, I stayed back in the ole USA.

  • Love 5

Did anybody else catch it when Cynthia let it slip that  Peter not only has the bar in Charlotte, he also has an apartment there? Bastard got his way again. Time to leave his ass in the dust, Cynthia. 


I don't understand for the life of me why this woman stays with Peter.  I'm starting to think if she walked in on him having sex, she'd believe him if he said that he fell and his penis accidentally went into the woman in his bedroom.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 8

And Noelle drives?


OK?!  Pass me my cane please, I am officially old.  Wasn't it just yesterday that she and Leon were dancing at Cynthia's wedding?


Kim may be a little extra with the church-lady shtick but if she continues to shut Kenya's nonsense down, I'm all for keeping her.  Information vs. Instigation indeed! 


Tammy really is that wreck that you can't help but look.  Awkward doesn't even begin to describe her vibe. 


Kenya and her rehearsed THs bug me more than anything.  You can tell she sits (probably with Brandon!) trying to think of funny things to say.  "You is not kind, you is not smart...."  Bitch, please.  Bye.

  • Love 9

And I'm sorry but I have a hard time with women who can't be away from their man or kids for 3 days without blubbering about how much she misses them.  Seriously?  You were in Miami on a paid for trip.  Grow the fuck up, man up and deal with it.  Sure, an occasional "I miss my family." I could handle.  But she was almost hyperventilating over it.  Really?  Jesus Christ, give me a free trip to Miami with these women.  I don't care.  I'll sit my ass on the beach with a cocktail and put my headphones in.  


OMG, yes.  


It bordered on mentally ill to me.

  • Love 2

Did anybody else catch it when Cynthia let it slip that Peter not only has the bar in Charlotte, he also has an apartment there? Bastard got his way again. Time to leave his ass in the dust, Cynthia.

I noticed too, but it's not very surprising this show's "big dummy" got steamrolled into it.


Okay, so a "THOT" is pretty much like an extra skanky version of a "basic bitch", right?

Because if that's the case, then THOT is the perfect description for Shamea, the shamelessly random hussy who follows around Porsha like a puppy dog. I almost want to refer to her and Porsha as THOT 1 and THOT 2 due to their skanky behavior together.

I refer to them as THOT Thug and THOT Girl. Those guys they picked up at the bar looked sketchy to me.

  • Love 1

Meh. You'd be surprised how many Americans don't know this. I've taught Latino students who don't know this.

Shemea's white outfit reminded me of something Kelly kapowski would have worn on saved by the bell. She looked cute though.

I don't know anybody who doesn't know what the Underground Railroad is especially one that is about to turn 36 years old and has a civil rights activist for a grandfather. Most kids learn that in elementary school.

  • Love 3

I have my on eye on you Kim. Did you see her facial expressions after they announced they'd give the master to Kandi on the bus, instead of the "most famous friend"? I think that's when she decided to claim the living room as her own. Way to be obtrusive for my liking.


And her toast at dinner to herself for being away from her husband for so long. Three WHOLE DAYS! Yeah, okay we get it- that's all you're thinking about. The co-dependency is not a good look. The first thought I had was that she was worried about her man being home alone (not fair of me I admit).


I hope these ladies show tons of skin for the sole purpose of annoying Kim F. Why should every woman have to dress "modestly"? Allow a woman to do what she wants with her own body Kim- not your place.

I know Shamea is a favorite, but I fully expect her to go full-on Bad Girl's Club at any moment.


Cynthia is stunning in her THs.


Kim is sneaky. I peeped that about her too. After her meltdown with Phaedra, notice how she comes back in and acts like a stark raving b*tch about there not being 2 chairs for her and Phaedra. Kim, either grab 2 extra chairs from another table or ask the waitstaff to get you guys more chairs. Its not serious! And to be such a big Christian, she was dropping the f bomb a few times. Oh really, Christian? Like Mike said about Billie Jean, Kim ain't what she seems!

  • Love 1

I don't understand for the life of me why this woman stays with Peter.  I'm starting to think if she walked in on him having sex, she'd believe him if he said that he fell and his penis accidentally went into the woman in his bedroom.

Sadly, "my penis fell into her" is now a valid rape defense


I could see a commuter marriage working if the marriage were strong, but Peter's and Cynthia's so is not. I mean, I 100% think he was cheating in Atlanta, so him living like a bachelor in Charlotte part-time means he probably has at least two mistresses there. At least he's wrapping it up; there haven't been any paternity claims so far.


I gave up alcohol due to a medication I take. I have no trouble being around others that drink....I don't need alcohol to have fun.

My mom gave up alcohol for the same reason, although it wasn't much of a sacrifice since she wasn't a huge drinker to begin with. Her family is though (West Indian - they like their rum) and she just laughs at the drankin' 80somethings at family gatherings. It really is excellent entertainment. I like to drink but don't like to be drunk so I pace myself and I never have a problem being around drunk people.


Now, having said that, if the others are really getting messy, sloppy drunk night after night, I could see how that wouldn't be fun (there's usually a point where things take a turn), but if they're just getting a little tipsy on vacation and nobody's throwing up, hell, just drink your cranberry juice and chill.

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 2

I don't know anybody who doesn't know what the Underground Railroad is especially one that is about to turn 36 years old and has a civil rights activist for a grandfather. Most kids learn that in elementary school.

This has nothing to do with the point I was making. I was talking about Latino as a race vs ethnicity.

That Glen guy looked like a thug from the first scene and I don't care what Kenya was trying to do, his reaction was over the top and rude and scary. That's an abuser for sure. I don't dislike any woman so bad that I would think its funny to see a man disrespect her. Hate to see there are women who think like this.

His reaction so far is "I know you're not talking to me" and "find a better way to get my attention". What's over the top, rude, or scary about any of that?  

  • Love 1

Kenya seems like she has only gotten attention from acting out/pushing buttons or her beauty. And she's just settled in that routine/spiel. But I mean... she's in her 40's now.

One thing I do admire and notice is even when she fucks with someone and they react she doesn't get flustered. It might be since she enjoys it or expects it. But she doesn't like cry or cuss the person out or resort to violence. She's strange this way.

Sometimes she reminds me of someone from the hey day of soap operas where looking good and saying something inappropriate and bitchy could be a career. She would have had possibly a niche on Y&R or Melrose Place. LOL.

  • Love 1

Kenya seems like she has only gotten attention from acting out/pushing buttons or her beauty. And she's just settled in that routine/spiel. But I mean... she's in her 40's now.

One thing I do admire and notice is even when she fucks with someone and they react she doesn't get flustered. It might be since she enjoys it or expects it. But she doesn't like cry or cuss the person out or resort to violence. She's strange this way.

Sometimes she reminds me of someone from the hey day of soap operas where looking good and saying something inappropriate and bitchy could be a career. She would have had possibly a niche on Y&R or Melrose Place. LOL.

IMO, she enjoys it when someone reacts to her, it makes her feel superior to them.

  • Love 4

Did Cynthia previously deny Peter had an apartment in Charlotte? Because given the time he spends there I would have been shocked if he didn't have a place there.

Agreed. He and Cordell probably share a place, due to their business. Charlotte is 3-4 hours from Atlanta, depending on traffic. And I'd posted a photo my sister took of Cynthia and Peter at a Panthers game, they are very much a couple.

I chalk a lot of the angst up to production wanting a dramatic storyline.

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