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S31.E13: Villains Have More Fun

Tara Ariano
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I wonder if it's more Jeremy and Spencer couldn't stand the thought of losing to the likes of Keith, Kimmi, or Wentworth, and they are masking it like they are doing a favor to the fans by not allowing their idea of goats make it to the end.


If Spencer's all about strategy I think that's where he's going to lose.  This game is more about that, I agree.  I think Spencer is going to lose because of the other part.

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I felt bad that Tasha, who was obviously struggling for a while, had to ask for help before it was given. People tend to drown quietly - no thrashing or screaming. I've seen video of people drowning in the ocean, and people right next to them often don't realize it.

It looked like Keith was running back to the water when Jeff called for help. Gotta love those first responders. And Jeremy and Keith sheltering Tasha with Jeremy's t- shirt was sweet. Abi even managed not to smirk. Kimmi seemed very emotional and nurturing of Tasha.

I really think people with high muscle mass handle starvation the worst. Jeremy and Tasha pooped out, but neither received the reward food. It reminded me of Rodney, I tattooed my dead sister on my arm to score with chicks, doing so poorly on everything physical.

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I wonder if it's more Jeremy and Spencer couldn't stand the thought of losing to the likes of Keith, Kimmi, or Wentworth, and they are masking it like they are doing a favor to the fans by not allowing their idea of goats make it to the end.

If Spencer's all about strategy I think that's where he's going to lose. This game is more about that, I agree. I think Spencer is going to lose because of the other part.

Beautifully said...and it fits the whole Second Chance theme. He could lose for doing precisely what he didn't want to do this season. Be all about the strategy and forget about the human element.

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I will never understand the logic behind voting off a weakling who sucks at challenges (sorry, Abi)


It's not logical unless you've played Survivor with Abi, everyone that's played with her seems to nod their head and say, "yep, I get it." 

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I really do enjoy Keith, he's the odd man out when it comes to alliances and he has to know that he's on the bottom no matter what alliance he joins. So he will either have to win immunity challenges or make a big move.


Spencer I'm still rooting for but when he walked on the beach with Jeremy in the beginning, I really wanted to order 5 large pizzas for him and have them delivered. He's so damn thin, I can't remember if he was that skinny from his original season. Glad he won immunity and how fast he completed that puzzle was wow. I didn't get why he included Keith in the GOAT thing because Keith is a huge threat because he wins challenges and he's likable. He doesn't have a good social game but he makes up for it for the rest of it.


Glad Tasha was okay but for some reason she's reaching annoying territory for some reason for me.


Last but not least.....GOOD RIDDANCE ABI!!! I shouted with joy that I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't hear me. Glad that wretched bitch is eliminated and can't wait to see her have to sit next to Joe during next tribal council. She continues to show her idiocy when she said that Joe was sent packing and home when he didn't go home he's still on the jury. She finds joy in being a villain, dummy like that was going to help her win if she was taken to the end.

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Also, how is Jeremy once again avoiding the target?


The editors showed us this time.  This time, Spencer saved him.  At the reward, Keith floated out the idea of targeting Jeremy and Kelley seemed to be nodding along.  New Human Spencer went back into full-on robot mode and said with the most dead eyes I've ever seen and in extreme monotone: "I think Jeremy would be a good one to do second."  And everyone went along with it!  Frightened the hell out of me.




Speaking of the reward, I loved it.  My how Spencey has changed!  His face of happiness and amazement at the reward.  How different from Cagayan when he was frightened to death of the swarming children!  


So, is Spencer stupid or what?  Whatever, you can just hand my Baby Daddy Jeremy the money now.  




Bye, Abi




Best Quotes of the Episode:


"Is Abi a Scorpio?  Cuz Scorpios are crazy.  I have two of them in my house.  That's why I drink." -  Jeremy


"You'll never find me in Brazil." (Looks away satisfied) - Abi.  That was like the tagline of a movie!


Joe still looked fucked up at Tribal.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The editors showed us this time.  This time, Spencer saved him.  At the reward, Keith floated out the idea of targeting Jeremy and Kelley seemed to be nodding along.  New Human Spencer went back into full-on robot mode and said with the most dead eyes I've ever seen and in extreme monotone: "I think Jeremy would be a good one to do second."  And everyone went along with it!  Frightened the hell out of me.




Speaking of the reward, I loved it.  My how Spencey has changed!  His face of happiness and amazement at the reward.  How different from Cagayan when he was frightened to death of the swarming children!  They almost touched him, you guys.


So, is Spencer stupid or what?  Whatever, you can just hand my Baby Daddy Jeremy the money now.  




Bye, Abi




Best Quotes of the Episode:


"Is Abi a Scorpio?  Cuz Scorpios are crazy.  I have two of them in my house.  That's why I drink." -  Jeremy


"You'll never find me in Brazil." (Looks away satisfied) - Abi.  That was like the tagline of a movie!


Joe still looked fucked up at Tribal.


I think those two quotes would have been better episode titles.  Especially Abi's Brazil one.


So Spencer has made some milestones.  Who needs Dr. Phil when you've got Mark Burnett and Jeff to help you work out your issues?

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I thought "Buyer's Remorse" should have been the title of this episode :)


I think Keith is seen as a goat because he has this personae of bumbling good old boy, combined with the fact that he gets left out of others' planning.  However if he makes it to the end - and depending on whom he is with - I could see him having a chance.


I did not think Spencer actually called Kelley a goat - he just said he liked the idea of a F3 with two goats like Abi and Keith.  To me that meant he was fine going with Kelley (or whomever) as well, with the implication that that 4th person would be voted off to give him his ideal F3.

Edited by princelina
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Did not see that coming. Totally would've guessed that Abi-Maria would have been playing for second or third-place money. I guess you can't deal that long with crazy. If they realized that in the second episode, Shirin might still be in the game.


I don't know what's going on, and I kinda like it that way. I think Jeremy, Kelley or Spencer have the best shot at the big money. I did feel bad for Tasha, though. I don't feel for her one way or another, but it's hard not to pity somebody for almost drowning.


And Keith's still in the game. I hope he didn't spit in the temple.

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Tasha also said a bunch of weird shit at the beginning of the episode.  Something like, And if you don't go along with my plan, I'll find somebody else.  "Get on board the ship!  Cuz this Fox is sailing."


I thought it was a mixed metaphor at first.  Then I realized, she's referring to herself in the third person.


Why did Kelley not clue Abi in?  Did Abi vote Keith because she didn't like his ("Jokey?!") threats to the foursome?  Keith, you are not going to Brazil and you're not fooling anyone.


Thank you to everyone who pointed out how stupid and hypocritical Spencer is being by voting out Abi.  You trashed Woo at the Cagayan finale.  And now you're gonna lose!  See you in another life, Brotha!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I continue to love this season. I like not knowing who is going to get booted going into the vote. I like people switching alliances/voting blocks/whatever the hell you want to call it week after week. I like the various strategizing, and figuring out who to go to the end with, and all of it. It's really fun. I think part of it is there's only one person I REALLY like (Wentworth) and only one person I really DON'T like (Abi). I enjoy the rest of them just for watching them do what they do. For the most part, at least (see below).

I had to laugh at Abi finally getting booted, partly by doing what she's done all season long. Flip. But she flipped one time too many, and flipped to the people who would rather see her out, than stick with (well, two of them, she was screwed either way) the people who actually had her back. I know, I know, it would have been funnier if Spencer actually was with them, but it was still funny to me that she got booted while thinking she was fine, and casting the only vote for someone she thought was the actual boot. Abi is still kind of the worst, is what I'm saying.

The one thing I don't like watching: Anyone who talks about anyone who does not "deserve" to be on this game show for a million bucks automatically makes me want to punch them in the face. I don't care if it's not in a confessional, but just saying it to each other, or for strategy, or for self preservation. I just. don't. care. Every single person there played this game. They tried to win challenges. They tried to form alliances, or voting blocks. They tried to find idols. It's just so ridiculous to me that certain people, for whatevr random reason, are judged "not worthy" of playing. Again, I see the strategic reasons behind it, but still. Just a little smack would maybe wake them up and see reason.

Oh Spencer, I really think you should've gone the other way, although even as I'm typing this, Abi "flipping" basically confirmed that he made the right decicion. And I get his hesitation - he would be public enemy #1 of the four 'alliance', and the biggest target. He has to think there's at least one more idol out there, and he'd be the obvious choice to idol out. I think he made the best decision for his way to get to the end, but I just don't see him beating Jeremy. Hopefully for him at least (I honestly don't have a preference), he has another end game strategy.

Once again, can't wait for next week!

Edited by Katesus7
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A Southernism, "Tasha almost drownded!" -- Keith


To be fair, I've heard non-southerners pronounce 'drowned' that way.  Everybody I know here in the South pronounces it correctly! Other words, not so much! ;)


I felt bad that Tasha, who was obviously struggling for a while, had to ask for help before it was given. People tend to drown quietly - no thrashing or screaming.

It bothered me that the camera person was right there in her face watching her gulp water.  One big swallow of it and she would've really been in big trouble.  At what point on this show does the camera person put down the damn camera and take action?  He/she appeared to be closer to Tasha than the safety guys. 

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At what point on this show does the camera person put down the damn camera and take action?


I remember when Skupin fell in the fire, people wondered why the cameraman didn't try to help him, Mark Burnett said he would fire that person on the spot if they did that. 

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Why did Kelley not clue Abi in?



I don't think Kelley knew the plan had shifted to Abi. I'm pretty sure she voted for Tasha. Tasha had two votes from Kelley and Keith, Abi voted for Keith and everyone else voted for Abi. 


I'm a little surprised and to be honest, confused at the reactions towards Spencer from tonight's episode. This season has been one of the most flip flopping seasons I can remember in recent years. I don't see any guarantee that Spencer does intend to take Jeremy to the end with him. I mean maybe he does but I'm not going to take tonight's vote as a guarantee of that.


Yes Abi made a good goat but she was also a loose cannon and unpredictable. As Spencer said, for the plan to work he needed four people (including himself) who were solid and calm and not unpredictable, none of which describes Abi. Case in point, she voted for Keith. So if Spencer HAD voted for Tasha, we would have had a tie, thanks to Abi's vote for Keith. Her goat status wasn't worth the aggravation in my opinion, especially when she could so easily blow up someone's game with her unpredictability.


I personally don't feel like I have a clue how this will play out in the end. Jeremy talked about Abi and Keith being good people to sit next to in tonight's episode so who is to say he's not dumping Tasha and Spencer, Tasha may very well decide that she doesn't have a shot against Spencer and Jeremy and take one of them out or Kimmi might leave the group of Jeremy and Tasha and go off with Wentworth and Keith and draw Spencer in with the numbers or who the hell knows. I just don't think this season has been predictable in any way that we can make some giant leaps about people's move for the next tribal council or how stupid they are choosing to sit next to this person or that because that may not happen at all. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I meant, why did Kelley not clue Abi in to stick with voting Tasha out.  


The reason we think Spencer has changed his mind is that he said his Ideal Top Three is Keith and Abi to the camera.  Which would be a great Top 3.  Then he turns around and votes out Abi.  That's not good editing.  It's bad editing!  And it looks like Spencer is being loyal to Jeremy, and maybe even Tasha.


Today I thought Joe kind of looks like Michael Buble.


Spencer looks like someone when he smiles too.  He just does it so rarely that I forget.


Spencer has definitely lost weight.  When you Google him he's chubbier.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Since Kelley and Abi got hate mail and death threats for voting Joe off/not picking Jeremy for the loved ones visit, I wonder if Spencer/Tasha/Jeremy will catch any flack for designating who the goats are and who they think the fans want to see stick around.  


Do they really think that they are the best 3 of this game?


Joe looks like he might have been living it up a little too hard at Ponderosa.  Especially when he did the double finger point at Keith.  In one of his interviews he mentioned that sooner or late his hair is coming off.  I don't think the short hair look will suit him.


I liked Stephen's facial expressions during tribal.  That was a festive shirt he was wearing.  Nice to see Savage is staying consistant with the beanie.  I've seen photos of him since he's been home wearing it, so unless he's balding, I don't think it has anything to do with roots (unless his hairstylist had a midlife crisis while he was gone and quit, so now he has no one left to do his hair).

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You can call Tasha a lot of things, but buoyant isn't one of them.


(I kid.  I'm glad it wasn't any worse for her. I can imagine the ocean being panic-inducing when you're not a strong swimmer AND you're exhausted.)


I guess in the Midwest "keep integrity of the game" means "please don't vote me out."


I have never wanted anyone to go on an immunity run more than I want Keith to go on one right now. The only way a Keith run would be better is if it annoyed Russell Hantz somehow.

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With today's technology that "close" cameraperson could have been on a platform back on the beach for all we know... but it is scary to hear her say she "went down" multiple times and they didn't act on any of those. I think the "Safety!" call from Probst was just him and his 'God of Survivor' complex that nothing will happen until he says it should... they were clearly moving towards Tasha before Probst called out for them.


Not such a great record here this season with people needing medical/safety in back to back IC's! Scary.


I'm so "Abi weary" at this point in the game that I am barely reacting to her being voted out... it's been far too long though. I do wonder how they feel about about booting Joe last week now that they felt they "had to" vote her out next.

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Totally Team Keith after this episode.  I like that he did something strategic for the first time ever (opening of the episode: "I need to talk to some people!") and then was so confident he'd nailed it he gave double finger guns in tribal.  Forgetting Tasha's name, but also running to save her after an exhausting challenge. And saying "she almost drownded".  A character portrait a well meaning, tough guy who is terrible at this game. And just might win it.

Edited by poppy-
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I am sighing with relief that Tasha was not voted out. If she had then it would have been for me anyway the two worst outcomes of back to back CBS reality that i can remember what with a certain Super Douche mircuously surviving one of the  longest ever time penalties over on the TAR in its last episode. Thank you  Spencer for doing the honorable thing (at least for now) and trying to win the game not by going up against hapless goats.


You know I never liked nasty spitting Keith on his season and still don't like him now...he's very off putting and I can think of a dozen other SURVIVORS that should have gotten his spot (I'm probably the only one but god I would love to see Flicka play again).


It's going to be unfortunate for Spencer, Keith, Kimmie and Tasha....that what ever there plans are Jeremey and Kelly's idols are sure to wreck them...maybe there should have only been two idols in the whole game because its seems unfair to have idol play this late in the game.


Anyone else feel like Abi Maria's boot was well....anti-climatic? For one things she didn't really do anything villianous (despite her claiming to be one) this episode...or even off the wall crazy. As far a blindsides go on a scale of one to ten with ten being the highest in th excitement department...that was a solid one in excitement.


Interestlingly tongiht I found a copy of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY with the fall preview and was amused that the write up made a big deal about Kelly Wigglesworth returning...and that proved to be an epic misfire.


 if they must try again  next season with another gimmick...its  high time to bring back the most memorable people to be the first boots of a season and let them try again.

Edited by North of Eden
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The reason we think Spencer has changed his mind is that he said his Ideal Top Three is Keith and Abi to the camera. Which would be a great Top 3. Then he turns around and votes out Abi. That's not good editing. It's bad editing! And it looks like Spencer is being loyal to Jeremy, and maybe even Tasha.

Well yes he obviously changed his mind which is why I noted that I'm sure the editing left out some key conversations that happened before the tribal council. Also, Spencer did state in his TH, in regard to the Final 3 deal with Kelley and Keith that it was just kind of what you did on a reward, with so few left in the game. He made it clear then that it wasn't something he was committed to. Now he did seem set on the plan when the three all talked to Abi about voting for Tasha but again, I'm sure there were some conversations and some reason that in the end he decided the best thing for him was to go with the Abi plan.

My point is simply that I don't think that proves that he is absolutely and completely loyal to the Final 3 plan with Tasha and Jeremy. Again, maybe he is, we shall see but we have seen too many of these players shift throughout this season that I personally don't take tonight's vote to mean anything but tonight's vote. Spencer and Wentworth happily worked with Joe to blindside Stephen and immediately after, Kelley was practically hand holding and praying for Joe to lose immunity. And she was very vocal about him having to go. I really think like this is a season where most are playing for themselves and making the moves they think will get them the furthest. Now is the move always best, like how Jeremy was second guessing getting rid of Joe, maybe not but I don't think anyone is going into this thinking of blind loyalty or even that crap about deserving players belonging in the end.

Finally, so um Kimmi, what happened to that girl's alliance plan? That just seemed to vanish into thin air with zero talk or conversation. And this is proof of what I'm saying. Last week some questioned Spencer and Jeremy going along with the Joe boot with the threat of the possible women's alliance and how did that work out exactly? Spencer won immunity and Jeremy didn't even have to play his idol and in fact the vote was between two women (which by the way is why I'm also confused so many thought the editing was pointing to Keith getting the boot tonight). Say this for the season, whether you've loved it or not, it's been fairly unpredictable.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm so relieved that I generally like everyone left in the game. I was also concerned about Tasha, but couldn't quite follow everything that happened, as my husband broke a cardinal rule and spoke while I was watching the show. Anyhow, my order of preference:

1. Jeremy. You are perfect and should win. Please eat something

2. Kelley you are perfect except for the eye rolls. Please eat something


4 Keith you have no strategy but you are kind of amazing in your own simple way. You are a good person.

5. Tasha one of my favorites going in. What you went through in the water was hellish.

6 Kimmi. I kind of forgot you are here. But you seem nice.

Ok actually maybe switch Spencer and Tasha. They both do things that irritate me but Tasha bothers me less. and she did major Abi wrangling which is an amazing skill.

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Aside from the obvious that she is annoying as hell who gets in everyone's face, there's a trust issue with her.  She's too unpredictable and stirs the pot without thinking strategically - like her voting for Keith.

Completely agree. This late in the game, an unpredictable and volatile person, goat or not, is too risky to keep around. Better to have people who you think might be somewhat rational and so you can try to strategize with or around them, whichever is needed.

I like Tasha. I didn't take her comments about not keeping Abi/ Keith were arrogant or entitled; I thought she was saying that she understands the take-the-goat strategy, but thinks that the fans want more from this season. And there is no doubt that Abi was only ever going to get to the finals as a goat. And while I like Keith (not even sure why!), I can understand why she would see him as a goat- he's been clueless on most votes this season, and he hasn't demonstrated much skill in strategizing (or remembering the names of peop,e he's lived with for a month).

Keith and Jeremy and Spencer and Wentworth are borderline painful to look at- they need food! Speaking of food and Keith not remembering Tasha's name: his choices for the reward were bizarre, and his attempt to explain those choices was ... less than strategically brilliant, or even articulate.

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I was one who really wasn't excited for Keith to even be on the second chance ballot (though I did vote for him, but better than some alternatives).  And in the beginning, I was kind of bummed he made it, though there really weren't any males left standing that I was crushed to not see return.  Well, except Shane, but the way this season has gone, I cringe to think that he might taken crazy to levels unheard of.  However, I'm liking the balance Keith provides.  Enjoy the experiences and even gushes about it, in his own way.  Tonight, during the challenge, saying people back home would think he'd be on Mars over being in a temple in Cambodia.  He looked kind of awkward at that reward at first, but he really enjoyed it and it showed.  He isn't all game, all the time.  I think he's got a strategy, and that is the Sandra strategy.  Better them than me.  Stick with the numbers and go with who gets you the furthest.  He was purposefully left out of the loop last week, and I have to give him credit for trying to craft a plan, and being confident that it was going to work.  It didn't, but he tried something.  I like that it isn't all game, 24/7 with him, and about building the Survivor resume and being legendary for the sake of being legendary. I think that has led to the downfall of several this season, and I won't be surprised if it cost Spencer the win.

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I agree, LadyChatts- I really like that Keith seems to truly enjoy and appreciate the experience. Even little things like driving the cart on the beach- he gets that this is a once-in-lifetime, never-would-have-guessed-I'd-be-here experience, and it's nice to see.

Does anyone remember any other contestant making it this far in the game and having had as little air time/ as few talking heads as Kimmi has had? She seems to have been voting with the majority most of the time, but she hasn't had much of a story, other than Clamgate.

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Isn't this the place where the Survivor France participant died?


Yes.  Died of a heart attack during a challenge, and the attending physician wound up committing suicide for the backlash he received over the contestants death.  It wasn't his fault, of course, but he felt guilty and took a lot of heat for it.  It's scary watching on TV when a contestant goes down, I can't imagine actually being there and seeing someone die right in front of you. 

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How I wish Tasha and Abi were sent home at the same time. Both of them are GOATS. 


Spencer's filling the shoes of Stephen. No way you are going to win if you reach the FTC. 

Goats? The BIGGEST goat is Kimmie!  No one even remembers she is there, she is such a non-entity!  Kimmie will invisibly goat her way to the end. The other two at the end will look at her and wonder who she is!

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I agree, LadyChatts- I really like that Keith seems to truly enjoy and appreciate the experience. Even little things like driving the cart on the beach- he gets that this is a once-in-lifetime, never-would-have-guessed-I'd-be-here experience, and it's nice to see.

Does anyone remember any other contestant making it this far in the game and having had as little air time/ as few talking heads as Kimmi has had? She seems to have been voting with the majority most of the time, but she hasn't had much of a story, other than Clamgate.



Sierra last season.  I think she got most of her airtime during the first half, when her tribe was initially against her and it looked like she was going to make big moves to get back at them when the tribe swaps/merge happened.  But she didn't.  I followed her twitter feed last season, and I remember her defending herself from fans that were attacking her for essentially being boring and worthless.  I barely remember the guy who finished 3rd in Samoa to Russell/Natalie without looking him up.  Wasn't Sherri during Caramoan also completely invisible once she flipped on her alliance?  I know there've been others.

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Favorite parts of the night:


Keith struggling to explain his RC picks. My family and I were trying to determine if he was speaking English at all.


Jeremy's line about living with two Scorpios being the reason he drinks.


Jeff asking Jeremy if he was confident in his "we." Goodness, the whole family -- including the nine-year-old and the eleven-year-old -- got a lot of amusement out of that. I'm sure that's what they were going for, and it worked.

Edited by pricklypear
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Sierra last season.  I think she got most of her airtime during the first half, when her tribe was initially against her and it looked like she was going to make big moves to get back at them when the tribe swaps/merge happened.  But she didn't.  I followed her twitter feed last season, and I remember her defending herself from fans that were attacking her for essentially being boring and worthless.  I barely remember the guy who finished 3rd in Samoa to Russell/Natalie without looking him up.  Wasn't Sherri during Caramoan also completely invisible once she flipped on her alliance?  I know there've been others.

It took me a minute to remember who Sierra was...I suppose I don't remember other people who made it this far and got so little air time because, well, they didn't get enough air time to become memorable!

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I like Keith, too, and think he's smarter than people give him credit for.  He just doesn't seem capable of being sneaky and dishonest, which isn't a bad thing, except in Survivor I guess.  I think the reason he was so incoherent when explaining his reason for his picks for reward is because he's obviously malnourished and expends a lot of energy during challenges.  He and Joe are a lot alike because neither holds back and as a result they probably use twice the calories of the other players.

Edited by NurseGiGi
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Keith is such a under the radar challenge beast. He's a real working man & excels at most challenges. He might be the mar test man but he's done well on both if his seasons. I still think he'll end up in the same spot though. He will make the Final 4 & then probably cut. I sort of liked the SJDS Final 3. I doubt it will happen. Maybe, the 2 out of 3 will make it.

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I hate admitting it but I think Jeremy was having impure thoughts about Abi.  Like perhaps against his will but still.  


"Is Abi a Scorpio.... I have 2 Scorpios in my house"  (He knows he has a thing for Scorpios and love them, Val is a Scorpio, saw it on Twitter.)

(Completely out of context, thanks Editing)  "I mean I can't imagine dating her."  (Total non-sequitor, HA!  Who's talking about dating, Jer???)

I think the 'fights' with Abi were starting to remind him of his courting days.  LOL

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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We laughed at Jeff acting like he was the first one who spotted Tasha needing help.  


I don't really believe Tasha literally went under multiple times.  I think we would've seen that.  Her mouth got water sloshed into it several times that we saw, though.  Maybe she meant she went under when she dove off the platforms.  That one belly flop looked like she was afraid to go under.  


So Kelley's puzzled face at the end was about... realizing Abi was voting with the other side (or so Abi thought), as well as Spencer?  


As bad as it looks from here I kind of don't blame Spencer for sticking with Jeremy's side.  He's right that relying on Abi isn't smart.  He'd be smart to try to get to the end with Tasha and Kimmi. 

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I hate admitting it but I think Jeremy was having impure thoughts about Abi.  Like perhaps against his will but still.  


"Is Abi a Scorpio.... I have 2 Scorpios in my house"  (He knows he has a thing for Scorpios and love them, Val is a Scorpio, saw it on Twitter.)

(Completely out of context, thanks Editing)  "I mean I can't imagine dating her."  (Total non-sequitor, HA!  Who's talking about dating, Jer???)

I think the 'fights' with Abi were starting to remind him of his courting days.  LOL

The two of them seem to be having fun going back and forth tonight about the whole Scorpoi ting on twitter.

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At last at last.... SHE GONE!  Thrilled that Abi was voted out.  I don't understand her vote though, as far as she knew, she, Keith, Kelley and Spencer were voting out Tasha.  Why did she vote for Keith?


Abi is truly one of the most delusional people I have seen on a reality show.  Her closing comment was "I don't have to be with those crazy people anymore".  She doesn't just need a mirror.  She needs an entire house full of mirrors.


I hope Keith goes next.  I can't believe he was so exhausted/confused that he forgot Tasha's name.  Of the final 6, he is the only one that I really wouldn't want to see win.  His entire game consists of trying to win the challenge and then let other people decide who to vote out.


Sierra last season.  I think she got most of her airtime during the first half, when her tribe was initially against her and it looked like she was going to make big moves to get back at them when the tribe swaps/merge happened.  But she didn't.  I followed her twitter feed last season, and I remember her defending herself from fans that were attacking her for essentially being boring and worthless.
I actually completely forgot who she was and had to look her up.  The most notable thing about her is that everyone here was commenting on her eyebrows.  Like she shaved them off, got them tattooed, and then the blonde hairs grew back.
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"Entitled" is always my favorite criticism of a contestant, because it means nothing. I have yet to read a consistent explanation of what constitutes "entitlement" beyond playing for yourself instead of a viewer favorite.

Anyway, good for Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer and Kimmi. Use whatever argument you need to in order to further your own game. Isn't that the smart thing? I thought I remembered Ciera saying something along those lines...

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At last at last.... SHE GONE!  Thrilled that Abi was voted out.  I don't understand her vote though, as far as she knew, she, Keith, Kelley and Spencer were voting out Tasha.  Why did she vote for Keith?


Probably the same explanation for the Tasha vote last week. Abi probably went to the other four later on and told her they would be voting for Keith, and flipped on her alliance. It wasn't shown just like Joe convincing the other four to vote Tasha last week.

Or maybe not. Abi just said on Twitter it was because she was trying to hold up the women alliance. God knows why the heck she would do that, considering Kimmi came runnig back to Jeremy the first chance she got.

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Thank you to everyone who pointed out how stupid and hypocritical Spencer is being by voting out Abi.  You trashed Woo at the Cagayan finale.  And now you're gonna lose!  See you in another life, Brotha
IMHO, Spencer is nowhere near the good player he thinks he is. He would probably be gone already if he hadn't been lucky enough to get swapped to Bayon at the first swap and end up in the shelter of Jeremy's good gameplay. 


...considering Kimmi came runnig back to Jeremy the first chance she got.
What magic powers does Jeremy have to make everyone want to work with him so much? He's the male Parvati.
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Heck, I don't get the idea of Keith as a goat either. He may not always be with it, but he's likeable and he's a challenge threat. He's your new Joe...


More like "Joe Light", not quite as good on challenges and even more hopeless when it comes to strategy.


I hope Keith goes next.  I can't believe he was so exhausted/confused that he forgot Tasha's name.  Of the final 6, he is the only one that I really wouldn't want to see win.  His entire game consists of trying to win the challenge and then let other people decide who to vote out.




I would agree as far as Keith is concerned, but I would be even less happy if Kimmie won (not that she has any chance at all).  I'd be okay with any of the other four winning.  While all four of them have made mistakes, at least they have been playing the game and not just coasting along.  I really do think they have been the four best players this season.

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Heck, I don't get the idea of Keith as a goat either. He may not always be with it, but he's likeable and he's a challenge threat. He's your new Joe...


Personally, I'd love it if someone took Keith to FTC as a goat - then had the opportunity to watch slack-jawed as Keith took the million....  :D


It bothered me that the camera person was right there in her face watching her gulp water.  One big swallow of it and she would've really been in big trouble.  At what point on this show does the camera person put down the damn camera and take action?  He/she appeared to be closer to Tasha than the safety guys. 


The magic of telephoto lenses; although it looks like the cameraman almost has the lens stuck in Tasha's face, the rig is probably at least 50+ yards away. Otherwise the camera rig would show up in the long game-field shots from the beach-based cameras.



I don't really believe Tasha literally went under multiple times.  I think we would've seen that.  Her mouth got water sloshed into it several times that we saw, though.  Maybe she meant she went under when she dove off the platforms.  That one belly flop looked like she was afraid to go under.  


I don't know about in general - but when I saw Tasha's (jump? fall?  I really really hesitate to call whatever it was a "dive") off the platform into the water, I knew right then Tasha wasn't feeling real comfortable about life aquatic - not on this particular day, at the very least.

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If none of the players go after Jeremy, they might as well just hand him the money now and they can all go to Ponderosa and eat. Jeremy seems to command a cloak of invisibility while Kimmi is just invisible. And what is up with Spencer...he seems mesmerized by the power of Jeremy.

So far, Jeremy wins the social/strategic game, but he has never won an IC or a RC. He looks good, but he hasn't shown anything. Maybe you have to be in his vicinity to feel the force field.

I loathe Kelly for her hostile fixation on Joe. And Tasha...no IC or RC wins, she just runs along with the big dog Jeremy.

Keith for the win. He is all out at challenges and he is no one's lapdog. 

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