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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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Kyle still went even tho Mauricio wasn't invited???? That's completely insane. If someone I knew ( not to mention a FAMILY member!) invited me to a wedding and specifically excluded my husband I would RSVP yes, and then not show up. LOL . But seriously, rude.


Anyway I Liked the season premiere after what a ridiculous shit show of OC. Its refreshing to see real rich people do their rich people things. 


I thought it was kind of Brave for YO to go make up less, and loved that it was a giant talking point in the talking heads. Shows you a little insight to BH culture. I think she has lyme disease and I am really tired of illness chat after OC. I really dgaf if she is playing it up or not. If I want to watch sick people battle illnesses I would just...take a look around at my various friends and family. I don't need to watch it on TV! Not entertaining for me.


I like hearing Kyle talk about Kim. I mean it was all over the media if she ignored it it would be kind of ridiculous. We watched Kim Richards be a high and drunk crazy person for the last ( how many?) seasons and it should be addressed. 


Love Lisa R and Eileen and Lisa and Kyle ( so far, LOL). Happy to see them back. Hope they keep it light hearted. 




  • Love 9

Yes, for real and Yolanda is also claiming that NLD caused her DUI! Convient excuse now isn't it, especially since they never said that Bella, or Anwar, had LD or CLD let alone NLD when she was arrested. Oh, and they both have said that Bella's NLD is why she doesn't "work/model" as much as Gigi.

Wow, I'm floored by this.

I haven't watched this episode yet, it's on my DVR. I just came here to see how unshocked you all were by the divorce. I'm not shocked. I want to feel bad for Yo. Divorce sucks! There's just Something about Yo that makes it really hard to not roll my eyes at her, all the damn time. I hope she gets better. You would think the stress of filming this show would not be good for her, but whatever ;)

I'm sure Yo is sick but she really loves the brave sick soldier badge.

I feel like haven't posted in the wives thread in so long. *waves* at everyone.

  • Love 13

I'm so over the Yolanda Lyme Disease already.  She really needs to get off this show.  I watch it for entertainment value and watching someone that ill (or not, whatever) is NOT entertaining. 


I would venture a guess that those with Lyme Disease may feel differently considering those around them are probably constantly rolling their eyes and accusing them of it being "all in their head".  I don't necessarily like Yolanda, but I commend her for showing the hardships of what's happening to her.  I always have sympathy for people afflicted with things that don't outwardly make appearances but are very much there for the people who have them.  I don't mind watching what's happening to her.  I certainly am not going to fault her for walking around without any makeup on.  Yolanda is a positive person, an annoyingly so one, so the fact that she admitted she wanted to throw herself off a balcony because of what's happening to her speaks volumes.  I hope she gets some relief.

  • Love 12

Kyle still went even tho Mauricio wasn't invited???? That's completely insane. If someone I knew ( not to mention a FAMILY member!) invited me to a wedding and specifically excluded my husband I would RSVP yes, and then not show up. LOL . But seriously, rude.


Anyway I Liked the season premiere after what a ridiculous shit show of OC. Its refreshing to see real rich people do their rich people things. 


I thought it was kind of Brave for YO to go make up less, and loved that it was a giant talking point in the talking heads. Shows you a little insight to BH culture. I think she has lyme disease and I am really tired of illness chat after OC. I really dgaf if she is playing it up or not. If I want to watch sick people battle illnesses I would just...take a look around at my various friends and family. I don't need to watch it on TV! Not entertaining for me.


I like hearing Kyle talk about Kim. I mean it was all over the media if she ignored it it would be kind of ridiculous. We watched Kim Richards be a high and drunk crazy person for the last ( how many?) seasons and it should be addressed. 


Love Lisa R and Eileen and Lisa and Kyle ( so far, LOL). Happy to see them back. Hope they keep it light hearted. 

Kyle went because 2 of her daughters were in the wedding.

  • Love 3

Kyle went because 2 of her daughters were in the wedding.

I have to say, if this is true, it is extremely disappointing to me. I hate to judge in this situation, because I am sure it is hard. At the end of the day, however, it was Nicki who was saying that Mauricio wasn't invited - even though it may have been coming from Kathy. If the Bride was telling me that my husband wasn't welcome at her wedding, I would damn sure tell her that my kids wouldn't be there either, nor would I. In all honesty, I hope that it isn't true, because it would make me think less of Kyle, and she is someone that I have always really liked.

  • Love 9

I am a Pharm Tech, retired now, and have never heard of "Holistic Antibiotics" before either. LOL


ETA....I just did a quick google search and found NO listing for any "Holistic IV Antibiotics" but did find the top 5 "oral holistic antibiotics" though. They are listed as Garlic, Collidal Silver, Oil of Oregano, Echinccea and Manuka Honey. LOL

O good grief, she's tried colloidal silver, really? I'm still on p.2 but had to post this:




If that stuff is capable of doing this ^^ to anyone (and yes, I'm sure he overdid it but still), let us hope Yo is now applying My Love's residuals to other therapies.

  • Love 5

One thing we know to be certain... Yoda isn't faking or exaggerating anything to get a casserole/, unless we can call 3 Almonds on a lemon slice a casserole.  I'm not ready to say she is faking anything at all but I am curious as to when she started doing these master cleanses. 


I wish Ken would do something different with his Barry Manilow hair circa 1978 Copacabana 45 RPM cover:



  • Love 9



Lisa Rinna is such a type - I'm not sure how to characterize it, but her over-the-topness is both fun to watch and incredibly irritating.  It's like she's constantly in a state of walking into a party with all eyes on her, even in her own home.  Must be maddening to be around her for more than an hour or so.  (Although Harry seems to have stuck it out, and seems to love her, and they've found a way to stay committed, sincere props to them for that.)  Then she'll make a most insightful comment, like about LA women and their make-up armour.  So true.   



ITA with all this esp the bolded -- sometimes she's just too intense. Watching her with her daughters (hot) flashed me back to Lynne Curtin pimping her spawn and wailing, "It's haaaard to raise children in Orange County!" It also made me wonder if it is Lisar who was the subject of that BI about the HW who is pushing for a reality show about her family.





I found the  most interesting part of the show the very brief conversation between Lisa and Kyle where Kyle mentions her sisterS are miffed over Kyle getting a TV show produced.  Since Kathy Hilton thinks nothing of showing up on the show to be filmed I think she needs to actually make a comment or two about something other than Adrienne doing magic.  The resentment level over Kyle's success is an interesting storyline about these sisters.  I don't think Kyle could keep Kim out of her storyline since the dumb bitch spent the better part of the summer acting up and getting arrested.  

Yes and I also found it interesting that Kyle (clearly a dumb and fashion-challenged bitch) elected to wear one of Portia's rompers to Lisar's din din.

  • Love 8

Brandi tweeted last night that the show was "mean and boring".  I guess they need her particular brand of kindness and compassion. She then said she was going to bed but was taping WWHL (I guess so she can fire off tweets tomorrow at anything Kyle says that she doesn't agree with).



Keep trying to stay relevant, Brandi, ole girl! Keep trying!

  • Love 22

Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth! She's milking that cow dry and then some. I don't know how physically sick she is, but IMO she's definitely emotionally and/or mentally ill. She's desperately begging for attention, which is borderline narcissistic. Nobody in their right mind goes to a party, a party filmed for TV no less, looking like shit AND complaining of ailments the entire time 20 minutes (?) they're there unless they're attention-seeking. I'm anxious to see what will happen the day David files for divorce.

THIS!!   Years ago, I went through my own health issues that resulted in my being off of work for over a year to have multiple surgeries to correct.  I felt like hell, and looked like hell -- AT HOME.  When I did venture out, I always put some effort into my appearance.  Not simply to make myself look better, but so others wouldn't "notice" how shitty I looked/felt.  The idea was to be as normal as possible to NOT draw attention.  And every time someone asked how I was doing, I inwardly cringed because you just want the focus off of you for a while <imo>  I was living the physical hell and didn't want to be reminded on the times I was trying to be normal.  


I type all of this out to try to explain why I think Yo is exaggerating her illness.  I believe it is a sympathy grab.  Not sure if she has Lyme's or not - not my business.  I do think she is going through more than that and this is what we are seeing.  I'm thinking  David was done/checked out already, and she was seriously depressed.  Also, possible menopause, but mainly I believe WAAYY too much time to sit around and feel sorry for herself.  It just was ridiculous to watch.  I do not want to watch an entire season of Yo looking/feeling bad.  If she is/was that ill, she should have stepped away to take care of her health.  FOR HER KIDS - you know, the reason she hasn't jumped off the balcony already?  Ugh....

  • Love 20

I have to say, if this is true, it is extremely disappointing to me. I hate to judge in this situation, because I am sure it is hard. At the end of the day, however, it was Nicki who was saying that Mauricio wasn't invited - even though it may have been coming from Kathy. If the Bride was telling me that my husband wasn't welcome at her wedding, I would damn sure tell her that my kids wouldn't be there either, nor would I. In all honesty, I hope that it isn't true, because it would make me think less of Kyle, and she is someone that I have always really liked.

I think the parents put on the weddings on for the children in this family.  I say this only because Kim was threatening to disinvite Kyle and Mauricio from Brooke's second wedding.  All we really heard is Kyle saying that someone said it would be better if she didn't attend the wedding.  I don't think any of the 12 cousins really get into the parents' drama.  I am thinking by this time there may be protocol for where and when Rick and Mauricio's paths cross.  Just a note Mauricio and Rick both walked Faye Resnick down the aisle recently.  Apparently Kris Jenner is able to pull rank on the feuding BILs. 


I think Kyle and maybe even Kathy to some degree have had to put their husbands' feud aside.  Portia probably doesn't understand the why of being jerked from the bridal party.  As we get closer to the date the wedding is aired the missing sister was Kim who was out of rehab at the time.  I did see Brooke in the wedding party photos but not Whitney or Kimberly.  Of course we can no longer see the wedding photos on Kyle's social media because someone-most likely Kathy had her take the personal ones down.  I guess Nicki was getting paid for her wedding photos and didn't want stragglers out there.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

Kyle went because 2 of her daughters were in the wedding.

I would pull them all out! Well I guess they are adults but wow, some strong family ties eh? If I was standing in my cousins wedding and the bitch didn't invite my Dad I would tell her to fuck off.  Or maybe send the daughters but sit out myself. I wouldn't stand for that. Kyle could have made a very clear statement about where her loyalties lie ( or I guess, she did....))

Then again in my family there are some strong rules about that stuff, so maybe its different and not as big of a deal for them....

  • Love 6
When Kyle was looking at $75,000 sunglasses, I expected them to show the clip from the second (?) season of that "friend" showing off HER sunglasses "Twenty-five thousand."



I thought she didn't have the ones with the diamonds? Anyway, she's selling whatever they're selling.


Amen. I find Vyle to be one of THE most boring, lame, and unimaginative people on the face of the planet. She sure loves barking up about her sister, though. Let it go. You're boring enough without barking up about that idiocy with your sister. Sheesh. Zzzz.



There was no way Kim's actually getting arrested was not going to get mentioned on the show. And to be fair, any family would probably talk obsessively about it. What we get is probably a fraction of how much time the family talks about Hurricane Kim.


That said, I'd love to actually see more of the family because Kathy seems even more interesting. I admit it, I love the dynamic of that whole screwed-up clan. Kyle's show could actually be really interesting only because it's scripted so it's not necessarily actually Kyle's life. She herself isn't fascinating enough to make me want to watch a show based on her life but the premise is actually fantastic if a good writer was involved--she's the less-famous child actress with a more famous sister who's getting out of control, plus the controlling mom and the sister snagging a rich husband? It's an awesome premise. 


There are varying degrees of LD.  I currently am functional, except for the relentless headache, that feels like I drank an entire bottle of tequila (the cheap kind) the night before.



This sounds like such a nightmare. I'm really sorry you have to live with this!


I believe Yolanda's sick--we'll never know exactly what anybody else is feeling at any given time. I didn't think it was shallow for people to comment on how unusual it was for a woman to not wear make-up. But wow, the king leaving her is almost too predictable. She's spent so much time saying how he was "her king" and talking him up as if he was being just so very generous by doing things like coming with her to the hospital, and even here she's saying how of course he's got to still do all these things just because she's sick...this guy has no interest in a wife who isn't able to cater to him all the time.


I feel bad for her--then I hear that she's trying to blame the DUI on even more LD and I'm annoyed with her again. 

  • Love 6

Eileen Davidson is looking more gorgeous than ever! She's in her early 60's, right? 


Lisa Rinna's body is UN-EFFIN-BELIEVABLE! 


Lisa V- gotta give her credit for changing her shirt in front of the camera at the game and letting her flabby middle section show. You go, girl!


Kyle- looking very "refreshed". Kudo's to whoever is doing her Botox and fillers. Nice, natural job. 


That's all the shallowness I have for now....

  • Love 20

Wow it was hard to pay attention while this was on. It wasn't because there "wasn't enough drama" I liked that there wasn't any "Brandiesque" or "Sniping Sisters" scenes. It was because it's the same old same old, Kyle going on and on about Kim, Yo milking her illness for attention., another fake event for Pinky. I really zoned out on a lot of it. Time for new blood, the old storielines have been done to death.


Don't really have much more to say that I haven't already posted in this thread and the Season 6 thread.



  • Love 3

Remember that Yolanda got her diagnosis of Lyme disease from her local Beverly Hills doctor. Then went around the world looking for a cure. A reputable doctor would have prescribed a regimen of medications for Lyme disease, as a friend of mine had it. Everyone's case of having Lyme's is different, so I am in no way trying to diagnose.

I really think, my personal opinion, that someone saw a money maker with her, and she got sicker due to not being properly diagnosed with the leaking breast implant.


I recall Yo saying she had to travel outside of the US for the Lyme diagnosis.  Later she said she got it from a cow licking her. Perhaps, it could also be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which researchers are now saying can be triggered by a virus, bacteria or other.  Here's recent article in O magazine. http://www.oprah.com/health_wellness/Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome    I also wondered how Bella and Anwar were diagnosed.  That sounds seriously hinky to me.

  • Love 6

I recall Yo saying she had to travel outside of the US for the Lyme diagnosis.  Later she said she got it from a cow licking her. Perhaps, it could also be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which researchers are now saying can be triggered by a virus, bacteria or other.  Here's recent article in O magazine. http://www.oprah.com/health_wellness/Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome    I also wondered how Bella and Anwar were diagnosed.  That sounds seriously hinky to me.

OMG, you do NOT need to go outside the U.S. for a Lyme Disease diagnosis. She was taken, hook-line-sinker by doctors who saw moneybags when she walked in the door, in my opinion. And living on pills will make you sick sooner than later.

  • Love 15

Colloidal Silver could account for her ashen complexion. She might end up looking like Papa Smurf. However I suspect she used a "homeopathic" preparation and in that case it was probably just expensive water.

Higgins, you know I look to you to explain this stuff.  As an uninformed layperson wouldn't ingestion silver be contrary to her heavy metal detox therapy she advertised in May of this year?  It just seems contrary to a simpleton like me that you are getting the heavy metals out and ingesting silver at the same time.  Why ingest the silver at all.  This was her controversial chelation therapy phase.  Yolanda also claims to have seen 100 doctors since being diagnosed.  I just don't see anyway her care can be coordinated at this point. http://www.inquisitr.com/2124275/beverly-hills-housewife-yolanda-foster-undergoes-heavy-metal-detox-risks-her-life-during-chelation-therapy-for-lyme-disease/


I am not saying she is faking it.  I simply don't believe all these different therapy modalities are easy to explain to really involved people let alone TV viewers.

  • Love 4

I recall Yo saying she had to travel outside of the US for the Lyme diagnosis.  Later she said she got it from a cow licking her. Perhaps, it could also be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which researchers are now saying can be triggered by a virus, bacteria or other.  Here's recent article in O magazine. http://www.oprah.com/health_wellness/Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome    I also wondered how Bella and Anwar were diagnosed.  That sounds seriously hinky to me.


Say what now?  A cow licking her?  I thought it was a blood disease, meaning it was transmitted that way.  What?

Edited by Rina99
  • Love 3

Well, this already looks like a bore. There's only one thing more grating than Kyle and Kim, and that's Kyle talking endlessly about Kim. Look, I am all over a recovery story that never lands but I need both sisters present. Maybe part of Kyle's own recovery (and perhaps OURS too) will be her coming to terms with how humdrum she is outside of the greatest sister clash in fake-celebrity history.

Also, does Lisa need to be weird about Yolanda's lymes? I love that it's already been compared to a murder mystery, like the question of Munchausen syndrome is Bravo's contribution to the recent ballooning of that genre. I have always found Yolanda's Lymes suspect, but I also find anything "chronic" suffered by a white lady already obsessed with her body and the pretence of perfection ALWAYS SUSPECT. So, I don't know. I think even if she isn't sick, she feels sick, and I am uncomfortable with targeting her storyline because last season's pathologies have been fired.

  • Love 1

I have to say, if this is true, it is extremely disappointing to me. I hate to judge in this situation, because I am sure it is hard. At the end of the day, however, it was Nicki who was saying that Mauricio wasn't invited - even though it may have been coming from Kathy. If the Bride was telling me that my husband wasn't welcome at her wedding, I would damn sure tell her that my kids wouldn't be there either, nor would I. In all honesty, I hope that it isn't true, because it would make me think less of Kyle, and she is someone that I have always really liked.

IMO, the kids, tend to keep out of the adult fights and really do love each other. I don't blame Nicki for Mauricio not getting invited but put sole blame on her parents. Also, I think Kyle is close to all her nieces/nephews and puts them before any fight with her sisters/BIL, as she should IMO.


O good grief, she's tried colloidal silver, really? I'm still on p.2 but had to post this:




If that stuff is capable of doing this ^^ to anyone (and yes, I'm sure he overdid it but still), let us hope Yo is now applying My Love's residuals to other therapies.

That list I posted were just examples of what are considered holistic/homepathic antibiotics, not that Yolanda claimed she took any of them. She claimed she got Holistic Antibiotic IV treatments and I could not find any info on them at all.

ITA with all this esp the bolded -- sometimes she's just too intense. Watching her with her daughters (hot) flashed me back to Lynne Curtin pimping her spawn and wailing, "It's haaaard to raise children in Orange County!" It also made me wonder if it is Lisar who was the subject of that BI about the HW who is pushing for a reality show about her family.

Yes and I also found it interesting that Kyle (clearly a dumb and fashion-challenged bitch) elected to wear one of Portia's rompers to Lisar's din din.

The BI was about Yolanda. David was pushing ofor Yolanda to get her own TV/reality/lifestyle show when she first got the HW gig.

I would pull them all out! Well I guess they are adults but wow, some strong family ties eh? If I was standing in my cousins wedding and the bitch didn't invite my Dad I would tell her to fuck off.  Or maybe send the daughters but sit out myself. I wouldn't stand for that. Kyle could have made a very clear statement about where her loyalties lie ( or I guess, she did....))

Then again in my family there are some strong rules about that stuff, so maybe its different and not as big of a deal for them....

Kyle puts her nieces/nephews needs/wants first, before any fight with their parents, as she should.

  • Love 11

I wish Kyle would stop living in the past.  Kathy and Kim are now past the point of being embarrassing.  Kyle should quit looking up to them and acting like her nieces Paris and Nicki are royalty.  Nicki was lucky to snag a rich guy and Paris is just a joke around Hollywood.  Kyle has a great life and should live in the present, no need to get her big sisters' approval.  Her new TV show is just asking for family problems.  If you want to know what her childhood was like, read "House of Hilton."  It wasn't pretty.


Perhaps I'm being picky, but if it was LGBT night at the ballgame, the first pitch should have been thrown by someone who is a sexual minority. 


Eileen and Vince are just about over.  I think Vince used to date Farrah Fawcett back in the day. 


I don't know what to make of Yo's illness.  Tough times.

  • Love 2
telemachus2, on 02 Dec 2015 - 04:51 AM, said:

Yolanda sure looked sick to me, swollen-faced & unattractive.  IMO, no aging former model, known for her beauty, would venture on TV sans make-up, all tiny-eyed & drab, unless she was damn ill & appearing for contractual reasons only.  But what's Kyle's excuse?  That scene of her & Mauricio in their kitchen was SCARY - hideous bouffant "do" that revealed she's hair-challenged on the 5-head & SHINY as shit in the same area.  Could those gorgeous tresses be "enhanced?"   Could that peerless skin be botoxed - duh!  Could Mo REALLY luv her?!


I thought Kyle looked beautiful in all of her scenes, except the first one at her lunch with Lisa.  While her face/hair looked good, that outfit was dreadful and added 10 pounds to her that she doesn't have.


As for your questions, I'd answer: no, sure (I don't think she ever said she didn't?), and definitely yes


zoeysmom, on 02 Dec 2015 - 05:57 AM, said:

I always thought the term for non-pharmaceutical remedies was homeopathic but it seems to have been replaced with holistic.   


The way I understood it (and somebody certainly correct me if I'm wrong) is that homeopathic is a type of treatment that would fall under the branch of holistic/alternative medicine.  Homeopathics is taking the smallest fraction of the offending substance and using that as the "cure."  



WireWrap, on 02 Dec 2015 - 09:26 AM, said:

Yes, Kyle did go but NOT Mauricio, he was NOT invited.


That is beyond messed up that he wasn't invited. Beyond!


mwell345, on 02 Dec 2015 - 11:02 AM, said:

Brandi tweeted last night that the show was "mean and boring".  I guess they need her particular brand of kindness and compassion. She then said she was going to bed but was taping WWHL (I guess so she can fire off tweets tomorrow at anything Kyle says that she doesn't agree with).



Keep trying to stay relevant, Brandi, ole girl! Keep trying!


She's such a pathetic piece of shit. Every time I see her hideous face,  hideous extensions, and struggle-cleavage show up in a news article or blog, I feel irrationally angry. I am not saying I'm boycotting the episodes in which she will appear this season, but I'll certainly fast-forward or change the channel when her fright-face shows up.


bichonblitz, on 02 Dec 2015 - 11:25 AM, said:

Eileen Davidson is looking more gorgeous than ever! She's in her early 60's, right? 


Lisa Rinna's body is UN-EFFIN-BELIEVABLE! 


Lisa V- gotta give her credit for changing her shirt in front of the camera at the game and letting her flabby middle section show. You go, girl!


Kyle- looking very "refreshed". Kudo's to whoever is doing her Botox and fillers. Nice, natural job. 


That's all the shallowness I have for now....


Eileen is 56.  She looks amazing.  The best body and hair - plus her face is just gorgeous.  I love that she's doing some redecorating to her house.  I personally thought the style/décor of her house was cool (though it's not mine) but I agree there was just too much *stuff* going on. 

  • Love 7

With her father in poor health and all, Did Lisa Rinna mention a trip to Oregon with the girls over the summer? No?


No.  But that doesn't surprise me.  Yesterday I watched the S5 reunion and she threw her ailing 90 year old dad under the bus by saying how he emotionally abused her as a child. Her break down was unconvincing but there it was - crying and talking about her sick dad in order to gain sympathy from the audience. And some airtime on the couch. 

  • Love 6

Say what now?  A cow licking her?  I thought it was a blood disease, meaning it was transmitted that way.  What?

Yolanda has had several "stories" about her illness since she came on the show. Even with her claims of LD has changed in the last 3 years. It has gone from being LD to CLD and has now morphed into NLD and soon we will hear about her leaky breast implant. Strange how a Dr in Ohio found it and not a Dr in BH/LA where breast implants are more common. Many of her "symptoms" are common to other women that have had silicone implants leak and the fact that she got better, quickly, after the implants were removed and the surrounding area, where the leak happened, cleaned up/silicone removed says that this may have been the issue or at the very least, a contributing factor to her ill health.

Well, this already looks like a bore. There's only one thing more grating than Kyle and Kim, and that's Kyle talking endlessly about Kim. Look, I am all over a recovery story that never lands but I need both sisters present. Maybe part of Kyle's own recovery (and perhaps OURS too) will be her coming to terms with how humdrum she is outside of the greatest sister clash in fake-celebrity history.

Also, does Lisa need to be weird about Yolanda's lymes? I love that it's already been compared to a murder mystery, like the question of Munchausen syndrome is Bravo's contribution to the recent ballooning of that genre. I have always found Yolanda's Lymes suspect, but I also find anything "chronic" suffered by a white lady already obsessed with her body and the pretence of perfection ALWAYS SUSPECT. So, I don't know. I think even if she isn't sick, she feels sick, and I am uncomfortable with targeting her storyline because last season's pathologies have been fired.

Yolanda decided to make her illness her main storyline this season, not the other women. Funny how she was too ill to do the most of the reunion last season and said that she didn't think she could return THIS season, yet here she is. Some how, Yolanda always "recovers" just enough to be able to film each and every season.

  • Love 12

That is beyond messed up that he wasn't invited. Beyond!


I find it telling that Kyle puts her niece's/nephew's first, before any fights with their parents compared to how Kathy/Rich and Kim put the sibling fights before their niece's/nephew's and even before their own children! That says it all for me, Kyle does put family first, whereas the others put themselves first.  JMO

  • Love 18

Yolanda decided to make her illness her main storyline this season, not the other women. Funny how she was too ill to do the most of the reunion last season and said that she didn't think she could return THIS season, yet here she is.


Well, to be fair if Bravo wasn't extending an offer, she wouldn't be back. They're the ones that are deciding what makes it to air.


I just wish we hadn't been hit with so much Yolanda in the first epi.  I mean, we have plenty of time for Rinna to make a complete and utter ass of herself, but I'm afraid that now - especially with the divorce announcement - this is going to be a heavily Yoccentric season.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

  • Love 5

So what exactly is the point of Ken telling Yolanda that she looks good to make her feel better about herself if he is just going to say she looks terrible on camera as soon as she leaves? Like obviously she is going to see that. It just shows that deep down Ken's intent is not nice. Are they really still mad about season four? Lisa really can hold a grudge. Interesting since Yolanda resolved her issue with Lisa the quickest at the season four reunion and they were fine for the most part last season.

  • Love 4

Well, to be fair if Bravo wasn't extending an offer, she wouldn't be back. They're the ones that are deciding what makes it to air.


I just wish we hadn't been hit with so much Yolanda in the first epi.  I mean, we have plenty of time for Rinna to make a complete and utter ass of herself, but I'm afraid that now - especially with the divorce announcement - this is going to be a heavily Yoccentric season.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

Bravo could edit out any and all scenes about Yolanda's health but I suspect that she wouldn't be in many episodes then. I also think Andy loves Yolanda because of David and the people he brought to the show each season, their dinner guests/artists, and his love affair with her may now decrease due to the divorce. I really believe that Yolanda made this decision to feature her health problems as her main storyline, going so far as to film her talking to her kids and mom that we saw in a preview for this season and I believe she did so because the pending divorce was already in progress before filming began.

  • Love 11

So what exactly is the point of Ken telling Yolanda that she looks good to make her feel better about herself if he is just going to say she looks terrible on camera as soon as she leaves? Like obviously she is going to see that. It just shows that deep down Ken's intent is not nice. Are they really still mad about season four? Lisa really can hold a grudge. Interesting since Yolanda resolved her issue with Lisa the quickest at the season four reunion and they were fine for the most part last season.

Yolanda never apologized to either Lisa or Ken about lying that Ken "manhandled" her, ever and she never retracted that statement on the show or in any interviews....ever. That is not something anyone I know would let go of until apologies were made and a statment to that effect given to anyone she told the lie to given. JMO YMMV

  • Love 15

This episode was a bit of a snooze but there were some interesting stages being set.  I think Eileen having a decorator in her house is fabulous but she couldn't make it to Lisa's bday dinner?  How is leaving ones house disrespecting the passing of her father in law?


A quick google search says Dick died June 23rd and Lisa's B-day is July 11th.  If they took a while to bury him/have the ceremony and Lisa celebrated the weekend before, It might have all been on the same day/weekend.

  • Love 5

Bravo could edit out any and all scenes about Yolanda's health but I suspect that she wouldn't be in many episodes then. I also think Andy loves Yolanda because of David and the people he brought to the show each season, their dinner guests/artists, and his love affair with her may now decrease due to the divorce. I really believe that Yolanda made this decision to feature her health problems as her main storyline, going so far as to film her talking to her kids and mom that we saw in a preview for this season and I believe she did so because the pending divorce was already in progress before filming began.

Now that Gigi is famous, it's probably worth keeping Yolanda around for the amount of mentions in the press the show gets.
  • Love 4
So what exactly is the point of Ken telling Yolanda that she looks good to make her feel better about herself if he is just going to say she looks terrible on camera as soon as she leaves? Like obviously she is going to see that. It just shows that deep down Ken's intent is not nice.



I forgot to mention that--it cracked me up. The smash cut from Ken saying she looks great to him explaining "I said she looked great because it would make her feel bad to know how terrible she looked, but really she looked terrible. Like really terrible. You guys don't even know. Wow did she look awful." Scarlett O'Hara would be impressed at Ken's shade-throwing ability.


Also forgot I loved Eileen realizing she had played the love triangle storyline 30 years ago where she was the daughter.

  • Love 18

Well that Instagram photo of Yo says it all doesn't it ? I'm soooo sick I can't think and I want to die and blah blah blah but WAIT I can unbutton all but 1 button of my silk pjs so everyone can have a good look at my boobs! See how sexy I am??? Good Grief Charlie Brown. 

I'm still on Team Ken....Here in the South you DO tell everyone how good/great they look! What are you supposed to do?" HI Haven't seen you in forever...Wow you look like shit? " Nope... You may then tell a friend (in confidence) "Well bless her heart she looked just awful". Because....manners.  And if I was Ken or Lisa I would never forget her saying Ken "assaulted" her or whatever else garbage she was spewing that night. Fuck off lady.

  • Love 24



Did I see Kim in the previews? WTF? What happened to Andys speech about it not being good for Kim to be on the show?




Lisa V will always be Lisa. She never breaks character. Ken has the grumpy old Brit down pat also. 




That new ho looks like a piece of trash. Couldn't they get someone classier?

Just to comment on these parts and agreeing. I hope all see of Kim is replays or maybe at a distance somewhere if need be. Ken does have the grumpy old man down. I never take it seriously perhaps because Mrbutterfly often does the same meaning no harm. Yolanda looks bad in a way makeup wouldn't nearly bring back the old Yolanda. I think Ken was trying to say the right thing actually. Maybe because I'm the same sort of dinosaur, I do something say something extra kind or complimentary to a man who is in a bad place because I think coming from a woman it might help a little extra. Who knows, can't hurt. 

And yes, trash. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 6

I forgot to mention that--it cracked me up. The smash cut from Ken saying she looks great to him explaining "I said she looked great because it would make her feel bad to know how terrible she looked, but really she looked terrible. Like really terrible. You guys don't even know. Wow did she look awful." Scarlett O'Hara would be impressed at Ken's shade-throwing ability.


I have no doubt he was throwing shade, because he's probably still pissed that Yo accused him of manhandling her when he didn't.  I'd still be pissed too, since she never apologized to him for her lie - we saw you lying Yo, it was on tv!


At the same time, I also think he was shocked at how bad she looked, in a "wow, she looks really sick" kind of way.  As in, what is she doing at a dinner party when she is so sick, and why is everyone sugar-coating how sick she looks?


I wish Yo had someone in her life who WOULD say, "Yo, wtf?  Your "naturopath" that's treating you is pumping you full of sh*t that's making you sick.  STOP, it's time to stop."

  • Love 17

I have to say, if this is true, it is extremely disappointing to me. I hate to judge in this situation, because I am sure it is hard. At the end of the day, however, it was Nicki who was saying that Mauricio wasn't invited - even though it may have been coming from Kathy. If the Bride was telling me that my husband wasn't welcome at her wedding, I would damn sure tell her that my kids wouldn't be there either, nor would I. In all honesty, I hope that it isn't true, because it would make me think less of Kyle, and she is someone that I have always really liked.

I was actually thinking Kyle made the best move. Mauricio isn't really going to be disappointed not to attend. Pretty sure of that. Their daughters are so close to their cousins, it would be hurtful to them to pull them out of the wedding or not to be there for them. Of course, it's pretty much a no-win situation that the Hilton parents created for everyone else. 


Eileen and Vince are just about over.  I think Vince used to date Farrah Fawcett back in the day. 




  • Love 6
This episode was a bit of a snooze but there were some interesting stages being set.  I think Eileen having a decorator in her house is fabulous but she couldn't make it to Lisa's bday dinner?  How is leaving ones house disrespecting the passing of her father in law?


I'm not getting what these things have to do with each other or why it's weird that she didn't go to the dinner. Did she really say something about not leaving the house out of respect? Maybe Eileen already had plans for the night of Lisa's dinner. 

So what exactly is the point of Ken telling Yolanda that she looks good to make her feel better about herself if he is just going to say she looks terrible on camera as soon as she leaves? Like obviously she is going to see that. It just shows that deep down Ken's intent is not nice. Are they really still mad about season four? Lisa really can hold a grudge. Interesting since Yolanda resolved her issue with Lisa the quickest at the season four reunion and they were fine for the most part last season.

I am not always a Ken fan but I think he feels he is being nice by telling her she looks good.  Kind of like when he wanted everyone to give Brandi a pass because she was a single woman and didn't have a man to fend for her.  Outside Yolanda's presence he was trying to express concern for her condition.  (Then there is the devil side of me that imagines Ken thinking-I could take that Amazon down now in her weakened condition,"you want to see manhandling, Dutchgirl-let's go."  I don't really want to see Ken and Yolanda in a physical altercation. )Lisa and Ken have a separate pipeline of information about Yolanda via Mohamed and may not be getting the Yolanda story as she chooses to portray it.  I do think in this instance Mohamed has some scintilla of right to know WTH is going on with Yolanda's health (not access to her medical records) because of Anwar. 


 Ken did not attend the dinner at Fosters last season so I don't think he is totally over Yolanda and her bogus accusations of battery.  I wish I could make sense of her blog.  I cannot decide if she is trying to say because she doesn't have scars or broken bones people can't see she is sick (everyone has commented on her appearance as being that of someone who is ill) or if she is mad because people are critical of her appearance.  I believe people for the most part have been empathetic of her appearance not critical.  At this point I don't think the others know what to say or do.  it seems the only one to get it right was Eileen and she did so by not attending the party and sending a gift.   I do believe the comments about make-up had far more to do with the vanity they live with in BH-not a condemnation of Yolanda's choice to discontinue wearing the make up.  I noticed Yolanda is getting the "Invisible Disability Association" Inspiration award.  So if nothing else she is bringing attention to her plight.


There was something Kyle said last night I thought interesting-she mentioned she saw David Foster at Kris Jenner's 60th birthday party on November 5th and Yolanda did not attend because Gigi was in the Victoria Secrets fashion show on November 11th.  Kris was at the Victoria Secret fashion show.  So Yolanda must have been intentionally avoiding  David.   Oh and good for Yolanda being able to travel again.


I have to call BS on Yolanda's claim she is doing no make-up or hair color-looks like a highlight job and mascara to me-and she is flying commercial..  https://www.instagram.com/p/9xpLqLos0D/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

  • Love 4


I wish Yo had someone in her life who WOULD say, "Yo, wtf?  Your "naturopath" that's treating you is pumping you full of sh*t that's making you sick.  STOP, it's time to stop."

Hmmm, I never thought of this until now but maybe, just maybe, David DID say this to Yolanda and that is why they are getting a divorce. I don't think she would tolerate him questioning her and her treatment choices at all.

  • Love 10

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