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S06.E08: Start To Finish

Tara Ariano
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Thinking more about the idea that walker guts are too laden with disease/cooties to be used on the bare skin of the face, didn't Rick and Michonne just use their bare hands to make the walker guts camoflauge?

Not sure walker guts smeared on the face would even matter though. How many times has Rick killed walkers and then his face is fully covered in walker blood? Such as when he went on his killing rampage in the prison after Lori died. Or last season's finale, when a walker's face exploded all over him. Zombie science, according to TWD.

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Can't believe that for the mid-season finale (last episode of 2015), the episode actually wasted time on Morgan and Carol having a fight to the death over a fucking Wolf.  A fucking psycho who probably killed God knows how many people.  But they fight it out.  Because Morgan is an idiot.  And Carol decided to pick this time to openly face him, instead of doing her usual sneaky methods.  But, no.  This is all on Morgan.  What a moron.  I actually think there might be truth to the speculation that TPTB got tired of all the praise the character got in the past, so they brought him back just to tear him down.  Because they are making him as unlikable as possible.


Better yet, of course the Wolf manages to escape and even kidnaps Denise.  That's on you, Morgan!  Of course, not sure why Tara and Rosita gave up as easily as they did.  Really, it would have almost been fitting if the guy just killed every single one of them.


I will say the actual fight at least amused me, because I just pretended the final moments were part of the silliest WWE match ever.  Even got Jim Ross doing commentary in my head ("Morgan with the bodyslam!!!  It's all over, now!  He's got.... OH MY GOD!  CHAIRSHOT!  CHAIRSHOT!!!! AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, HE'S BEEN BROKEN IN HALF!!!!")


Dear, Jessie.  I know you won't ever accept, which I guess make sense because you are their mother, but your kids?  Suck.  And will probably a lot of people killed, maybe even you.  You don't want to hear this, but you would be better off just asking them to look at the flowers and call it a day.


So, the walkers invade Alexandria, and the only victim was Deanna.  Poor showing from the walkers, there.  At least Deanna went out on her own terms, I guess.


Carl really was the best thing about this episode.  A sentence I thought I would never type.


Check the final scene on Youtube (seriously, AMC.  I get promoting your shows, but this is an overkill.  Do you remember what happened to your nonstop push for Low Winter Sun, during the final season of Breaking Bad?  Probably not since no one even remembers Low Winter Sun).  So, I guess Negan is the new big baddie. 

I know he's big in the comics, but so was The Governor, and I ended up being disappointed by him, so who knows?  Honestly, I think my favorite recurring baddie was Gareth.  But seeing this group being a bunch of bikers just makes me think they're going to crossover to Sons of Anarchy (although, Ron Perlman on this show, could be pretty awesome.)

Edited by HalcyonDays
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JDM appeared in

12 episodes in the first two seasons

. That's more than I thought. 


ETA: I think though John's presence and impact on the Winchesters keeps him in our minds and probably will till the end of the show even if he's never seen again.


So I think between JDM's charisma and talent, I think he'll make Negan compelling in a horrible way.

12, wow.

  Seems like a lot less, going by memory.  And yes, to everything about your 'ETA'.


I'm just aggravated that, by someone's count on this board, there were 29 people alive between CDB and ASZ.  And we're only down by one after last night.  And then they showed us a Broadway motorcycle gang, thereby canceling out the loss of Deanna and adding even MORE g-damned characters.


I realize they're "about to" lose some more (in three months), but it needs to be, like...20 of them.


That was me.  And yes, -1 (maybe 2 to 5 before its all said and done) and +however many more.  Jeepers, show.

Edited by HalcyonDays
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Oh Morgan. One moment I think you are a fan favourite and people are cheering every brief cameo you make. The next you are barely one step above Father Pee Pants. What an awful display from him in this episode. I hope he sees the Wolf kill Denise and then I hope he kills himself out of guilt.

Ron sucks. I have no idea why Carl covered for him. Sam sucks. Why is he talking at the end? He's going to get someone killed. Hopefully himself.

Annoyed that we spent so much time on Ron and Sam. I would have preferred to have seen some of the others we didn't see and what happened to them. Spencer. Aaron (who has barely been on this season). Armoury lady.

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Ron Perlman on this show, could be pretty awesome


Now that is who they should have hired to play Negan.

Too close to his SOA character, maybe, but still would be awesome.

Edited by HalcyonDays
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I'm just aggravated that, by someone's count on this board, there were 29 people alive between CDB and ASZ.  And we're only down by one after last night.  And then they showed us a Broadway motorcycle gang, thereby canceling out the loss of Deanna and adding even MORE g-damned characters.


I realize they're "about to" lose some more (in three months), but it needs to be, like...20 of them.

They know how to have lots of people without actually showing them. I never knew there were more than the core group + the Morales family at the quarry until the walker attack and we saw them eating people and then showed the dead being buried the next day. ("We don't burn them!" -Glenn)


Point being, they can have a town full of people in the background while still focusing on people we know. They're just trying to make us care about every redshirt apparently.

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I was thinking... through much of the episode we had to hear that damn Tiptoe thru the Tulips even though everyone in the house knew they should keep quiet.  Yet when it was time to sneak out (tiptoe through the zombies) no one thought to blast the music as a distraction?

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Someone way up thread compared Sam to Zach on The Strain. I couldn't agree more. Both are obnoxious little asswipes who have a knack for getting other people killed.

When Sam was doing his stupid "Mom! Mom!" chant at the end, I couldn't help but think about the scene on Family Guy with Stewie and Lois - "Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma!"

Help me out. Why is our group referred to as CDB? I love a message board shortcut.


Edited by HalcyonDays
Removed Comic Spoilers
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But wait, maybe I'm being unnecessarily harsh. I mean, obviously that hold pre-credit thing with the ants eating up the kid's cookie is some profoundly relevant metaphor for the struggle of the human condition or something right?

When I saw the ants, it made me think of the infamous beetle scene in GoT S4 and I laughed out loud -interestingly, and unless I'm mistaken, it drew about the same volume of "fuck the metaphor, give us the gore(/action)" reaction in the fandom.

What's with high-rated cable shows and insects?

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Ron sucks. I have no idea why Carl covered for him.


I think Carl covered for him because he knows what it's like to lose a parent. I'm guessing he assumes Ron is acting out because of what he's been through and that he will eventually calm down. I think he knows the adults have a lot going on right now and that he can handle Ron on his own. And maybe he believes that by covering for Ron that will endear Ron toward him a little bit and speed up the whole calming down bit. 


(Personally, I wished he would have killed Ron, but I appreciate that Carl still has empathy and wants to help people.)

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I wondered at the time and I still wonder how Rick and Michonne managed to lift the to-be-gutted walkers over the couch after they stabbed them. We never see really fat walkers so maybe there's some wasting, but still they needed a whole lot of pivoting to get two adult-sized walkers up and over the couch.



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Okay, I'm a huge Leonard Cohen fan, and I love his adaptation of this poem into a song, but I think the original serves best for this. 


When suddenly, at midnight, you hear
an invisible procession going by
with exquisite music, voices,
don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now,
your work that failed, your life's plans
all proving deceptive -- don’t mourn them uselessly.
As one long prepared, and graced with courage,
say goodbye to her, the Alexandria that is leaving.
Above all, don’t fool yourself, don’t say
it was a dream, your ears deceived you:
don’t degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.
As one long prepared, and graced with courage,
as is right for you who proved worthy of this kind of city,
go firmly to the window
and listen with deep emotion, but not
with the whining, the pleas of a coward;
listen -- your final delectation -- to the voices,
to the exquisite music of that strange procession,
and say goodbye to her, to the Alexandria you are losing
-C. P. Cavafy


Or as Leonard put it "Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving, and say goodbye to Alexandra lost."

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I made a similar point about Michonne's pet walkers. That is, one person holding two walkers by chains is just as "findable" as one person standing in the middle of a field of walkers without holding onto one or two of them.

YEAH! And don't get me wrong, I liked the plan when I first saw it and was all, "Good for them!" But I have a habit of thinking too hard about stuff sometimes--or, having a "HEY, WAIT...!" moment long after I was fine with something (a horrible quality when applied to disagreements with the BF; you look like a total loon if you go back to the fight after you seem to have mutually worked it out, man). I just suddenly thought on Sunday night that the human scent is still there--and now concentrated in a clump of 12 people all in one spot, no less!--under only a relatively minuscule coating of everyday zombie smell!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I made a similar point about Michonne's pet walkers. That is, one person holding two walkers by chains is just as "findable" as one person standing in the middle of a field of walkers without holding onto one or two of them.


I never got that, wondering aloud, "Are the chains a kind of cloaking device or what?"


Didn't Glenn and Rick smear the zombie goo on their faces also in the first ep of Se01? In this ep they didn't bother covering their heads and surely the zombies can smell all that daisy-fresh skin and hair?

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I thought when they were zombieing up that at least Rick would yell for Sam to turn that damn song off.  What kid listens to Tiny Tim anyway?  You can't tell me that's the only damn record in that house.  Nope.  Bored again with nothing really happening.  Yeah, the dumbass wolf escaped, but we saw that coming.  None of the three standing there had a back up weapon either. Hmmmmm???  Was hoping Glenn would wave arms or yell at Maggie.  Guess it would be stupid, but I don't know many who could withstand not doing it.  Jessie needed to be talking to both of her sons this whole time.  You can't just pretend they are on board with everything.  Saying, "Pretend  you are brave" over and over only instills the kid is not, in fact, brave.  Yeesh lady!  

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I think Carl covered for him because he knows what it's like to lose a parent. I'm guessing he assumes Ron is acting out because of what he's been through and that he will eventually calm down. I think he knows the adults have a lot going on right now and that he can handle Ron on his own. And maybe he believes that by covering for Ron that will endear Ron toward him a little bit and speed up the whole calming down bit. 


(Personally, I wished he would have killed Ron, but I appreciate that Carl still has empathy and wants to help people.)

Peers are also a rare thing in Carl's world. Maybe it was as simple as part of him hoping to have at least someone to hang out with, should life ever reach some semblance of normal again. Plus, there's that natural kid instinct to avoid implicating oneself via calling attention to the bad actions of others--you know, "If you kids can't behave with your toys/guns, then we'll just have to take them all away! Is that what you want?" 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think Carl covered for him because he knows what it's like to lose a parent. I'm guessing he assumes Ron is acting out because of what he's been through and that he will eventually calm down. I think he knows the adults have a lot going on right now and that he can handle Ron on his own. And maybe he believes that by covering for Ron that will endear Ron toward him a little bit and speed up the whole calming down bit. 


(Personally, I wished he would have killed Ron, but I appreciate that Carl still has empathy and wants to help people.)

Carl is also just plain smart. If Carl had killed Ron, it would have messed things up between Rick and Jessie and Carl knows what's going on with his dad. If Carl had ratted him out, Ron would just get more resentful and hard to handle because you know for certain that Jessie wouldn't punish him on Carl's say-so. Carl's pretty sure he can handle Ron so why even try to rat him out in the middle of a zombie attack? Carl will let people know if he thinks there is a moment where it's necessary. Sure there's a risk but there's a risk in everything these days.

Well all I can say at this point is if anyone is on this board does not read the comics, I feel so bad for you since the whole Negan thing has really been completely spoiled for you. Bad show boards, bad show.

yup, we need some spoiler tags going up over everything that's more than just Negan's name.

.Dear, Jessie.  I know you won't ever accept, which I guess make sense because you are their mother, but your kids?  Suck.  And will probably a lot of people killed, maybe even you.  You don't want to hear this, but you would be better off just asking them to look at the flowers and call it a day.


Carl really was the best thing about this episode.  A sentence I thought I would never type.

Carl was pretty much as annoying as Ron when he was first introduced so maybe there's hope for Ron? [/looking on the bright side]

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Now I'm seriously worried that Gimple will give us an entire episode devoted to the ants in the next half-season and that it will interrupt any actual momentum that might have developed in the main plot.  What is the origin of those ants?  What issues did those ants have with their parents/brother/sister/children?  How did those ants find that particular cookie?


It would be such a Gimple thing to do.

And through the entire thing, they'd have to keep showing Spencer listening to that Dave Mathews song. On vinyl, of course.

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Well all I can say at this point is if anyone is on this board does not read the comics, I feel so bad for you since the whole Negan thing has really been completely spoiled for you. Bad show boards, bad show.

That would be me.  I've never read the comics and now I'm kinda pissed.

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I think Carl covered for him because he knows what it's like to lose a parent. I'm guessing he assumes Ron is acting out because of what he's been through and that he will eventually calm down. I think he knows the adults have a lot going on right now and that he can handle Ron on his own. And maybe he believes that by covering for Ron that will endear Ron toward him a little bit and speed up the whole calming down bit. 


(Personally, I wished he would have killed Ron, but I appreciate that Carl still has empathy and wants to help people.)

I really don't think it's anything more than teen boy crap. Two fight, an adult walks up and asks what's up, and they both reply "Nothing," and walk off. It's between them, and they'll continue this thing later.

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Maybe Judith had her mouth full...sucking on a meat blanket "sugar teat"


*shudder*  Poor Judith!


My point being - Anyone who has breastfed a baby of that age knows full well the moment you try to cover their head with a blanket it gets thrown 3 feet with an accompanying "fuck that shit" scream.  

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*shudder*  Poor Judith!


My point being - Anyone who has breastfed a baby of that age knows full well the moment you try to cover their head with a blanket it gets thrown 3 feet with an accompanying "fuck that shit" scream.  

We'll have to fanwank that they had a pacifier for her. They should have gotten one for Sam.

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They know how to have lots of people without actually showing them. I never knew there were more than the core group + the Morales family at the quarry until the walker attack and we saw them eating people and then showed the dead being buried the next day. ("We don't burn them!" -Glenn)


Point being, they can have a town full of people in the background while still focusing on people we know. They're just trying to make us care about every redshirt apparently.


True.  Woodbury was full of people, but only Gov, Milton, and sometimes Karen were allowed to speak.  And Martinez.  They managed to let viewers understand a person's backstory with just a few lines, like when Martinez briefly shared a cigarette with Daryl. Now he'd probably get a whole episode devoted to his angst.

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They should have barricaded Sam in the house with Jesse and Ron and left.  Sam's going to get them all killed, Ron has it in for Carl to a murderous degree and is a huge liability, and Jesse can pretend she's defending her kids (she should be good at it, she's had a lot of practice pretending to defend her kids).


Right now the only Alexandrites I care about keeping alive are Aaron and Eric, Heath, and maybe Tobin.  The guy in the hospital bed (played by SMG's husband) too, I like him.

Edited by GreyBunny
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Hey Everyone. Just a reminder to watch the Negan references in this thread. All we know right now is this. His name is Negan. He's being played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He's the next villian. He's got some bikers working for him. That's it.
Right now, we are veering quite close/barely stepping over the spoiler line. We've stepped over the spoiler line.
The rest at this point is pure speculation. You can discuss the post-credit scene, but please do not start to even hint at what occured in the comics. Only Speculate. Right now, we don't know where the group lives, why they all have bikes, why Negan is the leader, where they got the weapons from, etc etc, etc.
If you want to speculate on what's going to happen based on spoilers, go here --> Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation
If you want to discuss comic events, go here ---> The Comics: Same, Yet Different
Respect Those Who Want to be Surprised, aka Not Spoiled. Thanks.

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I, for one am looking forward to JDM!!! I don't know anything about the comics, so I don't know what will happen, but I do know he is currently in a small role on The Good Wife and it appears that he has been honing his Zombie Killing skills on the main character, Alicia who has become pretty hated by long-time viewers. I have to laugh because her face at the end of the show on Sunday night was about as close to a "Zombie in a wig who hates", that I have even seen. It will be fun going between the two shows with him in both. 

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The only person to have worse kids in the za than Jessie is Deanna.  Deanna's kids were cowardly liars and hogs.  AND they were grown men, so didn't have the excuse of being kids to cover for their actions.

We need to be very careful in what we now say as the writes might damn well give us individual, whole episode specials on all of their back stories. God Help Us.

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diebartdie, on 01 Dec 2015 - 07:23 AM, said:

Well all I can say at this point is if anyone is on this board does not read the comics, I feel so bad for you since the whole Negan thing has really been completely spoiled for you. Bad show boards, bad show.



Ohwell, on 01 Dec 2015 - 08:05 AM, said:

That would be me.  I've never read the comics and now I'm kinda pissed.


Me, too.  I skipped all the pages of this thread until this one because it seemed like people were itching to discuss Negan beyond what we heard in the sneak peek - which purists, and those who didn't DVR Into the Badlands probably avoided.


I'm still enjoying this show, and find very little to complain about.  But then, I'm just watching for light entertainment and a pleasant distraction, which this provides me.  :-)

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What happened to Tobin? Rosita and Tara grabbed him from the maw of the zombies but where did they stash him before going back for Eugene? What did I miss? I expected him to be in the garage but he wasn't.

Overall, I think this episode could have used the 90 minutes given to Morgan's episode. I wanted to see the Alexandrites react to the invasion. Did Olivia secure the food stores and armoury? What was Spencer doing? And Aaron and Eric? I'm willing to invest in these characters, Show, so throw me the odd bone.

I'm absolutely appalled that Morgan would leave a defenceless person like Denise alone with the Wolf. If he was leaving, he should have taken her with him. He basically fed Denise to a predator. As a Morgan fan, I'm at a loss with this one.

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Well all I can say at this point is if anyone is on this board does not read the comics, I feel so bad for you since the whole Negan thing has really been completely spoiled for you. Bad show boards, bad show.


Exactly. I've already posted a warning note above and am only gonna repeat this one more time.


No comments about Negan, unless it relates directly to the post-episode clip. You people know this by now. I'm going to start clearing out spoilered posts in here and possible more. DO NOT SPOIL. And before someone complains about the post-episode clip, it's the same as a end of episode clip previewing the next episode. It just aired a few minutes later.


For the millionth time, DO NOT SPOIL.

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What happened to Tobin? Rosita and Tara grabbed him from the maw of the zombies but where did they stash him before going back for Eugene? What did I miss? I expected him to be in the garage but he wasn't.

It wasn't shown. Rosita and Tara are generally savvy. So I'll guess they got him some place safe and then went back for Eugene. I expected a bloodbath in this episode and there wasn't one, but there have to be some deaths besides Deanna from a herd making their way in. Things don't look good for Sam, but he may get rescued. I hope there's at least a redshirt Alexandrian who had on headphones and didn't hear the invasion and is spotted as a walker.

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As for Morgan ... 


His return was like we made a wish to an evil genie. We wanted "Morgan" back, and the genie said, "OKAY!" but we weren't specific enough so now we're stuck with this psycho version of "Morgan" because "a lot" has happened to him since we saw him last.  Next time, we should write it out with bullet points.

You nailed it! "EVIL GENIE" Morgan

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What happened to Tobin? Rosita and Tara grabbed him from the maw of the zombies but where did they stash him before going back for Eugene? What did I miss? I expected him to be in the garage but he wasn't.

Overall, I think this episode could have used the 90 minutes given to Morgan's episode. I wanted to see the Alexandrites react to the invasion. Did Olivia secure the food stores and armoury? What was Spencer doing? And Aaron and Eric? I'm willing to invest in these characters, Show, so throw me the odd bone.

I'm absolutely appalled that Morgan would leave a defenceless person like Denise alone with the Wolf. If he was leaving, he should have taken her with him. He basically fed Denise to a predator. As a Morgan fan, I'm at a loss with this one.

They stashed Tobin in the pantry next to the chocolate freezer, along with Aaron, Eric, Olivia, Spencer, and Heath.


Something I mused on during my second watch last night was how relatively easy it would have been for Constable Rick to set each household the task of fortifying their individual houses against outside attack. In this world of Guvnahs, Termites, and Claimers, it would be every bit as crucial to build defenses against human threat as against Walker threat. Yes, give them weapons training. But in every minute of down time, be creating heavy internal shutters and quickly accessible panic rooms. I get it--they haven't been in Alexandria long and they've been distracted by one thing and another, but we forever see dewy-eyed dreams of the future (not a terrible thing, but sorta should be down further on the to-do list), or too-little-too-late "well SHIT" hustling for safety.


Of course, if the writers created a script that adhered to all the best "why don't these people do [blank]??" ideas we kick around, the show would be a carefully controlled, mostly functional BORE that would definitely become a soap opera with zombies. So mostly...I don't care what they do, as long as they keep doing it.


Love notes to the midterm finale:

  • Deanna's last-chance exhortation of Michonne--it rang very true to me and lends hope that we're going to maybe see her character develop in a brilliant new way. (Want to start working toward the eventual conclusion of the series? Set up a viable community and make Michonne the boss. I'm in. Hell, don't end it. I'd watch that show into Dr. Who perpetuity.)
  • "Well...SHIT." Sounds like every no-bullshit woman I'm related to. Followed by the come-and-get-me-blaze-of-glory face. Too perfect for words.
  • My nomination for funniest line of episode: Jessie, with a flood of zombies on her porch: "They knocked over the owl." I know she went on to mention that the sound would draw more walkers, but oh...we all cracked up. That fucking owl.
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That would be me.  I've never read the comics and now I'm kinda pissed.


As you rightfully should be. This is the standard in these episode threads. DO NOT POST COMIC OR SHOW SPOILERS.


Discuss the episode. That's it. I just spoiler tagged a ton of stuff, probably too much but don't care.


As for Negan, in this thread there are only FOUR things you can say about him in this thread:


- His name is Negan

- The motorcycle gang "works' for him.

- He's the new villain (not a misunderstood villain, or a nice villain or a bad one). He's the next villain. End Stop.

- He's played by Jeffery Dean Morgan.


No more, no less. Go to speculation or the comics thread for anything above the above four points.

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It wasn't shown. Rosita and Tara are generally savvy. So I'll guess they got him some place safe and then went back for Eugene. I expected a bloodbath in this episode and there wasn't one, but there have to be some deaths besides Deanna from a herd making their way in. Things don't look good for Sam, but he may get rescued. I hope there's at least a redshirt Alexandrian who had on headphones and didn't hear the invasion and is spotted as a walker.


They evidentially lost a couple of red shirts at least.  I believe it was Rick who said, "Looks like most people got indoors".  Which I took to mean that he could see that some didn't.  We'll never see them though.

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Evil Genie Morgan.  Yeah, you nailed it.


Hey Morgan, wolves make bad pets.  They're almost impossible to domesticate and they can turn on you without warning.


If Morgan told me he had a secret and asked me to come with him, I wouldn't follow him with anything less than Carol's trench knife, and Carol if I could manage it.  (At this point I probably wouldn't follow him at all, but anyway.)  When he left Doc Shaky alone with the wolf, she just...sat there?  If it were me I would have faked doing another check up on him and then "oops" stuck the knife in his neck.  When Morgan came back I'd tell him his precious pup died and turned and I had to put the "walker" down.  Okay, Morgan probably wouldn't believe that convenient little tale but what's he going to do about it, kill me?

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Evil Genie Morgan.  Yeah, you nailed it.


Hey Morgan, wolves make bad pets.  They're almost impossible to domesticate and they can turn on you without warning.


If Morgan told me he had a secret and asked me to come with him, I wouldn't follow him with anything less than Carol's trench knife, and Carol if I could manage it.  (At this point I probably wouldn't follow him at all, but anyway.)  When he left Doc Shaky alone with the wolf, she just...sat there?  If it were me I would have faked doing another check up on him and then "oops" stuck the knife in his neck.  When Morgan came back I'd tell him his precious pup died and turned and I had to put the "walker" down.  Okay, Morgan probably wouldn't believe that convenient little tale but what's he going to do about it, kill me?

That would have been awesome. I would have liked to have seen a (Grey)bunny outsmart a wolf. Dr. Denise is more like a squirrel.

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Evil Genie Morgan.  Yeah, you nailed it.


Hey Morgan, wolves make bad pets.  They're almost impossible to domesticate and they can turn on you without warning.


If Morgan told me he had a secret and asked me to come with him, I wouldn't follow him with anything less than Carol's trench knife, and Carol if I could manage it.  (At this point I probably wouldn't follow him at all, but anyway.)  When he left Doc Shaky alone with the wolf, she just...sat there?  If it were me I would have faked doing another check up on him and then "oops" stuck the knife in his neck.  When Morgan came back I'd tell him his precious pup died and turned and I had to put the "walker" down.  Okay, Morgan probably wouldn't believe that convenient little tale but what's he going to do about it, kill me?


Gotta thank FivebyFive she originally brought up the bit about an evil genie giving us what we wanted.

Edited by Giselle
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As you rightfully should be. This is the standard in these episode threads. DO NOT POST COMIC OR SHOW SPOILERS.


Discuss the episode. That's it. I just spoiler tagged a ton of stuff, probably too much but don't care.


As for Negan, in this thread there are only FOUR things you can say about him in this thread:


- His name is Negan

- The motorcycle gang "works' for him.

- He's the new villain (not a misunderstood villain, or a nice villain or a bad one). He's the next villain. End Stop.

- He's played by Jeffery Dean Morgan.


No more, no less. Go to speculation or the comics thread for anything above the above four points.


I got a spoiler tag, but I was just talking about that dude lecturing Daryl in the road.  I don't know anything else.

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I got a spoiler tag, but I was just talking about that dude lecturing Daryl in the road.  I don't know anything else.


Mentioned it above - I over-spoilered some stuff since I just scanned for Negan name and tagged it, to worry about later. I'm sure there are a few tags out there are are not needed. But there are some that are needed. Gonna go through and double-check when I have time. In your case, you were providing a description of the character and some people don't even want that much info. Lost of spoiler allergies in here. We don't know anything yet about him, except for the four points above - therefore spoilertag. I'm erring on the side of caution lest I get inundated with a ton of complaints (see previous page).


In the meantime, watch the posts everyone.

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