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S27.E08: Krakow, I'm Gonna Get You

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As someone who is Jewish and has been eating those foods my entire life (except for gefilte fish, that shit is nasty) I cracked up at all of the horrible mispronunciations.  Seemed like hamentashen (the triangle shaped dessert) tripped up people the most.


My grandfather was born near Krakow and while I have no desire to visit Poland I was impressed with how beautiful the city looked.  And yes, Logan, Krakow is in Europe.

  • Love 8

Man, we're really stacking the non eliminations early on this season. Assuming just 4 legs left, that would mean all eliminations until the finale. Well, unless they bring 4 teams to the finale again.

Are teams ever going to have to drive themselves this season? I can't believe we haven't had a Ford-devoted episode yet. I prefer when teams have to navigate themselves.

That said, this was a good episode. Liked the tasks, the moments of reflection, and a good tense finish. Still rooting for the cheerleaders.

  • Love 2

That was sweet that the boys let the girls go first. I'm glad it didn't cost them the race. Funny that the cute perky girls had the hardest time getting tips on the music challenge.

Kraków looks beautiful. My bucket list just grew. I teared up every time a team was in the Schindler Museum.

Unpopular opinion but I like Justin and Diana, but the show was sure foreshadowing that they'll be in trouble with the U turn. (I like competent racers, so sue me.)

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 9

Texas got damned lucky with the non-elim.  It's a RACE -- not a display of who can be most gentlemanly and let the girly-wirlys go first.


I know I kind of defended Justin way back at the beginning, but I really want him to lose now.  It doesn't even matter to whom, just so that he doesn't win. 


Jordan and Chris can go anytime, too.

  • Love 7

Why don't they just rename the show this season to the "Justin and Diana Show" or oh.. sorry The JUSTIN show?  Ugh.. A LOT of screen time on these people... damn. 


A NEL was sighted!  They were darn lucky... Bad they had such bad luck in trying to get their hands on a taxi though.  But They never complained or sniped at each other once the entire time.  Sure they were worried/down that they were in last place but they didn't blame each other once (that we know of).  The detours and roadblocks were interesting but a little disappointed they had the ease of asking to look online for the food items. 


I'll be waiting to see if anyone notes that only ONE team managed to get the earliest flight out... and never moved from their position...


Still rooting for anyone but The Green Team (oh how they sully my favorite color.. bad enough Brenchel wore green- sequined green!!).


That said... the Schindler Factory was very moving and touching.   More so with what happened in Paris today  :(

Edited by Ducky
  • Love 9

Why don't they just rename the show this season to the "Justin and Diana Show" or oh.. sorry The JUSTIN show?  Ugh.. A LOT of screen time on these people... damn. 


A NEL was sighted!  They were darn lucky... Bad they had such bad luck in trying to get their hands on a taxi though.  But They never complained or sniped at each other once the entire time.  Sure they were worried/down that they were in last place but they didn't blame each other once (that we know of).  The detours and roadblocks were interesting but a little disappointed they had the ease of asking to look online for the food items. 


I'll be waiting to see if anyone notes that only ONE team managed to get the earliest flight out... and never moved from their position...


Still rooting for anyone but The Green Team (oh how they sully my favorite color.. bad enough Brenchel wore green- sequined green!!).


That said... the Schindler Factory was very moving and touching.   More so with what happened in Paris today  :(


It's been odd enough that they are the only team to get on a train at the Paris airport, etc, but really, this airline that arrived at 11 something only had room for one team??????? 


Justin & Diana are good racers (if obnoxious individuals), but this is almost too good to believe.


Liked the Schindler tie-in and the food task.  I'm a bit sorry the Texans played nice, but at least they didn't have to pay too heavily for it. 

  • Love 4

Are teams ever going to have to drive themselves this season? I can't believe we haven't had a Ford-devoted episode yet. I prefer when teams have to navigate themselves.


It's too late in the race for that.  By this time, stress and killer fatigue have set in to the point that requiring the teams to self-navigate would be extremely dangerous, not only to themselves, but to other innocent motorists as well.  That's why TPTB will stop all self-navigation tasks this far into the race.

It's too late in the race for that. By this time, stress and killer fatigue have set in to the point that requiring the teams to self-navigate would be extremely dangerous, not only to themselves, but to other innocent motorists as well. That's why TPTB will stop all self-navigation tasks this far into the race.

There's tons of seasons that emphasise self-driving in later legs. Even more recent ones. Off the top of my head, even recent seasons like 21, 22, and 24 had more self-driving in the second half of the race than the first half. I'm just puzzled why there hasn't been any yet. Feels like the Netherlands and Poland were perfect opportunities. Also, the 3rd leg out in the Argentinean countryside.

  • Love 6

Is there a reason they wouldn't have a simple ramp in that salt mine, so that one could push the wheelbarrow up the ramp and simply dump the salt into the cart? Requiring two people to lift the wheelbarrow seemed unnecessarily hard and unproductive. Or was that whole setup just for the show and that's not how they really do things there?


"James Earl, if I give you 15 zloty, would you please go away?" There's something not quite calling for "you are my hero!" there...

Edited by shura
  • Love 5

Classy move by Tanner and Josh not passing the cheerleaders even though they thought it would get them eliminated. Glad to see them rewarded with the NEL.

Actually a stupid move but they have proven themselves not to be too bright. I especially can't stand to look at the shorter of the two, I find him to be the nasty one who was obsessed with Justin. That obsession also caused some stupid moves on their part.

And why are they calling themselves "the boys" and "the girls"? aren't they grown adults?

  • Love 7

I continue to like the Texans, they seem to be enjoying the race, are nice to other people and each other and don't complain. I really thought they looked sad in the TH's so I thought they were gone. Justin continues to be annoying and it is boring that the way things are set up, it is almost impossible for any other team to beat them to first place. I know the show can't control everything, but I love to see some real race to the finishes for first. This time it was obvious from the first five minutes that Justin and Diana would get to the pitstop way ahead of everyone else. 


I know that most here hate it when everyone is bunched together on flights, but I would like to see it happen here so some other teams can give J & D a run for the money. I did enjoy seeing the Schindler's memorial and it seemed the racers enjoyed and were moved by seeing it too. I was hoping to see a bit more of Krakow than a salt mine, but the task was interesting in that it was extremely physical.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 7

Texas got damned lucky with the non-elim. It's a RACE -- not a display of who can be most gentlemanly and let the girly-wirlys go first.

I know I kind of defended Justin way back at the beginning, but I really want him to lose now. It doesn't even matter to whom, just so that he doesn't win.

Jordan and Chris can go anytime, too.

It wasn't being "gentlemanly" and deferring to the ladies as much as it was refusing to take advantage of the team that helped you when you were behind. I think they would have given the same courtesy to any team that helped them. It showed a great deal of character.

I didn't like the pit stop being at the roadblock. If it had been somewhere else, it would have been fine for the Texans to try to beat the cheerleaders there, after allowing them to get the clue first.

  • Love 16

Loved the Texans this episode...against all odds. Even frustrated with the taxi situation, they were a team...no bickering or blaming going on. And, despite being discouraged, they kept plugging away. Their gentlemenly behavior to the cheerleaders was such a pleasant surprise...kudos to both Justin and Tanner. I agree with Bryce, that is the mark of real winners. So very glad they will be back...I am now rooting for them.


As for Justin and Diana...they annoy and they bore.  Could TAR just run a small newsfeed on the bottom of the screen saying they are still the frontrunners, and concentrate on the other 4 teams. I no longer wish to look at their faces, hear their voices, or endure their attitude. 

  • Love 17

I hate Phil asking other teams to talk about how wonderful and dominant Justin and Diana are. It's gross.

I thought Justin saying that he was the only person who could ever be prepared for the race was delightful foreshadowing for a big fall, but no dice. Maybe next week.

The one cheerleader who did not do the RB was very obnoxious during the detour, especially when the one guy said he had no money and she asked how he bought whatever he had.

  • Love 12

I hate Phil asking other teams to talk about how wonderful and dominant Justin and Diana are. It's gross.

I thought Justin saying that he was the only person who could ever be prepared for the race was delightful foreshadowing for a big fall, but no dice. Maybe next week.

The one cheerleader who did not do the RB was very obnoxious during the detour, especially when the one guy said he had no money and she asked how he bought whatever he had.

Yeah her panhandling skills need improvement. Seems like once they switched roles and the taller one took over they quickly got the money.

  • Love 7

Maybe it's because I'm away from home and feeling generous, but I didn't see much to be objected by. Except for the Logan/Chris fight, everybody was civil.


So much for hating the Texans. Stupid move letting the Cheerleaders ahead, but I'm glad they didn't pay for it with elimination. If they did get that, you might as well give the million bucks to Justin & Diana.


It's been awhile since we've seen Racers moved like that. Really puts stuff in perspective.

  • Love 2

Classy move by Texas.  Hopefully it wasn't because the NEL was pretty much inevitable this leg.


Finishing first last leg pretty much guaranteed finishing first this leg since only one Team could get on the first flight available on the product-placement app.  But by all means, Justin, keep telling yourself how dominant you are.

  • Love 3


I thought Justin saying that he was the only person who could ever be prepared for the race was delightful foreshadowing for a big fall, but no dice. Maybe next week.


I thought so too after "I've been preparing for this for 13 years!!".  Too much boasting for my taste.  A true fan would just enjoy the experience, race his/her ass off and keep the self congratulating to a minimum.  But that's just my take...

  • Love 7

The one cheerleader who did not do the RB was very obnoxious during the detour, especially when the one guy said he had no money and she asked how he bought whatever he had.

Yeah her panhandling skills need improvement. Seems like once they switched roles and the taller one took over they quickly got the money.

Both girls were terrible at trying to get paid. They had to switch between playing the piano and asking for tips. The shorter one was being way too aggressive. Getting in people's faces, following them after they say no, and then asking how they had the money to pay for whatever they bought is way over the line. The only reason she got any money is that she started crying and people felt sorry for her. When the girls switched, the taller one was still being pretty aggressive, getting into guys' faces and offering to kiss them on the cheek in exchange for money.
  • Love 7

Unpopular opinion but I like Justin and Diana, but the show was sure foreshadowing that they'll be in trouble with the U turn. (I like competent racers, so sue me.)


Why do you think it is an unpopular opinion?  I've been rooting for the Green Team from the beginning.  I don't think they are going to win with their edit of "no one can ever beat them".  That's a set-up for them losing.  But I sure as hell wish they would win.  Except for the windy conditions that nixed their FF in leg 1, they have really raced beautifully.  I appreciate a team like that.  It's a joy to see competent Racers for a change.


It's been odd enough that they are the only team to get on a train at the Paris airport, etc, but really, this airline that arrived at 11 something only had room for one team??????? 


It happens all the time.  Like dgpolo said, TAR Racers aren't the only people flying.  They seem to show less airport drama stuff these days then back the first dozen seasons say so maybe you get used to not seeing it much because of that.  Or because there are more "only one flight out for everyone" legs now.  (Boring).  But so many legs in the past have hinged on how full flights are.  So this is just old school par for the course.


Texas has lost it's mojo.  First site-seeing getting them behind to the Netherlands.  Now letting the cheerleaders go ahead of them like it was some life or death situation as opposed to a competitive TV race.  Can't respect their racing skills at this point.

Edited by green
  • Love 8

Weren't Josh and Tanner the ones trying to steal taxis by rushing ahead of the "older" couple and mom/son teams but then all nice when it is the pretty ladies. Yeah, the cheerleaders unnecessarily helped them so it was probably pay back but stupid moves on both their parts (cheerleaders helping the texans when both are in last place and then the guys not racing but instead letting cheerleaders go first since they arrived to the challenge first). I bet if another team helped them, they would not have given up their spot for them.

I didn't like Phil suggesting everyone use the u-turn on the green team. I guess he realizes these people may not know strategy. I'm hoping green gets through the u-turn before everyone and then someone wastes it on green and ends up being eliminated because they didn't u-turn a team behind them.

Justin can be annoying but I don't think he is a bad guy. I don't think he is mean or nasty. Sure he is a jerk when arguing but that can happen when arguing and being fatigued and emotional. I respect them as racers even though I am sure the show will throw a curve ball and get them eliminated since I doubt they want a team dominating (like the dentist did) and they aren't giving them that great of an edit. I liked that he could let go of the tough guy image enough to cry at Schindler's factory. Justine shouldn't have apologized for the prior leg since that earned them more $. I bet she did so to get them past the disagreement (not worth "winning" an argument sometimes). Anyway, they are flawed humans but great racers and I'm rooting for them even though most comments here are against them. I like competent racers (and I also frequently like intelligent villains on reality shows, not that they are villains). I don't dislike any of the racers and all can be annoying yet likable (even the paparazzi---the guy picking the task because it was physically easier and he knows she is more fit).

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 10

I don't have any Jewish background, but I do know food and I'm surprised that most people weren't familiar with some fairly common items like latkes, kugel, hamentaschen, and gefilte fish. Even the people who said they had Jewish ancestors had to look things up.

I think a lot of it depends on friends and family and where you live. Here in Tucson, for example, I know of only one kosher restaurant. If you don't eat there and don't know people who eat the food yeah, it's going to be a mystery. It's like I wouldn't expect your average rural Wisconsin farm family to know what arepas, carne seca or guanabana is.

  • Love 5

My connection cut out at the very last second.....so glad it was a non-elimination!


I was slightly annoyed at Team Texas, but they got me back with their snark about Green Team, and that they tried to hold onto their values even though they were certain it would send them home.  I'm hoping they can get a good nights sleep, I think that the pace of the race is exhausting them and its why they are making silly mistakes.


I just can't with the cheerleaders and their constant attempts to use feminine wiles on the race (I hope a group of dudes walk by, because if I offer them a kiss on the cheek they will give me money for sure!)  Girl stop, you are not that cute.  I was laughing at them having such a hard time getting money.  Krista went straight for the tears.  I think if it had been the dancers the one collecting the money would have danced in order to get tips.  The two of them are professional dancers, why not try doing a bit of a dance instead of immediately resorting to tears and downright stalking?  I was also laughing at the lady who paid Denise and Chris to go away....I couldn't tell if she couldn't stand the racket or if she was just trying to be nice....either way it was funny.


I'm starting to understand what people are saying about Chris.....and beyond that, dude is in an amazing race for the least likable person ever.


I just can't stand Justin, I'm hoping that their smug arrogance is foreshadowing their rapid and crushing downfall....because I'm all about that.


Diana is coming off almost as unlikable as him.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 5

If it were Justin at the back of the pack, he'd be having a meltdown of epic proportions, poor Diana would be on the first plane back home, and I'd love to see this happen.


Oh please, Diana would be apologizing to him for whatever he told her she did to cause them to not be in first place.  If a man treated me like that, I don't think they would be able to air my reaction to him afterwards.  It would be one long "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP"

I don't have any Jewish background, but I do know food and I'm surprised that most people weren't familiar with some fairly common items like latkes, kugel, hamentaschen, and gefilte fish. Even the people who said they had Jewish ancestors had to look things up. 

I've seen gefilte fish in the regular grocery stores over here, and latkes seem to be in a lot of places.....other than that I think I would have been confused too.  I do think if I had watched previous seasons I wouldn't have tried to guess, but would have asked someone immediately.  I couldn't understand why the cheerleader just hoped for the best...

  • Love 5

I was so excited that they were in Poland. I really like Poland and respect the Poles for resisting Communism (Solidarity!) and persevering through all of the historic challenges that they have faced. However, nothing could prepare them for the cheerleader assault during that one task. Aggressive much? I hate it when the Race has tasks that kind of lead the racers to be obnoxious to the locals. I didn't like the mother/son hugs for everyone either. And I just assumed the woman made a second donation to get them to leave (she asked a couple of times if it meant they would be done and leave...).

I'm surprised that many racers don't realize that in most countries a taxi can't stop just anywhere to pick up passengers. The Texams finally got one when they went to a hotel. Even when they saw where other racers got taxis they didn't adjust their strategy. Really easy on the plane to ask someone basic questions about the city/country they are going to. Although I don't like Justin at times, I do like that he seems to be a smart racer. I would really love a season of smart racers who took advantage of public transportation to politely get intel about their destination.

  • Love 3

This week, the cheerleader at the Klezmer Hois proved that being athletes (cheerleaders) doesn't mean they have any arm strength.  I am sure the trays were heavy, but her whining about it, especially the first time through, was so annoying.  Good thing they didn't attempt the salt mine task, they'd probably still be there!


Justin, win, don't win, I don't really care.  You cannot get off my screen fast enough!  And Diana?  Dump him, pronto!

  • Love 6

This week, the cheerleader at the Klezmer Hois proved that being athletes (cheerleaders) doesn't mean they have any arm strength.  I am sure the trays were heavy, but her whining about it, especially the first time through, was so annoying.  Good thing they didn't attempt the salt mine task, they'd probably still be there!


Justin, win, don't win, I don't really care.  You cannot get off my screen fast enough!  And Diana?  Dump him, pronto!

Her whining really got on my nerves. I also hated how she only thought she could get money from guys and her ability to flirt. Doesn't she know how to talk to other women? None of the others needed to kiss people in order to get tips.
  • Love 11

I am really hoping team Justin gets their just rewards next week. I would love to see them eliminated. This season has not been good and will be unbelievably bad if the green team continues to cruise along and wins the whole thing. Right now, I would like any other team to win.

Edited by cooksdelight
Removing preview talk
  • Love 3

This week, the cheerleader at the Klezmer Hois proved that being athletes (cheerleaders) doesn't mean they have any arm strength. I am sure the trays were heavy, but her whining about it, especially the first time through, was so annoying. Good thing they didn't attempt the salt mine task, they'd probably still be there!

Justin, win, don't win, I don't really care. You cannot get off my screen fast enough! And Diana? Dump him, pronto!

She was in pain, so I didn't mind her whining.

Speaking of the salt mine task, I thought Chris was very smart to dump out the salt and shovel into the cart instead of trying to lift the heavy wheelbarrow. I doubt he and Logan could have done it any other way and I am sure the cheerleaders would have needed to use that method as well.

Chris and Logan were surprisingly bearable this episode.

I don't think flirting for zloties was a bad strategy, but for attractive girls Tiffany and Krista were shockingly bad at it, especially the short one.

Funny that the cute perky girls had the hardest time getting tips on the music challenge.


The one cheerleader who did not do the RB was very obnoxious during the detour, especially when the one guy said he had no money and she asked how he bought whatever he had.


And didn't she also call the guy a liar too ?  That is not the way to do it.

  • Love 8

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