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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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44 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Dammit...now you are making me want to watch this. 

And this pic on Twitter is fanning the flames:

Now, you know misery loves company!

And that pic should be fanning the flames! I think they missed the mark entirely with Sally, and should have had her and Bill doing the love/hate thing all along. 

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Wow. Bill forbids Katie and Wyatt from being together? He’ll disown Wyatt? He’ll take Will away from Katie? The suspects keep adding up. They’d all be justified in blowing his head off. 

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How can Hope not have feelings for Liam?  I always thought that Liam loved Hope more than he ever loved Stuffy.  

Instead of going into a long diatribe about how Bill is behaving, the cliff note version will surface. Bill is a ego maniac to the nth degree and his mantra is might makes right.  

Hope looks a hell of a lot better with her hair in a pony tail. Unlike Stuffy, sunlight becomes her.  

Wyatt finally stood up to his father.  It was a little late and it took a personal incident for him to do so.  

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Today's show was pretty entertaining.  I laughed the hardest when Bill said, twice I think, that Katie and Wyatt will disgrace the Spencer family.   HAHAHAHA!!!!

Edited by bannana
because of course I meant Wyatt, doh!
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I'm so mad at myself, I should have written it down, verbatim, but when $Bill made his comment to Katie about Brooke being the "relationship equivalent of a human pinball machine" (paraphrased, damn memory!), it was the first time I have been shocked watching this show in a long time. Just a few months ago, Brooke was the love of $Bill's life, now, she's gutter-trash like everyone else that he deems beneath him. 

I love $Bill, but even I can't believe that he can say with a straight-face that Wyatt & Katie, neither of whom were committed to anyone else when they got together, are a family disgrace. Even if not everyone on the planet knows that $Bill slept with his daughter-in-law, & is in love with her, everyone knows that he cheated on Katie, the mother of the child he is threatening to remove from her, with her sister. Twice! 

I'm going on record right now as saying that Sheila is going to shoot $Bill, then she can plausibly be written out. It'll draw out for a while, as it should, but ultimately, I predict it'll be Sheila. Bonus points if she somehow carves "Murderer" in his forehead. Now, those were the golden days of soaps!

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I’ve been saying for a while now that we needed a good murder mystery and by golly, it looks like we’re going to get one. Yay for us! At least it might take the focus off of Slutty rubbing her belly. 

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19 minutes ago, bannana said:

Today's show was pretty entertaining.  I laughed the hardest when Bill said, twice I think, that Katie and Will will disgrace the Spencer family.   HAHAHAHA!!!!

I wish Bill would find out his parents were cousins and he's an 'incest' baby. That'll serve him.

9 minutes ago, nkotb said:

when $Bill made his comment to Katie about Brooke being the "relationship equivalent of a human pinball machine" (paraphrased, damn memory!), it was the first time I have been shocked watching this show in a long time. Just a few months ago, Brooke was the love of $Bill's life, now, she's gutter-trash like everyone else that he deems beneath him. 

Nah, he's just returning to his original stance about Brooke. But given the hell he put Katie through over pining for Brooke, he deserves a kick in the balls for his about face.

11 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I'm going on record right now as saying that Sheila is going to shoot $Bill, then she can plausibly be written out. It'll draw out for a while, as it should, but ultimately, I predict it'll be Sheila. Bonus points if she somehow carves "Murderer" in his forehead. Now, those were the golden days of soaps!

Sheila or.... Saul. Saul avenging his Sally love is plausible with Shirley and Darlita helping him cover it up in a pact.

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Bill should pay a visit to GC and have coffee with Phyllis. Because they're both completely effin insane and overdue for some payback.

Jody? KMN. Why does Moonves have such a hard-on for those two? My money's on blackmail.

So, is Wyatt willing to give up his keys to the SP castle for Katie? I'll be surprised if, in the long run, he actually is. Meanwhile, Katie has the resources to hire a hit man. Heck, Ridge would probably do it for free.

Relationship pinball machine. Good one. Guess that makes Ridge the Pinball Wizard. Brooke loves those supple wrists.

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It's beginning to look like this show has moved from the LA area and taken up residence in Topsy-Turvey land.

Here's Steffy throwing her weight around with Hope and interrogating her on where she stands vis a vis Hauxdilox' marriage.  Thing is, I could have sworn that Hauxdi's marriage was FINISHED, done and dusted.  Over a mistake she made when she decided that fucking her father in law and then lying about it was a good idea.  I believe the possibility of her precious daughter growing up with a two-parent household was put to rest when Daddy served Mommy with annulment papers.

Then there's Hauxdi and her nasty ass father talking about what a threat Hope was to her marriage.  Funny thing, but where I come from, fucking a man who's NOT your husband is a pretty sizable threat to domestic bliss.  If that man happens to be your father in law, well that's just icing on the cake.

That Bill, he sure likes abusing women!  What a he-man!!  I was praying that Sally would drop the gun and use her knee when $Bill put his hands on her.  She should have taken Sky and shoved it up $Bill's ass.

Personally, I think Katie and Wyatt are a bit icky, but where the fuck does $Bill Spencer get off?  He cheated on Katie with her own sister.  And there's that whole sleeping with his daughter in law thing.  I can't believe that Katie and Wyatt didn't laugh in his face and dared him to do his worst.  How would he like it if his precious Hauxdilox was exposed to the world for the loose booty ho she really is?  And how can he take Will away from Katie?  Nobody's seen the kid for MONTHS!!!!!

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

Today's show was pretty entertaining.  I laughed the hardest when Bill said, twice I think, that Katie and Will will disgrace the Spencer family.   HAHAHAHA!!!!

Wow, Bill has pulled ahead of Ridge and Brooke to snatch gold at the Chutzpah Olympics ??

Speaking of which:

2 hours ago, nkotb said:

I'm so mad at myself, I should have written it down, verbatim, but when $Bill made his comment to Katie about Brooke being the "relationship equivalent of a human pinball machine" (paraphrased, damn memory!), it was the first time I have been shocked watching this show in a long time. Just a few months ago, Brooke was the love of $Bill's life, now, she's gutter-trash like everyone else that he deems beneath him. 

Bill did have him infamous rant at Brooke and Donna about that....but that was ages ago, well before he'd ever slept with Brooke and declared her the love of his life. Even if he hadn't just slept with and likely impregnanted his DIL, that's a bit rich of him to say that. :/

And to Katie of all people?! After the shit he put her through? Wyatt must be a goldmember in the sack, cuz no way would the Katie of even six months ago have remained so passive. Someone should have called him out on it!

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:



So, is Wyatt willing to give up his keys to the SP castle for Katie? I'll be surprised if, in the long run, he actually is. Meanwhile, Katie has the resources to hire a hit man. Heck, Ridge would probably do it for free.

Wyatt has a fallback position at FC.  Eric thinks of him as a son. I really think that Wyatt would rather be a follower than a leader or should I say a co-leader.  He's comfortable when he doesn't have to make or take the consequences of a final decision.  Ultimate wealth does not drive him nor consumes his path in life.  For Wyatt, love is the most important thing in his life. With all that said, Wyatt still thinks rich or poor, it's nice to have money. 

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I thought Wyatt was supposedly the mover and shaker of the two older Spencer brothers? He likes power for power's sake, and Liam was the one who has normally flitered about and willing to pull up stakes for morals.

That said, this is the first time Bill's had any directly personal stake in anyone Wyatt's dated, or enough of one to voice an opinion (although he did tell Liam to nut up and quit bitching about Stytt (???) When they were together but it was nowhere near the passion with which he defended Steam). We shall see.

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I smell a Who killed Bill coming up. Although he won’t be dead but something is going on and DD is headed out to do Dancing with the Stars in Italy. Maybe Bill will go missing.

Edited by Redcookie
I can’t spell dancing
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Another amusing day. After the Sludge/Slutty yuck and the Lope lunch, it got a whole lot better at the end. Those final scenes with DD/DB/HT were soap at its best. Bill raging, Katie crying and Wyatt manning up. I swear at the end of the show today when DD and DB were nose-to-nose, DD's eyes were dancing like he was about to crack up. I imagine that those three are having a ball filming those scenes.  I enjoy watching those three and if it keeps Brooke, Sludge, Hauxdi, Lame/Lope and Thorne (HUGE disappointment in that one) away, so much the better.  I'm actually looking forward to seeing Sheila just to see what preposterous activities have been cooked up for her and it sounds like Quinn will be back by the end of the week.

Aside from Bill's remark about Brooke being a "relationship pinball machine," another good one was this:

Hope staring hard at her computer when her phone rings.

Liam: "Hey, Hope. You busy?"

Hope: "No. I'm just working."

I think this must explain the overall work ethic at FC.  Anyway, it didn't take much arm-twisting for Liam to convince her to leave work to go meet him for lunch. Three guesses where they went.

How dare Sludge fan the flames of insecurity, doubt and hostility in Hauxdi regarding Hope and Liam.  What a lovely picture to paint of your own step-daughter.

Reminder, Puffy: This marital mess you're in is your fault. Not Hope's. If she suddenly starts being a rabid bitch to Hope, then I hope that Hope goes full-court press after Liam and wins!

That dress Hauxdi's been stretching out the past several days is hideous. I'm confused about what season it is in L.A. Hauxdi is in that awful high-neck sweater dress and Hope wore a camel coat to lunch with Liam, which looks like its winter. Liam and the rest of the diners were dressed in warm-weather attire.

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At least Hope pretends to work.  Steffy is Co CEO and has been moping around her house for weeks, finally comes back to work, and mopes around there talking about her marriage.  Oh, and rubs her belly.

So what was with the hostess at Il Guardino, and the customer?  Are they fans who got a walk on?  It was super awkward.

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41 minutes ago, bannana said:


So what was with the hostess at Il Guardino, and the customer?  Are they fans who got a walk on?  It was super awkward.

That was so bizarre!  I thought maybe the guy was an athlete that I didn't recognize because I don't really follow sports.  The young woman BETTER be a contest winner because I can't imagine she'd have the nerve to call herself an 'actress'.  Even for B&B standards, they were both dreadful.

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So let me see if I have this correct:

Liam and Wyatt both being with Hope, Steffy and Ivy = normal.

Bill cheating on his wife with her sister ... twice = normal

Bill sleeping with his daughter in law = normal

But Katie and Wyatt are a disgrace to the Spencer family? Plus he dares talk about Katie seducing his son to get back at him, when all this time he's apparently been sleeping with Steffy through his sons ... until he finally got his shot!

Bill has a brain tumor right? Right? There is no other explanation for this over-the-top behavior. I mean seriously. Today was so insane, it was insane. It cracked me up but good lawd my ears were hurting from all the screaming! Plus I am sick to death of Bill abusing women.

Bill doesn't seem to remember that Wyatt can get a job at Forrester immediately.  He also seems to be forgetting that Katie knows all of his dirty dealings. Not to mention all the others who know. Yet he is threatening to take Will. Hilarious.

This show.

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33 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

That was so bizarre!  I thought maybe the guy was an athlete that I didn't recognize because I don't really follow sports.  The young woman BETTER be a contest winner because I can't imagine she'd have the nerve to call herself an 'actress'.  Even for B&B standards, they were both dreadful.

I read that some people from "Big Brother" were going to have cameos on B&B. Maybe that was them?

Instead, I was waiting for Sheila to sneak up behind Hope then later, pull up at chair at the table with Liam.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

At least Hope pretends to work.  Steffy is Co CEO and has been moping around her house for weeks, finally comes back to work, and mopes around there talking about her marriage.  Oh, and rubs her belly.

Remember the good ol days when Brooke was pregnant with Hope? She took off to a resort in Ojai for a week or two, got herself together, and was still running the company like a boss...and still ran it for months after she was born until Macy twisted Deacon's arm into voting Little Etic's shares with big Eric to get him control again.

Good times.

Married or not, I suspect Phoebe Taylor will be spending all her time with the same au pair that whisks Lizzie up to parts unknown, so she can spare me the rubbish about being a single mother. Just like the idiot at one of my Navy commands who was stupid enough to put her affair on a phone her husband had access to, then bitched about the husband being good for nothing :| She's since remarried, but she, like Steffy, had the brain cells of a doorknob and has likely only learned to get a wealthier husband.

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 I think DD did a great job showing his rage and anger with Wyatt & Katie. That said, it was also hysterical because what he said was so hypocritical and delusional. I guess that’s Bill in a nutshell. I am curious if they’ll go through with the custody of Will?! Bill has a lot of ammunition on Katie but Katie, Brooke, Wyatt, Sally & Liam have a lot of dirt on Bill, too. 

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DD was the only one worth watching today though Wyatt and Katie were darn good, too. I can't really blame DD for looking like he was about to burst into laughter because Dolla was spouting some ridiculous lines but I do wish he took his job a tad more seriously. It really ruins the soapy dramatic goodness for me. They are really racking up the motives for pretty much anyone to take Dolla out. I was getting my workout, dodging all those anvils. Felt like Wile E. Coyote. I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and guess it will be Quinn. She hasn't had much to do and will be pissed that he dissed her baby boy. She's also Teflon, nothing sticks to her. 

Steffy's roadkill dress is getting old but it's better than the Hoodie of Sadness.

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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

I read that some people from "Big Brother" were going to have cameos on B&B. Maybe that was them?


The hostess was Jess from Big Brother and the customer flirting with her was Cody. I think Jess was on once before. I don't understand CBS' love for these two because they are miserable mean spirited dolts. They also got too much non race airtime on the Amazing Race. 

Jess, being rude to Hope as she was looking for Liam, wasn't acting, it was her natural self. 

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39 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

B&B really doesn't do whodunnit's, right? I can't recall the last one. Has there ever been one? I saw Thorne shoot Ridge 20 years ago but I saw it. LOL!!!

There was the one with Stephanie but that was ten years ago. I think that's honestly ever been the only murder mystery, since we all knew who shot Ridge from the get go.

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1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

There was the one with Stephanie but that was ten years ago. I think that's honestly ever been the only murder mystery, since we all knew who shot Ridge from the get go.

What was the Stephanie whodunnit? And, whodunnit?

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1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

I thought I mentioned it a couple pages back, but that was when Steph had hella people after her about Brooke's rape, and she got shot by Brooke's late brother Storm.

I remember the rape storyline but I'm totally drawing a blank on Steph getting shot by Storm. Man! I've been watching for 30 years. You'd think I remember that. LOL!!!

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21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Bill, laying prone on top of Skye, in a fit of grief and misery because Sally shot her made my day complete.

Then picking her up and gently handing the very cheap and tacky prototype to Justin? Asking Justin to get her to the hospital stat! Just so damn hilarious!

God, I hate Bill, but Don Diamont can still crack me up.

And, and, but, but, Bill and Sally!???

What manner of Tom Fuckery is this? Those two were positively burning up my screen yesterday. When Bill grabbed Sally I thought he was going to kiss her and I was on the edge of my seat, my two furbabies looking at me like I was daft, as I yelled YES! Good Lord, but I so embarrassed and ashamed to admit that, but there it is.


If it's wrong to have wanted to see that, Then i'm not right!  they were on FIRE

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I guess "Who Shot Bill" is about to be in full effect and I can't wait! Too bad it can't be a murder mystery instead lol I had to giggle at Bill's outrage. Like dude, this is B&B. The most incestuous show on daytime. There's no such thing as an inappropiate relationship where they are considered. Hell, he just slithered from out of his daughter-in-law's bed himself not too long ago. I'm not even a big Wyatt/Katie fan but I like them simply for making his head explode. 

I dig New Hope. So, I predict that she will be ruined in short order. 

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2 hours ago, nilyank said:

If I was betting woman and we are having a whodunit, I am going to Steffy with Sky in Bill's office

Steffy going for a trifecta of near murder/assault would be hilarious if Aly hasn't died because of it.

Does she push ala Ivy by accident or swing out or slap him and he falls back into Sky and impales himself ala Aly?

Given the set up of Liam, Wyatt, Ridge, AND Katie all assuming Bill forced himself on Steffy and Steffy owning her responsibility in the ONS it would be just like this show for the situation to be Bill 'misinterpreting' a moment with Steffy and forcing himself on her with her using 'too much' force to push him off and he falls and hits his head or gets Skyed. Steffy calls Liam in a panic and he comes running thinking it's about the baby and stumbles upon the scene. They cover it up with their bond 'renewed' over this secret they share. Ultimately Liam can now 'forgive' Steffy as he was 'right all along' about Bill's aggression and they begin anew - that is if Bill doesn't remember Steffy did it and the cops don't come for them.

If they do, Liam will put on his supercape for Steffy and take the blame since everyone knows he has motive. Liam will go on trial/prison with Steffy wanting to confess and stressing over her baby daddy taking the blame. Hope will sniff out that this shit ain't right and want to prove the truth for Liam while Ridge will want to protect Steffy and be happy that Liam 'Manned up'.

Once Bill wakes up from his coma he will have memory loss (or will he?) and make an apology tour since he's now a 'victim' of his own son. Maybe we get a reveal that he knows Steffy did it and initially may want Liam to stew a bit but then will relent (or Hope will prove he's faking) and 'do the right thing/be the bigger man' and tell the prosecutor/judge that he knows Liam didn't do it and somehow finagle Liam getting off so he can be reunited with Steffy and the baby and because he owes Steffy for his 'bad' behavior.

What this has to do with fashion or publishing, I do not know.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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So after all the talk of Big Bad $ Bill huffing and puffing, I just couldn't resist tuning in. Man, I wish I knew how to quit this show, but it's hard when much of what I saw yesterday was so full of soapy goodness. Rage-inducing soapy goodness, but soapy goodness nonetheless.

I'll begin with the stuff that made me roll my eyes.

Over at FC, Rumple is whisper-talking to Hauxdi, who is clearly distracted. She's also still wearing that ugly sweater dress that should have a big, gaping hole in it from all the tummy rubbing she's been doing. It's as if she's trying to conjure up a genie or something.

Ridge: "You okay? Is everything okay with the baby?"

Steffy: "Yeah. Yeah. The baby's fine. I was just, uh, thinking about Hope." It must gall her to no end that not even a baby is enough of a trump card to allay any fears about the former Mrs. Waffles.

Ridge: "Hope?"

Steffy: "I'm starting to think maybe you're right. Maybe she does have feelings for Liam."


She frets that Hope saw the ultrasound photo and was clearly moved by it, presumably because she wishes she were having a baby with Liam. I still think she's thinking about the baby boy she lost with Wyatt but of course, Hauxdi has to make everything about her, all the time, like the insufferable bitch she is. She really needs to have a meet-up with Y&R's NotRed - they'd have an awful lot to talk about.

Ridge frowns, his craggy features gone positively Shar Pei: "Yeah, see, I don't like that. That's what I mean, you know...that's what I was warning you about."

Steffy: "Yeah, but she assured me she's not gonna do anything to get in the way." First, Hope owes her no such assurances. Second, talk is cheap and Hope's actions are all about spending as much time with Liam as she can and being his shoulder to cry on.

Ridge: "Okay. All right. Just keep an eye on her. Just see how much time she wants to spend with Liam." Curious phrasing there because it's not how much time Hope wants to spend with Liam...she IS spending all kinds of time with him and Hauxdi can't do anything about it.

Ridge then suggests that with Hope busy launching the HFTF line, she'll be too busy for Liam. Put a pin in that, folks. We'll circle back shortly.

Steffy: "Dad, I really don't want you worrying about me." Riiiight.

Ridge: "Well, that's a tall order because I can't stop worrying about you, what you're going through with Hope and Liam, and it's all because of him. I tried to block it out but it's all because of Bill."

Steffy: "Dad, can you not? I don't want to hear this. Please." 


Ridge: "He takes whatever he wants, and you are no exception. I've never hated anyone the way I hate him. And the world would be a better place if he weren't in it." Yet another ominous anvil being dropped and the stage being set for a "Who Shot $ Bill?" attempted murder mystery.

Over in the design office, Hope is staring at her computer screen when Liam calls.

Liam: "Hi. Are you, um... are you busy?"

Hope, deadpan: "Uh, just working. Why?"

Liam: "Well, do you think that you could cut out for a bit and meet me, maybe? I'd like to see you again." 

Hope plays at hesitating but Liam quickly twists her arm and she grabs a coat that no one should need in late February in sunny LA. 

She shows up at the oh-so-predictable location of Il Giardino where she is greeted by that skank hostess Jessica who ignores Hope so she can flirt with fiance/patron Cody. You would think between appearing on the last season of Big Brother and winning the latest season of The Amazing Race, their fifteen minutes of fame would be up right about now. 


Hope spots Liam and heads for his table. He's thoughtfully ordered her favorite drink. 


There's some useless banter about why he wanted to meet with her and I'll spare everyone and cut to the chase: Liam wants to be a "sounding board" for the relaunch of HFTF. Let's pause for a moment to appreciate the burnage that must be occurring in Ridge's furry ears right now. Next, let's take a moment to appreciate the irony of Liam wanting to be a part of something that served as the ultimate cock-blocker in the past. 

Hope questions whether or not he'll ever go back to working at SP.

Liam sighs: "Well, he's got Wyatt. I doubt he misses me terribly much." Well, I'm not so sure he has Wyatt anymore but either way, I don't think he does miss Liam all that much.

Hope: "He's your father. Of course he misses you." She really does live in the Land of Naivete.

Liam, uncomfortable: "Yeah, well, maybe he should have thought about that before he-" 

Hope awkwardly clears her throat: "I know you didn't ask to meet with me to talk about that."

Liam, back on more solid footing: "This is true. I just really want to hear about your line."

Hope: "Now that I can talk about all day."

Liam: "Okay, well, if you haven't noticed, I have a whole lot of free time on my hands, so..."

Hope: "Well, I mean, the premise is basically the same. I want to make fashionable, affordable, responsibly made clothes while at the same time sending a message of empowerment to young women." All of that should sound really, really good, right? So why is it she comes off so irritating here? I think it's because she (or TPTB) are just trying so gosh darn hard to sell NuHope and I'm not buying it. She wasn't needed on the canvas AT ALL and the actress is just not that good. It's not as glaring in her scenes with the truly awful JMW but with pretty much everyone else, including multiple Emmy winner SC, it's so painfully apparent.

Liam: "Yeah, I love that."

Hope, all fired up now: "Yeah, and I am feeling super motivated, especially after this past year, everything that's been going on. You know, I want to harness that energy to make a positive change, you know, encourage women to speak out, to lift each other up, and, you know... but at the same time, there's still so much to do. I mean, there's so many issues that need to be addressed, and I want to somehow incorporate that into the message of our brand while using a percentage of the proceeds, but also mentoring young women, and..." 

Liam grins at her enthusiasm: "Okay. Okay. Listen. You're in a very unique position right now. You have a powerful platform. People admire you, they listen to you. They know that you're the real deal, that this is coming from your heart and that you actually want to make a different in people's lives. Hope, I'd say that's a pretty good place to start."

They're openly grinning at each other with Hope telling him how happy she is to see him back in the land of the living instead of being a vampire holed up at the No Tell Motel and Liam talks about how "amazing" she's been to him. 


Finally, we get to the GOOD stuff. The Showdown at the SP Corral.

A practically apoplectic Bill is gaping at Wyatt and Katie.

Wyatt, striving for calm and rational (yeah, good luck there): "Look, I know this is a shock, and this is the last thing you were expecting, but-"

Bill: "I don't want to hear it, Wyatt! You're not getting married! Are you kidding me?" He turns his eagle eye on Katie, shaking his head: "And you said 'yes.' You're wearing that stupid ring on your finger. Well, take it off! Right now!"

Katie digs in her heels, breaking it down for Bill like he's five: "No. I won't. Let me be clear. We are not asking your permission. We are telling you this as a courtesy. You don't get a say."


Bill always think he's has not just a say, but THE say. As in the final say and barks back: "Let me be clear. It's not happening. We have a son together! Do you understand how embarrassing and sick this is? You are sleeping with our son's half-brother? And he's gonna be his step-daddy?"

Embarrassing? Sick? Bill, you are the poster child for inappropriate relationships. First, his wife's sister, then his daughter-in-law. And his bullshit about Wyatt being Will's stepdaddy? Wasn't he offering to be both grandfather and stepdaddy to Steffy's spawn a few days ago? I thought Ridge was the King of Delusional but clearly, he's been overthrown by $ Bill.

Wyatt: "I know this is crazy! That's why we tried to fight it! But we love each other!" 

Bill visibly grimaces at this: "You're not doing this, Wyatt! I won't allow it!"


Wyatt: "Well, I'm sorry, Dad, but it's not up to you."

Bill: "I said absolutely not. It's twisted." Oh, do not even get me started on the hypocrisy of this statement.

Wyatt, calling a spade a spade: "It's 'twisted?' What about what you did to Liam and Steffy? That's twisted!"


Bill pulls a face, feigning wounds that never felt a scar: "Oh, look at you now, turning on me like a Judas! I thought you were on my side."

Wyatt: "I'm on the family's side!"

Bill: "We have gone over this, all right? I regret what happened with Steffy -- I really do -- and I hope that Liam and Steffy can work through it. But you two, what's going on here... get that ring off!" He lies as easily as he breathes.

Wyatt: "Dad..."

Bill: "You are the heir apparent to this company. Do you understand what you're risking?" Let's see, he could easily get his job back at FC and Eric looks upon him like a son and his mother is President of the company...and he's got a nice home in the hills with Katie available to him. He risks nothing except his own dignity.

Wyatt: "Yeah, that the love of my life's gonna cost me my job."

Bill: "You're damn right, it will."

Katie, trying to appeal to whatever shred of decency he has left: "Bill, stop and think about what you're doing. Do you really want to lose another son?" I don't think he gives a shit right now. He is on a decidedly downward, destructive spiral.


Bill: "I'm not gonna listen to a word from either one of you hypocrites! You condemn me, judge me for my behavior, and you're running around lying to me and everybody else!"

Katie calls him on his bullshit as Wyatt sits this round out and lets Katie on her ex as only she can: "It's not even remotely the same thing! We didn't lie because it was none of your damn business!"

Bill: "Well, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, but what you're doing is disgusting and you know it. And it ends right here, right now! Is that understood?" What he did with Hauxdi was disgusting. This is two unattached, consenting adults - I don't see the issue.

Katie: "This is not a casual thing. We care about each other. I love him."

Bill: "Oh, I'm gonna puke. You're being ridiculous."


The only one being ridiculous right now is Bill.

Katie snaps at this: "You will show me some respect! I demand it! The same amount that I've always shown you! I mean, my God, the things i have put up with during our marriage! The things I have forgiven you for! You're right, I am the mother of your child, and you cheat on me, twice, with my sister?" HT is firing on all cylinders right now, reminding how very good she is, especially when sparring with DD. 

Bill, grasping, desperate:" You pushed me to your sister!" Brill fan or not, I had to roll my eyes here. He justifies anything and everything. 

Katie: "You don't get to dictate who I love and who I spend my life with. You gave up that right!"

Bill:" I will dictate whatever the hell I want to dictate! This is a freakin' joke!"

Katie: "It's not a joke. He has been honest and true to me. You sure as hell can't say the same thing!" No, he can't!

Bill: "He is my son, Katie!"

Katie: "Yes! Your son! Which is why we have weighed this. We have tried to fight our feelings, but we can't."

Bill: "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I know what this is. I know exactly what it is. You just said it. It's payback for Brooke."

Katie: "Oh, God."

Bill: "So you seduce my son!" How Katie doesn't leap across the desk and strangle him right now is beyond me, but Wyatt is right there at her side.

Wyatt: "Watch it!"


Bill: "Me, watch it?" 

Wyatt: "Yeah, you watch it! You already alienated Liam! You want to push away Katie, too? You want to push away your other son? Don't go throwing around ultimatums, okay?" 

Bill isn't deterred in the slightest: "Oh, I'll throw around an ultimatum, and here it is: you don't end this right here, right now, call off this engagement, you should pack your bags and get the hell out! You disgrace me and our family, and you are no longer my son." $ Bill Spencer...the epitome of conditional love.


Katie is aghast at this as Wyatt looks away: "Don't turn your back on him. Wyatt has been loyal to you, even when you didn't deserve it." 


Bill: "Loyal to me? Really? Oh, this is loyalty, is it? Huh?"

Wyatt: You're really gonna cut me out because I finally found someone? Like, it's never worked out for me before...with Hope, Steffy, or anybody up until now. Because this works for me. Because this is good for me!" And while I'm still not quite on the Watie ship, I think one reason they work is because Katie was never involved with Liam unlike Hope and Steffy or Ivy. Wyatt never has to wonder if he's the back-up plan, the substitute, the second choice with her and it's the same for her. I can't imagine Wyatt's head being turned by Brooke (not that she's not head-turning-worthy) but because once Wyatt is in love, he's in love and he ain't going anywhere. Katie's never had that before. 

Bill, sarcastic: "This works for you. This is good for you, it works for you?"

Wyatt: "Do you understand how much I care about her? Almost as much as you care about your stupid skyscraper! But wait! Oh! Where is your precious model? That's right, Sally Spectra shot it because you went back on your promise to her!" Ooh, taking pot-shots at his precious Skye! I love it. 

Bill: "What does that have to do with anything?"

Wyatt: "You're a liar! You're...that's what you do! You make enemies everywhere you go! Tell me, how's that working out for you, huh? Your life could change astronomically if you could just be happy, see the goodness in people, honor people. Katie and I have never been happier in our entire lives. Like, why can't you just try and hear that? I know it's gonna take some time to get that through your-"

Bill: "I don't need any time. I don't need a moment. This ends or you're out."


Bill: " This is such a betrayal."

Wyatt scoffs in disbelief. Bill seriously has no clue what betrayal means.

Bill, almost to himself: "Actually, I know what this is. Payback. Go after Big, Bad Dollar Bill." OMG, is he trying to play the victim card here???

Wyatt, never ceasing to be amazed by his father's tactics: "Wow."

Katie: "This might take a minute for you to wrap your head around, but this really has nothing to do with you."


Oh, well, you just know he can't stand hearing that. He thinks the sun rises and sets out of his ass. 

Bill: "You have a decision to make, Wyatt. Her or me?" Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Bill.

Wyatt: "I can't do that."

Bill: "I've put up with enough from you and your brother. I'll have papers drawn up. You will both be cut out, and I mean cut out. Every penny. Gone. Houses, gone. Jobs, gone. You will have nothing. So you better think long and hard, Wyatt. Choose very wisely. Your entire future depends on it."


Nope - again, a 30-second phone call with Eric and/or Quinn and he'll be right back at FC. There won't even need to be a conversation with Katie about his new digs. One with current houseguest, Thorne, certainly.

Wyatt calls Bill's bluff: "I have had it with you. After everything you did to my brother, I have always stood by you, I have always been the dutiful son." 

Bill: "Because you knew the road was paved for you to take over." Was it though? I think all signs pointed to golden boy Liam as the heir apparent until he rejected Bill and Wyatt slid into his spot by default. 

Wyatt, exasperated: "No, because you're my father, you idiot! I just wanted us to be a family!" That's all he's ever wanted and DB, on the verge of tears, is heartbreaking here.


Bill: "Does Brooke know about this? How about your mother?"

Wyatt: "Yes. They know that Katie and I are involved." He looks his father square in the eye and there has to be a part of him that is relishing that Bill knows he was the last to know about them.


Katie: "We haven't told them about the engagement yet."

Bill: "Either one of them give you their blessing?"

Katie: "Yeah. Brooke did."

Bill: "Oh. Brooke did. Well, congratulations on that. You got the seal of approval from a relationship pinball machine."


Someone, anyone, needs to fuck him in the ass with a giant studded dildo. Except he'd probably enjoy it. 

Brooke could take a lecture on relationship tomfuckery from some people but not from him. Never from him. An alley cat has more morals than him.

Katie, stunned: "Wow."


Bill: "Well, you ain't getting mine. I will fight you every step of the way. So be prepared for a battle, Katie. A battle you will lose." Lose how, exactly? 

Katie has had enough of this and takes Wyatt by the hand: "Okay, let's get out of here. This is a waste of time."

Wyatt: "Yeah." They move to the door, then halt in their tracks at Bill's next words: "That includes custody, Katie."

Katie: "What?"


Bill, warming to the role of Snidely Whiplash: "You think I'm playing? You think a judge will look at your sick relationship and think it's in Will's best interest? Never. And neither do I. I will not allow my son to be raised in that environment. I will sue for custody, and I will win." Oh sure...a judge will just hand-wave his crimes of arson and attempted murder, not to mention adultery, and hand Will over on a silver platter.

Katie hisses: "Don't you dare threaten me." Indeed...and how Bill doesn't get that threatening them is only going to bond them that much more.

Bill: "You had your battles with instability before." There's no card he won't try to play here and it's sickening to watch.

Katie gasps, clearly shocked that he would stoop so low as to bring up her history with PPD.

Bill: "Depression..."

Katie is tearful but holds her ground: "How dare you?"


Bill: "And now I hear you're drinking again." He's one to talk about alcohol.

Katie: "We've talked about this. I am not an alcoholic, and my doctor confirms it. I was only drinking back then to cope with what you were doing to me, the abuse you heaped on me!"

Bill: "Well, if you were drinking to cope, in my book, that's the very definition of an alcoholic, and I don't give a damn what Dr. Quackety-Quack says. Now, back then, I was gonna go for custody, but I threw you a bone. But considering your erratic behavior, that's out the window. I'm taking Will."

Katie: "No, you won't, Bill. No, you won't." She will fight tooth and nail for her son and I think all Bill has managed to do is awaken the mother lioness inside his former wife and HT is so very good here. Bill better sleep with one eye open from now on.


Bill: "Watch me." As if it's of no consequence.

Katie: "And you're gonna be his moral compass, you're gonna look out for his best interest? You, who sleeps with your son's wife? You would deny our child a loving and caring mother just to hurt me? Now, that is sick!"

Wyatt interjects here, showing how much a couple they have become: "What the hell is wrong with you, huh? You're threatening to take away Will? Look at all the people you hurt. You're just always so bitter and self-absorbed. Call me crazy, I thought there was a small part of you that just actually might be happy for us, but I guess not. Instead, I'm here, you're throwing me out? You're disowning me, is that it?"

Bill shrugs: "Your choice."

Wyatt: "Fine. I'm done. I want a father I can actually be proud of, and I'll never be proud of you. Never, all right? You're despicable. You're egotistical. You know what, I wish...I wish Sally hadn't missed. I wish Sally actually had shot you." Yet another anvil and the list of suspects is growing by the minute.


Bill in disbelief that Wyatt has more balls than he ever will and drops his casual lean on the desk to get right in his son's face: "What did you say? You wish Sally shot me?"


He steps toward Wyatt and yanks the sword necklace off of him as Katie gasps.


Bill: "You're a fool. And you will come crawling back on your hands and knees when you are done with that." He gestures toward Katie as being "that" and she is sent reeling at the thought of how could she possibly have ever loved him and dreading the knowledge that because of Will, they will always have a connection. 

Wyatt stares back at his father as if seeing him, truly seeing him, for the very first time.


Whatever shard of hope he had that his father had some good in him, somewhere, has completely shattered.

Bill, pointing at Wyatt for extra emphasis: "You mark my words. You will lose everything."

Now, it's Wyatt turn to shrug and laugh, looking back at Katie: "Okay." Knowing he'll be gaining the only things that ever really mattered - love, trust, honesty, stability.

Bill: "Me, the company.. Will!"

Wyatt holds his ground: "You do one thing to take Will away from the only decent parent he has left, that will be the last thing that you do."

The scene ends with the two in a staring contest and bravo!


DD, HT, and DB brought it and then some in their scenes, each giving a powerhouse performance, even more striking when you have to imagine they were on the verge of cracking up through most of this, especially that last staredown where it looked equal parts "I must kill you!" and "I must kiss you!"

I'm so Michael Corleone right now.


Edited by CountryGirl
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I guess we will get a shot of every suspect going in and coming out of Bill's office. Perhaps a dark and rainy night? Oh, no! Who shot Bill? I'm guessing they'll bring back LG (Caroline) and she'll be the shooter. I doubt DD is going anywhere except to a hospital bed for several weeks and/or months. It will be an easy paycheck for him. That said, it does look like everyone has been hating Bill more then lately and basically saying "I'll kill, em"!

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 I think that's honestly ever been the only murder mystery, since we all knew who shot Ridge from the get go.

"Who shot Grant Chambers?" was a mystery story back in 1997, and the answer was Rick...

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A hard truth, and one Bill is fixing to learn a lot about.

Once again Bill was offensively hilarious, but I call foul on his comments regarding Brooke. This daughter-in-law fucker can go fuck himself. Bill lost the right to say anything to or about Brooke when he disrespected her and their marriage by putting a make believe skyscraper and his ho bag DIL ahead of them. He further disrespected her by expecting Brooke to just be ok with his criminal activities and when she wouldn’t sign off on them, he turned on her.

Now, he wants to take Will away and disown Wyatt? What a punk ass bitch.

Ah Wyatt..you won my heart yesterday. I think it is all kinds of sexy to stand up for who you love. And Wyatt was right up in Bill’s grill about Katie.

What I am chomping at the bit to see is Quinn’s reaction. Oh, boy howdy, you can lay bets that there is gonna be hell to pay. Quinn might not approve of Wyatt and Katie, but that will be small potatoes to her disapproval of Bill’s treatment of Wyatt.

I wanted to smack Ridge and Steffy. Don’t these two morons realize there is no marriage for Hope to mess up? Steffy just goes on like Liam is coming home next week. And Ridge and this obsession with assault and taking advantage is wearing really thin. Yes Ridge, you little precious was upset, but not too upset to not only open the door to Bill, but to let him in also, and then open her legs too. She wasn’t drunk. She wasn’t on drugs. Maybe if she owned up to you about the emotional affair she was having with Bill for weeks before fucking him; you might start to understand that your stank ass heaux daughter did exactly what she wanted to do. Liam had kissed Sally. Steffy was pissed. And Steffy fucked Bill. There you have it. The whole sordid story in its entirety.

And I don’t think your wife is gonna cotton much to your attitude towards Hope. Especially since you are the one who brought her home.


2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

So after all the talk of Big Bad $ Bill huffing and puffing, I just couldn't resist tuning in. Man, I wish I knew how to quit this show, but it's hard when much of what I saw yesterday was so full of soapy goodness. Rage-inducing soapy goodness, but soapy goodness nonetheless.




@CountryGirl, Show is much like sex; sometimes it is on FIYAR! and other times it puts you to sleep, but you always come back for more. I think I speak for all of us here when I say....Glad to see you back in the fold. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Bill thinks he's teflon because there is nothing in his past that he can't explain away thus there wouldn't be any consequences.  But if that fails, money talks and nobody walks. 

Eric IS the boss. Kind of nice he can reel Quinn in.  I love the way you can see rage in RS' eyes.  

Shelia just happens to be there drinking this all in. Now Shelia has joined the ranks of the partially open door. 

Hope's lips say no but her heart says go for it. 

I feel bad for Bill (not) because everybody wants him dead.  Justin could be the one who does it because he would be the last person they would expect and he would become large and in charge. 

I get the feeling that DD, a nice Jewish boy, from NYC, really enjoys playing that egotistic maniacal ogre Bill Spencer because he does it so well. 

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So, Ridge just put out a hit on Bill.  Telling Shelia of all people that if she really wanted to help the Forresters she would kill Bill.  He knows full well what she is capable of doing, she "killed" Taylor.  What a wimp he is.  He doesn't mind giving an "order" to kill but will not do it himself.

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