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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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This outfit is so sexy and so age appropriate for a woman aged 50+.  Just because a woman is close to entering the senior citizen designation does not mean the end of items that spark the flames of passion in the bedroom.  And for some of us that are 50+ our bodies no longer have a supple youthfulness.  So this outfit hides flaws due to age yet allow a woman to still be sexy and hot.  I turned 59 in December and I look like I'm 45.  There's not a wrinkle on me (I live in Alaska where there is good air, water, and I stay out of the sun) and I've been married for 38 years but I do have skin flaws, namely dry skin that at times looks like a dried up and crack-riddled mud puddle.  If that outfit (the gown and not the robe) was available in sapphire blue, I would track it down and purchase it ASAP.  My husband would be all over it and me in a heartbeat.  So pretty and oh so sexy.

This is So Sexy.png

33 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bill: More annulment papers? Is there a sale on them or something? You get an annulment! You get an annulment! You get an annulment!

I hear no soup for you and no divorce for you when I read that.  Too funny!

Edited by SimplePleasures
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Ashleigh Brewer as a blonde looks awful. It looked like she was wearing a wig. Also, it looked dried out. She was beautiful as a brunette. In fact, she looked like Gal Gadot before Gal was even a thing.



Edited by ByaNose
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The annulments were simply a plot device to move the story along. The legality doesn't really matter. Liam would not be allowed one from a woman pregnant with his presumed child.  But the story demands that Dolla and Steffy be free, so they are. Liam would also lose any legal claim on the child if an annulment happened before he knew of the pregnancy but I suspect that will be ignored as well.  The paternity test could give him some rights but if Steffy marries Dolla before the child is born he will be the legal Dad. But that's real world stuff so I wouldn't count on it. 

Still no sympathy for Steffy here. ; )

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When Steffy said to Brooke “Liam walked out on me,” I wanted to slap her even more than usual. That sentence implied that Liam had wronged her. Bitch, please. And a “bitch, please” to Bill for saying that Liam was “abandoning” his family. Yeah, asshole, when was the last time you saw Will?

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Oh No Ivy...OH NO!!!! Not another blonde....she had the most glamorous dark sultry Liz Taylor look going. Now? Just awful. (I'm telling myself she did it for a part on another show...please.)

Brooke...what are you thinking woman?? Ridge again?? And Steffy instead of your own daughter Hope as maid of honor....really?

Steffy...you still don't really get it...and $Billyboy...you are a disgusting father & an even worse human being & father in law. Still blaming your son for feeling an overwhelming sense of betrayal because the two people he loved & trusted the most in his world basically took that love & crapped all over it like it was nothing. Gah!!!! (and yes, SC was amazing ...I knew he would be.)

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Recap for Wednesday, 1/17/18:

Today's episode should be called WTF Wednesday. I am still SMH.

We open at the FC CEO office where GarBridge are cooing like the wuvbirds they think they are and Brooke admires her admittedly gorgeous rock.

Brooke: "I'm so glad Hope's here to help plan the wedding." Remember that comment for later.

Ridge: "I think we should take a jet to Vegas."

Brooke giggles (God!): "RJ would never forgive us." Is he even on this show anymore? I think he's still in the credits, but Coco got bumped to make room for AN's Hope.

A few minutes later, everyone sans Thorne, gathers in the office. By everyone, I mean, Hope, Eric, Rick, Maya, Pam, Nicole (why is she not back in Paris???), RJ, and Ivy.


Ridge mentions that he didn't invite Thorne, who wouldn't be happy for him. Read the room, Ridge, I doubt most of the folks present are happy for you and the umpteenth GarBridge reunion, but I can't even focus on that because OMG, WTF happened to Ivy's hair? 


I get AB had to change her hair for another role but that's what wigs are for. The color doesn't suit her (not to mention the visible damage all that bleach did), the broom cut is absolutely atrocious, and most everyone knows how I feel about the stupid Sharpie eyebrow fad. AB was a dead ringer for a young Liz Taylor - there oughta be a law against this.

I mean, just LOOK at this:


I'm trying to focus here but I'm seriously blinded by the bleach in her hair.

Even Hope (who looks gorgeous in that pink dress and softer hair) is distracted.


There's a brief mention of Steffy and the fact that she's been AWOL from work for a bit, but that's all rug-swept as Ridge and Brooke giddily announce their engagement with Brooke flashing her ring.


ETA: This made me LOL.


Rick and Maya exchange surreptitious annoyed looks while Hope looks down at the floor when there's a mention of Liam and Steffy.

Moments later, Rick takes Brooke aside, asking: "Is remarrying Ridge what you really want?"

Before Brooke can react to that, Hope, who has overheard them, interjects with her support of the marriage and REALLY? I get she is no fan of Bill and rightfully so, all things considered (although they did make amends of sorts when she miscarried). But once Ridge threw his hat in Steffy's ring where Liam was concerned, things were decidedly strained between Ridge and the woman he raised as his daughter.

Thorne's absence is noted by everyone and Ridge shrugs it off, indicating Thorne doesn't approve of their reunion. Nor should he. I sure don't.

In the second WTF moment of the day, Brooke tells everyone that while she's thrilled to have Hope home, in the spirit of bringing everyone together, she's going to ask Steffy to be her Matron of Honor. 


Not Hope, not Donna, not Katie (although I suppose it would be awkward there), but her once-and-again stepdaughter who's made it her life mission to fuck with the Logans.

Clearly, Brooke thinks it's a G-R-R-EAT idea.


Rick and Hope just smile those not-fake-at-all smiles, with Hope telling her mother, it's fine. 


Eric congratulates Ridge for his "commitment and perseverance." Come back in about six months, Eric, because that's about how long I see this latest marriage, if it does, in fact, happen, lasting.

Ridge: "The passion just gets stronger and stronger." The shit just gets deeper and deeper.

Brooke thanks everyone for being there for them, then leaves to go tell Steffy the good news. Like that heifer will care.

There's talk among the rest of the group about Bill capitulating and signing the annulment so quickly.

Maya: "I wonder if there's another woman in his life."

Ridge is cocky as ever (typical) and I can't wait for him to learn the truth about his precious baby girl and Big Bad $ Bill.

We cut over to the beach house and I'm gonna need a minute or five to laugh at the ridiculous of this:


The camera pulls away as Steffy lifts her head, hearing someone at the door, and I'm especially amused to see the pillow atop her head.


All around the world, women get dumped or left or divorced and do they hunker down under a blankie and cry for days on end? No, they do not. They get up and go to work and DEAL.

Well, well, well, lookie who's here...


I'm sure you're all SHOCKED!!! to see Bill darkening her doorstep. 

For a man who continues to claim his only concern is keeping Liam's family intact, WTF is he DOING there?

She realizes that it's Bill and flops back down on the couch.


Bill walks over to the couch and stands there, looking down on her and how he could have thrown away the best thing to have ever happened to him for this...I just cannot wrap my head around it.


He assumes, incorrectly, that Liam still hasn't made contact, but Steffy finally sits up and shares that Liam DID come home...to kick her  lying, cheating ass to the curb. Okay, well, she didn't exactly say that, but same difference.


Also, her mascara continues to bug...because she shouldn't be wearing ANY. If she's truly that distraught, makeup should be the last thing on her mind right now.

Steffy: "You shouldn't be here."

Bill: "I'm here because I care." Uh huh.

Steffy: "You care too much." You never seemed to mind before, heifer, and if you do now, you sure have a shitty way of showing it. Regardless of what happened with Liam, she should have immediately cut off all contact with Bill, including blocking his number. But she hasn't done any of that...and it's no secret why.

There's some whining from her about what happened between them and cries about Liam being gone.

Steffy: "I don't know how I'm gonna do this on my own."

Single mothers the world over are looking at her like this right about now.


Plus, Liam has given every indication that he will be there for their child - just not living under the same roof - and co-parenting with her. So she can STFU.

Bill, sitting down next to her: "You won't have to do this alone. I won't let you." Oh really?

They start to argue a bit with Bill becoming angry at Liam's actions, yelling that she's pregnant now and that changes everything. It changes...nothing. 

Steffy, kind of, sort of, defending Liam for maybe the first time ever, insists: "He wasn't cruel. He's in pain." Pain that you expect him to immediately just sweep under the rug for your benefit.


Bill backs away from the couch then and shares that she wasn't the only one that had annulment papers shoved in their face. He confirms that his marriage to Brooke is officially over.

Steffy throws off the blanket (finally) and comes face to face with Bill, both reflecting on their failed marriages.


Bill: "I will be there for you and the baby." They're all he has left at this point.


Steffy won't meet his eyes and tells him he needs to leave.


He goes, but we all know he'll be back.

Later, Brooke arrives and is surprised to see Steffy looking so terrible.


At a loss for words for once, Steffy backs away and starts tidying up the living room.


Brooke: "Steffy? Are you okay?" It's obvious she's not.

Steffy shoving the annulment papers under some other stuff, insists she's fine, "just tired."

Brooke sidesteps for a moment, clearly taken aback by Steffy's demeanor and appearance, sharing that they've really missed her at the office.

Steffy surmises that she's here to share the details of the family meeting at FC.

Brooke: "Well...I thought maybe you would notice." She holds up her hand, displaying the engagement ring.


Maybe it's just me, but it seems a really odd, tone deaf moment from Brooke, but perhaps she senses Steffy is struggling for normalcy and is playing along. I don't know.

Brooke: "You seem a little distracted." A little?

Steffy sees the ring and almost smiles, telling Brooke "congratulations." I like Jacquie here as she seems genuinely happy for Brooke and her father. Their history as stepmother and stepdaughter is something I'd like to revisit and not the down with the Logans nonsense.


Brooke shares what Steffy already knows, there's no need for them to wait as Ridge got Bill to sign the annulment papers already.

Steffy sits down, the folded blanket on her lap, murmuring "that's great."

Brooke finally asks the question she should have asked the moment Steffy opened the door: "Are you okay, Steffy? You don't seem yourself today."

Steffy shrugs that off: "No...it's just really big news...I'm really happy for you." But she can't meet Brooke's eyes.

Brooke lets it alone, taking a seat and telling Steffy: "I have a favor to ask you." Steffy finally looks at her, not knowing what to expect. "You know your father loves you very much and so do I. And we want our wedding to be a celebration of family...togetherness...unity." Oh, the words must burn in Steffy's ears right now. "So, we're asking for all of your support."

Steffy nods, "Sure." You can tell she just wants to curl back on the couch with her blankie.

Brooke: "But I'd be asking a little bit more of you."

Steffy looks at her like, what now?

Brooke: "It would mean the world to me, really, if you were to stand up for me...be my matron of honor."

Steffy is in disbelief: "Oh...um...I don't know if I can."

Brooke assures her there's no set date or time and they can be flexible. Tell that to Ridge.

Steffy is non-committal, saying she just doesn't know and Brooke wants to know why, thinking maybe her hesitation is because of Taylor and their history. It's nice to acknowledge some history here.

Steffy is quick to assure her otherwise: "You make my father happy and I know you're going to have a beautiful wedding and a wonderful marriage." That more than anything starts the first warning bells in Brooke's head. "I can't be a part of it." Why, are you still going to be a shut-in whenever the GarBridge nuptials come around?

Brooke doesn't understand, telling her Ridge and she would love to have her and Liam (ouch!) at their wedding. The knife is twisted as Brooke adds how they are "so amazing" and "inspiring." Blech...

Brooke asks her to think about and talk to Liam about it when he gets home. Steffy winces at that.

She turns to face Brooke: "Because he's not coming home."

Brooke, not following: "He's not coming home?"

Steffy: "He walked out..."

Brooke doesn't get it: "He walked out."

Steffy: "On me...our marriage. He doesn't want to be with me anymore." Here comes her twisted version of things.

Brooke counters: "But Liam loves you. I know he does. And you love him."

Steffy: "Of course I do! More than anything."

Brooke realizes there is far more going on here than she suspected and is at a loss: "Okay, there's obviously a lot going on here that I don't understand and obviously, you're very upset. I just wish you would talk to me, Steffy. Maybe I could help." She looks at Steffy closely. "What is it? What happened?"

I'm guessing this won't be the response:


Edited by CountryGirl
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Bill's comments about Brooke are, sadly, consistent to the same shit he once said to Brooke about Katie: that Katie didn't support him and walked out on him.

All Bill wants in a woman is a lapdog, and I'll bet in another year, when he does something even Stuffy can't look past, he'll be singing the same old song about her never being there for him. ?

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7 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill's comments about Brooke are, sadly, consistent to the same shit he once said to Brooke about Katie: that Katie didn't support him and walked out on him.

All Bill wants in a woman is a lapdog, and I'll bet in another year, when he does something even Stuffy can't look past, he'll be singing the same old song about her never being there for him. ?

True...and it has infuriated me, his acting like Brooke left him because he was late for dinner one evening vs what he actually did which I won't mention yet again because we can all recite the litany of Bill's misdeeds, chapter and verse.

Additionally, his song and dance about how Liam should forgive and forget is truly laughable...and hypocritical.

Can you imagine if Brooke or Katie had cheated on HIM???

There would be hell to pay and then some. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

In the second WTF moment of the day, Brooke tells everyone that while she's thrilled to have Hope home, in the spirit of bringing everyone together, she's going to ask Steffy to be her Matron of Honor. 

What's sad about the writing for this show is that they're adherence to plot beats over character is what keeps pulling people out of a story that the actors are really trying to make work.

Brooke does not need to want to make Steffy her MOH for her to have a reason to go over to the house!

Ridge, Steffy is MIA from work for DAYS, you just got engaged, you are supposedly very close to this one remaining daughter you have. You want to go check on her but an urgent business matter -that your daughter would normally handle- needs attention. You don't want to leave it to the vultures Rick and Thorne to handle so you stay behind at work but send Brooke over to check on her for you with the message that you'll stop by later.

See? A much more plausible reason for Ridge to not go but Brooke to go over as she's checking on her step-daughter.


55 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

All Bill wants in a woman is a lapdog, and I'll bet in another year, when he does something even Stuffy can't look past, he'll be singing the same old song about her never being there for him. ?

I can't believe this show would blow up Brill so completely for Bill not to be obsessed over Steffy for a good long time. The Still sex wasn't the victory fans wanted since it was a cheating moment instead of a commitment moment. They're going to want Steffy and Bill to have a happy sexy romp with Still happy and in love and us against the world and all that crap. That can't happen until after Steffy has this kid and she and Liam are divorced so....this Thanksgiving? And then they'll have the custody battle and us against the world and Bill pledging his love to Steffy, giving her an ugly sword ring, Steffy reclaiming her sex bomb hair and dominatrix style dress and making no more apologies to Liam as she claims her title as $teffy Forrester-Spencer, Bill's Dark Queen.

This is a two year minimum storyline of Still vs Lope or Lally. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Ridge is still the same slimy disgusting weasel he's always been, but I agreed with him about they should just go to Vegas.  What's the point in another lavish wedding when the marriage will only last a few months?  The guest list is sure to be hilarious though.  Eric and Thorne, father and brother of the groom, both previously married to the bride.  Thomas, son of the groom, Caroline previously married to the groom, now with each other and their child.  Rick, son of the bride, son of the groom's father, once thought to be the groom's brother, once married to Caroline.  Katie, sister of the bride, once engaged to the groom.  Bill, once married to the bride, once married to the bride's sister Katie, and currently screwing his son's wife, Steffy who is the daughter of the groom.  Liam, married to both Steffy and Hope.  Wyatt, married to both Steffy and Hope, currently screwing Katie, his father's former wife.  Quinn, married to the groom's father, had an affair with the groom.  This could go on and on forever.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I apologize in advance if this post makes no sense. I am only in possession of half my head as I type it; the other half blew away during the rage explosion I experienced as I watched yesterday’s show.

Just when I was starting to thaw a teensy tiny bit to Bridge; they go and pull that ridiculous family meeting shit in the Forrester Communal Office. I am expected to believe that these people are genuinely happy and excited for Brooke and Ridge’s 4000th engagement? Right. My best guess is they came to get their food and drink on. Or, to see if this ring outdoes the prior one. But what got me was Brooke standing there going on about how they are all family, and how they all support and love each other, and how it is such a good time for the Forrester’s. So, is that why Thorne, Katie, Wyatt and Quinn were absent? Because everyone supports everyone? And this Steffy as Matron of Honor shit? PALEEEEESE! Hope should have been offended. And Steffy as MOH is only going to work if Brooke is planning a Goth style wedding. Then Eric has to make a speech about how fucking proud he is. Oh, I am trying, but somehow I just can’t……..

Ok, I am going to try and get through this, but my rage is back building…….

Bill. You fucker. I hate you with the heat of a thousand suns that are a thousand times hotter than normal suns. You are rotten to the core and you stink. You don’t care about anything except yourself, your power, your company, and apparently, your nasty ass DIL. After partaking of an epicurean delight, it seems you now prefer pork ‘n’ beans served on lovely china, accompanied by a plate of dry cornbread to sop up the mess. Is this when you tell Steffy you fucked with the paternity test? Oh, wait, I am getting ahead of myself; I think quicker when dealing with only half a head. So, it wasn’t bad enough that you cut Brooke loose like a nasty habit? That you have been totally MIA from her life since she told you goodbye? I guess that would make sense, expect that was not your pattern over the long five years you fought to be with Brooke. No, during that time, you fought every day. And you fought hard. You never let her forget how special she was, and how you couldn’t live without her, and how you would wait for her forever. But Brooke committed the unpardonable sin of not supporting Bill, and now he feels he can not only remove Brooke like a cancer, but throw her under the bus too, as some horrible excuse for a wife. At least from Bill’s perspective, when in reality, Brooke refused to condone his escalating tendency to brute force and violence. She also refused to hand wave his criminal activity. But Bill, in his Machiavellian egotism, see’s this as a betrayal. To Bill, anything that is built on a foundation of ethics, morals, compassion and decency is to be ridiculed, and anyone who lives by any one of those codes is dispensable. His dialog yesterday was so offensive, and so infuriating, that I had to stop watching for a bit and finish later.

I mean, fucking REALLY?

“The same principles that got him involved with Sally, and Spectra to the extent that he did?”

Oh, no he didn’t just throw shade on Liam.

“Showing total disregard for you and your feelings? Well those principles were misguided then, and they are meaningless now if they allow him to abandon his family.”

If THEY allow him to abandon his family? Did Liam’s principles guide your fucking divining rod into Steffy’s watering hole? And being a responsible co-parent with a cheating spouse is NOT abandonment.

Pilot light has now been ignited.

“He’s all about generosity and compassion? Well how about he shows you some?”

WHAAA???? Why should Liam show Steffy compassion for fucking her FIL?

This is when I could feel my internal temperature starting to climb.

“There are all kinds of ways to compromise the integrity of a marriage.”

You mean like having an emotional affair with your DIL?


“I warned him. I told him walking away from you would be the biggest mistake he could make.”

Seriously Bill? Do you honestly think Liam gives one flying fuck about what you think?

“Your trying to keep the family together, and he is talking to lawyers.”

Well, maybe if Tootsie had been more focused on keeping her legs together Liam wouldn’t be needing to talk to those lawyers.

Lava; I could feel it beginning its slow climb up my esophagus.

“Once upon a time I felt that way about Brooke; I felt like she would stand by my side through anything. That she would call me on my behavior, but reign in the judgement.”

If this is what Bill truly believed about Brooke, then he didn’t know her at all. Brooke is certainly not without fault, or guilt, or blame, or shame. Brooke has done some terrible, heinous things. But Brooke is not malicious. And she has never been a criminal, and would never have even thought of committing arson to achieve her goals. How dare Bill project his stinking shit onto my girl like that.

Lava is now engulfing my gag reflex.

“But every time there was a problem; she was out the door.”

Again, WHAAA???? Every time there was a problem? I…..I…….WHAT? I don’t get it; what problems? Bill and Brooke were blissfully happy until she learned about the fire. OHHHHH! OK, I get it. Since Bill had the perfect marriage to the perfect woman, he has to come up with something to sell his fucking tea.

It is in my head now, and I have developed a raging lava headache.

“That’s what allowed me to sign those annulment papers, because it didn’t just happen once, it was a pattern of behavior. One that I know you’re familiar with. It’s a harsh reality, but once I was willing to face it; things became clear for me”

Ah, poor Bill, had to face that harsh reality. Fucker. Well face this harsh reality; there was no pattern of behavior; except from you $Bill. And how fucking dare you talk about Brooke like she was a chess piece just waiting for your next move. Saying she showed a pattern of behavior suggesting she is mentally incompetent. How rich is that coming from Bill? Then, reminding Steffy how Liam has cut and run in the past. Yeah, of course he did. Liam is the friggin Waffle King. But you don’t get to talk about that anymore Bill. No, you don’t get to talk about what Liam will or won’t be doing. And you don’t get to tell him what he has to do, or he will be this or that. And you don’t get to be angry with Liam because you fucked his wife. And you don’t get to lay your jacked up life psychology on him. And you don’t get to blame Liam because you are a weak excuse for a human being. What you do get to do, and what you should be doing, is staying as far away from Liam and Steffy as possible. Go take a long, extended break on the Stella Maris or something. Jump off a cliff. Walk out into moving traffic. But keep your warped ideas, your manipulating heart, and your dick to yourself and far away from those two.

I felt the explosion before I saw the detritus littering my living room.

I understand they are trying to make Steffy look like the grieving wife, but there is only so much mascara you can apply and cry off. Unless Steffy has been reapplying her makeup each day, which makes no sense, then she is still crying off the makeup she had on when she was out on the patio, off in happy fambly dreamland days ago. Go wash your face. It will make you feel better.

I loved Hope’s dress.

Brooke looked like a vision.

I don’t know about Ivy’s hair. I don’t think they picked the right shade of blonde for her, and I hate the cut. And it looks very dry and brittle.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

All Bill wants in a woman is a lapdog, and I'll bet in another year, when he does something even Stuffy can't look past, he'll be singing the same old song about her never being there for him. ?

I know I answered this with my 'Nah, they'll be on this for two years' but upon second thought this show would TOTALLY try to have Bill say with a straight face that Brooke leaving him devastated him and he reached out for a lifeline and that was Steffy who he also had feelings for but he was REALLY trying to numb the pain of losing Brooke. Who he still loves. Still. And wants back. Because he loved her better than Ridge ever could!

DD's ten year anniversary is next year (March 2019).  It'd be nice if this story dovetailed into a climax in February/March with Bill near death (who shot Bill ala who shot JR? or most likely a heart attack from all his beef and booze) and we get a flashback heavy week of all his exploits and misdeeds.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

I know I answered this with my 'Nah, they'll be on this for two years' but upon second thought this show would TOTALLY try to have Bill say with a straight face that Brooke leaving him devastated him and he reached out for a lifeline and that was Steffy who he also had feelings for but he was REALLY trying to numb the pain of losing Brooke. Who he still loves. Still. And wants back. Because he loved her better than Ridge ever could!

DD's ten year anniversary is next year (March 2019).  It'd be nice if this story dovetailed into a climax in February/March with Bill near death (who shot Bill ala who shot JR? or most likely a heart attack from all his beef and booze) and we get a flashback heavy week of all his exploits and misdeeds.

It is absolutely hysterical that you made this comparison, because I've been on the fence about commenting, as I'm sure my thoughts will probably be unpopular, but after seeing your comment, I thought that was a sign.

I know that everyone is pissed at $Bill. Me, too, but I don't have the rage that a lot of you have. Even as much as I like Liam & am rooting for him, & even as much as I think $Bill has been kind of a dud in this storyline, I still want $Bill to win & come out ahead, whatever that means to him. I feel dirty enough, please don't shame me. After I read all of the comments this morning, I was thinking about why I don't hate him, even though his actions warrant it - I really dislike cheating, except in my soaps, & the thought of sleeping with my father-in-law makes me physically ill, blech (my daughter is only 3, so that's the only comparison I can make). Thank God for a slow day at work, but I think I figured it out.

It is crazy, but I think DD as $Bill just has that special something that pops on-screen. The only 2 other actors that I could legit say have that, are Simon Baker/Patrick Jane & JR Ewing/Larry Hagman. Even when both of those characters/actors are deplorable, which JR definitely was more often than not, I rooted for them to win, because they're both so damn charming. Yep, I admit it, I'm a charm-whore. I think DD as $Bill has that certain charm that will likely always make me root for him. Of course, he's drop-dead gorgeous, & aging like the finest of wines, but it's more than that. Larry Hagman, God rest his soul, is not conventionally attractive, but he had that charm going for him every second. I see that same thing in DD as $Bill. Ironically, I did not at all see that charm with Brad Carlton, who I always found to be a weasel, no matter how insanely hot he was, so maybe DD has just found his stride. Or maybe it's the facial hair, I do love a hottie with primped facial hair. 


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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "I don't know how I'm gonna do this on my own."

Single mothers the world over are looking at her like this right about now.

I've read this complaint on the Y&R boards several times, and I'm going to repeat it here.  WHY do these shows insist on making their wealthy characters into people who are barely scraping to get by?  When Steffy got her CEO promotion, I think I recall Eric saying that she'd be making about $1M a year...she can't afford a nanny?

I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but eeewwww I think I saw Steffy wipe her nose on the blankie of despair.

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22 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I know that everyone is pissed at $Bill. Me, too, but I don't have the rage that a lot of you have. Even as much as I like Liam & am rooting for him, & even as much as I think $Bill has been kind of a dud in this storyline, I still want $Bill to win & come out ahead, whatever that means to him. I feel dirty enough, please don't shame me.

No shame at ALL. Defend your man! :)

Totally see the charm factor that DD has working for him as Bill. He normally is a villain I can root to win as he often puts the other hypocrites in place even as he is hypocritical but he's not telling any lies. And he gives no damns about what people think. My problem is he isn't being consistent in his desires -especially in this story.

You always knew where JR stood and even if he was an SOB to Bobby, just let someone try to pull some crap with ANY of the Ewings. Hell would be dealt out.

Bill could totally pull off the the 'Don't walk away mad, darlin!' kind of line.

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Hey Thorne, Brooke is a righty so I'm sure Brooke brushes her hair with her right hand and the ring is on her left hand. 

Rick has not only rubbed off on Maya but it's seems Nicole has transcended to a judgmental entitled witch with bad hair.  It's still ok for Nicole, Maya, and Rick to gossip but it's not ok for anyone else.  Nicole, please STFU and go back to Paris and keep trying to have a baby with Zende.  

Is Stuffy actually going to take full responsibility for her actions or is she going to give Liam partial blame for not forgiving her?

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44 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

No shame at ALL. Defend your man! :)

Echoing this - I think the reason so many of us are up in arms is because of how much we do love $ Bill, flaws and all.

I didn't care for him when he first came on and he was a prick to the Logan sisters, Brooke especially, but he grew on me, he had the charm, the charisma, and the machismo that always left me wanting a little bit more.  When he fell for Brooke without losing his give no fucks edge and fought for her for five FREAKIN' years....


Not to mention how he helped Brooke evolve and stop being the town doormat - they truly brought out the best in each other.

I just adored him and wanted Brill so much and for a few golden months, I finally got my wish only to see it all turn to ashes and for what? Some duck-faced slattern who couldn't fill Brooke's outgrown socks, let her alone her stilettos. Isn't interesting how Brooke brought out in the best in Bill while Hauxdi brought out the worst?

The Bill I know (or thought I knew) wouldn't have given this heifer a second glance and would have moved heaven and earth to win Brooke back. He sure as hell wouldn't have gotten all obsessed with a tower either.

I love your idea, @TobinAlbers, of some medical crisis befalling Bill. A stroke, a heart attack, hell, even prostrate cancer. One that shakes him up and makes him take a good, long, hard look at his life and he makes some serious changes. Not losing his edge and all the dirty, delicious appeal he brings, but where he actually takes stock and realizes what's worth fighting for. His sons, Brooke...not Steffy and certainly not Skye. A crisis where Brooke is drawn back into his orbit because the thought of losing him is simply, to quote her from earlier this week, "unthinkable."

But even if that doesn't happen, I can't help but love him or, rather, right now, love to hate him. It's far different than my feelings about the Not-So-Great Prictor Newman whom I just hate.

And just because...

Love the silver in his temples...


And the warm, cozy flannel he's kind of sporting...


And of course this, which needs no introduction:


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DD/$Bill was fabulous today with TK/Ridge. I actually don't mind Ridge, but I'd root for $Bill any day over him. He was actually respectful, but he certainly had Ridge questioning him & trying to get more info. On what planet would Ridge care if Bill had a new relationship? He didn't even know about Steffy & Liam at that point, so there's no reason he'd ever even suspect her, I can't imagine why Ridge would try to find out who Bill is crushing on. Just wait until he finds out that Bill knocked up his daughter. 

I'd LOVE for $Bill to tell Steffy "don't walk away mad, darlin!". He would rock that! You know, if it wasn't $Bill that had slept with Steffy, but someone else, for the sake of argument, we'll say LDG, $Bill would have gone all JR & protected his blood, & LDG would've been Cliff Barnes-ed in the most ruthless way. I always kinda thought JR & Pamela Barnes-Ewing were gonna have hate sex, I could very easily see him sleeping with Bobby's wife, definitely Ray's wife, if it was pre-Jokerface Priscilla Presley. JR would have also completely fixated on a building &/or piece of land to house that building, just like $Bill, & done whatever necessary to get what he wanted. He would have gotten it, though, likely without blowing up his son.

The more I write, the more comparisons I'm coming across. Interesting. 

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2 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Is Stuffy actually going to take full responsibility for her actions or is she going to give Liam partial blame for not forgiving her?

Partial?  You give Steffy WAY too much credit :)

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

It is crazy, but I think DD as $Bill just has that special something that pops on-screen. The only 2 other actors that I could legit say have that, are Simon Baker/Patrick Jane & JR Ewing/Larry Hagman. Even when both of those characters/actors are deplorable, which JR definitely was more often than not, I rooted for them to win, because they're both so damn charming. Yep, I admit it, I'm a charm-whore. I think DD as $Bill has that certain charm that will likely always make me root for him. Of course, he's drop-dead gorgeous, & aging like the finest of wines, but it's more than that. Larry Hagman, God rest his soul, is not conventionally attractive, but he had that charm going for him every second. I see that same thing in DD as $Bill. Ironically, I did not at all see that charm with Brad Carlton, who I always found to be a weasel, no matter how insanely hot he was, so maybe DD has just found his stride. Or maybe it's the facial hair, I do love a hottie with primped facial hair. 

I would add David Canary (Adam Chandler AMC) to the list.  I like Adam, JR, and Bill way more than I like any of the self righteous hypocrites that currently pass as characters on this show.

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill could totally pull off the the 'Don't walk away mad, darlin!' kind of line.

JR had some excellent lines.  One of my favorites was to Bobby when Bobby told JR he was remarrying Pam, "I never would have thought a brother of mine could be this stupid, except Ray and Gary, of course." or, "Son never tell the truth when a good lie will do."

I'm not mad at Bill.  I wish Steffy had told Brooke Liam left her because Steffy had sex with Bill.  I would love for Brooke to die of a heart attack, and stay dead.

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JR kind of originated the one-liner! He really did have some classics. I'm so happy that he was alive for the beginning of the reboot. After he was gone, the show was gone, but he was the best. I loved when he always told Sue Ellen that she was "the prettiest girl in all of Texas." 

Onto Bill, I am actually looking forward to Ridge finding out that his dear, sweet Steffy has put the pep back in $Bill's step. Oh, when he finds out that $Bill will be at Christmas, & Thanksgiving, & the 4th of July, with Ridge's daughter, & the child she shares with $Bill, that'll be juicy! 

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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill's comments about Brooke are, sadly, consistent to the same shit he once said to Brooke about Katie: that Katie didn't support him and walked out on him.

All Bill wants in a woman is a lapdog, and I'll bet in another year, when he does something even Stuffy can't look past, he'll be singing the same old song about her never being there for him. ?

Glad someone else noticed that Brill's dialogue has been recycled in a pitiful, misguided and laughable attempt to make Swill work.  Naw, Billy.  Brooke's "pattern of behavior" is because she expected a lot from her man--even one as flawed as you--because you convinced her (and Brill fans) that she brought out the best in you.  Check out your own pattern of behavior, bruh. 

Meanwhile, you have this whey-faced slattern, who is so lacking in a conscience that she has yet to make things right with her older brother.  I can't even!  How does Bill fix his mouth to talk about "loyalty" with a ho-bag who fucked him while she was married to his son?  How in the bloody hell does that even compute?  Um, Bill--to quote the young un's:  That hoe ain't LOYAL!  

I would have a lot more respect for Bill if he simply told Stuffy, "Fuck it.  You know what?  I'm an evil-minded, evil-doing motherfucker and we deserve each other.  At least with you I don't even have to try to be a better man, husband or father."  That would be the one honest thing to come out of Bill's mouth since this all of this fuckery began.

Then the ground can open and swallow both their trifling asses up.  But, I suspect that Satan will throw them back up here because even he isn't ready for them.

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As if I didn’t hate Ridge enough, he has the absolute GALL to send annulment papers to Bill without Brooke’s knowledge and then goes to his office to gloat and “thank him” today. Who the hell does this chump think he is?! Brooke needs to slap him into next Tuesday, throw his ring in the ocean and move to Australia!

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Oh Ridge, you're going to regret throwing those verbal daggers at $Bill's today when you find out he boinked Steffy. And that he might be her baby daddy.  (Because it's almost guaranteed Bill messed with the DNA test, right?)

Yeah, Brooke. Bill adores Steffy alright. More than YOU even know.

I wonder how FC stays in business when a chunk of their staff seems to spend most of their time staging and gossiping about family  drama. Or they're off running personal errands, and that's even if they bother to show up at the office at all. It must be aggravating to work there if you're not a Forrester.

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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

JR kind of originated the one-liner! He really did have some classics. I'm so happy that he was alive for the beginning of the reboot. After he was gone, the show was gone, but he was the best. I loved when he always told Sue Ellen that she was "the prettiest girl in all of Texas." 

Onto Bill, I am actually looking forward to Ridge finding out that his dear, sweet Steffy has put the pep back in $Bill's step. Oh, when he finds out that $Bill will be at Christmas, & Thanksgiving, & the 4th of July, with Ridge's daughter, & the child she shares with $Bill, that'll be juicy! 

I would love for every Christmas Ridge to be watching Thomas and Caroline with their child, Brooke watching Bill and Steffy with their child, thinking about how much happier they would be if they hadn't gotten married to each other again for the millionith time, and to be bitter and unhappy for the rest of their lives.

Richard Channing (David Selby) is another bad guy with great lines.

57 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Glad someone else noticed that Brill's dialogue has been recycled in a pitiful, misguided and laughable attempt to make Swill work.  Naw, Billy.  Brooke's "pattern of behavior" is because she expected a lot from her man--even one as flawed as you--because you convinced her (and Brill fans) that she brought out the best in you.  Check out your own pattern of behavior, bruh. 

I'm baffled as to how the sister of your wife who you cheated with your wife on could be considered someone who could bring out the best in anybody.

9 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

As if I didn’t hate Ridge enough, he has the absolute GALL to send annulment papers to Bill without Brooke’s knowledge and then goes to his office to gloat and “thank him” today. Who the hell does this chump think he is?! Brooke needs to slap him into next Tuesday, throw his ring in the ocean and move to Australia!

It's Ridge.  His ego is bigger than the Grand Canyon.  Also, Brooke has literally begged Ridge to have sex with her, and spent decades begging him to choose her, so it's not surprising Ridge has once again decided he owns Brooke.  She makes it easy for him.

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Why didn't Ridge just drag Brooke into $Bill's office (by her hair of course!), throw her on $Bill's desk, drop trou and piss on her.  Because isn't that what he was doing?  Marking his territory?  @RuntheTable, I was suffering from similar symptoms.  I couldn't decide who I hated more in that scene; Ridge or $Bill.  I decided that I hated Ridge more, only because he's been making Brooke miserable for longer.  And I still can't believe that $Bill is okay with Brooke leaving him.  Only a man, crazy with grief over losing the love of his life, would throw away everything he cared about just to get in that slattern's knickers.

That small scene between Thorne and Brooke was nice.  KKL and Ingo have known each other a minute and have more chemistry than KKL and TK EVER will, even with TK in full 'Charm Offensive' mode.  Ingo is more charming in his sleep than TK with his charm turned up to '11'.

I missed Ron Moss in the scene between Steffy and Ridge.  Ron was a better daddy; TK was just going through the motions  He wasn't really paying attention to Steffy.  I can't wait for Ridge's reaction when Steffy tells him THE AWFUL TRUTH.  He's going to realize that peculiar odor in $Bill's office was 'eau de Hauxdilox'.

I adore Justin; he's so smart, funny and COOL.  I live for his 2 minute scenes with $Bill Why doesn't that man have a story line?  God knows the show needs some new y-chromosomes.  Why not Justin's?

Edited by mightysparrow
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oh Ridge, you're going to regret throwing those verbal daggers at $Bill's today when you find out he boinked Steffy.

I can't wait to see the smug slide right off his face when he finds out, it's going to be epic!

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19 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Then, reminding Steffy how Liam has cut and run in the past. Y

And who the fuck was egging him on in that shit?

Actually, let me ask another question: who the fuck was usually setting up situations to force Liam's hand when it was obvious he never got over Hope to make him settle on Steffy until whatever idiot misunderstanding was cleared up and Steffy was kicked to the curb like the loose booty heaux she's always been?

19 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Once upon a time I felt that way about Brooke; I felt like she would stand by my side through anything. That she would call me on my behavior, but reign in the judgement.”

If this is what Bill truly believed about Brooke, then he didn’t know her at all. Brooke is certainly not without fault, or guilt, or blame, or shame. Brooke has done some terrible, heinous things. But Brooke is not malicious. And she has never been a criminal, and would never have even thought of committing arson to achieve her goals. How dare Bill project his stinking shit onto my girl like that.

I can't say Brooke has ever been "my girl," and even I was pissed in a way I haven't been at any shade thrown at Brooke since before Stephanie took her dirt nap . That kinda shit was Taylor's realm of expertise.

As I said in another post, Bill didn't want a loving wife; he wanted a lapdog. 

16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Is Stuffy actually going to take full responsibility for her actions or is she going to give Liam partial blame for not forgiving her?

I'm genuinely surprised it was Bill and not her throwing shade on Liam's Waffle Prince history. But I won't be shocked at all if, in six months, the Slattern points out his indecision between Hope and Sally to paint him as some kind d of man 'ho and use that against him in the custody hearing.

One can only pray that Hope and Sally put their rivalry aside to vouch for his character, Hope tells all of Steffy's antics even before this mess and that the judge tells Steffy to kick rocks as he awards full custody to Liam. Then Liam takes his kid far away from her and Bill's influence the way JT did with Reed, for all the good that did.

11 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

missed Ron Moss in the scene between Steffy and Ridge.  Ron was a better daddy; TK was just going through the motions  He wasn't really paying attention to Steffy. 

He really was, which was the one thing I hated Ridge the least for back in the day. But TK just cannot pull off a balance of tenderness with any of his kids. It was especially glaring during The Misunderstanding and his interaction with Thomad and I could help but think that RM might have carried those scene far better.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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20 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

the Slattern points out his indecision between Hope and Sally to paint him as some kind d of man 'ho and use that against him in the custody hearing.

At which point Liam can point to dead Aly's grave, the accidental attack on Ivy complete with restraining order, and the situation of her carrying a loaded weapon and point blank shooting Sheila in cold blood which he witnessed. And the fact she cheated on him the day after he nearly died with his father and needed a paternity test to determine WTD.

Liam was a waffle but he's done nothing criminal or anything close to be considered a danger to a child.

Now had he been seriously injured in the explosion and developed an addiction to pain killers...but the writers missed that boat.

1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

Why didn't Ridge just drag Brooke into $Bill's office (by her hair of course!), throw her on $Bill's desk, drop trou and piss on her.  

Daaaaamn! ????

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34 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Now had he been seriously injured in the explosion and developed an addiction to pain killers...but the writers missed that boat.

Never say never with these quacks ?

B&B loves it's social causes, but damn can they be overly preachy like Stephanie's cancer or completely gloss over the obvious beats like they did with Maya being outed. I'm kinda glad they skipped that here.

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18 hours ago, ByTor said:

I've read this complaint on the Y&R boards several times, and I'm going to repeat it here.  WHY do these shows insist on making their wealthy characters into people who are barely scraping to get by?  When Steffy got her CEO promotion, I think I recall Eric saying that she'd be making about $1M a year...she can't afford a nanny?

I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but eeewwww I think I saw Steffy wipe her nose on the blankie of despair.

You did see that, BYTOR.  We ALL saw it!

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Bill didn't want a loving wife; he wanted a lapdog. 

Well, he sure won't get a lapdog in Steffy. She may be down at the moment but her true colors are going to show again. Steffy will have her kid taking over SP before she or he hits pre-school...assuming of course $Bill is indeed the baby daddy.

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12 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:
12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

the Slattern points out his indecision between Hope and Sally to paint him as some kind d of man 'ho and use that against him in the custody hearing.

At which point Liam can point to dead Aly's grave, the accidental attack on Ivy complete with restraining order, and the situation of her carrying a loaded weapon and point blank shooting Sheila in cold blood which he witnessed.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that!

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21 hours ago, nkotb said:

I still want $Bill to win & come out ahead

I have a huge soft spot for DD. So yeah, I may not want to admit it, but yeah.

But for me $Bill winning is being back with Brooke, not that she-beast in a hoodie.

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Bell is never going to let Ridge and Brooke stay apart.  That's the couple he likes.  Any character who gets paired up with one of these two losers is going to be trashed in an effort to try and make Ridge and Brooke look better.  It's to bad they won't write these idiot characters out of the show.  I don't want to see Bill and Thorne wasted on Brooke.

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14 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

At which point Liam can point to dead Aly's grave, the accidental attack on Ivy complete with restraining order, and the situation of her carrying a loaded weapon and point blank shooting Sheila in cold blood which he witnessed.

Eh, I give her a pass for Sheila ?

But, yeah. She can't win this one at all.

23 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Bell is never going to let Ridge and Brooke stay apart.  That's the couple he likes.  Any character who gets paired up with one of these two losers is going to be trashed in an effort to try and make Ridge and Brooke look better.  It's to bad they won't write these idiot characters out of the show.  I don't want to see Bill and Thorne wasted on Brooke.

Sad but true. Jack Wagner was a huge get for B&B, Nick and Brooke had the best chemistry of anyone KKL has ever been paired with and the IIC took a sledgehammer to his character to make Bridge palpable. I think even Bell knew what he had when he inexplicably had Brooke chasing back after him after he'd finally moved on.

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I don't know if they're exactly the same or not but the off-the-shoulder plaid top Maya has been sporting the past couple of days looks so similar to the one Megan Markle work to an event in Wales with Prince Harry yesterday.  Could the princess-to-be be borrowing fashion trends from B&B?  :-)

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I don't know if they're exactly the same or not but the off-the-shoulder plaid top Maya has been sporting the past couple of days looks so similar to the one Megan Markle work to an event in Wales with Prince Harry yesterday.  Could the princess-to-be be borrowing fashion trends from B&B?  :-)

I compared the photos of her to the photos on Worn on TV and the tops do look to be the same to me. However, Ashley Abbott on Y&R wore it a couple of months ago so I'm going to assume Megan is borrowing fashion trends from Genoa City. :-)

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By the time Stuffy told her father what happened, she could of had the baby and TIIC could have SORAS the baby to be a teenager.  I can see where Ridge and Stuffy are alike as father and daughter. They really can't show emotion. 

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$Bill signs annulment papers and here comes Brooke sniffing around and saying "I'll always care for you", trying to keep the fish hooked. She and Ridge belong together.

UO, I never bought Brooke as the love of Bill's life, clearly the love of Bill's life has always been Bill. 

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Bill has said Katie, Brooke, now Steffi is the love of his life. He sees himself as a winner so each woman he ends up with is the "best" one and most "perfect match". Until he fucks it up and then the woman after will be those things. It's triumphalist thinking and used to be common in historical writing about progress. 

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What does "drop a pin" mean?

Bill: So Ridge is with Steffy now? That gives me about an hour to get the Spencer jet fired up so I can get out of Dodge before Ridge comes over here to kill me.

Hope: Liam, just don't give up. But if you do, call me before Sally tries to get her claws into you. I barely know her but I already don't like her at all.

Ridge: Bill? Bill Spencer did this to you? The Bill Spencer who imma hafta throw out of a 30-story window? That Bill Spencer?

I really don't understand why Steffy keeps confessing. She could've just kept her mouth shut, or at least told Liam it was some guy she picked up at a bar. Bill certainly wasn't going to be running around telling everybody. At least not until that baby came out looking just like him...

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3 hours ago, Gudzilla said:


UO, I never bought Brooke as the love of Bill's life, clearly the love of Bill's life has always been Bill. 

Agreed and the same could be said for Ridge.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What does "drop a pin" mean?


I had to look this up for myself and it is Google lingo for letting somebody know where you are.  That makes sense given how Liam sent Hope his location. My only other guess would be to go bowling. LOL!

Poor Brooke. Her senses are so hyper-sensitive to detecting cheating, waffling, lying, etc., that she immediately sensed that Bill had not only moved on, but was in love with another woman. She was like a dog with a bone. I have to agree with Bill that it really is none of Brooke's business whether or not Bill is involved with somebody else. I agree with all of her reasons for leaving him but now she needs to drop it. She can't have it both (three?) ways. It is almost like she finally has Ridge in the position she has longed for for years but still wants to have Bill and Thorne panting after her.

I also don't get why yet another Logan sister is making nice with Hauxdi. While what Hauxdi did to Katie was technically worse, it was short-lived (or so we thought.) Brooke had to endure that slattern's wrath for years and years, then witness it being dished out to  her daughter via proxy. I would be civil to Hauxdi in her father's presence and that would be it. I would not be concerned with her welfare, marriage, etc. I almost spit out my drink the other day when Brooke announced that she was choosing Hauxdi (over Hope, Katie or Donna) as her MOH.

"Bill Spencer did this to you?" Oh, puh-leeze.  Actually, I was sort of impressed that Hauxdi was owning up to what happened and putting the blame squarely on herself -- where it belongs.

I think that the look JMW is going for is that she hasn't slept or bathed for days, hence the smudgy makeup and limp, greasy hair. But yeah, it looks like she applies fresh mascara every day and cries it off.

I wanted to cry when I saw Ivy's hair.  I see no repair for that mess. She needs to do a Kate Hudson and just shave her head and wear wigs or something until her real hair can grow back healthy and its natural color.

Edited by grisgris
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