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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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You want to strike at the heart of your wounded feelz and who you believe is the person who MURDUHed your cousin and friend? Go to the police with the video, then post it online. Not only will Steffy be investigated by clearer minds than your own, but you will make her life absolute hell forever. Who knows, she might even have to step down from the presidency of FC to protect the company from another scandal. Whatever happens, Ivy blackmailing Steffy for career upgrades and revenge will never happen.

What confuses me is, didn't Ivy imply (or outright say) that she would never show the video because it would damage the company? Then her blackmail is meaningless and makes zero sense (much like the rest of this storyline).

  • Love 10

I think Ivy said she was using the video for betterment of FC, by picking up Ally's moral banner and running Steffy through with it -- metaphorically speaking. Considering the lather she's whipped herself into, Ivy will flip her wig if faced by one more detractor of the video, which leads to damaging FC.


The only thing the blackmail SL has done is to absolve Steffy's history as predator and Ivy charges headlong into hater/nutjob terrain.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 3

My goodness, it seems that Ivy has only shown us a glimmer of her inner bitch, because that was a decidedly sharper version we saw on Friday. I don't mind if they dirty Ivy up a bit, but I remain confused. When Liam was there, Ivy was catty, and dismissive with Liam; as soon as he leaves though, she is going on about how honorable Liam is, and about his integrity not allowing him to return to Steffy. Whaaa? Has Ivy forgotten how Liam tossed her into the recycling bin the minute JMW signed that new contract? 


Liam, standing there is his dull confusion, denying what he is seeing with his own eyes. The video looks bad, and unless Ivy has done some editing, well, this is what you get. Doesn't seem to matter though, cause Steffy is his girl now, and Liam must protect her at all costs. I have a feeling Liam is going to trick Ivy into thinking he couldn't be with Steffy anymore in order to gain Ivy's trust again, and will probably sleep with her to "seal" the deal. When his goal is to actually get his hands on the video and delete it. Then Ivy will turn up pregnant and we will have a "who's the daddy" SL with Liam and Wyatt, the one we didn't get with Hope. 


I like Wyatt and Ivy together, but can they have a love story that isn't focused on Liam and the video? Why doesn't Wyatt put Ivy in his Silver Bullet and steal her away the way he did Hope? And do this with the understanding that they both leave all of their devices at home. And all talk of MURRRRDAHH. 


Ahhhhh, the sweet ambrosia of watching your beloved cousin, and your dear friend get their head bashed in. Nothing like it to set a young person's sexual flame on high; seeping through the blood faster than any aphrodisiac known to man. Those four kids were in a fury to fornicate, and slid between the sheets as if Shaun T was there barking commands, "Liam and Wyatt assume the planking position", "Steffy and Ivy get ready to work those abs with some crotch raises". 


The fact that Caroline and Ridge are both turning to others to air out their dirty laundry is beyond troublesome. I have less of a problem with Ridge and Katie, than I do with Caroline and Creepo Thomas, although Katie was most definitely playing devil's advocate with Ridge. Oh, with a little of her standard passive aggressiveness thrown in. 


I have finally figured out Steffy's hair!



Yes, hair that grows and stylish too!

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 12

  Re Ridge & Katie, great scenes between them. Their conversation was thoughtful, mature & honest, proving that ex-lovers can get along post-breakup without ulterior motives; otoh, Thomas' conversation with Caroline had a hidden agenda. Thomas got up in Ridge & Carline's business like a Wendy Williams interview for one reason-he wants to get back in Carline's pants. While Caroline did confide in Thomas to a degree, to her credit, she doesn't want him like that anymore & I hope it stays that way.


  Re Wyatt & Ivy, while I'm glad that Wyatt didn't destroy the video like Steffy wanted, it's a shame that it took a booty call with Ivy to stop him. They're a cute couple, but their history does squick me out a little. Once again, Wyatt gets one of Ping-Pong's castoffs & given what happened with Hope, oen would think that he learned his lesson, but with $Bill as a dad, Quinn as a mom & Liam as a brother, the odds were against it. Having said that, re Liam & Steffy Vs. Wyatt & Ivy, I'm team Wyvy all the way. By showing Liam the video, Wyvy did him a favor bev=cause despite not showing the whole picture (no pun intended) it does show what Steffy's capable of when provoked. Of course, Steffy brought it on herself. If she had been honest from the start, she might not be in this mess in the first place. In other words, while Wyvy's not my favorite couple, at this point, the good far exceeds the bad.  As long as they're torturing Steffy and/or Liam, separately or together, it's all good, as far as I'm concerned.


(((((Ohio Songbird))))), very sorry for your loss.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 6
Ahhhhh, the sweet ambrosia of watching your beloved cousin, and your dear friend get their head bashed in. Nothing like it to set a young person's sexual flame on high; seeping through the blood faster than any aphrodisiac known to man. Those four kids were in a fury to fornicate, and slid between the sheets as if Shaun T was there barking commands, "Liam and Wyatt assume the planking position", "Steffy and Ivy get ready to work those abs with some crotch raises". 



Come to think of it, that whole storyline (and the ruination of Ivy) really is Insanity.

  • Love 2

I wonder if I will ever stop enjoying Steffy getting her face cracked. So far, the answer seems to be no.

Pssst, Brad Bell. Degrading the character of Ivy doesn't automatically elevate Steffy. You could just make Steffy less of an entitled asshole and give her better taste in men.

Watch out, everyone! Thomas and Liam are teaming up to solve the Case of the Blackmailing Aussie. We can call them the Hardly Boys (Barely Men). Maybe they should encourage Steffy to come clean and make Ivy's leverage disappear.

  • Love 12

WTF got into Ivy beside Wyatt? Her inner bitch is being exposed to the level of Steffy and Maya. Even bitching to Quinn, for no apparent reason, can be costly. OK, now Ivy is the face of FC rightfully so. So why is she still giving Steffy ultimatums? Inquiring minds want to know. I just don't like that TPTB have Ivy going to "The Dark Side"

Ivy, please Google CA law and see that you can use deadly force in defending yourself if you think that your life is in danger. Once again I'm not defending Steffy but just bringing light to the absurdity of this SL. Are TPTB going to bastardizing Caroline's character with her canoodling with Thomas. I get a kick out of Liam and Thomas teaming up to bring down Ivy. I'm sorry to say but I don't think of either one of them being manly enough or have enough backbone to do so.

  • Love 7

Ridge & Katie, great scenes between them. Their conversation was thoughtful, mature & honest, proving that ex-lovers can get along post-breakup without ulterior motives

It helps that the only thing they had in common wasn't love,but hatred of the Brill pairing. Katie's got Bill and Ridge managed to piss over Brooke's happiness while going on to boink another woman after Katie. Mission accomplished, I say.

  • Love 6

OMG, literally one minute into this episode and all I can say is, "Steffy, die in a fire!"

OMG, literally 2 minutes into this episode and all I can say is, "Ivy, seriously die in a fire!"

I am never been Team Steffy. I don't see the point of her. My hatred for Steffy burns bright and strong. Nothing has changed.

On the other hand, my feelings for Ivy have evolved over time. I was firmly anti-Ivy when she first arrived, then I came around and was firmly Team Ivy. Now I am back to being anti-Ivy. Seriously. Her bitch-mode to Quinn seemed to come out of nowhere.

Die. Die in a fire. All of you.

  • Love 3

As long as they're torturing Steffy and/or Liam, separately or together, it's all good, as far as I'm concerned.

It's good as far as I'm concerned as well!


Come to think of it, that whole storyline (and the ruination of Ivy) really is Insanity.

Shaun T and that video almost killed me! Sooooo tough!!!


The only way the sudden personality change Ivy is undergoing makes sense is if the writers are taking cues from The Vampire Diaries.  It will turn out that Aly was a Traveler and her spirit jumped into and took over Ivy's body.  Those of you who watch TVD will understand exactly how horrid a notion this is :)

  • Love 9

Liam dumps Ivy and she turns into a raging conniving bitch. I felt bad for Quinn when Ivy spazzed out on her. Bitch is pressed and she's coming across downright evil.


Lawwwwwd @Bytor I hope to never see The Travelers again my god that was such an awful storyline. 

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
  • Love 3

Is it just me or is this story really boring? Bell jumps on something (currently the quad of....of...of something, don't ask me what) and beats it to death. All SteffyLiamWyattIvy. How about some adults being allowed to appear occasionally as more than just babysitters? Feel like I'm watching a teen show....a boring predictable teen show. (Maybe if poor JMW could move her face & get out from under that HAIR, she'd look a bit more real.)


I liked Ivy...she was a breath of fresh air. Now they've flipped her out of character so far....not even interesting.


I want to know how Thorne is doing (...he lost his daughter you know!)....what's Eric (up to without Brooke please)...and Pam ( although I'll pass on the campy romance with Charlie thank you) . Can't say I much care to hear about the Rik & Maya honeymoon....the big trans reveal is past & it will be back to the power struggles same as it was before.


(I think the heat is making me grumpy!!)

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 5

This is why I love you guys. It's like having dinner with a bunch of friends. Snarky, loving and understanding.

Thank you all for the condolences. I know she's in a better place.

And thanks for all the hugs....I needed it.

Aw my condolences. My family has a saying for generations I translated in English "a dog just lives long enough to break your heart."

And you are right about goldens : ) they are so sweet and and precious they are truly golden inside and out. I gave a bit to a golden rescue in my community so hope some other one has a life like your baby did (((hugs)))

  • Love 9

I'm still trying to stay on Team Ivy and I'm telling myself that she's working her way through the five stages of grief. Right now she's hovering between the anger and bargaining stages. Plus the way she keeps watching that video over and over seems like PTSD or something. Steffy's clearly suffering some unresolved emotions too, which she's dealing with by attaching more and more hair to her head.


Not that I want to help those two lame hipsters Liam and Thomas but there are easy solutions to the problem. One would be to get Nicole to stop dancing long enough to use her hacking skills (remember that, writers?). She likely could delete the video from Ivy's phone remotely. Or they could distract Ivy (during a modeling shoot, best bet) and steal the phone. Easy peasy. Ivy's apparently not smart enough to put a password on her phone and odds are she hasn't stashed a copy of the video in the cloud either.

  • Love 9

Something has been troubling me...shouldn't Aly be holding a rock in that video? We never saw Ivy alter the video, and I really don't believe she did. Steffy up and swings the tire iron to prevent Aly from assaulting her with a rock. Shouldn't Aly have the rock in her hand? Did she drop it in shock when Steffy jumped up to defend herself? Did Steffy hallucinate the rock? Did we hallucinate the rock? How many times can I say the word rock in one post?

But seriously, Ivy, it's one thing to put the screws to Steffy, but Quinn is on a whole 'nother level. Check yourself.

  • Love 19
But seriously, Ivy, it's one thing to put the screws to Steffy, but Quinn is on a whole 'nother level. Check yourself.



Sigh...  If Ivy is going to go "bad," all I wanted was for her and Quinn to team up and be the most interesting characters on this show, as they plot and scheme and look amazing.  Why can't I have nice things? 

  • Love 17

Something has been troubling me...shouldn't Aly be holding a rock in that video? We never saw Ivy alter the video, and I really don't believe she did. Steffy up and swings the tire iron to prevent Aly from assaulting her with a rock. Shouldn't Aly have the rock in her hand? Did she drop it in shock when Steffy jumped up to defend herself? Did Steffy hallucinate the rock? Did we hallucinate the rock? How many times can I say the word rock in one post?

But seriously, Ivy, it's one thing to put the screws to Steffy, but Quinn is on a whole 'nother level. Check yourself.

*Sigh* If you guys wrote this show I would so be it's bitch!

  • Love 6

I love Ivy putting the reign of terror on Steffy. It's been a L-O-N-G time coming!!! I love seeing that plastic-faced bitch SQUIRM!!


Yeah, Ivy had better watch her back around Quinn. That's like antagonizing a bear or something along those lines. It would have been awesome to see Ivy and Quinn team up against Lame and Steffy.


I wonder if AB's headed out the door eventually? I really don't see this boding well for Ivy in the long run. You know that Steffy is going to come out of all of this smelling like a rose. She might even dethrone Queen Maya. /barf

  • Love 9

I love Ivy putting the reign of terror on Steffy. It's been a L-O-N-G time coming!!! I love seeing that plastic-faced bitch SQUIRM!!

Yeah, Ivy had better watch her back around Quinn. That's like antagonizing a bear or something along those lines. It would have been awesome to see Ivy and Quinn team up against Lame and Steffy.

I wonder if AB's headed out the door eventually? I really don't see this boding well for Ivy in the long run. You know that Steffy is going to come out of all of this smelling like a rose. She might even dethrone Queen Maya. /barf

Stephanie Forrester II is a legacy character, and one of Ridge's offspring at that. Between her and Maya, tell latter doesn't stand a chance.

So is Steffy the new Hope now? From all this revisionist history, it sure looks that way. I hadn't taken much stock to the rumor regarding JMW leaving over Matula upstanding her, but given the way she's been written this time around, I kinda believe it a bit more.

  • Love 6

I think it is hilarious that both Quinn and Ridge believe that Steffy is beautiful and Ivy is not so much.


I thought it was weird that Ivy would go off on her new boyfriend's mother like that. Especially since it is Quinn.  But it was fun to watch them spar.  And to see Deacon drop by.


So clearly everyone is going to know about the video and that Ivy is blackmailing Steffy.  Won't that make it awkward at business meetings and family get togethers?  Even if Ivy truly believes it was MUHRDER MOST FOUL, it is pretty indefensible to use that murder to get a modelling gig.


I've never liked Ivy all that much but today I really enjoyed her, just because she bested Steffy--even it was immoral, unethical and illegal.

  • Love 10

It's no more awkward than Rick shooting at his brother and wife, and having everyone coking and joking about it six months later.

Like Bannana, I can't be too upset with Ivy getting the best of Steffy, who got to run unabated over Hopeless and only had her golden cooter, and then her baby to kerp Liam's attention. It's shady and I don't buy the excuse that it's for Aly, but Steffy has long ago needed to be taken down a peg or twelve.

  • Love 6

Is it just me or is this story really boring? Bell jumps on something (currently the quad of....of...of something, don't ask me what) and beats it to death. All SteffyLiamWyattIvy. How about some adults being allowed to appear occasionally as more than just babysitters? Feel like I'm watching a teen show....a boring predictable teen show. (Maybe if poor JMW could move her face & get out from under that HAIR, she'd look a bit more real.)


I liked Ivy...she was a breath of fresh air. Now they've flipped her out of character so far....not even interesting.


It not you, Rosie. It's Bn'B; the SL and dialog keeps circling the drain.




I'm still trying to stay on Team Ivy and I'm telling myself that she's working her way through the five stages of grief. Right now she's hovering between the anger and bargaining stages. Plus the way she keeps watching that video over and over seems like PTSD or something. Steffy's clearly suffering some unresolved emotions too, which she's dealing with by attaching more and more hair to her head.


Not that I want to help those two lame hipsters Liam and Thomas but there are easy solutions to the problem. One would be to get Nicole to stop dancing long enough to use her hacking skills (remember that, writers?). She likely could delete the video from Ivy's phone remotely. Or they could distract Ivy (during a modeling shoot, best bet) and steal the phone. Easy peasy. Ivy's apparently not smart enough to put a password on her phone and odds are she hasn't stashed a copy of the video in the cloud either.


Once upon a time ... when Liam was a first hireling at Spencer publications, he was a computer technician. Were TIIC willing to revisit his history, perhaps he could use his ham-handed skill-set and eliminate the Ally video from Ivy's less-than-secure phone.

Aw my condolences. My family has a saying for generations I translated in English "a dog just lives long enough to break your heart."

And you are right about goldens : ) they are so sweet and and precious they are truly golden inside and out. I gave a bit to a golden rescue in my community so hope some other one has a life like your baby did (((hugs)))


That is a wonderful sentiment, Petunia. Thank you for sharing it.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 2

I didn't know poison ivy had thorns, oh, wait, maybe it is only the Australian variety, cause our sweet little Ivy had her prickly little prongs out in full display yesterday, and sticking people with them too! All the same, I remain in the dark with Ivy pricking Quinn. They had a pretty good relationship, and seeing that Ivy has now "given herself" to Wyatt, one would think Ivy would want to keep those good vibes rolling. There is also that other little issue of Quinn being a bit crazy herself, and you know, bridges and rivers. I don't understand Ivy's attack on Quinn, and I am not sure I really understand her attack on Steffy either, but I somehow don't care about that. I like someone having the upper hand on that entitled TayTot. Is it wrong? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes. Is it sweet? Yes. Steffy has been earning this smack down for a long time; my only wish is that Ivy's actions were not grounded in jealousy. Oh, I know, she is crying foul, and accusing Steffy of !!MURRRRDAHHH!, but I find that an excuse of convenience. Ivy is angry because Liam went back to Steffy plain and simple, and now this vehicle of retribution has unexpectedly fallen into Ivy's hands. For me it is all good. I didn't think it was possible, but anger makes Ivy even more beautiful, with those gorgeous blazing eyes, and the new frosty lip color. I also want to shout out to Ashleigh Brewer who is doing a great job with this. She is bringing just the right blend of bitch, righteousness, and smack. 


Liam, Liam, Liam, God, how do I hate thee, let me count the ways. You arrogant, snot nosed, Spencer punk; going on to Thomas about how all this is because Liam chose Steffy. Of course he is right, but fuck if I care. I keep thinking back to that time in Amsterdam and the boat ride that led Ivy to declare her love for Liam; he did reciprocate those feelings, but only after a few minutes of reflection on his other options. I also remember Ivy and Hope having a conversation about relationships and love, and Ivy pretty much admitting to having very little experience in either department. How unfortunate for her that she fell in love with the weakest waffling, Waffler, who ever waffled. You know, Liam better watch his back, or maybe his front; Ivy morphed into this thorn baring plant pretty quickly and pretty easily, she could just as easily change into a Venus Fly Trap, and mistake certain areas of Liam's anatomy as food, leaving him a eunuch. 


Ridge raised his voice and reigned in the kids at his meeting. Can I say sexxxxsaaay? Although, his choice of Steffy for the gig was indeed entirely personal. 


Deacon, I so hate that strawberry blonde locks in the front look; It screams 90's boy band to me. 

  • Love 12

I hate when writers pull shit out of thin air.  They did it with Wyatt's attitude with Deacon after Hope left and they did it yesterday with Ivy's tude with Quinn.  Because she is pissed off at Steffy she chooses to bite Quinn's head off?  And Wyatt stands there like a pathetic idiot while Ivy goes at his mom?  Where's the guy that was so worried about Deacon using her?  Or the guy that had her back when Rick rehired her?  I guess that plot point is over now. 


And they really are destroying Ivy IMO.  They want to have her go at Steffy fine because at least there is some semblance of reason there (although not a very good one) but I have no desire to see her act like a nasty bitch to everyone.


And could they please give Deacon something to do?  He disappears and when we finally get a scene its rubbing Quinn's feet?  Jeez. 

  • Love 8

Glad I'm not the only one that wished for a BFFing of Quinn and Ivy.  They look kindasorta alike, they're both designers, and watching Quinn's unique mentoring as a mother-in-law would have allowed each of them to play comedic beats.  Ivy was extremely tolerant of Aly, so she'd show the same latitude and kindness towards Quinn's socially awkward missteps.  Wyatt's "mother issues" in stereo as a major plot point would be freaking awesome!  But nooooooo!!

Edited by IOU Payne
  • Love 7

Granted, this is my first full-time experience with Steffy but I have no disagreement on how she handled Ivy up until she folded.  I kind of agreed with her that it's starting to look like Ivy inherited the crazy now that Aly is gone.  Which irritates me, because it was so nice having a sane, level-headed character on a soap.  This whole plot is stupid.  So stupid that I'm actually looking forward to Rick and Maya coming back.


Ridge taking charge though, I could watch that all day long.

  • Love 3

Glad I'm not the only one that wished for a BFFing of Quinn and Ivy. They look kindasorta alike, they're both designers, and watching Quinn's unique mentoring as a mother-in-law would have allowed each of them to play comedic beats. Ivy was extremely tolerant of Aly, so she'd show the same latitude and kindness towards Quinn's socially awkward missteps. Wyatt's "mother issues" in stereo as a major plot point would be freaking awesome! But nooooooo!!

Count me as another that wanted this.

B&B has been sorely been lacking in real, non- self serving friendships. The Spectra clan had a bunch of friendships, but the one that's gotten the most facetime is Steph and Taylor which was all about one of them helping the other keep Ridge away from Brooke (as evidenced how quickly Steph was willing to bribe Brooke away from Nick when Ridge's health failed).

I never got the sense that Quinn hated Ivy...the pitching into the Seine was just collateral damage to keep Liam away from Hope, but her beef wasn't with Ivy. But now....le sigh.

  • Love 6

It's going to be one of those days, huh?

Liam, Mr. Tough Guy in a fugly suit, just knows that Steffy is innocent. He only has an incriminating video on one hand and virtuous Steffy's word on the other, but he knows. By the way, Liam, don't ever put your hand up in a woman's face like that again, you stupid, gormless tapeworm.

Ridge, oh Ridge. I hate saying this to you, but the shut the ever loving fuck up about Steffy and that you didn't get to decrease company sales by making her the face of Forrester. Watching him natter on about his daughter to different characters was audiovisual torment. How many fucking ways can a man ask what's wrong with his daughter? A billion, apparently.

You know, I can think Ivy's blackmail scheme is wrong and not the proper way to get justice for Aly AND still not feel a lick of sympathy for Steffy. Why did there have to be a bad guy? Steffy could be traumatized by events, and Ivy could mistakenly believe Aly was murdered and turn the video over to police. Viewers could understand both sides, and it could still cause a rift in the family. Brad Bell takes the easy, cheap way out and radically alters characters instead.

I don't buy Quinn wanting Wyatt to pursue Steffy if that's not what he wants. I get that she wants to stick it to Liam, but why make her son suffer for it?

Seriously, fellow posters, where did the rock of murderous fury go? WHERE IS IT?

  • Love 21
Ridge taking charge though



He could take charge of me any day, any time.........I nearly fainted yesterday when he raised his voice to Wyatt. 


B&B has been sorely been lacking in real, non- self serving friendships. The Spectra clan had a bunch of friendships, but the one that's gotten the most facetime is Steph and Taylor which was all about one of them helping the other keep Ridge away from Brooke (as evidenced how quickly Steph was willing to bribe Brooke away from Nick when Ridge's health failed).



So spot on! I guess the cast is too small for them to develop any friendships that last. I mean, Ivy and Ally were friends, and look where that got Ally. Way back there I was actually hoping Brooke and Quinn could be friends, but Hope had to interject herself into that and kill any chance for them being friends. 


Well, we do have Ridge and Carter.........



I get that she wants to stick it to Liam



If only she would! As someone upthread said, "hit it and quit it". 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 3

I still don't think Steffy has a leg to stand on about Ivy blackmailing her being wrong when she just blackmailed Wyatt to erase the video.  Just because he didn't do it, doesn't change the fact that it's still blackmail.


As far as today's show, Ivy should just go to the police and upload the video to the internet or at least send it to all the Forrester employees while she's at it.  If Steffy says she broke their agreement Ivy could just say that she thought Liam spoke for Steffy and told her to do it, so she complied.


I really hate that they are throwing Ivy under the bus to prop up Liam and Steffy.  I wish TPTB would take advantage of a new and popular character like Ivy to get out of the "Many (or is it 2?) Loves of Liam" rut and think up some new SLs.

  • Love 6

I'm still trying to stay on Team Ivy and I'm telling myself that she's working her way through the five stages of grief. Right now she's hovering between the anger and bargaining stages. Plus the way she keeps watching that video over and over seems like PTSD or something. Steffy's clearly suffering some unresolved emotions too, which she's dealing with by attaching more and more hair to her head.


Not that I want to help those two lame hipsters Liam and Thomas but there are easy solutions to the problem. One would be to get Nicole to stop dancing long enough to use her hacking skills (remember that, writers?). She likely could delete the video from Ivy's phone remotely. Or they could distract Ivy (during a modeling shoot, best bet) and steal the phone. Easy peasy. Ivy's apparently not smart enough to put a password on her phone and odds are she hasn't stashed a copy of the video in the cloud either.

Wasn't Liam a computer Geek when he first showed up?  COME ON writers he could hack the dang phone!  now he's just a beady eyed annoying bad suit wearing Ping-Pong waffling d-bag!  no wonder the  ladies love him.... he could give LL a run for his money, LL Cool Spencer.....


Something has been troubling me...shouldn't Aly be holding a rock in that video? We never saw Ivy alter the video, and I really don't believe she did. Steffy up and swings the tire iron to prevent Aly from assaulting her with a rock. Shouldn't Aly have the rock in her hand? Did she drop it in shock when Steffy jumped up to defend herself? Did Steffy hallucinate the rock? Did we hallucinate the rock? How many times can I say the word rock in one post?

But seriously, Ivy, it's one thing to put the screws to Steffy, but Quinn is on a whole 'nother level. Check yourself.

One thing bothering me is why isn't anyone asking where the freakin tire iron is?  Steffy may have blocked out what happened but when I watched what happened I swear she looked like she knew what she was doing when she chucked it into the woods.  Throw her in the Clink!  Down with Puffy!

  • Love 7

Seriously, fellow posters, where did the rock of murderous fury go? WHERE IS IT?


The murderous scene that viewers saw was from Steffy's perspective.  Aly was holding the rock in the palm of her right hand.  Ivy's video is taken from Aly's back, looking toward Steffy.  I can't see Ivy's video all that well, but the rock would not have been visible from that side, only the back of Aly's hand would be seen.   

  • Love 3

For once I agree with Liam (did I just say that), Ivy go to the police and let them sort this out. Come on Ivy, shit or get off the pot. Even though I love to see Ivy have Steffy by the balls, your behavior is very out of character for you unless Ally has invaded your body. Also, I'm tired of hearing Ivy call Steffy a murderer on a daily basis. It's almost as bad as hearing Rick using CEO every other word. Repeating yourself, once you get your point across, is a pet peeve of mine.

  • Love 6
For once I agree with Liam (did I just say that), Ivy go to the police and let them sort this out.

Or he could tell his girlfriend to get an attorney and go to the police to get ahead of whatever Ivy is or isn't going to do. It's going to look better for Steffy if she gets her corrected version of the story on record before Ivy has a chance to muddy the waters with that misleading video. Plus, it's not going to look good for Ivy to have held on to key evidence to use for blackmail. Now that Steffy has given her the Face of Forrester job who's to say Ivy isn't going to demand something else?

  • Love 6

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