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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Oliver better brush off his resume. Last time Ridge was CEO he wanted him fired.

Exactly! That's what Oliver was saying to Carter about being fine with Rick in charge.

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I would've been all for the takeover had it not involved whiny ass Ridge and Liam. Steffy should've gotten control by her damn self.


I was hoping for more of Rick/Maya at Dayzee's today. angry. That seemed rushed and brushed off.

Rushed & Brushed? ( a new line of Victoria's at Newman)

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It's funny that Eric locked himself in the CEO office like a scared little boy afraid of the big bad monsters that are out to get him.



Considering the amount of information that's circulated to idiots standing near that opened door, Eric locking the door was probably the most intelligent thing anyone's done in that office since Stephanie was alive.

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I waited all weekend for the follow-up to the Raya reunion, and I feel cheated. Oh, well... I think they left off in a good place since Maya insisted he handle work and promised not to go anywhere. When Rick assured her he still loved her, it made my heart go pitter pat <3

I fear I wad right about not being able to maintain my Steffy affections. I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling out of the back of my head, across the floor, out the door and down the street when she started talking about Eric not being her grandfather anymore. I'm pretty sure that ship sailed when she and Thomas started calling him Eric in some misguided effort to justify their mother and grandfather dating.

I do feel comparing Steffy to Taylor is a hella low blow, though. That's just mean, no one deserves that.

So, does Ivy shooting the shit with Katie in the middle of a work day count as working. I just think if her job is so important to her she'd be, yanno, at it.

Color me shocked that Bill wasn't the least bit upset by Liam being vice-president of FC. I was sure he'd pitch a royal bitch about that, much like he did when Liam didn't want to go to lunch with him.

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Pot, meet kettle. Eric has some big brass balls to call Ridge a spoiled baby. I mean, isn't that the behavior we've been seeing from Rick for the past few months? "waaaa waaaa waaaa, Daddy. Ridge is mean. You love him more. Waaaa Waaa Waaa. Show me respect, Daddy ". What a bunch of crap, on Eric's part.

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I didn't feel any sympathy for Steffy but I blame that on Ridge.  He's the grown-up in that scenario and he is ill-advisedly dragging her into a stand-off, well actually more than a stand-off, a coup, against her grandfather.  This show's plots always remind of Dallas, both the original and the reboot, the way the family draws the knives on themselves instead of outwardly.


I LOL that Liam is so pleased with himself that he saved Ivy and Aly from big bad Rick.  Wait till $Bill eventually takes over as CEO and see how those two delicate flowers like that (speculating).


I am enjoying the showdown between Eric and Ridge.  I didn't watch the show until a few years ago so only somewhat understand the history, but no matter what, what Ridge has done here cannot be forgiven by Eric.  But I think from what you guys talk about from the past, this has happened before and he did forgive him!  So who knows.  In any case, watching the Keystone Executive team of Steffi, Liam and Ridge should be good entertainment.

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Did I understand correctly? I believe Maya said that after Dayzee left town, there was nobody who knew everything about her. So Dayzee did know Maya was transgender?

I heard that too, and I also didn't know that Dayzee left town I just thought she was in the kitchen or something.

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I do feel comparing Steffy to Taylor is a hella low blow, though. That's just mean, no one deserves that.

It absolutely is IMO, right down her hypocrisy of bashing on Logans for using their bodies to move up in the world as she threw her cooter at Liam to get him away from her stepsister and now throwing herself at him a few months ago.

At least Taylor pre-2005 return from the dead was balanced with a profession and could stand up to Ridge on occasion regarding his waffling. Steffy hasn't added to this show since her aborted attempts to seduce Owen seven (!) years ago.

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I think I recall them mentioning that Dayzee and Mushmouth left town. Africa I think?

I don't know where Dayzee went but Marcus did move to South Africa. I remember because the actor left for a role on a TV show that films in South Africa and I guess it was B&B's way of trying to be clever.

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I didn't feel any sympathy for Steffy but I blame that on Ridge.  He's the grown-up in that scenario and he is ill-advisedly dragging her into a stand-off


Ridge didn't drag her into anything. She was going along with Liam's plan a while back but with the condition of getting back together. Plus, last I looked Steffy is an adult, if she doesn't want to do this she just has to say so.



I waited all weekend for the follow-up to the Raya reunion, and I feel cheated.


They were on? Must have been my FF button. I see Rick and Maya and my finger hits that button immediately.


Rick saying that the stock Thomas has is meaningless (or something like that). Well no it's not meaningless if he combines it with someone else to get a majority.


Eric being all shocked cracked me up today. He's used that CEO position against Rick and Ridge both and now he's shocked at the mess he's wrought?!? Give me a break. And bringing up Stephanie? Stephanie would have cheered Ridge on. At this point, I'd rather see any 3rd party become CEO just to stop this nonsense between Ridge and Rick. Let Ridge go help Caroline and romance her. Let Rick go tell Maya he's no longer the CEO and let her comfort her baby/man.


Let Brooke or Thorne or even the guy working the docks (who knew about Maya before Rick) become CEO.

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I don't know where Dayzee went but Marcus did move to South Africa. I remember because the actor left for a role on a TV show that films in South Africa and I guess it was B&B's way of trying to be clever.

I hardly even noticed or cared where Marcus of the Three Fathers disappeared to, just glad that there was one less useless character sticking around to worship Hope. Or now, to be Rick's punching bag.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Eh---if it was Ronnnnnn Mosss Ridge I might throw in with the haters but as I have said before I cut TK slack because he is TK---still yeah I wish there was anyone else to take on job---especially Thorne---Ridge is not a manager no matter what and I know not much about Steffy except she is a Bratz and Taylor's daughter so there ya go and I saw about 5 minutes of the triangle that was Hope-Liam-Steffy and that was 5 minutes too much and made me hate Wyatt on sight too---who really makes me scream these days is RRRick and by extention Maya---NO NO NO--to the Lord and Lady Selfish of the Manor and now Eric who I knew from way way back---yes I watched in the beginning and I remember him as "Lance" on Y&R too---have all his brains leaked out on the sidewalk? or is Ricky just the most perfect son ever who takes credit that belongs to others and treats staff like shit---been there in real life and do not want to revisit---Eric laps it up---I agree with everyone who said Stephanie was the brains here because clearly there are NONE now---I came here for a nice respite from the stupidity that is now Y&R but alas the stupids are in charge here too----

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tessaray, on 31 May 2015 - 12:52 AM, said:


Does FC even have an HR department?  IMWTK.


Maya sent her resignation letter to HR ... Whoever and wherever that department resides at FC.


NinjaPenguins quote

Maya is so important to Rick that he's going to run to Bill, the man who outed her in the douchiest, most juvenile way possible, and kiss his Spencer ass? What a twit.


Rick and Eric are scrambling for an option to keep FC a family-run business.


Ridge, Steffy (with Thomas' stock) and Liam are unequivocal that they intend to roust Rick and disenfranchise Eric in the takeover. Rick discovering that $Bill hasn't transferred his stock to Liam, means $Bill is the only person left with controlling stock interest to speak with -- not that it will matter. $Bill is already toasting the near completion his long-lived revenge fantasy.


Ridge and Steffy have made no specific requirements for the use of their stock by Spencer Publishing. They've handed $Bill full control of FC. It's all over but the shouting, $Bill lording it over the dress makers, the gnashing of teeth, and rending of evening gowns. 


Calling an emergency board meeting is an after-thought and months too late, unfortunately.


And Liam is shafted by his father again. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. 

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Eric's not senile or suffering from dementia.  He's just one of those old-school dads with multiple families.  He's doing whatever the (ex-) wife of the moment wants.  When Stephanie was around to advocate for Ridge, Ridge was Eric's Number One Son.  Now that Steph's mouldering in the grave, Brooke's cooing babytalk can make Eric do whatever she wants.  So now Rick's his Chosen One and has the keys to the kingdom.   

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LOL---I am a newer viewer kinda-sorta but I think Cupid has laid it all out perfectly and it is still at least something I will tune in to see---rather see that than little Ricky whines a lot wins again with an assist from doddering dad who has been pretty shitty from where I am sitting---

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I don't know where Dayzee went but Marcus did move to South Africa. I remember because the actor left for a role on a TV show that films in South Africa and I guess it was B&B's way of trying to be clever.

I'm pretty sure Dayzee and Marcus were married and they both went to South Africa. I didn't know Texas Battle filmed there. It reminds me of Stephen Logan, who left because he had business in Texas, when Patrick Duffy reprised his role of Bobby Ewing for the new Dallas.

Let Brooke or Thorne or even the guy working the docks (who knew about Maya before Rick) become CEO.

Yes, loading dock guy for CEO!!!
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Who is this person masquerading as Eric? I know Eric has always been a bit dense, and I know that his loyalties have always blown with the wind, but this cold cruelty? Maybe someone needs to get Eric a Snickers Bar or something. I think I rewound and rewatched those scenes with Ridge, Eric, Steffy and Liam at least six times, because I was convinced I was hearing Eric wrong. Ridge is the one with and "infantile insecurity" about his brother? Has Eric been listening to anyone? Does he ever examine the things Rick says to him? How every argument is how Ridge is so mean to him? How every argument is laced with events that transpired twenty or more years ago; some long before Rick was even born? How Rick's arguments are really nothing more than a way to seek Eric's and Brooke's protection from Ridge? Protection from what? If Rick is that banging a CEO, then why does he need protecting? And, as a grown ass man, he should be able to fight his own battles. Sickening I tell you, positively and unequivocally sickening. And what makes it doubly hard to swallow, is at the core of it all is Brooke. I bet Rick's dick gets harder than concrete when Brooke sides with him over Ridge; Eric probably wishes he had the ability to achieve a dick full of dynamite, but I am sure he still gets a raging hard on at besting Ridge when it comes to Brooke. Then there is Steffy, a character I truly dislike, but Eric's words actually made me feel bad for her. I cannot tell you how bitter and angry that makes me. 


Another eyebrow raiser was "Do you know what they think of you? They see you as some kind of entitled egomaniac." Huh? Entitled? Ok, let's examine that concept. I will allow that when it comes to women, Ridge has always felt entitled, but not when it comes to FC's. Outside of the fact that Ridge has been a major contributor to the success of the company for most of his adult life, is the fact that it was Ridge's mother's family money that got the business off the ground. More importantly, and something that Eric needs to gnaw on for awhile, is that both he and Stephanie told Ridge for his whole entire life that FC's was his legacy. That they were grooming him to run the company, that FC's would be his. Was that all nothing more than Eric going along with what Stephanie wanted? Was the loving and admiring father I watched designing by his son's side a fake and a fraud? Egomaniac? Well, yes, I would have to agree with that, but again, when you are raised by two adoring parents, who gave you everything and who constantly pumped you up, I guess it can be expected. But for Eric to intimate that the FC's employees would rather continue working for a tyrant, who expects his staff to be available around the clock, who has issues with taking leave to grieve the loss of your child and your marriage (to his sister no less), who enjoys tearing his staff and their work down, who enjoys discussing the employee's personal lives, and belittling them in meetings, and who finds it entertaining to shoot loaded weapons in occupied offices just because he can, shows Eric has his head way down in the sand. Then there is Maya, and the way he makes business decisions on the way people treat her. And this notion that everyone must love her, and respect her, and honor her, as if she has fucking rose petals dropping out of her ass, is annoying, insulting, and past it's expiration date. And of course the ultimate slap in the face; Rick's inability to acknowledge Maya's lies as what they are. Instead of feeling sorry for Rick, I wish Caroline had been angry. After she tried for weeks to save their marriage, after allowing herself to be humiliated, after taking Rick back on his declaration of still loving and wanting her, she has every right to throw Rick's crap right back in his face, and call bullshit for bullshit. 


Ridge isn't a leader, but neither is Rick. And Eric is a, well I don't know who or what Eric is anymore. But somewhere inside I feel like Eric has taken the scissors and cut Stephanie and Ridge out of all the pictures in the family photo album, and replaced them with pictures of Brooke and Rick. And that he had a gleeful smile on his face and whistled while he worked. 


So who is more morally corrupt? Ridge and Steffy for crawling into bed with Liam? Or Eric and Rick for crawling into bed with Bill? Wonder how Maya will feel about Rick teaming up with Bill.


They are going out of their way to paint Rick and Maya as victims. That reverent tone Carter was using with Nicole set my teeth on edge, and the context of Rick and Maya's discussion, about too much press and people seeing them together. I will never see them as victims. If Maya had done the right thing and told Rick at the beginning, well, then there would have been nothing for Bill to splash all over his rags. Outside of that is they are horrible people both individually and as a couple. For me, there is absolutely nothing about them that is rootable. Any success they have achieved is at the cost of someone else's dignity and pride, or by threats of someone losing their livelihood. And of course the rest of the Forrester staff had nothing to do with it, since any success the company has achieved is entirely due to the CEO.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I felt bad for Steffy because she got the grandpa diss. A grandparent diss cuts deep, yo. My sympathy will evaporate as soon as a cha cha cha leaves her lips.

Cupid, I get where you're coming from, and on a business level, Rick's and Eric's desperately sucking up to Bill makes sense. I'm just really put off by the whole thing after the egregious, cheap, juvenile headlines Bill used to out Maya. Forrester hasn't left the family completely with Steffy and Ridge being there, as much as Rick would like to believe DNA is the only thing that makes a Forrester. And yeah, I do remember Steffy being a giant asshole about the Logans, which is one of the many reasons I dislike her now.

I'm still laughing about Eric locking himself in the CEO office. Fight the power, man.

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  How the mighty have fallen. Eric & Rick's demises at FC were self-inflicted wounds. Eric's failings as a father are personified in Ridge & Rick. Ridge's belief that being CEO is his birthright is due to Eric & Stephanie. They groomed Ridge for it his whole life, hence his sense of entitlement, so playing the Marone card was a cheap shot on Eric's part. Rick's doing it was bad enough, but Eric, who's Ridge's father-DNA be damned-doing the same is fucked-up, to say the least. For that alone, Eric deserves to be brought down a few pegs. Ridge didn't want to hurt Eric, but Eric left him no choice. Eric's blatant favoritism of Rick at Ridge's expense at the worst possible time has lead to this. I'm no Steffy fan either, but damn if Eric's recent shittiness to her didn't piss me off. Rick has proven to be a danger to himself (the car accident) and others (the shooting incident), which is just one of the reasons why he shouldn't be CEO.


  Then there's Maya, who has brought out the worst in Rick, not that he was that great to begin with. Maya has been a horrible influence on Rick, from his abuse of FC employees to his treatment of his family, especially Aly, who's no angel, but doesn't deserve to be judged/punished by the likes of Maya. Bill's no saint by a long shot, but at least he owns who he is plus people call him on his shit; Maya, otoh, only has Rick blowing smoke up her ass every chance he gets. Rick's letting Maya move into the Forrester house was bad enough, but letting her move Stephanie's portrait was way out of line. Maya had no business even touching Stephanie's picture, much less moving it. As for Rick & Maya's personal relationship, I don't call it love because like I've said before, love is about honesty, trust and respect and Maya didn't show enough of the last one to Rick to show him the first two much sooner. About Maya's claim that there's no set rules to love, that, like almost everything else she's told Rick, is bullshit. When one person loves another, then they put that person's needs above their own, not below them.  I have no fucks to give about Rick nor Maya and they, like Eric, have brought their problems on themselves.  

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Steffy should have told Eric off, that if it hadn't been for her then 100% of the company would still all be Bill's. She's the one that got the company back to Forrester after Eric's leadership ruined the company and it ended up all Bill's.

Eric would have no stock at all, there'd be no family company, Rick wouldn't be CEO and none of the Forresters would be there had it not been for Steffy getting 100% of the company back from Bill.

Eric has no business saying a word to Steffy.

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LOL---I am a newer viewer kinda-sorta but I think Cupid has laid it all out perfectly and it is still at least something I will tune in to see---rather see that than little Ricky whines a lot wins again with an assist from doddering dad who has been pretty shitty from where I am sitting---

 Thank you, Oly.


$Bill nabbing control of Forrester Creations under Ridge, Steffy and Liam's naïve noses, is a set up for Rick, Ridge, Eric and the whole Forrester fam-damily to join forces and work together for the benefit of the entire company, not for the individual or ruling family group.


They could attack $Bill where he lives -- advertising revenue for his media "empire" -- through his crude outing of Maya as transgender and Rick as a stoopnagle by being in the dark about it. Have Maya make an appeal to the LGBTQA community, they work their media magic on Spencer Publications, calling for a boycott by all their advertisers, burn all things Spencer in protest -- And the walls come tumblin' down, TIIC-style.

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Thank you Runthe Table, NinjaPenguins, Shira, DollEyes, and Artsda for you posts. You read my mind and saved me hours of trying to type on my I-Phone and editing my punctuation.

Edited by Waldo13
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Rick's letting Maya move into the Forrester house was bad enough, but letting her move Stephanie's portrait was way out of line. Maya had no business even touching Stephanie's picture, much less moving it. 

Not to be nitpicky but Maya never moved Stephanie's portrait. That was all Rick

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They are going out of their way to paint RIDGE and CAROLINE as victims.  I will never see them as victims. If CAROLINE had done the right thing and told Rick at the beginning, well, then there would have been LESS for RICK to GET CRAZY ABOUT. Outside of that is they are horrible people both individually and as a couple. For me, there is absolutely nothing about them that is rootable.



I replaced a few words and look... we completely agree.  The writers did the same garbage post-reveal and some people were cool with that because they like CaRidge.  I wasn't willing to drink the CaRidge Kool-Aid that involved making Rick so completely obnoxious (which would've been fine if he was acting that way when happily married to Caroline) just to prop them and paint them as victims.  It's crappy writing regardless of which names are in capital letters.

Edited by nasir jones
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Cupid, I get where you're coming from, and on a business level, Rick's and Eric's desperately sucking up to Bill makes sense. I'm just really put off by the whole thing after the egregious, cheap, juvenile headlines Bill used to out Maya. Forrester hasn't left the family completely with Steffy and Ridge being there, as much as Rick would like to believe DNA is the only thing that makes a Forrester. And yeah, I do remember Steffy being a giant asshole about the Logans, which is one of the many reasons I dislike her now.


They have to take a shot at $Bill (no pun intended).


Rick offering the presidency to $Bill (knowing Liam does not control FC stock owned by $Bill) to deliberately cut Ridge off at the knees, is a soapy Turn About Is Fair Play move by both Rick and Eric.  It's a move they will certainly regret, but how else are they going to return the revenge served up by Ridge and Steffy? You could see how appealing the idea was to $Bill; he can't resist the opportunity to gut Ridge's plans for Ridge Forester Creations. 

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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So many great posts, I can't begin to thank you all.


I think Rick as the tiny tyrant was only triggered by CaRidge - he really can't use it (THEM) as an excuse anymore.  He had no trouble cheating with Maya while pretending to work on his marriage to Caroline and honestly, I think at that point the score was evened.  Yes, both pairs did bad things but Rick kept the angst and unhinged payback going and going and going... And if you want to be fair, other than a few people taking sides (unasked!) for CaRidge, their indiscretion didn't affect the company as a whole, while Rick's bitter power trip has.


It would be funny if it weren't so effed up.  Rick finally got most of it out of his system enough (thanks to Maya, Brooke and Eric's ego stroking) to want to be Mr. Nice Guy and is all kinds of mad that no one will let it be bygones.  (Including the audience. Well, me.)


I finally got a chance to watch yesterday's show and Raya had the kind of scene that makes soaps so addicting and I couldn't even enjoy it.  (But kudos to JY/KM anyway.)

Edited by tessaray
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Rick's wanting Bill to join him and his dad makes no sense, Rick has no stock so he has no power at all unless daddy is giving it to him. Also Bill's entire purpose of this is that he hates Rick more than Ridge. So why would Bill suddenly take Rick's side and side with him letting him continue to be CEO?


Rick for shooting off a gun and what he's done to Wyatt/Ivy/Caroline.  Bill's the swing vote, if he doesn't want CEO to be Ridge he can just tell them , I won't vote for you unless ______ is CEO instead. 

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A word about Stephanie's portrait.


This is a portrait of a woman who orchestrated Brooke's rape. If Rick had not only moved it but burned it and pissed on the ashes, I'd be raising a toast to him right now.

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Don't play much chess?


Rick's wanting Bill to join him and his dad makes no sense, Rick has no stock so he has no power at all unless daddy is giving it to him. Also Bill's entire purpose of this is that he hates Rick more than Ridge. So why would Bill suddenly take Rick's side and side with him letting him continue to be CEO?


Eric agreed with Rick to make the offer to $Bill -- Rick, as spokesperson, represents Eric's stock interests.


I think $Bill is a thoroughly partisan hater of all things Forrester. Period.


Sure, he's angry with Rick's behavior to Caroline, but his hatred for Ridge is on a whole other plane. Ridge is just as elitist, pompous, egotistical, and sexually indiscriminate as himself, but for the fact that Ridge has benefited (directly or indirectly) from a couple of skirmishes (Stephanie, Katie, Brooke, Caroline, Steffy, stock, helicopters, returning from France and not being gay, aborted weddings and engagements, the Perils of Hopeless and Waffles) has long been a thorn in $Bill's side. Score-keeping is a major sport, and $Bill does not like to lose anything to 'the dressmaker.'


Rick is well aware $Bill's resentment, and is working a deal where once $Bill has Ridge and Steffy's stock signed over (no special requirements), Rick and Eric agree to allow $Bill to become president of FC (no Steffy), and Rick remains CEO (no Ridge).


Rick and $Bill get the revenge their egos demand must taken against Ridge, and wounding him further by keeping him in employee status. $Bill can torture both Ridge and Rick with abandon at FC, and use Steffy as office bint to massage his prodigious ego and lead Liam back into her bed. Eric can play sad songs on the piano and wonder where it all went wrong. I could see Ivy and Quinn go into business for themselves, with Deacon marketing their jewelry to FC.


It's a big win for $Bill -- Forester Creations is served to him on a silver platter, while the Forrester's deny responsibility and bicker about why they are hanging on by their fingernails.

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Although it will probably happen (for the sake of the story) I don't see $Bill (the character) accepting a role working under anyone.


Are they trying to make Steffy look better by giving Ivy a dumb hairstyle ? It didn't work Steffy still looked like she was wearing a plastic mask.


Bill and Liam playing off each other is still pretty funny.

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Bill and Liam are comedy gold together! Bill cheering him as Katie told about Steffy was hilarious. This more than anything is why B&B wins out over the other soaps--it still has a sense of humor.

I also enjoyed Steffy's scenes with NuRidge and hearing them discuss things unrelated to Liam made me hate her a bit less. Today kinda dulled that, but nice to see Ivy stand up for herself. Steffy's had a weak competitor in Hope these past four years,but Ivy seems to have a bit more gumption and class standing next to her cousin's Amy Winehouse drag queen look. Liam would be an idiot to walk away, which means he probably will. I just pray Ivy will get the backbone Hope lacked and cut him off for good when he does.

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Ivy, what does eavesdropping mean in your country? For god's sake don't wake a sleeping bear, you seem to be drumming up your own problems here. Liam was clear with Steffy last time in a way he (frankly) never has been before. God, you're an idiot.

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Are they trying to make Steffy look better by giving Ivy a dumb hairstyle ? It didn't work Steffy still looked like she was wearing a plastic mask.

Funny how people can see things so differently.  When I saw Ivy the 1st thing I thought was that I hope this means she's growing out those awful bangs, she looks soooo much better without them.  Of course I myself am growing out awful bangs since March, so I may be a bit biased :)

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I thought the same thing about Ivy's hair. I didn't mind the bangs, but AB has such a gorgeous face, you hate to cover any of it up. I never thought Ivy was fat. She looks like she's big-boned and has that type of build that will never be a hard body, no matter how much iron she crunches. It does look like the actress has lost a great deal of weight and has toned up. She also apparently got attacked with the spray-tan gun set on hi. I suspect that wardrobe is trying to sex her up to "compete" with the oh-so-fun-and-sexy Steffy. /major eyeroll.


I wanted for Ivy to slap the smug right off Steffy's face today. Now Liam's stuck standing there with his trademark slack-jawed "waffle face."  While I wish he'd boldly proclaim his love for Ivy in front of Steffy, he'll probably give some type of passive wimpy non-committal answer to pacify both of them. LOSER.


LG is a real trooper to let the show go on and I'm sure she's in some considerable pain, especially with PT. But, I'll bet she doesn't mind one bit having TK carry her around!

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First of all is how beautiful LG looked today. Not everyone could look that good even when they were supposedly asleep all night in full make-up.

Did Rick actually say and I quote "more dangerous than what Ridge is doing to you. Stabbing you in the back, kicking you to the curb along with me." Me is the ultimate word here. It's all about Rick and didn't Rick stab Eric in the back? Lay the guilt trip Rick so once again Eric has selective memory. Oh, I almost forgot, yes Rick, Bill could be far more dangerous than Ridge. Rick is also an idiot for thinking he can get back at Bill at a later date. Bill can crush you like a cockroach and not even look back.

Bill doesn't want to be second fiddle to anyone. I think that Bill will go with the side that will offer him the top spot namely CEO. Either that or a CEO not named Rick, Ridge, Brooke, or Eric. I have a sneaky suspicion that Bill insist on Katie becoming CEO.

Ivy, I love you, but Steffy is not your only problem. Hope may show up one day also wanting Liam back. You know Liam's history, so fish for the man you love or cut bait.

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Eric is reminding me more of Foster Brooks everyday. He is just not that attractive as a mean old codger. And I DO NOT like "Ricky"s" new hair cut. Just isn't doing him any favors in the looks department!!

Edited by godfreydaniels
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If they really wanted to do a transgender storyline, why couldn't they have hired a transgender actress to play Maya? Oh, right, TPTB just pulled it out of their asses. Anyway, would have been much more compelling.

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after today's dose of Rick the Awful and doddering dad I was pretty sure I was going to take another long break from B&B but now with the advent of Thorne I guess I will try to be patient---I hope that for once he is not just an afterthought---

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Yay Thorne!!! I follow KKL on Twitter & I see that she & WH recently did some 100 mile bike race. Glad to see he gets out of the cellar in real life :)

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So, Rick is willing to sell his soul to the devil in order to best Ridge. What does that say? Maybe that his great love for Maya isn't so great after all? I just don't see Maya being on board with Rick and Bill getting into bed together. 


I wanted to wipe that smug look right off of Eric's face as he watched his golden boy leaving to go confront the Big Bad Wolf. Is Eric secretly happy about this turn of events? Seems like he wasn't too upset with Rick's ideas concerning Bill. Nope, seemed like he was pleased as punch that his Little Ricky was brave enough, and determined enough, to go face the bad man all by himself. I guess Eric can forgo the infant size Pampers now, and can graduate Rick to the Pull Up variety. 


Did Bill really offer Rick a binky? 


I don't see Bill toeing the line with this Rick/Eric deal. Bill may hate Ridge more than life itself, but Bill is always looking out for Bill, and what is best for him. Could this end up with both teams having 50%? And if Bill pulls the rug out from under Liam after giving him the reigns to steer this thing? I am beginning to wonder if the fallout might not end up effecting the Spencer clan more than the Forrester's and Logan's. 


A Ridge and Caroline sighting! So nice after days of Rick and Maya. 


Ivy's beauty makes Steffy's heavy, puffy, plastic face look so much worse! All the same, I did want to tell Ivy to shut up. I am usually against anything Steffy, but in this case Ivy didn't really get the whole conversation; I guess that is one of the pitfalls of eavesdropping. I still don't believe that Steffy will do the right thing and respect Ivy and Liam's relationship, but Ivy was just being dense when she refused to understand what Steffy was saying about her and Liam always loving each other. I don't think Ivy has a lot of experience in the romance department, so maybe she doesn't get that many people still love their ex's, even though they may not be willing to live with them anymore. And all Steffy was saying is that she and Liam had shared a lot, including a child, and they would always care about each other. I think that was one of the least threatening conversations I have ever heard from Steffy. 


They are going out of their way to paint RIDGE and CAROLINE as victims.  I will never see them as victims. If CAROLINE had done the right thing and told Rick at the beginning, well, then there would have been LESS for RICK to GET CRAZY ABOUT. Outside of that is they are horrible people both individually and as a couple. For me, there is absolutely nothing about them that is rootable.


I replaced a few words and look... we completely agree.  The writers did the same garbage post-reveal and some people were cool with that because they like CaRidge.  I wasn't willing to drink the CaRidge Kool-Aid that involved making Rick so completely obnoxious (which would've been fine if he was acting that way when happily married to Caroline) just to prop them and paint them as victims.  It's crappy writing regardless of which names are in capital letters.



I can see this for those who are not on board with CaRidge, however, it doesn't change the fact that if Maya had been upfront with Rick way back at the beginning, right after she discovered he wasn't a poor waiter, and before she had sex with him the first time, then Bill would not have anything to embarrass her with. Maya and Rick can paint Bill the bad guy because he is, but at the end of the day, Bill runs a publishing empire that prints news, and Bill is always going to be true to himself. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Yay for Thorne returning - will floating head Darla be joining him?


Ivy did look gorgeous - as usual - I don't think there's a color out there that she couldn't rock but the red dress and the pink one absolutely suited her to perfection. I like her with bangs or without, but I think I prefer her with her hair off her face. It just shows the stark contrast between her fresh-faced, natural beauty and that collagen-injected, bronzed, hairball calling herself Steffy.


Caroline looked gorgeous - I like her with the lighter hair - but I have to say, please tone down the Sharpie-esque eyebrows.


Rick, Rick, Rick...don't you know it's better the devil you know than the one you don't?


Ridge is going to seem like the boy next door once $Bill is fully unleashed. Be careful what you wish for, Rick, you're about to get it.

Edited by CountryGirl
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