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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm a few epi's behind, but I can see I haven't missed much.


Nicole is still being a blackmailing bitch.


Katie is still a snatchdragon. Bitch can DIAF. I wish Brooke would get sloshed and knock the snot out of that trifling heifer. And Bill, too, for being a butthurt crybaby who chose to bind himself to that self-absorbed, insecure harpy for a second time.

  • Love 4

OMG. When is Caroline coming back from visiting her two moms so the Maya/Myron reveal can happen? I sort of watched the show live today and it was unbearable. Tired of the AA crap, mad that Quinn can't have a happy romance without fucking Brooke interfering, mad at Deacon for being so fucking weak. When I get home I am pressing delete on the DVR.

  • Love 6

Did you all know Rick was CEO? I heard him tell Quinn that today. You've all been holding out on me, haven't you? This is the kind of big news you'd think the show would mention.


Loved Quinn's and Pam's little exchange about the lemon bars.


I haven't been feeling Brooke lately, but I get no pleasure from Katie's relentless gloating. She's practically stalking the woman so she can rub her marriage and child in Brooke's face, all the while pretending she's checking up on her. It's all very distasteful.


Deacon is such a loser. Here's a thought...maybe Brooke should learn that living alone isn't the end of the world. It seems like Brooke is replacing booze with Deacon, and both those options suck. Also, Deacon, dude, you are engaged. Stop sniffing around Brooke.

  • Love 9

Decon, you're dumb ass. I'm hoping that Brooke says no because she will better deal you the first chance she gets. It's not that I'm a Decon fan it's that I'm a Brooke detractor and I don't want her entitled ass to be happy even for a minute. Quinn is far more exciting than Brooke just like Steffy is far more exciting than Hope. But the Logan girls must have some hidden talents.

What is Rick's end game for hiring Quinn? I don't believe it's to motivate Ivy at all. Is it that Hope is returning and HFTF will be revived?

  • Love 6

How many more times are we going to see Deacon beg Brooke for another chance? Enough already. Plus, surely it has to be against the AA guidelines for him to be using the meetings to try to get with her.

Meanwhile, did Deacon forget who he's engaged to? When Quinn finds out that he's still pursuing Brooke she'll go back into crazypants mode. Just slapping Brooke will seem as innocent as a grownups' game of tag compared to what Quinn's likely to do when she's looking to get rid of a romantic rival.

Hallelujah, it's a finally a new day in B&B world and everyone's changed clothes!

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Brooke, Deacon...it's too early for you both to be doing the 13th step. Brooke really needs to be in an all-women AA group and get a female sponsor. Shame on her for using an AA meeting (or any type of self-help group for that matter) to manipulate Deacon.


This is just a retread of Brooke's rape story. Ridge was the ONLY person who she could talk to because he understood what she was going through. She had him on call 24/7 and also had him accompany her to all of her counseling sessions. Never mind that he was engaged to and planning a wedding with Ashley Abbott at the time. She successfully broke up that engagement, but I think Quinn will be more of a force to be reckoned wiith.


Worst/best case scenario...OK, let's say that Brooke's answer to Deacon is "yes" and he dumps Quinn. After all of the fallout, once they get married, he'll get restless and eventually the relationship will end. He has her too high on a pedestal and once he has her, then what?


What's with Harpie's endless obsession with Brooke? Brooke's an unwilling third-party in the marriage and the honeymoon is barely over. If I had $Bill in my bedroom and he wanted a little afternoon delight, the last thing that would be on my mind is calling my sister who I just spoke with two minutes ago.

  • Love 6

How many more times are we going to see Deacon beg Brooke for another chance? Enough already. Plus, surely it has to be against the AA guidelines for him to be using the meetings to try to get with her.

Meanwhile, did Deacon forget who he's engaged to? When Quinn finds out that he's still pursuing Brooke she'll go back into crazypants mode. Just slapping Brooke will seem as innocent as a grownups' game of tag compared to what Quinn's likely to do when she's looking to get rid of a romantic rival.

Hallelujah, it's a finally a new day in B&B world and everyone's changed clothes!

Maybe Quinn will reenact the famous shower scene from Psycho. Also we haven't seen Maya and Nicole today so maybe they are wearing the same clothes.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 3


But here is my dilemma, Quinn told Deacon to "get on your knees", then they were sprawled on the couch basking in the glow, but they were still both fully clothed, not a button or a zipper or a lace undone. So, if Deacon got on his knees, and then was talking about how satisfied he was, but was fully clothed, wouldn't that have required Quinn to get on her knees?

Well, now, with this creative pair, apparently very satisfying sex can be had around the head, with maybe a little around the ankles. 


Fourth, the Golden Cooter is striking again?

The grey cooter. 

  • Love 6

Grey cooter?!   Dammit....you owe me a new keyboard.  Mine is currently wearing a drink of  fine gourmet coffee.


Hate the AA stuff.  Just not realistic.  Went to a couple of meetings with a friend who needed support to get started and that's not the way it worked at all.


Deacon......dude, you are a class A dumbass.  You have hot Quinn who adores you and fucks your brains out (creatively I might add) and you are sniffing around Brooke?!?  I find her dull as cold dishwater.  I've only been watching since November and am still amazed at how many men chase her.  Side note....I still find SK sexy even with a few extra lbs.  I don't like overly buff guys.  Course I'm an old broad and I know our bodies change.


I'm having a brain fart.  Rick said something about his sister and for the life of me I can't  think who it is?  Hep me, hep me.

  • Love 6


I can't even muster the tiniest glimmer of interest in Deacon/Brooke. First of all, I'm sorry, but he's just too chubby to be a soap actor with love/sex scenes (hence, all the clothes on during his recent "sexy time" with Quinn, and in his previous romp with her, he was behind the kitchen counter in the laughable style of Austin Powers). Second, I want Brooke to stand on her own two ADULT feet (despite the little girl voice) and effing learn to live on her own, without a man for ten minutes straight. And isn't she still the co-VP of FC? Why the hell isn't she ever at work? Third, the sleazebag is engaged and professing his love & devotion to Quinn. Fourth, the Golden Cooter is striking again?! I just can't even.

Oh, I am so all over this post!! I hate that Brook is such a weak sniveling whiner and Deacon is a beached whale of a looser. 

  • Love 4


I haven't been feeling Brooke lately, but I get no pleasure from Katie's relentless gloating. She's practically stalking the woman so she can rub her marriage and child in Brooke's face, all the while pretending she's checking up on her. It's all very distasteful.

Katie has become more Taylor Hayes than Taylor at this point. Back in Tridge's hacylon days, Taylor was confident enough to go about her business until Brooke inevitably began sniffing around.

But Katie seems out the drama. I honestly would have no sympathy if and when Bill left her shrew hypocritical ass for Brooke or even Steffy this time. She irks more than Maya does.

  • Love 2


I just find it incredible that she's still the Angelina Jolie Siren on this show.


 I find it incredible that she ever was such a thing. Not to say she's homely because she's not. I just always thought she was a "pretty" average. I think she looks more wholesome than sexy (except her bod is great) her face is California Gal next door, not femme fatale.


  • Love 7

The long thin straight hair style doesn't work any more for Brooke, pulls her face down and is just boring!  Even a ponytail would be an improvement!  A nice shoulder length blunt cut was a sophisticated look on her a few years ago but a current messy look would work too.  I like that her makeup is natural and not overdone like some.  The pants she had on however weren't figure flattering on Friday even though she has a great body, they didn't do anything for her.  I am afraid Quinn's sane bubble is going to burst with a Deacon/Brooke reunion for all the wrong reasons.  


HT's son is a cutie and him crying a bit was endearing.  He looks just like her!  What was up with Bill's hair! He is looking fit and loved his shirt.  I like his character being less obnoxious.  Geez Katie, keep it up, next she will be asking Bill to give "support" to Brooke again sending him right into her bed and then wondering wtf!

  • Love 4

The SOD that just came out listed a spoiler that

"Nicole blackmails Maya

I'm confused isn't that already happening? LOL maybe she just does it more directly or aggressively soon. Like that wasn't expected or obviously coming for even a casual viewer.

Why is Deacon going to throw away his relationship with Quinn for nothing with Brooke? Brooke is so using him for a crutch and an ego boost. I do find Quinn more attractive physically (on that topic the actor who plays Ridge said RS/Quinn is the most attractive woman on TV. I think he wanted or wants to get paired with her) though much much more crazy. However this is the best Deacon will ever get.

  • Love 4

I find it incredible that she ever was such a thing. Not to say she's homely because she's not. I just always thought she was a "pretty" average. I think she looks more wholesome than sexy (except her bod is great) her face is California Gal next door, not femme fatale.

I have agree. When the show began, Original Recipe Caroline was the one all the men fell for. I don't think it was until Taylor became a serious love interest for Ridge that the whole siren thing began to make for a contrast.

  • Love 3
I find it incredible that she ever was such a thing. Not to say she's homely because she's not. I just always thought she was a "pretty" average. I think she looks more wholesome than sexy (except her bod is great) her face is California Gal next door, not femme fatale.

Same thing with Hope. How anyone came up with the idea of her being comparable to the Seven Wonders of the World (e.g., the Eiffel Tower) is mind-boggling. She wasn't --IMO--a particularly classic LA or CA girl, despite all those beachside scenes they shot with her to try to build that image. I thought she was a little on the dumpy side and pretty much never changed her hairstyle, which seemed odd for such a young woman. (What was the constant side-swept bangs all about? Is there a huge mole or beauty mark under there?) Meanwhile, I think Ivy is gorgeous. When someone in Hollywood decides to make an "Elizabeth Taylor--The Younger Years" movie, the actress who plays Ivy should be a shoo-in.

  • Love 8

I've been to a few support group type meetings and I recall that all of the participants sat in a circle. That way, you could see everybody and didn't have to swivel around to look at whomever was speaking. The AA scenario reminds me of mandatory driving reform class or something. I also noticed how careful central casting was to be "pc". There was an older Native American man as well as a 40-ish black woman. C'mon. Do your freakin' (Brooke TM) research!

  • Love 2

Yes. There was an awful made-for-TV movie that came out 2-3 years ago about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton that starred Lindsay Lohan. First off, LL looks absolutely nothing like ET, even with all of the makeup, wigs and padded bras. The funniest scene was during the time when Liz started to gain weight and was fodder for the tabloids. LL was dressed in a caftan and turban and threw her scrawny frame on the bed, clasped the offending newpaper to her (non)heaving bosom and sobbed. You could see her bony clavicle bouncing up and down. Truly pathetic.


Honorable mention though to the guy who played Richard Burton. He seemed to have a tendency to try to bug his eyes out though. Other than trying a bit too hard, he was actually quite good.


I could totally see Asheligh Brewer in a remake.

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 2

Oh yes....AB as Elizabeth Taylor....perfect!  I remember when that LL movie came out.  Didn't see it because I just shook my head at that casting.  I would love a remake of Suddenly Last Summer with AB and Benedict Cummberbatch (sp) as Montgomery Clift.  Love that movie, very dark...lots of undertones.  Katherine Hepburn is awesome, also.


So the kid that plays Will is HT's son?  Cool.  I was thinking in those scenes "they sure work well together".  Now I know why.  On GH Maxie's baby daughter is her own child IRL.  Cute.  You can'

t duplicate that kind of connection.


Looking forward to today's ep. 

I have always though KKL was stunning, but in need of a better stylist because her hair has been the same - too long/scraggling, too one-dimensional blond - for years. 


She had amazing hair during the Throoke storyline.




I even liked when she was growing it out. 




And I'm not one of those who thinks women of a certain age need to have short/er hair - case in point, Jane Seymour, but if KKL or any woman with long hair (younger or older) needs to keep it looking healthy.


Brooke could do with a sassier 'do and take on life. And I'm getting seriously annoyed with the "I have never been alone" crap. Brooke was alone how many times, especially during the Taylor years, so it bugs that suddenly now she's being written as this pathetic shell of a woman who is nothing without a man in her life. God knows every time she tried to move on, Smidge was right there to ensure she didn't unless it was with him.


So I just cannot with this Deacon nonsense.


Yes, they had their time and place and were once hot as hell as this clip can attest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rOpp-ruCfo, but now, Deacon and Quinn just FIT and this is ridiculous that Deacon is still going back to Brooke and asking for another chance. It cheapens the Deacon/Quinn relationship that I am actually rooting for (whodathunkit?) and it's pretty clear that Brooke doesn't really want him. She just wants him to want her, going back to the previously mentioned Brooke Rule #1 - she cannot breathe without a man.


  • Love 6

Who is writing the exploded manure factory disguised as scripts for this show? Let us look at the sentiments expressed by Deacon, practically in one breath.


OMG I love you so much Brooke! We have this deep connection. Tell me you feel it too. I love Quinn. I begged her to marry me and meant every single word. I am committed! Now what can I do to get you in my pants today?


Today I received shocking news. It turns out that Rick is CEO of Forrester Creations. I know, right? He also knows where the door is.


Katie doesn't want Brooke to get hurt by the takeover plan. That's what Katie's gloating is for.

  • Love 12

Did B&B get a product placement deal with Burberry? Wyatt's shirt is practically a flashing, 3-D billboard for them.

Now would be the time for one of those adult babies at FC to pick up the phone and either call the police or TMZ. Quinn assaulted both Ivy and Liam and Rick shot a gun at Caroline and Ridge in the office. None of the FC employees (or stockholders) should be in a position of having to kiss Rick and Quinn's psycho a$$es.

I need for Quinn to find out how Deacon is playing her, and I need it to happen soon. That doughy gigolo is disgusting and pathetic and I don't know how it's believable that he could be working two women at the same time. There's no chance that Brooke is also playing him, is there?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Who is writing the exploded manure factory disguised as scripts for this show? Let us look at the sentiments expressed by Deacon, practically in one breath.


OMG I love you so much Brooke! We have this deep connection. Tell me you feel it too. I love Quinn. I begged her to marry me and meant every single word. I am committed! Now what can I do to get you in my pants today?


<Heavy Sigh>


So fucked up.


Brooke is no better; desperate not to be alone, with her romantic usual suspects on other vision quests, she drank herself into a mortifying AA testimony between herself and Deacon, which he took as a declaration of moon, spoon, June, swoon. Brooke reels him in with "I think this could be our chance," but Deacon's engagement to Quinn is the stumbling block to Future Bliss.


Quinn is not a stumbling block but a roaring vortex of insecurities and vulnerabilities, no impulse control, wildly imaginative coping mechanisms based on revenge fantasies she is rabid to indulge.


Perhaps it's time for Brooke to finally lock the front door, back door, French doors, bathroom door ... and carry a Louisville Slugger, for that pesky moment when Quinn chews through the stucco to KILL YOU NOW!!!!!!


Or not.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

When LL was cast as ET I bet ET turned over in her grave so fast that she bore a hole to the center of the earth. LL has more in common with Richard Burton.

Watching Brooke and Decon today was like watching "Bedazzled" with Elizabeth Hurley as the Devil and Brendan Fraser as Elliot. Brooke's squinty eyed stare must be the trigger to melt men's brain. What is Decon thinking? Can he be that stupid? Professing his love for Quinn but wanting to know his chances with Brooke on the same sentence. Now I feel sorry for Hope with a mother like Brooke and a father like Decon.

  • Love 2

Rick rehiring Quinn will be the catalyst for the Spencer's hostile takeover of Forrester Creations. The whole crew went ballistic with the news, so that means the villagers are sharpening the pitchforks and lighting the torches. Fuck the Forrester in Forrester Creations! Bring Us $Bill the Shill!


Why exactly did Liam and $Bill tell Katie about their nefarious plans? -- There's nothing to stop Katie from telling big sister to keep Brooke from "getting hurt."

  • Love 6
Why exactly did Liam and $Bill tell Katie about their nefarious plans? -- There's nothing to stop Katie from telling big sister to keep Brooke from "getting hurt."



"He told me all about it while he had me over his desk, in between panting out how much hotter the sex is with me than it was with some blonde chick he was screwing last year." 


So, Deacon is either playing Brooke (maybe he hopes to score points with Hope by being the one to clue her in as to how messed up her mother is right now, while professing to want to help her?) or he just really wants to make sure Brooke really wants him before he cuts off his current meal ticket to replace her with Brooke.  Where will he live if he breaks it off with Quinn without securing room and board at Brooke's house? 

  • Love 6

Today I received shocking news. It turns out that Rick is CEO of Forrester Creations. I know, right? He also knows where the door is.

He is??? Are you sure??? I think Maya should be around to confirm that wild declaration of yours :)


But seriously, how I wished when he said "you all know where the door is" that they all would have said "yep" and marched out said door one by one.

  • Love 8

This move by Rick hiring Quinn may be his downfall. I think we're up for a shocking death or grievous injury caused by Quinn with Rick as an accessory since he was the one to bring her back into the fold with the intention of causing chaos:

Potential victims:

- Deacon. He's the most expendable but due to him being Hope's father and Brooke's loved one and Quinn's beloved it'd still be tragic in that Quinn destroys the thing she was trying to keep. Money says Deacon dies trying to save Brooke.

- Brooke. Doubt she'd die but she could be put in a coma or have to walk again or something. Her being injured would draw ALL her men to her - Ridge, Bill, and Deacon - causing complications with their women. Rick would feel guilty for putting his mother in the line of fire all due to his pettiness.

-Ivy. For some reason I can see her getting killed off through some machinations of Quinn and it be the catalyst for a truly dark Liam who holds both Quinn and Rick accountable and will go to some lengths to avenge her. Eric would finally pull back on supporting Rick since it would've cost him a niece and Caroline and Aly who were Ivy's friends would also be affected. The only thing is there is no backup love interest for Liam if they kill off Ivy so they may just have her comatose/seriously injured.

-Aly. Since Phoebe was killed off, I can't see them killing off another young female Forrester but have her seriously injured as an innocent party caught in the crossfire? It would affect everyone and actually bring home how this petty war has escalated to hurting innocent people All would share some guilt for this outcome: Caroline and Ridge for the illicit smooches; Maya for exposing them to rile up Rick and also allowing Rick to treat Ally like crap; Rick breaking under the guilt of causing his niece this harm; Thorne turning on Rick for indirectly being responsible; Eric feeling guilty for giving Rick too much rope; Liam and Ivy who looked on Ally as a close friend and like a little sister and finally Oliver who finally gets a chance to shine as the loyal boyfriend never leaving Ally's side. Bonus would be spirit Ally having a talk with a full bodied ghost Darla as she wills her daughter to live and be happy. Heck they could even do a non Christmas version of 'It's a Wonderful Life' with Ally seeing how her death could have massive repercussions for the family and Oliver and even Forrester Creations.

Of course of they go this route redeemed rootable Quinn is dunzo with everyone on canvas. At least as far as hurting Brooke, Ivy, and Ally are concerned. Accidentally offing Deacon she might on be able to survive that strike.

So, Deacon is either playing Brooke (maybe he hopes to score points with Hope by being the one to clue her in as to how messed up her mother is right now, while professing to want to help her?) or he just really wants to make sure Brooke really wants him before he cuts off his current meal ticket to replace her with Brooke.  Where will he live if he breaks it off with Quinn without securing room and board at Brooke's house? 

Where is the scheming Deacon we all know and love? He is out-Liaming Liam as the shmoopiest waffle of all. Today's scene with Deacon and could have been a scene with Brooke and Ridge, with Deacon reading Brooke's script. Bring back the real Deacon.

  • Love 7

From a business perspective, I don't have a problem with Rick rehiring Quinn; in the scheme of things she is supposed to be a great designer, and there was never a problem with her work. On an emotional level however, this is all kinds of wrong. Rick just sent a message loud and clear to his family, particularly Ridge and Ivy, with minor shout outs to Hope and Brooke. Whether we are on board or not, at least we understand Rick's issue's with Ridge, but I remain in the dark with this vendetta he has against Ivy. I also don't understand why he would want to hurt Hope and his mother. If Quinn is the powder keg, then Deacon is the fuse; Rick hasn't bothered to check on his mother since her return, so he doesn't know about her drinking, and going to AA, and bonding with Deacon, and he most assuredly doesn't know she just told Deacon "this could be our time". I don't see this ending well for anyone.


And what is really waxing my chaps, is I get the feeling that Quinn is going to be another pawn in one of Brooke's destinies. When Quinn was first introduced, I was all about her; dynamic single mom who raised her son alone. Then they decided that they would waste RS's talent by having her harass and terrorize a twenty something Eggo. Now it seems they are trying to redeem the character by letting her have normal human emotions, and letting her fall in love with Deacon, and reconnect with her son. But, that will all come to a crashing end when Quinn finds out that Brooke is Deacon's AA buddy. And lauwdy oh lauwdy, help us all if she finds out that Deacon is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Dude, how can you be committed to Quinn if you are asking Brooke in the same breath if the two of you have a chance? Mr. RuntheTable was all up in Deacon's business yesterday, let's see; idiot, cheater, moron, dumb ass, just to repeat a few of the epitaphs flying outta his mouth. I have no doubt that Quinn will be gunning for Brooke, but will probably injure someone else in the process. My bet is on Wyatt or Deacon.  I eventually see this leading to a Rick/Quinn hookup, talk about Boris and Natasha! The question is, will Deacon and Brooke last? Or will Deacon be a casualty too? Or will the inevitable fallout open the door for Brooke/Wyatt? 


I suggest Katie start "worrying" about Brooke out of earshot of Bill. It is almost like she is trying to entice him to go to Brooke and try to help her. Katie is gonna keep on until Brooke is forced to pull out the Tarn-X and set to work on the Golden Couter which has been out of operation for a bit, and might need to be polished up. I have little doubt that Bill could be persuaded to assist with that procedure. 


I will say that everyone has been looking smashing lately! I loved that dress that Ivy was wearing, and I always love Pam's retro wear. And Rick, in a dark blue/light blue checked shirt with a purple tie? But it worked fabulously on him because his blue eye's were just blazing. And I want to take that beautiful pink blouse right off of Brooke. Love it! And going forward, they can keep Carter in those dress shirts and vests, cause yeah, that shit is working. 


Hope. And may I add that I think it's wonderful she's been forgotten.





Watching Brooke and Decon today was like watching "Bedazzled" with Elizabeth Hurley as the Devil and Brendan Fraser as Elliot. Brooke's squinty eyed stare must be the trigger to melt men's brain. What is Decon thinking? Can he be that stupid? Professing his love for Quinn but wanting to know his chances with Brooke on the same sentence. Now I feel sorry for Hope with a mother like Brooke and a father like Decon.



Again, Preach!


I was distracted by Deacons face turning red during his scenes today,



I am glad I am not the only one who noticed that! Red as a tomato. 

  • Love 10

I remain in the dark with this vendetta he has against Ivy. I also don't understand why he would want to hurt Hope and his mother.

This is all I've got (not that it makes sense):

Ivy - because she stuck up for Caroline.

Hope - envy over her being the "perfect" one

Brooke - lingering resentment over her many marriages/divorces

  • Love 4

Oh Deacon - Brooke only wants you now because all her other 'destinies' are with their other destinies, and she can't be alone for a hot minute.


And both of you stop with the rewrite of your cheating being some great love affair. It wasn't.  You were cheating on your wife, Brooke was screwing her SIL.  


Deacon, remember how she treated you after it was over - you were pond scum to her. And while everyone forgave Brooke after a few weeks, you are still pond scum to the greater LA area.


Go hang with the bat shit crazy Quinn.  At least she really does seem to care about you and think you are a great catch. (But then again, she is BSC)

  • Love 10

I'm not sure I understand the Brooke SL.  Are we really expected to feel sympathy for a fifty-something woman who can't deal with life because she's alone?  More specifically (and pathetically), without a man?  So, she turns to alcohol?  And she's considering revisiting arguably the most scandalous time in her life by potentially reuniting with Deacon?  After years of being with other women's men, in relationships of varying degrees of longevity, she finds herself without a man and she falls to pieces?  And I'm supposed to care why?

  • Love 14

Are we really expected to feel sympathy for a fifty-something woman who can't deal with life because she's alone?  More specifically (and pathetically), without a man?

That's the annoying thing.  Just because she's without a man doesn't mean she's alone.  Or maybe she is.  Judging by the parties these characters have, none of them appear to have any friends.


How about focusing on poor neglected RJ? Or her biological son (can't recall his name) with Nick?

  • Love 8

I hate when Brook squints her eyes and pursers her mouth and gets that dumb look on her face. I also hate when Deacon breathes and talks so fast that he turns (yes) red in the face. what a lack luster couple indeed. Of course Quinns character is going to go straight to hell now. Katie is still as boring as a "Newman"can get. Caroline cant get well fast enough !!

  • Love 6

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