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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Yea it's like she doesn't like Nicole or has a fear of her but Nicole is oblivious of that.

Hmmm. Maybe Nicole is psychotic and Maya is distancing herself (and the Forresters) because of that or maybe she knows something about Maya but doesn't realize it/recall? Or she's Maya's child but I don't think Rick would care at all if Maya has a child esp if it was conceived when she was super young.

  • Love 1

The funniest part of Ridge and Liam's conversation is that Ridge acted like a dick until he heard something that interested him.  This idea that things will be roses and lollipops once he takes over is laughable... Ridge is as big an asshole as anyone else there, including Rick.  He'd probably tell Aly to kick rocks with that shoe line.  I recall him tossing Oliver aside within 3 minutes of his return to LA.  The worst part was Liam saying twice that Ivy and Caroline were "being treated like slaves".  Really?  You'd think that a room full of writers could figure out how to get that point across in a more intelligent way.


The Maya-Nicole thing is boring me already.  Whatever the issue is, spit it out.


I'm having difficulty with the Ivy-Steffy thing because I haven't cared about Ivy since her arrival and I generally detest Steffy.  Plus, they're fighting over Waffles.  I did have a chuckle last week when Waffles said he was committed to Ivy now.  Does "now" mean after he kissed Hope?

  • Love 2

Well it was nice to see Maya's sister again...that's all I got. I swear if they make that child her daughter in any way, shape or form...


The rest eh...


No forget that...why would Maya leave her sister out in the cold? What happened to the character who was at the very least kind? The hell? I guess this is the price of airtime. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 4

I wonder how much of the Hope/Liam/Steffy back story Ivy knows.  That "Liam and I are sleeping together" moment seemed kind of awkward, but then I wondered if she knew that Steffy exploited the whole "Hope wants to wait for marriage" thing, so she wants to make it clear to Steffy that wagging her open for business crotch in Liam's face isn't going to be as effective here, because Liam's already getting laid on the regular?  


Seriously, though, Ivy, the worst thing you can do is let someone like Steffy see that you're threatened.  That's an opening to her. 


I was beginning to think that Maya's sister was just some mass group hallucination we'd all experienced.  At least she does exist.  But I have zero interest in the back story of two characters who were not remotely a part of the show or connected to anyone on the show when said back story was a thing.  And, I mean, come on, doesn't Rick already know that Maya did time?  What the hell else is in her relatively young background that would be a bigger deal breaker than that? 

  • Love 4

Oh Liam, ease up on the hyperbole. Your cousin and girlfriend aren't being treated like slaves. Regardless of how badly Rick and Maya treat them, I'm sure they're being well-paid for their services and can leave any time they want.

Maya gave herself away after she pushed her sister out the door. "I don't want anything to come between us." Like my nubile young sister who easily has 100 IQ points on me." Meanwhile, why didn't Maya offer Nicole the fcuk pad since she and Rick aren't using it anymore?

  • Love 7
Meanwhile, why didn't Maya offer Nicole the fcuk pad since she and Rick aren't using it anymore?



You'd think that, since she's clearly afraid of her sister spilling some big secret, that setting her up in the fuck pad would be a smart move.  Sis is grateful to be set up in her own place, so she's less likely to blow Maya's spot, and she's somewhat under Maya's thumb, so she can keep an eye on her.  Essentially turning her out to the streets when she's clearly looking for some help seems like a bad idea if you're afraid of her spilling dirt on you.  Why piss her off or leave her desperate? 

  • Love 3

Maya certainly bum rushed lil sis out the door today.  It seemed obvious to me that she does **not** want Rick and Nicole to **ever** interact.


What is Maya afraid Nicole will say?  Pure spec on my part but here goes:


Maya has from the beginning been playing the long con and Nicole knows it.


By long con I mean that Maya targeting Rick from the very beginning because he was Rick Forrester. Did research on him before hitting LA.  Knew who he was the second they met.


Maya merely pretended to beleive Rick was a poor waiter. And pretend to be shocked, shocked I say, when he revealed his true identity Her plan was for him to believe she "loved" him for himself, not the Forrester money.  And it was working until Caroline temporarily derailed the plan.


The insta-engagement to Carter?  To make Rick jealous.  Didn't work but Maya was determined and waited for an opening,  When the attempted seduction in the steam roon didn't work, she waited some more.  Maya even admitted today she kept her eyes and ears open about CarRidge.  So wjhen the opportunity to blast the "affair" wide open came she took it.


I see Maya showing up at Brooke's mere hours after the "affair" reveal as the steam room seduction part 2.  Only this time she knew that drunk, hurt, emotionally vulnerable Rick would cave.  She turned on the bambi doe eyes and played the "I've never betrayed you" card to perfection and voila.  Thus her victory stroll in Brooke's robe the morning after.


Since then she's been joined to Rick's hip and never misses an opportunity to remind him of how loyal, faithful, trustworthy, and true she is.  The anvils have been falling thick and fast as Rick has been going on and on and on that Maya is the only one he can trust, the only one who has never betrayed him.


Unfortunately Maya never saw the wild card of Nicole coming.  Maya is afraid Nicole will spill what she knows -- that Maya was in it for the benjamins from the jump.  And being afraid (and not really that smart) she's made a mistake. Instead of setting Nicole up in the pad o' lusty tub, she basically kicked her out.  Nicole is smart and after her huh moement when Maya hustled her out, she's going to figure it out.


So we're going to have Nicole threatening to tell Rick, maybe a little blackmail of Maya. And Maya doing everything she can to keep the truth from Rick.


Rick of course will find out and then another meltdown, temper tantrum, with the return of mean Rick, only this time 100x worse as now he'll say everyone has betrayed him. In his anger he may even seek to consciously ruin FC.


That is what I see that drives Ridge to throw in with the Spencers and take over FC. Heck at that point Eric might even join in.


  • Love 6

Omigod, all these people are delusional. Caroline gave everything to Rick? When? When she was shoving her tongue down Ridge's throat. SHUT UP!! Or "This isn't a halfway house?" That's your fucking sister and you live in a MANSION. WTF!? Or what about Ivy threatening Steffy with "We've slept together." I thought I was watching a very special episode of Saved By the Bell, only that show was funny. WTF!? WTF!? W.T.F!!!!!???? There's not enough wine in the world to explain whatever the hell Brad Bell is smoking and writing down on paper that translates to ....that. And still with this nonsensical takeover crap, I guess proxy doesn't exist in L.A? *sigh  "Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?"



Technology is not Eric's friend.


No one is Eric's friend. Look at his family, if they're not drunk or crazy they're touched by the blood of the stupid or panting after a Spencer. Fuck his life 'cause that family is doomed.



Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

Shira quote

I do NOT need to see any more of the pathetic catfighting of Steffy and Ivy. As somebody else said upthread, what exactly does Ivy plan to do with her "or else" threats? Kick Steffy's ass? Good luck with that--Steffy looks like she came straight from the Jerry Springer Show.


Folding chairs at 20 paces?

  • Love 4


Yep, that was bizarre, considering Ivy and Liam are both in their 20's and have been together for months now. Why should that be such a shocker that they've had sex? Sheesh, sometimes, I feel like Brad Bell is still living in the 1950's.


Well maybe he is and that's why the "villains" are so moustache-twirling and the "heroes" are so stupid to accommodate them. Seriously, I didn't like Leave it to Beaver the first time around. Lord, this is terrible!

  • Love 1

Ridge to Liam: I would never partner with your father.


Not "I would never allow my family's business to be taken over and controlled by an outside corporation."



Ridge to Liam: You are asking me to betray my dad.


It's not exactly like you haven't done that before, Ridge.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 7

La di Va, interesting theory about Maya. I'm still on the fence with her so who knows, you could be right.


Ridge is so laughable, whining to Daddy about how he'd be SO much better than Rick at running the company. Nothing he's done shows me he's in the least bit ready to take on CEO and neither is designer Barbie at his side. And so help me God, if he doesn't cease and desist with the "Ricky" or "Little Ricky" or "Ricky boy" comments. I mean, really, Ridge? You sound every bit the petulant child that you claim Rick is. Pot, meet kettle.


Ivy and Steffy - really show? I felt like I was watching a SBTB episode as well, entitled, "I see your twat and raise you my snatch." Just all kinds of wrong.

  • Love 4

Jacque McI/Steffies hair was a hot mess today. Totally scraggly, bone dry, crispy, tangled, uneven. Looked like member of Mötley Crüe or a severely neglected Golden Doodle before dematting.

It was not pretty a pretty look.

At the risk of going off topic, last night, I watched a Canadian TV show called 19-2 (set in Montreal, about the 19th division of the police) and JMW was in the episode. She played Marie Louise, a lesbian former stripper/drug addict turned real estate agent who had a relationship with a woman cop. They had broken up because of the drug addiction. Anyway, clean and sober she convinces lady cop (nicknamed Bear) to go for dinner and rekindle things. Next thing you know, Marie Louise is performing oral sex on Bear in a stairwell to the metro in downtown Montreal. It was a good, shocking storyline and she performed it well. Also, her hair and makeup were amazing and she didn't look as plastic as she does when she plays Steffy.

  • Love 2

Why are they taking Brooke down this "I can't get a man so I'm going to become a fucking drunk" route?


Maybe Maya doesn't want her sister around because she is intelligent, attends a prestigious university and has better legs? What does Maya have to offer besides constantly stroking Rick's pathetic ego and kissing his ass? And she's a mean girl, to boot. If and when she and Rick break up she will have burned many, many bridges. And stupid Rick doesn't even question why she's being so awful to her sister. And that comment about "this isn't a halfway house." It's a family home you stupid cow.


So, is Eric siding with Rick in part because he's romantically jealous of Ridge? What an idiotic old man. Maybe he shouldn't have been sniffing up the skirts of women young enough to be his daughters who'd already fucked his son. He deserves to lose Forrester after rewarding Rick for abusing family and employees and behaving in a dangerous way with a fucking gun. And being tricked by Rick.

  • Love 11

Did I really hear Eric say that putting Rick in charge was the BEST business decision he ever made. Then it must have been Steffanie who made all the business decisions to get FC to where it is today. Also, condoning his relationship to Maya because she is stabilizing force and keeps Rick's feet on the ground. Maya is an enabler and is a nothing more than an air pump for Rick's ego. Maya may keep Rick's feet on the ground but she keeps his head in the clouds. Maya can you be anymore obnoxious gold digger with your champaign in the afternoon comment and disappointed look when Rick gave her a necklace instead of an engagement ring. Maya, clothes for the masses for a renowned fashion house. Even HFTF is high end. Maybe they should let Maya design cloths for the masses and brand it as Maya's Basement. It's a good idea but not for FC. Still Eric dwells on the bottom line that Rick really has nothing to do with. Not being CEO for the entire quarter and being the recipient of designs by Ridge and Caroline. Rick got lucky that the designs were so good that they sold in spite of Rick's tampering.

Is it my imagination or is Steffy becomming Hope 2.0. Steffy has ways been the brunette to Hope's blonde or the ying to her yang but now it's seems that the writers gave Steffy Hope's dialog. It must be deja vu because we are getting the same diatribes about their history with Sir Galahad.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9

It was funny to me that Steffy was doing the "we've had obstacles/we wuz robbed" speech because the way I remember it was Steffy was the obstacle

Steffy's only advantage over Hope was that her bajingo was open for business and Hope's was not. She doesn't have that advantage with Ivy.

It's only been a couple of weeks she's been back but I already prefer Hope to Steffy again.

Well, I won't go THAT far to agree with the last sentence ;) But the rest is spot on. I think I held the UO that either was more tolerable than the other and that both were equally self centered. Hope may have had genuine feelings for Liam, but in the end, it became about winning over Steffy. But even then, I still say they were both better off without that stiff boring ass twit that is even less developed as a character than Y&R's most infamous Gary Stu Dylan McAvoy.

Ivy is confident and classy and can do a helluva lot better than Liam. Let the two little daddy's girls fight over the carnival prize, and leave her outta it. Recast Carter with an actor with personality and let them have at it.

  • Love 6

Ivy is now pretty much my favorite character on this show.


And maybe it's me (quite possibly) but it seems like Rick and Maya have the same conversation anytime they're alone together -- not word for word, but the themes are the same. Maya is supportive, Rick is The Man, Maya is overwhelmed with being a fancy-pants Forrester, Rick is The Man. We get it. Now please find something else to talk about. If that's possible.

  • Love 13

Ugh. This show is slipping into "I don't care" territory. I'm actually willing to be a little dumb for my soaps, so that doesn't bother me in and of itself, but this CEO business is stretching it.

When Eric was talking about handing over the reigns arbitrarily, without referencing the fact that the company has shareholder and he was not the majority, EVEN THOUGH WE JUST HAD A MAJOR PLOT SURROUNDING THAT, I was OK to shrug it off. Whatever. Even when Rick was gunning for his "irrevocable" control, I was still fine. You pronounce it irrevocable, I pronounce it standard executive contract that states that you have that position for a guaranteed amount of time before it comes up for renewal. This shares business though? You can't forget about the shareholders when appointing another CEO, but then bring them back up when you want to get rid of that CEO. It makes zero sense. If the shareholders have the power to remove a CEO, then they should have been consulted to appoint one. Which is it?

Also in this whole takeover story is the fact that they're acting like Eric isn't even alive. I think he's a doddering old fool, but the characters don't; they still talk about him with so much respect. So why are they trying to put Steffy or Ridge in charge instead of just reverting control back to Eric? We saw what happened to Bill when control of his company was wrested from him. I guess they assume that Eric will just go, "Welp, you got me." I mean, he very well may, but no one is planning for any other reaction.

Liam is annoying me with his unfounded assumptions of what's happening to the company. If everyone quits, sure, company probably would take a bit to right itself. But no one is talking about quitting. People just hate where they work. I wish I had a no nothing cousin who tried to take over every company where I didn't like the culture.

  • Love 7

Meh, I think that necklace Rick gave Maya is fugly. Plus it's inappropriate for day wear unless you're a 90-year-old socialite or Elizabeth Taylor. She better not wear it to work because she'll just look like a golddigger.

Am I seeing this wrong or is Ivy kind of possessive and territorial? That's probably going to wear thin with Liam eventually.

  • Love 2
Well, color me shocked but JMW actually looked very pretty today. It's such a slippery slope with her. If the hair & makeup people are having a bad day, she looks like a freak, and if they're having a good day, she's gorgeous. Such a fine line...



I could swear I remember reading, back when she was a regular, that she did her own hair and/or makeup.  

  • Love 1

Please don't take the basement away from Thorne, it's all he has. ;)


Didn't Amber already do the Forrester for the masses thing with her home shopping line ?

Yes she did, but the writers of this show have obviously smoke too much pot and have forgotten that little nugget about their own show.

  • Love 4

Then it must have been Steffanie who made all the business decisions to get FC to where it is today. 

That's how I remember it. I thought it was established that in the beginning Eric was just a dufus playboy yet a talented designer and it was Stephanie that was the driving force behind FC. This recent blabbering from Eric about how his father didn't love him as much as he loved Dickie Smothers because he was so driven to succeed really came out of left field.

Edited by SweePea59
  • Love 7

Didn't the truth about Ridge's paternity come to light when he was an adult? Then why did Ridge say words to the effect that he owed Eric for raising him as if he were Eric's own son?

LittleIggy- You are correct :)

Technically Steffy is not Eric's biological granddaughter. And she's not a "True Forrester" by blood.

  • Love 2

LittleIggy- You are correct :)Technically Steffy is not Eric's biological granddaughter. And she's not a "True Forrester" by blood.

I can't stand Steffy, but, since she is Stephanie's granddaughter, she has as much a blood right to FC as any of Eric's bloodline. As noted by others, FC is as much Stephanie's legacy as it is Eric's.

  • Love 9

I generally enjoy Eric and Brooke conversations, but that stuff today was just one WTF moment after another. Brooke's baby doll, little girl voice, giving lip service to her "concerns", while Eric was busy justifying, and excusing all of Rick's actions. The only real truth to come out of it was Eric's comment, when defending Rick firing the gun, "I can perfectly understand why he felt the need to do it though. A long time ago Ridge took the woman I love away from me too". Wow. And so there you have it. That is why Eric has been focused on Ridge and Caroline, and their behavior, instead of Rick and Maya's. Eric has decided to call in Ridge's long overdue debts:


  1. For being the child that cemented him to Stephanie, and took him from his first real love, Beth. 
  2. For being Masamo's son, that Stephanie passed off as his.
  3. For being the man that was Brooke's "Destiny".


And it will push Ridge to join forces with the Devil, and betray his father. Oddly enough, it was Rick's betrayal that convinced Eric he was the best fit as CEO, but I doubt Eric will view Ridge's the same. No, Rick demonstrated the depth of his angst, how horrible it was for him to run Forrester with the specter of Ridge hanging over him, with Ridge haunting the hallways of the building, laying in wait to jump out and scare Rick. I thought Brooke and Eric came off like elitist, socialite parents, using the big broom to clean up the detritus left in Rick's wake. 


Rick and Maya seem to have established a pattern: he gives pretty sparklies, and she rewards with sex. Or a bath. Or a bath with sex. 


I knew I didn't get the warm fuzzies when Nicole came calling the first time, but Maya was down right rude to little sis this time. 


Maya actually thought that was a ring? Did you see the size of that box? 


I like plucky Ivy! I thought it was adorable how she was so affronted by Steffy's cheekiness; she didn't find it cute, or daring, or endearing, or !!FUN!!. No, she found it what it was; disgusting. With Ivy it isn't about confidence, or being jealous, it is about the moral code. I also like how she pointed out that she had always had Steffy's back, and had defended her to the family. 


Going forward, Steffy can go pound sand with her Brooke comments, because she is acting just like her. The only thing missing is the snapping fingers. 

  • Love 11

politichick quote

Why are they taking Brooke down this "I can't get a man so I'm going to become a fucking drunk" route?



 It doesn't bode well when Brooke and Eric are celebrating Rick's business success over one bottle of scotch -- Not nearly enough to tide over Our Miss Brooke.


Brooke going alcoholic for the week does occupy her time on screen ... it is Emmy bait ... not that KKL is particularly good at it.

  • Love 2

Eric saying putting Rick in charge was the best decision he ever made was eye-rolling. I hope Ridge turns on him. 


No problem there. Ridge just needed a little incentive, like Steffy going to the lawyers, to give him a reason to betray his entire family for revenge.


Yay for you, Ridge. Another moral victory.



The Forester Creations Threat Level is moving to DEFCON 4 Fast Pace.

  • Love 1


How many extensions do you think are on that head!!!!  LOL

Enough to make her look like the cowardly lion of OZ. I am sick of seeing Rick and Maya in the tub. I wish when they empty the water out, they would whirlpool themselves down the drain. Brooke and Eric are BOTH boring and delusional, and cant stand being alone with themselves. I dislike the way Brooke plants that quenched up school girl smile when she's talking to any and  all of her male de jours.  AND again I say, Liam is not that good of a catch to have all those and I use the word loosely, "females" fighting over him!

  • Love 8

I am not entertained by Brooke's madcap drunkeness. It's over the top, and I don't feel sorry for anyone who thinks they need a man to be whole.

Deacon, fuck off with your schmoopy retcon romance with Brooke and your fond fatherly feelings for Hope. None of that shit happened. Chickenhead was right about that mooching douche.

"Everything is stabilized!" Oh, Brooke. Everything but your son's psyche.

  • Love 10

Steffy's hair was gross. I wanted for her to either tug on or twist a strand around her finger and have it break off. It looks like she dipped the ends in a vat of bleach. Her head-to-toe spray tan comes close to resembling a bowling league trophy.


Brooke looks like such a newbie lush with the way she grimaces each time she takes a sip. Stick with wine or are we now supposed to believe that she is so desperate that she'll drink whatever is on hand? I hope that KKL isn't planning to submit any of her "drunken" scenes for an Emmy nod.


I cringe when I think of what's festering inside of Myra's vajayjay with all of the bathtub sex, not to mention yeast/sugar overgrowth from the champagne. You're welcome! LOL!

  • Love 10

That's how I remember it. I thought it was established that in the beginning Eric was just a dufus playboy yet a talented designer and it was Stephanie that was the driving force behind FC. This recent blabbering from Eric about how his father didn't love him as much as he loved Dickie Smothers because he was so driven to succeed really came out of left field.

Even that part about Stephanie is a retcon. Watching from the beginning I got the sense that she was far more preoccupied with being the gracious hostess type of wife, leaving the business to Eric and the kids. Eric was not always this ass backwards stupid where business was concerned. You'd think he'd learned something after losing to Brooke all those years ago. Guess not. :/

  • Love 6


This recent blabbering from Eric about how his father didn't love him as much as he loved Dickie Smothers because he was so driven to succeed really came out of left field.

100 thumbs up for a Dickie Smothers reference !



"When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy."

And now that quote made me think of this qoute from Justified. " If you meet an asshole in the morning he's the asshole. If you meet assholes all day you're the asshole.


At least Brooke is a happy drunk.

  • Love 7

What was the point of Katie manipulating Bill to do that?  It looked the same to me.  


Yes SK needs to lose @10+lbs because it appears he is going to become a sex toy!  Why was his face so red? He looked like he was going to explode.  


Eric needs new dentures, it looks like he has no upper teeth...I was squirming thinking he was going to swoop in and kiss Brooke.  EW!


Looks like Maya and Ric inherited the bathtub scenes from Jackie and ?  

  • Love 4


"When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy."

And now that quote made me think of this qoute from Justified. " If you meet an asshole in the morning he's the asshole. If you meet assholes all day you're the asshole.

Funny thing, when I read that top quote it made me think of something I heard JLo say on some talk show. She basically said, if you're having a problem with someone it's not them it's YOU. YOU have to try harder.


For some reason I can't get that out of my head.


Brooke must have a cast iron stomach. 

  • Love 3

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