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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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RuntheTable quote

Well, the advance notices went out today to all pertinent parties that BROOKE HAS A PROBLEM!


Between the weaving and bobbing, drunken asides during the ceremony and incoherent toast, there could have been an intervention after the cake was cut. I was hoping Brooke would stumble away from the party and find a flower bed to catch her second wind.

  • Love 3

First to address something I posted a couple of days ago, I only feel that the character of Maya has no business being lead model. The actress who portrays her has a beauty that is girl next door and almost anime at the same time. Being the wide eyed innocent faced spokesmodel for HFTF was perfect. But as the Face of Forrester, it doesn't compute. And since we never see her DO it, why is it so important storywise?

Mostly I just want to clarify I didn't mean it as body shaming or anything like that.

On to the GIANT ring that led to the wedding, what a sad mess that was.

  • Love 4

I noticed DD & HT forgot which hand the ring goes onto, whoops! I thought the vows were good and very fitting for the two of them, and Bill rushing to kiss Katie was cute, and the speech from Liam & Wyatt on Will's behalf made me cry, but on the whole it was pretty clumsy. I realise a lot of real weddings don't always go to plan either, but there's adorkable and then there's awkward. Brooke's behaviour during the ceremony was just flat out rude, too; if I were Katie I'd be mortified that my sister was making a scene on my behalf. Leave that shit for the reception.


On a totally shallow note, I couldn't help but notice Linsey Godfrey hanging onto Thorsten Kaye during Brooke's speech the way she was; something about it just gave me the warm fuzzies.


Congratulations! As far as this being your 1st and only, as long as Carter isn't there you should be fine :)

ETA...unless JMcC shows up in a helicopter...

LOL thanks ByTor! Although I think a hot air balloon is more JMC's choice of transport...


In retrospect it also seems like the entire episode was about Brooke

Umm, duh RuntheTable, everything is about Brooke. ;)


The show right now feels like they're at a point where they're not entirely sure how they want to move forward with anything.  it's weird.

You said it, KerleyQ. I was only thinking about it on the bus this morning how anti-climactic the whole gun thing was, made worse by everyone in the show only mentioning Rick shooting at people as an afterthought to all the other asshole things he's done recently. Whodunnits are passé but surely they are more involving as stories than what we got in the end. Or, if we know for sure that Rick shoots Ridge or Caroline or whoever, we could have had the bedside Emmy reel scenes that are also passé and predictable but more interesting than "Rick's gone mad! Oh well."


And you can add to this list Brooke's sudden spiral out of decency/exaggerated alcoholism and Batie's associated rush wedding, Maya's sister Nicole's mysterious fly-by, and the Spencer Boys' confusing and convoluted plot to buy a company they have no use for, and it's clear that the thread of the show is starting to unravel when it was only so tight a month or so ago.


Why was Aly at the wedding? She's not a friend or relative of the bride or the groom and she's wasn't anyone's date. I thought that was really a pathetic wedding. Bill and Katie should have just flown to Vegas.

Bill asked her the same thing. LOL She said she heard about it,  I think Brooke walked in before Bill could question her further or tell her to go...Her showing up uninvited was pathetic.

I think when Bill asked Aly who invited her, it was in response to the mushy romantic comment she made that "Love will do that to a person", and his asking her was more like "Get a load of this guy!" more than him being an asshole about the guestlist. And Aly's "I read it somewhere" was her saying "I read that love will make a person do X", not that she read about the Batie wedding anywhere.


I wondered why Aly was there too, but I figured Liam might've invited her (or Ivy, but +1s don't get +1s...?). But then, where was Oliver? And what about Alison, who was there even though Katie doesn't like her?


Eric's finally coming back.

And apparently beardless. Sigh.


I thought Eric was supposed to be gone for 6 months.  Hasn't it only been one or so?

I didn't think it was ever mentioned how long he was going to be away for, but someone else here on the board (sorry, forgot who now) asked the same question when he left, so maybe I wasn't paying attention when he said it? I thought we had just assumed it was six months.


... if this is where Eric's head is going to be, well, then, he needs to go back to where ever he was, cause he is only going to be contributing to the problem. Rick has betrayed you Eric, he has lied to you, he has done every single fucking thing you told him not to, he has disrespected you, your wife and your home, he has mistreated your niece, and your granddaughter, he has shot a gun in an occupied office, he is actively sabotaging the company you entrusted to him, he has sought out and obtained a divorce, and you come back and are asking him about his feelings for Caroline? That is just a serious WTF moment there.

Don't forget, this is Eric we're talking about.
  • Love 4

I hope TIIC do go there. It would be the least inappropriate relationship Brooke has ever been a part of in the 15 years since I started watching.

Well, there is the fact that Carter is Donna's son's brother. Keeping it in the family B&B style!


ETA...but then there's the matter of Marcus getting adopted by Eric.  Did that act de-adopt him from the Waltons?  So then Brooke would have a fling with a guy who is formerly Donna's son's brother.  Any way you spin it, typical B&B!

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 6
So, I am confused. If Brooke is still in love with Bill, why did she just toss him away? If her own daughter's men were fair game, why make a sisterly sacrifice? Did she really want Ridge or was he just Plan B? Why are both Deacon and Ridge so concerned?



I really think that Brooke just didn't want to be the bad girl who had stolen her sister's man.  So she figured she'd make one last ditch grand gesture to give Katie a chance to get back with Bill, it wouldn't work, and when she came back to town and Bill was waiting with open arms, she'd look somewhat better in this whole mess, because, well, she tried.  It's not her fault that, even given time and space without her around, Bill and Katie just could not get it together.  I don't think she genuinely wanted Ridge when she came back, but when she found out that Bill was with Katie and Ridge was getting involved with Rick's wife, she decided she should swoop in and reclaim Ridge to get him out of Caroline's clutches.  

  • Love 9
Well, there is the fact that Carter is Donna's son's brother. Keeping it in the family B&B style!

ETA...but then there's the matter of Marcus getting adopted by Eric.  Did that act de-adopt him from the Waltons?  So then Brooke would have a fling with a guy who is formerly Donna's son's brother.


I swear, I'm going to start making samplers or throw pillows or something with all these wonderful little summaries you guys give about relationships and history!

  • Love 3

So..today happened....  


Liam is feeling frisky and wants Ivy to hang out a little longer in the morning or play hooky with him.  She can't, but, don't worry, Liam, FUN!!Steffy is still in town. Watch FUN!!Steffy put on a bikini!  And it's only 50something degrees out!!  Watch FUN!!Steffy double dog dare you to go swimming with her!  It's FUN!!Steffy!  Lord. 


Eric.  Oh, Eric.  

  • Love 14

I don't know anything about Eric.  Is this crap with Rick in character for him?  Is only caring about money, rather than giving a shit about the personal stuff and all the crap Rick has pulled at the office, including abusing and randomly firing employees and trashing clothing and jewelry lines out of spite regardless of their quality, something Eric would normally do?  I just really cannot believe that he is so quick to forgive everything Rick has done with the mansion and Maya and the gun.  Hell, not even just forgiving, but somehow being proud of him.  Is this a set up somehow, trying to get Rick to calm down by saying he loves him? 


I'm also confused.  Quarterly reports usually follow the calendar year, so fourth quarter reports would cover October-December, which is before Rick really started fucking everything up.  So what the hell?  Unless FC does accounting differently than every other company ever. 


I can't warm up to Steffy at all.  And the Liam/ Ivy triangle with her seems like a terrible idea because Liam and Steffy have no chemistry.  It might even be negative chemistry.

  • Love 11

Rick's little "Daddy I was naughty" speech? Amazing. After Eric's ridiculous tongue-bath for Rick, I thought I'd seen the height of this show's ridiculousness. 


Then Liam actually said, "I'd forgotten how fun you are," to that wax figure they keep calling Steffy*. 


Hours of vomit-laughing ensued.




* Girl your body is killer. Please undo whatever you did to your face. And it's a bad sign that your extensions look much better wet than dry. YOU'RE SO FUN!!!!!!

  • Love 11


What were Ridge's pained looks about? Thinking that it should have been him up there instead of Bill?

I hated it when Caroline continually asked him Whats Wrong?? I hope she doesn't become a groveling lover , because in my opinion, he is lucky to have her giving him a second look . And Brooke, was just comic relief and so fidgety and laughing like a school. Uh, can Katie get through anything without ugly crying?

Edited by godfreydaniels
  • Love 3

Oh and I completely forgot. What was up with Ridge and Caroline celebrating that Eric was going to get rid of Rick now that he's back in town. Didn't we establish that this ludicrous irrevocable control is, in fact, irrevocable? Obviously on a personal level they could have expected Eric to help out, but (in stupid B&B businessland) there's nothing anyone can do to get Rick out of the CEO chair. 

  • Love 6

So am I to understand that Eric gets up every morning and dresses himself? And no one has to follow him around to remind him to blink, swallow, and breathe? Just asking.

Yeah, it might be about time for the various Forrester kids, grandkids, cousins, and siblings to have ol' Eric declared mentally incompetent. Ugh, Rick and Maya's insufferable behavior will be going to the next level now that Eric has effectively given his blessing. They're going to make Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette look like slackers. Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 10

Ok, WTF was that?? If it's not a dream sequence, like Quinn had with Hope, than I would have Eric checked to see that Rick didn't kill him and replace him with a double ganger. Either that or have Eric checked for dementia. Eric was all about family. Now he is just about the bottom line? Any CEO worth their salt would know when quarterly figures are due. As a tyrant, he is involved with everything but the financials? He would demand sales figures on a daily basis and would know by sales alone what the profit would be.

Say what you want about JMW but she has one beautiful body. Her eyes and lips aren't bad either. It's just the cheekbones that need work. I always thought Steffy made Hope look like a little girl. To bad Liam is not tall enough for Ivy to wear anything but those same hideous flats.

I almost forgot, if today wasn't a dream sequence, than I would have Eric declared incompetent and go to court to have the contract voided based on that fact.

  • Love 8

I don't know anything about Eric.  Is this crap with Rick in character for him?...I just really cannot believe that he is so quick to forgive everything Rick has done with the mansion and Maya and the gun. 


Well, Eric is an idiot, first and foremost.  So there's a lot of leeway for the writers to do whatever they want.

  • Love 6

Way to go Eric! That's how you compound your son's problems, by not only condoning them, but being damned proud of them. The only thing missing was the "Good Ole Boy" shoulder grab and ass smack. Shit, I half expected Eric to pull out pictures of Ridge and Caroline and hang them in the CEO office for Rick to use as target practice. Eric was just all over the place, talking about it all being about family, then saying it is all about the bottom line. If it is all about family, then why are you stabbing Ridge in the back? The son that is largely responsible for FC's as it stands today? And why are you condoning Rick's abhorrent treatment of your granddaughter and niece? Do Thorne and John know how their kids are being treated by your son? Then there is Stephanie; don't let me ever again hear Eric going on about how he came to respect and truly love Stephanie at the end of her life. Cause if that mess was true, then you would be outraged with what Rick has done in her home. And how is it that Rick is such a bang up CEO when he isn't even aware the quarterly reports are out? Oh, and Eric, just a little sompun, sompun for you to think about; in order for a fashion house to be successful, they need good designers, and good designs. Just a little side info about how it works, because you seem to think those great numbers were generated by Rick fucking Maya. 


That was an Oscar worthy performance by Rick today, but he got a lot of practice as he lied to Caroline about wanting her back, and of course as he lied to Eric in order to get full control of Forrester. Jesus, but Eric is such a sucker! I would say Eric may feel differently when Rick disrespects him like he has every other family member, but he has already been doing that for months. Eric is just too stupid to realize it. 


Shut up Ridge and Caroline. Of course any sane person would expect Eric to be horrified, but it wouldn't change anything. There is nothing Eric can do about this situation, because he is the numbskull who created it by signing that ridiculous contract. 


I think Steffy may end up being surprised by Ivy. Ivy may not have Steffy's big personality, and she may not have her bravado, and she may not have her sexiness (from the neck down of course), and she may not have Steffy's history with Liam, and she may not be !!FUN!!, but she has a lot of other things that Steffy could never possess. Things like grace, and confidence, and sweetness, and class. I didn't miss it that Ivy being on board with the takeover, and not being worried or threatened by Steffy's close proximity to Liam, threw Steffy for a loop. She is so used to Hope's insecurity, that she doesn't know how to handle a confident opponent. 


Today's show served to relight a fire under my ass.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 13

Oh, Caroline.  This is another reason why I can't with her.  The dialogue would support her case so much more if it was like, "After I betrayed Rick and he did everything in his power to purposefully hurt me, I had to come to the realization that I didn't want to be with a man who had it in him to do that to me.  I'm so glad you wanted to show me how love could heal those hurts" or some crap like that.  The way she's talking, it's almost like she's bought into the bullshit of her cheerleaders: I've been made very aware of what it really feels like to be loved and cherished?  Really?  Because I think we can all agree that pre-reveal, Rick was all about loving and cherishing Caroline.  I could almost buy that his present behavior has tarnished any good will she had toward their earlier days if she hadn't been going around saying that she wanted Rick's forgiveness in one breath and talking about her electric connection to Ridge in the next.



  • Love 4

I don't know how you do it, Kerley, but you pack some serious contempt into Fun!!Steffy! Brava! Swimming in mild weather is bold indeed. The banter between her and Liam was so contrived and painful and whythehellisshestillhere?

I don't think Eric suffers from dementia. He's just dumb and a terrible parent. Encouraging Rick in his bullying is no way to make up for "not being there" while Rick was growing up (snowboarding in Aspen with Othello.) Perhaps Brooke could stop defining herself by her attractiveness to men and throwing herself a drunken pity party long enough to tend to her son.

  • Love 7

I know Eric is a pushover, but COME ON SHOW.  There's pushover and there's willfully ignorant and oblivious.  I didn't necessarily want to see Eric go scorthed earth on Rick, because Rick is his son and Eric feels quite a lot of guilt over the way he favored Ridge all these years, but to dismiss all the shit Rick has done in his absence, on top of being manipulated and duped over the irrevocable control issue?  I have no words ... except maybe disappointment.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

I don't know how you do it, Kerley, but you pack some serious contempt into Fun!!Steffy! Brava! Swimming in mild weather is bold indeed. The banter between her and Liam was so contrived and painful and whythehellisshestillhere?


I've had a 103 fever all freaking week, and they gave me FUN!!Steffy!  I was pissed. And I sat there in sheer terror that we'd also get a "cha cha cha" before the episode ended.  I have the Death Flu, show, don't do this shit to me. 

  • Love 6


... if this is where Eric's head is going to be, well, then, he needs to go back to where ever he was, cause he is only going to be contributing to the problem. Rick has betrayed you Eric, he has lied to you, he has done every single fucking thing you told him not to, he has disrespected you, your wife and your home, he has mistreated your niece, and your granddaughter, he has shot a gun in an occupied office, he is actively sabotaging the company you entrusted to him, he has sought out and obtained a divorce, and you come back and are asking him about his feelings for Caroline? That is just a serious WTF moment there.


St3phForrester quote

Don't forget, this is Eric we're talking about.


More's the pity.



The plump bottom line and forgivable armed misconduct ... Liam's Disco Stick on-call ... Forester Creations ownership has moved into DEFCON 3 Round House Threat Level

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 4

I swear, I'm going to start making samplers or throw pillows or something with all these wonderful little summaries you guys give about relationships and history!

The best line you can use when you're talking about this show is, "When Taylor came back from the dead the second time..."

As crazy as this show gets, nothing tops that one. And it's something that you need to work into at least one post you make. ;D

  • Love 7

I don't know what to say.




I have the Death Flu, show, don't do this shit to me.

Hope you feel better soon, KerleyQ!


Say what you want about JMW but she has one beautiful body.


And this is how she gets it. As bad as these actors are, you gotta admire their dedication to their bodies (but not their faces).

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 3

I thought surely that scene with Eric and Rick was going to be some fantasy of Rick's but apparently not.


It was nice to hear Eric finally acknowledge how he wasn't always there for Rick, not just with his favortism of Ridge, but his actually being absent for some of Rick's life because he left Stephanie run roughshod over his relationship with Rick and Bridget.


But his guilt and actions now are seriously misplaced with Rick gone off the rails the way he has. Maybe he feared questioning him would send him completely into orbit? Of course, this IS Eric we're talking about so your guess is as good as mine.


Steffy...she is not worth the effort to type comments about her trifling ass.

  • Love 5

I never saw Steffy till this go 'round.  First day I thought "OK....she's not so bad."  But after a few eps I see what y'all are talking about.  Bitch, go away.  But the gal has a smokin' bod no doubt.  Liam stop being such a maroon.  You know what she wants and you 'supposedly' love Ivy (I do) so keep Steffy at arms length....oh and little Liam, too.


Eric....I have no words.  That was just stoopid.  I hope he's playing Rick but from what y'all have posted sadly he was for real.  Ridge shouldn't jump to logical conclusions even tho we all did.


Loved DrunkenBrooke! 


I want more Quinn and Deacon.  Just really enjoy them.


I don't know how many of you watch GH (I do see a few familiar names over there) but RC needs to watch a few eps of this show to see how to keep things moving.  At least here we don't have to watch the travesty that TG has become....*sigh*.


  • Love 2

I watched the Instagram thing St3ph linked to, reminds me why JMW annoys me & why I think she IS Steffy (and vice versa).  Look at meeeeee work out, I'm sooo hottttt, and FUNNNNN!!!! I tried to follow her on Twitter but her ego just irked me.  While I admit she does look great, she doesn't need to brag about it.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 3

There's thirsty, and then there's Steffy. Way to sit there like a lump of vegan coal while she called your relationship with Ivy "settling", Liam. I don't know what the hell Steffy saw when she was blathering on about how Liam looked at her, because all I saw was a man who was so over it and maybe slightly repulsed by the stink clouds of desperation wafting off Steffy. What part of no don't you understand, girl?

Eric is such a pig, talking about Caroline like she's a toy Ridge stole from Rick. Or did he include her in his list of things he took from Rick to give to Ridge. Either way, ew. Well, I'm sure Rick will be a better man now that he's been given a pass on shooting up the office and bullying his employees. I'm gonna go make an ass of my father and claim a mansion and cushy job as my reward. I'll let y'all know how it works out. Fingers crossed!

  • Love 12

I'm of two minds about Eric. First of all, I think it's what he should have said at the beginning of all of this. However, I really don't see how he thinks it's helpful not to deal with the fact that his son SHOT UP THE OFFICE!

I'm glad that he basically told Caroline "Worry 'bout yourself" when she asked if him if he was ok with Rick sharing Eric's bed with Maya. Lovely face crack if I do say so myself.

  • Love 4

Eric is such a pig, talking about Caroline like she's a toy Ridge stole from Rick. Or did he include her in his list of things he took from Rick to give to Ridge. Either way, ew. Well, I'm sure Rick will be a better man now that he's been given a pass on shooting up the office and bullying his employees. I'm gonna go make an ass of my father and claim a mansion and cushy job as my reward. I'll let y'all know how it works out. Fingers crossed!

Eric is just an old fool and his words should just be taken in that fashion by Ridge and Caroline. His boy, Rick, can be fornicating in his office and in his house constantly on company time and Eric has the nerve to ask Ridge and Caroline if they are working and if not what are they constantly together. At least Ridge and Caroline had the decency to wait until the devorce papers were signed to move in together. I'm wondering if it was Brooke that kept Eric filled in on the details, while he was away, and promised him some quality "sniff" time to back Rick. Rick may have had an epiphany but I'm not betting on Maya to tone it down. IMO Maya is even more power hungry than Rick because she relishes in being an enabler. For me, the jury is still out on Rick changing his behavior because he knows Eric and Brooke will back him and Maya.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 8

I'm of two minds about Eric. First of all, I think it's what he should have said at the beginning of all of this. However, I really don't see how he thinks it's helpful not to deal with the fact that his son SHOT UP THE OFFICE!

I'm glad that he basically told Caroline "Worry 'bout yourself" when she asked if him if he was ok with Rick sharing Eric's bed with Maya. Lovely face crack if I do say so myself.

Worry 'bout yourself is one of my favorite YouTube videos hands down.

  • Love 3

Thanks for posting those 2 clips Kia112. The first one hints pretty heavily the direction this story is going, and the preview shows that at least Ivy won't run out without an explanation  a la Hope. I love in that deleted scene how Eric says "it's all my fault" then immediately starts to blame his father.


Liam, palms out extend your arms and lock your elbows. That is how to resist an unwanted advance, even a FUN! one.


I ask again wasn't JMW supposed to only be on limited episodes ? Please make it stop. 

  • Love 6

I kind of want Ivy to just walk out.  Not without Liam knowing she saw them and all, but I want her to walk out because this shit is Liam in a nutshell.  He doesn't have enough respect for whatever relationship he is in at any given moment to not continue to put himself in this situation and to not stop things in their tracks when they get like this.  It strokes his ego that Steffy is still sitting there professing her love for him.  So even though he says "I'm in love with someone else," he still doesn't put an end to the situation.  Steffy is still sitting there in his living room, still right in his personal space, and still, eventually, getting her surgically enhanced lips all over him.  But, afterwards, he can tell himself "hey, I told her I was in love with someone else."   And Steffy knows that, no matter what he says, he's going to let her kiss him, and flirt with him, and get close to him.  Because this shit is what Waffles does.  


Eric...dude...I mean... 

  • Love 10

The character of Ivy was nothing more than a Steffy replacement after Jackie Wood quit the show.  Ivy looked very similar to Steffy - same blue eyes, same hair colour, same hair style.  Notice that now that Steffy is back, Ivy's hair looks a lot different, it's no longer a Steffy imitation.


I had thought that with the return of Steffy, that the actress playing Ivy was sure to be fired.  But of course, everyone woman on this show has to think that scrawny wimpy Liam is the best thing alive, so she will be here until Hope returns or gets recast.  The only thing saving Ivy actress' job is the fact that Kim Matula quit.

  • Love 2

I watched the Instagram thing St3ph linked to, reminds me why JMW annoys me & why I think she IS Steffy (and vice versa). Look at meeeeee work out, I'm sooo hottttt, and FUNNNNN!!!! I tried to follow her on Twitter but her ego just irked me. While I admit she does look great, she doesn't need to brag about it.

That is annoying actually. I have a friend of a friend (you know the type usually at events or parties so in my orbit) who always talks about that shit incessantly humble bragging about her crazy workouts or some extravagant trip.

  • Love 3

Dont' worry, Ivy. It was just a few kisses*.








* Not meant to suggest for one second that I support WaxSteffy's gross and pathetic behavior. I mean FUN. SO MUCH FUN.


If Ivy sticks, she better get used to Liam being a sentimental rube, who can be played like a kazoo by his ex's and $Bill.


You've got to ask yourself how many times does Liam have to be in a 3rd Act Stupid Misunderstanding/3rd Act Compromising Situation/"It's not what it looks like!"/"I can explain!"?

  • Love 1

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