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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Is Brooke losing her touch?  You don't just summon someone to your house and start talking about going to the bedroom without any encouragement or prior flirtation.  And she knew about the Caroline thing, so that should have given her a moment of caution.  Poor KKL, she comes back from the harsh judgement of the Italian judges to this.  Now she's going to be a lush, apparently.  What next, losing arms and legs?

Edited by Unwarranted
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Jesus Donna and Pam, were you two running your lines for Mean Girls 3? Why do they feel the need to convince Caroline that Ridge will go back to Brooke? And I think saying it once was enough, maybe twice for effect, but after that they needed to cap it. Seriously.


I thought that too until I remembered that Caroline was the one listening at the door and then just decided to insert herself into the conversation.  Granted, it kind of concerned her, but it's not like Donna and Pam sought her out to tell her their thoughts.


I assume this is the bonus scene, since I fast forwarded through most of Deacon and Quinn.



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I'm glad Ridge made it very clear to Brooke that it's not gonna happen, but I sure do hope we're not about to go down the "A man broke my heart and so I'm an instant alcoholic."  Just hit me - what if they're going to give Brooke a drinking problem and need to turn to Deacon?  So she can cause another triangle, at least, since she didn't get the one she wanted?  Although, I only know about Deacon's drinking issues from this board since I wasn't watching then; he seems like a moderate drinker without an addiction to me.  

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I don't much about his history on B&B but on Y&R Deacon went into rehab. Not long afterward he went to prison because he helped a fellow lush try to cover up a murder she committed. It was that stint in prison that Bill got him released from when he wanted Deacon to distract Hope away from Liam.

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Ridge celebrated his 30th birthday in 1990. (Yeah, once upon a time, they actually gave the character a definite age.) The character was seven years younger than his portrayer, Ronn Moss, who's now 62. So, Ridge should be 55 now.


Thanks Cool Breeze for that little tidbit - so if Ridge was 30 in 1990 that means he was born in 1960, and if Stephanie was a freshman (18?) and Eric was a senior (21?) then Stephanie was 70 when she died and Eric is 76 this year.


Whenever I think about the ages, my head explodes. It so takes me out of the story and ruins my enjoyment. I think the overusing of SORAS has been part of the ruination of soaps (and I'm an unabashed lover of soaps!) especially when a character (such as Brooke) has children (Rick and Bridget) who are then rapidly aged and in adult storylines and then has a baby (Hope) who gets rapidly aged while the adult siblings stay in a time warp.

This example is especially frustrating because the show made such a point of emphasizing that Bridget was 18 when she married Deacon. Soon after, Brooke and Deacon had an affair that produced Hope.

Bridget is at least 18 years older than Hope.

Hope was rapidly aged and is in her early 20s; this makes Bridget 40ish.

Rick is Bridget's older brother, so he would also be in his 40s.

Brooke had a graduate degree when the show started. Not counting her time chasing Ridge before marrying Eric and having Rick, this would put her in her late 60s. That would make Eric 90ish. Oh, my head!

Now factor in that Rick has been de-aged to his early 30s and you can see why Bridget has to stay off screen. How can Rick be only about ten years older than Hope if his younger sister Bridget is 18 years older than Hope?

Someone mentioned it would be great to have Little D brought back, but that would really mess with Rick's age - and Hope's. (1) Little D is older than Hope so would then be in his 20s, and (2) at one time, Rick thought he was Little D's father, so he would have to be rewritten as in his 40s. Oh, my head.

I fear this means Bridget and Little D have to stay banished. I wonder how / if / when they will bring back Bridget's son Logan.

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I don't much about his history on B&B but on Y&R Deacon went into rehab. Not long afterward he went to prison because he helped a fellow lush try to cover up a murder she committed. It was that stint in prison that Bill got him released from when he wanted Deacon to distract Hope away from Liam.


He was a recovering alcoholic on B&B before he went to Y&R.  It's one of the reasons he was able to relate to Macy, who was also a recovering alcoholic.

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I want Caroline to encounter Brooke at FC and snap her fingers just once with a wink. ;-)


Oh I want that snap too...I want it strong and whip cracking!   My girl Caroline better be looking extra stylishly fierce and wearing a I-just-got-loved-up-all-night-by-big-hands glow!  I need Miss Broke back to feel the sting of that snap coming back at her hard! 



Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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Ridge celebrated his 30th birthday in 1990. (Yeah, once upon a time, they actually gave the character a definite age.) The character was seven years younger than his portrayer, Ronn Moss, who's now 62. So, Ridge should be 55 now.


Thanks Cool Breeze for that little tidbit - so if Ridge was 30 in 1990 that means he was born in 1960, and if Stephanie was a freshman (18?) and Eric was a senior (21?) then Stephanie was 70 when she died and Eric is 76 this year.


Whenever I think about the ages, my head explodes. It so takes me out of the story and ruins my enjoyment. I think the overusing of SORAS has been part of the ruination of soaps (and I'm an unabashed lover of soaps!) especially when a character (such as Brooke) has children (Rick and Bridget) who are then rapidly aged and in adult storylines and then has a baby (Hope) who gets rapidly aged while the adult siblings stay in a time warp.

This example is especially frustrating because the show made such a point of emphasizing that Bridget was 18 when she married Deacon. Soon after, Brooke and Deacon had an affair that produced Hope.

Bridget is at least 18 years older than Hope.

Hope was rapidly aged and is in her early 20s; this makes Bridget 40ish.

Rick is Bridget's older brother, so he would also be in his 40s.

Brooke had a graduate degree when the show started. Not counting her time chasing Ridge before marrying Eric and having Rick, this would put her in her late 60s. That would make Eric 90ish. Oh, my head!

Now factor in that Rick has been de-aged to his early 30s and you can see why Bridget has to stay off screen. How can Rick be only about ten years older than Hope if his younger sister Bridget is 18 years older than Hope?

Someone mentioned it would be great to have Little D brought back, but that would really mess with Rick's age - and Hope's. (1) Little D is older than Hope so would then be in his 20s, and (2) at one time, Rick thought he was Little D's father, so he would have to be rewritten as in his 40s. Oh, my head.

I fear this means Bridget and Little D have to stay banished. I wonder how / if / when they will bring back Bridget's son Logan.

Nothing beats Sheila's daughter Mary who went from being a baby to a late teen attempting to seduce Rick in only three and a half years (real time).

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Oh Gawd. This is the road I was hoping we would NOT see Brooke travel down. I hate this stupid show sometimes and it's refusal to let characters grow and change. That scene between her and Ridge was painful. I just wanted to grab her by the hand and say "oh, girl. Just stop". lol 


I feel like the previous excitement I had for the show has dimmed. I'm so over everyone carrying on about the evils of Maya and Rick. 

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but because now, she will have that terrible journey of pain, and self doubt. Losing your connection to someone who has been a major part of your entire adult life is really hard, but this is long overdue.


But she's had this conversation with Ridge many times, the one time I specifically remember Ridge said he was going back with Taylor, Brooke was devastated and ended up banging her son-in-law.  Oops!

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Now factor in that Rick has been de-aged to his early 30s and you can see why Bridget has to stay off screen. How can Rick be only about ten years older than Hope if his younger sister Bridget is 18 years older than Hope?

Oh! That totally makes sense! I've never been watching when Bridget was front and center, but I've caught up via YouTube and I really liked her, and have been wondering why we can't have her around. Thank you for going through the mental gymnasatics!

I love Bill and Katie back together -- when they work, they are a GREAT couple. She gets sparkly and develops a sense of humor, and he becomes a gentler man. And I'm never into engagement rings, but I LOVE that he got her the Rock of bloody Gibralter! That thing is HUGE! I love Bill. And on a shallow note, I love Katie's rich, auburn hair. It always looks so good when she refreshes the color.

I can't even talk about Brooke, except to say that I remember now why I hat hate HATE this character. I was happier with her gone.

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But as for The Snap, I'm of two minds whether I'd like Caroline to snap her right back. 

Yeah, but let's be honest here. What are the odds Ridge and Caroline will still be finger painting a few months from now. As much as Brooke was embarrassing herself, little miss "Ridge and I know what we share" is going to be singing a different tune when he's sharing with someone else.

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But she's had this conversation with Ridge many times, the one time I specifically remember Ridge said he was going back with Taylor, Brooke was devastated and ended up banging her son-in-law. Oops!

Ridge was already with Taylor, and had been for three years. It wasn't his fault she decided to dump Thorne out of tthe blue. Which made it even more pathetic.

But like Jenrising said, the odds of Carriage being together next year is slim to none. As history has shown Ridge loves Ridge more than anyone in the world who isn't Stephanie. He'll either get jealous of her creative success (my preferred option) or waffle back to Brooke or Taylor or perhaps even Maya as she continues her social climbing. That might be worth the price of admission to see Rick's head explode again.

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Sure, Ivy, stand there in Rick's office and tell Steffy that you're all in with Liam's plan to takeover Forrester.  It's not like Pam, the queen of eavesdropping, is right outside the office.  What could go wrong?

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He'll either get jealous of her creative success (my preferred option) or waffle back to Brooke or Taylor or perhaps even Maya as she continues her social climbing. That might be worth the price of admission to see Rick's head explode again.

Ridge and Maya?  THAT I could get into!


I had to shut off yesterday's show, and I think it's time to take a break.  Apologies to the CarRidge fans, but seeing them in bed squicked me right out.  It looked like a little girl who had a bad dream crawled into bed with daddy (at whom she always adoringly gazes) & then started making out with him.  I hope that doesn't offend anybody, but it was more yuck than I can handle.

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Rick says he cares about Maya, but then he wants to inflict Steffy on her as a "friend." Steffy is not someone who makes a good friend to a woman, any woman, if that makes sense.

Rick, if you have to ask people flat out to kiss your ass, your ass isn't worth kissing.

I'm glad Liam was honest with Ivy about Steffy's pathetic declarations of enduring love. I like that he quickly said he was over that drama.

Brooke, please don't sniff around Deacon. Instead, use this time to reflect on ways to help your son that don't include reuniting with his archenemy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and feel sorry for Rick. You and Eric have really let him down.

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Rick says he cares about Maya, but then he wants to inflict Steffy on her as a "friend." Steffy is not someone who makes a good friend to a woman, any woman, if that makes sense.

Rick, if you have to ask people flat out to kiss your ass, your ass isn't worth kissing.

I'm glad Liam was honest with Ivy about Steffy's pathetic declarations of enduring love. I like that he quickly said he was over that drama.

Brooke, please don't sniff around Deacon. Instead, use this time to reflect on ways to help your son that don't include reuniting with his archenemy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and feel sorry for Rick. You and Eric have really let him down.

Say what you want about Steffy but she sure can bring the rain. She can stand toe to toe with Rick and not be intimidated at all. Except from Liam, I haven't seen her take crap from anybody. In what world does Steffy want to be friends with Maya and Rick should know that Steffy has the where with all to cut Maya a new ass hole if Maya brings up any controversial subject. Steffy wouldn't even entertain, for a milli-second, the thought of kissing Rick's ass.

Brooke better stay away from Deacon or she is not going to have to worry about being alone. If she tries for Deacon, I can see a custom made sword in her future or an intentional push down some stairs.

Edited by Waldo13
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I thought JMW looked awesome today. Last week, it was super big hair & blonder. Today, it was toned down & darker. Much better. I like her getting in shorty's face and letting him know that she liked his chair.

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It's so obvious Brooke is going to become a drunk and Deacon will be her rock in this which will make a triangle of Brooke, Deacon, and Quinn.

Quinn self esteem is shot so that's why she's extra schmoopy with Deacon and is isolating. If she gets an ego boost and regains her mojo she'll ditch him. Ditto with Brooke.

I like Liam confident and dynamic and I enjoy the take over story a lot. But the motive behind it...the inspiration is a bit iffy. A ginormous plot to "save my womens" .

Steffy looked very manly kicked back in that office chair. I actually think her eyes and eyebrows are very androgynous. Like if Jared Leto got cheek implants and lip fillers and boobs he could be her recast. She didn't back down from ShortStuff which is nice. I don't want all the women on this show cowering in terror of the pissant or kissing his ass. She looked completely ridic shouting she was still in love with Liam though : /

Some times when i play clips of old Ridge would growl his lines or rasp at people my moms dog barks. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

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Oh I want that snap too...I want it strong and whip cracking!   My girl Caroline better be looking extra stylishly fierce and wearing a I-just-got-loved-up-all-night-by-big-hands glow!  I need Miss Broke back to feel the sting of that snap coming back at her hard!


Shira quote

Oh my god, the gifs here are leaving me in stitches--the Waffle, Snoop, Snappy...you guys rock!!! But as for The Snap, I'm of two minds whether I'd like Caroline to snap her right back. On one hand, Brooke deserves it in spades because that was one of the most obnoxious things I've ever seen on this show--I mean SIX of the most obnoxious things--was it 6 snaps or 5? Whatever it was, Caroline's restraint is legendary because I probably would've clocked Brooke for that. But on the other hand, I'd love Caroline to see Brooke and tell her she's not going to sink to the level of rubbing it in her face because she's better than that.


A friend and I play a game -- Who Would You Want to be Stuck in an Elevator With? -- Snoop Lion and NeNe Leakes are at the top of my list. Apologies for the digression ...


Instead of handing the snaps back to Brooke, I would like to see Caroline throw shade ... no ... throw a lunar eclipse over Brooke and walk away.


Dismissing Brooke will do more damage than all the insults Caroline could heap on her. All the contempt, recycling sex partners and verbal abuse are squandered on characters that don't own up to their own responsibility for the position they are in.


Time to refill the ice bucket, Brooke.

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tessaray, you mean you aren't overcome with lust for Growly McClenchy?

My favorite Ridge thing was always how he addressed Stephanie: MoTHURRRRRR!!!


:-)  Lust would not be the first thing that comes to mind.


Are we sure Drake Hogestyn and Ronn Moss aren't related? 

Edited by tessaray
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Was I seeing things, or did Brooke have framed photos of herself with both Ridge and Bill on the mantle? Nothing like showing your hand. Maybe in the past she also had similar photos with Thorne and Nick and just changed them out depending on who was second string at that time.


I saw Deacon cast a side eye at Brooke's drink. If she's going to go the alcoholic route, then they need to go at it head-on like they did with Macy and Taylor. The way Bell writes though, Deacon will probably run home to Quinn and blather that Brooke was drinking and alone. Tomorrow they will be doing an intervention. Brooke sheds a single tear as she empties the remaining vodka down the sink. Ridge supports Brooke through this "crisis" and they reunite. End of story.


Brooke should have listened to her whining to Deacon and bought a clue. The reason why she wasn't lonely and self-pity while she was in Milan was because she was BUSY! I think she should return to FC and get on Rick's side in the battle for control. That would be a much better FU to Exxon Valdez and Crinoline.

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While we're on a trip down memory lane, here's a Valentine Day's classic!


OMG, I have been looking for this clip forever! When this aired, I fell outta my seat at Ridge's attempts at "Seducing" Brooke with tacky lingerie and the only "pome" he ever wrote as Ronn Moss.

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But like Jenrising said, the odds of Carriage being together next year is slim to none. As history has shown Ridge loves Ridge more than anyone in the world who isn't Stephanie. He'll either get jealous of her creative success (my preferred option) or waffle back to Brooke or Taylor or perhaps even Maya as she continues her social climbing. That might be worth the price of admission to see Rick's head explode again.


Gotta admit, that would be pretty damn funny!


KKL looked so much better in those clips, almost like a different person.  And it's not that she was younger (because her face hasn't aged a day), but because her hair had some life to it.  If she'd go just a shade or two darker, a couple of inches shorter, and a bit fuller around her face it would look so much better.  Right now her hair is so yellow and limp and sad.

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When is the refreshing new direction for the Brooke character supposed to start? From what I read here, it's the same tired, played out nonsense for her.

I hope this nonsense is just what she has to go through to get to the  "single & lovin' it" side. Stephanie had a couple of dips into depressive states before coming out kicking asses and taking names again, so maybe this is the same? (Really I doubt it, but a girl can dream.)


"To all of the men who have loved me and left me ... Here's to you."

I'm sorry*, but as an Eric apologist, this rubbed me the wrong way. My history of this show is incomplete but I'm pretty sure it was Brooke who left Eric the first go around and subsequently rebuffed him at every other attempt of his to rekindle that flame, with the recent exception of his refusal to lie about being the father of the Brill spawn, which had more to do with Eric using his oft-neglected common sense** than not being interested in her. And why give up on a handsome, charming, wealthy, successful gentleman who loves her unconditionally? Oh yeah, I forgot, *~*~*~*~*~*destiny*~*~*~*~*~*. Give me a fracking break.


*I'm not sorry.


**Eric/Taylor and "common sense" are poles apart in concepts, but you get the idea.


Jesus Donna and Pam, were you two running your lines for Mean Girls 3? Why do they feel the need to convince Caroline that Ridge will go back to Brooke? And I think saying it once was enough, maybe twice for effect, but after that they needed to cap it. Seriously.
I thought that too until I remembered that Caroline was the one listening at the door and then just decided to insert herself into the conversation.  Granted, it kind of concerned her, but it's not like Donna and Pam sought her out to tell her their thoughts.


And they weren't really being assholes about it, they were just saying things that Caroline doesn't want to hear. I actually didn't mind those scenes, although when I mentioned earlier that I would have liked to see a conversation between Caroline and Donna, I was hopeful for a little bit more empathy from Donna - she has lived pretty well the same scenario. But Pam & Donna had a point, they were concerned for Caroline, they didn't give her a whole heap of attitude like Brooke & Steffy did, and Donna had expressed doubts to Brooke about her desire to chase after Ridge again... I'm fine with that. Caroline insisting that she & Ridge have "something else" and "no one else gets it", I like less. There's confidence, and then there's being smug.


Sure, Ivy, stand there in Rick's office and tell Steffy that you're all in with Liam's plan to takeover Forrester.  It's not like Pam, the queen of eavesdropping, is right outside the office.  What could go wrong?

For real. Didn't Liam just say "This is between us"? Way to let the team down.


Steffy is not someone who makes a good friend to a woman, any woman, if that makes sense.

Or anyone. JY & JMW were good today and I enjoyed the Rick vs Steffy thing, but I'm still voting no on Steffy being a permanent fixture again.


Please excuse the fact that I intend to repost this clip from time to time.

Consider this a free pass to post that clip whenever you like, Gudzilla.


While we're on a trip down memory lane, here's a Valentine Day's classic!

What is it with men gifting lingerie? Won't they ever learn???

Edited by St3phForrester
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I am now concerned for Quinn. Deacon looks like a man who is straddling the great abyss, otherwise known as the Golden Couter. Why did he have to see Brooke in person? He could have called or sent a text for any updates on Hope, but then he wouldn't have seen Brooke depressed and drinking. Deacon is not the answer to Brooke's problems. 


I am glad Liam was honest with Ivy; I think keeping a secret that would effect her family would be quite damaging to their relationship. I also have no problem with Ivy saying something to Steffy. Ivy is clearly done with Rick, and want's Steffy to know she is on board with the take over plan. Now, if she had gone and talked to Ally or something, well yeah, I would have had a problem with that. 


I dislike the Steffy character with the heat of a thousand suns, but I was with her 100% yesterday. If only everyone would handle Rick the same way, he would eventually see that the bellowing and buffoonism and douchebaggery were falling on deaf ears.


I found Quinn trolling for pictures of Brooke in lingerie very erotic. 

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So watching the Rick/Steffy scenes yesterday, I don't know, I kind of felt some heat there.


The sparring, the twinkle in both of their eyes even as they are supposedly enemies, I thought I saw something there.


They seemed to have more chemistry than Rick/Maya or Rick/Caroline.


Just me?





Ok, probably just me and since JMW isn't sticking around long, I guess we won't see that storyline but I'd leave to see them pair up, especially as we never got to see JY's Rick with her except for a brief interlude when he was trying to sway Steffy away from Liam for Hope's sake. 


They could have a love-hate (especially hate sex) relationship and wouldn't that drive Daddy Ridge nuts?

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...as an Eric apologist...

Wait a minute...you like Eric??? :):):)


I can't stand Steffy...however, if they would recast (I can't stand JMW) and rewrite as a grown-up without daddy issues, I could get behind her being back permanently.

Edited by ByTor
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They could have a love-hate (especially hate sex) relationship and wouldn't that drive Daddy Ridge nuts?

I know this show is all about the bordering-on-incestuous relationships but yikes, isn't Rick Steffy's uncle? Not biologically but still, ick. Plus, in bed Steffy would probably snap Rick like a dry stick.

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I know this show is all about the bordering-on-incestuous relationships but yikes, isn't Rick Steffy's uncle? Not biologically but still, ick. Plus, in bed Steffy would probably snap Rick like a dry stick.

Even more jarring is the baby he raised with Amber is only months older than Steffy, and they used to babysit for Ridge and Taylor.




Plus, the show already went there with those two, and it was an epic fail with a far more attractive Rick.

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I also have no problem with Ivy saying something to Steffy. Ivy is clearly done with Rick, and want's Steffy to know she is on board with the take over plan. 


But why would you talk about a hostile takeover in Rick's office?  He's not even gone for the day; he told Ivy that he was coming right back.

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I know this show is all about the bordering-on-incestuous relationships but yikes, isn't Rick Steffy's uncle? Not biologically but still, ick. Plus, in bed Steffy would probably snap Rick like a dry stick.

And Rick would probably enjoy every minute of that.

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I think I'm going to skip today's episode for the first time in I don't know how long.  I basically don't care any more.  What a difference a month makes.




Why are they having this conversation as if they were not in cahoots mere months ago to break Bill and Brooke up so that they could have a second chance with them, respectively?  They came back to that very couch to talk game plan, but not Deacon is acting like his relationship with Brooke just "ran its course"?  No.  You proposed to her and she said no and you were still sniffing around until she left and went to Italy.

Edited by kia112
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Continuity is a novel concept for TPTB.


Although now that I think about it, it IS perfect continuity for them to go this route and have yet another man who normally would have been on Brooke like white on rice the moment she crooked her little finger, kick her while she's down.


I'm surprised they're not bringing Eric back to say, sorry, not interested or Nick to sail into town to say he's just checking on Bridget's whereabouts, etc.

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But why would you talk about a hostile takeover in Rick's office?



Oh, I won't argue that point, because I did find her timing and choice of location kind of foolish. I just didn't have a problem with Ivy telling Steffy; Ivy doesn't seem to realize that most people find stuff out by listening at doors at Forrester.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Ivy doesn't seem to realize that most people find stuff out by listening at doors at Forrester.

You'd think she'd know, being such a gossip herself. All I can think when Liam talks to her is, Liam do you know what a gossip your girlfriend is? She can't keep your hostile takeover secret quiet!!! But I don't think the show is going to address that. So I just watch and shake my head.

Edited by SweePea59
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TIIC have already done the drunk thing with Macy and with Taylor. Yawn.

And if they are trying to make me feel bad for Brooke for being alone (for once in her life), they are barking up the wrong tree. I want her to be alone for a bit, cut her hair, put on a sexy business suit, go to work, and kick some ass.

Just man up (so to speak) Brooke and be a strong single woman rather than this weak, lank haired, kindergarten speaking, drunk who is so very lost without a man.

Edited by donovan
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TIIC have already done the drunk thing with Macy and with Taylor. Yawn.

And if they are trying to make me feel bad for Brooke for being alone (for once in her life), they are barking up the wrong tree. I want her to be alone for a bit, cut her hair, put on a sexy business suit, go to work, and kick some ass.

Just man up (so to speak) Brooke and be a strong single woman rather than this weak, lank haired, kindergarten speaking, drunk who is so very lost without a man.

Word! They need to get out of the 1960's and into the new millennium. Brooke's Bedroom and Takeover Storyline was soap gold. Bring back THAT Logan.

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