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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So basically every couple is equally disgusting, only Rick and Maya are just plain evil. What kind of storytelling...


I don't think they are evil. Rick is BSC and Maya is delusional.  Whatever they once had doesn't appear to have made it intact into the present. 


ETA:  I kind of feel sorry for Maya but then I remember that she signed up for it voluntarily...

Edited by tessaray
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Caroline found out about Maya and Carter from Rafael and tattled right away to Rick, leading him to believe they had sex, when in fact, they had not but just shared "a few kisses!!!" She then proceeded to bed him. Wow, am I having deju vu right now or what?

She not only bedded him, but plied an already drunk Rick with more alcohol.

Back to the original question, Rick didn't break up with Maya because of the kissing, he cheated on her because of it. He changed his tune on the kissing the day after, when he woke up with Caroline and saw all the missed calls from Maya, realizing that he fucked up. He was real quick to go, "Let's just start over," but this was before he knew that Maya had already gotten an earful from Caroline. Maya's the one that broke up with him.

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Hmm...were Maya and Rick always this evil or did they just become this way when B&B needed an opposing party to CaRidge? From what I remember, they weren't. I don't like feeling as if the writers are manipulating me. 

Edited by venusnv80
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Do real artists paint themselves with oil paint, knowing that a turpentine bath is just around the corner?

On the other hand, a turpentine bath may be just what Ridge needs.


How soon until the inevitable eating off each other scene ?


Personally I think Rick and Maya's treatment of Aly today equals any of shitty treatment Caroline ever dished out.


That being said I think today they crossed over into being so evil I have to like them. I heard a rumor that tomorrow Rick and Maya will go to the animal shelter and kick some puppies. 

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On the other hand, a turpentine bath may be just what Ridge needs.


How soon until the inevitable eating off each other scene ?


Personally I think Rick and Maya's treatment of Aly today equals any of shitty treatment Caroline ever dished out.


That being said I think today they crossed over into being so evil I have to like them. I heard a rumor that tomorrow Rick and Maya will go to the animal shelter and kick some puppies. 

LOL...today was just stupid and just over the top where Maya and Rick were concerned. I can't even take this show's characterization of them as a couple seriously anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if they bought a puppy to torture it while Ridge and Caroline go save a van of nuns, orphans and kittens from falling into the Pacific Ocean. 

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Cupid Stunt quote

I don't really see Ridge and Caroline's relationship working for the long-term.


hypnotoad quote

Probably not because this is a soap and all that, but I'm going to disagree with this.




I guess we'll see but for now? I am all in with Caroline and Ridge.


I clipped your post for brevity due to my nattering on, hypnotoad. What you say makes a great deal of sense. 


TIIC have had a problem with the chemistry between TK and KKL; she seems to be game or trying at least, but TK is spiky, on the edge of antagonism when they are in scenes together. I can't put my finger on the reason for the undercurrent of hostility from TK, but it is a constant.


CRidge is new, incendiary and is being given the spa beauty treatment in production. Everything looks warm, seductive, and very inviting, the way original recipe Destiny used to look. The show has glossed over how these two are painting and panting over each other; a scene that has ratified every Destiny fantasy ever wished for. I consider the CRidge paring Destiny 2.0, reinvented with Brook-like Caroline and the reimagined Ridge 2.0.  CRidge forces the viewer to take Destiny 2.0 seriously while following the same route, worldview and philosophy of the original recipe BRidge. All from the peanut-sized imagination of Brad Bell. 


So what exactly should anyone expect from BnB when the new and improved legacy Super Couple are sucking fumes? Not much. The invention of CRidge, even by the low standards of Bill Bell and his party of favorites, manages to sink to new depths. The act of trying to make the typical soap one-note fairytale set in the middle of the moral morass that is Rick Versus Everyone is the same ludicrous writing, countless crass stupidities and idiotic direction many viewers have been complaining about for years. There is a lot of conflict going between these characters that we know nothing about, but we are supposed to accept at face value of a plot-driven internecine war at FC.


CRidge's age difference is not a stumbling block for me, nor am I tied to a BRidge reformation. TK and KKL, besides to lack of personal chemistry, were being written and filmed harshly. The production surrounding CRidge is soft and warm, and the writing is more generous: Caroline gives him class and Ridge heightens her sex appeal.  


I guess I'm an antique. I don't believe a woman, who says she is devoted to her husband and marriage, would return time and again to a position where she would have to deliberately mislead and lie about a work situation involving her husband's historic adversary.  Caroline knew deceiving Rick about her working relationship and shifting loyalties toward Ridge would wound him to the core. And Ridge used her for her artistic talent and to conceal his noggin bonk-related deficiencies -- His ego needed protecting at all costs, and he didn't care about her marriage or Rick's reaction..


It's usually pointless to get excited about TIIC routinely turning serious subjects into tripe. BnB has rejected the notion that it has to be about anything but plot for years -- things like "character" and "history" and "narrative" and "arc" are secondary considerations, if they are considered at all. They have skipped the chicken-egg dilemma because it would detract and slow the progress of the all-important plot.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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This show is entertaining and fun to snark on, but pics like this put it all in perspective. And, for the sake of her acting career, glad to see her face wasn't messed up in the accident.



I'm so glad that LG is alright.  Considering how this accident happened, she's a very fortunate young woman to stlil be alive and to have gotten away with the injuries she sustained.  It's not good, but could have been so much worse.   God Bless her and her sweet one, I hope she makes a full recovery with no long term damage to her legs.   



TIIC have had a problem with the chemistry between TK and KKL; she seems to be game or trying at least, but TK is spiky, on the edge of antagonism when they are in scenes together. I can't put my finger on the reason for the undercurrent of hostility from TK, but it is a constant.


Mileage and all that, but I definitely saw chemistry in the beginning when TK and KKL when he made his grand debut with Brooke and Ridge on the steps.  I remember thinking wow...this might actually work.  I don't know though,  somewhere along the way it fell flat and maybe it's because it was too soon to have THIS Ridge coming out of the gate with KKL, when viewers had only ever know RM's Ridge with her.  Maybe that's what all of this moving Ridge about with Katie and now Caroline is about,  tiic are trying to let TK get settled and truly in the role.  It seems to me that they are still in the process of fleshing Ridge out and separating him from RM's Ridge.   I don't know that I see hostility with TK,  I think he's trying.  I'll cut him some slack because he's got big shoes to fill and there's the whole supercouple status of Brooke/Ridge that I'm sure he's aware of. 

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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The only thing that kept me from vomiting during the CaRidge scenes today was the close-ups on TK's huge hands. OMG those paws of his make me swoon. But good grief, apparently Ridge Forrester has been body-snatched by Zach Slater.

He is definitely more Patrick Thornhart.

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BnB has rejected the notion that it has to be about anything but plot for years -- things like "character" and "history" and "narrative" and "arc" are secondary considerations, if they are considered at all


It's not just BnB. All the daytime soaps left on the air are guilty of the same thing: just ping ponging from one plot point to the next. However, BnB is currently a much more entertaining show than GH and Y&R (not sure about DOOL I haven't watched it in a while). I suspect that's largely because it's only about 24 minutes or so a day.



TIIC have had a problem with the chemistry between TK and KKL; she seems to be game or trying at least, but TK is spiky, on the edge of antagonism when they are in scenes together. I can't put my finger on the reason for the undercurrent of hostility from TK, but it is a constant.


I've noticed it too. Though I thought at first, it was something he was being directed to do because Ridge so disapproved of what Brooke did to Katie (funny how Ridge never seemed to hang onto that stuff when played by RM. He sure got past the whole Deacon mess). Perhaps it's a part of that new Ridge stuff he had time to think about while he was away!


I thought they had some chemistry in that very first kiss when Ridge came back and then it just went away. Since I think both TK and KKL are pretty good performers, I think they could get that chemistry thing going again. Perhaps the folks in charge just don't want that anymore?

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TIIC have had a problem with the chemistry between TK and KKL; she seems to be game or trying at least, but TK is spiky, on the edge of antagonism when they are in scenes together. I can't put my finger on the reason for the undercurrent of hostility from TK, but it is a constant.



I think it's an acting choice in that Ridge was supposed to be disgusted by Brooke being with Bill, and now, I think, he's supposed to be come across as just being done with her.  Like others, I thought they had chemistry in their initial scenes, before he found out about Bill, so I don't think it's impossible for them to get it back if the show ever went there.  

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I hate not being able to quote on my iPad.

I don't think Rick and Maya are evil. I think JY can play Rick as a magnificent bastard, but I don't want to see an immature bastard. Going from a CEO coup to messing with Aly is just lame. I know Maya, like everyone on the show, can be a jerk, but I don't recall her busting out this mean girl shit before. If I am wrong, someone please correct me! What was great about this whole storyline, at least to me, was that you could potentially see everyone's side or root for more than one person. I dislike Rick's actions, but I want him to get help. When he pulls shit like the ice cream stunt, I want Aly's foot to help itself to his ass.

I could have taken one show of painting passion. It would be a couple of hot scenes and then we'd move on to the next beat. I wonder if the writers see something working with some fans and decide they'd better drive it into the ground. I imagine there were fans of the initial Hope, Waffle, and Steffy triangle and suddenly it was eating the show like Pac-Man in a pellet factory.

Okay, what I got from some of Steffy's and Liam's dialogue is that Steffy flew in knowing Liam was dating Ivy? Is that correct? If so, what did she think would happen? That Liam would drop Ivy like a hot potato after one cha cha cha? And how about that modern writing, huh? Wimmins will give up power because wuv. I hate Steffy and I think that shit is lame.

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Okay, what I got from some of Steffy's and Liam's dialogue is that Steffy flew in knowing Liam was dating Ivy? Is that correct? If so, what did she think would happen? That Liam would drop Ivy like a hot potato after one cha cha cha? And how about that modern writing, huh? Wimmins will give up power because wuv. I hate Steffy and I think that shit is lame.



She probably figured Ivy was just a casual thing, someone he was dating because Hope was married to his brother and Steffy wasn't in town. 

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I thought the painting scenes were hot. It all reminded me of The Pillow Book.

I get that Rick is just trying to drive Aly and Ivy out of the house, but why does he even need to stay there? He's made his point to everyone with the portrait swap, so what's next? What's his end game once Eric does return? He's taking a lot of liberties with this house that doesn't belong to him.

While I am definitely on the CarRidge ride, I would be equally on board with Rick and Maya if their relationship weren't defined by the joy they take in sticking it to others. I genuinely liked these two during their first go, but there's something different about them now that seems insincere and that makes it hard to root for them.

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My apologies to all you here who think they're hot, but I cringe whenever I see Caroline and Ridge getting it on. It makes me FF as I just cannot see them as a couple. To me, it's like some dirty old man trying to recapture his youth, and Caroline having daddy issues. It's one giant yuck-fest for me.

This show needs new blood. Too much soap-incest going on because there are no new characters with which to pair people. Unlike Y&R and their bloated cast, B&B has too few characters and it needs to bring on newbies for future interactions.

The sad thing is, this is actually an IMPROVEMENT from ten years ago, when we had 20 something Bridget going after Old As Dirt salty Nick, the debacle of nearly 30 something Rick trying (and failing,thank God) to bed 18 year old Phoebe among other shitastic stories.

The show is now at least attempting to build upon their younger characters, but there's still a long way to go,I agree.

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Cupid Stunt quote

TIIC have had a problem with the chemistry between TK and KKL; she seems to be game or trying at least, but TK is spiky, on the edge of antagonism when they are in scenes together. I can't put my finger on the reason for the undercurrent of hostility from TK, but it is a constant.


hypnotoad quote

I've noticed it too. Though I thought at first, it was something he was being directed to do because Ridge so disapproved of what Brooke did to Katie (funny how Ridge never seemed to hang onto that stuff when played by RM. He sure got past the whole Deacon mess). Perhaps it's a part of that new Ridge stuff he had time to think about while he was away!


I thought they had some chemistry in that very first kiss when Ridge came back and then it just went away. Since I think both TK and KKL are pretty good performers, I think they could get that chemistry thing going again. Perhaps the folks in charge just don't want that anymore?


KerleyQ quote

I think it's an acting choice in that Ridge was supposed to be disgusted by Brooke being with Bill, and now, I think, he's supposed to be come across as just being done with her.  Like others, I thought they had chemistry in their initial scenes, before he found out about Bill, so I don't think it's impossible for them to get it back if the show ever went there.


TK's first scenes with KKL seemed a little stilted to me; he kissed her without much passion, and there was not a lot of his signature drawing her into his embrace, skimming his hands over her body and face (I had watched several videos of him on AMC), and his speaking voice was clipped. He seemed to holding back, and that behavior continues.. This could be from the script and direction, TK working into a new situation or an acting choice on his part, perhaps it's an unconscious choice ... It could be any number of reasons.


Whatever is going on, it's off putting and not endearing.

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Steffy. That bitch is one hot mess. Whiny. Petulant. Spoiled. Immature. Grow up! Hope-less Liam is much more tolerable, but he's still not the end-game that a woman should spend her time pining away for years after the fact. I can completely understand her not wanting to sell her shares, but not the reason.


What exactly is Liam supposed to do? Drop Ivy over all of this -- the takeover bid is a huge risk and a big maybe -- and go back to Steffy? That was the unspoken ultimatum.  Of course Liam doesn't have the balls to tell her to take her shares and shove them.


JWM just looks awful. Her face is pure plastic and fillers. In that last scene was pathetic. She's got a Brandi Glanville look in the works and that ain't pretty.

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As an aside, Ridge could have used an Acrylic paint. Although not easily removed it's easier than oil paint. Acrylic paint does look like oil.

While his black and white painting looked like acrylic, his colorful palette looked like it had oil paint on it. I think the pretend paint is supposed to be oil, like what a great master painter would have used. I'm just surprised he wasn't wearing a couture smock he designed for himself.

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Why was Rick so mean to Aly? Doesn't he know she could go all loco on him? I really thought the scene was going to end with her dumping the ice cream on Maya & Rick. I'm not even enjoying Rick (or, Ricky, as Ridge calls him) because he's avring like he's 10 years old. I can't take him seriously as a mean tyrant. Of course, him being so short also doesn't help the cause. LOL!!

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Oh Steffy's, just go back to whatever island of misfit toys you flew in from. Why hasn't anyone mentioned that maybe the FORRESTERS should buy the Spencer's shares and take over? Although I am enjoying Liam having something to do, he can stop the whole "Rick's being mean to my wimminfolk" anytime now. Those women are adults and they can work out their own conflict resolution, or quit. I'm still not 100% sure that Aly really works for FC. Isn't she an intern for the HFTF line? And Ivy's a vendor. Why are these two acting like they're Team Cinderella against wicked stepmother Rick.

What happened to Maya's spiky sister? I liked her.

Now that Caroline has taken off her giant honking emerald, will Ridge replace it with a GREEN commitment ribbon?

I'm glad these two finally did the deed, but Dear DOG it was so cheesy it made me constipated.

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Thanks, Shira, for noticing those were tempera paints.  I was having a lot of trouble with black oils, just imagine, lying around and rubbing those paints against each other and the sheets, how much it would have taken to get all of that off, hardly worth the little whim of body painting, and not a good job of that. 

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Excuse me but 

why is Liam thinking about WHO he will spend Valentine's Day with? I thought he was attached to that Ivy.

Even though it makes me giggle that its even a question. 

Once a waffle...



I forgot to mention, being the shoe freak that I am, I loved Aly's design!

See, now this got me giggling again. Aly and her shoe sketch. I know it's evil, but it's so ridiculous I have to love it. She just stood there holding that thing. DEAD.


In the morning Rick will have Ivy bring them coffee in the shower.

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Okay, so I rewatched the Caridge paintathon and I can't believe it didn't hit me earlier: They were using tempera paints, which come in those big pots that Ridge was mixing in the beginning. Definitely not oils, which come in tubes. Phew! So now I can relax and go back to my Caridge high. Sweet dreams! ;)

Oh, right, finger paint. Seems like an appropriate medium.

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Wow. They really went all out with the paint thing, didn't they? I was only joking when I mentioned naked finger painting up thread too, I didn't think they'd actually do it. Got me all hot and bothered (and Thorsten Kaye you sexy slab of man meat HOLLA), but I agree the candles and pantyhose over the camera lens was a bit much.


I don't like Maya spiralling down the rabbit hole with Rick. Wasn't she concerned about her picture on the wall, when Rick started to act out? Why didn't that continue? Her passive enabling of his bad behaviour doesn't sit well with me at all. If I wanted to watch cartoon villains, I'd turn the channel over to Wacky Races.


And another thing - I know Eric is slow, but did he really wait a whole day to call his son to ask him about shooting up the office??? Isn't Europe like six hours ahead of the States? When did Ridge call Eric to first tell him about it? I'm confused.


So Liam's the bad guy because he moved on with his life instead of living in the past? In the words of the youth of today, I can't even. You said it best, NinjaPenguins:


Wimmins will give up power because wuv. I hate Steffy and I think that shit is lame.


I believe it would help if there was some frame of reference for how old these characters are actually supposed to be... When Brooke got together with Eric, I'm guessing she was in her mid-20's and Eric was in his mid-to-late 40's. Donna, late 30's (I thought she looked older) and Eric early 60's? If Steffy and Caroline are the same age, mid-to-late 20's (based on out of college at 21-22 and having 5 or so years of work, travel, etc.) then Ridge would have to be at least 50.


The only ages we have for sure are the Logans - in the first handful of episodes Brooke mentioned that Storm was 23, she was 21, Donna was 18 and Katie was 16. Based on this, Brooke is 49 this year (four years younger than KKL), Donna is 46, and Katie is 44. I've always assumed that Eric is 10 years older than JMC, which puts him at 53 in 1987 and 81 this year, and assumed that Ridge was late 20s or 30 at the oldest, which would make him 58 (10 years older than TK and 4 years younger than Ronn Moss). Stephanie had Ridge when she was a freshman in college, which I understand is around about 18? But we have no idea when that was other than to assume that it was 1960ish.


And now they're summoning people up there to their petri dish for personal deliveries?

It's not even their petri dish, it's his father's!!!  ::bleurgh::


All from the peanut-sized imagination of Bill Bell.

You mean Brad? Bill came up with the original good stuff; Brad hasn't done quite as well with the follow up.


I'm still not 100% sure that Aly really works for FC. Isn't she an intern for the HFTF line? And Ivy's a vendor.

It was my understanding that Ivy worked for Forrester Creations in Sydney, so technically she's not a contractor but an employee? And Aly is an intern, but she's also directly related to the CEO Emeritus, so it probably doesn't matter what her employment status officially is.


Looking forward to seeing Ridge and Brooke in tomorrow's episode! Not!

Edited by St3phForrester
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I thought the painting scenes were hot.



Might just be me and you Snaporaz, but YEAH! There was nothing going to take me out of those scenes, because TK and LG did such a bang up job. I loved that Caroline was the driver; by leaving her post and coming over to Ridge she took the lead. I also think LG is nailing it with her voice, when she said "Where do you want me", and "Show me more", and particularly, "I thought you wanted to paint me", the tone and inflection were perfect. Just the right blend of confidence, daring, challenge and acquiescence. Caroline is no dummy, she knows Ridge has a reputation as a playboy, and she knows he has a lifetime pass to the Joys of the Golden Couter, so I am thrilled that she didn't come off as some shrinking wall flower, but a confident and horny young woman. And TK's reaction when Caroline dropped the sheet was perfect; I could see and sense his sexual buildup for Caroline, but I could also sense his need to respect her, and treat her with kid gloves. When I watch them I feel that Caroline is the stronger character, while Ridge comes off as rather timid. I absolutely love that. And I never, in all my thirty odd years of watching this show, thought I would hear Ridge tell a woman she was "fantastico". Jesus.


Rick and Maya need to pick on people their own size. Ally? Really? What the fuck has Ally ever done to them? I can maybe see Ivy, since she had the misfortune of stumbling upon their shit, but even that doesn't warrant bad, or disrespectful treatment. It was one thing to ask Ally to bring them their stinkin desert, but to tell her to walk into their love nest right after sex? With their friggin body smells still fresh in the air? Ally may not be a child, but she is certainly still a virgin, and I think very shaky mentally. And no, I don't think seeing Rick in bed with Maya is going to traumatize her, but I do think her uncle's horrible treatment, and lack of consideration, may confuse and hurt her. Rick and Maya have the emotional growth of six year old's, and these are the two that are in charge? Running Forrester Creation's, and the new Patriarch and Matriarch of the Forrester Clan? Right. Good luck with that.


Liam and Steffy are too stupid for words. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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The only way I would have taken that ice cream to Short Stuff and Myass is if I had spit in it. Aly and Ivy (sewing on sequins for Myass? WTF!) need to quit acting like servants and stand up to those disgusting assholes.

Have Shortie and Myrna forgotten she's mentally ill with violent tendencies? Have the writers?

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Hmm...were Maya and Rick always this evil or did they just become this way when B&B needed an opposing party to CaRidge? From what I remember, they weren't. I don't like feeling as if the writers are manipulating me. 

This is another problem I have with the CaRidge coupling, that other characters, Rick especially, are being sacrificed to prop up this pairing. 


They should be able to stand on their own, without the "us against the world" plotline that served a young Phillip and Beth from GL well when they were teenagers on the run from evil Bradley. Rick went from a loving, loyal husband to psycho in the space of a nanosecond and grows more Nero-like by the day and I'm sure JY is enjoying playing the hell out of a previously often-milquetoast character, but I don't appreciate TPTB not-so-subtle attempts to raise Ridge as this poetic, painting, pilot while tearing Rick down in the process. Sorry, Ridge was an ass, is an ass, and will always be an ass. 


No amount of sonnet spouting or fingerpainting is going to change my mind about that. 


Add to it the obvious trappings of this is soooooooooooo hot and sexy and romantic that we gave them a theme song of "Mad Chemistry" and I feel like they are being shoehorned down my throat instead of letting throw grow organically. Which is not to say they don't have chemistry - they do - LG finally brought it out in TK when HT did not (no shocker there) but even KKL did not and I don't think it was lack of trying on KKL's part. I view KKL as the female counterpart to DOOL's Drake Hogestyn and she normally has chemistry with a stump and why she was brought in as the interloper time and again to any of Ridge's other relationships, namely the incessant triangle with Taylor.


While I've always had a love-hate relationship with Bambi Doe Eyes, I remember how she was when she first met Rick, believing him to be a waiter and falling for him long before she knew he was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. It was Caroline who was the spiteful mean girl, pulling every trick in her nasty little handbook to win Rick back. Sound familiar? Yet suddenly now that CaRidge is on the scene, Maya is being painted with a bowling ball heavy villain's brush while Caroline comes up smelling like the proverbial rose.


It's manipulative, yet very lazy writing and I don't appreciate seeing characters and couples I liked being trashed at the expense of another, with KKL's Brooke being trashed worst of all.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Caroline who was the spiteful mean girl, pulling every trick in her nasty little handbook to win Rick back.


I was not watching back then so I appreciate those who have filled in the history. Question, Rick was already with Caroline when he pretended to be a waiter?  I guess he had already picked up Myrna's gold-digging ways. How romantic that he lied to her while cheating on Caroline.  He and Myrna deserve each other.

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I was not watching back then so I appreciate those who have filled in the history. Question, Rick was already with Caroline when he pretended to be a waiter?  I guess he had already picked up Myrna's gold-digging ways. How romantic that he lied to her while cheating on Caroline.  He and Myrna deserve each other.

No, it wasn't like that at all. As I recall, Maya was working at Dayzees (or however it was spelled) and living upstairs after coming to find her daughter who ended up being dead. She settled down a bit and met Rick there when he was volunteering. Caroline was supposed to go with him, but she didn't want her shoes near poor people or some such bratty nonsense. So Rick was there just wearing the uniform.


I think this happened over a little while, but Rick and Maya flirted and at one point she sang and he was really into it. He was sick of Caroline's snobby ways, and Maya was a breath of fresh air, and she had no idea who she was, where Caroline was pretty much planning their future as the heads of Forrester. 


I'm sure someone else can add how he and Caroline split during this time, I can't really remember how that part happened. 


Anyway, Rick and Maya they got closer and eventually she found out who he was and left him, but he fought to get her back.


Once Caroline found out she basically schemed and plotted to destroy Maya, including calling in Bill, who tried to trick Maya into getting sent back to prison. Then there was the Carter Room 8 drama and... a lot more. 


But all of that was a long way to say Maya didn't become a gold digger until after she was engaged to a man she never dated and wanted Rick back, and then all of the sudden it was about the money and status. 

Edited by jenrising
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He didn't pretend to be a waiter, like, he didn't go up to Maya and say, "Hi, I'm Rick the waiter" to test her or anything. Eric made Rick go down to Dayzee's to volunteer, so that's how he met Maya. He was volunteering as a waiter, she sang a song, he was immediately enchanted by her and went up to introduce himself, but when she assumed that waiting tables at Dayzee was his job and not just some rando thing he was doing, he didn't correct her. She was actually very generous with what money she had, giving him bigger tips than he deserved because "we all need help sometimes."

I'm sure someone else can add how he and Caroline split during this time, I can't really remember how that part happened.

How did Rick and Caroline break up. Hmm. Well, like everyone's said, Rick didn't tell Maya anything about Caroline and vice versa. Maya, thinking that Dayzee was a friend, told her all about this Rick guy that she really liked and was getting to know and Dayzee freaked out, telling her to leave him alone and that he had a girlfriend who was better suited for him. She even told Maya that in order to stay at the apartment, she had to stay away from Rick. Maya was kind of miffed about that (I think that this was after she ran away from Rick after she found out that he lied to her about being a Forrester). Then one day, Caroline was talking to Dayzee about how distant Rick had become and Dayzee spilled the beans about Maya. Then Caroline went down to Dayzee's and absolutely berated Maya in front of everyone, calling her trash, telling her to leave Rick alone, blah blah blah. That pissed Maya off and she went to Rick, asking why he was even with Caroline, saying something like, "Life can be a bitch sometimes, why would you want to spend your time dating one?" then they kissed and they definitely began the grounds of building a relationship while Rick was still with Caroline. After a bit, Maya finally asked him what they were doing and told him that he needed to make a choice and he chose her.

No, it wasn't like that at all. As I recall, Maya was working at Dayzees (or however it was spelled) and living upstairs after coming to find her daughter who ended up being dead. She settled down a bit and met Rick there when he was volunteering. Caroline was supposed to go with him, but she didn't want her shoes near poor people or some such bratty nonsense.

To be a little fairer to Caroline, Eric made Rick go down there (like, already put him on the schedule) and Rick, figuring Caroline would be game, just told her he had a surprise for her at lunch. She assumed that it was a new sushi place and he didn't correct her. When they got down there, she was put out, as it wasn't what she was expecting. She also went full brat and didn't just suck it up to do some volunteer work.

As always, Clarence is hilarious when it comes to this stuff.


Edited by kia112
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I was not watching back then so I appreciate those who have filled in the history. Question, Rick was already with Caroline when he pretended to be a waiter? I guess he had already picked up Myrna's gold-digging ways. How romantic that he lied to her while cheating on Caroline. He and Myrna deserve each other.

Yes, Rick and Caroline were together when he first met Maya. Rick was doing volunteer work at Dayzee's, so he wasn't exactly pretending to be a waiter. Maya assumed this was his full-time job, and Rick played along with that. Rick was smitten with Maya (who was living in the apartment above Dayzee's) and volunteered for more shifts to be around her, breaking a few dates with Caroline to do it.

He did ask Caroline to volunteer with him, but Caroline had undergone one of those personality transplants that are so common on this show. She was turned into the classic spoiled rich princess, obsessed with indulging her social media followers and reluctant to sully her manicure while consorting with The Poors who frequent Dayzee's. Maya was never a gold digger at that time. In fact, she was a little put-off when she found out Rick was a Forrester.

So Rick and Maya were the sweet couple at that time, while Caroline was the scheming bitch. It's as if everyone's roles have reversed.

ETA: oopsy, sorry...your question has already been answered, and better than I tried to do it.

Edited by Snaporaz
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Excellent post, CountryGirl, Rick & Maya are getting more ridiculous by the day...the poster who coined them Boris & Natasha was spot on! I can obviously understand Rick's anger at Caroline, and I can even understand anger toward the nosy Ivy, but Aly???  I guess his problem isn't Aly per se, but instead the fact that she is siding with Caroline.  But of course the characters are siding with Caroline because, as CountryGirl pointed out, Rick has become such an out of control asshole to prop a character who has done something wrong.  This little ploy is backfiring on this viewer...not in the sense that it is making me like Rick & Maya, but it is now making me dislike Caroline, who I once really liked.  It reminds me of the heavy handedness that was used to "make" us all like Hope...I once liked her but their strategy backfired big time. 

Edited by ByTor
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Thanks all for the clarification. Rick didn't lie but let her believe something that wasn't true. lol That's a lie by omission.  Why was he with Caroline the snobby bitch or was that a plot convenience?  Was she with Rick, then became a snob to prop Maya and Rick?

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Thanks all for the clarification. Rick didn't lie but let her believe something that wasn't true. lol That's a lie by omission.  Why was he with Caroline the snobby bitch or was that a plot convenience?  Was she with Rick, then became a snob to prop Maya and Rick?


Plot convenience.  

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Thanks all for the clarification. Rick didn't lie but let her believe something that wasn't true. lol That's a lie by omission.  Why was he with Caroline the snobby bitch or was that a plot convenience?  Was she with Rick, then became a snob to prop Maya and Rick?

When Caroline first came to town Rick really wasn't interested. He was kind of getting back together with Amber I think? Brooke basically imported Caroline from NY to stop it. He was lukewarm on her, but then Thomas started sniffing around her, and well, you know this show and triangles. 


At first she was pretty much East Coast Hope, dating Thomas, flirting with both of them. But then Thomas pushed Rick out a window and she dumped him and got together with Rick. Things were fine for a minute, and then Caroline got in an argument with Bill, and fell off a balcony. She awoke with brand new bratty snobby personality. 


You know, writing out storylines for this show makes me feel as gone as Rick,

Edited by jenrising
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thewhiteowl, I'm still scratching my head over how Rick and Caroline got together. If memory serves, it was more about besting Thomas (who also wanted Caroline when he had far more chemistry with Dayzee) than really truly falling for her.


I am LOLing even now, remember Caroline's introduction and the big production of her meeting Rick for the first time, exiting the limo, dramatic pause on her heels before the camera slowly panned upward. Clearly, they wanted to make Caroline happen but she was basically a non-entity aka little toy for Rick and Thomas to fight over before she chose Rick. It was when she fell, courtesy of Uncle $ Bill that her personality changed from vanilla to decidedly more spicy and really quite bitchy and snobby. Certainly more interesting for LG to play and at least she was dropped on her head to provide some explanation for the rapid personality change.


Once she and Rick reunited (albeit on very shady and shaky grounds given Caroline's machinations to win him back from Maya), we did see a softer, less self-centered side of Caroline. 


Of course, with her actions where Ridge is concerned, it shows me the Caroline that was dropped on her head was there all along, lying in wait, no matter how much TPTB try to convince me she's the ingenue. She's walking trouble and that's one of the reasons Ridge is so drawn to her. I wish she would own it vs playing the little heart-of-gold victim. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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This little ploy is backfiring on this viewer...not in the sense that it is making me like Rick & Maya, but it is now making me dislike Caroline, who I once really like.



I feel completely the opposite. I am judging each couple by their actions, and how they handle their business. What Rick and Maya do has no bearing on how I feel about Caroline/Ridge, or vise versa. There is no doubt that I am 100% a C/R fan, but that doesn't mean I am against R/M as a couple. I am not liking either of them as individuals at the moment, but they don't bother me as a couple, although I am not invested enough to care if they stay together. That was not true the first time around; I was completely in their corner. I never really liked Rick and Caroline, although it did get better after they were married. Even so, I still found them kind of boring. And I never expected to like Ridge and Caroline; it never even crossed my mind, or occurred to me to pair these two. Back then I was thinking about Caroline and Carter, and was totally blindsided by actually liking R/C. 


I think both couples, and all four performers, are hitting their marks with their respective characters. Yeah, Rick and Maya are a little over the top, but it is some good shit all the same. And even though I diss Maya relentlessly, Karla Mosley has come a long way in this role, and is starting to really own it. I can't imagine another Maya now; I think my KM love grew substantially the day Rick shot the gun, and Maya was standing behind him when he said "I had to get him off my wife somehow". The best reaction ever. And it grew ever larger when she boldly opened that door in her lingerie, and carried on a civilized conversation with her possible future mother-in-law. And she is beautiful, and a total hoot in real life. 

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I am LOLing even now, remember Caroline's introduction and the big production of her meeting Rick for the first time, exiting the limo, dramatic pause on her heels before the camera slowly panned upward. Clearly, they wanted to make Caroline happen but she was basically a non-entity aka little toy for Rick and Thomas to fight over before she chose Rick. 

Oh man, I'd almost forgotten about that first meeting. So hilarious. Pre-fall Caroline had nothing going on except her BIG SECRET. That she had two moms. And I'm sure those of you who missed it will guess correctly that no one cared one tiny bit. 

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When big, bad $ Bill didn't even care about Karen and her partner, Dani (miss you, JJ and CC!), you know that big reveal fell flatter than unleavened bread and another failed attempt to make Caroline happen.


That reminds me - when Rick proposed, he basically recreated their first meeting only this time without the unintentional comedic effect.


And another thing - why is Caroline still wearing her big ol' emerald sparkler? 

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And even though I diss Maya relentlessly, Karla Mosley has come a long way in this role, and is starting to really own it.

I agree, and it surprises me that she dis not get a Daytime Emmy prenom.  Although Ivy did...I can't imagine anything she did that was Emmy worthy (except maybe fall in the Seine?)

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The only ages we have for sure are the Logans - in the first handful of episodes Brooke mentioned that Storm was 23, she was 21, Donna was 18 and Katie was 16. Based on this, Brooke is 49 this year (four years younger than KKL), Donna is 46, and Katie is 44. I've always assumed that Eric is 10 years older than JMC, which puts him at 53 in 1987 and 81 this year, and assumed that Ridge was late 20s or 30 at the oldest, which would make him 58 (10 years older than TK and 4 years younger than Ronn Moss). Stephanie had Ridge when she was a freshman in college, which I understand is around about 18? But we have no idea when that was other than to assume that it was 1960ish.


Ridge celebrated his 30th birthday in 1990.  (Yeah, once upon a time, they actually gave the character a definite age.)  The character was seven years younger than his portrayer, Ronn Moss, who's now 62.  So, Ridge should be 55 now.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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