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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, KnightStorm said:

Seriously....why would Bill do anything for Sheila?

I know, and I want to say I'm done with this show if he's teamed up with Sheila.  But I've been watching since day one.  Even when my now-retired Marine hubby had us stationed overseas, I found ways to keep up with the show.  Sadly, I don't think anything bad enough could happen to keep me from watching to the bitter end.

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Did Steff-n-Finn throw their perfectly good and working cell phones into the ocean prior to Seggzzy times? 

And I fully expect Hayes and a tied up or drugged out Li are in the backseat of the Getaway SUV. Guess Sheila has stepped up her injectables game and now has a mind controlled BillBot at her disposal? 

So half dressed Steff -n-Finn would rather stand around and yell at a psychopath instead of...knocking over one of the lit candles onto her and making a run for it? Plus that little length of rope was AWFUL close at hand. What were those two planning on getting up to??? 

So Carter's romantic dinner date was thwarted by rain so instead of taking a cab/uber/their own car to his apt, they decided to move the festivities to...the designers' office at work??? Is there going to be some story driven reason they need to be at FC? 

At least we don't have to hear about Eric's limp pickle, or the Pinecone of Destiny or whatever.

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21 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

Then they write a redemption of sorts blaming all his issues on a medical thing (was it brain damage or something I honestly don't remember). It wasn't much of a redemption to be sure but since they bothered to write that why turn around and put the character right back to the same place?!? It just makes no sense. Whatever. I probably have put more thought into any of this than the writers have.

Wasn't the brain thing just responsible for the Hopequin stuff?  I thought that was the result of the brain injury, which was the result of him hitting his head around that time. And the stuff when he came back after Caroline's death, where he manipulated Hope, abused Douglas, and kept the Beth lie going was all him. His nature is manipulative conniving asshole, the brain damage just added hallucinations. He just periodically sucks up to Hope, his parents, Steffy, and Douglas after whatever stunt he pulls that they finally deem to be too far, and then pretends to be changed for a while until they all let down their guard and he gets the urge to manipulate again. Brooke and Liam are the only ones in town who have memories longer than 2 minutes when it comes to Thomas. (And even Liam got sucked in for a while during the whole Vinnie's death storyline.) 

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I don't think Bill's there with Sheila. Now, why he's randomly shown up at the Cliff House in the midst of a severe thunderstorm is odd, I don't believe he's there to cause harm. He tried to help Li apprehend Sheila before Sheila got away, so hopefully, he can do some good here. I am more inclined to believe that Bill's trip to the dark side is not going to end well for Ms. Carter. 

Why did Sheila willingly allow Finn to tie her up with some flimsy rope? 

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How many security guards did they have and how did they become indisposed? You’d think they could afford to hire a top security team. Also, they really need to do a better job of locking the sliding door. This is not the first time Sheila has entered through there. 

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I speculated a few posts back that the open window looked like Bill or Brooke's house, but was most likely Bill's, and given his current state of mind he might just side with the devil. And that looks to be exactly what we are getting. I read some tweets from Sean Kanan, who rarely discusses Deacon, but fans were saying how glad they were that he finally kicked Sheila out, and how they couldn't wait for her to be apprehended. His response was don't hold your breath; you will not believe what is going to go down with Sheila. Well, I might have speculated about it, but I sure didn't/don't want it to happen. It was bad enough that Deacon helped her, but Bill is not Deacon, and siding with Sheila would doom the character for eternity. After saving Li and Finn, how could he? Steffy is the mother of either his grandchild or his daughter, and was shot be Sheila, so how could he? What about how it would effect Will? I am simply not on board with this. At. All. I cannot believe they couldn't come up with something better for a veteran, not to mention a popular actor and character. So, just fuck all that shit. 

Why didn't Katie strip down to her undies too? 

Brooke and Taylor talking things out like two adults is still hard to process, but I am getting used to it. 

I so wish they would do something with that thing on Taylor's head. 

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Just got caught up on the past two days' shows. 

You just know Thomas went into that meeting thinking "I'll offer Brooke an apology I don't mean, but look really sincere in doing it. She'll be the bitch she always is and refuse to accept it. Then my dad and Hope will be frustrated by how she always has to think the worst of me, and I'll be fine."  Yeah, no, dude. They're all onto you now. 

And I'm so confused by Carter's timeline over these two episodes. He was in the meeting with Thomas when it was already storming. Then we see him and Katie come running back from dinner, soaked, talking about how they couldn't beat the storm in walking back to the office. Are there two Carters now? One who was in the meeting to boot Thomas from FC while the storm was already going on, and another who was at dinner with Katie starting before the storm? 

I'd like to think that Bill isn't going to help Sheila, especially after he helped Finn escape from her and helped him get to Steffy. But, the show has made such a big deal over him putting his sword necklace back on, and how it's such a bad sign that has Liam and Katie worried about him, and Bill has been so pathetically desperate for someone, anyone, to be with. I fear Sheila may have thrown him a roll in the hay, and now he's somehow under her spell. We already know she fucked Deacon stupid, so why not Bill, too? Also, if she played the right heartstrings, he could somehow feel like they're kindred spirits, just trying to get their loved ones to come around and be a happy family. I am going to be so pissed if they're ruining Bill like this. This would be WAY worse than his love affair with that damn building. 

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I think Sheila must be drugging and hypnotizing $Bill, and must have been for a little while now, ever since he became so pathetically needy. Her manipulations would be the cause for his bizarre personality change. Of course we'll never know exactly how that transpired. It would have been nice to see her in her Mission Impossible disguise interacting with $Bill. And boy did Sheila luck out with getting something to blackmail Steffy with. So finally a mention of Taylor shooting $Bill. No wonder we haven't heard anything about it since Taylor's been back, they were holding on to it for this crazy storyline. Although I don't remember Steffy knowing about it. But what a fun reveal. Oh, this show!

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Is it just me or does anyone else feel like  the writers are testing out a Brook/Taylor romance? I’ve never told anyone other than a romantic partner that it felt good to be in their arms. I seriously thought they were going to kiss today.


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Although I don't remember Steffy knowing about it. 

A lot of people know. Taylor told Bill and Steffy. I don't remember if it was Bill or Steffy who told Liam, but someone told Liam. Liam told Hope; Hope told Brooke; Steffy told Ridge.

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1 hour ago, jqdeco said:

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like  the writers are testing out a Brook/Taylor romance? I’ve never told anyone other than a romantic partner that it felt good to be in their arms. I seriously thought they were going to kiss today.


If so, I welcome it, and it wouldn't be any more or less ridiculous than the others "romances" tossed out into the wind these days. 

9 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

This story with Bill and Sheila is from outer space. How much more ridiculous can these writers get?

Don't tempt them ;)

Yeah, I don't get this either and not even the fact of Taylor receiving a consequence for once isn't enough to erase the stupidity of them teaming up in the first place.

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Katie and Carter are like watching sloths fuck.  Katie says that Carter would make a good father. Does that mean with her a good step father of Will?  How would Bill feel about this?  

Shiela somehow someway has drugged Bill.  The only other thing I can think of is that Shiela had a Bill mask made and hired an actor to be Bill.  Shall we now call him Darth Bill?  

Today Steffy grew a pair but it’s not up to you to press charges. It’s the police who recommends charges and the DA to execute the police’s recommendations. 

Can this be anymore stupid?  Shiela is charged with murder of Finn and attempted murder of Steffy.  Since Finn is alive, charges are amended to attempt murder but Shiela is still charged.  Finn and Steffy can only turn Shiela in to the police.  


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On one hand (and it is the predominant hand, by far), I hate what they're doing to Bill.  On the other hand, there's that small part of me that both loves that Steffy is experiencing not having Bill on her hook and kind of agrees with Bill on the whole "speaking of letting someone off the hook for shooting you, have you seen the scar I bear from your whacked out mother shooting me?" thing. 

But, yeah, as bad as Taylor has been at times, she's no Sheila, Bill. I can get why you might not appreciate the difference when you're the one who's been on the other end of her trigger finger, though. 

Count me in on a Brooke/Taylor relationship. I just want to watch Ridge, Steffy, and Thomas have a collective head explosion. I was definitely getting those vibes off their scenes today. Of course, I also got those vibes from Taylor/Sheila before Taylor found out Sheila was the shooter. Maybe it's a KA thing?  

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1 hour ago, CRT said:

A lot of people know. Taylor told Bill and Steffy. I don't remember if it was Bill or Steffy who told Liam, but someone told Liam. Liam told Hope; Hope told Brooke; Steffy told Ridge.

Holy cow! Somehow I didn't realize that many people knew. Or Ridge. Thank you.

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When KA and KKL hugged, said how much they enjoyed being in each other's arms and slowly pulled back from one another? 

I jumped up and ran into the bathroom to close the door partially as I could not believe TPTB were going there with them.  And I think they are.

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Glad others saw the Brooke/Taylor thing too. Not sure i should put this out there in the universe, i feel if the writers did go with them it would only be to set up a throuple with Ridge. 

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Bill is acting crazy, Sheila told him turn and he followed orders like a dog being told to sit. Bill Spencer being ordered around and following like that?  Something odd with him. 

What's his nobody cares if he lives or dies? Liam was just at his house, he was having lunch always with both sons. He has children who care and a grandchild he is allowed to be around which is all opposite of Sheila. 

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Since the moment STEFFY was the one who dropped the Cps non-call at Tidge wedding I feel like some storylines have gone off the rails. Is it possible we are being set up for a giant "Siiiike!!"?? 

Brooke and Taylor both dropping their chew toy Ridge? Finn cracking tge case with a 'My first Microscope'?? Bill's sad groveling? I don't know, this all feels very Alternative reality. 

So was Bill the source of this pile of money Sheila claimed to have? Did she FINALLY leave Deacons because she realize she had BiklBot fully under her control?

And is Hayes in her car or not? 

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Does Finn know about the Midnight Stallion Ride? I assume that's what Bill was referring to when he said "Steffy was the first." I remember when went all crazy and obsessed with his pursuit of her, complete with a marriage proposal. 

I would love to hear that explanation.

Old $Bill would have just shrugged Brooke and Katie off and looked elsewhere. I am sure he could have just about any woman he wants, as long as her original last name isn't Logan. /eyeroll (Kind of like how Carter can only find inappropriate women to date at work in a city the size of L.A.)

Katie and Carter are indeed, BORING.

I have no words for Sheila and Bill. I didn't believe it until I saw it. 




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Ok, just some thoughts......

Bill done lost his mind. I don't know what mojo, or Kool-Aid, or black magic, or voodoo Sheila has pulled on Bill, put that man was talking like a robot who follows orders. And that is most definitely not $Bill Spencer. Also, not $Bill Spencer, is a man who drowns in his own sorrows. Are we supposed to believe that Bill is so butt hurt over Brooke and Katie, that he would risk his future with Will? His relationships with his other two sons? His place in the business world? Bill stands to lose a lot. This has now passed ridiculous and has gone off the rails into some kind of farcical fantasy land. 

All Steffy and Finn can do is alert the police; I am lost why Steffy thought it was up to her to press charges. Given that Sheila is a fugitive, and someone who is accused of attempted murder, the police and the DA would be the ones to bring charges. So RoboBill can threaten Steffy all he wants, but once the Po Po find out he is harboring a fugitive, all bets are off. 

There is absolutely no proof that Taylor shot Bill. When he was in the hospital, he was blaming Ridge, then he said he didn't remember. It is going to look hella suspicious for him to now accuse Taylor, after he has started some sort of wacko relationship with a psycho. 

I too smell a shemance coming on with Brooke and Taylor. Will Ridge be jealous, or will he tilt his head in wonderment and curiosity? Here are my squishy name nominees:








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At first I was floored at the $Bill/Sheila connection. But, the minute she ordered him to turn around & show his scar, where Taylor shot him, & he quickly & willingly did exactly what she told him, I knew that it wasn’t my beloved $Bill. I do think it’s actually him & his body, hence the scar, (although, she had a full face mask, she could probably easily dummy-up a prosthetic scar ,or have someone impersonating him) but she has to be controlling his mind, or drugging him. 

Possibly, the most interesting part, is that it appears Finn didn’t know about the Steffy & $Bill history, including, his potentially being Kelly’s bio dad, instead of her bio grandpa. He also looked perplexed as to Taylor shooting Bill, which would make sense, as that was a direct result of Steffy & Bill hooking up & her getting pregnant with Kelly. Methinks Finn is getting a Forrester history lesson, courtesy of his bioMom & $Bill.

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I still maintain that Sheila is extorting Bill in some way.  Perhaps Wyatt or Li has been kidnapped.  Sheila probably found out from Deacon that Taylor had shot Bill.  The one good thing about this puzzling plot twist is someone is finally putting the screws to princess Steffi.

53 minutes ago, nkotb said:

He also looked perplexed

That's Finn's go-to look!

On 12/28/2022 at 7:19 AM, RuntheTable said:

I speculated a few posts back that the open window looked like Bill or Brooke's house, but was most likely Bill's,

You called it!

11 hours ago, smartyshorts said:

And is Hayes in her car or not? 

Probably not, Sheila's endgame is to stay in LA, near her son and grandson.

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11 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Does Finn know about the Midnight Stallion Ride? I assume that's what Bill was referring to when he said "Steffy was the first." I remember when went all crazy and obsessed with his pursuit of her, complete with a marriage proposal. 

I would love to hear that explanation.

Old $Bill would have just shrugged Brooke and Katie off and looked elsewhere. I am sure he could have just about any woman he wants, as long as her original last name isn't Logan. /eyeroll (Kind of like how Carter can only find inappropriate women to date at work in a city the size of L.A.)

Katie and Carter are indeed, BORING.

I have no words for Sheila and Bill. I didn't believe it until I saw it. 




If Finn knows about Steffy riding the stallion then he most likely knows about Katie’s paternity.  Finn, Steffy can’t have a child without a paternity test to determine the father. 

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I’d be fine with Brooke and Taylor getting together. (Anything to avoid retreading the TOD again). However, it should probably be said that some fans have felt that there should be LGBTQ+ characters on this show given the L.A. location and fashion industry settings and except for one character who’s backstory was altered to make them trans (and played by a cis woman) and Bill’s sister becoming a lesbian offscreen there have not been any characters of that community on the show. Would it be fair for those that want representation to have the two cis heroines for decades on the show to suddenly become sexually fluid? I may not be the best person to speak to this as I am not a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but I would think they would want actors or actresses who belong to the community to create a new couple for the show. 

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Not a fan at all of this friggin’ stupid story of Bill becoming a Sheila wannabe!  Have to FF DD’s scenes, this feeling sorry for himself almost to the point of tears is not in his acting wheelhouse.  The whole scene at Steffy’s house is like watching what not to do at an actor’s studio.

Liam and Wyatt will save the day!

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The $heila storyline is off the rails but not really in an enjoyable way, at least so far. If Bill is the person who has been bankrolling Sheila, then that had to have started pretty soon after Monte Carlo, since Sheila showed up in disguise at Deacon's a few weeks later, right? So, if Sheila can do that to Bill, why not just go straight to drugging/brainwashing the person she really wants - Finn? (Or, heh, Steffy. 😆) Or is Bill experiencing a psychotic break or a brain tumor or some such, and Sheila is preying on that?

Anyhow, Steffy screaming that Sheila isn't even human etc is just frustrating; it's clearly playing right into Bill's delusion and Sheila's victim complex. A little less histrionics and a little more poise would go a long way. And, although I'm sure Baker will shrug and say "Sheila Carter is free to go, I guess 🌭," the "drop the charges or Taylor goes to prison for life!" blackmail dramatics is just really hard to play along with.

I'm hoping Li ties into the Bill storyline, either as a love interest or just as a reminder of the good in him that he so clearly demonstrated when he saved/helped Li (and Finn). I'd be on board with that outcome. And I'd love to see Sheila's reaction to Bill getting together with Li.

I'd like Finn to be less of a "yep, still pretty new here!" wallflower and show some of that clear-minded grit he had back in July. He doesn't need to have decades of baggage with Bill to know that the person who saved his mother, rescued him, spent 14+ hours on a private jet with him, and vocally believed that Sheila deserved to get eaten by a bear isn't the person standing in his house right now. Forget Sheila; save Bill.

I really enjoy Wyatt and Liam. They have a fun dynamic.

Edited by dovegrey
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Gross, Bill kissing Sheila was nasty.

I really dont get Bills reasoning at all. Katie/Brooke rejected him MULTIPLE (with good reasoning) times and he decides to take up with the psycho that is after Steffys family. After almost killing her and her husband. 

Dumb and Dumber to the rescue.


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Wyatt scaring Liam was funny. 

So Sheila must have been there when Bill wouldn't let Wyatt in. 

Bill has 2 sons running around looking for him, showing up and he's saying nobody cares but Sheila?

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9 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I know you mean Kelly.

Yes. Katie is my. Granddaughter lol. 

Well scratch Bill and Li off the list.  Bill and Shiela, what a waist of manhood. If it wasn’t for Liam and Wyatt, I would think that this is just a nightmare. 

Excuse me Steffy, but didn’t Taylor leave Bill to die?  So you see Bill is right, it’s only an outlandish miss carriage of hustice when it happens to you.  Steffy cared more about her mother getting away with attempted murder than Bill almost dying. 

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There is absolutely no proof that Taylor shot Bill. When he was in the hospital, he was blaming Ridge, then he said he didn't remember.

Exactly! It's just dumb. Now should Taylor have gotten away with it? No of course not. But it's been forever and there is no proof at all. Plus with the recast of Taylor it is kinda hard to see her being as unhinged as OGTaylor.


Would it be fair for those that want representation to have the two cis heroines for decades on the show to suddenly become sexually fluid?

On Guiding Light the character of Olivia's last romance was with a woman. And Olivia was a character who sure had plenty of male partners! Olivia and Natalia were played by straight actresses but the response was pretty positive. But then again that was many years ago now and I'd guess the representation would be viewed differently. Not that I believe for an instant that Brooke and Taylor will be hooking up!

I am waaaay over Bill and his ridiculous tears. Oh and his ridiculous necklace of evil.

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This Bill and Sheila story is among the worst I've seen on B&B. I can see no feasible reason why Bill is behaving this way and unless it's some kind of brilliant long con, how does he turn back from this? He has to be drugged. 

I didn't care for Liam and Wyatt's conversation about the Logan sisters. It was like Brooke and Katie were interchangeable to Bill and he'd be OK with one or the other. What I don't understand is that Bill has been alone for years now. Why all of a sudden is he having this psychotic breakdown? Was he always living under the assumption that he was still "with" Katie even though they've been divorced for quite some time? I don't get this at all. 

I really, really wanted for Steffy to have to explain everything to Finn right then and there. That wasn't even a Cliff's Notes version of Stallion Night. 

Did you notice that when Brooke described her Christmas day to Taylor that she "accidentally on purpose," omitted the detail about kissing Ridge under the mistletoe? I have a feeling that's going to come back to bite Brooke somehow.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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If the things Bill said were actually true, I could kinda sorta but not really understand this.  Neither Brooke nor Katie ever said they wanted nothing to do with him.  In fact, they both said they would always care about him.  Li had nothing but good things to say about him during those times they spent together.  Wyatt and Liam are fixtures in his life.  Will idolizes him.  I'm pretty sure I remember Katie and Wyatt at his bedside when he was in the hospital.  WTF is he talking about?  Is this Deacon in a Scooby-Doo mask?  But how would Deacon know about Taylor shooting Bill?  Ughhh,now I have a headache...    

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Maybe Jack in a Bill mask? Pissed off that he's been left out of the family?  

And, yes, Bill was full of shit. Brooke and Katie don't want to fuck or marry him, but they both consider him one of their close friends and would absolutely care if something happened to him. And all three of his sons love him. Plus, he has Kelly, Beth, and Douglas. Sign up for a dating app for that one aspect of your life that's missing, Bill, but stop acting like nobody in the world cares about poor little Dollar Bill. 

I'm impressed at how fast Liam and Wyatt figured out Sheila was involved. The only way it could have gone faster would have been if Douglas was with them. They should go check in with him now, with the evidence they have.

This whole blackmail thing is ridiculous. At this point, Sheila has multiple charges against her that Steffy and Finn aren't going to have any say over. She faked her death. She stole at least one car and went on the run from the police. And when it comes to the crimes against Steffy and Finn, the police aren't just going to handwave a double shooting, and the faked robbery to go with it. And then there's her crimes against Li. Li isn't going to sit back and let the woman who almost murdered her and her son go free for Taylor's former stupidity. And, like others have mentioned, Bill would need evidence that Taylot shot him. What evidence does he have? Taylor can deny it and Steffy and Finn can say that he accused Taylor to try to force Steffy to let Sheila go free. If anything, Bill is just asking for another stint in prison himself for aiding and abetting Sheila. 

Taylor would be the hero of this story if she just said "fuck it, let him turn me in. If that's what it takes to protect my daughter and grandchildren from a psychopath, then I'll go pay for my crime." 

I do think drugging is possible, though. The way DD is playing all of this isn't very Bill like. He's not as fiery as he usually is, and he seems like he's robotically reciting a script. At this point, the only way I see out of this story for him is if he is being drugged. Li can figure it out and save him while also putting a silver bullet through Sheila's heart. This whole Sheila has a rich guy with an ax to grind pulling strings for her story would have worked better with Thomas, personally, but I guess they didn't want to dirty him up quite that much.

Also, come on Sheila. Don't let this whole family bitch session you've orchestrated end without Finn finding out about Stallion Night and Kelly's paternity test. Hell, really go for the jugular and suggest that Bill get a new paternity test, since he can't trust one Steffy got on her own. 

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Bill doesn't want to hurt anyone? He wants to live in peace and harmony and be happy? With Sheila? Bill will never have a moments peace if he continues with this nonsense. All his family and friends, and I would imagine, business colleagues will turn on him. I can see Katie going for full custody with no visitation; I don't see her being on board for sleep overs with a psycho. I can see Liam and Wyatt allying to take over SP's before Sheila can get her nasty hands on any of it. Seriously, if Bill thinks he is alone and isolated now, just keep this shit up. 

It would be nice if Show could exhibit just a modicum of legal knowledge. Hell, I don't have a law degree, have never been a cop, but I know it takes evidence to convict someone. I'm not saying that Taylor shouldn't pay for shooting Bill, but his threats don't hold water. Also, I doubt Taylor would be "behind bars for the rest of her life". A good attorney could get her off on a momentary lapse with realty. 

Steffy's histrionics are only feeding Sheila's ego. Like all psychopath's, she thrives on attention, and getting away with shit, more importantly, people knowing she gets away with shit. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down, get all their ducks in a row, and come together as a united force with a solid game plan at hand. List out all of Sheila's crimes; not just shooting Taylor and Stephanie. Brooke was also shot, and Stephanie was drugged with mercury. Sheila also wreaked havoc on Lauren Fenmore and her mother's life, trying to kill them both by setting fire to her mother's home. She also killed Dr. Garvin by pushing him out a window and Lance with bees. Get Lauren involved too; she will despise Sheila till her dying day. 

Maybe there are drugs involved; Bill is so robotic, not his usual blustery, bullying self. Sheila was a nurse, so maybe she was able to get her hands on something that would make Bill pliable. There is also the possibility that she has managed to hypnotize him. I like the suggestion that Li could come to Bill's rescue, that would put a plug is Sheila's smugness. 

Oh, those Spencer Hardy boys! What a couple of super sleuths. 

Brooke kissing Ridge under the mistletoe on Christmas? I'm not too worried about that. It wasn't a romantic kiss, just a quick little peck, no hugging either. And I'm sure if Taylor had been in the same situation she would have done the same. 

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I’ve wanted them to do something with Bill for a long time but not this! Why is the show so Shelia obsessed? The character works best in small doses. 
Is this really Bill? Did Shelia make Deacon a Bill mask? And Bills tied up somewhere? I hope whatever this is, that it’s quick.

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