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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Had to chuckle that in order to get the glass of champagne in Brooke’s hand  - a recovering alcoholic - to drop, Ridge had to be so nervous about Finn’s disappearance act, that he couldn’t hold his glass so Brooke took it from him so she could drop it later.

Steffy would win me over if she pulled a gun or switchblade from her garter and charged Sheila. 

Taylor is sorely missed in this storyline. 

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Sheila? SHEILA? Sheila? Sheila?

I guess she made the effort to show up ... unlike Taylor.

But, remember, Taylor was on a mission trip somewhere performing cleft palate surgeries or something that Stuffy is totally fine with because she really doesn't even need to meet her own grandson who is conveniently named after her.

Edited by lightninggirl
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13 hours ago, blackwing said:

I am here for Sheila.  The character's return is like a breath of fresh air for this show.  Anything to detract from the endless Steffy/Liam/Hope iterations and the ridiculousness of Carter/Quinn.

If I had my way, Sheila would go on a rampage and kill half of the residents of Bell A.  But they would be interesting and creative deaths, like in "And Then There Were None".  I believe she once killed someone by unleashing a swarm of bees into a guy's house.  Let's have some fun deaths on this show!

Maybe Sheila could smother everyone with her MyPillow! 

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I really, really wanted Stephanie’s portrait to fall off the wall at the end. Or maybe they could have done like they did in the Coen Brothers’ “The Lady Killers” where the portrait of the old lady’s late husband changed expressions in reaction to the events occurring.

Edited by LittleIggy
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47 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

It reminded me of this scene from Soap:



Such a funny show. I wasn’t really allowed to watch it. I’m not even sure how my Father heard about it but being catholic he had heard things. LOL!!! This was before I know what soaps were. I remember the killing of Peter and the cliffhanger that Jessica was found guilty but we were told it wasn’t her. Anyway, I didn’t know the concepts of daytime soaps until the summer. I watched anything that was on tv and somehow I just got addicted. I think the first was GL and right after that GH with Scotty & Laura before Luke showed up. Such a long time ago.

Anyway, Peter? Peter? Peter?! really did sound like the Sheila ending. Everyone in their own tone and shock. It was very Saturday Night Live. Which isn’t really a good thing. Also, KB looked liked she was sweating to the death in her earlier scene with Finn. I was like, would someone powder her. Jeez!. LOL!!!! 

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5 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Sheila? SHEILA? Sheila? Sheila?

I guess she made the effort to show up ... unlike Taylor.

Taylor is drunk somewhere and probably figured “ehhh she’s 30 and on her sixth marriage... whatevs.  I’ll just make it to the next one.”  

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The impact would have been so much better if we hadn't of seen Sheila a few years ago in the dreadful "Summer of Sheila" nonsense. I am not sure what they were thinking with that SL, but at least this one does have some legs in that it is a whole different approach. I guess I am going to hold my full opinion until I hear the whole story, and how Daddy Finnegan plays into this. I truly hope he is not the bio dad; I am hoping that he somehow knew Sheila, and she was in need of someone to take a baby off her hands. 

And yes, our good doctor is not the brightest bulb. He finds a stranger in his new grandfather-in-laws guest house, and she starts telling him she is his bio mom? Yeah, I would have been giving that shit the serious stink eye. And no questions about who his bio dad is? Just "Oh, you can't leave; you have a daughter-in-law and a grandson to meet." Seriously, how does he know she won't try to make off with little Hayes? Or if she has accomplices hiding out to storm the mansion? Not one question about how she got onto the grounds or how she gained entrance to the guest house. 

I did like the reaction scene though. I thought it was kinda funny, but the slow motion helped with being able to show each character's face. 

I think Tanner did better in those few scenes with Shelia than he has done his entire tenure on Show. He still came off like a wimpy doofus, but there was something more there too. And I guess I am willing to give an adopted person a pass when they think they have found their bio parent/parents. I can only imagine what that must feel like. 


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That final scene was absolutely vintage soap opera and I loved every campy moment of it.

MH actually watched most of the episode and when it was over, he turned to me and said, "so, is this what passes for entertainment these days?"

To which I replied: 


This was the best acting I've seen from Tanner since he debuted. As for him not questioning Sheila one iota...well, he didn't exactly question Steffy cheating on him with Liam, which resulted in another WTD, so...


I just don't think Finn is a questioning kind of guy.

LOL at this:


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I totally didn’t expect Brooke to drop her glass of champagne. That was a shocker, almost as much as seeing Sheila appear, after she’s been on the commercials forever. 

I'm not sure when/how it happened, & I’ll admit that I detest man buns, but, damn, Thomas is hot now. Maybe the facial scruff, or said man bun, the distance from creepy behavior, or maybe because I follow him on the Insta, & he’s pretty cool, but Thomas needs some non-Hope love. He’s probably the #3 hottie on the show, after $Bill & Carter. I don’t know who he can get with, though. Not Hope, veto that. Flo is engaged, & ridiculous, he’s related to almost everyone else, Paris is likely going to cramp the Sinn marriage, he’s a legacy character/child , of a legacy character/child, of THE legacy character, bring on a new woman for him.

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I get that the appearance of Sheila was a shocker to the Forrester Logans, especially turning up at a wedding and saying she is now an in-law.  But is her appearance really that surprising to them?  Where do they think she has been?  She last turned up several years ago but then just walked away... it's not like she was locked up or anything.  

Edited by blackwing
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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I really, really wanted Stephanie’s portrait to fall off the wall at the end. Or maybe they could have done like they did in the Coen Brothers’ “The Lady Killers” where the portrait of the old lady’s late husband changed expressions in reaction to the events occurring.

That would have been great! Especially since so much was made of her picture being put back on the wall.

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Sheila’s continuously looking to Stephanie’s portrait in smirking victory cracked me up. Susan Flannery ain’t even on set but she’s still making the scenes.

Steffy nearly fainting in Ridge’s arms is about what you’d expect. Finn wasn’t focused on her at all. That marriage only lasted 3 episodes 😂

I appreciated the flashbacks but Donna and Katie’s take on Sheila’s takedown was laughable. Taylor was the hero that day and paid the price until the show retconned her death. Brooke was booking it out of there.

Jack’s expressions were great but there was one after Finn was gushing about Sheila that clearly said ‘ My son is so bleepin dumb’ LOL. He finally had to speak up because nobody was moving things along.

Lope being one of the first finally putting it together with them both turning to each other with ‘oh shit!’ looks was fabulous. I don’t mind Lope as much when the actors can be in the background to react. They’re good reactors.

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Yes yes yes, give me more of Shiela. The more I see the look on their faces the more I can do a Snoopy Dance. What a great day. It’s coming up all 🦄🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈

I wasn’t watching then but what I’ve read, Donna’s and Eric’s marriage didn’t end all to well. 

That montage of Shiela’s dirty deeds was very refreshing and made Quinn look like a pussy cat. 

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Today’s episode begs the question why Sheila would have contacted Jack those many years ago. We have guessed why, but wouldn’t everyone else be wondering why?

That Sheila montage was 😮! And that begs the question: why isn’t that psycho heifer in prison?

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What a great two days worth of shows!  Esp today's!  I loved the device of Donna and Katie reminiscing to remind old viewers, and show newer viewers  the extent of Sheila's dastardly deeds. Very well produced reception scenes where it took Finn a full 20 minutes to spit out why he brought Sheila to the reception. Mix in some excellent reaction shots full of shock and outrage, all under the watchful gaze of Stephanie Forrester.  It's a testament to Susan Flannery's talent that her portrait has more presence and gravitas than half the actors in the Forresters' living room.

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I thought it was a cute idea for the two sisters to go through photos today to remind all of us why the family hated Sheila. However. Could we have one episode with Donna not showing her boobs? This is a professional office, allegedly. Class it up, B&BB.

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5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


I appreciated the flashbacks but Donna and Katie’s take on Sheila’s takedown was laughable. Taylor was the hero that day and paid the price until the show retconned her death. Brooke was booking it out of there.

To be fair, that's the reaction most people would have to someone with a gun and she did turn around and try to get it away from her before you know...

Today's episode was pure soap, including Finn avoiding saying "she's my mother" for nearly 19 minutes of show. Loved the old school Sheila clips. The show truly was great back then. Almost a shame that we have what we have now. I'm sure this Sheila thing will fizzle but we'll see.

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I agree on all the old Sheila clips. What was missing was the spinning lab vials with the DNA results of Ridge vs. Eric being Bridget's father. I know that Mike Guthrie was the one who set the vials in motion on the carousel, but still, it would be a fitting touch and shout-out.

Also needed a clip of Sheila putting the mercury poison in Stephanie's blood pressure capsules. 

There could be an entire episode of "The Best Worst of Sheila Carter!"

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12 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Finn really was stupid and didn't clearly know how to read the room. 

Truly, if Bell is trying to make us hate Finn more than Waffles....it's still not working. Nice try.

But he *is* annoying me. My God, it's a good thing Katie didn't have this guy in her corner when she was dying, is all I'm saying.

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I agree on all the old Sheila clips. What was missing was the spinning lab vials with the DNA results of Ridge vs. Eric being Bridget's father. I know that Mike Guthrie was the one who set the vials in motion on the carousel, but still, it would be a fitting touch and shout-out.

Also needed a clip of Sheila putting the mercury poison in Stephanie's blood pressure capsules. 

There could be an entire episode of "The Best Worst of Sheila Carter!"

I def needed those clips. I saw Sheila and all her crazy, evil murderous things on the Y&R. I didn't realize she did the same in LA.

So why is it that when she was on a few years ago--Liam was stuck in that motel room for some reason, I think he thought he shot Bill--that she wasn't as reviled as she was at Steffy's wedding? Are they pretending that whole visit didn't happen? Didn't Steffy shoot her?

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5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I thought it was a cute idea for the two sisters to go through photos today to remind all of us why the family hated Sheila. However. Could we have one episode with Donna not showing her boobs? This is a professional office, allegedly. Class it up, B&BB.

Professional office? 😆😂🤣😆 At least Donna doesn’t wear dresses half an inch from showing her cooter like Flo does.

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Good ole soapy goodness for sure!

Loved the Sheila clips, but they left so much out. 

Even in death Sheila and Stephanie continue to battle. Oh, that portrait was sitting in complete and total judgement. It would only be fitting for Sheila to get a visit from her old nemesis telling her to stay the hell away from her granddaughter. 

Agreed about Liam/Hope's reactions. They are good scene setters. 

I don't know if I believe Jack or not. I want to know how this adoption actually went down. Was it through an agency? Was Sheila advertising a baby for sale? Did she black market Finn ala PhoBeth. Why would Sheila seek out the adoptive dad and not include the mom? And if that is true, why would Jack just take her word for it? Seems he would have ask for some type of proof. I am feeling more and more like he is Finn's bio dad, and that makes me mad because I think Li is lovely. Of course Sheila could have "done something" to Jack just like in the old days. I guess a possible silver lining would be the disintegration of Jack and Li's marriage and a possible Li/Eric hook up. I think she would be a perfect fit. 

Poor Steffy, her world just imploded. Finn is going to tell her and the rest to shut the fuck up about Sheila. In his mind he has regressed to that young boy who wanted his real mom, and now he has her and isn't going to let anyone get in their way. 



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For real, the very best acting in the entire episode, was TK’s Jack Finnigan, not saying a word until the very end, just reacting. Honorable mention to SF (just realized that Susan Flannery & Stephanie Forrester have the same initials!), just for being the boss lady she is, in portrait.

Also, I hope Finn gets-to-the-point faster with patients, & has a better read-the-room ability than he displayed yesterday. Holy smokes, it took him the entire show to spit out the Sheila connection, to a roomful of people who were very obviously not going to be excited that Mommy Dearest is no longer unknown, & offer her champagne to celebrate. If a patient had terminal cancer, s/he’d be embalmed before Finn delivered the diagnosis, complete with cupcakes & balloons. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Poor Steffy, her world just imploded. Finn is going to tell her and the rest to shut the fuck up about Sheila. In his mind he has regressed to that young boy who wanted his real mom, and now he has her and isn't going to let anyone get in their way. 

Ding, ding, ding!

And Sheila is going to milk every.last.drop of that to her advantage. Could we see Finn embrace a dark side in the process? I certainly hope so. 

But OMG, at the uber-dramatic zoom ins...that is classic soap opera:

Ooh, just look at how Li burned a hole through Jack.

I also like Li immediately responding to the big reeveal that she was Finn's mother. Damn skippy!

Steffy doing her best "where are my smelling salts Aunt Pitty-Pat impersonation was hilarious.

SF/Stephanie continue to slay:


Ted King was also great, even though he barely had more than a few lines of dialogue.

But for the love of Pete, can we please cease and desist with the sleazestache? It gives me bow chicka bom bom whenever I see it. He's a fine looking man - let him look like this:


Elsewhere, I appreciated all the flashbacks. My goodness, they were all so beautiful. Still are, but KKL was just stunning. And HT before she messed with her face. KB was also a looker. 

I thought Donna looked fine as hell. 


I cannot believe she is 51 as she looks so much younger, especially that rockin bod.  

But all in all, soap is GOOD again. When CountryBoy actually sat down to watch this episode (he's watched since Sheila's return) and protested he wasn't getting sucked into "this," you know it's good. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I don't know if I believe Jack or not.

At this point, I'm believing him.  As far as I know, Sheila contacted him, post-adoption, to have contact with her bio-son.  He must've did an instant google search, saw all the damage she did in Genoa City and Los Angeles, and quickly put a kibosh on the mother and child reunion.  I can see the Finnegans going back to their nameless city shortly, leaving Sheila to work the short con:  her relationship with her son, and her long con:  ingratiating herself in Eric's life with Donna keeping a watchful eye.

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I went down a rabbit hole last night of Sheila videos with Stephanie, Brooke, Taylor & Lauren. I had forgotten or wasn’t watching when Taylor died because of Sheila shooting her. I had forgotten just how many confrontation scenes Stephanie and Sheila had. Good stuff. I was watching Y&R when the whole Sheila thing started and it was masterful how Bill Bell was able to bring her to B&B. I don’t recall exactly what caused her run to originally on B&B. I don’t know if Bell thought she had run her course or of KB wanted to leave. Now, that she’s back I still think it’s been run to death. Also, Finn is so dopey that I don’t have any interest that Sheila is his mother. I’ll still watch to see how it plays out but I am curious if this is short term thing with Kimberlin Brown or if she ends up staying a year or two. Also, Finn really can’t read a room. Hopefully, some one will tell him the Cliffs Notes version on all things Sheila. 

Edited by ByaNose
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11 hours ago, Artsda said:

Finn really was stupid and didn't clearly know how to read the room. 


1 hour ago, nkotb said:

Also, I hope Finn gets-to-the-point faster with patients, & has a better read-the-room ability than he displayed yesterday.


20 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Also, Finn is so dopey

Yes, Finn is a moron, a card-carrying idiot.  But he comes from a long line of B&B men who have excellent careers and seem smart, but don't have the sense god gave a goose.  Eric has always thought with his dick, hence his five marriages.  Ridge has been an idiot for decades, same for Thorne, Clarke Garrison, Nick Payne and now this new crop of mental defectives:  Thomas, Liam, Wyatt and Carter.  B&B has a proud history of the pretty imbecile, and none has been more pretty or imbecilic as young Finn, long may he reign! 


Edited by sugarbaker design
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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

But for the love of Pete, can we please cease and desist with the sleazestache? It gives me bow chicka bom bom whenever I see it. He's a fine looking man - let him look like this:


Indeed! He looks so much like William Petersen, who I have always crushed on:


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I never saw the episodes with Sheila as over the years I have watched the show on and off.  Seeing clips of the old episodes was eye opening.  What a difference!  This show would be 1000% better if the budget was higher so they could hire more cast members to not play family members.  It is more enjoyable to see them stand together instead of the writers constantly revisiting romantic interludes with the same people in conflict with same members of the extended family. 

I always liked the Liam / Wyatt connection acting like brothers, the closeness of the 3 Logan sisters, and more of the family relationships when they weren't drooling over the same people. 

There have been several episodes especially this year where I muted most of the show (while working on something), maybe unmuting for just a few minutes to follow just one of the story lines.  The repetitive dialogue between the same people was boring and surprising for a show that has a very short daily run time.

Anyway for some reason the show is working for me this week. Are there any new writers?  There seems to be an overall change for the better recently.  I am enjoying the conversation between Donna and Katie as they look at old pictures and reminisce about Sheila.  The little joking comments that have been added in the last month or so give the show more depth as characters relate to each other as family. 

I have to admit it wouldn't take much for me to drop out again.  Another round of Brook and Bill, Liam and Steffy, or Wyatt and Hope etc. would likely be the end of my watching.

Lastly, Finn does need to learn how to read a room!


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1 minute ago, madfortv said:

I always liked the Liam / Wyatt connection acting like brothers, the closeness of the 3 Logan sisters, and more of the family relationships when they weren't drooling over the same people. 

Totally agree!  Those are the special moments that the writers should be focusing on.  I couldn't believe when Finn was talking about being adopted that Zende didn't pipe in and say he was adopted too.  A short but meaningful conversation could've ensued about loving one's adoptive parents but still having an internal desire to see one's birth parents.  That conversation could've brought these two characters closer.  I hate seeing missed opportunities like this. The history on this show is rich, capitalize on it!

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Another happy day to see steam coming out of Stuffy’s, Ridge’s, and Brooke’s ears. In addition to having their minds blown 🤯 and eyes 😵💫.  Stuffy to Carter, please stop who you’re are doing and come to Eric’s house right away to draw up annulment papers.  

The look on Hope’s face is like didn’t I go through this situation with Wyatt and Quinn. At least Hope wasn’t blind sided. Ridge, you accusatory ass hole. Maybe Finn’s father knew something about Shiela’s association with the Foresters but how did he know that Finn would fall in love with a Forester?  I’m still in the mind that thinks Finn’s father is Finn’s biological father.  Of course Shiela has a dark history but no Forester, in good conscience, can cast the first stone. 

A little dramatic Stuffy?  How did Shiela take anything away from you isn’t your mother still alive?  Did Shiela keep her away from your wedding?  Demanding Shiela being out of hers and Finn’s life is reminiscent to Hope’s demand for Wyatt to keep Quinn away.  

It’s funny how Katie and Donna only remember the bad times with Sheila but can’t remember the bad times with Eric. 

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It was kind of hilarious to see everyone going from lovey dovey family bonding to the Forresters accusing Finn and his parents of collusion with Sheila.

Ridge is just downright rude and nasty, and kind of a bully.

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I enjoyed seeing the flashback scenes, especially the one where Sheila got a twofer--shooting both Taylor and Brook!

Li Finnegan is fabulous; her reactions to everything were perfect.

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Ridge is such a killjoy as well as his sanctimonious Logan. Leave Sheila alone. And you made Finn tear up.  Shelia hasn’t done anything terrible in a few years now. 

Why are Hope and Liam standing around? 


1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

A little dramatic Stuffy?  How did Shiela take anything away from you isn’t your mother still alive?

I can't say I'm gonna bust the Forresters too much about this because as horrid as they are, Sheila is legit nuts. No one would want her around their family and using people to integrate her way back into their lives isn't out of her wheelhouse.

With that said:

2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Demanding Shiela being out of hers and Finn’s life is reminiscent to Hope’s demand for Wyatt to keep Quinn away.  

...or hell, even Steffy demanding Wyatt to keep Quinn away. Her history notwithstanding, I expect that to go over like a fart in church and it will end the same way those other events did.


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I may have mentioned this before but I find it impossible to believe that out of all of the handsome, talented young actors walking around LA and waiting tables, the producers of this show couldn’t find someone, anyone who’s a better actor than the guy playing Finn. This is a major role on one of the few remaining soaps, for crying out loud. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Ridge is such a killjoy as well as his sanctimonious Logan. Leave Sheila alone. And you made Finn tear up.  Shelia hasn’t done anything terrible in a few years now. 

Why are Hope and Liam standing around? 

AN & SC are having a easy week. They probably needed to meet their required minimum of episodes in their contract and Brad Bell gave them a week where didn’t have to actually work. It’s tough being front burner and working 5 days a week. The struggle is real. They let all the other yougin’s leave the wedding because they didn’t want to have to pay them. LOL!!!!! 

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Oh Sheila, how I love thee, let me count the ways.  Wish I'd seen yesterday's episode.  I would have loved to have seen the flashbacks you all are talking about.  I'm a die hard Sheila fan who followed her from Genoa City to Los Angeles all of those years ago, although I've watched B&B on and off almost since its inception.  Last time I've watched was that dreadful "Summer of Sheila" storyline, so some of these characters are new to me.  

Gawd, is Thorsten Kaye always so bad?  I thought he was supposed to be a good actor.  He actually made me miss Ronn Moss.  

The actor playing Finn was decent when he wasn't speaking.  I was impressed with how his eyes teared up.  

That smile at the end, though.  How do you ramble on and one about what a lunatic Shelia is, and then walk up and smack her.  Moron.  If only Taylor had stayed dead.  

I don't think I'll ever stop missing Susan Flannery.  I'd have thought I'd died and gone to heaven if Stephanie was there to rip into Sheila.  One of the best rivalries in my long history of watching Soaps.  

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

I enjoyed seeing the flashback scenes, especially the one where Sheila got a twofer--shooting both Taylor and Brook!

Li Finnegan is fabulous; her reactions to everything were perfect.

The flashbacks really show how pretty Lang, McCook & Tylo were. Granted, this was years ago and they were younger (weren’t we all), John McCook was a total stud. KKL face was fuller & looked beautiful with the straight hair & Tylo was stunning with the dark hair. ALeo, KB was really pretty with the dark Sheila hair with top lifted higher. It was sort of Shelia’s signature hair. I was glad they showed the clips for context.

Also, I still think Finn isn't reading the room. 

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Today didn't disappoint!

Liam and Hope showed smarts by excusing themselves to grab their babies and book. Thomas I thought would've stayed to throw down but he was given baby duty. I did like how Eric used Thomas' exit to bring up Sheila's threatening his life when he was a baby.  But seriously, Finn, did you listen to her answer?  She laughed it off as if she had made a joke and that the Forrester's were the ones out of line for taking her seriously.

She did not deny that she threatened a baby.

The reactions of all the Forresters would've made a little more sense if they hadn't run into her 4 years ago and this was the first time they had seen her in years. Having said that, I bought their disbelief and absolute skepticism where Sheila was concerned.

Eric was really overcome with emotion and JMcC did a great job reliving the highs and lows of his feelings for her and how it still rocked him (that lean into Ridge said it all)

Given Sheila's penchant for enlisting/mainpulating/blackmailing others in her schemes, you damn skippy Ridge was right to ask both Jack and Finn if they were in cahoots with Sheila.  When it comes to her you CANNOT be too careful.  She used her daughter Erica to try to get close to Rick. Normally, I agree Ridge is trash but in this case when he called out Jack and Finn I honestly couldn't blame him.  Jack had been acting shady since jump and they did show Ridge clocking that on occasion so yup, press them until they pop in my book.

But that leads me to Steffy's demand to FINN that he answer her daddy's question!  Gone was her unconditional love and blinders and in its place was Steffy realizing she didn't know squat about this man and truly allowing herself to believe that Finn could betray her like that. The look on Finn's face make me chuckle.  Suddenly, his princess bride wasn't so fluffy.  If her not defending him and pressing him to answer wasn't the end of their marriage, Finn's insistence after hearing all that Sheila had done that she DID belong there seems like the death knell.

Steffy is gonna ultimately lose Finn, the way she got him - his big heart if gonna have him betray Steffy for Sheila.  He may realize his mistake but it'll be too late because honestly I think Sheila is gonna accidentally kill him in a similar set up of her accidental shooting of Taylor - only this time Finn will stay dead.

BTW re Taylor, Steffy and Thomas did lose time with her due to Sheila - but also due to Prince Omar who whisked her away after she 'died'. Dude could've told Ridge et al what he was doing. Yup, he saved her life, but he also contributed to the trauma of the situation - but Sheila was the cause of it.  Doesn't matter that she didn't intend to shoot Taylor, she did it. And her intent that night was to do deadly harm to Brooke - Taylor just got in her way.  

I do stand corrected as yes Brooke was booking out of there that night but it was a) at Taylor's urging and b) it was the smart thing to do since she was right AT the door at the time. I credit Brooke for running back in to help once shots were fired but given she got her ass shot as well not so smart a decision, LOL.

Finn. Dude. Notice how Sheila doesn't deny the things they accused her of.  Instead she tries to excuse the actions with 'But you didn't see the way they treated me!'. This to me shows, she STILL takes no responsibility for her actions and is justifying all the death and lies with 'I just wanted to belong and they were mean to me'.  Does that sound like someone stable to you? Someone you'd want to have your child around? 

The Forresters are hypocritical trash but in the case of Sheila Carter; their wrath is warranted.

Ridge corralling/ushering Finn away from approaching Steffy with a 'baby please' as she drew up on Sheila had me falling out of my chair. A) Because he was like nah, son, my girl is gonna handle this and b) Ridge knew that he didn't need to protect Steffy in this moment as she was in lethal switchblade mode. Again, wish she had flipped out that blade and let Sheila know she was ready to cut a bitch.

It's convoluted how they got here, but Finn Carter actually is an interesting wrinkle worth watching now.


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If Finn still wants anything to do with Sheila, Steffy needs to be done with him.

The actor playing Finn is much better in Roswell New Mexico where he's recurring. So I chalk up how bad he is on B&B with the show itself. 

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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge, you accusatory ass hole. Maybe Finn’s father knew something about Shiela’s association with the Foresters but how did he know that Finn would fall in love with a Forester?  I’m still in the mind that thinks Finn’s father is Finn’s biological father.  Of course Shiela has a dark history but no Forester, in good conscience, can cast the first stone. 

A little dramatic Stuffy?  How did Shiela take anything away from you isn’t your mother still alive?  Did Shiela keep her away from your wedding?  

These Forresters are a blighted bunch but Sheila is in another class altogether.  Ridge has every right to jump to conclusions about the apparent shadiness of Sheila oh-so-conveniently being Finn's birth mother.  She does have a history of long cons and this is right in line with those.  But Ridge backed off both Jack and Finn when he realized they were as surprised as he was. 

And, given Taylor was immediately and secretly whisked away by Prince Omar (that was this "death", wasn't it?) right after she was shot, and held for years thereafter, Steffy does have some legitimate beef with Sheila.

Finn took a while to finally read the room but, once he did, his reaction shots were pretty spot-on.  I'm also amused that he looks like he could be the biological child of either of his mothers.

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