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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Along with many others on this site, I believe that Zoe has outlived her usefulness and is incredibly pushy with Shauna, wears incredibly ugly clothes, is in no way an equal partner for Carter (even with the Quinn affair) and has no right to question Shauna or anyone else about anything. Please send her off on a very long hiatus.

Shauna, please move back to Vegas and call Quinn every once in a while off camera.

Ridge and Brooke? Shut the hell up. Forever.


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What is with Brooke making these daily trips over to see Bill now?

Heh, hope Ridge doesn't want to start comparing notes with Carter on how Shauna performs in bed. 😉

Ridge: hey, Carter, does Shauna still do that thing with her pinky finger? It used to drive me--
Carter: come on, Ridge, you know a gentleman never tells.
Ridge: sure but it's just us two hound dogs here right now, so spill.
Carter: sigh, is this my life? Wait a minute, Ridge, I thought you said you said you never slept with Shauna.
Ridge: whoa, look at the time! Gotta go!

Wait, what? Now Paris is stepping to Shauna. Lawd a mercy, these Buckingham girls. It's like they live in an alternate reality where they run everything and everyone. Or they try to, anyway. Both of them are going to be looking silly when the truth comes out.

I liked Paris' leather suit.

Quinn, the best way to keep a secret is not to keep discussing it in the office where the wrong person could overhear you. Do you want to get caught?

Liam. Seriously? Hope is the compass that's guided you since you met her? Pretty sure she didn't guide you to put her engagement ring on Steffy while it was STILL WARM. Or guide you to jump into Steffy's cooch because you couldn't tell the difference between Hope and a mannequin. Shut up.

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

If Zoe goes then I'd like to see Quinn and Shauna gone too.   

The better question these days is who I would want to keep, to which my answer is Bill, Douglas and Paris on most days. Wyatt the ruined with Flo (who I'd still rather see leave before Zoe); Hope is obnoxious and gonna be fucked regardless of whether she ends up with Liam or Thomas; Bridge is...forever Bridge; Katie is a drip that will never full be allowed to move on from Bill.

Truly slim pickings.

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It might just be because it's lazy and convenient for the story, but the multiple Brooke visits to Bill makes me think she's going to be busting out the money lingerie again sooner or later.  At least they have chemistry (shrug)

Paris annoyed me for the first time today.  None, in any way, of your business.  It'd be one thing if it were directed at Quinn if she knew Quinn was lying to Zoe (not that IGAF), but this is just someone she "knows" Carter was freely involved with.  So careful with that shade.  





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How is Liam supposed to be a romantic soap lead? He is a whiny, handwringing man-child who swoons for crying out loud! And Scott Clifton may be a nice guy, but he isn’t handsome or charismatic. 🙄

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I think SC is handsome. And he has been charismatic before. I loved his character and storyline on GH. 

It’s Friday. Who is going to overhear which secret that people can’t stop talking about?

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Haven't any of these people heard of (or experienced) a ONS? This continual quizzing of Carter about Shauna. Affair? Romance? C'mon. It's especially head-scratching conversations coming from men. 

To me, an affair is something that is ongoing. At this point, Quarter is a ONS even though they were going for a second time.

And Paris? Really? I thought Shauna was struggling to keep a straight face. After the way Zoe has treated Paris, I would have been, "Girl, you are on your own."

Zoe is reeking with insincerity. She is only so desperate to get Carter back because she has no other options and in hindsight, "Forrester-adjacent" is looking pretty good after all. I don't believe for one second that she truly loves him. I also think he is very conflicted about her now that he's had a taste of Crazy Quinn. 

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I'm not getting why people are so up in arms about two single people having a ONS.  Carter was free to be with whomever (unless they were married or otherwise involved); and Shauna isn't. 

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Another day and another fuck you Lurch and the high horse you rode in on. Bill had all the right in the world to be dismissive of Vinny because of what he did to Liam, Hope, Stuffy and Finn but Lurch can’t even fantom that fact because Vinny was HIS best friend. 

I had to laugh when Liam said that he doesn’t want to look in the mirror and not 🤢🤮.  Hey Liam, how about not looking in the mirror after playing drop the soap, in prison, and not 🤢🤮.  

Why in the world is Wyatt so concerned about Vinny and why is Wyatt showing any concern for Vinny?  That’s really out of the blue. 

Brooke, Lurch has changed and monkeys fly out of Ridge’s ass. Give me a break. Liam goes to prison and Lurch would be back on Hope like stink on shit. I’m sure he would weaponize Douglas once again. Yes Lurch you interrupted something. Try knocking or calling ahead. Douglas could have seen two naked people on the couch. 

And there is Brooke and Ridge looking down on everyone and everything from their perch on Mount Olympus toasting themselves with nectar and eating ambrosia.  

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Okay, Tom, not a fan of that bright color on you. WTH? Was the store out of all the other colors in your size? 😝

Wyatt, why are you so obsessed with Vinny's death? What's it to you?

Does Brooke ever babysit Beth or is the child only pawned off on Aunt Donna? Lucky for Hope her aunt doesn't have much of a life right now.

Heh, I guess the closed captioning service B&B uses includes transcribers for whom American English is not their first language. Today when Bill asked Wyatt if he wanted to play Taps for Vinny the CC said "tag." Lol, wut?

Last week Brooke looked to me like she'd gotten her outfit out of Hope's closet. Today she looked to me like raided one of Stephanie's old trunks. Rather matronly IMO.

Alrighty then, Thomas, now you're looking pretty darned tasty in that black athletic wear. I'll excuse your earlier fashion faux pas. 😗

I continue not to understand why they still have Douglas using that baby voice. He's taller and it's clear he's older. And he's also still adorable so I think the baby voice is not necessary.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Tomass? Get a damn haircut!

Lurch, get your head out of your father’s ass. As for Flo being worse than Vinny, I disagree. Both committed felonies and both were denying a child of their true heritage.  For me Lurch is worse than both Flo and Vinny. Lurch committed child abuse, was responsible for Emma’s death, and RAPED Caroline (NOT misunderstand night). Lurch is not felony free. 

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21 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

How is Liam supposed to be a romantic soap lead? He is a whiny, handwringing man-child who swoons for crying out loud! And Scott Clifton may be a nice guy, but he isn’t handsome or charismatic. 🙄

I've been asking this question since August of 2011.

SC isn't my type as far as looks go, but boy,the writing doesn't help. As others have said, he made a name on his other soap for good reason, and I've seen clips where he can be assertive. TIIC just refuse to write Liam like that because....reasons. I actually didn't hate him for a few months in 2017 when he stood up to Bill--as much as he was capable of doing--fir the Caroline shit and was running the company. Hell, I was actively rooting for Lope during the Beth story when he had his few moments on introspection.

I see people online who act as though Liam is the worst monster since  Sheila Carter because he's so damn spineless and I really don't agree with that....but I can understand why people are very enthusiastically supporting Thomas and Bill against him. When a character can't even support themselves, why should we care?

2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Lurch, get your head out of your father’s ass. As for Flo being worse than Vinny, I disagree. Both committed felonies and both were denying a child of their true heritage.  For me Lurch is worse than both Flo and Vinny. Lurch committed child abuse, was responsible for Emma’s death, and RAPED Caroline (NOT misunderstand night). Lurch is not felony free. 

He's also tried murdering Rick twice, years before Liam was ever a thorn in his side, so.....yeah.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I've been asking this question since August of 2011.

SC isn't my type as far as looks go, but boy,the writing doesn't help. As others have said, he made a name on his other soap for good reason, and I've seen clips where he can be assertive. TIIC just refuse to write Liam like that because....reasons. I actually didn't hate him for a few months in 2017 when he stood up to Bill--as much as he was capable of doing--fir the Caroline shit and was running the company. Hell, I was actively rooting for Lope during the Beth story when he had his few moments on introspection.

I see people online who act as though Liam is the worst monster since  Sheila Carter because he's so damn spineless and I really don't agree with that....but I can understand why people are very enthusiastically supporting Thomas and Bill against him. When a character can't even support themselves, why should we care?

He's also tried murdering Rick twice, years before Liam was ever a thorn in his side, so.....yeah.

Usually if a soap make lead is going to be a pushover or kinda ineffectual like him he is very good looking & it kinda fan wanks why women are putting up w this shit. Like Ethan from Passions, Holden ATWT, there's a bunch more 

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17 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Usually if a soap make lead is going to be a pushover or kinda ineffectual like him he is very good looking & it kinda fan wanks why women are putting up w this shit. Like Ethan from Passions, Holden ATWT, there's a bunch more 

As much as I absolutely loathe Holden Synder (more than I do even the current oaf of a Ridge and only slightly less than Victor Newman, if one can believe that), he was easy on the eyes. That, and he did drive the plot and could come in clutch when he needed to, like standing up to Lily when their son came out as gay.

Which begs the question: how is he gonna parent when the kids get older? The sibling rivalry *is* going to happen because Brad Bell can't help himself but to make two women fight over a limp waffle, and what the hell is he gonna do when Waffle O'Toole drags him by the nose like everyone else? Granted Ridge had as few legs to stand on gainst Liam, too, but I feel Ronn Moss did as good of a job as anyone walking that tightrope convincingly. He supported his daughters as he needed and stepped in that time Hope refused to marry him when Liam showed up looking like a bag of ass.

I cannot envision SC being able to play that type of dad with any sort of conviction, and Bell certainly won't try to write him that way.

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I like Scott Clifton the actor, don't get me wrong....but the writing for Liam is baaaaaaad and has been dismal for a long ass time. Like I said in an earlier post, I get why people root for the villains: because they are as interesting as any of B&B's characters get.


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I just read that KB, Zoey, has been cast as a regular on the reboot of Fantasy Island set to debut in August. I believe that it will be on Fox. I sure hope that KB’s wardrobe is a hell of a lot better and that she has taken a lot of acting classes. If KB hasn’t, the reboot of Fantasy Island will be short lived.  How this plain stick figure with the personality of a wet mop gets a prime time show. KM has a lot more talent than KB but her comedy, LA to Vegas, which KM was very good in, had a short life. 

ETA:  I have not seen anything about Zoey being put out to pasture or if there is going to be a recast. 

Edited by Waldo13
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For two people that have fought thirty years to be together; you would think  Brooke and Ridge would be an interesting and compelling couple. Since they are both in their prime, you would think they would be vibrant and active, and bringing maturity with an edge, because after all, this is Brooke Logan Forrester and Ridge Forrester, two people with highly peppered pasts. But they are none of that; they are a boring pair of pompous asses, who do nothing but discuss their grown up children's love lives and sex lives, who want to have parties to celebrate their kids "reconnecting" with their spouses. They run all over Bell LA to discuss the ins and outs of their kids sex lives. Compounding that idiocy, is this new Brooke, who only exists to please Ridge and to receive his approval and his compliments. I have noticed this subtle change in the writing for Brooke, where the men in her life; Ridge, Eric and Bill, tease her and treat her like a five year old, and she just preens and smiles like she is a five year old. Who is this person? This watered down, prissy, judgey, matronly, whispering, gossipy, nosey busybody? I have never been a Bridge supporter. The only time I have ever been on board was after Taylor's first death and Brooke and Ridge got married at the beach, and he bought her the mansion, and they were happy and actually acted like a real young couple. That was all destroyed however, when Taylor came back with her hand out, expecting Brooke to just step aside and let Taylor resume her life and marriage with Ridge. And when that didn't work, she used Thomas. From that point on, the fight for Bridge and Destiny became a joke. Brooke should have been allowed to move on with Thorne, or with Nick, undoubtedly her best pairings after Connor Davis. Watching Brooke morph into this vapid, vacant, waif has been so painful. I detest this new version of my girl. It makes it so hard to watch her, more importantly, it makes it so hard to support her. To like her. 

Hope with a criminal mind? I just would never have thunk it! But look at her, thinking like Bill. Thinking past doing the right thing, to the further consequences of going to the police; the implications for Bill, Katie, Will, SPs. I am having some new found respect for her, because being a do gooder is not always the right answer. Why should Liam pay for his father's actions? Yes, he did hit Vinny, but that was not intentional. But he will be accused of being an accessory after the fact, or however that goes, particularly given how he has waited so long to come forward. I almost peed my pants when Hope said something like "do you really want to loose your family for Vinny?" Wow, I mean, that was just a wow moment for me, because that is not who Hope is. For me, this is the best part of this entire SL. 

Shut up Wyatt and Bill about what Vinny did to Liam and the family. Vinny pulled a stunt, but it was short lived, and he was misguidedly trying to help his friend. Unlike your baby selling fiance, and soon to be daughter-in-law, who criminally excepted $50K for a baby's life. Who was not trying to help anyone other than herself. Who then discovered the birth mother was none other than her long lost cousin, and the child was your niece and granddaughter respectively. And what did this POS do? The right thing? Oh hell no, she instead listened to her momma, and held her tongue in order to secure her position in the Logan family, and obtain the Spencer lifestyle. Deciding instead to form a pact with her mother and Zoey, to be a sisterhood of deception, one that would forever keep the truth from Hope. A decision made by three self serving losers, that not only effected Hope, but also effected Liam and Steffy, and the Forrester, Logan and Spencer family's at large. And it went on for nearly a year. Vinny confessed, but Felonous Flo did not, instead it was a traumatized five year old boy who outed this horrible crime, and then Flo had the audacity to try and steal the little boy's thunder by running around talking about how "she would have come forward sooner, but......" and trying to lay all the blame on Thomas. You fucking worthless hag; YOU ARE THE ONE THAT TOOK THAT DAMN MONEY. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT ENTERED INTO A DEAL WITH DR. BUCHKINHAM TO SELL A CHILD. IT WAS NOT THOMAS FORRESTER. 

My rant has just begun...........

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

. I almost peed my pants when Hope said something like "do you really want to loose your family for Vinny?" Wow, I mean, that was just a wow moment for me, because that is not who Hope is. For me, this is the best part of this entire SL. 

While I won't say this is her preset and it doesn't come as easily as Steffy, I'm not fully surprised. The show started leaning in on her martyrdom after this recast, but Old Hope could pull claws out when sufficiently motivated. She wasn't sitting shiva over Steffy's miscarriage as one example.

I'll take this over her boohoo crying over she got robbed and all that.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Word on the curb is 


Liam's gonna go to jail?

This show is too boring for my liking and I'm annoyed w him I hope if he does he 


Crosses paths w Deacon. That could salvage this shit story 


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With names like Thorne and Ridge in the family, baby boy Finnegan better be named Forrest(er) Finnegan. It just works!

So...Liam is actually gonna probably do more jail time than Quinn, Thomas, and Flo. I hate this show.

My prediction - Hope will also fine herself pregnant as Liam is sentenced to prison time.  Liam will let go of Hope and their family and tell her to let him go as pining for him in prison is no way to live her life or for their kids. I actually believe they'll have Liam so messed up that he'll tell Hope to be with Thomas so she can have the family she wants and needs for the kids and that Thomas will love her and be loyal to her the way she should have.

Ironically, Liam will be in prison but his absence will still have Hope and Steffy bonding in the aftermath of his going to prison with Finn still put out Liam has influence in their lives, LOL.

Hope will go through the motions of creating a family with Thomas for Beth and Douglas' sake (instead of not feeling the need to fall back on a man for support and just being a single mom leveraging her vast financial resources to raise her kids). Meanwhile someone picks up on the thread that Liam didn't kill Vinny - let's say Wyatt and Flo investigate this as a way for further Flo's redemption- and they're able to prove it with Liam being freed in time to rush to Hope's side as their baby is born and their family is reunited with Thomas losing - again.  Or Hope decides to stay with Thomas while Liam decides to keep clear as he's still dealing with prison trauma and this moves him towards a new love and/or singledom for a bit.

Something tells me this show can't resist having Hope pregnant at the same time as Steffy so that their kids stay around the same age.  And you can see Baby boy Finnegan and Beth's romantic pairing coming a mile away unless they change that baby to being Liam's - which I still believe could happen in that Vinny may have thought he changed the results but actually didn't.

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3 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Or Hope decides to stay with Thomas while Liam decides to keep clear as he's still dealing with prison trauma and this moves him towards a new love and/or singledom for a bit.


Yeah, I expect that to happen on the day the sun doesn't rise.

5 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

So...Liam is actually gonna probably do more jail time than Quinn, Thomas, and Flo. I hate this show.

Same. He's a shit hel shell of a human being but he's not a criminal and this was an accident. Unlike all three times Thomas has tried to kill people, Flo going along with a fraudulent adoption (regardless of whether Beth turned out to be her cousin or not) and Quinn's......everything.

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The Bold and The Beautiful has turned into the Weak and The Pathetic. Panache has turned into the boring, mundane, and very predictable outcomes.  It’s more entertaining to watch paint dry than anything happening right now. Well maybe except for Quinn and Carter. 

Camping Finn? Don’t you mean glamping?  

Stuffy to the doctor, are we having a boy or are we having a girl?  Is there a third choice 😇?  


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Heh, looked like Ridge started growing a pornstache over the weekend. 😼

Finn and Steffy went camping for six weeks? Lol. Maybe the writers should have rethought using that as the excuse for Steffy and Finn being off-screen for so long. They're seriously going to pretend like it's only been a few days. 😒

Riiiiight. Telling Wyatt to leave it alone is like waving a red cape in front of a bull. Bill might as well have been wearing a matador's traje de luces. But I bet Wyatt would've advised Liam to get a lawyer before confessing.

It's a boy! Yeah, that's Finn's kid because Liam only seems to make girl babies. But darn it, I was hoping Steffy and Finn would have a big gender reveal party in the CEO's office and accidentally blow up FC.😉

Bill, maybe you needed to offer Liam an alternative besides just forgetting about what happened. At least hire him the best criminal defense attorneys. See if they give a family rate since you're probably going to need legal representation soon too.

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10 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

What kind of idiot goes to turn himself in to the authorities without being accompanied by a criminal defense attorney? 🤦‍♀️

 Waffle I Cant GIF

Considering Justin completely wimped out and didn't fight to put Quinn behind bars, he was better off going by himself than with that tool.

But seriously....🤦‍♀️ So damn stupid. We know he's gonna go free eventually but damn.

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32 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Considering Justin completely wimped out and didn't fight to put Quinn behind bars, he was better off going by himself than with that tool.

But seriously....🤦‍♀️ So damn stupid. We know he's gonna go free eventually but damn.

Notice I said “criminal defense attorney” not “corporate attorney”! 😏

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Considering Justin completely wimped out and didn't fight to put Quinn behind bars, he was better off going by himself than with that tool.

This. Justin sucks.

But there really should be another random all-purpose lawyer around that isn't a Spencer or Forrester butt kisser for times like these.

Liam is depressed and feels deserving of having the book thrown at him and probably thinks even in this state that he doesn't deserve having a lawyer to protect his own interests - especially since he did keep quiet about it for weeks and was an accessory after the fact. I get it.

It's also because the show is too cheap to have an additional lawyer on the cast and want the 'drama' of Liam going it alone.

The only way to salvage Liam going to prison is as @Petunia13 suggested of Deacon coming into play. That would be an unexpected pairing that would make things interesting as they could go a number of ways with it - a big one being Bill having to fork over money for Liam's protection to Deacon while he's in prison and them forming an unexpected bond. I actually think SC could make lemonade out of this lemon with the unintentional dark comedy that could ensue. And man would Hope and Brooke be thrown for a loop.

But still, that Ridge, Finn, and Thomas would be able to lob Liam being a convicted felon in this face from now on just seems wrong. Hopefully when the truth outs they'll forget to mention it as quickly as everyone's forgotten about Thomas running Emma off the road. If Thomas can't have that thrown in his face, then Vinny's demise shouldn't be used against Liam - especially since that was an accident on his part.


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I’ve could have told you that Stuffy and Finn were having a boy before the doctor confirmed it. The gender reveal color was blue because that’s the color Stuffy and Finn were wearing. 

Can Lurch go one day without mentioning Hope and how happy he is for her and Liam?  Ridge is and always has been blind to Lurch’s obsessions.  

Ok Liam, you’re committed to the truth but you only told Chief Hot Dod a half truth. Shame on you Liam. 


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Wow. I’d forgotten what bad actors Steffy and Finn were while they were gone. Today was actually painful. He’s dull and boring. She overacts so much that I can’t believe anything she says. Bah humbug.

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Hate to say it but did Bill have on shapewear under his shirt? There seemed to be the outline of a high-positioned waistband. 😼

Who is this hot police officer who's been speaking lines the past couple of days? That actor must be well-connected. Too bad his character didn't rate having a name--not yet, anyway. Heh, maybe someone can introduce Officer No Name to Zoe.

A boy with Steffy for a mother, Ridge for a grandfather, and Thomas for an uncle. Yikes. Hide your daughters, citizens of LA! In fact, hide all your kids because Baby Boy Forrester Finnigan stands a good chance of being a terror of an entitled little brat when he's let loose on the world.

Oh please, like Steffy and Finn aren't going to have a live-in nanny. There aren't going to be any 3am diaper changes for those two. And they can miss me with Steffy or Finn folding laundry too. THEY'RE FREAKING RICH!

Liam. Is the audience supposed to feel sorry for him? Or be impressed that he's doing the "honest" thing? If so, FAIL! 😒

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Considering Justin completely wimped out and didn't fight to put Quinn behind bars, he was better off going by himself than with that tool.

But seriously....🤦‍♀️ So damn stupid. We know he's gonna go free eventually but damn.

Justin also didn’t go after Thomas for running Emma’s car off a cliff. The writers didn’t even allow him to care enough to be angry about his niece’s death. So much missed opportunity and it really further watered down his character. He only ever reappears to prop up Bill. 

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The more Steffy and Finn point out how the baby is Finn's still makes me wonder if it's really his. Finn and Steffy are so bad actors together, she was better when she was more bad with Bill. 

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I think the baby has to be Finn's because in 2 years when all the kids are SORAS'd then Hope and Forrest Finnegan (I'm just assuming) can be a thing. If he's Liam's then all of the current kids in canvas are related I think. Beth and Kelly are half-sisters, Douglas is Kelly's cousin, Will is Beth and Kelly's uncle. Maybe Douglas and Beth aren't blood related? But they're being raised as brother and sister so that's still icky. Although I wouldn't put it past them. At least if Baby Boy Finnegan is Finn's he is only related to Kelly and Douglas. I think. 

Ugh...forgot Liam is related to Douglas through Caroline so that makes Douglas and Beth related too.

Edited by Lilac2000
Beth, not Hope! Thank you Tessaray!
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Douglas and Beth (not Hope) are 2nd cousins.

And come to think of it, Douglas and Kelly are cousins/2nd cousins  through both Steffy/Thomas and Liam/Caroline 2. I think. It's very confusing. 

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On 5/30/2021 at 1:29 AM, Waldo13 said:

I just read that KB, Zoey, has been cast as a regular on the reboot of Fantasy Island set to debut in August. I believe that it will be on Fox. I sure hope that KB’s wardrobe is a hell of a lot better and that she has taken a lot of acting classes. If KB hasn’t, the reboot of Fantasy Island will be short lived.  How this plain stick figure with the personality of a wet mop gets a prime time show. KM has a lot more talent than KB but her comedy, LA to Vegas, which KM was very good in, had a short life. 

ETA:  I have not seen anything about Zoey being put out to pasture or if there is going to be a recast. 

I started bingeing The Wilds. Reign Edwards (Nicole Avant) is in it, and her acting is much better than it was on B&B. Maybe KB will be better on FI. I know I won’t be watching it.

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They made Baby Finnegan a boy so in five years when he's 16 he could have triangle with Beth and Lizzie and have rivalry / hatred with golden boy Douglas who as dates his sister Kelly. 

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then Hope and Forrest Finnegan <snipped> can be a thing

I know this was a mistype (been there, done that) but it made me laugh so hard. If Hope ever tries to get with Steffy's son (when he grows up, of course) Steffy will straight up kill her. That said, I'm still waiting for Brooke to hop up on Thomas. She might have to do it to keep him away from Hope, right? Right? 😉

Even though they're cousins I feel like Douglas is going to try to date Beth. Second cousins are legal in most states I think.


Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 5/31/2021 at 3:04 PM, Anna Yolei said:


Yeah, I expect that to happen on the day the sun doesn't rise.

Same. He's a shit hel shell of a human being but he's not a criminal and this was an accident. Unlike all three times Thomas has tried to kill people, Flo going along with a fraudulent adoption (regardless of whether Beth turned out to be her cousin or not) and Quinn's......everything.

Including at least once when he actually did kill someone.Despite Show's ridiculous retconning, we all saw Thomas chase Emma off that cliff, right?!?


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I finally got caught up here, although I have barely been watching since Quarter ended.

I'm hoping when Zoe exits, they resume Quarter, if not sooner. Otherwise, my interest in this show is at a zero.

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16 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Justin also didn’t go after Thomas for running Emma’s car off a cliff. The writers didn’t even allow him to care enough to be angry about his niece’s death. So much missed opportunity and it really further watered down his character. He only ever reappears to prop up Bill. 

He never found out Thomas was even there, I don't think. But yeah, total waste.

Also, I was talking to folks on Twitter who says this story is going at a snail's pace before someone pointed out this has only been going for a few weeks, tops. This show is so bizzare in that stories feel like they've gone on for months because nothing happens. And not in the old fashioned "William J Bell plays a long game for an amazing payoff" way, but in that

*Story begins

*Spend six weeks having the same conversation

*New element is dropped in

*More of the same conversations with the same people


....and it's so dull. By baby switch standards, Beth's was comparatively short at just under 8 months but a good five months of that was just people justifying why Hope and Liam didn't need to know their kid was alive so it felt like three damn years.

I don't even know how Liam gets outta this one and I can't say I care, when nothing will ultimately change with him or anyone else.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Even though they're cousins I feel like Douglas is going to try to date Beth. Second cousins are legal in most states I think.

The 2nd cousin thing wouldn't be an issue - but they are legally siblings once Hope adopted Douglas. That adoption would have to be voided somehow. 

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The 2nd cousin thing wouldn't be an issue - but they are legally siblings once Hope adopted Douglas. That adoption would have to be voided somehow. 

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I still think Caroline will turn out not to be dead and will return to reclaim her son. The adoption would be rendered null and void.


I don't even know how Liam gets outta this one

Similar to the way Ridge decided that Flo had been punished enough by spending a night or two in jail and having to suffer various people coming there to chew her out, I think Thomas will decide Liam is really, really sorry for maybe killing Vinny so he doesn't need to go to prison. That will get Thomas more brownie points with Hope and will shut Liam up permanently about Thomas' relationship with Hope.  IMO the real wild card is Bill. Will he do some time?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Is it wrong that I don't feel any joy in seeing things going well for Steffy right now?

Also, did anybody notice after "the kid's" gender reveal, that Ridge looked squarely at Finn and said, "Good job!" I am so hoping that the doctor was 100% WRONG.

Proximity aside, I still sense ZERO chemistry with Sinn. 

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9 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it wrong that I don't feel any joy in seeing things going well for Steffy right now?


Because instead of Finn being pissed as hell she cheated on him for no good reason that he knows of he absolved her of any wrong-doing and just insta-forgave her and put her even higher on a pedestal and is co-opting Liam's kid so that Steffy is getting EVERYTHING she wants - a complete family with a devoted husband and dad for her two kids - when she hasn't earned it with this dude, IMO.

Yes, she got more than enough grief from Liam, but she also was careless and wreckless with Finn's feelings and with their relationship and has skated on those consequences because the show wants to position Finn as the anti-Liam.

Steffy is getting the picture perfect family she dreamed of with Liam but it really hasn't been earned and I'm hoping that that is part of the story - that in her need to break from Liam and have what she wants that she's not looking her gift horse in the mouth too closely and that it'll eventually bite her in the ass.  Finn will either have some demons/skeletons in his closet and/or have someone like Sheila as a mother or will die tragically and leave Steffy a young widowed mother. I don't buy Sinn having a true happily ever after.

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