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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Sonofabitch! The last 5 minutes got pre-empted for a fucking special report! (And I had just said this morning how I dread the special reports!) Was anybody watching in a time zone that didn't pre-empt the last 5 minutes of today's show? What happened???



I think you can still watch the day's episode for free on the CBS site. I have used it before, it is a pain to sit through all the ads, but if I get home and am preempted I will suffer through!

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Sonofabitch! The last 5 minutes got pre-empted for a fucking special report! (And I had just said this morning how I dread the special reports!) Was anybody watching in a time zone that didn't pre-empt the last 5 minutes of today's show? What happened???

I might have sworn at you when the special report music came on.

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I didn't say that she was or wasn't anything. Just saying what I believe the character's line of thinking is and explaining why she probably thinks that.



Kia112 I knew what you were saying, and I was just talking in generalities about affairs and mistresses. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like I was putting words in your mouth!

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Excited to see how Maya's little sister is going to fit into all of this. Just how old is she supposed to be anyway? Ally's age?, and speaking of Ally, I've seen a couple posts referencing her mental health issues, wasn't here for that, could someone please explain what was up and confirm if she is Darla and Thorne's kid?

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I think you can still watch the day's episode for free on the CBS site. I have used it before, it is a pain to sit through all the ads, but if I get home and am preempted I will suffer through!

I have ad blocking software which used to work...operative words being "used to", now the show stops & I get a message that ad blocking software has been detected & that I'll need to turn it off to continue watching.


speaking of Ally, I've seen a couple posts referencing her mental health issues, wasn't here for that, could someone please explain what was up and confirm if she is Darla and Thorne's kid?

Yes, she is Darla & Thorne's.  As far as her mental heath issues go...she does see her dead mother's head floating around & she has conversations with her; she had severe anger issues with Taylor, who killed Darla in a hit & run (I still recall the days of little girl Ally saying "Tayloh killed mommy"...in fact Taylor & Thorne were supposed to be married & little Ally cut up Taylor's wedding dress); Ally also had that infamous scene where she sniffed Quinn & said she could smell the evil on her.  It seems, though, that Ally got much better once she forgave Taylor & of course got a boyfriend, being that we women folk are useless & insane without a man!

Edited by ByTor
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slayer2, Aly is Darla and Thorne's kid. As a little girl, she flipped out when she found out Taylor, who was about to marry Thorne, was the drunk driver who killed her mother. IIRC, she cut up Taylor's wedding dress.

When she apppeared this year, she was very shy and withdrawn and had had some severe trouble with being bullied. Check out the deleted scene a page or two back between her and Ivy; she talks about never having had a real friend.

Aly's mental health issues have been laid out for us in a couple of ways; primarily, the fact that she sees and talks to Darla on a regular basis. (Darla appears as a floating head surrounded by light, I shit you not.) She was also hysterically protective of Hope and Hope/Liam and completely unable to deal with her idol Hope not only having sexual feelings, but acting on them with Wyatt.

The bet mental health wtf moment, however, was when she declared that she could, and I quote, "smell the evil" of Quinn. She's referenced it since -- she said to someone that she was surprised they couldn't smell the evil.

ETA: Or what bytor said!

Edited by minirth
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I have ad blocking software which used to work...operative words being "used to", now the show stops & I get a message that ad blocking software has been detected & that I'll need to turn it off to continue watching.

I haven't watched online in awhile, but I got around that by turning off the ad-block software to launch the episode, and then turning it back on. The site didn't give me another error and just played the program with no ads. The only drawback was that I couldn't rewind or fast forward.

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Oh Lord. This is sure to get some of you hot and bothered.



Like most of us, I'm puzzled by the Bell-A timeline.  So Rick got home and Caroline tried to initiate some sexy times.  He bolted out, claiming work, which Caroline thought was unreasonable.  To me, that means it's, like, 10 pm.  If you add in going to Maya's and Rick's assumption that Caroline would be asleep by the time he got back, that confirms it to me.  However, Caroline just shuffled over to the main house to get some tea and bumped into Ivy, who was making plans to see a friend's new apartment, and Ridge and Carter were still at work, so now I'm thinking it's 7 or 8 pm.  So...did Ivy not even go to her friend's house after she saw Rick?  Is that how she got home before he did?  What time is it?  It's obviously still early enough to entertain company, since Maya invited Othello over and Aly decided to drop by the guesthouse unannounced.  Then on the Next on B&B, Ivy is over at Maya's confronting her (and Carter is taking his shirt off at the office, talking about how he needs a woman).  What is happening?

Edited by kia112
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A lot of this is moot anyway because Rick insta-fell for Caroline when Maya insta-fell for Carter which was shortly after Dayzee insta-fell for Marcus after falling out of love with Thomas who then insta-fell for Caroline who had insta-fallen for Rick who then insta-loved Maya before insta-falling for Caroline again. This show is stupid. It probably isn't worth all the in-depth analysis we give it because tomorrow Caroline will be in love with Wyatt and Oliver will be chasing Ivy or some shit. Random acts of Stupid, thy name is Bold and the Beautiful.

This is why I like to pretend I'm Eric and just go with whatever's presented to me on that day. Saves a lot of rage.


(I'm not sure if even being lead model would afford a place like that)

Wait a minute, Maya is lead model ? I hadn't heard this.


Also if he dumps her then he loses CEO position

Wait a minute Rick is CEO ? I hadn't heard this.


And Rick is being incredibly shortsighted here.

Ha ha Rick is incredibly SHORT sighted. ;)  Yes i'm that juvenile.


Ivy is made of awesome.


Was Carter wearing a wedding tuxedo today ?


In the last 5 minutes Rick told Ivy his goal was to normalize relations with Cuba........ That may have been the President.*


* I confused President with CEO. 

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GUILTY!!!!!!!!! That scene made the show--I just watched it online--it was well worth it, to say the least! I'm just mad that I don't have it on my DVR due to the special report. (Grrrrrrr!)


Oh, wait.  That aired?  What else aired in the last 2 minutes?


Let's try this again - Aly and Caroline bonding.



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Maya needs to get the Mistressing Handbook 101 to learn the proper etiquette of being a sidepiece. A good mistress never discusses her affairs with anyone. Why does she think this guy would be loyal to her and not his employer?

And Rick, continuing to whine about all the betrayal he has suffered in his widdle life. Please. Maya is the only one that hasn't lied to him? Dude is so clueless.

I have no idea how someone who was married to Amber for nearly five years is still this naive and sheltered about the world. FFS, not even Hopeless is this stupid anymore about Liam.

Speaking of Waffles, someone mentioned that Ivy should look out with Steffy around soon, but I honestly don't know if TIIC would even revisit that. The Steffy/Hope dynamic "worked" because of their family histories and their extreme opposite views on sexuality. So far as I can tell, Ivy reminds me of what Steffy once was when she first came on the show--motivated to move up on own, and knowledgeable of the world--so where would be the conflict? I doubt Ivy is the ice princess Hope was, nor do I think Steffy will remain interested in Liam the Puppet with Wyatt around ;)

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I had another good laugh when he told Ivy in the kitchen that he may be the CEO but she can still talk to him like a friend.



Or, maybe they could talk like cousins?


What is Rick going to do to Ivy? Eric would demand an explanation if something untoward shakes out between them. Rick is in a real pickle now and he might as well face it.


When did Rick take ownership of the Forrester Mansion?


When did Rick take ownership of Forrester Creations?


I am liking all this girl bonding we have been seeing. One of my biggest pet peaves with B&B has been the lack of friendships. I can only think of a few; Brooke and Caroline (in the very beginning), Brooke and Sheila, Stephanie and Lauren, Stephanie and the homeless lady (not Dayzee, this was an older woman and the SL was a long time ago), I remember quite a few during the Dylan, Jessica, Sly, Michael years, but I can't remember who was friends with who. But for a show that has been on nearly thirty years you should be able to tick them off pretty quick.


I was glad to see that Othello was properly outraged, if only temporarily.


Ridge was talking about Caroline 1.0 today. I couldn't believe they went there. That speaks of continuity, and history, and bringing a foundation to the SL.


OH YES! I have waited so long; through all that Hope crap, and filler, but today........TODAY, I got to see some of the smokiest, smokin, raging fire, burning hottness that is Ridge and Caroline.


Like most of us, I'm puzzled by the Bell-A timeline.  So Rick got home and Caroline tried to initiate some sexy times.  He bolted out, claiming work, which Caroline thought was unreasonable.  To me, that means it's, like, 10 pm.  If you add in going to Maya's and Rick's assumption that Caroline would be asleep by the time he got back, that confirms it to me.  However, Caroline just shuffled over to the main house to get some tea and bumped into Ivy, who was making plans to see a friend's new apartment, and Ridge and Carter were still at work, so now I'm thinking it's 7 or 8 pm.  So...did Ivy not even go to her friend's house after she saw Rick?  Is that how she got home before he did?  What time is it?  It's obviously still early enough to entertain company, since Maya invited Othello over and Aly decided to drop by the guesthouse unannounced.  Then on the Next on B&B, Ivy is over at Maya's confronting her (and Carter is taking his shirt off at the office, talking about how he needs a woman).  What is happening?



I found this so damn funny. I was wondering about the timing thing today, everything seemed out of whack, but when it is layed out like that, it defies logic.


I won't copy your entire post Gudzilla, but thanks so much for the laugh.

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I haven't watched online in awhile, but I got around that by turning off the ad-block software to launch the episode, and then turning it back on. The site didn't give me another error and just played the program with no ads. The only drawback was that I couldn't rewind or fast forward.

I used to be able to do that, but CBS somehow catches it.  Do you have different software?  I use Adblock Plus.

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Ridge was talking about Caroline 1.0 today. I couldn't believe they went there. That speaks of continuity, and history, and bringing a foundation to the SL.

Yeah, there's been a bit more of that lately, with the comment about Rick's relationships with Ridge's daughters back when this first broke out. It needed to be addressed, since the first Caroline was a big part of Ridge's growth (for lack of a better word) as a character in the early days.


and a bit of a nitpick that I'm surprised has never been addressed before, but it's driven me crazy that no one thought to nickname Caroline 2.0 as Carrie or some middle name to distigush her more from the original Caroline. Maybe TIIc were only planning on her being a temporary player like most of the under 30 cast was prior to SF's departure, but still...kinda an easy thing to do, no? Same with having two characters named Stephen and Stephanie that interacted with one another and were not related and for FOUR characters in the show'sw history bearing the name William Spencer, including two brothers.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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What is Rick going to do to Ivy? Eric would demand an explanation if something untoward shakes out between them. Rick is in a real pickle now and he might as well face it.


What I like is that this dummy couldn't even get through day 1 of getting Maya a place without getting caught.  He visited her (I'm assuming) in her apartment above a busy coffee shop just fine, but in a luxury apartment with security and a doorman (probably) and he gets caught immediately.  But this dude is supposed to run the company?  He can't even run an affair right.

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Just saw a very young John McCook on a 1968 episode of Dragnet, along with another soap alum - Richard Van Vleet, aka Chuck Tyler from AMC.  I remember the latter (and that evil old crone Phoebe) from when I first started watching soaps in the third grade. Seems like a million years ago.  Anyway, IMDB has JMc appearing in three episodes of Dragnet

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Just saw a very young John McCook on a 1968 episode of Dragnet, along with another soap alum - Richard Van Vleet, aka Chuck Tyler from AMC.  I remember the latter (and that evil old crone Phoebe) from when I first started watching soaps in the third grade. Seems like a million years ago.  Anyway, IMDB has JMc appearing in three episodes of Dragnet

Kitty Redstone, do you remember what the episode was about? JMC was in two episodes of Dragnet in 1968, once as a uniformed cop and again as a sergeant in an IA investigation, and also did another episode in 1969 as another uniformed cop. I have all three on DVD (of course). The IA one is the best one because he has more lines, but the one about racism is good too. I have screencaps and episode links on my blog if you want to have a look. Later in life John also worked again with Harry Morgan (Gannon) in a short-lived show called Blacke's Magic with Hal Linden, who was also on B&B as the sea captain Stephanie dredged up to slander Jackie with. It's a small world after all.


I hope Ivy has the balls to confront Rick the Dick and then goes to Uncle Eric.  BUT, what would be interesting is for Eric to sign the papers, get thrown out of FC and then he takes everyone to start a new design house, including Ridge, Ivy, Carter, Caroline and most of the others, leaving Rick the Dick with his head model and maybe Quinn.  FC would then be in the crapper.

This has happened (at least once) before when Eric et al launched Forrester Originals, I think it was 2007ish? Nick Marone had control of FC after Stephanie pushed Jackie over the balcony and Eric sold the company to him to stop Nick from sending Stephanie to jail. Nick did a good job of tanking the business on his own, and then Brooke's rape sent everyone into a tailspin and she wouldn't model anymore. Then Donna had the bright idea to have Eric buy back FC on the condition that he divorce Stephanie, which he did.


Anyway, part of that deal was about Eric's personal tie to Forrester Creations (his name on the business, etc.), and how it was hard for him to relinquish something he'd worked so hard to build up. Perhaps it wouldn't be quite the same if Rick owned it outright because his name is also Forrester, but I'm not sure Eric would be up to riding the new company merry-go-round again if he was recently prepared to "retire". I think Ridge starting his own company, with or without Caroline, would be the better option.


Oh Lord. This is sure to get some of you hot and bothered.

Lord indeed. If God made man in his image, give me a one way ticket to Heaven!


This is why I like to pretend I'm Eric and just go with whatever's presented to me on that day. Saves a lot of rage.

Ignorance is bliss!


Stephanie and the homeless lady (not Dayzee, this was an older woman and the SL was a long time ago)

Ruthanne? Stephanie asked Eric to help her find her husband Mitchell (I remember this because my brother is a Mitchell).


Same with having two characters named Stephen and Stephanie that interacted with one another and were not related

I understand naming legacy characters after one another (although the Eric/Rick/Little Eric thing hurts my brain), but this was a silly move by Bill Bell. Why did Stephen Logan have to be Stephen? Couldn't he have been a Michael or a Matthew, or a Nick or Glenn or George? Not that it matters anyway; in my mind the Logan patriarch is called P Duffs, like Eric's brother is named Fred (not John - too confusing).
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What I like is that this dummy couldn't even get through day 1 of getting Maya a place without getting caught.


See, I thought it was day 2? So, then Rick had lunchtime sex in the bathtub, and early evening sex too? And they had the meeting at FC's too? Oh, the timing, the timing! My head hurts.


Ruthanne? Stephanie asked Eric to help her find her husband Mitchell



Yes, that sounds right. I think Stephanie met her during the SL where she lost her memory and was living on the streets. Thanks St3phForrester.

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See, I thought it was day 2? So, then Rick had lunchtime sex in the bathtub, and early evening sex too? And they had the meeting at FC's too? Oh, the timing, the timing! My head hurts.


Yes!  Rick's still wearing the same suit with that red polkadot tie and Maya was still wearing her plumb dress when Rick came back in the evening.  That's the same stuff they were wearing before bathtub sex.

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I want Ivy to run and tell everyone about the scumbag.

Bonus points if she drops the bomb at a board meeting while shooting eye daggers at Maya. Bonus bonus points if she tells Caroline and Caroline does it. Karma, biatch!


The only drawback was that I couldn't rewind or fast forward.

I use Adblock Plus and I've found one way to get around that is to let the whole show run at least once and then go back and watch the parts you want by clicking on the progress bar under the video. It doesn't always work though; maybe cookies come into play.


Good use of show history notwithstanding, Ridge mentioning the first Caroline sorta creeped me out. I thought it was like, "Yeah, I got the Original Recipe, OG Caroline and now I'm about to get the New & Improved, So Fresh and So Clean Caroline. Yay me!"

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Just got caught up on the last few eps and oh my!   Ridge's hot daydream is what I'm talking about!    If I must wait for the actual consumation of this relationship then so be it, but keeping bringing me these teasing neargasms.  I know that once it really does happen the full release of my soapgasm will be worth it!   I could do Ridge/Caroline all day!   


Rick is such a little prick isn't he? He takes Caroline back but won't do the deed with her, meanwhile he's shuffling over to the shady mistress pad he bought for Myrna.  If bitch had any dignity and sense in her head she would see that apartment for what it is;  a gift to placate her and keep her from opening her trap and a place for Rick to come rut with her when the mood hits.   Poor lead model, nothing but a second rate mistress who can easily be bought.  I hope that now Ivy knows she will at least confide in someone, maybe it will be Liam who in turn will tell Bill.   Oh what a holiday treat it would be for this viewer if  it's Bill who rips that little punk Rick to shreds! 


Speaking of Bill...I think Katy is a fool if she takes him back.  Brooke is off the grid but once she comes back, Bill will have his head turned again by her.  Bill wants all of his toys and so does Brooke.    I'm not ready to see Brooke and Katy fight over Bill.  

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True that Bill had nothing to do with naming WilLiam, but once you knew Liam was named after you, would you still name your 2nd (3rd, but he didn't know about Wyatt yet)William?

Who is he? George Foreman?

Dumb, but at least their nicknames are different ends of the same name.

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Speaking of Bill...I think Katy is a fool if she takes him back.  Brooke is off the grid but once she comes back, Bill will have his head turned again by her.  Bill wants all of his toys and so does Brooke.    I'm not ready to see Brooke and Katy fight over Bill.


 I agree, I can't see a good reason for Katie to get back with Bill but the cast is so small and incestuous, who else is there for Katie?  I will say I saw some nice chemistry with Eric but I don't think they will go there. Also with Liam, again, no indication they will go there either.

I think that unless they bring on someone new, Katie is stuck with Bill.


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"I understand naming legacy characters after one another (although the Eric/Rick/Little Eric thing hurts my brain)"

There is a Little Eric??? Just when I thought I had figured out who all these people are...

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See, I thought it was day 2? So, then Rick had lunchtime sex in the bathtub, and early evening sex too? And they had the meeting at FC's too? Oh, the timing, the timing! My head hurts.

Yes, that sounds right. I think Stephanie met her during the SL where she lost her memory and was living on the streets. Thanks St3phForrester.

I'm loving all the Raya hookups (as their sole fan on this board) but you bring up a VERY good point. WTH time is it? Is time nonexistent in the B&Bverse? Why was Ivy planning her night and visiting friends while Caroline was dressed for bed and telling Rick to come with her? Do people parade around in lingerie during daylight hours? Okay maybe real people might but do soap people?

Also, if Ridge was still at work whilst Maya and Rick found time to talk and have (what I assume was) lots of sex does that mean it was late in the evening? And if it was late in the evening why was Katie just then putting Will to bed and why did Bill go back to the office after first talking to her?

Also if it wasn't late at night then why wasn't Ivy surprised to see Caroline dressed in a night robe and why was Aly just coming in for the night as Ivy was going out?

And for that matter why then didn't Maya dress back in normal clothes instead of her nightgown (which was very pretty BTW) when Rick left and did Othello come over the same night or the next day, I know Maya was wearing a different outfit but their conversation implied that it was late in the evening. Oh what is going on on this show?

Or maybe we just say 'fuck it' and accept that they're living in some random limbo because they only have a half hour for everything. It's just that Maya was wearing that lovely red dress through her new apartment, her faux firing and another romp with Rick so that implies a really motherfucking long ass day and not one but two sexcapades and does that mean Ivy stomps over to Maya's that same night? Doesn't anyone sleep at all? I just......

Edited by slayer2
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The only sense I can make of the effed-up timing (and it's a stretch!) is that I lived in NYC for 11 years and it was perfectly normal to be starting the night at 10 pm. I came home to my NY apartment at 2 am once and my next-door neighbor was on his way OUT to a club! So I'll chalk it up to city life for the young 'uns, I guess. Otherwise, it's just too mind-boggling.

I'm gonna just go ahead and run with that because otherwise I.just.can't.

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"I understand naming legacy characters after one another (although the Eric/Rick/Little Eric thing hurts my brain)"

There is a Little Eric??? Just when I thought I had figured out who all these people are...

Little Eric (Eric Forrester III) was thought to be the baby by Rick's first gold digger...er,wife Amber who had fooled around with a black guy played by Usher at about the same time. She gets outta town to give birth to a white baby that was stillborn.

Luckily for Amber, her cousin gave birth the same day and put that baby up for adoption, so she and her hustler mother switch the infants. This leads to many chain of events for years afterwards, including Deacon' introduction, and Hope's sparkly existence by extension.

The only sense I can make of the effed-up timing (and it's a stretch!) is that I lived in NYC for 11 years and it was perfectly normal to be starting the night at 10 pm. I came home to my NY apartment at 2 am once and my next-door neighbor was on his way OUT to a club! So I'll chalk it up to city life for the young 'uns, I guess. Otherwise, it's just too mind-boggling.

Actually, that's been the norm in almost every country I've visited. I was stationed less than an hour from Tokyo till last year and most of the clubs in the Shinjuku and Harajuku and Shibuya districts would still have folks trickling outta them at the same time that businessmen would be heading to work. Some sailors that were more...shall we say dedicated to the clubs told me some clubs stayed open till noon to accommodate other club employees!
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I'm loving all the Raya hookups (as their sole fan on this board) but you bring up a VERY good point. WTH time is it? Is time nonexistent in the B&Bverse? Why was Ivy planning her night and visiting friends while Caroline was dressed for bed and telling Rick to come with her? Do people parade around in lingerie during daylight hours? Okay maybe real people might but do soap people?

Also, if Ridge was still at work whilst Maya and Rick found time to talk and have (what I assume was) lots of sex does that mean it was late in the evening? And if it was late in the evening why was Katie just then putting Will to bed and why did Bill go back to the office after first talking to her?

Also if it wasn't late at night then why wasn't Ivy surprised to see Caroline dressed in a night robe and why was Aly just coming in for the night as Ivy was going out?

And for that matter why then didn't Maya dress back in normal clothes instead of her nightgown (which was very pretty BTW) when Rick left and did Othello come over the same night or the next day, I know Maya was wearing a different outfit but their conversation implied that it was late in the evening. Oh what is going on on this show?

Or maybe we just say 'fuck it' and accept that they're living in some random limbo because they only have a half hour for everything. It's just that Maya was wearing that lovely red dress through her new apartment, her faux firing and another romp with Rick so that implies a really motherfucking long ass day and not one but two sexcapades and does that mean Ivy stomps over to Maya's that same night? Doesn't anyone sleep at all? I just......

In response to the bolded text: Scoot over. Table for two here. Is the guy who plays Othello a real actor or a friend of the writing team? He is the worst actor I've ever seen...

Edited by tricknasty
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You should be able to unblock it. 

Yeah, that's what I do, I'm just annoyed I have to be stuck watching commercials...and the SAME ONES over & over! One for Ritz crackers & some kind of raw dog food, both of which are REALLY LOUD!!!!, and the KMart one where a line of men are slapping their guts in tune to some Christmas song.  Gone are the days when I can watch B&B in 20 min. 


I can't believe there was a time when I found Rick to be a rootable character.  I could see him being angry with Caroline, I can even understand (but not condone) his affair with Maya, but what I can't understand is his babyish whining.  It is really ridiculous that Eric is making him stay married to Caroline to keep the CEO position, but that never would have happened if the little brat didn't try to tank the line from the latest fashion show.

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The only sense I can make of the effed-up timing (and it's a stretch!) is that I lived in NYC for 11 years and it was perfectly normal to be starting the night at 10 pm. I came home to my NY apartment at 2 am once and my next-door neighbor was on his way OUT to a club! So I'll chalk it up to city life for the young 'uns, I guess. Otherwise, it's just too mind-boggling.

That would make sense to me if she was going out, but she was just going to someone's apartment! To look at it.

Oh, and Othello's a DJ in real life, just like he is on the show. That's his real name and everything. I don't know how he got this gig, though.

Edited by kia112
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Kitty Redstone, do you remember what the episode was about? JMC was in two episodes of Dragnet in 1968, once as a uniformed cop and again as a sergeant in an IA investigation, and also did another episode in 1969 as another uniformed cop. I have all three on DVD (of course). The IA one is the best one because he has more lines, but the one about racism is good too. I have screencaps and episode links on my blog if you want to have a look. Later in life John also worked again with Harry Morgan (Gannon) in a short-lived show called Blacke's Magic with Hal Linden, who was also on B&B as the sea captain Stephanie dredged up to slander Jackie with. It's a small world after all.


It was The Big Problem, St3phForrester.  It was on but I wasn't really paying attention, and just happened to look up to see John and then Richard.  You have an awesome blog!  The one and only episode of Murder, She Wrote that John did is in my top five favorites of that series.  I remember watching it in high school way back in '86, and then not again until A&E started showing repeats in the late 90s.  Blacke's Magic also sounds familiar (and since it was a mystery show I probably watched it) but none of the screen caps look familiar.  I had no idea Hal Linden was on B&B.   It is a small world, indeed.



Oh what a holiday treat it would be for this viewer if  it's Bill who rips that little punk Rick to shreds! 


I would also like that.  Very much.  Rick is a horrible and petty little user.

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In response to the bolded text: Scoot over. Table for two here. Is the guy who plays Othello a real actor or a friend of the writing team? He is the worst actor I've ever seen...

Yay! Have a seat! Agreed on Othello, but I guess if he's a real DJ that explains things. Stunt casting and all.

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Yeah, that's what I do, I'm just annoyed I have to be stuck watching commercials...and the SAME ONES over & over! One for Ritz crackers & some kind of raw dog food, both of which are REALLY LOUD!!!!, and the KMart one where a line of men are slapping their guts in tune to some Christmas song.  Gone are the days when I can watch B&B in 20 min.

If you're using Firefox or some other Mozilla-based browser, install both NoScript and AdBlock Plus. On the CBS site you can leave ABP off and instead use NoScript to  keep the ads from running. I never see any ads when I watch B&B or Y&R online.


It is really ridiculous that Eric is making him stay married to Caroline to keep the CEO position, but that never would have happened if the little brat didn't try to tank the line from the latest fashion show.

I think if Eric were anything but a doddering old fool, he could've dealt with Rick's bad behavior without involving Caroline. I don't understand why he keeps putting her into a position of being used as a tool by both Rick and Ridge. It's like Eric has some subconscious hostility toward her and Ridge and Rick are his weapons. $Bill's probably going to end up putting a beatdown on Rick the same way he did Ridge but it's probably Eric who really needs a good butt-kicking as far as Caroline is concerned.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Maybe I'm being generous with the writers, but it was the solstice yesterday.  Where I am, it's dark before 5 pm these days.  Caroline was probably in her robe because she thought she and Rick would be having sexy time when he got home from work. 

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True that Bill had nothing to do with naming WilLiam, but once you knew Liam was named after you, would you still name your 2nd (3rd, but he didn't know about Wyatt yet)William?



Storm gave Katie a heart for heavens' sake, she could've name her firstborn Stephen Logan Spencer.

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I like the fact that Ivy wasn't too judgy and tried to talk to Rick. Rick should have taken that opportunity to try to relate to Ivy as a person (cause she's the closest thing we've got to a real person who reacts to things the way a real person would) instead of trying to threaten her with something that he really can't make good on. Plus firing her wouldn't stop her from telling anyway. She should have left Maya alone, though. Like Maya said, she doesn't know her and you can't expect to be received well if you're ignorant of both your subject and the situation. Rick is the only person who can control Rick's behavior.

All the talk of Rick loving Maya and wanting to marry Maya...that was last year. He hasn't said anything remotely close to that this time around. Delusional. P

Didn't Ridge just get dumped earlier that night and Carter's trying to get him to go clubbing already? Sounds about right for him.

Oh Caroline. Babies never fix anything. Rookie mistake.

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Oh Rick, knock up your gorgeous wife and you just KNOW Eric will sign the papers. I don't mean it though, I don't want that bristly worm getting nasty Maya cooties all over Caro. And why exactly did Maya confess to Othello? And texted him and had him come over specifically TO tell him? I didn't realize Maya even KNEW Othello. We know that Steffy's and Rick know him, and the toothy entertainment "reporter", but when did he and Maya become best girlfriends?

I don't remember who said it, but Maya has no friends.

Now with Hope off communing with butterflies, what does Quinn do all day? Wyatt? Their jobs used to be following and obsessing over Hope. At least Liam has something else to do, damn if we see him doing it though.

Looks like Ivy flipped on the Crazy Eyes in Maya.

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Storm gave Katie a heart for heavens' sake, she could've name her firstborn Stephen Logan Spencer.

You mean Storm Logan Spencer? But I agree, I mean, Jesus. If you can't get a namesake after donating your damn heart then what can you get it for? Oh right....cheating on your wife with a selfish tart.

Now Caroline wants a band-aid baby? Fuck off. Seriously. Marriage isn't working and we're barely in the same room together so let's drag an innocent baby into it. What is this 1960? Idiot.

As for Ivy, she needs to focus on her own damn problems. Which currently is Liam pining after Hope, still. Always. Where is he even? Did he follow her to Milan when she evaporated?

Edited by slayer2
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Wasn't Storm a nickname? I always thought he was Stephen Logan Jr.

Oh shit, colour me disappointed. That was one of the show's major draws for me in the beginning. The bizarre names that have somehow now become commonplace amongst celebrity babies.

Dear Ivy,

Perhaps you might want to take but a moment to STFU. If you so desire to admonish your cousin(?)it is your own (albeit very silly) perogative, barring the fact that it really doesn't concern you (because you don't know about the business takeover yet) and you and Caroline are no Blair and Serena, but you're rich and you're bored, and one does have much time to wile away the hours and dollars.

But might I be so bold as to declare that you know not the ways or life of Maya so you need to back the fuck up. Certainly you had not yet arrived to this timeless city limbo, where we measure time by love triangles and quadrangles.Nor were you here to bear witness to the plethora of petulant, cruel (dare I say) shenanigans that Caroline and her faithful lapdog Uncle Bill exacted on Maya, the very least of which Maya is indulging in now.

Therefore as kia rightly pointed out, one might wisely consider leaving Maya to herself and returning your attention (if you must) to chastising your family and/or minding your own Australian beeswax.

Secondly I do hope that that wretched Steffy makes a magnificent beeline for Liam when she comes home so that you might feel the sting of what true crazy really is. Let it serve as a reminder that we must always be mindful of our own love lives before the coitus interuptus of others. Oh but you will long for the sweet, sweet days of emotional ambiguity and nervous passive aggression of Hope as Steffy makes breakfast with your resident Waffle and I shall not be too mature to utter a most triumphant 'I told you so'.

Edited by slayer2
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If you're using Firefox or some other Mozilla-based browser, install both NoScript and AdBlock Plus. On the CBS site you can leave ABP off and instead use NoScript to  keep the ads from running.

I do use Firefox, I'll give your method a try tonight, thanks! :)

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I was so excited to see today's eppy, but sadly the whole thing fell flat for me.   Othello is like a block of wood and I'm tired of Myrna and her goofy grins as she gushes about little Pricky.   This chick is just delighted to be a kept mistress and honestly aside from the view, that apartment isn't all that.  The Forresters are loaded and considering how much money Myrna's sugar daddy has, this apartment with the tub in the living room is still low brow. 


I don't have feelings one way or the other about JY as Rick, but something about his constant pouting and whiny voice bugs;  I can't take him seriously as anything other than a spoiled little man child.  I don't get the appeal of him for either woman.  I get that TK is not sporting rock hard abs or a youthful face, but there is something very manly and commanding about him that I dig and if I were Caroline, there would just be no contest for me.   


Ivy should have put a finger on Rick's forehead and reminded his ass that she is a Forrester by blood and he's got no hold over her, then she should have told him she was going straight to her Uncle Eric to tell him about the shenanigans with Myrna.  


I did chuckle though at Myrna trying to be tough with Ivy and saucing up her threats with some Aussie flavor with  "boomerang and didgeridoo".   I did love Ivy cracking Myrna's face with the dignity comment.  It's time someone told that cheap mistress how it is. 


Caroline love...a baby won't fix the marriage.  It only highlights the cracks in the marriage.  This is one time I will thank Rick for not wanting to have sex with his wife.  The last thing I want is my sweet Caroline knocked up by that stunted man child.   


I need more Ridge daydreaming of Caroline.  

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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