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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 7/24/2020 at 10:06 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Could be worse for her--she could have been a newborn separated from her mother for almost a year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The gall of this bitch.

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"I wish I knew how to quit you!"

Geez Wyatt, do you think you were offended enough? Sally was wrong, but at least her actions were understandable. And who did she hurt really? You and you? No one else gives one flying fig about Sally, so she couldn't hurt anyone but you and herself. Flo, OTOH, hurt three families, nearly destroying Hope. And her actions will have far reaching consequences, while Sally's act will be put away as just one of those things. How many people have faked illnesses on Show? Eric, Stephanie, Rick, Stephen Logan; just to name a few. How many baby nappings have we had? Morgan, Sheila, Stephanie; but those were all out of craziness or revenge. Flo did it for money, and would have never confessed if she hadn't been outed by a five year old. And Flo hurt Wyatt's brother, and had no intention of relieving his pain or his wife's pain. Please, pull Sally away from this mess. Let Wyatt have his little fucking felon. I want to see Sally and Bill. I said that a long time ago, and I am still shipping it. 

Really Ridge? Like you have never "accidentally" hurt someone. Rick? Shane? Grant? I know I should feel sorry for you. You lost Phoebe, nearly lost Thomas, and now your precious Steffy. And of course your bat shit crazy wife is MIA. But Ridge, those tears? You know your mother died a few years back, the woman who loved you above everything else on this earth. A woman who was more involved with your life than you were, and you couldn't be bothered to come home and see her before she died because you were off pouting over a text message. Your love for Steffy is unnatural, just like your mother's was for you. 

Can we drop Ridge and Wyatt on some island for dolts? 

9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

To be fair, this past week of episodes were filmed in late February or early March before the shutdown (minus the recap episode last Monday) so there's gonna be at least a couple weeks before any post-'rona episodes hit the airwaves. 

That said, given how quickly this Sally thing was scheduled to wrap up...why bother? In the 2010s, it seemed like there was only one story that sucked up the entire show and now the '20s are gonna be stories that work on ludicrious speed for plots that should at a minimum play out between sweeps periods.

Welcome back btw 🙂

Right. I guess I wasn't being exactly fair. This mess hit them broadside just like everyone else, and I suppose they do need to wrap up the current um.....eh.......uh........SLs. But please, I don't want to see Katie and Brooke arguing over Bill. I don't want to see Brooke chasing after Widge, begging for her destiny. Bring back Sally's crew and let her set up shop with Bill's help. Give Brooke a new man that is not a Forrester or Spencer. Steffy too. Cut Brooke's fucking hair. Stuff long objects down Flo and Shauna's throats so we don't have to hear them wax on about their individual wonderfulness. 

And thanks for the welcome back, although I am not entirely sure how I feel about it. 

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On 7/23/2020 at 11:06 PM, ByaNose said:

DD got very full in the face. Add that with the beard he looked heavier. 

Same with Scott Clifton. I was wondering if maybe they had fillers in their faces? I was craning my neck to see if they were beefier body-wise because they're just really puffy-looking. 😳

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Wyatt browbeating Sally about lying every single time he saw her is just...


WTF did he call what Flo did, every day with him and her very own cousin? For the better part of a YEAR?

And for Flo to stand in judgment after all of her crimes, kidnapping, human trafficking, falsifying documents, falsifying an adoption, pocketing illegally obtained funds, HIPPA. I mean, can someone, anyone please drop her off the nearest cliff?


She can also miss me with me saying how nice she was being to Sally and how much she cares about Wyatt. 

Except for the cheating with Wyatt behind Sally's back both times - a fact which she still knows NOTHING about. 

Except for the "hurry the fuck up and die already, bitch" attitude. And that was BEFORE Flo knew she wasn't dying.

Except for the looking at Sally's medical records, which she is completely glossing over.


And she can STFU forever about bringing in the authorities. Last time I checked, faking an illness is not a crime. 

And now these two self-serving, hypocritical assholes have caused Sally to have a mental break. And all to prop up a baby thief!!!


Sally deserves a million times better and should save all her tears as Wyatt's rancid ass isn't worth it but at least I'm glad she called him out for betraying her FIRST. He not only betrayed her, he threw her away like she was trash. When the real trash is the blond heifer standing next to him. The only reason her multiple-felonies-committed ass isn't in jail is because Ridge wanted to save Thomas' ass. She should still be sitting in a cell right beside Dr. Buckingham.

Courtney Hope knocked it out of the park today with her pain and desperation and devastation. 

Elsewhere, Steffy's got hooked on pills Very Special Storyline begins and I really don't care much about that thus far.

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Flo chastising Sally and Dr. Peloton Eyebrows nearly made me throw up. She’s the very last person on the planet to lecture anyone about lying!!! I cannot believe that Wyatt is with her after finding out that she knew all about Hope and Liam’s baby being alive all of that time. Blech.

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15 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Flo chastising Sally and Dr. Peloton Eyebrows nearly made me throw up. She’s the very last person on the planet to lecture anyone about lying!!! I cannot believe that Wyatt is with her after finding out that she knew all about Hope and Liam’s baby being alive all of that time. Blech.

Blech indeed.

But considering Wyatt forgive his mother for kidnapping and raping his own brother and trying to kill him multiple times, this is probably a drop in the bucket for him.

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I know I’ve said this before but Bell and this show really, truly don’t deserve Courtney Hope. Her final scene before the fainting spell made me tear up. Sally is the character that just can’t catch a break. I’m glad she was able to give Wyatt what for right before the end of the ep.

And are these writers serious about Flo’s indignation and self-righteousness after she lied to her kin and kept her cousin from reuniting with her baby for a whole a** year? As a viewer. I would have had so much more more respect for the character of Flo if she’d at least shown some self-awareness and compassion for Sally. Also, the dialogue would have been a lot more interesting if Sally had at least acknowledged Flo was going way left (“really, you’re going there, baby thief?”). 

Honestly, it’d make more sense for Wyatt to be drawn to Sally’s bat-ish crazy love and plot to win him over given who his mother is.

In any case, Bell is so irritating. He must know how popular Sally is and I’m convinced this is his way of trolling her fans and his warning he’ll keep using Sally as the proverbial punching bag for the rest of the B&B elite. 

Time out in quarantine seemed to do nothing to improve Bell’s creativity and, honestly this show is so dumb, but I’ll begrudgingly keep watching as long as Courtney Hope is on contract! 

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Whee, I see you all already covered my rants about Wyatt and Flo's absurd hypocrisy toward Sally. Excellent work. 🤗

Heh, looked like Dr. Finn imprinted on woozy Steffy when she saw him standing in front of her bed. Isn't that similar to how she originally got hung up on Liam? Ruh, roh.

Man, Courtney Hope killed it today. Stellar performance. 👑🏆💐

I almost guffawed when they showed Dr. Escobar making her "my husband thinks I'm fat?" Peloton face. I bet that's the main reason they hired the Penny actress, so she could make that face at key moments. Too bad she can't trademark it, lol.

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Amen to that! CH killed her scenes. It also killed me that Wyatt was standing there with pursed lips and crunched brow and Flo looking all indignant. I wished Sally had slapped the taste out of that lying baby-napper's mouth. Why Wyatt chose her over Sally makes me SMH.

Am I mistaken, but doe Bill seem W-A-A-Y more concerned about Hauxdi than he was when Katie was dying of kidney failure?

Since when does a detective track down traffic accident victims (Bill was a victim, too.) in the hospital? A responding officer should have taken a full report at the scene and left. I think the police only go to the hospital if it's something like a DUI other mitigating circumstances.

KKL must have been sweltering in that high-necked satin blouse. Please have a new day and change of clothes for everybody SOON!

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I bet that's the main reason they hired the Penny actress, so she could make that face at key moments.


I keep trying to figure out if they want us to hate Flo.  Cause there is nothing about her that is appealing. 

ian richardson baps GIF

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I wasn't watching B&B when Flo first came on the scene, so I never saw her involvement in the baby-napping. I looked at a couple of websites to get a summary of what happened during that storyline, but they didn't really explain Flo's motivation for what she did. Why did she do it ? The show seems to be treating her as "redeemed". Usually it's easier to redeem a character if they had good intentions when they did their awful deed. Was there any good intent behind what Flo did ? 

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Just now, Benji said:

I wasn't watching B&B when Flo first came on the scene, so I never saw her involvement in the baby-napping. I looked at a couple of websites to get a summary of what happened during that storyline, but they didn't really explain Flo's motivation for what she did. Why did she do it ? The show seems to be treating her as "redeemed". Usually it's easier to redeem a character if they had good intentions when they did their awful deed. Was there any good intent behind what Flo did ? 

She apparently did it to help out her friend (the Doc) who was "in a bind". Oh, and for the $50K.  Even when she found it was Hope's baby, she kept the secret to cover her own ass.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, looked like Dr. Finn imprinted on woozy Steffy when she saw him standing in front of her bed. Isn't that similar to how she originally got hung up on Liam? Ruh, roh.

It never bodes well for a couple when they meet when one of them is in unimaginable pain and the other is doping them up with drugs to take the edge off. 😒

Again, a better introduction? Steffy’s finishing an iced coffee when she comes out to find Finn admiring her bike. She asks if he rides and he says used to until I became a doctor. Getting her flirt on she offers him a lift and he declines but tells her to ride safe. She revs the engine and smiles cheekily as she rides off with him watching her drive off and out of sight unable to take his eyes off this ‘badass raven haired woman’.

There you have a positive association between them established before the medical drama so that their first interaction isn’t him being her doctor. Finn already has the deck stacked against him in terms of longevity. Money says he ends up being like Lorenzo Lamos and going nutty/being controlling. And the more they focus on Bill in all of this the more I think they’re truly setting up him being the new love interest for Steffy. But if they go there then darnit go there and let them explore being a true couple for at least a year before their marriage has issues.

Sally went the way of Julia on ATWT. Jack and Carly’s denial dance and Jack’s false promises and jerking Julia around put that woman through the wringer until they finally broke her and she went absolutely bonkers deranged to the point of tying up Jack (now married to Carly) and raping him so she could have his child. At least they didn’t have Sally go that far but she came damn close. Faking an illness isn’t illegal but assault, kidnapping, and imprisonment sure enough is so...yeah.

Det. Sanchez has some good lines especially eyeballing Bill and being ‘Dude, don’t make me drag my ass back here to break up a fight where you’re getting your ass probably deservedly kicked because you don’t have the good sense and manners to leave while the family of the woman you hit are hovering about.’ Why couldn’t Det. Sanchez be for Zoe or Vinnie or Shauna or Katie or Donna?

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

This is hideous even on the fit model.



I will say I don’t understand this top on KKL. It doesn’t scream summer to me. It doesn’t even scream California summer to me. Of course, Brooke was at work earlier....I think. Hopefully, she is able to leave the hospital soon and change. I also agree it’s too much on the fit model, too. That’s a lot of fabric to carry. Anyway, DD still looked fuller and TK hair is a greasy mess. I know there’s a pandemic going on but the B&B hair people could have given him a trim before shooting. It’s nice to see new episodes though. There isn’t much on that’s new right now and I’m happy to have a little half hour show to watch. 

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9 hours ago, smijca said:

I would have had so much more more respect for the character of Flo if she’d at least shown some self-awareness and compassion for Sally.

Allowing my boyfriend (Wyatt) to live with his ex and cater to his ex, at the cost of putting our relationship on hold is plenty enough compassion for Sally in my book.

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Ever hear of beating a dead horse Ridge? It has been established that Bill and Steffy had a car accident. It is called an "accident" on purpose. Shut your ugly mouth; Bill already feels bad enough. 

Same for you Flo. You don't get to judge anyone, you self righteous bitch. 

Courtney was amazing, but I hate seeing Sally subjugate herself that way. She doesn't owe Flo a damn thing and certainly not an explanation. Was Sally invited to watch Flo confess to Wyatt, and witness her humiliation? But Wyatt's little felonious grifter had to be front and center to make sure Wyatt does the right thing and dumps Sally. Insecure wench. If Sally's fainting makes Wyatt want to stay with her I think my head will explode. 

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If Sally's fainting makes Wyatt want to stay with her I think my head will explode. 

The title of Waffle Boy would officially transfer to him, I think. 😒

I know it won't happen but I thought it would be amazing if Sally had actually dropped dead. What a soap opera twist that would be if, after all this time of pretending she was dying, Sally actually died. Wyatt and Flo would have to live with that moment for the rest of their lives.

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

If Sally's fainting makes Wyatt want to stay with her I think my head will explode. 

Don't think I didn't miss seeing the joy and relief on Wyatt's face (he was almost in tears) when he realized Sally wasn't dying after all.

The heifer didn't miss it because she immediately started fixing her hypocritical mouth to talk about the very bad, terrible, no good Sally.

I can honestly say I have never despised a character as much as this one. She's not a heroine, she's not a love-to-hate villain. She's just a waste of space that I would FF through but for CH being in her scenes of late.

All she can talk about is how she was wronged and how she was so giving and so sacrificing of her time with Wyatt for Sally. Nevermind how she did her own cousin dirty and gaslit the shit out of her and everyone else with her lies and all to save her own ass. Nevermind that she did all this "sacrificing," thinking Sally was going to the great beyond in a few weeks so what's a measly few weeks to her? Besides, all the kissing and dry humping she did behind Sally's back with Wyatt both times he was supposedly committed to Sally probably, if you add those cheating sessions up (and that's just the physical part), lasted a good month or so. So they are more than even in my book. And Wyatt is a sanctimonious asshole too. Remember how Wyatt dumped Sally over one mistake regarding Thomas and practically tripped running back to the baby thief?

When you add in the fact that Flo was practically salivating over the prospect of Sally dying and downright annoyed that she was taking too long (the nerve of her!) and Wyatt was right there with her, when I think of what Sally did, wrong as it was, vs Flo AND Wyatt?


But lord knows show needs a new punching bag now that Brooke has (mostly) been put out to pasture. 

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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whee, I see you all already covered my rants about Wyatt and Flo's absurd hypocrisy toward Sally. Excellent work. 🤗

Heh, looked like Dr. Finn imprinted on woozy Steffy when she saw him standing in front of her bed. Isn't that similar to how she originally got hung up on Liam? Ruh, roh.

Man, Courtney Hope killed it today. Stellar performance. 👑🏆💐

I almost guffawed when they showed Dr. Escobar making her "my husband thinks I'm fat?" Peloton face. I bet that's the main reason they hired the Penny actress, so she could make that face at key moments. Too bad she can't trademark it, lol.

So do all the doctors on this show have to come from a tv commercial?  We've got Dr. Peloton and I recognize Dr. Finn as that guy on the Liberty Mutual commercial who portrays an "actor" who flubs his lines, then it's finally dubbed.

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12 hours ago, MsTree said:

Allowing my boyfriend (Wyatt) to live with his ex and cater to his ex, at the cost of putting our relationship on hold is plenty enough compassion for Sally in my book.

Touché (although whether or not Flo was sincere given she was practically complaining that Sally hadn’t dropped dead already is in question).

But I was referring to Flo being self-aware and compassionate at the moment of Sally explaining her misguided plan.

Instead, we see the baby-stealing heifer get on her sanctimonious and hypocritical high horse and gleefully and annoyingly shame Sally for her actions while Flo did something that was not only cruel but also kept up a lie that would have ended her cousin’s unimaginable pain and suffering. 

In the grand scheme of things, Wyatt and Flo look ridiculous for even getting after Sally much less berating her.

Edited by smijca
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On 7/29/2020 at 4:58 PM, Benji said:

I wasn't watching B&B when Flo first came on the scene, so I never saw her involvement in the baby-napping. I looked at a couple of websites to get a summary of what happened during that storyline, but they didn't really explain Flo's motivation for what she did. Why did she do it ? The show seems to be treating her as "redeemed". Usually it's easier to redeem a character if they had good intentions when they did their awful deed. Was there any good intent behind what Flo did ? 


By comparison, B&B did another baby switch some 20 years ago and while the person who orchestrated that wasn't exactly a heroine, we'd gotten to know her and seen glimpses of her goodness (like standing up to Sheila, for example). Keeping up her new cushy life as a Forrester isn't noble, but it sure beats "I don't wanna go to jail UwU" for motivation.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Allowing my boyfriend (Wyatt) to live with his ex and cater to his ex, at the cost of putting our relationship on hold is plenty enough compassion for Sally in my book.   

Except for the part where Wyatt is a grown-ass man who doesn't need his girlfriend allowing him to do anything. He chose to live with Sally, having deciding it was the least he could do for the supposed few weeks she had left to live. Meanwhile, he could feel pretty confident he wasn't going to lose Flo over it, not in the long run, anyway. He had Quinn and Shauna to keep pushing Flo at him even if she did balk at his time with Sally.

IMO Flo's "benevolence" was mostly about relieving herself of the tiny amount of shame she felt for stepping into Sally and Wyatt's relationship and helping Wyatt break up with Sally--twice. Her ending up with Wyatt in poor dead Sally's wake was going to be a bad look for her unless she could change the narrative somehow. All this mouthing off she's doing now IMO is to head off exposure of how she was using her seeming generosity with her boyfriend to prop her own image.

Frankly, I don't think Flo is capable of compassion. From where I sit, every act of hers seems to be run through a "what's in it for me" filter first.


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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Except for the part where Wyatt is a grown-ass man who doesn't need his girlfriend allowing him to do anything. He chose to live with Sally, having deciding it was the least he could do for the supposed few weeks she had left to live. Meanwhile, he could feel pretty confident he wasn't going to lose Flo over it, not in the long run, anyway. He had Quinn and Shauna to keep pushing Flo at him even if she did balk at his time with Sally.

Right..."allow" was the wrong word. I should have said "encouraged".

Wyatt could be confident going in and for what he thought might only be maybe a month or so. BUT, if Sally's plan had come to fruition, he might have lost Flo over it, as I seriously doubt Sally would have been as generous and "encouraged" Wyatt to continue a relationship with Flo.

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Another AMAZING performance by the fabulous Courtney Hope today! Still hated that they’ve got her going all tail between her legs with Flo and Wyatt though. If we can just speed this along and get our favorite redhead back to being the sassy, fun and kooky fashion designer we grew to love it’d be much appreciated.

Given that Bell and writers are so focused on having Sally stress how rejected and cast out she’s felt starting in childhood I hope this is all leading somewhere interesting...like Sally having someone try to pursue her, having her luck turn. I’m still laughing that as much as TIIC tried to ruin Sally’s character, Courtney Hope’s acting had new fans turning in, old fans cheering her on and even some who were on the fence about her begrudgingly admitting to feeling for her. Like it or not, the Sally character has an impressive following. It’s only apropos to leave with this gem:




Edited by smijca
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They really need to update the opening credits. Why are Taylor and Zende still there? I barely remember the last time either of them was around. Whatever, I guess they'll come up with some goofy excuse for Taylor not showing up while Steffy's in the hospital in bad shape.

Kelly's going to be staying at the cabin with Hope and Liam. Wow, it only took Steffy having a major traffic accident for Liam to be able to see Kelly away from the cliff house.

Oh please, Wyatt. "Former fiance" doesn't really rank as "family."

Panic attack! Called it!

AYFKMWTS? Flo had the nerve to go in as one of Sally's visitors? This bish.

Sally, three strikes and you're out. Let Wyatt go, once and for all. This is a man who repeatedly has had no problem dumping you like yesterday's garbage. He's not worth it.

Why wouldn't they have Steffy on a morphine drip that she can control herself? Is that not done anymore?

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why wouldn't they have Steffy on a morphine drip that she can control herself? Is that not done anymore?

I didn't think it was. Not that the wealthy elites don't have their means of getting what they want or finding a less-than-ethical doctor (see also: Michael Jackson) but from what those in medicine have told me, morphine drips.are reserved for terminal patients for which addiction is not a concern. 

And to be honest, I can't blame them. I had one after dislocating my shoulder and they thought they may need to do emergency surgery. Relaxed me right up that my shoulder righted itself within 30 seconds of getting it into me. :3 I see why nurses got hooked on it in the 80s.

5 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Sally is a great character...carrying on the tradition established by Sally and Macy.  Always over looked in favor of those pesky Logan's 

And now they have the Spencers and Forresters to shit over them! Hooray!

God, I've never seen a show work this hard to villanize a character and backfire so quickly since ATWT had Craig nearly poison a pregnant Meg Synder, who was every bit up her own ass as Flo and Steffy. This show absolutely does not deserve CH's wasted talent.


ETA: I also feel bad for Katrina Bowman too. I don't have strong feelings about her acting but Flo had got to be the single most universally despised character in B&B's history. The only time I've seen anything in Flo's favor was when Brooke showed her ass during Flo's recovery and made it about Ridge and Shauna. I know there have been some true Hail Mary recoveries  in this genre but I don't see a road for Flo's longevity.

Edited by Anna Yolei
Spelling errors I didn't catch the first time I edited this post lol
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5 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think the universe is trying to tell Steffy to give up biking. 


Steffy's pain was making me nuts.  If it's broken ribs give her a lidocaine patch and shut her up.

Brooke's blouse walked into the room before she did.  

I kind of look forward to Krazy Kloseups.  I'll be scared when Thomas shows up.  They're so badly done that it's funny.  I only watch GH when certain actors are on and I'll be curious to see how they handle all the blocking.

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So, I finally get the "Peloton" thing; I didn't connect those dots. And Dear Lord; the Liberty Bibberty guy? Me and Mr. R laugh so hard at that commercial. What I don't understand is how he could be so funny in a tv ad, but seems like a walking block of concrete on B&B. OH! Stupid me; it's B&B! 

Let it go Sally. Let it gooooooooooooooooooooo; the dude does not want you. And why would you want him? Wyatt's principles about truth and honesty have never made any sense. Just look at how mad he was at you over talking to Thomas about Hope. I mean, he broke up with you because you hadn't been honest. Of course he never disclosed that he had been making out with Flo every chance he got, and that is while you were still living with him, and in a relationship with him. Sally, here is the thing with Wyatt. He only understands crazy, and can only forgive crazy. For him, the only way his little sweetart could have been involved in a baby selling scheme, was if she was temporarily out of her mind. No matter that she realized $50K. It was all about the crazy. 

OMG. it was an accident people! Bill didn't get this much grief over blowing up his son and Sally. 

On 7/30/2020 at 10:32 AM, CountryGirl said:

I can honestly say I have never despised a character as much as this one.

I wholeheartedly agree. And it really pisses me off because Flo could have been taken in an entirely different direction. She is a long lost member of a core family, and she was handled so badly. There is no way she will ever be accepted by the Logan's now. And the writing for her isn't helping. Sanctimonious little wench. Running around acting like you have rights. 

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They really need to update the opening credits. Why are Taylor and Zende still there?

Get out of my head @Joimiaroxeu; I had the exact same thought as I watched the credits. They should bring Taylor back; her daughter is in the hospital, and the character has a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up. Zende? .............

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

AYFKMWTS? Flo had the nerve to go in as one of Sally's visitors? This bish.

Took the words out of my mouth

5 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

Brooke's blouse walked into the room before she did. 

!!!!!!!! I was struggling for air as I watched Brooke gasp our her words. 

@smijca; I want a pair of those in pink please, size L. 

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16 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Wyatt's principles about truth and honesty have never made any sense

He's only as honest as it benefits him to do so. Remember how he suspected Mommy Dearest may know where Liam was but didn't follow up on that until he was married to Steffy? He also had absolutely no shame demanding he be given the house Liam and Hope lived in weeks after finding out Bill was his father and sitting on the truth about Bill and Steffy because Daddy bribed him until the last moment (even if Liam should've had absolutely no doubts because STEFFY FUCKED BILL, but....).

I'll be honest: the only thing I've ever liked about Wyatt was that he wasn't Liam. He did seem to commit to one woman and was one of the few characters that could convincingly drag Liam, but after this? I never want to hear a word out his mouth about how his brother conducts his life ever again.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On 7/30/2020 at 12:23 PM, norcalgal said:

So do all the doctors on this show have to come from a tv commercial?  We've got Dr. Peloton and I recognize Dr. Finn as that guy on the Liberty Mutual commercial who portrays an "actor" who flubs his lines, then it's finally dubbed.

Maybe LIMU Emu will be the next doctor.

Edited by LittleIggy
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So everyone, everyone, says it was just an accident.  But that is not correct.  One of the two drivers made a mistake and caused the accident. But even Det. best friend to the Forresters is just going to call it a day.

One of Steffy or Bill was in the wrong, driving wise.


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16 hours ago, bannana said:

So everyone, everyone, says it was just an accident.  But that is not correct.  One of the two drivers made a mistake and caused the accident. But even Det. best friend to the Forresters is just going to call it a day.

One of Steffy or Bill was in the wrong, driving wise.


Could be Steffy was speeding. Usually the person pulling out of a parking lot/driveway is the one who has to yield and merge with traffic otherwise they're at fault. But as was pointed out the story isn't really who was at fault but getting Steffy dinged up, meet her new bae, and possibly have a pain issue and drug addiction storyline.  Back in the day, a show WOULD play the beats of the injuring party facing some consequences. Bill Spencer on house arrest works perfectly for Covid measures and would be hilarious to see him set up his WFH office and be forced to stay his butt at home.

Man, these people in LA love telling people to leave town. Katie told Flo to leave and now Wyatt is telling Sally to bounce. I'm sorry, do you think if Liam had told you to leave town and take your psyhcotic mother with you that you'd comply? Granted Quinn did leave town after each incident only to return like a fungus you can't kick, saying she was better now and then 'relapsing'.

I'll give Flo this, she's right that it ain't up to her for Wyatt to give his forgiveness - it's up to him. It was a desperate move by Sally to try to manipulate Flo like that. But Flo was wrong that she paid. She barely had time to get her jumpsuit dirty in jail before she was out and free again. A real comeuppance is if Wyatt had knocked both her and Sally up, Sally's baby died and Thomas switched out Flo's living baby to give to Sally and Flo thought her baby was dead for a year.  Alas, the show didn't go there.


Edited by TobinAlbers
Sally is not Flo, LOL
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Show can cancel Wyatt and Felony after today's episode.


Because they truly are the worst.

You have Flo questioning if Wyatt should forgive Sally after all she's put him through.

He forgave you in about 30 seconds, bitch, and Sally's actions aren't even in the same galaxy as your's.

Flo coming back in Sally's hospital room AGAIN to just pile-on is despicable, especially when her answer to Sally asking her to help convince Wyatt to forgive her is to snit the following: "I paid for my lies and mistakes. I'm still paying for them."

When the bluedillyfuck did this bitch ever pay for anything, ever? If you mean she got PAID by Dr. B for her part in the baby selling, then sure. But what did she do except wear an orange jumpsuit for what, a day, and got it called good by Ridge.

Then Wyatt telling her about how she played him.


How about how Flo played your dumb as fuck ass all those months when she was screwing you and all the while, she was keeping your niece from her parents. 

So Sally's manipulation was "horrible" and "selfish." And Flo's was what, exactly? Oh that's right, swept under the rug. 

He has the gall to tell her that taking Flo against her will was criminal but he won't press charges. He ups the ante by suggesting she leave town and that's not your call, you SOB. 

I mean, how Sally doesn't spit in his face and kick him in the 'nads (oh wait, they're tucked up in Flo's Pebbles Flintstone scrunchie), I don't know.

Is it even any kind of contest here?

Feisty but vulnerable Sally, who has a heart of gold.


This hot mess baby thief.

And because it can't be said enough: BABY THIEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!


These two are truly THE WORRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTT. If anyone needs to leave, it's these two.  But seriously, Sally being sidelined for Felony is criminal. 

Elsewhere, Steffy is powering through the pain and IDGAF. 


Thomas, get your crazy ass back home. Sally needs you. And I guess Steffy does, too.


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I truly despise Flo.  I don't think I've hated a character this much on B&B since Jack Wagner's Prick disappeared some years back.  I can't remember, why isn't this woman in prison?  She admitted her role in the babynapping crime.  A "so sorry, my bad" was enough to keep her out of the clink?  How?  Did Wayne Brady take the entire fall for that?  If there's any justice, Thomas is going to eventually pay the piper for the death of Wayne Brady's daughter, and Flo is going to join him.

On 7/27/2020 at 4:39 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I started laughing hysterically at the slowmo social distancing kiss scene. 

That and the EXTREME CLOSE UPS of Wyatt and Flo's faces.  Why?  When their faces fill up the entire screen to the point where you can count their pores, it's TOO CLOSE.  I really hope this isn't a new "camera tricks" strategy they are going to continue using.

On 7/29/2020 at 1:03 PM, CountryGirl said:

Elsewhere, Steffy's got hooked on pills Very Special Storyline begins and I really don't care much about that thus far.

It seems like Jackie Wood marched into Bradley's office and made some demands.  "Heather Tom has too many Emmys for doing the same storyline every other year or so.  I want my OWN medical scare storyline.  My Emmy needs a match so my mantle is symmetrical."  Le sigh.  Meanwhile, why doesn't he ever give Katherine Kelly Lang these kinds of storylines?  Why not write for her as the lead actress instead of for Heather or Jackie?

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Elsewhere, Steffy is powering through the pain and IDGAF. 

The show is trying too hard to sell the Steffy is a badass narrative with her trying to power through the pain of broken bones and sprained ligaments and bodily bruises.

Properly monitored there is no reason for her to not use pain meds while she's recovering and her refusal to do so and accept the help offered to her belies her badassness. Unless Steffy has a prior addiction from her time in Europe that we don't know about, her refusal to use pain meds makes no sense.  Acknowledging you need help and not trying to go at it alone is a mark of strength. I mean if this is supposed to get into her abandonment issues with Ridge and Taylor (and now Liam) where she felt she had to harden herself to withstand mental, emotional, and physical pain and that she needed no crutch - man, woman, drug, alcohol - then maybe that's a story. But if she's really trying to stand on her own and let Liam go, then maybe do everything you can to not be the pained heroine writing in bed as he stands around watching you in agony. The only reason Liam and Bill aren't all over her is because of the unsaid Covid-19 social distancing restrictions the actors have to acknowledge, LOL.

It was absolutely laughable to watch her writhing in pain and gritting her teeth in agony as she moaned about seeing Kelly and holding her again. You can barely shift to fart in bed without howling in agony! How are you going to hold an unwieldy toddler and chase after her?  Steffy is delusional.  My guess is when Liam makes the move to keep Kelly with him and Hope more as it's obvious that Steffy is in agony and can't take care of Kelly in her current state, that's when she'll down the meds because she won't want to 'lose' her daughter which is exactly what she'll be facilitating because she won't be reasonable in her recovery and using medication.

I'm already over this story as it'll villify Lope during the one time they really shouldn't be and will push the woe is Steffy line. Unless it gives us Still in the end, I'm ready to skip on to Carter and Zoe shenanigans.

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Ugh, I am completely done with Sally pleading to Wyatt. Make it stop!

Nice of someone to mention contacting Taylor. If she's in Paris--only one direct-to-LA international flight away--what's the logical reason for her not to come back out of concern for Steffy? I think Bradley either needs to resolve the issues with HT or recast the role.

Lol, look at Steffy flirting with Dr. Finn, even though the pain. Bet they'll be datiing by Halloween. 🙄

I can't with Penny just cavalierly blowing off her medical career. Why is B&B staying on that track with her in light of dire things IRL? AFAIC, nobody should be dismissing having medical training and knowledge right now, not even a silly soap opera.

Are we supposed to buy that Wyatt is just now realizing how much his behavior hurt Sally? Boy, bye. Even you aren't that obtuse. IMO, not only should Sally stay away from him, he should stay away from her. Especially after Thomas rides in his white horse <fingers crossed>.

Bleh on this "not going to press charges" loophole B&B always uses. It's up to a prosecutor to do that. They could decide the victim isn't acting in their own or the jurisdiction's best interests by refusing to hold the perpetrator accountable.


Because they truly are the worst.

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Flo and Wyatt are the Bonnie and Clyde of awfulness, but much less fashionably so. 😼


Meanwhile, why doesn't he ever give Katherine Kelly Lang these kinds of storylines? 

He did try to give her an alcoholism storyline, at least twice. IIRC, it didn't go particularly well either time. KKL might not be up to the task of letting Brooke be vulnerable enough to make such a storyline believable.


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Having read most of the comments above, I would venture to say that we’re almost all in agreement that this show/writing/acting is not worth being watched by long time viewers and fans of soaps. I don’t know if the writers of this show or any of the other 3 soaps still surviving ever read this site but they absolutely should. If the viewers can telegraph the plots coming months in advance, the writers need to be fired and some of the viewers need to be hired. I’m old enough to remember being shocked and surprised (!) by the plot twists on soaps. I cannot even remember when that was true on the current ones. 

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

If the viewers can telegraph the plots coming months in advance, the writers need to be fired and some of the viewers need to be hired.

Agreed. The trend in Hollywood these days is doing everything to "subvert expectation", which is its own irritating issue, but if B&B were any more scripted, it'd be my new PC operating system. 

And even worse is the issue of jacked up pacing. Stories either run at breakneck speed (like the Zoemas "relationship") or go around Iin circles like a ship that's lost it's rudder, like the 8 month Beth story that spent 6 months on the Five Stooges* trying to cover their track and convince the others not to tell.

*Including Shauna, which....does Ridge know about that little factoid? He can be mad at Brooke about Bill but she helped lie to Steffy about "Phoebe" and even if Hope is a stain on the family name, you'd think maybe his hate boner for Brill would take a back seat to the only woman he loved nearly as much as his mother.

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No, Wyatt, nope, nope, nope. I don't care how loud you sing Flo's praises, she is NOT better than Sally, & while Sally did a shitty thing, she hurt you, Katie, & the babynapping conspirator. Flo was paid $50,000, & her lies temporarily destroyed Liam, Hope, & Steffy, & got poor Emma killed. Her lies peripherally hurt you, Taylor, Ridge, Brooke, Katie & Bill & probably others I can't remember. This went on for months, & she ONLY told the truth because 5-year-old Douglas did the right thing the minute he found out. I'm not saying that what Sally did was right, & it was definitely way over the top for a loser like you, but she isn't in the same league as Flo. 

Steffy's so tough AF, she pops pain pills with no water. Next stop, American Ninja Warrior. 

Edited by nkotb
Emma was the most affected.
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This Steffy Gets Hooked On Pills storyline is so hamfisted, but then again, aren't they all?


Liam, noticing Steffy is in pain, comments: "You just got back from the hospital after being hit by a car. You have broken ribs and a sprained back. Please, make yourself comfortable."

So, Steffy does what any reasonable person would do, she takes a pill. And really, while there is a legitimate concern about the addictiveness of opiate-derived pain meds, there is also something to be said about being in excruciating pain delaying the healing process, especially the first few days post-injury. 

Not that you would get any sense of this from the reactions of those there with her:

Liam and his sad lion look: EemI959XYAoms0K?format=png&name=small


Ridge, looking like he took something himself: EemI_O9WsAEs4kH?format=png&name=small


Hope, looking pensive, but maybe she's recalling her own pill addiction from years ago: 


It also doesn't help that the SD filming is so very awkward.

Elsewhere, Gladys Kravitz learns Sally's not dying and has been faking. She pauses in her crusade to get another Emmy to praise Wyatt and Flo for their selflessness and show, are you trying to make me tune out again already? Because with the news about CH, I'm so, so close, daily habit since '87 or not, to bailing.

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Agreed. The trend in Hollywood these days is doing everything to "subvert expectation", which is its own irritating issue, but if B&B were any more scripted, it'd be my new PC operating system. 

And even worse is the issue of jacked up pacing. Stories either run at breakneck speed (like the Zoemas "relationship") or go around Iin circles like a ship that's lost it's rudder, like the 8 month Beth story that spent 6 months on the Five Stooges* trying to cover their track and convince the others not to tell.

*Including Shauna, which....does Ridge know about that little factoid? He can be mad at Brooke about Bill but she helped lie to Steffy about "Phoebe" and even if Hope is a stain on the family name, you'd think maybe his hate boner for Brill would take a back seat to the only woman he loved nearly as much as his mother.

I may be remembering wrong, but didn’t Shauna also blackmail her daughter into giving her part of the $50,000 to stay quiet? I know Shauna certainly encouraged Flo to stay quiet once she began to waiver on coming forward. 
I’m tired of the show propping up this sleazy mother/ daughter duo, especially at the expense of other characters. 

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12 hours ago, nasir jones said:

Had to pop in just to say...

now kidnapping is bad?  I'd have a modicum of respect for dopey Wyatt if he just told the truth, which is, "Kidnapping isn't a dealbreaker.  I just like her more than you."

Yup.  Flo kidnapped a newborn infant. Wyatt's mom kidnapped and raped a brain injured man who happens to be his brother.

But Sally is a KIDNAPPER!

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I almost forgot my other favorite part.

Wyatt: "There's only one woman for me, & I'm lookin' at her." Looks at Flo.

Katie's thought bubble: 'Um, when we were playing pizza delivery guy, naked, & I tipped you in trade, you couldn't have picked Flo out of a lineup. I give this current love-of-your-life 6 more months.'

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Elsewhere, Gladys Kravitz learns Sally's not dying and has been faking. She pauses in her crusade to get another Emmy to praise Wyatt and Flo for their selflessness and show, are you trying to make me tune out again already? Because with the news about CH, I'm so, so close, daily habit since '87 or not, to bailing.

Wait, Sally is leaving the show?  They're getting rid of one of the better characters on the show and leaving us with FLO?  On top of that, I read that the guy who plays Carter has been put back on contract.  Whyyyyyy?  Carter is utterly useless.  If they are going to put anyone back on contract, make it Maya.  Anybody but Flo.  Why has Flo completely eaten this show?

This is always Bradley's problem.  He can't write a balanced show.  He gets fixated on his favourite and then the entire show revolves around that one character.  So ridiculous.

I agree with the sentiment upthread that Sally and the Thomas just before this psychopath Thomas incarnation were a great pairing.

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