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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Waitadamnminute! Rick is CEO? Who knew?  

He IS????? :)

Maya needs to go take a Mistressing for Beginners class...

Now I'm picturing this in one of those community college catalogs with the non credit weekend courses. Learn to be a mistress in 6 Saturdays for only $199!

What I think will happen now is that Myrna is going to shortly announce to Rick she's pregnant and he'll have to find a way to get her to keep her mouth shut.  She may use this as leverage against Rick if he tries to shove her off.

I normally don't like the pregnancy stories, but I could get behind this (which means it won't happen). Rick's CEO position would be in jeopardy (Rick is CEO by the way) & Maya's true colors would come out.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ridge/Caroline/Rick is the best triangle in all of daytime since Sonny/Brenda/Jax, which was nearly 20 years ago. I'm 100% Team CaRidge, but even I can see that Rick genuinely still loves her. He was a good husband to her up until a few weeks ago, but the chemistry that LG & TK have is just off-the-charts. B&B has become "must-see tv" for me these days! Plus, great added bonus: no Hope for the last several days! Caroline should be the next generation heroine, she is just amazing!

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 Caroline should be the next generation heroine, she is just amazing!

I'm all over this!   LG is talented and gorgeous and she's really transformed her character into a wonderfully complex  and flawed young woman.  Caroline can be deliciously bad but also sweet, vulnerable and endearing.  I find LG mesmerizing to watch as she allows Caroline's emotions to play across her face.  She's just such a great find for BB.   

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I cannot stand this "say good things about the person to your right" garbage.  Why...the HECK...would Hope sit Ridge and Caroline next to each other.  Rick and Ridge, yes.  I like how Katie basically said nothing to Ridge.  "I'm glad you came back."  And of course Hope used her opportunity to make sure everyone knew how much she still cared about Liam.  And why make Liam suck up to Wyatt?


I see Rick's still got Maya holed up at his mom's.  She's over there popping bottles and rocking a cute side braid.  When Pam was asking what kind of meat everyone wanted, I thought, "I swear to God, if Rick says dark meat, I'm through."  So...I'm through.

Edited by kia112
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The problem with Hope being gone for a few days is that she's so jarring when she  returns.  And while I agree she has a point with Quinn, the baby is in no danger from her at the moment, so I wish she would lighten up. 


Shouldn't Wyatt at least warn Hope that a rejected Quinn is potentially even more unpredictable? It will be easier to keep an eye on her if she isn't all dark, broody and scheming.  

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Considering Katie could only muster up a "glad you left Paris" to Ridge (who was looking as round and basted as the turkey), it seems like Kridge isn't long for the world.

I am confused about Maya and Rick, I have to admit. A week ago Rick admitted that he was using her as a rebound. Has this changed or is he just keeping her around to punish Eric and Caroline?

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Ridge was using Caroline, but that doesn't mean that real feelings weren't involved. I think that Rick and Maya's history adds a different layer to this. If she was a rando that he just met that would be one thing, but he cares for her.

I liked Ivy and Wyatt here. Better not let Hope see you laughing with her husband, Ivy.


Edited by kia112
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I cannot stand this "say good things about the person to your right" garbage.  Why...the HECK...would Hope sit Ridge and Caroline next to each other.  Rick and Ridge, yes.  I like how Katie basically said nothing to Ridge.  "I'm glad you came back."  And of course Hope used her opportunity to make sure everyone knew how much she still cared about Liam.  And why make Liam suck up to Wyatt?


I see Rick's still got Maya holed up at his mom's.  She's over there, popping bottles rocking a cute side braid.  When Pam was asking what kind of meat everyone wanted, I thought, "I swear to God, if Rick says dark meat, I'm through."  So...I'm through.

I died of laughter when I heard that. I was like I bet you do.
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Caroline weeping in Ridge's arms after agreeing to reconcile was actually pretty sad. The interesting thing about Ridge is that he wants her but I think he's actually thinking about the what happens after I get her? We live happily ever after? Marriage? Kids? It's all pretty scary to contemplate b/c he was so sure he would be with Katie or Brooke. Caroline is a wrinkle he didn't plan and he's been unsure of every move since falling for her. The safest choice is to send her back to Rick and not mess up her life any more. And yet he can't let her go and now she's more sure about not wanting to let him go. Classic good soap.

I am just drawn to the chemistry of those two, but i see it going no where as well. But my goodness, the CHEMISTRY is there!! LG is just beautiful and both actors play the parts with the utmost feeling and emotions. Do NOT want a carter/Caroline romance...just NO.

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This Ridge/Caroline thing has really surprised me.  I really liked Rick/Caroline, and when it seemed like they were going to be throwing trouble at them (in the form of first Maya and then Ridge), I wasn't happy, and couldn't imagine wanting it to end any way other than back to Rick/Caroline.  Now, though?  I want Ridge/Caroline and will be so pissed if we don't get them as a couple.  TK and LG just have that "it" that you can't write, can't force, and can't ignore.  The show would be crazy to squander that.  


I could have gone for a Caroline/Carter hook up back during that whole online show thing, when she was doing all the wacky antics to get Maya and Carter together, but that ship has sailed.  It would be such a disappointment after the build up we've seen to Ridge/Caroline.  

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I'm sure Ridge/Caroline will get together and then 1.5 seconds later Ridge will be chasing after Brooke. That's the way every Ridge relationship goes. Poor Caroline will get crushed like a bug and Brooke will barely have to lift a finger lol.

ETA: if Carter/Caroline do get together it seems more likely to set them in a quad with Rick and Maya (with either Maya or Caroline sure to turn up pregnant).

Edited by bubble sparkly
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Did Hope seriously just say that if you don't like her Thanksgiving tradition, well tough *giggle giggle giggle*???  As much as I dislike Quinn, and I realize she wasn't invited,that was quite hypocritical of Hope to throw Quinn out, considering she is basically forcing people to not only spend a holiday sitting next to others they may not like, but also to say something nice about them.  Whoever penned her "Hope-ocrite" was spot on!

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Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrums! We had a roast turkey at work today (I work for an American company) and I thought of you guys because you are my American friends and I love you. I'm grateful for this board because this is the only place I can talk about Bold and squee about my old man crush and no one looks at me sideways. Well, I suppose you can't tell over the Internet, but you know what I mean.


So was yesterday the only Thanksgiving episode this year? I was wondering what Donna was going to do to follow up her finger fellatio effort from last year; I guess we'll never know.


Dare I say it - I like Bill & Katie. I prefer them over Kridge, that's for sure.


I think Eric was dumb

You can say that again.


Google Ann-Margret.

Ooh ooh, here's a Six Degrees tidbit about Ann-Margaret: she is married to Roger Smith who played Mister Roberts in Mister Roberts in which JMC played a sailor. She also worked with Elvis Presley, who had a brief flirtation with Juliet Prowse, who later became Mrs McCook #2. It's a small world after all.


I cannot stand this "say good things about the person to your right" garbage.

I actually like it. You get the sickly sweet stuff between characters who love each other while simultaneously getting to watch the others who hate each other awkwardly navigate social niceties to be polite. It's a bit like the "two characters stuck in an elevator" writing prompt (which has just reminded me of Maya and Oliver - thanks for that, brain).
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Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrums!



Dare I say it - I like Bill & Katie. I prefer them over Kridge, that's for sure.


Me too. They have great chem. But I really love $Bill with Brooke. They're my fave couple.


Ooh ooh, here's a Six Degrees tidbit about Ann-Margaret: she is married to Roger Smith who played Mister Roberts in Mister Roberts in which JMC played a sailor. She also worked with Elvis Presley, who had a brief flirtation with Juliet Prowse, who later became Mrs McCook #2. It's a small world after all.



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I'm sure Ridge/Caroline will get together and then 1.5 seconds later Ridge will be chasing after Brooke. That's the way every Ridge relationship goes. Poor Caroline will get crushed like a bug and Brooke will barely have to lift a finger lol.


I don't think I agree with this. The current Ridge and Brooke have no chemistry. Now maybe the writers will just settle on Ridge/Brooke because that's the way it's always been, but I think it would be a mistake. Ridge and Caroline may not have been planned as something more long term, but ending them now would be stupid in my opinion. The actors have a spark and that 'it' thing that tv shows and movies search for between actors. It would be a waste to toss that away.

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I won't be surprised by a Bridge reunion. How many times have I seen the rug pulled from the audience's collective feet where Ridge is concerned? Brooke after years of battling Steph and getting Macy killed (so she thought) then not even a year into the marriage, she suddenly loves Ridge again. Taylor dumped Rick and Whip for the guy that triggered her alcoholism. Oh, and let's not forget how the ONE story that KKL asked to do specifically to take a break from the Bridge-Go-Round (the rape story with Andy) becomes a plot to once again bring them together. Also, Nick N. Sane.

It is interesting watching a Ridge centric story that doesn't involve Brooke or his mother, which is all the more reason for it to become cocked up. I hope I'm wrong.

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I'm kind of hoping that when Baby Wype is born, he or she is a holy terror who cries all night long.  It might make Hope a little less likely to stick her nose in the business of everyone else. 


In small doses, the food porn between Pam and Charlie is pretty funny.


I just wanted to take a break from an overdose of family time to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving! 

Edited by Snaporaz
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On that tangent, I'm sick of the revisionist history where their "love" story is concerned. Eric and Steph had been distant for a while at the beginning of the show, Eric eventually left over her lying about Angela (or something tangently related to that), then had a string of young things to include Brooke, Sheila and Lauren....then get together to realize their marriage was based on a lie to begin with.

I mean, neither has wished death on the other, nor did their dysfuction drive their kids to develop an eating disorder, but the BS of being the bestest couple evar is exactly that.

That said, I still laughed when the two of them got it on in the 5000th episode special and Ridge got a much unwelcomed eyeful. Sums up B&B in one scene!

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On that tangent, I'm sick of the revisionist history where their "love" story is concerned.


Oh God you and me both girlfriend. I understand this thing about Eric not missing his water 'til his well ran dry, but it was parched for a long ass time before it dried up completely. I wish he would stop with the wistful looks at the portrait in the mansion, too; Susan Flannery will have enough new material to win next year's Emmy at this rate.


The thing that annoys me most about this Stic whitewashing and pedestalling is that it reduces Eric's other relationships to little more than flings and dalliances, in his own mind, when they were so much more than that. His saying to Donna just now at the Thanksgiving dinner, "Thanks for loving me for a little while", is a great example of that. Now granted, I am a bit of a Donna/Eric 'shipper so I am a little biased here, but their relationship wasn't a fling, it was a full-on romance. She wasn't in it just for the money, he wasn't in it just for the sex - they understood and supported one another*, which is more than could be said for Stephanie & Eric as a pair, especially at the turn of the century and onwards. To hear Eric wax poetic about how Stephanie was the best thing to ever happen to him even though she would constantly call him names and give him the cold shoulder drives me crazy when there is a woman waiting in the wings for him to acknowledge that she still loves him and loves him unconditionally** and would never do any of those things. When he says things like "Stephanie was the one who helped me out of whatever particular problem I was having", 9 times out of 10 she was the one who put him in it in the first place, and I wish he would remember what he said to Felicia and Thorne in 2007 about "being someone people would want to get to know" in Donna's company as opposed to hating himself with Stephanie. 


Anyway. I won't go on. I just would like this reluctance of Eric's to pursue a relationship with Donna again to be cleared up in-show, with direct dialogue, once and for all, so I can sleep a little easier at night.


*at least until the very end when Eric wouldn't prosecute Stephanie for Beth's death nor move out of the FM for Donna, which was stupid

**see above point.


That said, I still laughed when the two of them got it on in the 5000th episode special and Ridge got a much unwelcomed eyeful. Sums up B&B in one scene!

"Get your naughty ass back here!"


Christ on a bike.

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The T-Day episode was really nice,  I could have done without  Hopeless and her prim bitch face but all in all it was good.  The absolute highlight for me though was Ridge bumping into Caroline.  Ooooh I got the feels!  The way he took a deep breath as if to brace himself from the urge to just haul her up against him.   I love how TK uses his body language to speak emotions.  Such as standing very close to Caroline but putting his hands in his pocket as if he can't trust them to not betray him.    In fact one hand did ...just briefly when he touched her adorned cap sleeve. Another thing,  I love the way he lets his eyes slowly roam over Caroline's face and then he'll pause, tilt his head just so to glance at her hair or maybe an earring.  There's something so sensual...as if he's just taking her in. 


Their office goodbye was so touching and again Ridge got me with  "Let me look at you"  *melt*


Yeah..I think TK is absolutely sexy and the perfect Ridge.   I don't mind that he's not rock hard and sporting a six pack and pecs that need a bra.   I don't really need beefcake to look at.  I need an actor who makes me feel the emotions in the story and scene.  TK is rocking my world with LG. I'm simply besotted with them.  Giddy! 


Special shout out to Kara Mosely.  I loved how Myrna was rocking that little side do and sipping her champagne like a bitter mistress!   TK/LG/JY and KM are giving me life with BB.   

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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After reading those terrible spoilers, I had pretty much decided to hang this show up, but I came here and read all these amazing posts and realized that there may yet be hope for a Caroline/Ridge romance. So, I went ahead and watched last weeks shows and I am so glad I did.


Rick's plan is to out wait Eric? How long does he think he can keep an affair with Maya secret? Does he plan on keeping her holed up at Brooke's? Oh, it would be priceless if he did and Brooke came home unexpectedly to find Maya happily ensconced in her California King. In any event, Maya is about to learn the true nature of being the mistress. She may be with the "in crowd" at work, but after hours she is going to be everyone's worst disease. Maya won't be going to the Forrester Manse anymore unless it is work related. Maya won't be attending any family functions anymore unless it is work related. And no one is going to have her back; maybe if she hadn't of been so hateful, and full of herself, but she hasn't conducted her business with any kind of class or dignity and she has burnt her bridges. 


Oh, dear Lord, that goodbye between Ridge and Caroline? I know I watched it at least five times, and I still didn't delete it. I have been trying to figure out what it is about these two that make them so powerful. I have not been on board with TK as Ridge. I have not liked one thing about him, but with Caroline? I love every single thing about him. It all works. His big maleness, next to her petite womaness. The way he (and this is all TK, because RM would never be able to pull it off) is struggling with his emotions. He doesn't need to growl, and pace around flailing his arms about. It is all in the eyes, and the way TK attempts to chain his hands down so they won't fly out and touch Caroline's hair. The clearly visible inner struggle that is manifested in a hundred different nuances. I cannot remember Ridge ever being like this with a woman. Maybe it is a continuation of the reinvention of Ridge. Or maybe it is TK making Ridge his own. I don't care, cause it is working and it is riveting. 


Linsey Godfrey is also doing a remarkable job of showing Caroline's conflicting emotions. I love it that she has reconciled with Rick with less than a full heart. Normally, I would hate that, but given what Rick has done, and the fact that he is using Caroline; I am ok with it. When Caroline finds out what is really up, and that Rick has kept Maya on as his sidepiece, it will just make that transition so much less painful that Caroline hasn't reinvested her heart. 


I am wondering if Katie's goal has always been to end up back with Bill? I think she engineered this whole thing as a big FU to Brooke, and to show Brooke that little sis can work it too. I seems pretty obvious that Ridge and Katie are through. There have been way too many sudden comments about the Red Ribbon of Commitment, with no rejoinders from Ridge about, "oh yeah, I was going out this weekend to get one of those real engagement rings". And then we have Katie sicing Bill on Ridge. Above all though, there is Caroline, and Katie knows there is more there than an infatuation, or a mentor/student crush. Of course Katie couldn't of scripted any of this, or known how things were going to play out, but something tells me she never intended to marry Ridge. It was all about Bill and Brooke.  


Jacob Young is another one who is bringing it. I thought he was perfect with Maya; I fully expected him to start stamping his feet in frustration and anger. What Eric doesn't get is that if Rick was going to man up, he would have done so when Eric was dictating his personal life. Eric should know better than this; he watched Stephanie do the same thing to Ridge up until her death. And I am very annoyed with Eric for giving Rick another shot anyway. What Rick did amounts to sabotage. His actions could have hurt more than just Caroline and Ridge; if the line had bombed, every employee of FCs would have been effected, from the top office to the mail room. And he has been given more than enough time to process the facts of what happened. But he continues to piss and moan about Caroline's Great Betrayal, as he continues to rack up the offences. 


Karla Mosley has certainly found her footing, and is rocking it as Maya.


Maybe this quadrangle can sense the energy too? They have all stepped it up for this SL, and it is now must see tv in this house. 

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I love how TK uses his body language to speak emotions.  Such as standing very close to Caroline but putting his hands in his pocket as if he can't trust them to not betray him.    In fact one hand did ...just briefly when he touched her adorned cap sleeve. Another thing,  I love the way he lets his eyes slowly roam over Caroline's face and then he'll pause, tilt his head just so to glance at her hair or maybe an earring.  There's something so sensual...as if he's just taking her in.

Their office goodbye was so touching and again Ridge got me with  "Let me look at you"  *melt*

Love it!! Almost takes my breath away. Just don't make it "weird". Its okay like it is for now. Why is Hope sitting at the opposite end of the table to Eric? Is she next in line? If she is,.....truth be told, she won't be able to step up and take charge.

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 I'm hoping TIIC are seeing that they have a gold mine in Ridge/Caroline. At least I think they have one because as one who was initially completely skeeved  out by them, I have been won over to rooting for them by nothing more than the actors portraying them. I haven't been watching long enough to know all the history with Ridge/Rick but I do know Rick's hatred is deep. I think TIIC wanted to keep this going so Eric's character had to take a hit because forcing Rick to reconcile makes no other kind of sense.

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I think Caroline is very pretty but I just wish she didn't talk with her teeth together so much like Avery does on the Y&R.  It is like they move their lips only and not their jaws or something, I can't get past it.  And Ridge looks like her father, not a fan of this pairing.  

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Just catching up on the week's shows.  You all were right about those Ridge/Caroline scenes  The look on Ridge's face when Caroline slid Rick's ring back on his finger...  These two are really selling this, and not in an obvious "watch me convince you my character feels this!" kind of way.  It's just there.  


I do wonder about Katie, too  I think her getting with Ridge was basically a combination of plans A and B.  I think, ideally, it would have driven Brooke and Bill so insane that Bill would have come running back to her, and Brooke would have been left alone, with Ridge and Bill both in love with Katie.  Plan B was simply to marry Ridge and lord her marriage to Brooke's lifelong true love over Brooke's head for the rest of her life.  Win/win.  Since Bill didn't come running back to her (even when Brooke told him to), and Ridge has fallen for Caroline, Katie decided to jump start things for herself by riling Bill up and sending him out to kick Ridge's ass, convincing herself that he's fighting mostly for her (and a little bit for Caroline).  Bill, who is usually smarter than this, is playing right into her hands.  

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I am glad to see Hope beat it but its been announced they will recast ASAP and that scares me. I've been through the wringer with bad or bizarre recasting choices on my Y&R. I'm loving my girl Caroline and the actress has been kicking ass like a boss also her hair and bod look terrific. Loving Ally when she's on and liking Ivy though she has her clingy and weird moments. Btw I think she looks like Steffi and Quinsane melded as one. Deacon's a shiftless dirtbag sleezy. Omg Katie's all about $Bill again didn't see that coming....psych ! she's been wanting him since they broke up and all throughout her Ridge relationship.

Charlie gives me the creeps and Oliver does too kinda, like he has a secret room or freaky fixation. Carter's hot but a nothing bland character. Maya is being stupid right now and going be used and thrown away like a parking ticket also she's pretty but has crazy eyes .

Edited by Petunia13
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I was happy to notice that Eric finally got a more substantial frame for that portrait of Stephanie.

Wasn't the portrait completely different?  I thought that was a different picture of Queen Stephanie.


I have not been on board with TK as Ridge. I have not liked one thing about him, but with Caroline? I love every single thing about him. It all works.

As a longtime soap viewer, I'm pretty lenient when it comes to recasts.  Sometimes, they really are epic fails, and it's especially hard to accept someone new in a role that had the same actor for more than 25 years.  (I'm being very generous calling Ronnn Mosssss an actor.)  I know that many here thought that TK was failing as Ridge.  But I had a feeling that he would come into his own with the right story, and I think this is it.

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was anyone else wanting Eric to say to Rick when Rick was whining to Eric about "But Dad, it was Ridge.... you just don't know how it felt"  To hit poor little Rick with an, Oh yeah, I think I do, how do you think I felt when he took your mom away from me?


Ugh, the show has been awesome lately, but I HATE Maya!  and I do NOT like Ridge and Caroline although their chem is off the hook! 

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Who has a baby shower thrown for them before they are even showing??

People who don't really care about the pregnancy and are trying to jinx it? I was surprised when she was running around telling everybody before she'd even seen a doctor to confirm it and am still surprised she hasn't called one of her famous press conferences to announce it.

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Who has a baby shower thrown for them before they are even showing??

This is exactly what the fuck I want to know!!! What are these writers drinking or smoking? The fetus isn't even big enough to tell what sex it is on a sonogram. Who the hell does this? After a series of top episodes, the soap has gone back to the dogs. Sigh!

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I honestly don't care for Ridge and Caroline. The character of Caroline played by yet another run of the mill blonde actress does nothing for me. If we're talking myriad of blondeness (which seems to happen on this show) I prefer KM over whomever plays Caroline. That said I was hoping with KM leaving that Ivy and Maya could get a little more action.

Ivy and Liam are adorable to me. The actor who plays Liam I know from GH but on B&B he only seems truly upbeat and joyful when playing scenes with Ivy. There's a realness and authenticity to their scenes that Liam/Hope scenes seem to lack. Hope and Liam are all Tristan and Isolde in the most drawn out and irritating way, I keep waiting for one of them to die. But Ivy/Liam have a fun Beatrice and Benedick type banter that makes Liam goofier and instantly more relatable.

With respect to Maya, I can't tell you how fucking sick I am of turning on a soap opera and seeing zero woman of colour on the show. DOOL hasn't had one since Lexi Carver and GH has one but she barely has a storyline (7minutes a week if she's lucky) and I don't watch the show anymore due to rampant misogyny so...) Maya is the only women of colour (and the includes all races but white) on the show right now. It's 2014 and she's the only damn one.

I shipped her with Rick when they first got together but Caroline stomped in, disrespecting their relationship, insulting her class and (covertly insulting her race) by basically calling Maya trash and yet was somehow able to successfully "steal" Rick (who frankly isn't the brightest) right from under her. There wasn't much of a pity party when that happened yet now when Maya does similar (even though Caroline basically fucked up her own damn life) there is a massive outcry and Maya is treated as the town pariah even by Carter whom she shouldn't have been engaged to in the first fucking place but TPTB wanted to pull out on the interracial couple in a hurry and stick her with the nearest black guy (like they did with Dayzee and Marcus).

Yes, Maya isn't being the most friendly person but she is no less friendly (probably more friendly) or assholic than Caroline was when she went after Rick deliberately mispronouncing Maya's name at every turn with the understanding that "trash" like Maya wasn't important enough to bother even checking her name.

Does Maya have a settle to score? Fuck yes. Never mind how many times on the show but how many times in her life does a black woman come up against a "Caroline". Bold and the Beautiful may be too stupid to call to reference the rich white wife and the black maid/Mamie trope all Maya ever got from Caroline was a bunch of "Know your place" diatribes. In fact as I recall on Y&R they did have an ACTUAL character named Mamie which makes the parallels even more obvious and distasteful.

I don't feel I have the luxury of calling Maya a bunch of names that refer to her insignificance or her apparent social climbing status because she's the only black person on the show that has a storyline. Sure every once in a while Marcus' Dad pops in to tell Bill what a moron he is (which someone has to I suppose) and everyone week Carter pops up to denigrate the only female black character on the show and basically call her a sellout but other than that, that's it.

If I were in Maya's position I'd be social climbing too. She's the only black female in that whole damn city and everyone but Rick has either treated her like shit or barely acknowledged her existence. That she clings to the one person in the city who has been good to her, (even including the only other black woman whom hated her on site and is now conspicuously absent now that this black female has a storyline) makes absolute and perfect sense. This is not to include Carter whom she was randomly engaged to one day after a fight with Rick and not so much as a first freaking date so that the writers could avoid "offending anyone" and pave the way for Caroline/Rick.

Just my two cents and rant on my Maya appreciation why she can keep climbing to the mountaintops and why you'll never hear a "Myrna" out of me.

Edited by slayer2
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IMO, racial diversity took a real hit (not that it was ever all that great) once all the soaps were gone from NY.  One Life to Live was probably the best.  But to do people of color well you need a diverse writing staff and the way they keep recycling staff and stories, I don't expect to see that ever happen before they all get cancelled. 

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I was still a relatively new viewer when Maya hit town, but from how I remember things...  


I don't think that Dayzee hated Maya at first sight.  They had a history that pre-dated either woman's appearance on the show, and Dayzee was uncomfortable around Maya due to that past.  


Also, Caroline didn't come out of nowhere and decide she wanted Maya's man.  Caroline was there first.  Right when Rick met Maya, the show, out of the blue, decided to start trying to make Caroline look like some pampered, pretentious, snooty girl of privilege.  The biggest example being her being upset that Rick let her think they were going out for some fancy date that ended up being volunteering.  She was annoyed that she wasn't informed of the actual agenda for the evening, and that was all the show felt was needed to show that Rick "needed" the down to earth, didn't even know he was a Forrester when she met him, Maya.  Maya didn't know, at first, that he was dating someone else, but she eventually found out.  The whole story line was bullshit, to be honest.  

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I shipped her with Rick when they first got together but Caroline stomped in, disrespecting their relationship, insulting her class and (covertly insulting her race) by basically calling Maya trash

I don't see that it was about race, Dayzee also basically dismissed Maya as trash.  I would also call Maya much more assholic than the others...she's a model, but she's ordering people around as if she runs the place with Rick and Eric, going as far as telling Eric off over who should be CEO. 

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I don't see that it was about race, Dayzee also basically dismissed Maya as trash.

That's what I'm saying, it is about race, you have the only other black female on the show getting together with her all white friends and trashing the only other black girl. That's not how we do things, black people wouldn't have survived as long as we did if there wasn't camaraderie.

With Caroline specifically it was about race because the whole idea was that Maya didn't "know her place" and she didn't "fit in" we coild say it's a class thing (which is a whole seperate issue) but the scenes play out differently to me. I doubt it's the same argument Caroline would have made if Ivy or Hope went after Rick, granted they're related to him so it wouldn't happen (I couldn't think of another female his age that he wasn't related to) wow they really need to bring Dayzee back.

Edited by slayer2
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I think that people, in general, are more complex than "this person is the same race as me, so I must have their back."  And while that might be a common occurrence, it's not completely universal.  I think that Dayzee's attitude towards Maya was a realistic (if ugly) scenario - the person who feels that they are somehow "special" because they broke into some circle they feel would ordinarily be off limits to them (whether it be because of race, gender, what have you), and they don't want to see someone from that same background also break into that circle, because it diminishes their own "special" status to find that someone else did it, too.  In Dayzee's case, I always got  a major whiff of "I'm in the Forrester inner circle because I am special and they recognize that, and Maya is no me," along with a side of "Maya's not on my level, and if she starts hanging around the FC crew, they might associate me with her and think less of me."  That is a sad reality in some cases.  It's not pretty, but it happens. 

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I think Karla Mosley must be over-the-moon happy with her part on the show right now--she finally has something interesting to do, and she's good at it. Her character has real conflicts and she's starring opposite top players on the show. Her character has been all over the place. First, she was fresh out of jail and threatening Dayzee. Then she became another version of Hope (a.k.a. goodie-two-shoes) and she bored me to tears. Things got a tad more interesting when she was having feelings for Carter while with Rick, but then Carter proposed out of nowhere and started being a simpering bore. Then Oliver had a go-nowhere crush on her. Now, she's finally using her acting chops with real, believable, meaty material.

I know it's nothing like the white actors on the show, but at one time, there were five black actors on the show at once (Justin, Maya, Marcus, Dayzee, and Carter). That's got to be a record for a soap--it's usually Vanilla City. (The same way that nobody in the B&B fashion world seems to be gay.) It's the writer's fault that the material is so lame with the black actors, until now with Maya. I think she's totally hitting it out of the park. I can't stand her because she was princessing around like she owned the place, lording it over Carter and everybody else, but damn if she's not doing a helluva job with it.

This is a good point about gay characters. It has been proven that gay storylines are an area of interest for soap watchers (Queer as Folk fan from way back) and the fashion world is a perfect place to showcase that and yet they haven't. Bell is so terrified of alienating bigoted viewers that he can't even stick with an interracial couple nevermind a gay couple. Ridiculous! It's 2014 and the era of Olivia Pope and Kurt and Blaine. People want to see this, it's bullshit to be pussy-footing around the issue like Bell is so wont to do. Edited by slayer2
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Great post, slayer2!  I'm not going to flat out say that Caroline's issues with Maya are part of an implicit racial bias (because I really don't think that's what the writers were going for), but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...


I wonder how many minority perspectives are in the writers room.  Because I feel like any ambiguity in this could have easily been avoided if there was someone there with an experience different than the majority that could have said, "Um...is this what you were going for?  Because this can definitely be interpreted another way."

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Maya was released from prison after serving 5(?) years and sought out Dayzee to reclaim her little girl whom Dayzee had arranged to be adopted by another couple.  She either didn't or wouldn't understand that the adoption was legal and binding and that the other couple were not going to just give up the little girl because Maya was now free.  There was some innuendo about whether what Dayzee had done was a legal adoption but Carter reviewed the papers and it was legal.


Then Dayzee found out that the adoptive parents and the little girl had been killed in a car accident.  Since Marcus and Rosie were still on the show, there was talk on TWOP and other boards that Bell was going to have Maya get revenge on Dayzee by doing something to Rosie or by taking Dayzee's place in their lives.


I think Bradley suddenly changed his mind about Maya, who barely grieved for her daughter, and what he wanted to do with the character.  Enter Rick, who had been all Caroline, all the time, to be Maya's "prince".  And because no male on B&B can be at fault for cheating on their wife/fiancee/girlfriend, Caroline got turned into a bitch from hell thus giving Rick the out.


Rick and Maya failed as a couple because they had anti-chemistry and Karla Mosley was god-awful.  This time around, Bradley is writing to both actor's strengths.  Jacob Young rocked it as "Adam Chandler, Jr." on AMC, a deeply flawed, calculating but ultimately insecure man/boy and Karla has let her "bitch flag" fly.  It doesn't matter if they have chemistry or not because, that isn't the story Bradley is telling.

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