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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

The worst part of this for me? I don't think Quinn has learned a damn thing about not interfering. She's still trying to push Ivy with Liam instead of telling Wyatt to grow a pair and find another wife,

Exactly. If she was truly sorry and saw the error of her ways, she'd never have the balls to do ANYTHING to Liam ever again. Not because of any repercussions from Wyatt (scoff) or Bill (double scoff) but because she realized that what she did to him was reprehensible and feels like crap for what she did to him.

Instead, she's trying to manipulate 'gift' him with a Steffy substitute for the one she 'stole' from him as if the women are interchangeable (which if they are, give Ivy to Wyatt) and as if Liam never met Ivy much less had a relationship with her and knows she isn't Steffy. She's still in water under the bridge mode.

Eric, it was one thing to marry Quinn but replace Stephanie's portrait with hers? Maybe you are going senile.

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I am wondering to whom Eric gave power of attorney.  It would be interesting if he divided it up among his three living wives, Brooke, Donna and Quinn.  He has a trusting and loving relationship with both of his ex-wives.  Donna has proven her ability to stand up to Ridge when she fought him tooth and nail to keep Eric on life support.  She would back up Quinn if Eric had a medical crisis.  Brooke would be a bit of a wild card but she adores Eric and ultimately look out for Eric's best interests.  The three of them would be a powerful force against Ridge and the Taytots. 

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Count me in as one of the few that think Quinn manipulating Liam into reuniting with Ivy sounds like a pretty win-win situation for Liam. If anything, she is saving sad Waffles from Steffy - a fate right on par with hell, I would imagine. I'd rather she save her own son and let the run-out-of-Steam reunite, but I enjoyed Liam and Ivy immensely and seriously, all Ivy had to do was show up back in town and Liam lit up like Christmas and the 4th of July all rolled into one. Not seeing a whole heckuva lot of manipulation there. And I think once Liam is clear of the fog of Steffy, he'll see what a gem (pun intended) he has in Ivy.

I disagree that Quinn stole Steffy from Liam. They had already broken up because Steffy is a bat-shit-crazy psycho and Liam was fed up with her shit. Even more so, when he came back from Aussie-land to find her snuggling in the still-warm-from-his-body sheets with his brother.

Yes, Quinn kidnapped Liam and that was pretty damn awful but (you knew there was a but coming), she didn't force Steffy to insta-move on and marry Wyatt. When the heifer and the waffle were reunited, Steffy even lamented about how even though he had amnesia from a very serious head injury, he should have somehow known she was waiting for him or some such shit - yet she didn't. She moved right along with Wyatt at warp speed and that's on her. Not Quinn because I will bet anyone $1 million internet dollars that had the Liam-napping never happened, these two fools still wouldn't be married. Because they always find ways to fuck it up. They always have and always will.

And a big hell yeah to the new portrait. 

I'll go take a seat at my table for one in the corner now.

Edited by CountryGirl
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What more is there to be said about Ridge's and Steffy's reprehensible behavior that hasn't been said?  

Even though I'm not crazy about Quinn's portrait, it's a lot better than Stephanie's and Maya's.  It's a far contrast from Stephanie's dark background and condescending expression and Maya's bordello red dress and weird pose. I don't feel that the portrait captures Quinn's beauty, but the white dress and white background, to me, depicts how Eric feels about Quinn as being the light of his life.  Also, I really liked Quinn's wedding dress. B&B definitely puts more care into this than Y&R. 

It doesn't look like Ridge is getting that power of attorney now does it?  I hope that he gives it to Quinn.  Karma can be as bitchy as Steffy. 

Edited by Waldo13
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Oh I agree Quinn didn't steal Steffy from Liam but that's the way Liam sans memory of dumping Steffy sees it. It'd be great if he got that memory back of Wyatt/Steffy and Liam acknowledges Steffy chose Wyatt even before Quinn's intervention but you know how these writers are. If Quinn stole anything it was months of Liam's life causing some damage to his relationships with Bill and Steffy. They missed the boat in having Liam have a hard time adjusting to a new place in life after Wyatt all but supplanted him. It would've been a great jumping off point for a story in Liam refunding and defining himself when he's not Bill's son and with Steffy.

Anyhoo, if it were anyone but Quinn- even Wyatt- who was pushing Ivy at Liam I'd be more okay with it. Exes scheming to keep lovers apart so they can have them is a tried/true soap plot. But not Quinn after all the crap she's done to him. Just because she's put away the sword and hasn't bodily done anything to him doesn't mean her interfering with his life again is cool. It'd be like if Stephanie after the unintentionally getting Brooke raped fiasco was still trying to push men at Brooke to make up for raping her and to give her a shoulder to cry on to help her through her trauma and keep her away from Ridge. In no way would that be appropriate and Brooke would rightly be justified to tell Stephanie where to go. 

And if I found out that a person I thought was a friend teamed up with a person who kidnapped and violated me and knew what they did to me and was still sipping tea and defending that person, we wouldn't be friends anymore. Ivy's inability to connect with Liam should be because seeing how close Ivy and Quinn are he sees her as a friend who has betrayed him and that's the hill she has to climb to regain his trust. But because Quinn is now the redeemed heroine on the show, they're not gonna rehash the details of the grossness that went down- just that she wants to make up for it now because she's found happiness and now she wants to be everyone's fairy godmother and for everyone to get along. Puh-leeze.

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Yeah, I know Quinn has brought all of this doom down on herself (If what everyone is predicting does come true) but damn, am I glad that the Forresters might get their own doom. All of that groaning and moaning and talking about Eric in his OWN office is just too much. Get your own jobs, buy your own houses, support yourselves for once and leave your dad/grandpa alone. He built this business and supported your sorry asses all of these years. Stop whining and crying--just go away. And where in the world has Brooke been when all of this has been happening? My wish for this show is that Eric has disinherited evey one one of his children and grandchildren who didn't attend his wedding. Watch the fireworks start!!

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I don't watch much anymore, but tuned in the last couple of days and found myself pleasantly surprised by Eric and Quinn.  I think they make a great couple!  I would laugh and laugh and laugh if Quinn was pregnant with Eric's baby, because it would mean unending misery for Ridge, Puffy and that giant toddler, Rick. 

The power of attorney thing is confusing.  Why would Eric need to give it to anyone?  Wouldn't that be giving someone immediate power over his entire life?  Is it something that entitled hobo Ridge is trying to manipulate Eric into signing?

Also, is LG still on the show or was Caroline sacrificed for Thomas?

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On 9/23/2016 at 1:51 PM, LittleIggy said:

I wish poisonous gas would fill that office and kill Steffy and Ridge while incapacitating the others for the rest of their lives.

Doesn't poisonous gas fill the office every time Steffy opens her puffy mouth? :)

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So obviously this whole wedding scenario was written to make Eric and Quinn sympathetic to the audience. Seems like they are doing their best to rehab Quinn after her sociopathic self pushed Deacon off a cliff. I'm enjoying where this is going so far. Anxious to see what is around the corner and I haven't felt that way for awhile with this show.  I've only been watching for a few years so I lack the history many of you have. 

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If, and that's a pretty big if, all this is a set up for either a dead or incapacitated Eric, the storyline could go in a variety of ways.  But I am a bit upset that Eric removed Stephanie's portrait and put Quinn up there so quickly, especially after hearing Eric's lament on how Stephanie was the love of his life.  Well, at least it's not that ugly portrait of Maya. 

YMMV, but I really don't like the stunt casting on this show. First we have Chaz Bono and now it was that pathetic excuse, Perez Hilton.  I've never understood why they do this because it really can't impact viewership.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
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22 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

If, and that's a pretty big if, all this is a set up for either a dead or incapacitated Eric, the storyline could go in a variety of ways.  But I am a bit upset that Eric removed Stephanie's portrait and put Quinn up there so quickly, especially after hearing Eric's lament on how Stephanie was the love of his life.  Well, at least it's not that ugly portrait of Maya. 

YMMV, but I really don't like the stunt casting on this show. First we have Chaz Bono and now it was that pathetic excuse, Perez Hilton.  I've never understood why they do this because it really can't impact viewership.  

Not to mention putting out day players and unknowns for a shot at under five or small role. I doubt people are going to tune in to B&B because Perez Hilton is on playing a priest. He has a huge following but I doubt he would draw that many new viewers in. IMO!!

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9 hours ago, MulletorHater said:


So much WORD to this!  Susan Flannery said in an interview years ago that it was not her job to dictate storyline direction to the writers, etc.  It was her job to act.  Years ago, Hunter Tylo came under fire because she went on record talking about her "contract clauses," which were put in place after she and her ex-husband, Michael, became born again.  Taylor couldn't be shown in a bad light; there would be no divorce from Ridge; Taylor would be the only one to have Ridge's children (after which Bridget's paternity was changed).  However, I blame TIIC for agreeing to go along with it.

KKL has had some turkeys thrown her way, and the Brooke character is very polarizing and has been for years.  A few years ago, things got so bad during the Brooke/Taylor wars onscreen that fans reportedly screamed at KKL ("Leave Taylor alone, you bitch!") when she was enjoying a family outing.  Frankly, I don't know how she does it.  I remember reading that she had some reservations about doing the Deacon storyline, after SK approached Brad Bell about wanting to work with her.  However, as she later stated, BB assured her that he had confidence in her ability to make it work.  There are also tales of other actors like Susan Lucci and Eileen Fulton being physically attacked by rabid fans who can't tell the difference between real life and "reel" life.

It is infuriating however when actors make demands or use their fanbases to lobby on their behalf.  I have seen storyline direction change abruptly because of those demands.   There was a time when we, the fans, weren't privy to salary negotiations or other contract disputes.  Once that started to happen, we were then made aware that a certain character was going to be "killed off" only to have said character resurface 2-3 years later as an amnesiac, a prisoner in a harem or a doppelganger. 

Everyone who's bummed/annoyed at present writing/acting go ahead and UTube old B&B. It's tasty and satisfying!

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4 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

The power of attorney thing is confusing.  Why would Eric need to give it to anyone?  Wouldn't that be giving someone immediate power over his entire life?  Is it something that entitled hobo Ridge is trying to manipulate Eric into signing?


The POA would go into effect if Eric became incapacitated.

I loved Ivy telling off all the a-holes huddling in Eric's office. I bet Ridge will soil himself when he sees Quinn's portrait. Not as if he changes his shorts very often though...

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That was a lovely ceremony, made all the lovelier by the absence of the family. Why have that group of nay saying Debbie Downers there to spoil a perfectly beautiful day. Eric and Quinn both looked smashing; Quinn’s dress was elegant, lady like and understated, and Eric was rocking that white ensemble. The vows were nice, and I loved that playful interlude about the rings. Eric has never had this type of relationship before; playful, and fun, but brutally honest at the same time. He was never allowed to be honest with Stephanie, because they mostly disagreed on everything, and Stephanie’s driving ambition to get that “slut from the Valley” out of the family was a constant source of disharmony between them. Eric could have had this type of relationship with Brooke if she had stayed focused on their marriage, but alas, there was always that dratted “destiny” stuff. So, in his twilight years, Eric seems to have found a real soul mate; a fellow artisan, who he can share with, and laugh with, and be real with. I couldn’t be happier for them!

And then we have that group of grousing, blustering buffoons, who have dug their collective heels in the sand, and have now probably cost themselves a relationship with their dad/granddad. Historically, everyone goes to everyone else’s weddings on the B&B. Stephanie went to Eric’s, she also went to Brooke’s, Brooke when to Taylor and Ridge’s; it is just what is done. Shame on all of them, but particularly Thorne, Felicia, Pam and Charlie. It would have been nice to see Thorne stand up to Ridge, and Ridge’s desires just this once. You promise to stand up for your father, then don’t show and don’t call? Just leave him hanging? Felicia fly’s in from wherever, but doesn’t go because Ridge raised his voice? Pam and Charlie? Your actions were the equivalent of throwing someone a lifeline and then jerking it back just as they reach it. Talk about pulling the rug out. And Steffy with her laments of “I can’t support it. I can’t watch her continue to destroy my grandfather’s life”, and “oh, so she forced him to marry her.” The best though, was calling Ivy a liar by saying “I somehow doubt that” after Ivy told them Quinn told Eric to call off the wedding. How is Quinn destroying Eric’s life? Eric seems full of gusto and happiness to me, which he didn’t before taking up with Quinn. And I am sure Quinn pulled that shotgun right outta her garter belt, and held it to Eric’s head, sorta like she did with Steffy and Wyatt? Steffy has way too much Stephanie in her. She can’t be wrong even when she is. In this case, she can’t be wrong because that would mean going back to Wyatt, and not reconciling with the Waffle, which was the main motivator for Steffy walking out on her marriage. I have no words for Wyatt. None. You are a terrible son. And where is Brooke? Busy with RJ? WTF? RJ isn't Eric's blood relative, but I am sure he views him as a grandson, just as he viewed Hope a granddaughter. Why couldn't Brooke bring him to the wedding? And once again, she is missing from Command Central, and isn't being involved in the planning and plotting. Instead, she will just pimp herself out to help out her ex-destiny because he has raised his voice. He might get more cred from me if he changed his damn clothes. And took a damn bath. And washed his damn hair. 

I have little doubt now that Eric signed the POA over to Quinn. He is hurt and he feels betrayed, unloved and unappreciated by his family. So now he will make Quinn his family in all the ways that count. And that bunch of losers stewing over at FC’s have no one to blame but themselves.

The portrait works for me. I think it is just another way of Eric saying he is totally committed to Quinn, and that he believes in her.


Believe it or not, I spent part of Saturday afternoon watching vintage B&B shows,

I do this all the time MulletorHater! I focus on Brooke’s takeover of FC’s, the early Sheila years, Brooke and Thorne, as well as Karen and Sally. It is amazing the difference in quality in all aspects of the show.  


That's because Terry Lester reportedly broke an unspoken cardinal rule:  He complained about the amount of airtime being given to Princess Lauralee Bell.

I remember this so well; I was already annoyed at Y&R for the disappearance of the Brooke’s family, and I loved Terry Lester.


I disagree that Quinn stole Steffy from Liam.



Yes, Quinn kidnapped Liam and that was pretty damn awful but (you knew there was a but coming), she didn't force Steffy to insta-move on and marry Wyatt. When the heifer and the waffle were reunited, Steffy even lamented about how even though he had amnesia from a very serious head injury, he should have somehow known she was waiting for him or some such shit - yet she didn't. She moved right along with Wyatt at warp speed and that's on her. Not Quinn because I will bet anyone $1 million internet dollars that had the Liam-napping never happened, these two fools still wouldn't be married. Because they always find ways to fuck it up. They always have and always will.

Ditto again.


I'll go take a seat at my table for one in the corner now.

I hope you have enough room for two? No self serving Quic supporter should be drinking alone.


All of that groaning and moaning and talking about Eric in his OWN office is just too much. Get your own jobs, buy your own houses, support yourselves for once and leave your dad/grandpa alone. He built this business and supported your sorry asses all of these years. Stop whining and crying--just go away. And where in the world has Brooke been when all of this has been happening? My wish for this show is that Eric has disinherited evey one one of his children and grandchildren who didn't attend his wedding. Watch the fireworks start!!

All of this!


giant toddler, Rick. 

Best description of Rick ever! I hope you don’t mind if I use it going forward.


Doesn't poisonous gas fill the office every time Steffy opens her puffy mouth? :)

Oh, you guys are just rollin with this shit! That is hilarious!

Edited by RuntheTable
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20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Shows used to be smarter than this. And as TobinAlbers mentioned, this is the opportunity he's been waiting for to get a leg up on Ridge. I don't believe for a moment that his relationship with Hope means nearly as much as a chance to fuck Ridge over.

I don't believe for a minute that he remembers that Hope exists right now. 

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1 hour ago, tessaray said:

Eric's pack of worthless ingrates definitely picked the wrong side.  I can't wait to see Quinn to wipe the floor with the lot of them.  

And, you know what?  I wouldn't be mad at her if she did.  

Yes!  Yes!  A thousand times, YES! to the removal of Stephanie's portrait.  Unless the writers intend to do a remake of Rebecca, where Quinn is intimidated and haunted by the memories of the secretly skanky long-dead Mrs. de Winter, um, Mrs. Forrester, I see no reason why it has to stay.  While Stephanie had her Douglas family pedigree, she only had the trappings of "class."  Yes, she knew how to set a table, arrange flowers, and stage a fashion show.  However, she was nothing but a thug in a pantsuit and pearls and it's high time that the canonization ended once and for all.

Either place the portrait in the lobby of Forrester Creations (since her money did help Eric to start the business) or give it to Ridge to keep wherever he is laying his greasy head these days.

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If I'm supposed to feel sympathy for the now-"noble", now-"humble" Quinn who, after all her misdeeds, frequently involving falls or almost-falls from great heights, e.g., Ally off the FC walkway, Ivy into the Seine, Deacon into the Pacific, I do not.  I am not moved by her giddiness or her happy tears or her pledged troth to Eric.  I am not moved by her claims that she's changed.  She hasn't earned any of this.  If she's supposed to be redeemed, show us.  Don't tell us.  (BTW, what you are showing me is that she's still manipulating Ivy and Liam and that sounds exactly like the Quinn of old to me.  So, where exactly is this vaunted "change"?)

And, as posted above, all these characters live in glass houses.  None are blameless.  It's a soap opera, after all.  And, yes, Stephanie was a dark character who's been brightened considerably since her death.  But, where Stephanie arguably facilitated Brooke's rape, Quinn actually committed rape.  Liam was an amnesiac blank slate and she raped him.  Repeatedly.  Sure, it was under the guise of marital relationship and there was no force but she took advantage of him to have sex with him.  If $Bill had done the same thing with Hope, I don't think we'd be cheering during his teary-eyed, emotional wedding-of-redemption.

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Hopefully this will be a lesson to the spoiled Forresters that following Ridge and Steffy's crusade of petulance does nothing but make you look like as much of a selfish asshole as they are. I'm really hoping Eric fires and disowns every last one of them. 

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Group tantrum, heh.  John McCook is indeed wonderful. 

While Brooke has been sidelined for awhile, I don't understand why she was MIA in all this.  Eric has always been so supportive of her, and having her stand up to jackass Ridge would have been a nice beat to play.  Oh well.  Maybe something like that is still coming, and Eric will drop the hammer on Ridge and Steffy and announce Brooke as president of FC.

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Oh Eric, how do I love thee let me count the ways:  Putting the ingrates on blast especially comparing Steffy to Stephanie and telling Ridge, to his face, that he feels he was betrayed.  

Steffy:  Quinn is going to show her true self which is vicious and ugly. Sometimes it takes a person a while to see that but we will help grandad and when he does we'll get her out of the house.  Couldn't the same diatribe be used to describe Steffy?  I think so.  

Ridge:  "I don't want him to be with that silly woman;" but he's virtually giving the bride away at Brooke's and Bill's wedding.  

What's up with Thomas' hair?  Are they trying to make him look more metrosexual like Rick instead of cave man like Ridge?  

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 2:12 PM, Anna Yolei said:

The worst part of this for me? I don't think Quinn has learned a damn thing about not interfering. She's still trying to push Ivy with Liam instead of telling Wyatt to grow a pair and find another wife, because God forbid someone actually date for longer than the life cycle of a fruit fly before getting engaged. And now doubt she'll ramp that up once SC returns from his paternity leave.

Maybe. Ivy left L.A. in love with Liam, and came back to L.A. still in live with Liam.

Quinn played make-over on Ivy (Meh, whatever ... Ivy's more attractive in dowdy dresses and nothing makeup, than Steffy could ever be trashed out like a Pro working double-time during Fleet Week) ... Ivy still wants Liam's form and doesn't need much incentive to pursue him.

Allowing an opportunity for Ivy and Liam to interact isn't the same as Quinn handcuffing and locking them in a storage room together until they have dropcloth SexxxyTimes (Y&R's very unromantic coupling of Nick Newman/Ol'Hammertoes).

All Quinn has done is pointed a besotted young woman with a new hairdo and wardrobe in the direction of the Waffle. Quinn may advance opportunities for Ivy and Liam to be together, but Ivy's all for it and Liam has only followed in the wake of women who make the decision for him.



1 hour ago, nasir jones said:

John McCook is killing it.  I was skeptical about the out of nowhere combo of Eric & Quinn, but it's injected some much-needed life into the show.  I loved Eric calling out Steffy for inheriting her Grandma's asshole gene.


Loved Eric reading them for the selfish, thankless and spineless cowards they are. And then turning on Ridge: "You betrayed me!"

Not for the first time, Eric, and certainly not the last.

I would love Eric to bring in a new broom and can the lot of them. Lock them all out of the company, change and beef up security, and dump everyone at FC that is loyal to Ridge, like Carter, Sasha. Stop work going forward on any designs not started  in production, bring in a whole new design and business management group, then go to $Bill and buy back the 12.5% stake to kibosh Ridge's plans to take over FC. Convince $Bill that Ridge will never let go of Brooke, and he will actively undermine their marriage if you hand over the stock. Cut Ridge off at the knees and take away any power he might have over Brooke, and sell me the stock.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Cupid Stunt -- your suggestion for Eric's Fall cleaning is 1000X better than hearing Puffy and Ridge vow, ad nauseum, to get Quinn out of  Eric's life.

How's that working out for ya Ridge-Puff, now that Eric has tuned the full force of the Patriarch on you.  

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1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Group tantrum, heh.  John McCook is indeed wonderful. 

While Brooke has been sidelined for awhile, I don't understand why she was MIA in all this.  Eric has always been so supportive of her, and having her stand up to jackass Ridge would have been a nice beat to play.  Oh well.  Maybe something like that is still coming, and Eric will drop the hammer on Ridge and Steffy and announce Brooke as president of FC.

I so want to see some reveal where Eric introduces the new president of FC, and Brooke walks in, wedding ring on her finger, happily married to Bill and supporting Eric.  

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41 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Cupid Stunt, why should Sasha be thrown out? Just because Ridge hired her?

I do hope Eric mentions that Ivy was the only Forrester to support him.

I think Ivy made her disgust of her cousins clear when she told them their plan failed to stop the wedding and they had damaged their relationship with Eric.

Sasha is soft in the head for Thomas, and could easily be manipulated by Thomas and Ridge (use her burgeoning career as incentive) into spying on Eric and Quinn, to find something to help get their useless asses back into FC.

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Quinn earned her redemption the way they all do now, with a snap of the writer's pen (or press of the Enter key). I actually think old school Quinn is more interesting but I like RS/JMc and it's either accept the retcon or quit watching. I'm usually the kind who takes breaks instead of handwaving, but in this case...

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3 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Fuck you and your lemon bars Pam

Even though she gave him the corner piece? :)

I LOVED seeing Eric read all of them for the filth they are...well, figuratively anyway.  When Eric said "Ridge" followed by a long pause, I finished his sentence with "take a bath." 

4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:


I would love Eric to bring in a new broom and can the lot of them. Lock them all out of the company, change and beef up security, and dump everyone at FC that is loyal to Ridge, like Carter, Sasha. Stop work going forward on any designs not started  in production, bring in a whole new design and business management group, then go to $Bill and buy back the 12.5% stake to kibosh Ridge's plans to take over FC. Convince $Bill that Ridge will never let go of Brooke, and he will actively undermine their marriage if you hand over the stock. Cut Ridge off at the knees and take away any power he might have over Brooke, and sell me the stock.

This would make my day!

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Actually, I thought Eric was way too easy on Steffy. (He seemed almost angrier with Pam.) Especially the way Steffy came arrogantly stomping into the office at the end of the line, like "WTF do YOU want?" Comparing her to Stephanie is perceived by Steffy as a compliment and calling her stubborn is hardly more than a statement of fact, rather than being chastizing.  However, in the hands of a much more skilled actress, who knows where JMc and the writers could have gone.  At the best, JMW could just stand there and semi-hang her head (probably has had injections to prevent a double-chin!) and try to blink out some hot tears. What a waste.  I am hoping that the wrath for Ridge-pen is coming tomorrow, otherwise, I'll be mighty disappointed.

I want for Eric to come down like a sledgehammer on ALL of them, but with the fatal blows given to Puffy and Ridge-pen. And I want some punitive action, not just some teary, "you betrayed me" guilt trip and that's it.  I like all of the ideas for corporate revenge, but I think the best case scenario would be for Eric to buy Bill's shares directly from Bill. That gets Brooke out of the middle and also permanently removes Bill from FC interests.  I don't think that Brooke would accept the role of president because it would problems with Bill and the way Brooke is behaving right now, would not want to hurt Steffy ... or by extension, Sludge. (Yeah, like who really give a shit and look at the awful way Steffy has treated Brooke, even as recently as a week or so ago with her catty remarks about getting engaged to Bill.)

Regarding Brooke, if her reason for not attending the wedding was to spend time with RJ, well why not take him to the wedding? After all, Eric is his grandfather. Also, RJ doesn't yet know all of the gritty details behind the upcoming Brill wedding, so he would be none the wiser. But at least Brooke has the decency to respond.

This whole fiasco in the making would have been the ideal and, appropriate for a change, time for Maya to put on her "Mrs. CEO lady-in-waiting" hat and coach Rick into supporting Eric. As others have pointed out, the situation was a prize opportunity for Rick to eclipse Ridge and jump a rung or two over him on the CEO stepladder. (stepstool?)

Sadly, I think all of our hopes and superior ideas for story advancement will be for naught tomorrow when Eric has the heart attack or stroke or whatever before he can utter more than a few syllables.  I think the best case will be that Quinn will be running the show either by default, as his spouse, or if he signed that DPOA off-camera and appointed Quinn. Either way, the FC brats are gonna squirm.

Edited by grisgris
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"Not 1 member of his family..." Did Quinn forget Ivy was at the wedding or does she not count? 

I find it funny that based on the documents Eric may not have signed, Wyatt could be more in line for Forrester money/stock than his wife and the rest of the family.

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31 minutes ago, Artsda said:

"Not 1 member of his family..." Did Quinn forget Ivy was at the wedding or does she not count? 

I find it funny that based on the documents Eric may not have signed, Wyatt could be more in line for Forrester money/stock than his wife and the rest of the family.

"... was there for him."  I think Quinn counted Ivy as being there for her (or them as a couple) by helping with the dress, etc. but agree that bit of dialog was awkward. 

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Well, that was gut wrenching. I have been watching JMcC since his Lance Prentiss days on Y&R, and I can honestly say I don't think I have ever seen him look like that. He has been betrayed before, he has been back stabbed and disrespected, been the source of derision and insults due to his choice in women, but this feels different. Eric has always forgiven, brushed it under the rug, put it away for another day, or whatever. He may have blustered and been angry, but he always forgave and moved on. I don't get the feeling that is what we are in for here. I may be giving Show to much credit, but could they have really listened to the viewers in that survey? Could they be heading to something big for November Sweeps? What I see is a riveting SL that is involving the remaining core characters, the balance of power at FC's, POAs to govern Eric's remaining years; all with Brooke swirling around in the center. I didn't miss that Eric was holding that POA as he went into his office. I will be hella disappointed if Show drops the ball here. 

I see good possibilities and some not so good possibilities:

Eric has signed over the POA to Quinn, kicks Ridge and Steffy out of FC's, tells the rest they can stay, but they have to play nice with Quinn. They don't have to like her, but they must respect her as Eric's wife. No browbeating or insult throwing. He then announces that he has named Brooke CEO of the company, while he will function as the President. Ridge and Steffy open up their own design house, taking Thomas with them, while Caroline returns and takes the reigns at FC's, which causes conflict with Thomas. 

Eric has signed over the POA to Brooke, his one true friend, and the only person he can truly trust to have his best interests at heart. He chooses not to name Quinn because he doesn't want to put her in that position. He then finds out about the takeover shenanigans, and tells Bill that he won't be party to pimping Brooke out, but he will buy the shares outright to secure FC's for her future. 

Those are the good ones, this one has me sick to death with dread.

Eric has signed over the POA to Quinn, reads his whole family for filth, then he and Quinn depart for their honeymoon. Eric just can't get past the pain, and is constantly worrying about it and has a heart attack. The whole family blames Quinn, thinking she "did something", while she tries to tell them they are the ones who caused Eric's death. And the battle is on, but with no JMcC. 

I don't know if this show can survive losing another of the core four. If that is the plan, then they better bring Brooke back front and center, cause the kiddos don't have it to run the show. Even though KKL and RM were really young when the show premiered, there was still something about them that made it ok. And the rest of the supporting cast as well. The Forrester kids were all young, but they seemed much more mature and had more gravitas than this current bunch. Just compare the Brooke/Ridge, Taylor/Ridge love stories to Liam/Hope, Liam/Steffy, and Wyatt with either of them. For this viewer, it just doesn't compare. Now, if they want to take Ivy and Sasha front and center, I can get with that, because I think both of those ladies have much more to bring to the table. 

But, I would lay bets that Show will take the easy way out, and have Eric bark at the babies for a few minutes, then leave for his honeymoon. While he and Quinn are away, Ridge will up the ante on Brooke to get those shares and the betrayal will escalate with Brooke being the one who facilitates it. 

Wyatt looked like a whipped puppy. And he should. His mother has done many whack things in his name, and however wrong or misguided she may have been, everything in her life was about Wyatt. 

20 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

If I'm supposed to feel sympathy for the now-"noble", now-"humble" Quinn

I can only speak for myself; for me it isn't so much about Quinn and feeling sorry or feeling sympathy for her. It is more about Eric, and his family's disrespect. I have watched B&B since day one, and people have always gone to weddings they oppose. It is just what they do. Maybe they are gluttons for punishment, but I remember Brooke at Ridge and Taylor's second wedding. And Stephanie at Brooke and Ridge's, and Brooke and Thorne's, as well as Eric's. 

16 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I so want to see some reveal where Eric introduces the new president of FC, and Brooke walks in, wedding ring on her finger, happily married to Bill and supporting Eric.  

I would absolutely pee my pants if that happened!


15 hours ago, tessaray said:

Quinn earned her redemption the way they all do now, with a snap of the writer's pen (or press of the Enter key). I actually think old school Quinn is more interesting but I like RS/JMc and it's either accept the retcon or quit watching. I'm usually the kind who takes breaks instead of handwaving, but in this case...

Me too. If I just couldn't with Show anymore, I would take a break. But this SL is so damn good, with so many soapy elements, it has become must see for me once again. I also think that lesser actors would not be able to sell it. 


12 hours ago, grisgris said:

Especially the way Steffy came arrogantly stomping into the office at the end of the line, like "WTF do YOU want?"

IKR! What an arrogant little bitch. So smug. 


Edited by RuntheTable
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12 hours ago, grisgris said:

Actually, I thought Eric was way too easy on Steffy. (He seemed almost angrier with Pam.) Especially the way Steffy came arrogantly stomping into the office at the end of the line, like "WTF do YOU want?" Comparing her to Stephanie is perceived by Steffy as a compliment and calling her stubborn is hardly more than a statement of fact, rather than being chastizing.  However, in the hands of a much more skilled actress, who knows where JMc and the writers could have gone.  At the best, JMW could just stand there and semi-hang her head (probably has had injections to prevent a double-chin!) and try to blink out some hot tears. What a waste.  I am hoping that the wrath for Ridge-pen is coming tomorrow, otherwise, I'll be mighty disappointed.


1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

IKR! What an arrogant little bitch. So smug. 


Yeah, I was actually hoping she'd trip and make an ass of herself while doing the stomp of arrogance.  And I agree, I think Eric was way too easy on her; I also agree that Puffles probably took it all as a compliment anyway.

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Smite them, Eric! Smite them good!!


On September 26, 2016 at 7:23 PM, movingtargetgal said:

Stephanie's portrait should be moved from the Forrester estate to FC.  Rather than rotating portraits of the "new Forrester Matriarchs" Eric should hang a nice picture of flowers.  That would lessen some of the drama.  

Hell, why not just take a page from $Bill and put a giant glamor portrait of himself up there?

14 hours ago, Artsda said:

"Not 1 member of his family..." Did Quinn forget Ivy was at the wedding or does she not count? 

I find it funny that based on the documents Eric may not have signed, Wyatt could be more in line for Forrester money/stock than his wife and the rest of the family.

I was bummed that Ivy was unmentioned there, too, as well as in Eric's smackdown of the whiny ingrate horde. :(

How much do you want to bet that if Wyatt should suddenly be next in line for the Forrester inheritance that Puffy will come running back proclaiming her undying love for him? *vomit*

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7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

But, I would lay bets that Show will take the easy way out, and have Eric bark at the babies for a few minutes, then leave for his honeymoon. While he and Quinn are away, Ridge will up the ante on Brooke to get those shares and the betrayal will escalate with Brooke being the one who facilitates it. 

Yes, because ultimately, the writers will find a way to make this all Brooke's fault.  Just watch.  "Why didn't you marry Bill sooner?!" Stuffy, the dog-faced girl, will shriek.  

And, of course, Ridge-Pen will find a way to make it all about him.  "Logan [ICK!  Gag!  Barf!], I thank you for your sacrifice, but I understand why you hesitated marrying Bill.  It's because of the boy--and me, isn't it?"  Just once I would love it if Brooke told that clown, "Excuse me, Ridge, but you got this whole thing twisted.  Marrying and bedding my stallion isn't a sacrifice.  Yes--that's right.  I said, stallion!  Infer from that what you will."

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17 hours ago, grisgris said:

At the best, JMW could just stand there and semi-hang her head (probably has had injections to prevent a double-chin!) and try to blink out some hot tears

Not that long ago, I happen upon the clip from when the Posé boink was exposed and JMW still had the ability to cry on cue outta nothing eyes. Of course, that was at least three surgeries ago. 

7 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

"Why didn't you marry Bill sooner?!" Stuffy, the dog-faced girl, will shriek.  

The best question is why Brooke owes that twat (or Thomas by extension) a damn thing, given how easily they were willing to toss her and then infant RJ and Hope on their ass when Taylor returned, the general hatred of all things Logan,  the stupid texting prank to keep her and Ridge apart, Thomas lying about boinking Brooke, and the piecè de resistancé of everything to do with Steffy's treatment of Hope?

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I just have to say, I've been a here-&-there watcher of our show for most of its' run, although, we've been going steady for the last 4 years or so. In the 4 years I've been steady with it, JMcC hasn't had all that much storyline, & as horrible as this sounds, until today, I had actually forgotten how really good he can be. He sold the hell out of Eric's every emotion today: sadness, anger, disappointment, confusion, sarcasm, mistrust, love (for Quinn), it was all there. I fear that he's not long for our show (total speculation, no spoilers), but I hope he stays & stays frontburner. I hope the Queric show is here to stay. 

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4 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I despise Ridge for continuing to imply that Eric has dementia because he's thinking for himself.  So fucking disgusting.

If they somehow make Eric and Quinn's marriage invalid, or somehow give Ridge power of attorney, then I will be taking another break. 

When Ridge made that "you're cuckoo" motion to Eric after saying "this proves we were right all along" I wanted to go through the screen and smack the grease right off his face.  How dare he.

Making the marriage invalid is IMO exactly what they're going to do, they had Eric mention that Quinn will be Mrs Eric Forrester as soon as he signs the papers.

I'm so angry right now, and I feel a little cuckoo myself for getting so angry at a fictional show, but they could all see how upset Eric was, yet Ridge and (to a lesser degree) Puffy kept coming at him an arguing back.  I hope this makes Wyatt change his mind about his precious little Puffer and tells her to not let the door slam her ass on her way to Liam.  In a perfect world, Liam would tell her to take a hike as well.

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John McCook was so many shades of awesome today. I had to rewind and re-watch key scenes. I so wish that when Eric was calling each person out individually that he also doled out punishment.  In particular, I enjoyed the dressing down of Rick and Maya, but I thought Thomas more or less skated by. Notable zingers were "all about Steffy" and Ridge's "Marone genes." Yeah! You go, Eric!  However, I really wished that Eric had calmed down just a bit and asked Ridge and Steffy to recite to the group exactly what Quinn had done to each of them directly. That would have been great to watch Steffy paint herself into a corner when it would eventually be deduced that she was jealous of "Adam & Eve," therefore, admitting that her marriage to Wyatt was an impulsive mistake.

I couldn't believe those sniveling assholes Puffy and Ridge-pen had the audacity to talk back to Eric like they did.  I know that disrespect went out the window weeks ago, but still.  If I were Eric, I would have disinherited them both on the spot, if that's even possible. I also wanted to slap the sneer off Ridge's greasy face when he implied that Eric wasn't in control of his mental faculties. He is nothing but a selfish greedy son of a bitch.  What a vile human being, right along with his despicable plastic harpy daughter.  (Note: I was truly disappointed that we didn't actual witness most of Eric's berating Steffy, but then OTOH, we probably didn't miss much ...)

One thing I noticed though ... did ANY of them actually utter the words, "I'm sorry?"  All I heard were sniveling excuses about "protecting Eric" or "concern," or mumbled not knowing what to say.  I hope that Ivy gets some credit for being at the wedding.

Ah crap! Please don't tell me the marriage isn't valid.  Just when I thought the karma was coming, now this.

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You know, scenes like this is where I miss Ronn Moss in the role, because even through his douchebaggery and some fairly questionable calls, it almost always came across that he cared for Eric, even when he disagreed with his decisions. Kaye OTOH has nailed the nasty parts of Ridge but none of his very few good ones.

Ridge can be summed up by one scene he had with Ashley during their brief relationship, where he mentions that he's always got conflicting loyalties..that's pretty true for Steph/Brooke, but even back when Eric was rushing his divorce from Stephanie to marry Brooke, Thorne was the one leading the charge to tell Stephanie, not Ridge. If anything, I'd see Ridge as the one telling his family to suck it up and support Dad/Granddad.

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