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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Guest Alleystone

I didn't really notice Alexander Skarsgård until I saw one of his movie called The East, in which he was playing the leader of a underground anarchist and environmental organization. I was impressed by AS's performance, not to mention his blue eyes and the voice.  I always enjoy actors with beautiful and clear eyes (not creepy stare) and distinctive voice/accent.

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See? I try and watch shitshow and again, it kills me. Can I have amnesia, too? 


Today, Steffy says "Eventually you have to move on." EVENTUALLY? It's been what, two days, you frozen-faced moron? Ugh. 


Also: I'm really annoyed they are doing this Quinn/Liam thing with him having amnesia. The actors are great together and there could be a interesting story here, but I can't enjoy a second of it. Especially if 

they have sex before he gets his memory back.

The big difference between this and the True Blood storyline is Eric didn't hate Sookie, and would have happily boned her for days with or without his memories. I wouldn't buy it in the real world, but I could enjoy it (for many reasons) in fiction. 

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And why waste the intriguing Sean Kanan, who has more charisma in the curl of his lip than Pierson Fode and Rome Flynn put together. I want to see more Deacon!

Yeah, I had some hope for a Deacon return.  I am still annoyed that they split up and it is not really clear why (unless I missed it).  But I loved him calling her out and telling her she will be in a rubber room when this all ends badly and she should have taken him to hospital.  What he should do is contact Wyatt to tell him his mom is on the train to crazy town yet again.  But it looks like Deacon is just getting the heck out of Dodge before he gets mired in this mess.


Caroline and Thomas had some reasonably shocked reactions to the concept of a proposal, with Caroline mentioning warp speed, and what about Ivy and Liam.  But they really should have said, you do know Liam has only been gone for 48 hours, right?


And if Wyatt marries Stef, and Liam returns to tell what happened, of course, Stef will just dump Wyatt.


RS does have me eager to see her scenes, even if the whole thing is absurd.

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And if Wyatt marries Stef, and Liam returns to tell what happened, of course, Stef will just dump Wyatt.


Unless Steffy/Wyatt's honeymoon results in her getting pregnant with her miracle baby. I wouldn't put it past this show to have Steffy get pregnant right after Caroline has her baby.

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Steffy is pathetic. Has no one ever broken up with her before because she doesn't seem to understand how it works. I'm pretty sure we saw Liam tell her to pack up her shite, GTFO of his house, and leave her copy of the house key. Then he quit the job at FC he pretty much only had so they could be around each other 24/7. How does she interpret any of that as leaving things uncertain or unfinished? And then her master plan is to leave a message on his phone basically threatening to screw his brother? How old is this chick, 12?

So did Quinn and Deacon get a divorce or an annulment? It seems they referred to it both ways but those two things are not the same.

Oh, Wyatt, hope you're ready to be charged as an accessory to a kidnapping. All these calls between you and Quinn while you're trying to rush Steffy into a rebound marriage are going to look real suspicious when Liam resurfaces and gets his memory back.

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Sean Kanan was go good  in the last scene with Quinn.  I don't understand why he is wasted.


What was up with Quinn's I'm not into the rough stuff or she deserves something good?  Was Deacon the one with the dominatrix gear?  I hate this story.  The writers cannot make me unsee Deacon making Quinn breakfast in bed or pulling her off a ledge or listening to her talk incessantly about her damn son or Deacon not walking away when Hope miscarried.  Are the writers trying to show us how out of her mind Quinn really is or are we supposed to buy Liam as being the good she needs while Quinn it seems was mistreated by Deacon?  I'm not buying that if that is the writers' intention.  I'm not buying victim Quinn.  Deacon and Quinn gave as good as they got.  Its why they were the best couple of the show IMO.  They were equals.  


And why does she deserve something good while she plays God with other people's lives?  


Another thing that is bugging me - if Deacon's marriage is over he seriously didn't make another play for free and clear Brooke?  Really show?  He calls Allison but doesn't contact  Brooke?  Or is that something else that happened offscreen?

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He does deserve better and so does his fans. I feel like I'm watching GH all over again.

The writing for Deacon and Quinn is driving me crazy. So Deacon has been scamming Quinn all this time and yet Quinn told Wyatt when Wyatt started going in on him that Deacon was a good man. Well, what is it? Is Deacon shit or is he a good man? It feels like the writers are throwing shit against the wall and expect fans to forget the way they do.

And what is really driving me nuts is that this is being done for Liam. Rena Sofer is getting airtime again because she is hooked up with SC. Apparently that's the only way you get screen time on this show - you have to be hooked up with a certain chosen few.

Deacon is a real shit heel. His only purpose today was to be the town cryer. Hear Ye Hear Ye Quinn is an insane bitch and is going to wind up in a padded cell. Deacon looks like a true alcoholic. His face got fat again and it turned red in his manic rant. How long before Steffy turns completely blond? Caroline was a breath of fresh air and Thomas is still a certifiable schmuck.

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Sean Kanan was go good  in the last scene with Quinn.  I don't understand why he is wasted.


What was up with Quinn's I'm not into the rough stuff or she deserves something good?  Was Deacon the one with the dominatrix gear?  I hate this story.  The writers cannot make me unsee Deacon making Quinn breakfast in bed or pulling her off a ledge or listening to her talk incessantly about her damn son or Deacon not walking away when Hope miscarried.  Are the writers trying to show us how out of her mind Quinn really is or are we supposed to buy Liam as being the good she needs while Quinn it seems was mistreated by Deacon?  I'm not buying that if that is the writers' intention.  I'm not buying victim Quinn.  Deacon and Quinn gave as good as they got.  Its why they were the best couple of the show IMO.  They were equals.  


And why does she deserve something good while she plays God with other people's lives?  


Another thing that is bugging me - if Deacon's marriage is over he seriously didn't make another play for free and clear Brooke?  Really show?  He calls Allison but doesn't contact  Brooke?  Or is that something else that happened offscreen?

This episode is where the show actually lost me for a minute. Revisiting Quinn and Deacon's breakup in such a ludicrous-speed fashion didn't help Quinn's case, IMHO, or WTHQuil. It just accentuated the plot-driven aspect, in a way that neither RS nor SK could overcome. I'm not averse to Quinn feeling she might want something different in a man...which goes back to our gentle waffle...but wow did they blow through it doing eighty. And Wyatt admitting that he sortakinda proposed to Steffy something like (until told otherwise) three or four days after Liam went thud didn't help either.

I'm still hanging on for the crazy, but this was a big stumble on the way there.

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Another thing that is bugging me - if Deacon's marriage is over he seriously didn't make another play for free and clear Brooke?  Really show?  He calls Allison but doesn't contact  Brooke?  Or is that something else that happened offscreen?


Well, duh (j/k) ... Because Deacon is available!!!  That will slam the golden cooter firmly shut faster than anything because Brooke likes them taken. Otherwise, what's the sport/challenge of it all?  Seriously, that is an excellent point. IF the writers intend to keep SK around, that would make this repeat crapfest of Brooke/Bill/Katie more palatable. You can bet that if Deacon starts hanging around Brooke again that Bill will go ballistic and stick his dick, I mean nose, into it under the guise of "protecting Brooke." Instead, Deacon can rescue Katie from the demon rum.


I thought Sean Kanan was looking mighty fine. I like the new haircut and clean-shaven face. It makes him look younger and less beefy. I honestly didn't really ever take to Quinn and Deacon as a happy couple. They play off each other much better as frenemies.


Isn't there any way that Bratz can track Liam's cell phone, like pull records from the carrier or something? If $Bill could pull the US military into international waters to track down Brooke and Thomas from Boinkberry Island, surely he could locate Liam an hour away from L.A. I still can't get over how much different (and better) JMW looks in her outdoor/beach house scenes vs. when she's at FC. Maybe she has a stunt double for the outdoor stuff as natural light isn't usually an actress's best friend. Otherwise, the beach stuff was shot, then she went and had more work done on her face or something. Doesn't look at all like the same person.


I wonder what Chickenhead is going to pull out to get Steffy to elope with him? A trip to In-and-Out Burger followed by a drive-thru wedding chapel? That makes me long for the days when Ridge planned that incredibly romantic treasure hunt/proposal for Taylor in St. Thomas. That was fun and suspenseful and played out for at least a good week before she finally accepted.  Aw, those were the days ...

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Remember how self-righteous Puffy was about Ivy canoodling with Thomas while she was with Wyatt? And it wasn't as if Ivy consIdered Wyatt the love of her life. Bitch.

I certainly remembered that last week when Steffy said something to Wyatt like "...after what Ivy did to you..." Oh Steffy, do you mean like what you are doing to Liam??? Of course queen hypocrite will have the we were broken up excuse to fall back on.

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Oh, Wyatt, hope you're ready to be charged as an accessory to a kidnapping. All these calls between you and Quinn while you're trying to rush Steffy into a rebound marriage are going to look real suspicious when Liam resurfaces and gets his memory back.


That is such a great point. If there was an actual investigation into the timeline of Liam's kidnapping and they checked Quinn's phone records, Wyatt sure would look like he was in collusion with her in Liam's disappearance.


The only way I see Quinn getting out of this for the interim is if Liam remembers who he is, hits her over the head and makes a run for it, falls down a ravine or crashes his car trying to escape and the paramedics rush him to the hospital where tests show he has another brain injury on top of a previous one, they rush him into surgery and when he wakes up - he has amnesia again but it only covers from the time he returned from Australia.


Quinn then is going to be in cover up mode, Wyatt will be suspicious, Liam will be drawn to Quinn but won't know why, and Deacon will be blackmailing her to pay for his lifestyle. Bill and/or Detective Baker will be investigating Liam's crash wondering why he was on that road and crashed and eventually they'll backtrack to Quinn having a cabin in the area and then the pieces will fall into place.

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Is Ridge on some type of extended leave of absence? Does TK have a lot of holiday time? The baby Ridge story has completely stalled. Thomas and Caroline are just chatting away, talking about how Thomas has grown.


I feel no sympathy for Quinn, she's a psycho holding an unwell man with no memories from his family and medical attention. Then the message to Steffy today was sick to do. What does Quinn actually think she'll get out of this in the end?

Edited by Artsda
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What does Quinn actually think she'll get out of this in the end?



I would really like to know what the writer's game plan here is.  How does Quinn not end this without losing everything - especially Wyatt.  This should end with Wyatt completely writing her off and whatever "feelings" Liam has developed should be out the window at the level of psychoness Quinn is showing. 


And she is supposedly developing feelings while Liam is still exhibiting signs of a serious head injury?  I'm supposed to be shipping this because the actors have chemistry?  Really?  Or are the viewers supposed to be horrified?  As I said - what is the writers' game plan?

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Nothing to blackmail him with. These writers are stupid and sick. They must all have some seriously warped sex/love lives because this bed hopping and being engaged to one person this week and their cousin/brother/sister the next is fucking stupid as fuck. Seriously. What the hell is wrong with those people?

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Is Ridge on some type of extended leave of absence? Does TK have a lot of holiday time? The baby Ridge story has completely stalled. Thomas and Caroline are just chatting away, talking about how Thomas has grown.



I've said this before,  I'm tired of TK taking time off so he can be with his family on the East Coast.  If he doesn't want to move his family to LA, then he needs to quit and the show needs to find a new Ridge.  Others have pointed out here that other actors have taken time off for their outside stuff, but this with TK is ridiculous and he's been gone far too long.  It's not fair to the actors who have stories with him, as they are basically unemployed so TK can be back East.  

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It might not totally be the actor.  This could be script dictated too.  Sean Kanan had outside projects this past year but I don't believe that the lack of airtime or story was completely because of that.   TK might be on extended vacation because they are choosing to focus on this horrid Quinn/Liam story. 

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Guest Alleystone

It might not totally be the actor.  This could be script dictated too.  Sean Kanan had outside projects this past year but I don't believe that the lack of airtime or story was completely because of that.   TK might be on extended vacation because they are choosing to focus on this horrid Quinn/Liam story. 

I also think this has more to do with script than actors since B&B has a tendency to focus on 2 stories/one set of actors at a time. If I remember correctly,  JY, KM, LG, AB and others took/take extended leave until their stories are picked up. So it is very normal that TK's offscreen for a while since he has no story. According to spoiler,

Tk will be back next Thursday


I enjoyed the Wyatt/Caroline conversation.  Hopefully there would be more family bonding and genuine friendship on the show.  Romance, friendship, family, adventure and characters were what defined soap operas in the 80s and 90s.  Sadly, those elements are barely present on today's soaps.  

Edited by Alleystone
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Is Quinn still capable of making a baby? Liam probably wouldn't want it to be known that he had knocked her up, especially if he and Steffy get back together.


It bothered me that Quinn was planning to feed Liam meat. She knows he's vegan, right? Sometimes people can have adverse health reactions to eating meat suddenly when they haven't had it for a long time. Liam's already in a weakened state so to risk putting him in a digestive system crisis would seem to me like piling on. I'm starting to feel like Quinn needs killin', and gah, I can't believe I'm now feeling sorry for Liam.

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Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:

Is Ridge on some type of extended leave of absence? Does TK have a lot of holiday time?


TKs IMDb page mentions a movie; he might be working on post-production obligations.



Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:

The baby Ridge story has completely stalled. Thomas and Caroline are just chatting away, talking about how Thomas has grown.


If Thomas is talking about having grown out his hideous Mackelmore haircut, then yes, his hair has grown. As far as his superior attitude and obnoxious behavior, nothing has changed. Why Caroline puts up with having to talking about Rape Night with her rapist is disturbed.


Apologizing and begging forgiveness doesn't change what you are and what you've done, you disgusting waste of skin.


Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:Artsda, on 10 Feb 2016 - 1:43 PM, said:

I feel no sympathy for Quinn, she's a psycho holding an unwell man with no memories from his family and medical attention. Then the message to Steffy today was sick to do. What does Quinn actually think she'll get out of this in the end?


Steffy assured Liam is done with her, and free to marry Wyatt ... I think her machinations have been about Wyatt happily married to a woman from a very wealthy, influential family like the Forrester's.


There is the possibility that Liamnesiac doesn't get his memory back right away, or until it's convenient to the Plot Plot Plot for him to remember himself and his lost life.


TIIC could have Quinn continue her little charade, keeping Liam busy with ... well, whatever Liam does. Liam could work for Quinn, expanding her jewelry business beyond FC. I've never heard him make a business proposal, other than the Eye on Fashion article on the Humane Society and animal adoption.


Stop laughing! Liam working for a living ... It could happen.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Is the new guy playing a detective?


No one really knows right now. Probably not. He played Detective Harding on Y&R, nicknamed Detective Hard-On cause he gives lady boners. :-D


Is it possible for Quinn to get pregnant? I haven't seen the show in ages so I don't know her history with pregnancies and conception. Because if she can, she's so having a Baby Liam.

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I'm sure Wyatt would be happy to help out with his baby brother-nephew or sister-niece. Puke.


Show, please don't. Though, I'm pretty sure Steffy's next in line for a stupid plot pregnancy. She's refertile, right?

Edited by jenrising
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So instead of a middle aged moocher Quinn will have a boy toy moocher?


Liam has plenty of monetary assets. He's still president at Spencer Publications, and was a VP at Forrester Creations -- That has to pay well -- No living hand-to-mouth for Liam.


$Bill bought the beach house and gave it to Liam outright, so other than insurance, utilities and taxes, no expenses there. He might own the Tesla or lease it as a business expense -- still no major outlay of cash. Then there's the plastic money; plane tickets, a couple of meals, dry cleaning those shrunken suits ... Liamnesiac isn't doing without.


Quinn controls everything in his life, and there's nothing stopping her from having him keep up with his obligations.

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Is it just me, or does Caroline seem happier and much more relaxed in her scenes without Ridge? She seemed lighthearted and happy with Wyatt and when she's less tense around Thomas than Ridge, that's saying something. (Not that I really approved of that particular convo, but still ...)


I don't really notice when Ridge/TK isn't onscreen because his presence is so infrequent and I don't like him. Why can't he and his family relocated to L.A.? Does he have young children in school or something? Is he married? Is his wife or partner involved in some type of profession that's wedding to the East Coast?  I know that John McCook and the actor who played Mossimo used to take time off to do summer stock,  but their absences weren't as noticeable. I'm in no hurry for him to come back, but it looks like that "kid" is going to pop out any day now, so I'm sure we'll see Ridge sooner than later.


Speaking of MIA, is Ivy gone for good?


I thought the cell phone message swticheraroo was genius. I mean that as an actual implemented SL, it's horrendous that Quinn is going to such extreme measures to keep Liam and Steffy apart. (Although I'm looking forward to seeing Steffy's face simultaneously melt and crack when she listens to it.) But, apparently, that idea took some actual thought, maybe research? and *skill* to integrate into the storyline. I guess what I'm trying to say is why can't the writers consistently put forth that type of effort into more of the SLs and dialogue?  It's nowhere on par with Bell Sr.'s writing, but at least "phone-gate" had some oomph to it. It got my interest.


Sorry, but I just don't see Liam and Quinn sleeping together. She looks so repulsed whenever they touch each other or kiss (well, the other day was an exception...)

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These writers have no boundaries. A person with an obvious head injury and no idea who they are is tangled up with batshit crazy Quinn. Alrighty then. And Quinn and Deacon had their marriage annulled? What the hell writers? On what grounds? That makes absolutely no sense.

My 7 year old could write a more believable script than any of this crap going on.

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Guest Alleystone

When was the last time Caroline and Ridge are both on? Hmmm one or two days in December...  They can be lighthearted, happy and relaxed together. But when they are having same conversations about the baby and constant deer in the headlight look, asking for happier moment is not really realistic.  From my past soap watching experience, every single couple has fair share of angst, tension and happiness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVWhNoBb2Ek  Anyway, I think TK and LG still have that connection despite the problem of recycled writings and repetitive dialogues.  


Relocation is not as easy as some may suggest, especially if you have family and children to consider. I heard TK's really commit to his wife (they have been married for 20 years) and 3 kids.  So It make sense why his family, him and other people don't want to move to another city. 


My problem with Quinn/Liam thing is that it happens out of nowhere.  If tptbs intend this for Quinn's redemption, then they should give more time to develop this story.  Redemption and forgiveness don't come easy, at least not in old soaps. For example, Duke kept the secret of his involvement in illegal business and mob activities from Anna for several months.  It wasn't until he prove himself by aid the Port Charles Police in taking down the mob and take a bullet for Robert Scorpio that Anna finally forgave him.  

Edited by Alleystone
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I'm In the minority here, but I'm enjoying the Quinn/Liam story because it is so ridiculously cray-cray! The phone message thing was ingenious, and I can't wait to see JMW try to emote Steffy's devastation. Getting ready to laugh!

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Liam is late getting to Hope, in Paris, and within days she marries Wyatt in Monte Carlo. Liam is with Mistress Quinn and we have a bogus telephone message telling Steffy to get a life. I can see a pattern here where Steffy and Wyatt run off, within days, into the sunset and get married, on a secluded beach, in Hawaii. Steffy gets pregnant but looses the baby due to motorcycle accident everyone thinks that was caused by Quinn. Steffy, in her grief, goes back to Paris with Liam being the last one to say goodbye and they confirm there never dying love. Hope and Steffy meet, in Paris, and compare notes on which brother is the biggest schmuck.

Edited by Waldo13
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I'm In the minority here, but I'm enjoying the Quinn/Liam story because it is so ridiculously cray-cray! The phone message thing was ingenious, and I can't wait to see JMW try to emote Steffy's devastation. Getting ready to laugh!

Hey come sit by me.

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Cupid Stunt - ITA with your assessment of the Thomas/Caroline scenes and found myself growing madder and more disgusted by the minute watching them and Caroline telling Rapey McCreeperson how he'd grown


Notice how she wanted nothing to do with talking about that night and how completely uncomfortable she was, practically squirming in her chair.


And how with his intern bedding and stalking/seduction play for Ivy has Thom-ass grown, exactly?


But of course, Caroline needs to tell herself that so she can make him into someone he isn't so she can forget the someone he was that night (which is who he really is). After all, he's her baby's father. At least until it's retconned that the baby is actually Ridge's.


Speaking of Ridge, I can't say I've missed him all that much and with Hardon coming on, the role of big, burly manly man will be filled and by someone I like so much better. I just hope he isn't wasted on Katie and that we have a Deacon/Katie pairing (I could get on board with a Steffy/Deacon pairing as well) but it would be some kind of poetic justice if St Katie fell for devil Deacon.


Though I don't like much about the Quinn storyline, I have to tip my hat to her with the phone message as that was pretty genius and I can't wait to see Steffy's face crack when she gets that message. Speaking of Steffy and her hair, JMW is a natural blond so it wouldn't surprise me if she embraced it. I think she was blonder when she first came on the show and then they darkened it to show the contrast between her and formerly-identical but now-fraternal (WTF) twin, Phoebe. 


As for the rest of the Quinn storyline, while I've never enjoyed amnesiac Liam more, I just cannot with the storyline. From the lack of medical treatment to the feeding a vegan meat to the throw in a flashback that doesn't resonate because there was no build up and it's for a mostly cardboard cutout cartoon character and it's just a mess no matter how you slice it. 


And it also makes zero sense that Quinn would fall for Liam in his vulnerable state and we're supposed to believe that Quinn finally let her guard down with him because no, we saw that with her and Deacon so to trot this out as some new, revolutionary awakening of feelings, I'm just not buying what this show is trying to sell.

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Soul searching, LOL!  That lame and pathetic apology made the scene even more ludicrous. Seriously, tptb need to find someone who Thomas actually has physical /romantic chemistry with, lead him down the road to redemption and then have them fall in love.  Hell they can hook him up with Ivy lol.


They say third time's a charm. However it seems very unlikely this will happen to Wyatt. This chasing his brother's leftovers are getting more ridiculous with both Ivy and Steffy. Steffy is just using Wyatt to get over Liam, even Caroline point it out to him. Is he too blind to see it?


That whole Quinn/Liam thing is like watching a witch lure a naive boy to her hut.  

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The phone message thing was ingenious, and I can't wait to see JMW try to emote Steffy's devastation. Getting ready to laugh!

The only thing that was "off" about Liam's message was "don't ever call this number again...it seems like he should have said "don't ever call me again. Maybe Steffy will pick up on that, but before she does, seeing her face crack is always fun.

It bothered me that Quinn was planning to feed Liam meat. She knows he's vegan, right? Sometimes people can have adverse health reactions to eating meat suddenly when they haven't had it for a long time.

I was under the impression that if a long-time vegan suddenly eats meat it's pretty much a given that they'll get sick. That whole "you love steak, and cheese, and eggs...want some bacon?" was terrible.
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Guess who is back for a brief visit? 



And a few more spoilers.



Tuesday, Feb. 16
Ashley Jones reprises her role as Bridget Forrester.
(It was not mentioned how many episodes she'll be on for.)
This week, look for Bridget to lend a supportive ear as her mother Brooke confides in her about her feelings for Bill and her fallout with Katie.

Friday Feb 19
Dawn Wells appears as "Alice", a well-to-do Forrester Creations buyer -- and longtime friend of Eric and his late wife, Stephanie.

Dawn Wells portrayed "Mary Ann" on Gilligan's Island.
The Forrester Cocktail Party

Ridge returns home from his business trip and decides to reclaim his place at the Forrester Mansion. He makes plans to host a cocktail party at the Mansion -- a Forrester Creations business event. He invites some long-time vendors, and also a wealthy buyer named "Alice", who is an old friend of Eric and Stephanie's. In preparation for the event, Ridge has Maya's portrait taken down, and Stephanie's portrait put up in its place. Rick is upset and quarrels with Ridge. Eric tries to make peace between Rick and Ridge. Dawn Wells guest stars as "Alice".

Sources: February Sweeps, B&B website, and TVInsider


Week of February 15, 2016
• Will Quinn's plans come to fruition, not only for Wyatt and Steffy, but for herself?
• Katie gets in deeper over her fears about Brooke and Bill.

Source: B&B Bulletins
Newspaper weekly soaps preview
(via "www.courierjournal.NET/soaps")

Coming for the week of Feb 15th
Liam hopes to regain his memory by thinking with his heart.

Source: Link

About the source:
Link to description of source
Spoilers from www.theTVwatercooler.com

Monday, Feb. 15
Liam struggles with the complexities -- both mentally and emotionally -- of his current situation.

Tuesday, Feb. 16
Caroline sees a kinder and gentler side of Thomas.
Ashley Jones reprises her role as Bridget Forrester.

Wednesday, Feb. 17
Bill confronts Katie when he finds her in a compromising position .

Thursday, Feb. 18
Ridge returns from his business trip and has set his sights on taking back what is rightfully his: The Forrester Mansion.

Friday, Feb. 19
Guests (including Gilligan's Island's Dawn Wells) at the Forrester cocktail party on share their personal stories of Stephanie with Ridge.


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She's screwing with his head but is developing "love" feelings?    SMH.  Whatever show. 


I really want to see Deacon with Steffy or Katie now.  I think the actors would work either way and would actually be fun to watch.  Plus Deacon hooking up with Steffy and taking her away from all the Spencer men would be entertaining to me.  Plus what would Quinn do if Deacon was the one to take Steffy away from Wyatt?

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I was under the impression that if a long-time vegan suddenly eats meat it's pretty much a given that they'll get sick. That whole "you love steak, and cheese, and eggs...want some bacon?" was terrible.

^Actually, Liam has already had some meat. His first meal when he woke up was a roast beef sandwich.

Feeding a vegan meat is the only part of this story I don't like. It just seems to undermine the rest if it. But overall, I'm finding the whole thing hilarious.

Edited by Snaporaz
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Thursday, Feb. 18

Ridge returns from his business trip and has set his sights on taking back what is rightfully his: The Forrester Mansion.

Do Rick and Ridge realize that is Eric's house, not theirs? Does Eric realize it?

^Actually, Liam has already had some meat. His first meal when he woke up was a roast beef sandwich.

I do remember that, and my 1st thought was, isn't he going to get sick? It would serve Quinn right to have to clean up after him! :)
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Do Rick and Ridge realize that is Eric's house, not theirs? Does Eric realize it?

Eric's been a pushover for a while, but this is goddamn ridiculous. Ridge is damn near retirement age himself,he can buy his own damn house. And Rick, too, for that matter. But no, the both of them would rather stand on their front paws to see which of them can piss on the highest part of the wall (Ridge obviously. Jacob Young!Rick doesn't stand a chance). I miss the good ol days when the children on their show wanted to earn their way in life and not pay lip service to the idea to bang the interns.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Oops...I have to correct myself, because it's all coming back to me. Damn undiagnosed ADD!

Liam's very first meal upon waking up was miso soup. I remember being impressed (and finding it kind of sweet) that Quinn was respecting his dietary choices, and then I was disappointed when she later fed him the roast beef sandwich.

Edited by Snaporaz
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