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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It's the same way he told her how, when, and where they were getting married.

It is been very clear that Caroline had no problem at all with his proposals and decided to go along with them.



the way he decided to separate her from her husband because it served his career purposes.

 Actually Ridge was mistaking Katie for Caroline when he thought it was Caroline who asked if he was ok. This took placed before the scene you mentioned. They say dream tell your thoughts. He didn't think about lusting after her, acting like a caveman or taking her away from Rick and laughing in his face.  However he thought about Caroline comforted him.  This tells me that she already means something more to him. 



Or the way he decided she didn't need to know he couldn't have children--before he speed-married her. Or the way he decided, after he told her about his presumed infertility, that she could leave him and get the marriage annulled.


Yes, Ridge should tell her about the vasectomy at the nite. Ridge made a mistake that sometimes people does - fear of seeing disappointment in the eyes of his loved ones kept silent. 



I think Ridge's treatment of her is rather paternal. It's more unlikely he could get away with much of what he's pulled with Caroline with a woman his own age. A woman his own age would likely have been around the block more times than Caroline has and would see his macho, authoritarian behavior for what it is. Plus Caroline is a bit of a starry-eyed tool anyway, IMO.


Ridge never keep tab on Caroline and vice versa. She has a life outside of her relationship with Ridge and vice versa.  So Paternal and Authoritarian? I don't think so. 



Every time he barked at her, "look at me!", he sounded exactly like a parent yelling at a child.

How many time he yell or bark at her? 

Edited by sweetautumn
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Ivy should have said to Bratz that she wouldn't forget how SHE had tricked her into deleting the video then fired her. I wish she hadn't grovelled to that bitch. Bratz will give her something humiliating to do.

Edited by LittleIggy
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So Ridge tells Caroline that it's their baby, and that Thomas doesn't need to know that it's actually his?  That's awful.  Granted, Thomas taking advantage of his father's girlfriend/wife was reprehensible, but maybe he thought they were on a Ross Geller break.  At least that's the way Caroline spun it to Ridge.  She said he was mad and left her.  


Ridge is a terrible father.  Never mind that he doesn't seem to care much for his kids, but to hold the truth from his own son is just horrible.  As a father, he should be willing to unconditionally overlook his son's mistakes, no matter what.  If he can't do that, he might as well disown Thomas right now.


So Brooke is the only other person (besides Dr. Jesse Zuckerman) that knows that Ridge is sterile?  I so want Brooke to come sniffing around and blow the whole "plan" out of the water.


I just don't understand why Ivy wouldn't tell Eric the full story.  She brought up Aly but then stopped short.  Why?  Eric deserves to know what kind of witch his granddaughter has been, and exactly why.  How much longer is this Queen Puffy storyline going to go on?  Because I don't know how much more of Puffy I can take.


If I could PM Kim Matula to come back so Jackie Wood would quit again, I would.

Edited by blackwing
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Even if Thomas had not raped Caroline and punched his father in the face, he should be sent away for wearing those stupid, tiny pants.  He has terrible judgement all the way around.


Eric is worthless.  He learns that Steffy killed Ally, covered it up and lied to the police, that Ivy had the whole thing on video and that what it showed drastically differed from Steffy's story, and that Ivy blackmailed Steffy into being the face of Forrester ... and all he can say is let's move on.  What the hell?


And now Ivy has to grovel in front of that vindictive bobblehead?

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Re the abortion issue on soaps, I'm about to really date myself here.  In 1964 or 65, Lee Randolph on Another World had an abortion set up by her stepmother.  I remember being shocked speechless at this being portrayed on TV.  Thanks God I witnessed this at the home of a friend; my mother (lifelong Catholic) would have blown a gasket at such a storyline.  Not that they showed the abortion, needless to say.  We were just told it was taking place.  Big stuff for that era!


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One thing that really slays me is how Thomas keeps moaning about Ridge riding him. He's lucky he's on the design team given his limited experience and maybe needs to go work for another company so he can see that that's what bosses do. You can't just expect him to automatically accept each sketch without any notes. What a turd. I would love it if he went to Paris and never came back. Bon voyage, tu petit fece.!

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Ivy should have said to Bratz that she wouldn't forget how SHE had tricked her into deleting the video then fired her. I wish she hadn't grovelled to that bitch. Bratz will give her something humiliating to do.

I'm betting that Ivy is the new loading dock guy, oh I mean person, or Steffy is sending her back to Australia to work on expanding California Freedom. Thomas is getting off easy to just be sent back to Paris. He can dittle all the interns he wants without being harassed. I never thought I would say this but Caroline is dummer than dirt to want to tell Thomas the baby is his for now. Wait until Ridge is dead to tell Thomas and the child who the real father is. I'm sure Caroline and Thomas wouldn't be too old, at that time, to still have sexual relations. Caroline could keep the secret, to tell Ridge, that Thomas was in her bed in order to keep the peace than why can't she keep the secret about the baby father? Sleeping with Thomas is humiliating enough but Thomas knowing he is the father would be the up most humiliation not only to Ridge but to her. Beside, I cannot take a week of Brooke's being squinty eyed bitch.

Liam go f..k yourself and the horse you rode in on or in other words Steffy.

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How old is Thomas supposed to be?  He's at least 25 right?  Because I could have sworn that back in the Drew Tyler Bell days, when he was 17 or so, he already was a designer?  I seem to recall him saying he wanted to get involved in the business, and had some kind of apprenticeship.  Then when there was that business with Stephanie's maid's daughter, wasn't there a fashion off between him and Ridge?  If he won, he got to stay married to her?  If Ridge won, she got deported?  I am positive they were still in high school, I remember her writing "Gabriella Forrester" all over her spiral notebook like girls do in 7th grade with their puppy love boyfriends.


Then during the Plastic Adam Gregory days, Thomas was at one point President of Forrester.  Then he disappeared after Gregory quit over the alleged "Thomas is gay" storyline and went to Forrester International?  Not sure if he ever kept up with the designing, but right now they act like he is a complete novice in the business.

Also.... I just found my new dart board.  The epitome of Tool Face.



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I still think the big bombshell reveal, which will probably take forever by B&B standards (i.e., months) is that Thomas never had sex with Caroline that night. We've only seen them kissing and her waking up. He's got a history as a psycho on this show (trying to blow up Rick's car with him in it; torching Rick's house) and I think this is just the latest example. She can't remember it AT ALL, not even hazily.


However, if he DID have sex with her, I'm firmly in RunTheTable's camp: I totally get Ridge's thinking here. He just got slugged by his son and then he finds out that the angry son had sex with his wife who was heavily under the influence? Yeah, I think that sort of negates Thomas's right to have any say in how they handle things going forward, since apparently, Caroline didn't have any say in the sex act. They've been married for what, a week? And they're going to let Thomas's drunken decision alter their whole lives? Caroline and Ridge should have been honest with each other from the get-go (why did his vasectomy have to be such a big secret, anyway?), but Thomas's actions trump them all. I don't think he should get to dictate how their lives play out.

Edited by Shira
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I can't say it enough...I F'LOVE QUINN! That scene with Liam and Wyatt was fun, and RS' delivery is always spot on.

I have a feeling Steffy will make life at FC unbearable for Ivy, and I wouldn't count Wyatt's idea for a competing fashion house out just yet.

Edited by Snaporaz
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 I totally get Ridge's thinking here. He just got slugged by his son and then he finds out that the angry son had sex with his wife who was heavily under the influence? 

But it's not Ridge's decision to make. Caroline is the mother of this child, and unless things change, Ridge is not the father.  If Caroline feels strongly that Thomas should know, then it's her choice to tell or not tell.  Ridge can counsel her to wait until she's had time to clear her head and think things through before making a decision, but browbeating her with what he decided they were going to do was way out of line.  


I love Quinn too.  She needs a real story.

Edited by Kerri Okie
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No matter if it's Thomas' baby or Ridge's miracle baby, I'm going to go on the assumption that Caroline unfortunately will have a miscarriage. It's par for the course as it was with Steffy and Hope.


Tock is a possibility.


With Ridge taking a firm stand not to tell Thomas Caroline's pregnancy is likely his handiwork, Thomas being banished to Paris, -- C'est horrible! -- Brooke will be interrogating Caroline for answers to the Ridge Forrester Who's The Daddy Sweepstakes, and a dozen or so well-wishers driving home the idea Our Baby is not a blessed event, that's a lot of stress for a first-time mother.


I'm looking forward to the baby shower. It should be a total nightmare. 

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Who is he to tell Caroline not to let Thomas know he is the father? Asshole much?


Joimiaroxeu quote

It's the same way he told her how, when, and where they were getting married. Or the way he decided to separate her from her husband because it served his career purposes. Or the way he decided she didn't need to know he couldn't have children--before he speed-married her. Or the way he decided, after he told her about his presumed infertility, that she could leave him and get the marriage annulled. Every time there's an opportunity it seems like Ridge is trying to take away Caroline's agency as an adult to make critical decisions about her own life. Except for the sex part, I think Ridge's treatment of her is rather paternal. It's more unlikely he could get away with much of what he's pulled with Caroline with a woman his own age. A woman his own age would likely have been around the block more times than Caroline has and would see his macho, authoritarian behavior for what it is. Plus Caroline is a bit of a starry-eyed tool anyway, IMO.


Caroline Spencer was introduced as a proud and worldly New Yorker, but with time she has become an ingratiating and subservient Forrester automaton for Ridge to grace his bed and sketch pad.


Maybe TIIC are writing the newest Mrs. Ridge Forrester/My Beautiful Wife Caroline as browbeaten and in shock after everything that has happened to her. As has been pointed out by photo fox, this Hell-bound Baby Train SL is happening too quickly, with no connecting scenes to add depth or interest. I wouldn't be surprised Caroline will be showing and cupping Our Baby belly next week.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Good lawd, Steffy is apparently doubling-down on the Cousin Itt hair. Now she's got that mess ombre'd. At this point I bet if she took it off or out or whatever, the nest of tiny birds living in there would have to find another home.


I thought it was pathetic the way Caroline had to stand there and listen while Ridge did his doublespeak thing again, this time with Thomas. Is the guy not capable of using his words and expressing direct statements? First it was telling Caroline he "can't" father a child with her when he meant it was physically impossible versus "nah, don't wanna". Then today while Thomas is going on and on about punching Ridge, Ridge is talking back at him about the sex with Caroline, only Thomas doesn't know that because Ridge likes to say words that sound like one thing but mean another. Ugh, where is squinty-eyed Brooke? I need her to put her busybodying skills to useful work.


I'm looking forward to the baby shower. It should be a total nightmare.

Given how quickly they had Hope's baby shower, I'm predicting Caroline's will be next week.


In 1964 or 65, Lee Randolph on Another World had an abortion set up by her stepmother.

Wow, I had no idea. That was the Peyton Place era (and the origin of nighttime soap operas) so it follows that daytime soaps would try to jump on the bandwagon as far as network TV standards and practices would allow. I'll amend my earlier statement upthread to say that Erica Kane had the first legal abortion on daytime TV, in 1973 after the Roe v. Wade decision.

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Kerri Okie, on 06 Oct 2015 - 10:44 PM, said:


Sadly, every last bit of that painful honesty was just wiped out with Ridge's decree to Caroline not to tell Thomas about the baby.  The level of self-righteousness and hypocrisy here is mind boggling.


The thing is...it wasn't.  Thomas has had a thing for Caroline since the minute he returned. That's why he went to Caroline's hotel room.  It had nothing to do with Ridge, contrary to Ridge's Ridgecentric view of the world.


tessaray quote

I am usually a day or two behind, so I haven't seen this yet but - and I know this might not be a popular view - I don't care about rapists getting paternal rights.     


I do agree that Thomas had a thing for Caroline, but there have been some writing choices that indicate sticking it to Ridge (sorry for the choice of words here) was a bonus.  (I'm thinking of some of the things that Thomas has said to Steffy and Brooke.)


There has been some augmenting of Thomas's adolescent resentment with Ridge once he retuned to L.A., but he had real expectations of walking into a design position at FC automatically and made a bee-line to mack on Caroline by any means necessary -- As long as Caroline was single she was fair game for Thomas to manipulate with emotional appeals to her fairytale for the Happy Forrester Family Portrait. 

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Just saw today's show. Wow, I thought I loathed Puffy before. But Puffy portraying herself as the poor helpless victim with her "I can't work with someone like that" in her quavering voice.... just so incredibly infuriating. I was hoping Ivy would choke her with that stupid blue neck ribbon.

Isn't there another place Ivy can get money to fund her own jewelry house? Can't Wyatt appeal to his Aunt Caroline? She's a Spencer and should have money. What about Ivy's dad? I just hate seeing Ivy grovelling and most of all, seeing Queen Puffy ordering her around and treating her like dirt.

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Steffy's hair looks like Lassie's coat after she's been to the groomer. That matching tunic and scarf reminded me of something Bea Arthur would have worn on "Maude."


Steffy is probably going to have Ivy perform janitorial duties or something. I hate her.


Yeah, Ridge. Passive-aggressive much? Reaming Thomas out for screwing Caroline, while Thomas thinks he being banished to Paris because of punching Ridge. WTG. I think that Caroline is being emotionally abused by Ridge.

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But it's not Ridge's decision to make. Caroline is the mother of this child, and unless things change, Ridge is not the father.  If Caroline feels strongly that Thomas should know, then it's her choice to tell or not tell.  Ridge can counsel her to wait until she's had time to clear her head and think things through before making a decision, but browbeating her with what he decided they were going to do was way out of line.


Mileage will just have to vary on this count, because they're married now and they have to decide how they're going to weather this new development as a couple, publicly and privately. It would be a publicity disaster if this got out, and the marriage would be over. Neither one of them wants that. Caroline had offered to pack up her bags, thinking there was no way he'd want to stay with her, and he said (paraphrasing) "no, we'll handle this together, I'll help you raise this child, I'll love him or her as if it's ours." And she visibly melted that he would do this for her. She agreed to it and said she wanted to stay with him. Frankly, I think it's a pretty large sacrifice for him to make, considering the HUGE (!!!!) ick factor of his wife allegedly having sex with his son and carrying his son's baby.


But this all goes back to if you don't like Ridge, and/or don't like Ridge/Caroline together, of course it will look he's bossing her around. She could have said no, but she didn't. I'm sure she's conflicted about the dishonesty element, but in the end, who is most important to her? Husband and baby.


Good lawd, Steffy is apparently doubling-down on the Cousin Itt hair. Now she's got that mess ombre'd. At this point I bet if she took it off or out or whatever, the nest of tiny birds living in there would have to find another home.


Tiny birds is being too kind. I'm betting it's a family of small rats.


Yeah, Ridge. Passive-aggressive much? Reaming Thomas out for screwing Caroline, while Thomas thinks he being banished to Paris because of punching Ridge.


And mileage varies here again, because I think Ridge showed unbelievable restraint by not kicking Thomas's ass six ways 'til Sunday for screwing his wife while she was heavily under the influence. Can you imagine $Bill in the same situation with Wyatt impregnating an intoxicated Katie? (I say Wyatt because Liam apparently sucks in bed, so Wyatt is the obvious choice.) I shudder to even think of what would be left of Wyatt in the same situation.

Edited by Shira
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Even if Thomas had not raped Caroline and punched his father in the face, he should be sent away for wearing those stupid, tiny pants.  He has terrible judgement all the way around.


Who is dressing the most resentful mammal in the hemisphere?


I hated the tie clip placed in the top third of his tie. Is that a thing ... somewhere?

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I could write paragraphs about how and why I find TKRidge so repellent. So many examples this week! Two consecutive days of watching him badger and browbeat the woman he "loves". I need a break from this narcissistic asshole.

What are Rick and Maya up to? Deacon? Carter? Oliver? Anyone?

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I'm betting that Ivy is the new loading dock guy, oh I mean person, or Steffy is sending her back to Australia to work on expanding California Freedom.


Steffy was giving the hairy eyeball to Thomas's Bedroom Line design while talking to Ivy. I'm guessing Steffy is going to try humiliating Ivy by having her parade around in ovary-poking Forrester Creations underwear on the runway, but Ivy becomes a sensation of sensuality and Steffy's nefarious plans are quashed.

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Mileage will just have to vary on this count, because they're married now and they have to decide how they're going to weather this new development as a couple, publicly and privately. It would be a publicity disaster if this got out, and the marriage would be over. 


To be fair, nothing is a publicity disaster in this version of LA. Eric was worried that Caroline and Ridge making out behind Rick's back would be a publicity disaster, and no one outside the family blinked an eye. They were so sure that Maya's gender identity would be a publicity disaster, and it blew over just fine in a relatively short time.  I haven't seen every minute of every episode of late, but I don't recall publicity being an issue, or have any reason to believe that the marriage would end if the paternity became public.  Why would it?  If Rick would turn his back on being CEO for Maya, certainly no one should expect any less from Ridge.


My issue is less with Ridge offering to be a father to this child than it is the way he went about it.  Caroline did try to say no about keeping the secret from Thomas but gave in to Ridge's repeated insistence that they do things his way, which was more ultimatum than offer. I know that mileage varies and there are those that would see what he did as romantic, but the fact is, she was in no condition to make a decision either way at that point.  He should have seen that and backed off instead of pushing what he wanted on her.    

Edited by Kerri Okie
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Shira, on 07 Oct 2015 - 2:52 PM, said:

I totally get Ridge's thinking here. He just got slugged by his son and then he finds out that the angry son had sex with his wife who was heavily under the influence?


Kerri Okie quote

But it's not Ridge's decision to make. Caroline is the mother of this child, and unless things change, Ridge is not the father.  If Caroline feels strongly that Thomas should know, then it's her choice to tell or not tell.  Ridge can counsel her to wait until she's had time to clear her head and think things through before making a decision, but browbeating her with what he decided they were going to do was way out of line.


Don't let Ridge hear you say that or he'll get all Forrester pile driver on your shit, Kerri.


Honestly, I think Caroline is the one that's going to crack. Ridge reprimanded her when she suggested that Thomas hadn't assaulted her, that is was a misunderstanding between friends. Then today she tried several times to end the confrontation between Ridge and Thomas with weak interjections to protect Thomas, getting him out of the office. Caroline is blaming herself (not much support from the dictatorial Ridge or whining Thomas), guilty and torn about everything that has happened, her presence adding to an even wider chasm between Ridge and Thomas. 

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Yes, of course, but I wasn't referencing Ridge as a "grown up". I was keeping it in line with Thomas's remarks about his dad's "playboy" days of dating models and such; that was long before any of this happened. 


I don't agree with Ridge chasing after his father's women. Ridge and Brooke were involved before Brooke married Eric, and of course, Eric tried to start a relationship with Taylor when she came back from death #1, so I see it as Eric chasing after Ridge's women.


 I will agree about Ridge raping Brooke and Caroline 1.0 though. 


And I don't remember him ever chasing after Macy? So what brother's women did he pursue? 

I am a relatively new viewer, did Ridge rape Brooke and Caroline?  What were the circumstances, and then how does he get today to essentially spit on Thomas for doing the same thing?

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Brooke was with Nick at the time and had Bern very obvious and consistent with not sending mixed signals this time. She'd taken some pill that made her super drowsy and when she didn't shove him out the house this one time, after MONTHS of telling him to GTFO her life, Ridge took this to mean she wanted sex.

Before that, Caroline I had been drinking a lot and as Thorne (her husband at the time) went downstairs to make them a sandwich, Ridge goes in their bedroom as a "prank" to have sex with her.

Ridge is shitting on Thomas because that's what Ridge Forrester does, because he lacks any kind of self reflection. Obviously, Thomas's action fall squarely on him, but a simple line of "hey, I was once this callous about women" would go a long way.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Mileage will just have to vary on this count, because they're married now and they have to decide how they're going to weather this new development as a couple, publicly and privately. It would be a publicity disaster if this got out, and the marriage would be over. Neither one of them wants that. Caroline had offered to pack up her bags, thinking there was no way he'd want to stay with her, and he said (paraphrasing) "no, we'll handle this together, I'll help you raise this child, I'll love him or her as if it's ours." And she visibly melted that he would do this for her. She agreed to it and said she wanted to stay with him. Frankly, I think it's a pretty large sacrifice for him to make, considering the HUGE (!!!!) ick factor of his wife allegedly having sex with his son and carrying his son's baby.


Thomas being the father doesn't have to end Caroline and Ridge's marriage though.  She can co-parent the baby with Thomas and still stay married to Ridge.  Ridge doesn't get to steal his son's kid because it will make his marriage uncomfortable.  Just like Thomas wouldn't have any right to demand that Caroline leave Ridge and marry him just because they share a spawn.


I don't see why it would be a publicity disaster either.  Surely the Forrestor shareholders and customers are used to the marriage merry-go-rounds with this family.  Hell, there has already been a father/son/blonde lady switcheroo with Eric/Ridge/Brooke and Forrestor is still standing.  Just recently Caroline divorced one Forrestor brother and married another brother and the company didn't collapse.


Besides, I don't see why Ridge being the step-parent of a child he is related to should be such a big deal for him.  He was with Brooke when Rick and Bridget were kids and was essentially a step-parent to his half-siblings before he went back to Taylor.  I don't think that was ever presented as being some huge insurmountable issue.


Before that, Caroline I had been drinking a lot and as Thorne (her husband at the time) went downstairs to make them a sandwich, Ridge goes in their bedroom as a "prank" to have sex with her.

So does Thorne take a really long time to make a sandwich, or is Ridge "done" in the time it takes someone to slap some butter on a piece of bread.....?

Edited by bubble sparkly
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Queen Puffy storyline going to go on?  Because I don't know how much more of Puffy I can take.

True. All I see is MOUTH.. her face is puffy yes, but the LIPS are out of proportion to her face...oh, and the "lassie" hair as someone up thread said. But I digress. Her story line is really the problem here, they've given her way too much to do and say. Just needs to tone it down. Is scruffy beard Thomas trying to be like scruffy Dad?

Thank god we are spared from seeing Brooke intervene in all of this.(for the moment that is).Bring on the competition, get Bill and Katie involved in the Forrester playhouse. Give Quinn something else to do besides prop up Wyatt and Liam. Rick and Maya must be on one hellacious honeymoon......still.

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My issue is less with Ridge offering to be a father to this child than it is the way he went about it.  Caroline did try to say no about keeping the secret from Thomas but gave in to Ridge's repeated insistence that they do things his way, which was more ultimatum than offer. I know that mileage varies and there are those that would see what he did as romantic, but the fact is, she was in no condition to make a decision either way at that point.  He should have seen that and backed off instead of pushing what he wanted on her.


I get what you're saying, but what I'm saying is: I totally understand Ridge's side of it, and I don't think he's an ogre to want to keep it under wraps that his brand-new wife is carrying his grandchild, who was "obtained" under VERY shady circumstances with his son, whom he's fresh off a bitter fight with. Nick dumped Bridget outright when he found out she was carrying Owen's baby (comically, Owen was Nick's stepfather at the time--but Bridget wanted to have "one big family" with Nick, Owen, Jackie, and their baby, and Nick dismissed it immediately). $Bill would have made roadkill out of any son (even his Golden Boy Waffle) who screwed and impregnated his wife while she was drugged and drunk. So the fact that Ridge is staying in the marriage and raising a baby that isn't his? By B&B standards, I think he's been more than fair about how much he's willing to tolerate, publicly and privately. I'm surprised he didn't punch Thomas's lights out as soon as he saw him.


This is not to say that I think Ridge is blameless. He should have discussed the vasectomy with Caroline AGES ago. (Honestly, don't committed couples on this show talk about their birth control AT ALL?) I don't get why it had to be such a huge secret. And breaking up with Caroline without telling her why? I don't get that either. Oh yeah, I do get it: For the shaky purpose of setting up this whole story.

Edited by Shira
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True. All I see is MOUTH.. her face is puffy yes, but the LIPS are out of proportion to her face...oh, and the "lassie" hair as someone up thread said. But I digress. Her story line is really the problem here, they've given her way too much to do and say. Just needs to tone it down. Is scruffy beard Thomas trying to be like scruffy Dad?

Thank god we are spared from seeing Brooke intervene in all of this.(for the moment that is).Bring on the competition, get Bill and Katie involved in the Forrester playhouse. Give Quinn something else to do besides prop up Wyatt and Liam. Rick and Maya must be on one hellacious honeymoon......still.

Fans of Rick and Maya can now understand what fans of Deacon and Quinn and Bill and Katie have had to deal with. It seems only Ridge and Caroline won't have to disappear to back burner land.

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I wanted to slap the animal living on top of Steffy's head when she was preaching to Thomas about how he needs to act like an adult and how dare he hit Ridge and on and on, the seemingly composed, mature voice of reason.


What the hell was that? Bad acting? Which is par for the course with this one, but seriously, someone needs to roll that beautiful footage of Steffy's hissy fit when she found out Liam had married Ivy.


Such a model of decorum and class and maturity, there, Steff


Ridge not caring that Caroline's baby isn't his is nothing new. Of course, we all know it will be, which, if it weren't for said baby's conception, would seriously piss me off as one of my fondest moments was when Ridge delivered RJ and they learned he was theirs after all.  Reusing that storyline is lazy. But keeping it a secret from Thomas is just asking for all kinds of trouble. Not that Thomas deserves to be in this child's life, considering what he did to Caroline to begin the baby's existence. 

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Steffy is going to try humiliating Ivy by having her parade around in ovary-poking Forrester Creations underwear on the runway, but Ivy becomes a sensation of sensuality and Steffy's nefarious plans are quashed.

Oh yeah, Ivy would go Cat on a Hot Tin Roof all over that.

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Brooke was with Nick at the time and had Bern very obvious and consistent with not sending mixed signals this time. She'd taken some pill that made her super drowsy and when she didn't shove him out the house this one time, after MONTHS of telling him to GTFO her life, Ridge took this to mean she wanted sex.

Before that, Caroline I had been drinking a lot and as Thorne (her husband at the time) went downstairs to make them a sandwich, Ridge goes in their bedroom as a "prank" to have sex with her.

Ridge is shitting on Thomas because that's what Ridge Forrester does, because he lacks any kind of self reflection. Obviously, Thomas's action fall squarely on him, but a simple line of "hey, I was once this callous about women" would go a long way.

Thanks, Anna Yolei, that is stunning to know in the context of his comments about Thomas.  Obviously Caroline 2.0 doesn't know these things, and I guess probably Thomas doesn't either, but once Brooke gets wind of it, no doubt she will remind him and point out the hypocrisy.

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Ridge being called on hypocrisy? It'll be a cold day in hell when that happens!

As someone pointed out, Ridge has taken this surprisingly well all things considered.

Nick dumped Bridget outright when he found out she was carrying Owen's baby (comically, Owen was Nick's stepfather at the time--but Bridget wanted to have "one big family" with Nick, Owen, Jackie, and their baby, and Nick dismissed it immediately). 

I will be forever glad when Bridget said to Nick "You owe me." Between him lusting behind Brooke for most of her first pregnancy then banging Katie on her death bed, she could've banged the entire lineup of an NFL team and I'd cheer her on.

Which reminds me, is she still with him? Owen, I mean? They rode off into the sunset after Logan was born and neither is mentioned very much on her rare appearance on the show.

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Brooke is going to be licking her chops knowing that the baby could not be Ridge's.  She will keep that secret until she needs some powerful ammo against either Ridge or Caroline.  


I was sitting here trying to figure out what Steffy actually reminds me of, and all I can come up with is some animated female creature in Disney's  Haunted House.  There's one ghost with big black hair and a gooshy face and that's what Steffy looks like to me.  


Good Lord, Caroline is beyond skinny and I swear when she turns sideways she nearly disappears.  She could use a good 10 or 15 lbs on her body.  


Ivy is going to be a HUGE hit with the sexy undie line.  Her photos will go viral and she'll become THE vixen of FC.  Can't wait to see Steffy blow her lips when that happens.  

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Good lawd, Steffy is apparently doubling-down on the Cousin Itt hair. Now she's got that mess ombre'd. At this point I bet if she took it off or out or whatever, the nest of tiny birds living in there would have to find another home.


Tiny birds is being too kind. I'm betting it's a family of small rats.


All that hair? I bet it's a family of fat groundhogs.

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I don't see why it would be a publicity disaster either.  Surely the Forrestor shareholders and customers are used to the marriage merry-go-rounds with this family.

Seriously. I'm not as good a historian as most of you, but of the people who work at Forrester...

Eric was married to Brooke and Donna & had a thing with their mother;

Ridge was married to Brooke, engaged to Katie, fooled around with Donna, had "feelings" for Bridget, was married to Caroline & currently married to Caroline's niece;

Thorne was married to Brooke and engaged to Donna (I don't remember if he had anything romantic with Katie). No wonder Thorne's in the basement, he's the least trashy of all of them!

Brooke had a baby with her son in law Deacon; was married to Ridge, Thorne, Nick and Eric; had an affair with, and was later engaged to, her brother in law Bill.

NOTHING should shock anybody who knows this family!


Steffy's hair looks like Lassie's coat after she's been to the groomer.

I disagree, I think it's more like before Lassie went to the groomer :)
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Which reminds me, is she still with him? Owen, I mean? They rode off into the sunset after Logan was born and neither is mentioned very much on her rare appearance on the show.

Yes, I believe she is still with him. When she came back into town for two measly days for Rick's wedding, I think she said something about how Logan is with Owen and Jackie. I never understood why any of those three were fired. They were eminently more watchable than many of the current dreck on this show. I'm looking at Puffy, Beady Eyes, Nicole, Zende, Carter, Pam, Charlie, New Thomas. Just because Crap Wagner quit didn't mean they had to get rid of the rest of them.
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I love the way Liam pontificated on how Ivy and Wyatt feel like they are always the victim. Hypocritical I think yes. Home many days, weeks, months, years did we have to put up with Liam and Hope saying exactly the same thing? Even in Liam and Hopes last scene we were subjected to exactly the same thing.

On another note, when Hope was pregnant, didn't Liam want to keep it from Wyatt so Hope and Liam could raise the baby as their own? I'm I right or am I having a senior moment. SL are constantly repeated with different characters so I still say there will be no Ridge/Caroline offspring.

There are many plausible reasons that Ridge can give to Brooke for getting Catoline pregnant. Such as invetro, a medical break through, testing error etc. Weather Ridge chooses to do so will be another SL and a bunch more innuendos for Brooke to drop with her squinty eyes and the interns to gossip over.

I'm looking forward to Ivy rocking the bedroom line and putting Steffy in her place. I'm just wondering now what Wyatt will think about this.

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On another note, when Hope was pregnant, didn't Liam want to keep it from Wyatt so Hope and Liam could raise the baby as their own? I'm I right or am I having a senior moment. SL are constantly repeated with different characters so I still say there will be no Ridge/Caroline offspring.



Yes.  I think he also suggested abortion. 


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Tiny birds is being too kind. I'm betting it's a family of small rats.



All that hair? I bet it's a family of fat groundhogs.



Then again, that hair is REALLY big. I'm guessing here's what's hiding in it:



Is she aiming for this look? https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/loretta-lynn-kacey-musgraves-beauty-hair-side-by-side-cmas-lead.jpg?w=600

Edited by Shira
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Good lawd, Steffy is apparently doubling-down on the Cousin Itt hair. Now she's got that mess ombre'd. At this point I bet if she took it off or out or whatever, the nest of tiny birds living in there would have to find another home.



Tiny birds is being too kind. I'm betting it's a family of small rats.


SweePea59 quote

All that hair? I bet it's a family of fat groundhogs.


... and a partridge in a pear tree.

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