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On 14/02/2018 at 8:05 AM, cousin oliver said:

Milk interviewing everybody's new favourite gay Olympian Adam Rippon. On ice!

Thank you so much for that ! Those edges, bitch ! (and this video is an old one, probably already shared but I was really amazd by the quality of his skating ! He was a really serious one !!!)

Shame on me, but I just discovered this gem (the entire show, yes !), and have been binge watching the first episodes of this all stars season this afternoon (my time, Switzerland here). This show is a gem <3

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Yeah, the season 10 cast is pretty killer. I'm excited for it, but a great cast doesn't necessarily mean great season. For example, while I enjoyed season 9, that cast was freaking spectacular and it should've been on the of the best seasons ever.

I think the ones to watch happen to be the drag relatives of past Ru Girls. Asia O'hara is Phi Phi's drag mother, easily the most accomplished queen of this cast and my winner pick for sure. Aquaria is Sharon's drag daughter, allegedly the epitome of the entitled millennial stereotype, but has actual talent and a big online following. Miz Cracker is Bob The Drag Queen's drag daughter and already looks to be the breakout star of the season like Katya or Valentina. Then there's Vanessa Mateo, Alexis Mateos' drag daughter who I don't have much hope for.  

Honestly, the only queen who does absolutely nothing for me is Eureka, but obviously we all knew she'd be here.

I'm most excited for Mayhem Miller finally making it through. She's like Courtney Act for me -- someone I know because Willam has featured her prominently in videos and projects over the years, which should speak well of her. She seems completely fabulous. Kameron Michaels and her huge muscles intrigue me, as does Yuhua Hamasaki with her costuming prowess (which one has to wonder if it's much of an asset in these later seasons which have far fewer sewing challenges, and some of the seamstress queens - LaShawn Beyond, ChiChi - lack in the improv and performance areas which has been much more the emphasis for a while now, group skits and lip syncs and whatnot).


RuPaul is one of the voices on John Oliver's book A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (along with Jim Parsons, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Jeff Garlin, Ellie Kemper, John Lithgow, and Jack McBrayer).

You can download the audio book at audible for $1.99 or the kindle version at amazon for $11.99.

The hardcover book is now sold out on both amazon and Chronicle Books but both sites say it's only temporarily out of stock (amazon says it will be back in stock in 1-3 weeks). You can download the ebook if you donate $11.99 to The Trevor Project or AIDS United.

All proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United.

A+ for the two website names that John Oliver bought for this project:


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Media adjacent, at least.

Ben posted an awesome explanation/scolding on FB. In case it's blocked for those without FB accounts:

Dear Drag Race “fans” (not the real fans),

I’m not Jasmine Masters, but I’ve still got some stuff to say.

Tonight is an exciting night for a whole new crop of queens, and I want to celebrate them. But you may have noticed I have not yet congratulated the winner of All Stars 3. Or weighed in on the final episode at all. In fact, I’ve steered clear of social media for the last week. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I have discovered that anything I say will lead to an attack from a small but vocal minority of “fans” who have been using social media to harass and bully the queens.

If you have tweeted, commented, posted or DMed anything negative to any of the queens, this message is for you. Try and stick with it — it’s more than 140 characters.

I think a lot of you will find yourselves happier if you assume we are all humans trying our best to varying degrees of success at various times. The black and white thinking that people can be minimized to “good” or “bad” is both reductive and destructive.

Now that the season is over, let me clarify some things.

Firstly, let’s dismantle this “you knew what you were getting into” narrative. I can’t speak for the other girls, but I know I am not alone in this: Drag is my one true love. It is not just my job or my big plan to get rich and famous. I started drag when you had to love it so much that you were willing to withstand hate from the straight AND gay communities and devote your life to a demanding art form that almost guaranteed you would be permanently impoverished and disdained. Drag is who I am. It is deep in my blood and necessary to my happiness. I come from a long proud tradition of people with that same deep need for this art form, and we all now live in a moment where Drag Race is inextricably tied to any drag queen’s career, whether they engage with it or not. It provides amazing opportunities for both cast members and viewers. The culture surrounding it also takes some things away.

When I was first asked to be on All Stars 3 I said no. Then they asked some more. While I was flattered they wanted me back, I wished they would stop. I knew that no matter what I chose, there would be some unhappiness. There would be some regrets. It was the first of what I knew would be many decisions with no right answer. But thus is life - those of you who think you will ever have an objectively “right” or “wrong” viewpoint have a rocky road ahead. At the end of the day I decided that despite my issues with the format, I’d be able to change more from the inside than I could from the sidelines.

Also, the kid I once was needed to see the adult I am today.

Also, my career is everything to me.

Also, financial security is rare for an artist.

There is no one reason for anything. Nothing is entirely selfless, but that doesn’t mean none of it is.

I had no plan to do what I did, but it was not some incomprehensible decision that was “right for me” and I reject that narrative.

I did not leave the competition as any sort of favor to the other girls. I did not leave the competition because I couldn’t hack it. I did not leave the competition for “my mental health” or because a producer put me up to it. And I have never claimed any of those things. I left the competition because, in a situation where I had felt trapped choosing between “success” and what felt right, I had an epiphany. I saw an opportunity to make a statement to the producers, and in turn to you, the viewer. And also to myself. Stop accepting what “authority figures” have told you you have to do. You do not have to consent to compromising your values or personal boundaries, whatever they may be. You do not have to push people down to lift yourself up. This society has indoctrinated us with certain beliefs at a great cost to our own humanity. Some of you are angry I questioned those beliefs. If those beliefs can’t withstand questioning, then they are not structurally sound.

I’m disappointed with those who can’t see through the smoke and mirrors to the heart of drag, which is a message of love and inclusivity. Our culture has embraced bloodlust, and for some, reality TV has become our coliseum. The creators set up impossible situations for us to navigate without any of the support systems of the real world. Situations that cause some of us pain and anger and sadness. They don’t do it because they are monsters, they do it because they are under the impression that’s what you, the viewer, demands. Is that what you demand? Do you feel ok with demanding that?

I’d like to think that there are more people, like me, who love the part of this show that allows us to see amazing people do amazing things.

I’d also like to address this concept of being “fake” or “calculating.” If being “fake” means not thinking or feeling the same way in one moment than you thought or felt in a different moment, then lord help us all. If being “calculating” is thinking through your words and actions and modeling the behavior you would like to see in the world, even when it is difficult, then I hope more of you will become calculating.

No one is born kind. It takes work. That work requires thought, intention, and sometimes it means not indulging in everything you feel. Anyone who does that work will sometimes fail because failure always goes hand in hand with trying. My anger stems from the throngs of people unwilling to do the work.

Being kind when you feel inclined to be kind is not a measure of your kindness. Being kind when you are actually sad or angry or frustrated or resentful—or just DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO—that is being kind. Some of you embrace your id as if spouting every thought that goes through your mind is equivilent to being genuine. It is not dishonest to strive to be better than you are.

I love and respect Trixie. I love and respect Shangela. And all of the queens. I don’t think those who have not been through the reality TV machine will ever understand what the experience is like and how that might affect choices and actions in any given moment. I think some of you going to jump to wild assumptions about what I mean by that last sentence. You don’t know. You. Don’t. Know. Sometimes in life you will not know. Sometimes in life you will not understand. Or agree. And if you pick a fight every time that happens you’re going to tucker yourself out real quick.

Recognize that this show is a platform for all of these queens to share their work post-show. It is a stepping stone not an endgame. The crown itself has no bearing on the queens happiness, success or finances. This is evidenced by the fact that you regularly tear the winner to shreds. It is also evidenced by the reality that any queen who gets close to winning $100,000 will make at least $100,000. Anyone who thinks a queen’s bookings will suffer just because she didn’t win is deluded.

How about you all just focus on being wildly appreciative that these people have chosen to share themselves and their artistry with you, to bare themselves and be vulnerable despite the knowledge that many of you will be extremely cruel in return?

Congratulations to Trixie on winning the crown.
Congratulations to Shangela for her incredible performance on the show.
Congratulations to Kennedy and Bebe on being fierce queens who have earned fans and respect all over the world.
Congratulations to the rest of the queens for being brave and fierce enough to share themselves despite the “fans” who attempt to chip away at their self worth.
Congratulations to the cast of Season Ten; you are all brave and amazing. I truly hope the “fans” get their act together and see that.
Finally, congratulations to the real fans - the ones who actually show love and support. You will always be a part of this family. You will always be loved and appreciated. And by giving, receiving and sharing that love, you will always know what it means to “win.”

DeLaCreme out.

  • Love 22
21 hours ago, 2727 said:

I don’t think those who have not been through the reality TV machine will ever understand what the experience is like and how that might affect choices and actions in any given moment. I think some of you going to jump to wild assumptions about what I mean by that last sentence. You don’t know. You. Don’t. Know. Sometimes in life you will not know. Sometimes in life you will not understand. Or agree. And if you pick a fight every time that happens you’re going to tucker yourself out real quick.

Much love to Ben.  No, we don't know and will never know if you intended to use a double negative or not, and we can live with that. 

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First, it's really nice that Ben was able to take some time and get down off his beloved cross to write that response. What an incredibly generous gesture on his part!

However, what I take from it is: "I couldn't pass up an opportunity for everyone to tell me how awesome and amazing I am even though I knew that the show, its format and entire production is a complete anathema and completely against who I am as a person and my amazing light and process. Therefore I will stay for a couple weeks to chew the scenery and humbly share my gifts, but I have absolutely no intention of persevering and fighting through the entire competition. My truth is my truth. You have no idea how hard it was to try to write legible letters in White-Out! You have never walked in my shoes or been on a reality TV show so your opinion is uneducated, uninformed, and really not worth the time of day. Toodles! And please get tickets now for my next one-man show coming to a city near you! *jazz hands*"

(OK I may have embellished a *bit* haha.)

And she is more than entitled to her light, truth, agenda, and all that jazz. I just don't think you should enter something knowing you don't like it and have no intention of seeing it all the way through. Just my two cents. Plus I'm bitter af that he paved the way for a middling Trixie to win.

Edited by Victim Noises
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On 3/30/2018 at 12:04 PM, ChelseaNH said:

Is that a double negative?  The first "not" is part of the clause "I do" and the second not is part of the clause "those who have been."  My understanding is that a double negative occurs within a single clause.

it's not a double negative.  a double negative would have been "I don't not think that ... " or "...those who haven't not been"

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I thought that these two articles demonstrate very well the conflicting ways in which Vixen is being perceived. 



The first article seems to offer a more nuanced understanding of Vixen's point of view, while the second one is much more harsh, referring to Vixen as yowling and barking, as if she is some sort of an aggressive animal. The comments section of the NY Times article address the meanness of the author's tone, and wondered if the author hadn't watched Untucked, where the discussion on race and perception was more in depth. 

Edited by rollacoaster
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I just flat out don't understand the death threats. I don't. I don't care how much I dislike a queen, I don't engage if that's the case. I certainly don't go after her and vomit my dislike as if that's her specific problem to deal with. And I certainly don't wish death on them.

I'm not saying I've never thought 'I wish that person would just fucking die already' in my life... but it's generally NOT at someone who is an entertainer and I certainly don't spout that shit all over social media. That kind of thinking is for your own mind or your diary. Not the actual person.

I have no patience for it. None at all.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, apollonia666 said:

I have. Some of the comments in the various articles have indicated that Robbie has a history of lying about things, being a fabulist, and maybe even lying about having cancer.

On ‎4‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:34 AM, HunterHunted said:

I have. Some of the comments in the various articles have indicated that Robbie has a history of lying about things, being a fabulist, and maybe even lying about having cancer.

Never cared for Robbie's style of drag; taking me back to an era before I was born! I'm sure some oldsters would love it in the bars and lounges, but for TV entertainment. she's got nothing going for her; SORRY! ;-)

S2 winner Tyra Sanchez was banned from DragCon for threatening Tatianna and PhiPhi O'Hara. WoW told her she had to apologize if she wanted to attend and she refused, so no Tyra. 

She decided to triple-down today and expand the scope of her threat. Considering all the shit that has gone down in this country with mass killings, this is probably not the best thing to joke (?) about and I can see a visit from law enforcement in the future.


Edited by Luciano

Robbie Turner did an interview with EW about the (alleged) car crash


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Can you explain why you posted the tweets about being in a car crash?
ROBBIE TURNER: I woke up with bruises on my body, and I woke up with a headache, so my initial reaction was I thought I had a concussion. I was worried because I was alone… I wasn’t going to be seeing anyone for a few days. I usually try to rest and sit still after a weekend of shows. And I more or less woke up worried that I had a concussion, [so I] made a scheduled post for when people would be waking up Sunday morning… I was already falling asleep and was panicking… I did wake up with very large bruises and a headache, and I’ve always had this irrational fear of concussions.

Where did you get the idea that you’d been in a car accident, though?
After days of poking around and sleuthing to figure out everything I had gone through, days later I saw footage of me coming home, getting out of a car, and getting into my apartment okay. What think happened is that I was slipped something [in my drink], because I didn’t drink that much that night, and [that I] slipped and fell in the shower. The hat I was wearing is completely bent and gross, so we think I hit my head in the shower, got out of makeup, went to bed, and had a very vivid and ridiculous dream.

I’m sorry, but to confirm: You think you slipped in the shower or you were slipped something in your drink?
Both, because I didn’t drink that much that night… I went home immediately after [being out]. I don’t 100 percent remember leaving, and I do not remember coming home at all. At the time that I came home, I had this vivid dream and thought it was 100 percent real, especially once I woke up and had large contusions on my thighs, shoulder, and my head was pounding.

When you woke up, did you attempt to contact the authorities to confirm what had happened?
No, I didn’t, because when I woke up I thought that I had already been to the emergency room. I had a very vivid recollection of being in an emergency room talking with them and a girl trying to calm me down and whatnot, because I still had my drag face on, but not the body and the costume, and I remember her trying to calm me down and telling me that it was going to be okay… and I remember hearing other things from other parts of the hospital, so I woke up honestly thinking that I’d already been seen and that I was home and I was panicked that they released me though I might be having a concussion.

Can you give an affirmative statement one way or the other that the car crash did or did not happen?
Yes. After doing my own sleuthing I went to the hospital and got an affirmation that I had not been seen on Sunday like I thought I had, which was horrifying and embarrassing… And so I spent the next few days resting and trying to find out [what happened] from the police and the hospital and everything was turning up into a weird dead end and almost becoming comical to the professionals that I was seeing. I thought I was losing my mind…. A friend of mine who is a therapist came over and told me that I should get a psych evaluation for the whole scenario, so I spent the next few days after that speaking to crisis counselors, and when I was finally seen by a psychiatrist. I talked to them about everything that has been going on, even prior to the accident, because it’s just been kind of a nightmare in my personal life. There have been many deaths and a lot of loss, and the social worker and psychiatrist [said] it sounds more like I had a mild mental break, and it was triggered by slipping in the shower and being slipped something [in my drink].

Have you ever had that experience before, of being drugged by a stranger?
The only other time was when I was 21, but that was a completely different scenario. I was 100 percent blacked out and woke up at some random man’s house without being harmed at all, so it was a completely different experience. I also… have had these dreams before, but always had the wherewithal to be like, no, that was a dream…

I know you also work at Queer/Bar, and the owner made a statement to The Stranger where he said you’d be taking a break from your gig at the establishment to focus on what’s best for you. What does he mean by that, and is it true that you’ll be taking a break?
I am taking a break. I haven’t had one in a very long time and it’s related to a lot of personal issues and stress, so yes, I am taking a break more or less to get myself back on track.

What do you want to focus on during the break?
After speaking with professionals it’s obvious that I need to be taking antidepressants at the moment, which I haven’t been, because I’d never felt the need to be seen by professionals before, but things have just been piling up and it’s harder to deal with things on my own.

Is there something to be taken away from this experience, not just for you, but for fans of the show who were giving you a lot of grief?
There’s absolutely a larger bullying community now, and I think people like to use the term “calling out” as a cover, as a guise to what they’re actually doing, which is bullying someone. I personally don’t read a lot of the comments, and the things that I have seen have been screen shots that a friend will send… I don’t want to see any of it. I’m already fully aware of what happened and what’s happening. But it is interesting to see that side of people that I’ve worked with in the Drag Race community. It’s like, well, I hate to point it out, but no one is perfect and everyone makes large mistakes that they regret whether it be on a public level or not… Unfortunately, I don’t think people have control, and they start reading one thing and turn it into a giant campaign to basically eviscerate someone when they don’t actually have 100 percent of the proper information.

I did see a lot of your Drag Race sisters posting about the incident as well in a mocking way. Trixie Mattel, Raja, Kim Chi, Bianca Del Rio… they all posted about the incident on social media. Did that sort of shatter your impression of the Drag Race sisterhood we hear so much about?
I was never fooled that there was a sisterhood in the beginning. I mean, we don’t all see each other and we don’t call each other. Basically, once you’ve gone through the gamut of Drag Race, the only time you really see the girls is if you are on a specific tour with them. Even if you were friendly prior to Drag Race, you don’t really see and/or talk to every single girl regularly. So, I’m not terribly surprised. Not one of the girls that you mentioned reached out to me once, so I’m not completely surprised that those are the types who said something because they’re trying to remain current, and talking about somebody else’s drama gives them material, I guess. I’ve just never been that person because I don’t see the point of kicking people who are down because it’s an unfair advantage.

Do you have any regrets about this experience and have you learned anything from all of this?
I’m a little horrified that I did publish it in the first place, and looking back it’s always easier in hindsight… but fear I think is a powerful motivator, and I was so fearful that I was not going to wake up, so I made a plea for help, and if you read the original post it was clearly scrambled… reading it now I’m like, oh my goodness, why did I post anything? I should have called someone to come over [and] take me back to the hospital if I was having an issue.

Why have you not deleted the tweets, then?
I haven’t looked at my social media at all since this whole thing exploded. [Laughs] My mother has. The way I was raised, I don’t shirk things. You’re supposed to admit what you did wrong and not be a coward about it. The goal [is to] move forward about what we need to be doing the proper way. We discussed deleting the tweets…. Do I keep them up and, say, learn something? But it has just never been something that I was brought up to hide mistakes, so I never thought to go run to social media and take it down because I knew that would cause some other kind of thing. Plus, at the time when everything was just lightly starting to hit the fan, I was already going to hospitals, the police station, starting crisis counseling and a psych evaluation, so I was already doing things that I was so preoccupied with. Facebook and Twitter were not on my mind at all. It was more like [asking myself]: “What is happening? You remember this, so what’s wrong?” And that was more fearful to me than what anybody could say on social media — including Drag Race girls.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

The whole thing just makes me so uncomfortable. And then Tyra is making threats about Drag Con. I know there is some sort of mental evaluation to get on the show, but maybe they should select out those who are this troubled. And I think WOW should give the contestants some sort of media training. They want the increased profile and the money that comes with it, but I don't think any of them are prepared for what that really means.

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My biggest issue with this explanation is the half-assed attempt to rationalize the post about the car accident. It would be one thing if Robbie had said she was stressed, in the midst of a breakdown, and had been trying make sense of a bunch of things including how she got home that weekend. But that the car accident story was the result if her mental breakdown.

The real problem is that Robbie has a long history of lying and isn't candid about her mental health issues. Katya is candid and people don't give her shit. And even though there is a contingent of fans that was nasty as all get out to Nina Bo'nina a lot of them acknowledged that she seemed to be suffering with depression.

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RuPaul at the Time 100 Gala sporting a Vanjie necklace.  Looks like he's definitely a fan, because I would love for her to get a "Shangela" next season.   I've also never seen him with his husband before.  That dude must be huge because he's almost a head taller than Ru, who is well over six feet, right?

I also learned that he is Adam Rippon's idol and Rippon will be dancing to Sissy That Walk on Monday.  Great, just when I'd escaped the evil clutches of DWTS now I have to watch it!



  • Love 3
On 4/28/2018 at 1:33 PM, Sile said:

I also learned that he is Adam Rippon's idol and Rippon will be dancing to Sissy That Walk on Monday.  Great, just when I'd escaped the evil clutches of DWTS now I have to watch it!

I saw this performance last night! It was fantastic! No surprise, Adam is one of the best dancers, and he and his pro seemed to really connect. 

Edited by rollacoaster
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Spotlight said:

Bianca Del Rio returns to Drag Race, reads Eureka's Snatch Game portrayal

See clip here⬇️


I am so looking forward to Bianca that I can't even tell you!  I wish that they'd have her as a guest judge as well, they need judges that are actually capable of a quip.

Edited by Sile
speling cowntz
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