ElectricBoogaloo November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 After recent events, Barry decides it's time to confront Zoom and comes up with a dangerous plan. Caitlin sides with Jay and deems it too dangerous for Barry to engage with the speed demon. However, Iris shows her support and brings forth a surprising ally. We see what Earth-2 Harrison Wells' life was like before coming through the breech. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjk753-EzI 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/
Lantern7 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Dammit, Barry. Could you at least pretend that it's a dilemma while you're unmasking for the umpteenth time?!? At least he was vibrating when he was with Linda . . . on purpose this time. And damn . . . Zoom does not fuck around. Showed up Barry in front of the police and media, and he paralyzed him. The mask is scary. Even scarier than Cisco making and storing cut-outs of Team Flash. And speaking of which. . . could he be any clumsier around Harry? It's almost as cringe-worthy as the Batty scenes. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696675
nksarmi November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Holy crap, they made Zoom a huge badass. So how the hell is Barry going to defeat him? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696680
Jediknight November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Holy snot rocket. It was like this was SummerSlam 2014, Barry was John Cena, and Zoom was Brock Lesnar. That was just a complete curb stomping. Loved Linda trying to be Dr Light, that was great. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696690
KirkB November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I'm a bit confused. I thought Dr. Light's abilities where from her suit, hence why their Linda was still able to shoot light blasts. But Dr. Light escaped from her cell by turning invisible. So she can control light but not generate it, is that it? And damn, Zoom. I get why everybody is scared of him. But while he humiliated and paralyzed Barry he still didn't kill him when he had the chance. His ego clearly got the better of him. So points off for that. Still, damn. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696702
bettername2come November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Zoom is definitely powerful. He unmasked Barry without a cutaway. Poor Cisco. Even when there's a naked lady touching him, she's just shoving him out of the way to escape his supervillain basement jail. This was a really good one. I think the season's growing stronger. Linda and Barr's fight was fun. Jesse L. Martin and Tom Cavanagh were great in their scenes together.I'm glad the Jessie secret's out. I loved Linda and Iris together. The acting was really strong for all the characters. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696704
SimoneS November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I can't get into this. Why is Iris an afterthought when Candice Patton is supposed to be the leading actress? I cannot stand that she has been sidelined for Barry's latest love interest. Also, Joe and Barry made a big deal about keeping his identity secret from Iris to protect her, yet Barry goes around and telling almost everybody his secret identity. The only way for Iris to get screen is probably to become a meta human. I try not to compare shows, but Zoom reminds me of Bane on Batman; the indestructible villain. Bane broke Batman's back, Zoom paralyzes Barry. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696705
foreverevolving November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Holy crap, they made Zoom a huge badass. So how the hell is Barry going to defeat him? I wonder if this is why they are introducing so many speedster this year.. that instead of just Barry having to beat him it will take all of them to do it. also, loved the Arrow mention and how ironic it is (assuming Malcolm is still the Dark Archer on E2) that they ended up rounding back to the comic book rivalry - at least that of the new 52 (I think) of the GA and DA being good friends. it's was a nice little nod. Before Zoom grabbed her Linda looked half ready to wear that helmet again and start fighting crime. She seemed to really get a kick of it. at least until Zoom grabbed her and dropped her off the roof like hot potato. I like Harry.. although TC was over acting it a bit tonight. Also: a paralyzed Barry?! interesting, obviously not gonna last based on the recent crossover picture. Also 2: I am more and more convinced Zoom is Barry. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696710
Rai November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Well, damn. Zoom has really become Flash's number one bad-ass in the comics, so I was interested to see how they'd pull it off after Reverse Flash was so great. That was really intense stuff. Jaw dropped, everything. There were also a couple of shots straight out of the comics tonight. I see the nerds in charge are really letting the nerds watching have a good time with that. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696715
kirinan November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Please don't let Zoom be this show's Sylar. Heroes drove me crazy (and away from the show) with Sylar being so invincible, over and over and over and over and over... I don't mind Zoom being the big unbeatable bad for a couple or even a few episodes, but not too much more than that, please. Barry sure gets beat up a lot. And as we were watching it, my husband said, "Why doesn't he just save himself time and get on TV and unmask himself to everyone instead of person by person?" He does let a lot of people in on his increasingly-less-secret. I enjoyed Linda as Dr. Light. And I am starting to suspect that they may kill off Patty. Beside the fact that she's just too perky and gee-whiz to be real, Barry's getting way too attached to her for it not to happen. I won't spoil next week's previews, but for me, UGH. Boring; I really don't care for that villain, and never have. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696716
blugirlami21 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) That escalated quickly. Sheesh, Barry got beat like a bad habit. That was a no holds barred beat down he got from Zoom. I love that this show is not scared to have Barry lose a fight, but that was brutal. Seeing Zoom carry Barry around like a rag doll was insane. I'm surprised that Zoom didn't steal Barry's power but maybe he thought Barry was beneath him. Which does make me think that he is earth 2 Barry. Caitlin really got on my nerves early on. Her crush on Jay is annoying even when he's not present. And where exactly does Jay go when he's not around? Loved Joe's talks with Barry. Batty? Parry? Fell flat once again. Shut up Patty, seriously. Did anyone else catch that Oliver died on the island and his father became the arrow on earth 2? It reminds me of the alternate universe on Fringe. I wouldn't mind an extended stay there just to see the differences. Edited November 11, 2015 by blugirlami21 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696717
cambridgeguy November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Barry's lucky Zoom didn't unmask him in front of all those reporters. Barry once again gets his ass handed to him by evil speedster. Unfortunately for him this one doesn't need to keep him alive although he was considerate enough to not kill him. Looks like he needs another teamup. Good thing heroes are starting to emerge. Plus, Wells' daughter Jesse is quick. Jesse Quick, you could say. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696733
Grumpymonkey November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) I have issues with Barry's whining and always rushing into crap before thinking things through. I'm just glad Linda didn't get hurt and he took the brunt of it for his poorly thought out decisions. While I've been tolerating Patty, today I was in gtf off my screen mode. Joe's mad at her because she kissed Barry? Because a 40-50 something year old man cares? Waste of screen time, I would have preferred more Iris/Linda instead of that garbage. Speaking of Linda/Iris, this is the route they should have taken with them last year. Really enjoyed them and thought Linda pretending to be Dr. Light and Iris being her cheerleader was great. Iris and Barry are suppose to be best friends it would be nice if the show would acknowledge that this season. Zoom specifically brought Barry to Picture news, we see Iris react horrified and then she disappears for the rest of the episode. Its getting annoying. I think I'm going to enjoy Zoom. Edited November 11, 2015 by Grumpymonkey 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696734
miracole November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Barry's back to telling everyone and their momma he's the flash... Iris get's to be Linda's rah rah cheerleader sidekick now?! Barry was almost killed but she's not in any of the recovery scenes?! This is such garbage. Go away Patty. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696785
venusnv80 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Zoom reminded me of Bane as well, but with Candyman's voice. Either way, the last few minutes of The Flash were intense. I can't even talk about Iris and her disappearing because I have never been more DISGUSTED with this show than I've been this season with regard to Iris. They drop the ball constantly...oh and speaking of dropping stuff, Patty can drop dead any episode now. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696796
nerdyduck November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Holy crap, Zoom is one scary mofo. Definitely going to enjoy the big bad. Love watching JLM and TC. There's something about those two that elevates this show to another level that makes this better than your average CW show. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696863
pookat November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I wonder if this is why they are introducing so many speedster this year.. that instead of just Barry having to beat him it will take all of them to do it...Also 2: I am more and more convinced Zoom is Barry. I think you're on to something here. Until reading speculation here after last week's episode, it didn't occur to me that Zoom is Bad Barry, but I am convinced that is the case now. Even the black lightning bolt on the side of Zoom's head matches Barry's. I'm pretty sure that was no accident. That leads me to believe that Barry will only be able to defeat "himself" with additional speedsters. Why is Iris an afterthought when Candice Patton is supposed to be the leading actress? I cannot stand that she has been sidelined for Barry's latest love interest... The only way for Iris to get screen is probably to become a meta human. I didn't mind Patty until tonight. When Barry went to her in an effort to be happy, I just felt that it was wrong that it wasn't Iris or even Linda Park (who was hilariously winning tonight). I would like to see much more of Iris, but I was at least glad to see that she and Linda are genuinely bonding. I like their growing friendship, something Iris was deprived of for way too long. Flash sidekicks need crossfit! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696876
Jazzy24 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Zoom was serious. I don't care about Patty. Iris deserves better. I need Jay to get his speed back I hope he's back in the next episode. Poor Barry, he got his ass kicked and than some. Edited November 11, 2015 by Jazzy24 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696878
Marie F. November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I didn't watch the whole episode. I checked out of a lot of scenes, but I feel like when we find out who Zoom is, it won’t really make sense, kind of like A on Pretty Little Liars. Like all the little clues you pick up along the way won’t really fit because they’ll just make it who they want to make it in the end. My theory was that Zoom would be Earth 2 Barry who went evil after his Iris died, but I’m assuming he saw Iris when he brought Flash to her job, right? I would have expected a reaction when he saw her. I’m thinking it’s Earth 2 Henry and maybe somehow Earth 1 Henry knows something about it? And it can't be Earth 1 Eddie because Eddie was being sucked up into the portal while Jay and Zoom were fighting on Earth 2, but maybe Earth 2 Eddie? I fear they're probably going to drag this out so long that I lose interest, but Zoom was pretty scary. Did Candice Patton accidentally run over somebody's pet? Seriously, what the heck is going on there? Poor Barry, too, because it looks like he's getting sidelined with his convenient paralysis so that Caitlin and Patsy can get their shine in the next episode. I thought he had super fast healing? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696880
pookat November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Love watching JLM and TC. There's something about those two that elevates this show to another level that makes this better than your average CW show. Yes! The tears in JLM's eyes when Harry revealed the truth about his daughter. You could see that was the moment the two finally understood each other as dads wanting to protect their kids at any cost. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696890
thuganomics85 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Yeah, that wasn't even a battle: that was a straight up ass-kicking. Barry didn't have a chance. And it just kept getting worse and worse. Not only did Zoom just beat him bloody, he then humiliates him and tarnishes the image of Flash, by parading his limp body in front of the newspaper and police station. Then barges into the lair like it ain't no thing, and mocks Team Flash. Oh, and Barry is now paralyzed. Damn, that's cold, Zoom. I'm just surprised he didn't take his powers away like he did with Jay. The whole concept of having Linda pretend to be Dr. Light was such a reckless and almost fatal idea, but I loved Linda getting into it and failed shoot-out gallery. Of course Cisco would use cut-outs of him, Joe, and Caitlin. And I loved Harry's annoyed reactions: especially when Linda blow blew them apart. And then the big scene with her "killing" the Flash, was hilarious. Grant Gustin and Malese Jow themselves are great, but Barry and Linda clearly laughably bad actors. Too bad she had to bail now, but I guess Coast City is safer for now. I hope she isn't gone for too long. At this point, Joe might actually be missing Eddie and the awkwardness over dating his daughter, if Patty is going to be this goofy over her dating Barry. Yeah, Joe is totally pissed that you've moved into the kissing phase. You going to inform him when you guys finally get to second base, Patty? As usual, the show is trying way too hard to make her be perfectly adokorable. Sounded like that, on Earth 2, it's Robert Queen that becomes the Green Arrow, and Oliver died on the boat. Poor Ollie. Cisco and Harry crack me up. Like Cisco, I can't believe that the Wells that is less of a psychopath, is still somehow a bigger dick. I mean, yeah, Harrison/Eobard might have brutally murdered people left and right, but the man had charm! Iris is back to being in the background, sadly. Even though I don't miss the romantic bullshit with her and Barry, how hard is it to give her some kind of story, or have her play bigger parts in the main story-line? Ah, so it looks like they plan on already blowing their CGI gorilla budget next week! Can't wait to see Grodd and his antics again. No doubt ending with Joe curling up into a ball, and hopefully Harry being all "My version from this Earth created him?! Awesome!" 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696892
benteen November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Fantastic ending...that was a straight up ass-kicking and Zoom ragdolling Barry was awesome. Very much enjoying the Wells/Cisco interaction. It's great having TC back on a regular basis. I liked Linda's attempts to be a supervillain. I loved the news report from Earth-2 stating that Robert Queen was the Green Arrow. I hope someday we'll get to see that on Arrow. I'm also annoyed at Barry's whining and need to rush into bad decisions. Using Linda as bait was stupid and selfish. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696927
TwistedandBored November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I was really getting tired of the specialness of Barry lately and I am glad Zoom schooled him. Zoom is next level badass and I guess that is why we are getting all these Speedsters. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696938
Jazzy24 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Zoom is what nightmares are made of. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696954
Cthulhudrew November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) So I went into this episode thinking that Zoom must be Earth-2 Barry; what would better parallel the Thawne/Barry mentor-betrayed trust relationship than a Well/Barry villain who kidnapped my daughter/hero I must learn to trust relationship? But with the Robert Queen/Hood throwaway at the beginning, and the clearly much bulkier Zoom vs. Barry? I'm thinking Zoom is Earth-2 Henry Allen. Edited November 11, 2015 by Cthulhudrew 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696955
Ruby25 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Cool episode. Linda was great, I never liked her last season, but now I do so that's cool. Patty can GTFO my screen now. Her and Barry's scenes were awful tonight, like really bad. What the hell was that pointless scene with her and Joe? They sideline Iris so they can spend more time with this chick, really? She feels like an interloper. "Tell me what's really going on"- no, bitch, you just showed up five seconds ago. I almost laughed at him kissing her at the station. His voice was saying she makes him happy, but his face was telling me he'd rather be anywhere else. Does Grant Gustin hate playing romantic scenes in general or something? Seriously, I'm not buying it, and she was more annoying and an idiot in this episode than she's been so far. I don't know what's going on with the Iris problem- why can't they just have her be more involved, she should have been at Barry's bedside, ffs. I liked her and Linda though- can't wait til Linda and Wally, I think that's going to be good. I'm still going to be shocked if Zoom is anyone but Barry. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696964
venusnv80 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I expected if Zoom was Barry for him to have some type of recognition of Iris, but with this show he will probably see Patty and suddenly melt at her feet. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696982
Cthulhudrew November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) So here's my theory, as I've been thinking about it: With no Thawne, Henry's wife and Barry's mother doesn't die. Barry doesn't become a forensic scientist, but still decides to be a scientist, eventually being recruited as Wells' golden boy at Star Labs (replacing Hartley and Cisco in this universe). He dies during the particle accelerator accident, but Henry- in his stead- ends up getting powered by the speed force (or something similar). Now Henry blames Wells for his son's death (and maybe his wife's- what if she died, too?). He determines to kill Wells, even going so far as to kidnap his daughter so that he can torment Wells with the thought of his child's death. Might even explain Wells' fascination with developing meta-detecting technology, in case Henry decided to get revenge. EDIT: And I still say they're going to end up finding a body that turns out to be Earth-1 Patty Spivot by mid-season. Edited November 11, 2015 by Cthulhudrew 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696983
SnoGirl November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 That was like being on a crazy ride spinning so bad you hope it won't derail. That ending was hard to watch, Barry just hanging there. He should have listened. He should have recon-ed more by talking to the other Speedster (Grant? I can't remember). Where was he tonight? Count me in with the people who are frustrated about Iris' storyline. She is constantly sidelined. She should be just as important as Caitlyn, especially if she ends up as Barry's wife. I want a bad-ass story for her, she should be her own hero even if she doesn't have speed. Caitlyn and Joe get to have these moments (as does Cisco, but he has a power) but have no power. She should get to too. I'm mad she wasn't there when he woke up, or at least being texted by Cisco or Caitlyn. I'm excited to see the fallout from Barry not being able to walk. I wonder if it's all in his head. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696986
CocoaGoddess November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Zoom confronting Linda and leering at her (because you know he was) from behind that mask was INTENSE and one of the most quietly frightening scenes I've watched in a long time. The actor who's playing Zoom reminds me a lot of the Horseman on Sleepy Hollow--he has a lot of charisma and his body language just demands that you sit up and take notice ... and cower in fear. You could feel his contempt for Barry as he did his usual Flash tricks and distractions, and then he just grabs the lightning bolt and proceeds to give Barry the ass whooping of his life. I approve show. I approve. A small scene that might have been insignificant to most of the audience, but I'm so desperate for any bit of crumb they toss us from Iris that I'll greedily eat it up. Iris imploring Barry to let Linda make her own decisions elicited a strong reaction from me, because leave it to a woman who has seen her own agency taken from her time and time again by the bullheaded, sexist men in her life to be a supporter for another woman in the exact same situation. In this instance, I'm fine with Iris offering support to Linda in this episode, because it is nice to see two women getting along and being confidantes on a show like this, where the male relationships drive the storyline. Not having Iris at Barry's bedside though was bitch made and I'm tired of these writers not having any respect for this character. Please toss Patty from a cliff already. The more they push her on us, the more I intensely dislike her. Edited November 11, 2015 by CocoaGoddess 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696989
venusnv80 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Now I can believe that it's Henry. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1696990
benteen November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I think Zoom is Earth-2 Barry...it would explain why he didn't de-mask him in front of the media. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697005
ottoDbusdriver November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 So, did invisible naked Earth-2 Linda Park/Dr. Light just up and disappear like a fart in the wind after she escaped past Cisco ? Seriously Cisco, you fell for basically the same trick the big bad dino pulled in Jurassic World ? Thought he was smarter that that. And yet once again Barry reveals his identity -- is there anyone in Central City (other than Patty) that doesn't know at this point ? Uggh. Zoom was pretty evil, and he does it so well. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697009
Sakura12 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 If they are going to keep Iris separate from Barry. Please let Linda stay so they can have adventures together. Now that she knows Barry's the Flash she can hang around them too. Her attempts at being a supervillian were hilarious. Malese Jow can play a morally grey character, she was great as Anna on the Vampire Diaries. So it was hilarious to see that Barry and Linda are terrible actors. Patty is useless and annoying. Neither of those are great character traits. And of course Joe wouldn't care that Barry's dating his partner, he has a penis. They do realize that keeping Barry and Iris apart romantically doesn't mean you keep them apart as friends. Zoom is a terrifying villain. The actor playing or stunt person playing him as such a powerful presence. He's not a guy that can be easily defeated. I'm glad Barry finally had a devastating loss. He needed that to become a hero (not just call himself one because he feels like it). Barry's reckless and runs into things without thinking. He's lucky that Linda wasn't hurt or killed. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697017
CocoaGoddess November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I was also thinking that Linda being damsel'd would have had so much more impact if she were actually still dating Barry. Huge, HUGE mistake on the part of the show, they should have kept her on as Barry's girlfriend--a relationship that would have developed more honestly and organically than this forced, contrived disaster with Patty. I'm throwing in my prediction that Henry is Zoom. I was thinking Eddie, but he gave no recognition to Iris. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697037
Ruby25 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 If they are going to keep Iris separate from Barry. Please let Linda stay so they can have adventures together. Now that she knows Barry's the Flash she can hang around them too. Her attempts at being a supervillian were hilarious. Malese Jow can play a morally grey character, she was great as Anna on the Vampire Diaries. So it was hilarious to see that Barry and Linda are terrible actors. Patty is useless and annoying. Neither of those are great character traits. And of course Joe wouldn't care that Barry's dating his partner, he has a penis. They do realize that keeping Barry and Iris apart romantically doesn't mean you keep them apart as friends. Zoom is a terrifying villain. The actor playing or stunt person playing him as such a powerful presence. He's not a guy that can be easily defeated. I'm glad Barry finally had a devastating loss. He needed that to become a hero (not just call himself one because he feels like it). Barry's reckless and runs into things without thinking. He's lucky that Linda wasn't hurt or killed. Yeah, I don't know what the hell is going on with that either, and why on earth do we need to see scenes of Patty at the station bothering Joe? I increasingly want to throw her off a bridge. She is the most unecessary character this season. I liked Linda's "I made out with the Flash" line- I knew she and Barry never slept together btw. I'm assuming once that's taken care of with Patty they will have fulfilled their obligation to show the audience he's not a virgin and I bet she'll be gone by mid-season (hopefully). I love Cisco's scenes so much. He and Wells together are pretty great. Kind of excited for Grodd next week although I hated seeing Patty on the preview. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697040
Sakura12 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 If Earth 2 Barry is Zoom than Earth 2 Barry is on steroids or they are pulling a Pretty Little Liars where a 6 ft tall man in a hoodie is somehow a 5'4" woman. I would go with Henry Allen at least by his chest width. Eddie could work too. GG is in shape but he's still on the thin side. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697049
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Zoom was horrific and scary. Got Venom/Carnage vibes off of him. That's either Eddie as Cobalt Blue (blue lightning), Earth 2 Barry, or Earth 2 Henry. Can't think of anyone else - is that thing on his face even a mask? Has he become like Voldemort or something? But I was a bit amused at how he dragged - literally DRAGGED Barry all over town, humiliating him. I inserted the Flash writing team for Barry and cheered. I'm very frustrated at the way the writers are treating Candice Patton's Iris. She's 2nd billed on the show - the leading actress - and honestly the BEST actress on this show and they constantly sideline her. I'm really sick of it. There was NO reason not to have her there when he woke up - or even Joe! NO REASON - not after she saw him get dragged like that. This show just makes me so angry with the Iris marginalization. Even in the next episode - it feels like it's gonna be a Patty/Caitlin fest. WTH show? Candice Patton deserves so much better than this. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697050
tennisgurl November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 So, all the fuss with Zoom is completely warranted. Damn, he just dominated in that fight. Poor Barry. Never stood a chance. Zoom is shaping up to be a great villain. Can we have more Linda? Her and Barry and their terrible acting was my favorite part of the episode. Also, more Linda hanging out with Iris. They were a lot of fun, and and now that Linda knows Barrys secret, she can hang out with the gang sometimes, right? The Earth 2 stuff reminds me a lot of the Alternate Universe in Fringe. Interesting little insight about Robert Queen. I want to know more about Earth 2, and how it differs from Our Earth. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697060
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I kinda felt like the Robert Queen stuff was a little bit like Flashpoint. I still have a theory that Zoom is Earth 2 Barry, based on a couple of things in tonight's episode. First, Zoom said he wanted "everything" from Barry - that could also point to Cobalt Blue, but I still think it's Barry. Part of that is because this season, Barry (our Barry) is upset that he didn't save his mother. What if he DID save his mother on Earth 2 and then something really horrible happened as a result (maybe Iris and Joe died) and he got twisted into the monster Zoom? Or he Anakin-ed Skywalker-ed and ended up somehow killing Iris or Joe in a fit of Vader rage? I keep thinking something has to fill in that hole for Barry - the void he mentioned tonight about not saving his mother. There was a reason the flash in that living room told him not to do it - I think maybe it has something to do with Earth 2's Barry. Or maybe it's Earth 1's Barry from when he disappeared in the time stream from Season 1 in that newspaper Wells/Thawne had - and he's become a twisted monster moving between parallel worlds picking up speed and power? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697081
pookat November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 If Earth 2 Barry is Zoom than Earth 2 Barry is on steroids or they are pulling a Pretty Little Liars where a 6 ft tall man in a hoodie is somehow a 5'4" woman. I would go with Henry Allen at least by his chest width. Eddie could work too. GG is in shape but he's still on the thin side. You all have me rethinking the earlier hypothesis, though I would say that based on build alone, Zoom most closely resembles Gen. Eiling. Maybe the Grodd preview reminded me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697101
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) I wonder if the writers even know yet who Zoom is? Are they gonna Gossip Girl us? I think in that, they knew it was Dan, but they didn't make all of the pieces fit together and did things that didn't make ANY sense (and that should have disqualified Dan as Gossip Girl). But Zoom being Earth 2 Barry just feels too easy. Edited November 11, 2015 by phoenics 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697121
VCRTracking November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Patty, the only thing being "transparent" is that shirt. Edited November 11, 2015 by VCRTracking 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697143
TobinAlbers November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I feel like everyone has been guessed as Zoom except Joe. He fits the build and it would be a kick in the emotional pants. But I'm leaning more towards it being Henry now. Wells losing it and just kicking, trashing, hitting at everything when Zoom didn't show up earlier made me giggly. I like jerk Harry. I like that he's not sentimental except only about his daughter. And I want to meet her mom. Not worried about this being Iris light as her meaty scenes and arc are going to be about her mom and brother and how he's integrated into Team Flash. No wonder Jay kept running from Zoom! I honestly wasn't impressed about Zoom's appearance/size. But once you saw him catch a freakin thunderbolt and throw it back at Barry? Holy crap did you know a whuppin' was about to commence. When I heard him break Barry's back, I thought I misheard because I just didn't think they'd go there, but they went there and then some! Robert Queen getting his Thomas Wayne Flashpoint on in E2 made me howl. So does this mean Moira became a supervillain? I still want to like Patty, but for some reason she and Barry as a couple to root for ain't working for me. I liked Barry better with Linda. Speaking of Linda, while it's not wise for everyone to know, I liked his revealing himself to Linda as the Flash because she really was putting herself on the line and she deserved to know why, IMO. Although I found her slipping into fangirliness a bit much. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697171
Ruby25 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I wonder if the writers even know yet who Zoom is? Are they gonna Gossip Girl us? I think in that, they knew it was Dan, but they didn't make all of the pieces fit together and did things that didn't make ANY sense (and that should have disqualified Dan as Gossip Girl). But Zoom being Earth 2 Barry just feels too easy. I have the feeling they're trying to decide between Barry and Henry. Any other option wouldn't have the impact, imo. And I'm not sure how they can resist making it Barry, considering they could give him a tragic backstory where Joe and/or Iris dies, leading to his evilness, AND it would be a nod to a classic similar comics storyline. Henry could be interesting, but I'm also not sure his origin story would have the same impact (what could it be- Barry's death on Earth-2?). What comics show wouldn't want to have their hero fight himself? I do think they may not have decided though, so the lack of recognition of Iris might not mean anything yet. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697188
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Not worried about this being Iris light as her meaty scenes and arc are going to be about her mom and brother and how he's integrated into Team Flash. Really? Because Joe and Barry got more scenes about Iris' mom than Iris herself did. So, I'm still worried. I'd be willing to bet my entire life savings that when Wally comes onboard, Iris will be shut out of that too in any meaningful way and it will eventually be about Joe and Wally and Barry and Wally. Iris will be an afterthought. Once Wally is revealed to have powers (how is THAT gonna work?), or once he gets powers, I guess it will be about all 3 speedsters taking Zoom down. No wonder Jay kept running from Zoom! I honestly wasn't impressed about Zoom's appearance/size. But once you saw him catch a freakin thunderbolt and throw it back at Barry? Holy crap did you know a whuppin' was about to commence. That was just - WOW. I mean - Jay couldn't hold his own against Zoom and Jay throws thunderbolts. Seems to me Zoom plays with Jay's thunderbolts like bouncing balls. That scene was really well done though - because Zoom was moving so fast it literally made the lightning look like an actual lighting bolt... talk about realistic larping. "Lightning bolt... lightning bolt!...!" 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697208
jay741982 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I liked the reveal that Jesse Quick is E2 Harrison Wells'es daughter. Comic fans might know what I'm talking about. Wow Zoom is a Scary dude not to mention catching that lighting Bolt and kicking Barry's ass. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697330
miracole November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Patty, the only thing being "transparent" is that shirt.This. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697346
iRarelyWatchTV36 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Everything regarding the Zoom storyline tonight was fantastic. The fight and Zoom's 'displaying' a broken Flash to the reporters and police was strong, it really made me feel like this guy will not tolerate any type of shit whatsoever from Barry, Wells, or Garrick. Nothing against the actress, but enough of Patty and 'Batty'. Somebody mentioned upthread that they think she'll be killed by Zoom at some point. I could see that, and its clear she's going to go behind Joe's back and learn that Barry is the Flash that way. My guess is Zoom will learn of their connection and kill her as a warning to Barry. Grabbing your 'gf' and kissing her in the workplace - even "hidden" behind a column - is not the Barry Allen we were introduced to and have been watching for 1.33 seasons now, even if he is desperately searching for happiness. Sorry, but it just isn't. Shoddy writing at work there - hard to feel invested when characters are acting distractingly OOC. Iris West is to The Flash what Laurel Lance is to Arrow. Each came in to their respective series as the 'leading lady' and both have been sidelined for a 'Felicity'. Seriously, Iris was front and center when Zoom brought Barry in at CCPN to show what he did to him, and she's not there for the couple of scenes when he was recovering?! I'm supposed to believe these two are BFFs, with the way they've been treating each other - ie, totally MIA for very important moments in their lives - for most of this new season (so far)? I can't tell you how awesomely happy these character directions and story choices makes me..... like nearly happy enough to kick a newborn baby and strangle a kitten. Edited November 11, 2015 by iRarelyWatchTV36 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697378
Trini November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 ... we see Iris react horrified and then she disappears for the rest of the episode. Its getting annoying. ... ... Barry was almost killed but she's not in any of the recovery scenes?! This is such garbage. ... ... Not having Iris at Barry's bedside though was bitch made and I'm tired of these writers not having any respect for this character. ... There was NO reason not to have her there when he woke up - or even Joe! NO REASON - not after she saw him get dragged like that. Iris by Barry's bedside: that's just basic. Come on, show. ::sigh:: 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34352-s02e06-enter-zoom/#findComment-1697389
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