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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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Robyn is back to tweeting. Why? Because she thought this article was "sweet". Besides the awkward way it's set to navigate, it seems to me there are many things in it that are not current, or true. Go figure! http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/slideshow/447/sister-wives-11-rules-for-being-a-kody-brown-sister-wife/kody-brown-s-rules-1#

Oh so the divorce was due to insurance now? Now custody in case Robyn drops dead?

If he is not fulfilling each wife's needs, then just exactly WHO is supposed to fill that wife's needs then, since he thinks it is vulgar for a woman to have more than one husband*?


*not that I think it's someone's duty to fill another person's needs, but we are translating this into Brown-talk.

Exactly. Kody is too stupid to realize the irony of his own words.


Kody sez: "To be honest, I am not sure if any one of my wives could fulfill all my needs." Logical (unspoken) subtext: "Therefore I need a lot of women. It increases the chance of meeting all my needs." The sad glaring truth is "I'm not sure..." NO ONE goes into marriage or other committed relationship SURE that this person can fulfill all her/his needs, because it's impossible. But we benighted monogamists understand commitment in a way that a polygamous man never can; we love our partner for exactly what he or she brings to the relationship, and we love him or her EVEN IN THE PLACES WHERE THE FULFILLMENT FALLS SHORT OF 100%. Who the fuck told this asshole that he is owed complete fulfillment??? News flash: 500 wives will not fulfill all your needs, Kody. Some fulfillment is up to YOU.


Kody sez:"...nor do I believe that I am fulfilling all of theirs." Unexamined logical question: Your needs aren't fulfilled by one woman, so you address that problem by taking multiple wives. Your wives' needs, according to YOU--aren't fulfilled by one husband, so they address that problem by...by...(careful now, we could be heading into vulgar thinking...)


Robyn was just as moronic when she said she didn't want her kids to hear that living in a committed relationship outside of legal marriage was an option. Robyn: THEY ALREADY KNOW.


Bitch slaps for everyone.

  • Love 15

You know, in theory, I'm ok with people seeking different types of fulfilment with different people (it needn't always be sex you can have a romantic partner you love and still get something different from a Meredith and Christina on Greys type platonic relationship as well, not that any of those characters are mentally healthy) but that option should be on the table for both/all partners if its going to be there for one. So Kody gets 4 different women to fulfil his ADHD needs: Meri teenage sweet heart who can give him peace and quiet, Janelle, more of a buddy relationship who could actually earn money, Christine religious connection, Robyn new toy and *they* get (if they're lucky) 1/4th of a husband and sister wives they don't seem to like very much and an absentee father.


The women get told that polygamy is part of suffering so they can get to heaven and Kody is pontificating about his needs?! What about you're kids needs? A man with 4 women and over 20 kids to support who's religion tells him he is the sole head of the family looses the right to talk about being the one who is 100% fulfilled.

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I guess Robyn feels like she can't do enough damage to her reputation by having just a Twitter account. She now has a Facebook account (Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4) that is a public account for connecting with her adoring fans. Of course, when someone said it was a fake FB page, Robyn had to post the selfie next to the FB page on the computer (this time in full make-up, instead of in her jammies, so she's learning!). She also tweeted about it, so it appears to be a real page. 


Loose cannon. Let's see how long this lasts before it implodes on her.

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I finally figured out who Robyn Brown reminds me of!  She's an actress who plays on the series The Americans.  


This is a video clip of an interview with this actress.  She is dressed 80's style on the show and looks more like Robyn there.  I don't think there are any spoilers in the video as pertaining to the show The Americans.  The actress just reveals her feelings about the character.



Edited by SunnyBeBe

I finally figured out who Robyn Brown reminds me of!  She's an actress who plays on the series The Americans.  


This is a video clip of an interview with this actress.  She is dressed 80's style on the show and looks more like Robyn there.  I don't think there are any spoilers in the video as pertaining to the show The Americans.  The actress just reveals her feelings about the character.



Definitely see the physical resemblance. It's sort of like Robyn's much smarter and worlds more articulate sister. :)

  • Love 2

This is how Robyn announced her pregnancy on Twitter:

Robyn Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs  · Jun 19 
Finally!  We are so excited! 


This is how Kody announced it:

Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · 24h24 hours ago   Las Vegas, NV  


Feel the love?

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 2

I love that Kody said that he was always kind and tender to his wives, and extra sensitive during pregnancy...correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he trot out his new young girlfriend when Christine was pregnant? Because that screams sensitive. And when has Kody ever done dishes?

Congratulations to them, I hope everything goes well. I also hope Robyn doesn't pick a really stupid name.

  • Love 6
And when has Kody ever done dishes?



Well, in his defense, the whole point of having four wives who don't work outside the home (other than generating spawn) is to never have to do any actual housework or child rearing on your own.  It's actually kinda brilliant from his standpoint.  Evil, but brilliant.

  • Love 3

In that photo there is a shadow from Meri on the boy in front of her, so she wasn't photoshopped in. The boy, however, needed his eyes opened in photoshop, and Truely's eyes look demonic. I think they just set up a camera on a timer. It certainly wasn't professionally done. Maybe no one would do it for free because they are not as big as they think they are, or Meri did it with her camera, and squeezed herself in at the last moment.


Somewhere it was posted that Robyn was mad at Kody for not making Meri stay with the Closet instead of returning to school and demanded he marry her instead. This was a while ago, and I cannot find it now. I'm wondering if anyone else remembers it. It seems like she told him if he married her she would have another baby, and that is what has happened. I want to read it and see when it was in comparison to the divorce.


Honestly, I see a marginal phone photo and mis-use of the filters function - and/or a vignette tool. I can't rule out more complex editing, though I doubt the ability of anyone In this crowd to do it. And, if someone did, I can't believe he/she wouldn't fix any of the zillion other issues with the pic.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

And Meri's position in the photo, and the look on her face, says it all. 

Far cry from first wife.

I had to look again, everyone is touching and smiling and Meri is smirking and shrinking away from everyone, she looks real careful not to touch anyone. 

Edited by jellywager
  • Love 1

Something doesn't add up with Robyn Brown's supposed due date- they claim she is due in early January, and robyn tweeted in late June that she was just starting to feel little flutters of movement. Yet in the photo in People magazine she is clearly much farther along in the pregnancy than 11-12 weeks. She looks to be 5-6 months along. Some folks think she had been having fertility issues, and needed IVF, and that was the real reason for the divorce of Meri and Kody- so insurance would cover fertility treatments. It could explain the discrepancy in her appearance of looking further along if she were carrying multiples( common in IVF). They are definitely up to something though.

  • Love 4

Sister wives is in reruns so I took a peek at My Sister Wives Closet.  They fixed at least some of the grammatical errors, but there is next to nothing for sale.  All of that Be Values stuff is marked down and there is nothing new since I looked at it six months ago. It looked like a fire sale to me. So much for supporting umpteen kids and four McMansion mortgages.  I guess Robyn has plenty of time to gestate now.    

Edited by toodles
  • Love 1

MSWC as we understand is the closest to perfect business for a mother with young kids/pregnant lady who doesn't want to work outside the home. Minimal hours, since it doesn't seem to get that much business and you could set it up so you could literally work from your laptop in bed should you so choose. And you have a lot of family members to help with any packaging. We all know Robyn's shit fit about needing help was an ultimatum but they chose to make it such a big deal for so long, and it does seem like Robyn has abandoned the thing once she got pregnant again. So either she thinks that doing more than gestating and Kody is too much or it was her way of grabbing the attention when her "newlywed" status began to fade. Or both. A lot of stay at home moms/ultra religious women attempt to have online businesses and you have a TV platform and still can't be bothered to work at it? It wasn't a real business, ever.

  • Love 2

Sister wives is in reruns so I took a peek at My Sister Wives Closet.  They fixed at least some of the grammatical errors, but there is next to nothing for sale.  All of that Be Values stuff is marked down and there is nothing new since I looked at it six months ago. It looked like a fire sale to me. So much for supporting umpteen kids and four McMansion mortgages.  I guess Robyn has plenty of time to gestate now.    


Oh, you made me want to look. And I did. It's worse than ever without the hype of the show to give some context to the random collection of cheap trinkets and assorted ugly clothing items. I'm sure Robyn doesn't care anymore because her baby will be the focus of the next season so the mail-order business storyline is done. 

  • Love 3

I'm sure Robyn doesn't care anymore because her baby will be the focus of the next season so the mail-order business storyline is done. 



Between Robyn's pregnancy and The Fall of the House of Duggar, I suspect the Browns figure they're sitting pretty with TLC for a while and won't need the Closet to support themselves anytime soon.

  • Love 2

I kind of doubt the pregnancy is dramatic in any way so who cares?  Popping out another kid just isn't going to carry this mess for another season.  How many minutes can they squeeze out of her smirking at Meri and Meri looking miserable?  Of course, that's just me and I was done watching a year ago.

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If he is not fulfilling each wife's needs, then just exactly WHO is supposed to fill that wife's needs then, since he thinks it is vulgar for a woman to have more than one husband*? I guess that is the part of the religion that makes the woman stronger. The man doesn't need to become stronger and better by overcoming jealousy and being shortchanged in a marriage, only the woman. Jackasses.

And you are correct ginger90, about 85% of the statements in that article are just flat out lies or wrong. Robyn calls it sweet. I guess we now know her definition of "sweet".

*not that I think it's someone's duty to fill another person's needs, but we are translating this into Brown-talk.

The women are fulfilling each other's needs. I quit watching this show a long time ago, but had concluded that what's going on is two pairs of lesbians and a narcissistic sperm donor. The women are more attached to each other. I don't think they are happy, really, as evidenced by the constant crying and weight struggles, but I think they prefer each other's company to his. Actually I haven't figured out what any of them could see in him.

So are they still trying to sell jewelry? Most women weren't brought up to buy themselves jewelry, they consider it a love token to be purchased for them. And if a man gives a woman a piece of jewelry which represents polygamy, he'll be sleeping on the couch! Few men are stupid enough to make such a mistake

  • Love 4

Did you notice that Sister Wives was NOT one of the many reruns shown after the Duggars were pulled? It looked like TLC was scrambling to fill the empty space with reruns of its

other shows, and Sister Wives was not shown at all.

Between Robyn's pregnancy and The Fall of the House of Duggar, I suspect the Browns figure they're sitting pretty with TLC for a while and won't need the Closet to support themselves anytime soon.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
Did you notice that Sister Wives was NOT one of the many reruns shown after the Duggars were pulled?


I think that even TLC knows this is a sinking ship. Nobody cares anymore about the phony hysterics of this group of idiots.


I you want to see riveting footage about polygamy, watch Escaping Polygamy.

  • Love 1

It appears that "Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4" on Facebook is now scrubbed entirely, except for a post made about an hour ago, wishing Meri and Kody a happy silver wedding anniversary. Is it just me? Anyone else still accessing that page, or is Robyn simply revising history as per usual?

It looks like Robyn is trying to clean out her Sisterwife's Closet, but the skeletons won't go away. Between the adoption drama, the divorce drama, and now this catfishing story, there is a lot more than joory in there.

"We're trying to make room in our Closet and we're overstocked on skeletons. Perfect for Halloween! They come in a wide variety of sizes, from Kiss-Your-Fiancée-While-Your-Wife-Is-In-Labor (comes with optional white headband), to Multiple-Bankruptcies-and-Interest-Only-McMansions. Whether you're treating yourself (Marry-Your-Brother-in-Law!) or searching for the gift that keeps on giving (Herpes!), check out all the skeletons in My Sisterwife's Closet! (Out-of-stock note: we can't find any trace of Victoria's-Secret-Bills, Stolen-Purity-Cookie, and The-Jessop-Years.)"

  • Love 15

I read something on the evil internets the other day about Robyn that made me go hmmm. The article said her Victoria secret bill was from her pajamas. No, not THOSE pajamas. She needs extra longs or something like that. And you can't buy them anywhere else on earth. She doesn't understand why people make such a big deal out of this. My guess is people are, you know, OFFENDED because we pay for our pajamas and don't default on the big ass Victoria secret debt.

She also doesn't cry as much as it seems. The rascally producers just edit it that way. Why, she is just another victim of bad reality show editing. Her jyd said this is the absolute truth because Robyn is a VERY STRONG PERSON!!

So there you go. Robyn is just terribly misunderstood.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 3

I looked it up and supposedly Robyn is 5'4" ... Victoria's Secret extra long pajama pants have a 33.5" inseam.  So at 64 inches tall, more than half of Robyn's body length is in her legs. Is that possible?  In this pic her legs look sort of long, I guess. But I would just never think anyone only 5'4" would need an extra long anything.



  • Love 3

I looked it up and supposedly Robyn is 5'4" ... Victoria's Secret extra long pajama pants have a 33.5" inseam.  So at 64 inches tall, more than half of Robyn's body length is in her legs. Is that possible?  In this pic her legs look sort of long, I guess. But I would just never think anyone only 5'4" would need an extra long anything.




I seriously doubt it. I am 5'11" and most of my height is in my legs. I have a 35 inch inseam. I can not fathom that someone 7 inches shorter than me would have need pjs that have a 33.5 inch inseam. In fact I could wear those. They are pjs. you don't need extra length for shoes or heels. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, I read Janelle is 5'4" too and Robyn does look taller, even though the only mention of her height has her listed as 5'4."   I don't know for sure.  


What I do know for sure is that no one in that photo needs and extra-long anything.  Robyn is full of crap.  She should just ignore people questioning her VS bill because mentioning it only gives the story legs.  Get it, legs? heh


I'm leaving now.

  • Love 8

And, more to the point, her children were supposedly living in spartan conditions; yet she felt it was okay to spend that amount of money on frills for herself.

Bingo. If you're struggling with $, you don't buy anything at Victoria's Secret, and it doesn't matter if your jammie bottoms are a tad short ANYWAY! Uck...I can't even with these liars.

  • Love 7

So let's say Robyn does 'need' extra long pj pants - still doesn't explain why she needs $1k worth. Even if they're $50 a pair, that's 20 pairs of pj pants.


20 pairs.... that's just unfathomable to me. Of course maybe I'm not the right person to ask. I have a pair of pj shorts that are almost 25 years old and have 4 holes in them. Mr. 3girls is begging me to get a new pair LOL.

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