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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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On 4/30/2019 at 4:41 PM, deirdra said:

Meri would probably find that gay men are much more fun and nicer to her than sister wives.

There's a lot to be said for guys who can be just friends.  No worries about doing and saying the "right" thing to be attractive.  Just a male friend who accepts you for what you are. 

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On 4/30/2019 at 2:41 PM, deirdra said:

Meri would probably find that gay men are much more fun and nicer to her than sister wives.

They would definitely rid her of the ugly footwear, and then the rest of her closet. 

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On 5/3/2019 at 10:34 AM, DakotaJustice said:

Because of the show money.  

I know it's been discussed here and in other places that TLC could spin off Meri onto her own show, but i think Meri is pretty aware that she can't sustain a show on her own for long. Maybe a short season at best.  What are they going to show? 

  • Can't show her selling LLR and that's what she seems to spend most of her time doing. Also they can't show her at LLR events or cruises. No Disney either. I don't think Disney has even been *mentioned* on the show.
  • Mariah is in Chicago. She's not there every day. 
  • She'd be living in her B&B with her mom. I could see that being a few shows but an ongoing plot? What guests staying there would agree to be on the show for no money? 
  • The rest of the family might make occasional appearances but I think they'd back off and focus on saving their own bacon. They need Meri too, for all the hate watchers that they rely on. 

I have a little script in my head on what a Meri-only show would be like. Instead of the wives it would be her mom and sis who I'm sure are nice people but they seem kind of blah.  

The show would probably be Meri rearranging furniture in the B&B and trying to find a date. 

I think Meri tends to look the most uncomfortable on camera. I wonder if she would even want to be the main focus of a show. 

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On 5/3/2019 at 12:15 PM, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

After all that has happened in her life (husband collecting wives, inability to procreate beyond one, loss of HBIC), I can see why Mary has become the person she is today.  You can say she signed up for the lifestyle all you want, when you are young and in love you have no way of knowing how you are going to feel or what your life will be like when you are looking back at 25 years of water under the bridge.  There are things I don’t like about Mary and things that I really do like.  I think the collective person we see today is a product of being a survivor and adopting personality traits she felt she needed to in order to survive all the twists and turns in her life.

So her life didn’t turn out the way she expected.  At least you can say she is the only one that really got up off her ass and did things to make it tolerable.  I think she sees the reality of the situation and has found a way to be okay with it.  I’m always glad to see her having fun away from the family.  It’s her escape pod if you will.  It’s not like she can stay home with Kootie and the sisters and have fun.  They don’t want to have that kind of relationship with her and everyone has their reasons.  Does she still love Kootie?  Is she just hanging around for the show?  Who knows.  But I am not going to judge her for finding what helps her get from one day to the next or put a little joy and friendship in her life.  That’s just being human.

For the record, I think Christine is trying to do the same thing, just in a different way.  

I totally agree with you, in that we all have to find our own place in the world and be responsible for our own happiness.

To me, it is perfectly ok for Meri to stay with Kody and to want to still be in his life and be a part of the family, just as it is ok for her to go out and find new adventures away from the family. It doesn't have to be an either/or - she can do both. It's not for me to tell someone else that they should leave their partner; that always makes me uncomfortable. Unless it is an obvious case of abuse, of course. People stay together for their own reasons, and just because I wouldn't choose to be in a relationship with someone doesn't mean that the person doesn't have good qualities or deserve happiness.

But once you make your choice, then there is no sense in being unhappy in it - Meri wants to still be a part of Kody's life and be a Brown, but that doesn't mean she has to sit home by the phone and wait for them to call - she's getting out there and doing Meri, and good for her. Christine is doing her thing too - she loves Kody and has chosen this life, so why not make the best of it? 

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On 4/30/2019 at 1:53 PM, Joan of Argh said:

Yes... I think he was the guy on the right in the original bottle of rum pic... and I agree she always looks very awkward when she tries to look "sexy" almost like a naive tween or something.

Maybe it's from all the years of feigning modesty under Kooties standards... I imagine it's difficult to go from wearing layers of clothing and covering everything..... to bare arms and cleavage on display.

I wish we could have seen the reaction when Kootie and the gang got their first look at the "Sam" sexy pics.... yikes! 😲

Here's the pic of him that she likes... ❤️


Well, all I can say is at least he is real....and a man!

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8 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Poor Christine, her house is still for sale.

That's surprising, her backyard landscaping was far superior to Meri's barren patio area.  Maybe it's the turret that's turning people off?

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13 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

That's surprising, her backyard landscaping was far superior to Meri's barren patio area.  Maybe it's the turret that's turning people off?

Based on what I've seen as far as the lack of care she's put into her previous homes, I'm going to guess that the home is probably in the worst condition of all 4 of the houses. 

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3 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Based on what I've seen as far as the lack of care she's put into her previous homes, I'm going to guess that the home is probably in the worst condition of all 4 of the houses. 

That could be, she has the same number of kids as Janelle but Christine's house seemed to be party central.   The majority of events took place at her home, despite Meri's justification for the wet bar as the centerpiece for family gatherings.  I guess all that line-dancing took its toll.

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18 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Based on what I've seen as far as the lack of care she's put into her previous homes, I'm going to guess that the home is probably in the worst condition of all 4 of the houses. 

And the back yard has the cement family marker of The Kody Brown Family... Even if someone did want to make an offer...busting that thing up and replacing it would be the #1 condition of purchase. Well...that and the beat up kitchen cabinets need refaced at minimum.

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5 hours ago, Roslyn said:

And the back yard has the cement family marker of The Kody Brown Family... Even if someone did want to make an offer...busting that thing up and replacing it would be the #1 condition of purchase. Well...that and the beat up kitchen cabinets need refaced at minimum.

Exactly,  her kitchen cupboards were in very rough condition and the kitchen sink was busted.

The drywall was a real mess with dents, scrapes and corners with the metal showing through.

We saw all of that on the show and who knows what we didn't see, bathrooms were probably a mess with broken vanities,  sinks, showers.... that family is very hard on their homes.

Oh and also when Mona went through the house and pointed out what needed to be fixed Christine was all excited and said she thought the list would be a lot longer.... Mona probably let them off easy instead of listing everything that should have been done

Edited by Joan of Argh
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3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly,  her kitchen cupboards were in very rough condition and the kitchen sink was busted.

The drywall was a real mess with dents, scrapes and corners with the metal showing through.

We saw all of that on the show and who knows what we didn't see, bathrooms were probably a mess with broken vanities,  sinks, showers.... that family is very hard on their homes.

Oh and also when Mona went through the house and pointed out what needed to be fixed Christine was all excited and said she thought the list would be a lot longer.... Mona probably let them off easy instead of listing everything that should have been done

I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but my opinion of Mona's real estate expertise is pretty low. 

I bet I could whip her in Monopoly.

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On 5/10/2019 at 3:08 PM, Joan of Argh said:

Oh and also when Mona went through the house and pointed out what needed to be fixed Christine was all excited and said she thought the list would be a lot longer.... Mona probably let them off easy instead of listing everything that should have been done

But they didn't really get off easy as carrying the house for several months is very expensive.  The whole bloody list should have been tackled at the beginning.

Meri may have an offer on her house, but it does not appear as "sold" on Zillow or Trulia (just "off market" on May 11), don't count your chickens until it closes, Meri.

Edited by deirdra
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Dear Meri:  Since it's Mother's Day, I feel compelled to tell you that you've raised a super-woke daughter.  If you weren't aware (I kinda think you know), your wokey kid and her no-doubt-just-as-woke fiancee are not-so-affectionately dubbed Pudge and Sludge, by some of us that find them vapid, spoiled, coddled, delusional, etc.  Therefore, I'm excited to tell you (someone probably has), you'll be hailed as Drudge.  Isn't that special?  Just like you think plygs are super-speshul.  

Sorry if I'm co-opting another posters' previous brilliant(!) idea.  I think it fits.

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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Dear Meri:  Since it's Mother's Day, I feel compelled to tell you that you've raised a super-woke daughter.  If you weren't aware (I kinda think you know), your wokey kid and her no-doubt-just-as-woke fiancee are not-so-affectionately dubbed Pudge and Sludge, by some of us that find them vapid, spoiled, coddled, delusional, etc.  Therefore, I'm excited to tell you (someone probably has), you'll be hailed as Drudge.  Isn't that special?  Just like you think plygs are super-speshul.  

Sorry if I'm co-opting another posters' previous brilliant(!) idea.  I think it fits.

In my brain, those words are a combination of "dreadful" (her personality) and "trudge" (how she walks, she lumbers along like a tree trunk with feet). Dreadful, trudging, lumberjack Meri! HAAAAA!

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17 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

She must be in her million dollar rental?  Bad picture of her, anyway.  Too much black eye makeup, stupid t-shirt, straw hair.  

This picture is proof that Lulano CANNOT design clothes proportionately.  Meri's arms are NOT disproportionately bigger than the rest of her but the sleeves on that shirt are, again, way too tight.  The bust is tight-ish while the waist has extra fabric.  Was this shirt designed for a bowling pin with sticks for arms?

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23 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

She must be in her million dollar rental?  Bad picture of her, anyway.  Too much black eye makeup, stupid t-shirt, straw hair.  

I have to disagree, I think she looks great. Nice smile, no orange face, and she looks younger in the casual t shirt. And I confess, I guess I'm the only one who loves the wavy hair, though it coul be less brassy, as we've all discussed before. Eyebrows are still a bit unnatural-looking though.

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6 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

This picture is proof that Lulano CANNOT design clothes proportionately.  Meri's arms are NOT disproportionately bigger than the rest of her but the sleeves on that shirt are, again, way too tight.  The bust is tight-ish while the waist has extra fabric.  Was this shirt designed for a bowling pin with sticks for arms?

I do agree that the fit on the t shirt isn't great. I can't wear men's cut or junior cut t shirts, they are just not right for my body. The men's cut is too big in some areas and too small in others, and the junior cut is not made for women with boobs, lol. It can be difficult to find a decent-fitting graphic tee.

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If #livingherbestlife is walking around in an ill-fitting T-shirt, looking like the love child of the cowardly lion from wizard of oz and a member of Def Leppard, then I’d say she’s nailing it. 


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16 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

If #livingherbestlife is walking around in an ill-fitting T-shirt, looking like the love child of the cowardly lion from wizard of oz and a member of Def Leppard, then I’d say she’s nailing it. 


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Love it!

Dammit, I forgot to mention the brown tooth.  Oh, and I have read that LLN tops and dresses require one to have toothpick arms, regardless of the size.  How are women still buying that shit?  Mind-boggling.

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15 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I have to disagree, I think she looks great. Nice smile, no orange face, and she looks younger in the casual t shirt. And I confess, I guess I'm the only one who loves the wavy hair, though it coul be less brassy, as we've all discussed before. Eyebrows are still a bit unnatural-looking though.

Agree, except that at first glance I thought the verbiage spelled out on the left side "DATE", but it actually spells "DATB", instead. Before I caught my mistake I was thinking, "Well now, go Meri, go! Look at you, showing some spunk!" 😯

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18 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Meri, the 70's called and they want their eye make up back.

And are you growing out your hair?  Three inches of dark roots there, Mer.

I think that Mari got caught up in the "smoky eye" fashion. If she likes her look, well ok. It is kind of like how Mariah likes her look. I guess as a woman, I should support the power!

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Those are the same ugly ringer T's that I wore in the 1970s, they sucked then and they suck even more now.

21 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I have to disagree, I think she looks great. Nice smile, no orange face, and she looks younger in the casual t shirt. And I confess, I guess I'm the only one who loves the wavy hair, though it coul be less brassy, as we've all discussed before. Eyebrows are still a bit unnatural-looking though.

Respectfully, she looks younger because she's filtering the hell out of the photo. The disappearing nose is a huge tell. 

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5 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Those are the same ugly ringer T's that I wore in the 1970s, they sucked then and they suck even more now.

Respectfully, she looks younger because she's filtering the hell out of the photo. The disappearing nose is a huge tell. 

She should have touched up the teeth while she was at it.  They ALL look brown in this photo.

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27 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

She should have touched up the teeth while she was at it.  They ALL look brown in this photo.

It looks like she's just using the standard Instagram filters that dont allow you to be that specific. I think the filter adjusted the color of the teeth so they were all closer in color 🤔

I'm on a couple of online dating sites and tons of guys (I'm in the 50+ range) use the filters. It's usually a shock when we meet in person because they look so different - which is why I often require a FaceTime or Skype call in order to set up a first date.

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The thick black eyeliner all around the eye is aging her.  I hope she did not have it tattooed on when she had her eyebrows done.  There are plenty of YouTube videos out there showing that this as the #1 mistake of women over 40. She should try a pewter grey liner and apply it very lightly to the outer 2/3 of her eyes.  Come to think of it, taking the eyeliner all the way to the tear duct is probably what causes Meri & Robyn's chronic "eye boogers".

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, deirdra said:

The thick black eyeliner all around the eye is aging her.  I hope she did not have it tattooed on when she had her eyebrows done.  There are plenty of YouTube videos out there showing that this as the #1 mistake of women over 40. She should try a pewter grey liner and apply it very lightly to the outer 2/3 of her eyes.  Come to think of it, taking the eyeliner all the way to the tear duct is probably what causes Meri & Robyn's chronic "eye boogers".

Agreed. Pewter or brown is a better choice. I stopped using black in my early 30s. 

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5 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Those are the same ugly ringer T's that I wore in the 1970s, they sucked then and they suck even more now.

Respectfully, she looks younger because she's filtering the hell out of the photo. The disappearing nose is a huge tell. 

Ahh, I always forget about those pesky Instagram filters, lol!

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3 hours ago, deirdra said:

The thick black eyeliner all around the eye is aging her.  I hope she did not have it tattooed on when she had her eyebrows done.  There are plenty of YouTube videos out there showing that this as the #1 mistake of women over 40. She should try a pewter grey liner and apply it very lightly to the outer 2/3 of her eyes.  Come to think of it, taking the eyeliner all the way to the tear duct is probably what causes Meri & Robyn's chronic "eye boogers".

Very true, plus lining the entire eye actually makes them look smaller. 

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On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 7:06 PM, Gothish520 said:

Very true, plus lining the entire eye actually makes them look smaller. 

I have never lined my lower lashes. It definitely ages and makes the eye appear smaller.

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OK, I don't dye or process my hair so I don't know a lot....But isn't there something that could be done for her hair to make it look less fried? It always looks like dead stuff on my lawn from last fall. A deep conditioner or hair mask? It's painful to look at. 

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3 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

OK, I don't dye or process my hair so I don't know a lot....But isn't there something that could be done for her hair to make it look less fried? It always looks like dead stuff on my lawn from last fall. A deep conditioner or hair mask? It's painful to look at. 

And brassy. It always has a yellow-y tone that just doesn't look quite right with her skin. 

There are tons of oils/conditionsers out there nowadays. It helps to use high-quality products at home--it might look good when Meri comes out of the salon, but home hair care plays a role in reducing damage. Everything from hard water to heat processing adds up. If it's really bad, the only thing to do is cut it and try to take better care of the new growth. I buy stuff from my stylist as my own hair has highlights (Moroccanoil, Olaplex). Some products are expensive but worth the investment. 

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On 5/14/2019 at 6:54 PM, TurtlePower said:

Agreed. Pewter or brown is a better choice. I stopped using black in my early 30s. 

Hmmm....I didn't know this.  Oh well, I'm going to get me some new eyeliner.  lol  I'm very light handed though.  Most people can't tell when I wear makeup or not.  I've never liked heavy makeup, especially when you're over 40.  

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5 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

OK, I don't dye or process my hair so I don't know a lot....But isn't there something that could be done for her hair to make it look less fried? It always looks like dead stuff on my lawn from last fall. A deep conditioner or hair mask? It's painful to look at. 

A good cut.  She needs a good conditioner and a better colorist but fried needs to be cut.

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46 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

A good cut.  She needs a good conditioner and a better colorist but fried needs to be cut.

Good advice but it's also because especially after a certain age when curly hair starts to change texture it's very sensitive to bleaching, hence the damage.  I never went blonde and my hair is not damaged, but my wavy/curly haired female friends that do bleach their hair after a certain age all have that fried look.  But you can't talk them out of lightening their hair or spending $300 for a rock star colorist.  So they make their choice.

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5 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Good advice but it's also because especially after a certain age when curly hair starts to change texture it's very sensitive to bleaching, hence the damage.  I never went blonde and my hair is not damaged, but my wavy/curly haired female friends that do bleach their hair after a certain age all have that fried look.  But you can't talk them out of lightening their hair or spending $300 for a rock star colorist.  So they make their choice.

Yep.  As my doctor told me when I developed chronic dry eye seemingly overnight, you reach a certain age and everything dries out.  Good times.

For about 15 years I had blonde highlights and it just stopped being a good thing (too much gray poking through and super dry).  I went a reddish all over color with a couple highlights through the top and my hair is in much better condition.  Meri also seems like she uses hot styling tools (a large crimper type thing) and that really dries it out.

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Yep.  As my doctor told me when I developed chronic dry eye seemingly overnight, you reach a certain age and everything dries out.  Good times.

For about 15 years I had blonde highlights and it just stopped being a good thing (too much gray poking through and super dry).  I went a reddish all over color with a couple highlights through the top and my hair is in much better condition.  Meri also seems like she uses hot styling tools (a large crimper type thing) and that really dries it out.

Oh yes, I am finding out about the dry eyes.  As my eye dr. said, as you age, the oil ducts in your eyelids quit working.  You need a "lipid layer" blah blah blah.  I had to concentrate after he said as you age.  My hair is colored at home, but looks good.  I only color the roots and use conditioners.  Light on the blow drying and flat iron.  So it is possible for Meri to improve things.  I think maybe being blonde may be harder on the hair?

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19 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Oh yes, I am finding out about the dry eyes.  As my eye dr. said, as you age, the oil ducts in your eyelids quit working.  You need a "lipid layer" blah blah blah.  I had to concentrate after he said as you age.  My hair is colored at home, but looks good.  I only color the roots and use conditioners.  Light on the blow drying and flat iron.  So it is possible for Meri to improve things.  I think maybe being blonde may be harder on the hair?

Lightening hair is harder on it and add the hot irons to it and it is super dry.  You can tell she cares for how she looks so maybe she just needs to use the hot irons less often and maybe get better hair products.  

I was shocked how fast my eyes started having issues.  They literally seemed fine one day and the next not at all.  So lots of wetting drops and can never sleep in mascara cause that made them feel really bad!  I am very good about taking off my makeup normally but was lazy one night a few weeks ago.  Never again.  I wish I had asked the older women in my family more questions about aging before they all passed.  Might have made this whole thing not so much a mystery!

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On 5/17/2019 at 5:42 AM, Quickbeam said:

OK, I don't dye or process my hair so I don't know a lot....But isn't there something that could be done for her hair to make it look less fried? It always looks like dead stuff on my lawn from last fall. A deep conditioner or hair mask? It's painful to look at. 

Whenever my hair starts to look dry or a little frazzled I go to my stylist for a little trim (just the split ends) and then I get her to give me an application of gloss.

My hair looks like a million bucks after I get it professionally glossed.

Meri should try it.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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In the last 10 years there was one episode this year when Meri's hair looked healthier (not fried or frazzled) - whatever she did, she should keep it up.  Another problem is the role model, Kody, who thinks his hair looks fantastic in long frazzled curls. 

Edited by deirdra
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On 5/18/2019 at 1:53 PM, Natalie68 said:

I was shocked how fast my eyes started having issues.  They literally seemed fine one day and the next not at all.  

Taking this topic to small talk!  Come and join me! 🙂

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On 5/17/2019 at 12:14 PM, TurtlePower said:

And brassy. It always has a yellow-y tone that just doesn't look quite right with her skin. 

There are tons of oils/conditionsers out there nowadays. It helps to use high-quality products at home--it might look good when Meri comes out of the salon, but home hair care plays a role in reducing damage. Everything from hard water to heat processing adds up. If it's really bad, the only thing to do is cut it and try to take better care of the new growth. I buy stuff from my stylist as my own hair has highlights (Moroccanoil, Olaplex). Some products are expensive but worth the investment. 

Hard water plus lightened hair = disaster! My sister's started breaking off in clumps after she moved to a house with hard water. Olaplex has helped her get it back in shape, but she still has some breakage from time to time.

Heat styling tools are extremely drying and can really wreak havoc. If Meri is using a curler or crimper, then she really needs to be diligent about hair care. I kind of get it though - constant hair upkeep can be a real grind. Most days I just blow dry the front and throw it in a clip or ponytail. 

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