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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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The first commandment of Brown is "Thou shalt not tarnish the illusion that this shit works."


       I think they have changed the brand to, 'we stick together, no matter what'...I mean it sounds a lot better than 'cause we have to, to pay for all this crap' or 'well the titanic is at a 90 degree angle, but we'll weather the storm'... it's all just feel-good tv bs. If they were to sit on the couch, one of them lights a smoke, another pops open a beer, and says , yep, sh&ts effed up' and they sit there in silence, smoking and drinking. "who's got the remote. No we're not watching our show, anything but that'....


I think she also probably knows that if Meri shows signs of wanting someone else Kody will devote attention to her to try to keep her in the fold. It's not that Kody wants Meri any more than he wants any of his wives besides Robyn, but his ego won't allow that kind of loss.  As long as there is status quo, Robyn can remain as the favored, legal, and only real wife. If one of them tries to leave Kody it could upset her spot while Kody kisses that wife's butt to get her to stay. He doesn't do that for Christine even when she expresses her unhappiness because there is really no chance she'll leave. Meri is showing those signs so it could be a threat to Robyn.


He's got to get her to stay to make the whole sw brand and plyg inc look ok, because it would look like he blew it , that and who knows if he gets tossed off some afterlife planet if one leaves him in the regular world life, I think he might not get to level up if one bails on him. He's not going to give her all this extra attention to get her to stay, are you kidding, he will punish her and give her less. This is how someone gets like Meri, is deprivation, and especially when hurting or sick or depressed etc, they give less when you arent fun and expect/need anything from them. Not trying to argue with you , just speaking from experience (not plyg but some men in general). When you are withdrawn and wanting someone to care for you, this is when they are worse to punish you for wanting more or help or attention or even physical care. It sounds awful but it is true.


I wonder if one woman finally leaves, would others get the courage to follow. I have a feeling if Meri walked out, Janelle wouldn't be far behind. Christine seems like the type who'd be too scared to make a move like that, so I can see her sticking it out for awhile even if Meri and Janelle were gone. But somewhere down the line, Christine would get tired of being the "unloved wife", and she'd split, too - especially if Meri and Janelle were there on the "outside" as an ex-polyg support group/safety net.


(Then Kody would be down to one traditional, legal marriage to Robyn. So, he'd have to get crackin' and take himself a few more 30something year olds to fill up the cul-de-sac. Then Robyn would be the boring old has-been wife, and become very bitter, jealous and vindictive. And we'd have a whole new show to hate-watch!) :-D


  I don't know if Janelle would bother to leave, unless things were so bad financially or the cul de sac became too crazy with all these troubled kids left behind, or her kids wanting to be with the other kids who left, that is the part that keeps them stuck is wanting the kids to still be close to each other. Why don't we look at it from another perspective, kicking HIM out of the cul de sac , rather than which woman should leave- they can rent out the latest wife's place and kody can take that money to go somewhere else even nearby it is cheap out there and her older kids will be mostly grown  before any new kids get school aged, they dont need a huge place. . There's still way more original wives and kids than his new legal fam, and she's already too old to catch up kidwise to Christine and Janelle, they should stay, I don;t know if Meri would want to or not, if she didnt want to she could rent it out to relatives or say if Mariah gets some plyg thing going.


If this is true, it shows that Robyn did find out about the "relationship", which is the bridge to believing that she and Kody had a motive to push Meri into a divorce.  It was just the kind of dirt Robyn needed on Meri to get what she really wanted - to be legally married to Kody.  I'm not sure I believe that Robyn engineered the whole thing but it certainly looks to me like she took advantage of it and made it work toward her end.  Robyn probably spilled the beans to Kody which also put him on board with divorcing Meri.  It's interesting how Robyn can conveniently hide behind her self-righteous "pristine pure morals" in doing all this, meanwhile she has her own selfish motives at heart.  That's why she acted angry at Meri - she has to keep up the act of the "good wife" who would never sympathize with such a thing so as to get what she wants from Kody.  She has to act angry with Meri for her indiscretion or she wouldn't be able to take advantage of it to advance her own position.  That's a real psychopath there.



Robyn...mumble mumble boring boring boring....but yes to some degree I agree except I take it one step further, she plays both sides.  Wull, I heard her talkin to someone. Not sure whut I heard tho but she was talkin all quiet and away from 'rest of us.nooooo, I dint hear whut they were sayin cuz I wasn't tryin ta hear..... whut do I know, I'm five.... (but plant the seed of doubt whilst acting innocent and stupid. well, at least acting innocent.)


I wouldn't 'credit' her with advanced personality disorders, to me this is 6th grader, at best. She's just not complex enough and is far too immature and dependent to be a true psycho,(remember she hasn't really won anything that great and is under the same bus) more like one of the smaller ones here, in fact likely all of the women are somewhere in what is called 'cluster C' maybe Christine might have a touch of some B type yet she is not cold and hard enough (yet) to have the really serious ones, though she has potential being that she has the fiesty core the other three lack.

http://psychcentral.com/disorders/avoidant-personality-disorder-symptoms/this page is 'avoidant' I would put Janelle in that camp, list is on the left. And I dont say this to be a mean girl myself, who wouldn't have issues having to deal with this crap- not that monos dont have them as well, but that in this situation, they are compounded exponentially. You might disagree with me on this, feel free!

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So here's a conundrum for TLC. They want money and ratings. If they are going to get any ratings improvement on SW they need better stories. I bet including the catfishing  would really boost the ratings. Even though the Browns have shown a willingness to do whatever will be good for the show even if it isn't good for them, I suspect they would not be wiling to put the catfish problem on the show. Would TLC force it for the ratings?

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Might as well make it a storyline and get some $$ for telling the catfish tale.


That is assuming that anybody cares. I, for one, do not. I don't enjoy watching someone humiliated no matter how much I dislike them.  Except Kodoofus, of course.  Humiliate him to death, he deserves it.

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Going public with it would actually show that they're not going to just let this psycho case ruin them plus they would look better if they faced it at least somewhat openly if not 100% honestly.  The only catch with that is Kodouche's ego is too big for him to suddenly allow their relationships to look less than solid, especially after spending several years and a lot of energy trying to convince the public of how happy they all supposedly were.  But if he thought it would impact their ratings if they didn't go public with it on the show I'm sure he'd let go of that in a hot minute.  Time for Plan B - Go on about how Meri was going through a bad time after the baby decision and divorce or how she let jealousy get the better of her with Robyn, etc. which made her vulnerable to being taken in by this person, etc., but how she and Kody have gotten counseling, etc., etc., and are doing much better now......Ugh.  I sometimes wonder if that wasn't the plan all along and this entire catfish scheme was manufactured just to keep ratings up.  I think as time goes on they have to get more and more creative to find ways to keep people tuning in, and this would definitely achieve that.

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It almost seems like TLC has featured one wife or another in a dramatic sympathy-inducing plot every season.  It could kind of be looked at like some sort of weird... rotation.


Only, in this rotation the viewers are the ones getting screwed.  

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I was reading another one of the online rags talking about the catfish thing and reading the comments


and you know what is weird, is people seem to almost like Meri better since this happened as it showed another side of her we usually don't see on the show, where she is somewhat stiff and measured and two, that she is human, she can screw up like the rest of us and three, no one is really holding it against her, it seems people have more sympathy for Meri than think she should have had loyalty to kody. As messed up as this situation was, it almost seems like it has helped her in the sense that people could relate to her better now than how she wanted to portray herself on the show before this. It's a weird phenomenon that people can like you more after you screw up, that doesn't work for most people. Another site that  has plenty on  catfish jackie going back to high school?




gosh that catfish troll woman reminds me of this other deranged stalker beeyotch

Edited by BlackWidow
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OK, that Nick Conner blog is crazy!

Also interesting is that I am Kendra Pollard-Parra on FB.  She is the closed friend of Robyn.  We both live in the bay area, and have similar posts about animals, so I guess she figured I was ok to friend.  Anyhoo, I also joined her Sister wives closed group.  She did a question and answer with SAM COOPER, stating that she has skyped with him, and he is really a dude.

Then a few days ago, she submitted a post saying that she thought he was real, seemed real...blah blah blah, and she wont post about this again, to protect Robyn, or something lame.

Now, in the past few days, on Samuel Coopers FB, she has been commenting on some of his posts....AFTER posting on her site that she is not longer involved, etc.

He/Jackie is posting that he is in LA for business meetings with his best friend/asst. Lindsey.  He will post about being at dinner, etc..and Kenda replies about the food or something lame, and he responds back.

In answer to your questions, yes I have a life!! hahahaha Its been slow at work, and I admit this this is SO CRAZY thats its completely fascinating to me!!

That blog that was just posted shows how cray this chick is, and how deep it goes...please let Dr. Phil get this!! Yes,he will offer her weight loss, and do a make over with Robyns cosmetics, offer up Dr. On Demand, this is for sure...but he is also a dog with a bone with these catfish cases...and this time he doesnt even have to go to Nigeria!!!

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TLC will just sugar coat it anyway.

They'll spin it like cotton candy. I foresee several talking head moments of Kody pontificating and doing his beady-eyed serious face. The one that looks like a chimp who can't figure out which box the banana is in. Apologies to chimps.

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<snipped for clarity>

. Another site that  has plenty on  catfish jackie going back to high school?




WOW... thank you so much for posting this! Some really interesting info here.  I cant believe he/she used to pretend to be the heir to the Kool-Aid fortune!


If anyone is interested in a rundown on this catfish actions on twitter, there is a great response in the comment section from the above blog from a person who posted what they reported to twitter in an attempt to get them banned. ( I thought about posting it here but it does make accusations so I was unsure if that would be against the rules and thought it best not to)

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I've often wondered if when the house of cards collapse and they have to move back to Lehi, Meri moves out into her own place and the other three wives and their kids move back into the old plig house. Meri can have her solitary lifestyle with Lover that she has always wanted and the pile o' wives and kids are all over in the plig house for Kody to visit.

No way in hell will Robyn share a roof with Janelle and Christine. Meri would be out of there, and Christine and Robyn can't stand each other, and Robyn always acted terrified of Janelle. 

I think one of the reasons that Meri tends to be the most miserable, is because she's the most demanding.  Being the most demanding, she's going to be frequently disappointed.  Janelle asks for very little, and Christine asks only for her children to see Kody more than once a week.  Meri wants Kody to be her soul mate.  And I think he is.  But watching Meri's personality influence Mariah's petulant and spoiled actions has gotten to Kody.  He's had that conversation with Meri, and Meri has acknowledged she does influence Mariah negatively, and that having to live with Mariah has given her some sympathy for Kody having to deal with Meri.


I do feel for Meri.  She was horrible to Janelle back in the day - no question.  But it still comes up in their book and in every reunion.  I can see how Meri parses her words now, and I've watched her become frustrated when she can't express herself, for fear of the feedback.  But she remains lacking in self-awareness.  The whole wet bar conversation.  The showing up and shutting down of construction to the point that she's asked to stop coming.  Her crying about not getting into the new house before Christmas, when she had only herself to blame.  The coddling of Mariah who parks the vehicle aimed at the empty house and stares at it like a psychopath, and refusing to help or even be happy for her siblings. 


I do think that Meri has been incredibly selfish in demanding an equal share.  For one thing, she has given Mariah an unrealistic vision of what polygamy is.  It's no surprise that Mariah is the only child planning on that lifestyle.  She has lived (prior to the LV move) a life of relative privilege while her siblings were crammed into bedrooms like sardines.  In the first season, they contrasted Janelle feeding the children cheap Aldi garbage, while Meri is upstairs preparing herself more pricey and healthier food.  As she says about herself, she has expensive taste.  This has trickled down to Mariah's need to go to the expensive out of state private school - absolutely no other school was even considered.  And she absolutely could not send her to school without a nice car.


The Williams family distributes money per child, and there is far less disparity of children in that family.

This sums up Meri to a T. She's fine with the whole polyg situation as long as she 'wins' - gets to be the legal wife, lord over the others, have nicer things, have a bigger house, have more income, have escapes with Kody, etc., but she absolutely does not want to equally pull her weight to have a fair share.


She's definitely the most demanding and most dramatic. I think the biggest reason I really, really, disliked her, is because she's so unfair and demanding with dispersing resources. She did not give one single care to the other children - supposedly their shared children - having less food, clothing, housing space, vacation times, time with Kody, etc., so that SHE, not Meriah, could have more of everything. The whole dividing money for food by wife and not by child is just beyond selfish. Of course a sub-family with 6 kids is going to cost more to feed and cloth than a family with one child. None of them would deny Meri having another child, if it had been possible, but Meri punished the rest of them with her greed and selfishness.


It's pitiful - and pitiful that Kody and Janelle (man of the house and the female breadwinner) allowed it to happen. It's also quite amusing that Meri says she has expensive taste. Maybe the things she likes are expensive, but she has terrible, horrible, awful, trailer park, white trash taste in her clothing, hairstyle, nails, home decor, etc. She looks cheap and tacky. They all do to some extent clothing wise, but Meri is the worst. (Christine and Robyn's clothes are bad, but they look clean and groomed. Both have great hair, and Robyn's makeup always looks good. Janelle has the best style, probably because she just wears normal clothing instead of those ugly layers in five sizes too tight).


I also think the whole chicken and asparagus meal was few and far between. Meri and Meriah are both obese. No way are they only eating that, plus running daily, and staying that size. I know the too tight clothing adds to the overweight look, but they're both fat. They're eating something else, and a lot of it. I don't blame Janelle and Christine's kids for wanting to eat with their sub-families and spend as little time as possible with Meri and Meriah. Nobody wants to be excluded and Lorded over. 


The whole wet bar drama and "I shouldn't be punished because I have one child, I need the most money and biggest space for my imaginary kids that I wanted but don't exist" was the stupidest logic I think I've ever encountered.


The Williams were mentioned - that family isn't perfect, but they seemed a lot more cohesive and far less dramatic than the Browns. I still say the Head Wife is a sneaky, stealth, bitch, who antagonizes the one who wanted the baby, but as a whole, that group is much more functional.

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"It's pitiful - and pitiful that Kody and Janelle (man of the house and the female breadwinner) allowed it to happen. It's also quite amusing that Meri says she has expensive taste. Maybe the things she likes are expensive, but she has terrible, horrible, awful, trailer park, white trash taste in her clothing, hairstyle, nails, home decor, etc. She looks cheap and tacky. They all do to some extent clothing wise, but Meri is the worst. (Christine and Robyn's clothes are bad, but they look clean and groomed. Both have great hair, and Robyn's makeup always looks good. Janelle has the best style, probably because she just wears normal clothing instead of those ugly layers in five sizes too tight)."

That is why it is so laughable that they have a business that sills fashion. Anyone who wants to emulate their "style" can achieve that look at Walmart for a tenth of their prices. I was reminded tof he SF episode that was a fashion hunt and Christine was in a boutique giving lengthy descriptions of the look she wants to achieve. Well I'm rambling to sum it up they have shit for taste in clothes and in their man.

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The sickest part, IMO, is that when Meri and Robyn sort of became frenemies and worked out this divorce plot, they STILL connived it all to leave the other two wives out of the loop and in shock when they were informed. (trimmed)


Isn't it ironic, the way that Janelle and Christine, the two who collectively have like 12 kids seem to be back-burner-ed or made to be less relevant, as compared to the Meri/Robyn/new marriage/dress drama/surrogacy offer/will she won't she/adoption/divorce/constantly crying/baby-talk mumbling/BFF-not-BFFs/ #whocares  #needabettertrainwreck 


This may sound awful, but maybe they need wife #5, someone who can be a pal to Christine and Janelle, I have several weird ideas about what she could be like and they are all different types but they are not like the wives already there.


 New wife #5 

"nah I've sold your night with me to one of the others, there's an online assassin's creed team playing tonight."


or  " I forgot it was your night so the book club is coming over- "


"oh ha I forgot to tell you, I thought this whole thing was more like polyamory..soooo yeah,anyway, Kody this is Eric, he plays guitar...."


"my cousin Tony says if you treat me that way again he's gonna fix that hair of yours.."


"Kody meet my friends from back home. Oh, don't mind the gang tattoos. Why is everyone staring, it's not like they're going to steal THAT jewelry. Please. "


"oh is it my night AGAIN? are you sure?  Gee time flies."


"I am not wearing those awful layered shirts. Not happening."


"please don't expect me to make any of those gawd-awful quilts or other goofy projects with cheesy sayings"....







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"It's pitiful - and pitiful that Kody and Janelle (man of the house and the female breadwinner) allowed it to happen. It's also quite amusing that Meri says she has expensive taste. Maybe the things she likes are expensive, but she has terrible, horrible, awful, trailer park, white trash taste in her clothing, hairstyle, nails, home decor, etc. She looks cheap and tacky. They all do to some extent clothing wise, but Meri is the worst. (Christine and Robyn's clothes are bad, but they look clean and groomed. Both have great hair, and Robyn's makeup always looks good. Janelle has the best style, probably because she just wears normal clothing instead of those ugly layers in five sizes too tight)."

That is why it is so laughable that they have a business that sills fashion. Anyone who wants to emulate their "style" can achieve that look at Walmart for a tenth of their prices. I was reminded tof he SF episode that was a fashion hunt and Christine was in a boutique giving lengthy descriptions of the look she wants to achieve. Well I'm rambling to sum it up they have shit for taste in clothes and in their man.

Omg I laughed like crazy just now.

That description!!! Omg I remember Christine saying all that shit and the end result...oh Gawd.

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I switched back and forth between Sister Wives ans Ice Road Truckers (Don't judge) so I might have missed something, but I thought Meri wasn't on the couch because it was just the mothers whose daughters went to California with Kody. Meri was in the episode, just not the couch segments.

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Since there is no show topic tonite...the show was so weird!

They kept playing this melancholy, sad music when they showed Cody with the girls on vacation.

Plus, his TH was just justifying what a great and insightful dad he was he is, while being a complete douchebag of a father during the trip

Edited by Christi
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In the first season, they contrasted Janelle feeding the children cheap Aldi garbage, while Meri is upstairs preparing herself more pricey and healthier food.


Viewers were outraged when Meri announced that she would be dining on chicken breast, asparagus and wild rice, while Christine, Janelle and their children were shown eating a fat and sodium laden meal.  That scene garnered over 12 pages of comments on TWOP.  It was rather controversial.

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Plus, his TH was just justifying what a great and insightful dad he was he is, while being a complete douchebag of a father during the trip

To be fair, that's the only kind of father he knows how to be. And the only kind of person he knows to be. the only kind of husband to be. That's pretty much all there is - DOUCHEBAG.

Edited by tabloidlover
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The sickest part, IMO, is that when Meri and Robyn sort of became frenemies and worked out this divorce plot, they STILL connived it all to leave the other two wives out of the loop and in shock when they were informed. I thought that in these circumstances, if something happened to the first wife, next wife had 'seniority' and would legally marry, but Janelle and Christine both seriously looked surprised when they announced it on camera. Christine knew she'd be 3rd in line, so I don't think she cared, but this was one more way for Meri to screw over Janelle, and for Robyn (who I think is terrified of Janelle) to get in a dig, too. Love multiplies, my ass.

don't forget, there was the quick scene of Janelle outright stating that she wonders about her place in the family with this shake-up and wants to get it sorted out.  And who could blame her????

I thought it was Kody who made the decision for her and said he didn't want it - that he wasn't "feeling it in his gut".  Meri actually said she was going to tell him she wanted to do it but he didn't let her get that out.  I personally think Meri dragged her feet because she knew it would be an awful situation for her with Robyn carrying the baby, but on the other hand she was desperate to try to put her relationship with Kody back together again and of course as is often typical in cases where one part of the couple feels the other pulling away, a child is seen as a way to "fix" things.  I think Kody took her indecision as a sign that she wasn't fully invested in him or the idea of having his baby, so she may have been right to some extent to think that she could win back Kody's devotion if she had his child.  I just think she would have wanted to have it with him alone, not with Robyn's involvement, and that's why she took so long to make up her mind.  I agree with you that this was the table-turning point with Meri, though, because after that she seemed more and more checked out of her relationship with Kody and the rest of the family.  It was like having a baby was her last ditch effort to get back into Kody's heart given that Robyn had pretty much stolen it away from her, and Kody had just taken away that possibility altogether.  That's why I think Meri probably started chatting up guys online before the divorce.  I think Kody making the baby decision for her was the nail in the coffin on that relationship.  Perhaps she was not facing that she herself didn't really want to be close with him again and he just pushed her into realizing it with that decision.  He may have actually been right that she wasn't really invested in him or the idea of having the child.  I think she was hanging on to the memory of the way things once were with him and part of her was trying desperately to bring it back to that - Plus seeing Robyn having all that with him and not being able to have the same must have really hurt too.  It's sad that these women feel they have to make babies to get a man's devotion. 


Kodouche thinks he is so "liberated" but nothing he has done here makes him look like anything but a misogynist pig.  I can't fathom a man who would run around with another woman acting like a teenager in love and having babies while his "other women" sit home in pain watching something they only wish they could have with him.  I think it takes a special kind of psychopath to switch off his empathy in order to achieve that.  I can't imagine that Meri's pain was a secret to him but I am sure he just told her she had to "deal with it" and that was that.  It's no wonder she ended up being conned into a similar wittholding situation with the Catfish.  I don't doubt that she is used to that kind of treatment.  My heart broke for her when Kody made the baby decision for her because it felt cold and like a rejection to me on more than just that, and I'm not even in the situation.

IIFC, Meri said NO to Robyn's womb, but wanted to go forward with options for her and Kody, re  in vitro, using Meri's own body.  THAT is what Kody said no to.  

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IIFC, Meri said NO to Robyn's womb, but wanted to go forward with options for her and Kody, re  in vitro, using Meri's own body.  THAT is what Kody said no to.  


OK, you're right on that but it makes no difference as to my point that Meri would have felt rejected by his answer - In fact it would probably be worse knowing that he didn't want to pursue having a child with her alone.  I don't think it was just the in-vitro that was the issue, he acted like he just didn't want a child with her and that she took way too long to make a decision, as if he took that as a sign that she wasn't fully invested in having his child.

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OK, you're right on that but it makes no difference as to my point that Meri would have felt rejected by his answer - In fact it would probably be worse knowing that he didn't want to pursue having a child with her alone.  I don't think it was just the in-vitro that was the issue, he acted like he just didn't want a child with her and that she took way too long to make a decision, as if he took that as a sign that she wasn't fully invested in having his child.

you're 1000% correct I believe.  I think she was CRUSHED.  I struggled with fertility issues also, managed 1 child like Meri did, and would also have been devastated if hubby did the same.  Meri is a FOOL to be in a polygamous "marriage," even more a fool to divorce and give up her unique status, but for some issues I feel for her. 

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I switched back and forth between Sister Wives ans Ice Road Truckers (Don't judge)

I am not judging; I like that show and didn't realize it was on. I switch to TLC during commercial breaks for whatever crime story I am watching on ID.

Last night I saw the segment where Christine tells Meri that Meri's divorce was worth it. It mad me so furious at Christine and sorry for Meri. I wish she had either put her foot down and said " no divorce" or got the divorce and went off to live on her own. I might start watching this show if it showed all the other wives starting lives without Kody. They could arrange play dates for the younger kids and the older kids could meet up on their own to stay connected. As advocates for polygamy, they all have failed.  I was also horrified to hear of Meri and the catfishing mess.  I don't particularly care for Meri, but I don't like the others any better.  


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Ta da!! Finally one of the major tabs tracked Overton down.


This person is a dangerous con artist.

I have no desire to see Meri's public humiliation play out on the show, but I agree with others that it would be satisfying to see Kody's ego taken down a bit. Also, an acknowledgement of that fact that Mer was more affected by the "paper" divorce than was previously shown would be a more realistic representation of the situation.

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Meri has humiliated herself for years being in this insane marriage to people that dislike eachother. 

This catfish thing is just the icing on the cake...proving what we ALL knew.  Meri is desperately unhappy and wants a real relationship. Kody is not giving her that and neither are the sister wives. 


I don't care if TLC airs the catfish story but I doubt they will.  There are probably tons of legal issues to work around. The wives building a boat is easier to film and piece together. 

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I don't care if TLC airs the catfish story but I doubt they will.  There are probably tons of legal issues to work around.


What legal issues?  Is "Sam" or "Lindsey" going to sue for invasion of privacy or slander or something?  Don't you have to actually exist to do that?


ha hah I kid, I kid ... sorry.  Maybe TLC would have to avoid using Overton's real name or image, but aside from that I don't see why they couldn't cover this story if they wanted - and Meri et al. agreed to participate.  That would be the real issue imo ... getting the Browns to put it out there.  And even as big a ratings boon it would probably be, I don't see Meri wanting to be any more public about what happened than she has already been forced to be.  And Kody's ginormous ego is a huge obstacle.  I don't know if he is capable of publicly admitting one of his stable was about to bolt from the barn, much less really deal with in front of the cameras.


Yet .... I do wonder if on some level Kody might not actually want to put his side of the story out there.  I suspect he would love to find a way to put all the blame for their failed relationship on Meri while reasserting his studliness to the world.  Because he is a narcissistic pig like that. 


At any rate, regardless of legal issues and how the Browns feel personally, I don't quite see how this show can go on for a another season without some kind of acknowledgement of this essentially earth-shattering thing that happened.  From all appearances, Meri was going to LEAVE.  She got majorly catfished to the point she thought she was in love with another man and it looks like she was going to run away with him.  And everyone knows it.   It would be almost like if all those stories about Josh Duggar came out and 19 Kids and Counting just went on like nothing happened ... just plowed forward touting love and family and relationships when everyone watching knew the bottom had fallen out in the back corner of the house.  When your show is about the family and relationships, you can't just ignore someone having (some version of) an affair and planning to abandon the family - especially not when the story is totally public and has taken the completely insane turns this story has taken. 


Even for TLC, that would be just too much BS to try and pull off. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I don't think I've seen this posted here yet.  Meri spoke to People Magazine in a story that appeared yesterday on the 14th ... 


"I became fearful of the online relationship as I became aware of the deception," Brown tells PEOPLE. "I didn't know how to get out of the situation without putting myself, family, and friends at greater risk. It was a very difficult time. I had a lot of anxiety." ...

Though it wasn't easy to break the news to her husband Kody and fellow Sister Wives stars Janelle, Christine and Robyn, she eventually came clean.   ...


"My family was very concerned for our safety and angry that we had been targeted," she says. "They were relieved once I told them what was really going on and saddened that I had been so afraid of involving them that I didn't go to them sooner."  ...



"Our family is holding strong together, as we always have and always will."




Hmm, doesn't say what she told them or when ....  I would bet she didn't say anything until it either hit the net or she knew it was about to and she had no choice.  And even if she did tell them before she had to, I can't imagine she told them about a gazillion voice mails and everything ... that she went to Disneyland to see this person.  I envision the shoes dropping slowly, one after the other after the other.  That cul-de-sac must looks like a Payless exploded by now. I wonder if it is over yet.

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What legal issues?  Is "Sam" or "Lindsey" going to sue for invasion of privacy or slander or something?  Don't you have to actually exist to do that?



Can't you just see the catfish suing for slander or something??????  :)   I bet that is a legal hornet's nest unless they totally sugar coat it and then why bother? 

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If they don't use her name or picture, she would have no case since she was not actually identified.

And even if they did identify her, she would only have a case if what they said about her was not true. Good luck with that, Crazy Catfish Lady!

Actually I would LOVE to see her walk into court and deny all this stuff being said about her. I can see her now, putting on a suit and sunglasses and trying to testify as Sam. Freakin' nutcase lol!

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It sounds to me by the article above and by this one below that the family is going to hang tight and act supportive of Meri to the outside world so they can gloss this over as a "non-event", which is what some people here suspected.  I wonder if they will even mention it on the show at all given their almost non-reaction in the tabloids.  My hunch is that they might gloss over it and make it into a plot about Meri needing counseling after a bad situation with a con artist, but nothing more.



Edited by Snarklepuss
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If this makes the show, it will turn into poor Kody, and how he was betrayed by a wife and how the others would never do this because they are committed to the family. This is the only reason I hope it doesn't make the show. It will quickly turn into being all about Kody, and somehow probably specifically Robin for whatever reason she can find to cry. No one will recognize that Meri is hurting.

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Ta da!! Finally one of the major tabs tracked Overton down.



If anything good comes out of this ugly situation, I hope that it is Jackie Overton getting some legal karmic payback, either from the criminal justice system, or the court of public opinion, which may be even harsher on her. I doubt that she will be able to ply her trade on any kind of public level ever again.

She chose to go after a high profile fish, and it backfired on her. Haha. I hope she gets everything she deserves.

Edited by gardendiva
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Page not found, if you actually find something you need to take a screenshot of it fast.

I really feel sorry for Meri, she's obviously miserable and lonely, and in her religion, this won't end when she does, she's going to spend eternity with this asshat husband who treats her like shit. They all are.

That was one of the things I wondered about when the Mormons tried to convert me. What if I don't want to spend eternity with a husband? Lots of women are fed up and don't think eternity spent being a sex slave is appealing.

Historically there wasn't much difference between wives and slaves, both were property. Do Mormons believe slaves have to spend eternity serving their masters?

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OMG I finally saw the photo of Jackie Overton (in coca-cola shirt)

That is one of the most butt-ugly fat butch lesbians I've ever seen. I can't get her/him or whatever gender that thing is out of my mind.

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OMG I finally saw the photo of Jackie Overton (in coca-cola shirt)

That is one of the most butt-ugly fat butch lesbians I've ever seen. I can't get her/him or whatever gender that thing is out of my mind.



This is one of the reasons, besides it just being plain wrong- that we don't steal and break the law, Being catfished would be bad enough, but worse to end up as a J.O. type's prison b*&tch.

I can't figure out if this JO person has 'issues' or is just bad at being a human being as far as creating all these identities and messing with people. How twisted do you have to be to do this over and over, and not as a teenager being a mean girl, but as an adult. Though we have seen adults do nasty stuff like that before, I know there was a case in the midwest where someone like this,a  grown woman- pretended to be a boy the girl liked, and at some point told her the world would be better off without her and the girl committed suicide. : (

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What if I don't want to spend eternity with a husband? Lots of women are fed up and don't think eternity spent being a sex slave is appealing.



Heh, this statement reminds me of the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" episode where Larry doesn't want his marriage renewal vows to Cheryl to include "eternity". He's fine with being married while he's alive but was under the impression he'd be single in the afterlife.


Will the Brown wives be on the same planet in the afterlife with Kody, or will they be on different planets (one for each wife) and Kody will have to fly from each planet in a spaceship to visit? If the Brown wives had a difficult time on Earth sharing a kitchen or a home, will they have problems sharing one planet?


I hope Meri's planet has a wetbar.

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Incredibly enough - as of an hour ago, Overton is still tweeting as Sam. Hoo boy

Her need for attention and validation is at the level of severe addiction. I guarantee her every waking thought right now is about shoring up her bullshit story. This is one sick nutjob.

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Did you guys notice how Meri said 'the family was targeted?"

These people can't take responsibility for anything.  Meri believes that this catfisher targeted them because they are polygamists? No, Meri, you had an emotional affair with someone and it seems like it was going to be physical too because she went to meet Sam but "Sam" sent "Lindsey" instead. Assume Sam was a real man. Meri would've done what with this guy? 


It also shows how totally immature and naiive Meri is. I know my teenagers know better than to have a relationship online with someone.  hello? Wow. 


I do feel bad for Meri...that this became so public and humiliating.  But she obviously was trying to cheat on Kody and her sister wives. How did Meri think this would end? What did she think was going to happen?  Was she going to run away with Sam and leave Kody? 


Although i still don't understand the catfisher's motives aside from just being a sick person. 

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I think that they'll address the catfish situation, but -- as has been mentioned -- spin the hell out of it.  I think that they'll try to make it look like just another crazy plot device (divorce, adoption, insurance) that they came up with so that viewers will begin to fight over whether she was REALLY catfished or whether they did it purposely to promote polygamy...


Because they might try to spin it to say that this is all a normal part of plyg life...  that sometimes wives naturally go through these things and that a truly STRONG, UNITED family understands this and helps them off the ledge, so to speak.  That they come together in love to save their wayward lamb and are all so much stronger afterward.  


Or something.


I hope that I didn't just give them an idea how to handle this situation.  If it is a situation...  I can't shake the feeling that JYD/Robyn/Catfish have some kind of ties to the whole issue that we don't know yet.  

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I surfed over to Reality Tea and they mention possible extortion as a motive.

(I can't link with my super crappy computer that keeps jamming today)

now THAT makes sense! Money makes people do the most disgusting things.


Meri was selected because she is an easy target for a million reasons and a naiive reality "star".  Most reality stars couldn't get  fooled to that extent...they are too street smart. And that Kendra person was apparently in on it.

This situation is truly creepy and weird. 

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I think extortion was a likely motive.  It will be interesting to see how the show handles it, if they do at all.  I think we may just see Meri disappear more and more from our screens.  I have a feeling that she is being punished somehow by Kody.



Maybe the things she likes are expensive, but she has terrible, horrible, awful, trailer park, white trash taste in her clothing, hairstyle, nails, home decor, etc. She looks cheap and tacky


Exhibit A:  The dress Meri wore to the commitment ceremony they had.  Actually, the only wife who looked halfway decent was Robyn.

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Let's not forget that Meri was "targeted" after serendipitously bumping into the Catfish and the Catfish's then-Victim at a party where the Browns and that scummy LIV International (pyramid scheme/multilevel marketing) were trying to exploit dummies for their money. All fun and games until someone gets hurt.

If Meri wasn't trying to rob people, she wouldn't have gotten her heart broken. Like attracts like.

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I think that they'll address the catfish situation, but -- as has been mentioned -- spin the hell out of it.  I think that they'll try to make it look like just another crazy plot device (divorce, adoption, insurance) that they came up with so that viewers will begin to fight over whether she was REALLY catfished or whether they did it purposely to promote polygamy...


Because they might try to spin it to say that this is all a normal part of plyg life...  that sometimes wives naturally go through these things and that a truly STRONG, UNITED family understands this and helps them off the ledge, so to speak.  That they come together in love to save their wayward lamb and are all so much stronger afterward.  


Or something.


I hope that I didn't just give them an idea how to handle this situation.  If it is a situation...  I can't shake the feeling that JYD/Robyn/Catfish have some kind of ties to the whole issue that we don't know yet.  

My prediction is that if the situation makes it into their camera time they'll frame it just as they did for the internet: that their FAMILY was targeted. Kody will bloviate on the couch (with serious monkey face) about how being in the public eye puts them at great and terrible risk, and how THEY (sweet, trusting angels that they are) have such guileless motives that they were left vulnerable to attack. Christine will take it upon herself to explain how terrifying it was and how unsafe she felt/feels. Meri's vague excuse about how the divorce and K/R marriage hit her unexpectedly hard will get a shot of steroids, but 99.99999% of the blame will be on the catfisher, leaving the audience yelling the question: "But what does this all say about the emotional turmoil your 'lifestyle' has foisted on you???" This question will be answered...right after they have a couch scene admitting on camera that Janelle was once Meri's sister-in-law and that when Kody hooked up with Robyn it wasn't his first time at the "ew, icky, a divorced woman" rodeo.

Edited by SometimesBites
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