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  1. Jackie/Sam/Lindsay claims they signed book deal. The delusions keep getting more ridiculous.
  2. Yo, where's the color? These aren't flashbacks to the 50s.
  3. Yes. Jackie/Sam/Lindsay/Batman had absolutely nothing to do with the divorce as they didn't know each other then.
  4. I'm kind of confused about your replies to my comments. It sounds like you think I'm unaware that Jackie/Sam/Lindsay are the same person.
  5. Leah going to "therapy" was a waste of time and MTV's money because she still won't admit or accept what really happened.
  6. Yeah, Leah having a bottle of Adderall in her house would not end well.
  7. Jackie just posted this Is she trying to claim she won Meri back with this? She also deleted the other posts about Meri.
  8. I can't wait for the Messer/Calvert/Simms showdown. No one cares about the Chelsea segment.
  9. I finally decided to register instead of just lurking. Hi, everyone. Robyn knew about the affair but that doesn't necessarily mean she knew it was a catfish and was sitting back laughing at Meri. I'm not a big Robyn fan but I don't think she's as evil as people make her out to be either. From Jackie's blog
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